Interlude III
Kyle didn't even bat an eye as his friend and temporary roommate opened the front door to see him starting at his dual monitors.

"Hey, Rick," he started. "How was work?"

"Same as it usually is," Rick replied. "I'm guessing you did fuck all today?"

"Pretty much," Kyle answered. "Just shitposting on those Cambodian animal husbandry forums."

"Uh-huh. Yeah, about that: could you try to send me less of those memes while I'm working? It's starting to make my coworkers suspicious."

"What? Why? There's nothing wrong with them."

"You sent me a video last week of pigs getting slaughtered with the Minecraft pig death sound playing over and over again. I don't get it. What about that is so funny?"

"It's because it's in Minecraft, that's what makes it so funny."

Rick raised his eyebrow. "...what? No, it wasn't. It was real."

"Yeah, that's the joke. I hate it when people do that." Kyle turned back around to face the computer, waving his hand in dismissal at Rick. "Go... do whatever it is you guys do."

Rick went for the stairs before stopping and returning his attention to Kyle. "You know, me letting you stay here doesn't mean you don't have to look for a job."

"Yeah, I've been doing that," Kyle said before swiveling around to meet Rick. "Every single day."

"How many minutes per day?"

Kyle made a rough sputtering noise with his lips. "Ten."

"Yeah, that's not enough." Rick was about to start up the stairs before Kyle once again stopped him in his tracks.

"Well, I dunno, Dad, but there's only so many job listings out there! Plus, it's only been two months since I moved in here, and-"

Rick was just about finished. He turned back towards Kyle one last time and interrupted with the force of two months' worth of resentment. "Kyle, that's two months too many! I only agreed to let you stay here because my husband was out of town for a few weeks, and I think it's high time for you to find someplace else-"

"What, so you want me live out on the streets even though there's a spare bedroom here? Is it because you want more alone time with your precious little husband?"

"No, that's not it!"

"Yes, it is! Fuck your fag flag!"

For the next few moments the two of them could have heard a pin drop. Kyle and Rick glared at each other with an enmity that could only be acquired after weeks of constant aggravation.

"If you don't start packing within the next fifteen minutes, I'm calling the police."

"Fine. Be that way." Kyle got up from his chair in a huff, well aware of the role he had played in escalating the argument. But he didn't care. He'd find a place to live, and he'd find a job, and he'd never have to speak to Rick ever again. Good fucking riddance.

- - -

If the Pernet household had lived during the revolution, then they would have been one of the sans-culottes. Their little apartment in Popincourt had two bedrooms and one bath for the five of them, and even after Belle moved out to study at the university it still didn't seem big enough for the whole family. It was only after Raoul got his own place across the city when Jacques finally felt comfortable in his own home.

Jacques would be graduating secondary school next year, and to celebrate the end of his junior year he invited his close friend, Tristan, over to play some games on his Switch. The knock on the door was all he needed to hear before he opened the door with a grin.

"Hey, Tristan," he exclaimed. "You ready?"

"You fucking bet I'm ready."

It wasn't long before the two of them had begun a round of Smash Bros. Ultimate. Tristan went with Sonic, as per usual, while Jacques went with the unusual choice of Mr. Game and Watch. While their avatars began duking it out on the TV screen, they began talking about their lives outside the game.

"Yeah, so there was this Libyan family that just moved in next door. They're not much for conversation, but given their home I'd understand."

"Oh, shit, that was a good kill," Tristan exclaimed. "That was a really good kill."

"Thanks, man."

"But you might want to watch out. They could be terrorists."

"What, the Libyans? Now, why would I think that of them?" Jacques posed. "They don't seem like terrorists to me."

"Well, if they aren't terrorists, then they could be criminals, or deviants!" Tristan watched out of the corner of his eye as Sonic went flying off the stage. "Pause the game."

"No. I don't want to get into this."

"Please. Pause the game. It's important." Jacques relented, and for the first time in half an hour the two friends faced each other instead of the screen.

"All these migrants are subverting our culture. Not just France, but all of Europe," Tristan began. "If we want to ensure the stability of our civilization, then we need to be more careful in choosing who we let in!"

"What, did your dad tell you that?"

"...Yes. Yes, he did. But that's not relevant, because it's true!"

"No, it's not true. These people are refugees, not terrorists. If we want to maintain stability

Tristan shook his head. "No, you don't understand. This is a game of live and death! Order and chaos! If we don't do something about these migrants, then-"

"Can we please go back to playing Smash Bros? I don't feel like getting into another one of these arguments today." Jacques gave Tristan a look of utter exasperation. "Please."

"...You know what? Fine. Let's keep playing the game."

So they did. The tension never quite left the room, but they continued playing as if nothing had happened.

- - -

Bernard Domodo sat with the rest of the band at the table, eating up the last scraps of Chinese takeout they had ordered for the night. Their gig had been yet another unsuccessful one, with what few seats at the venue that were filled falling asleep or walking out before it had ended. Every last one of them was exhausted to the core, and

"So, what's the plan for the gig next Tuesday?"

Bern swallowed out of nervousness before taking a deep breath. "I won't be at the gig for next Tuesday. I'm running for Congress."

The rest of the band sat in silence upon Bern's sudden revelation. Sheila was the first to speak.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, I'm serious!", Bern exclaimed in defiance. "What do you think all that political talk I've been making for the last few months was for?"

Gerard was next to question him. "Dude, do you think you could have... let it on to us a little bit sooner?"

"I'm sorry guys, but I was too busy with everything else. I just wasn't sure until today," Bern admitted while throwing his hands up in guilt. "I've talked to Otto, and he's alright with taking over for me. You guys alright with that?"

The others mumbled in tentative agreement. Irwin gave Bern a concerned look before stating, "I don't think you have much of a chance in politics, though. I mean, if you thought being in a Christian rock band was hard, then being a career politician isn't something you'd want to do."

"You don't know that, and I don't know that," Bern replied, waving around the empty rice container in his hand. "I know where I stand on all the positions, and I know that I want to try and make a difference with those positions. Besides, even if I don't win the election, I'll still have you guys to fall back on. Right?"

Shelia gave Bern a warm look of consideration before forming an answer. "Bernard, you and I both know we're all willing to support you in this. But let's face it - you're irreplaceable! We might not be able to make it another year and a half if you're off campaigning. You need to think about what'll happen to us, too!"

Bern puzzled for a moment, his hand stroking the stubble on his cheek. "Okay, I'll tell you what: I'll go ahead and start campaigning, and every month or so I'll go back to you guys and do a gig or two. That way, I might be able to bring some publicity to the band, and it'll be able to stay afloat. How does that sound?"

"As long as you're sure you can handle it," Irwin affirmed.

Bern gave the others a beaming smile. "Of course I can."

- - -

Senator J. D. Vance sat in his office chair, going over the numerous requests and complaints his constituents back in Ohio had sent him. Most of them were just asking for simple things like tours of the Capitol, a lot of them were nonsensical and borderline schizophrenic in their messaging, but there were only a very few that he considered to be worth a deeper look. It was these few messages that made him enjoy his job.

Just then, a blonde staffer entered his office wearing a suit, tie, and a polite smile. "Good afternoon, Senator. I suppose nothing else has come up since yesterday?"

"No Pete, I'm afraid not. But I can't be mad about it," Vance replied.

Pete made a soft chuckle. "Very true, sir. If you don't mind, we've gotten another call from the Freedom Party. They're still wondering if you would be interested in switching your affiliation."

Vance let out a sigh of exasperation. He'd dealt with these people before, and he had no clue why they kept talking to him despite his consistent declines. "I told you, Pete, I'm not interested."

"Well, it's either that, or you renounce the pro-Trump rhetoric. There's not much of a point in supporting such a discredited-"

"Hey!" Vance's face turned stone cold before slowly leaning himself towards Pete. "I don't think you have the right to issue ultimatums to me."

Pete stopped in his tracks at Vance's uncharacteristic crassness. "O-okay then, sir. I'll see you tomorrow." He slipped out of the office as if he was invisible, and Vance went back to reading over the committee's schedule for the day.

Yes, he was going to stay Republican while still supporting Trump. The boat may have been sinking for a while now, but it wasn't time to jump ship just yet.

- - -

Erin closed the door to the dorm room with a force that shook the wall to which it was bolted. She was really expecting more from the pride rally she attended that afternoon, but the jeering and mockery of children, teenagers and religious nutcases was more than enough for her to leave an hour early. The particular disgust she felt towards the Muslim man who dared to lecture her on the virtue of humility rattled her down to her very bones. If she shouldn't have a say on how his home country was run, then why should he have a say about his?

She turned on the light to see Pat, lying slouched on the beanbag chair next to broken shards of beer bottles. He stared thoughtlessly at the shattered top half of a bottle, appearing unaware of the pile of puke he made for himself on the floor. Instead, he twiddled the bottle between his fingers while occasionally taking a moment to twinge at the cuts on his arms and legs.

"Gods, Pat," she exclaimed while inching towards him, "what the hell did you do to yourself?"

"Oh. Oh, hey Eri-" he stopped to let out a wet belch that made her wonder how such a small frame could make so much noise. "Erin. How was the parade?"

"It was fine. I'm more worried about you," she replied, walking over to the closet while making sure not to step on any of the glass shards. "looks like you almost drunk yourself to death."

"No. Not to death. Maybe to a coma, but not to death." He paused before leaning over and vomiting a great big pile on the floor. "Aw, that was a great night."

"I should've known you would do this," Erin muttered before taking out the carpet cleaner. "Now, could you move over? I need to clean up your mess."

"Sure, sure," Pat acknowledged before staggering up on his feet. Good thing the bean bag was only a few steps from his bed, she pondered, because otherwise I don't think I'd be able to carry him.

Erin had heard of automated cleaning systems in recent months - far better than the Roombas of last decade, or so she'd been told - but given her current financial situation she felt it would be best if she stuck to doing things manually. Plus, she added in her mind, if things work out the way I want them to, I won't have to deal with Pat anymore by next semester.
Chapter 6
LEAVING THE CRADLE // Putin Quits Shootin'.

"God fucking damnit, I'm homeless now"
  • @Soyjick43 (Twitter); July 1, 2025.
Marie Le Pen makes wild claims of electoral fraud during yesterday's election; calls for "all the true patriots of this wonderful country" to "contest the results by any means necessary".
  • France Info; July 1, 2025.
"Why the hell is she doing this? Her party won 3 seats, for God's sake!"
  • @PierreParisien71 (Twitter); July 2, 2025.
Le Pen arrested for treason against the state.
  • Le Monde; July 3, 2025.
EAF talks resume in Dar es Salaam.
  • BBC News; July 4, 2025.
Protests erupt across France in support of Le Pen and National Rally.
  • BBC News; July 5, 2025.
Mount Kerinci in Sumatra erupts after being dormant for almost 3 years.
  • Euronews; July 6, 2025.
Government of National Accord soldiers open fire on Libyan National Army troops stationed in Bin Jawad, reigniting the Libyan Civil War.
  • Al Jazeera; July 7, 2025.
At least 5 reported dead from Sunday's Mount Kerinci eruption.
  • RCTI News; July 8, 2025.
LNA seizes Sirte as part of concerted push across the coast.
  • ABC News (US); July 9, 2025.
Donetsk recaptured by Ukrainian armed forces.
  • Newsweek, July 10, 2025.
Jeering crowd gathers around motorcade guarding Le Pen during transfer to Clairvaux Prison in Aube department.
  • M6 News; July 11, 2025.
GNA bombers drop explosives on Tripoli.
  • Al Jazeera; July 12, 2025.
CDS hideout in Yellowstone National Park tracked down and eliminated by park rangers with FBI assistance.
  • Right Wing Watch; July 13, 2025.
"I could kill you! I could kill you right now and your agency couldn't do shit!"
  • Quote from Cracker Defense Squadron militant while being arrested by the FBI; July 13, 2025.
Lula da Silva "not interested" in running for a second term.
  • O Globo; July 14, 2025.
Luhansk People's Republic leader Leonid Pasechnik killed by Ukrainian drone strike.
  • Euronews; July 15, 2025.
South Sudanese and DPRC representatives walk out of East African Federation talks.
  • DW; July 16, 2025.
DeepReel releases first version of AI movie generation software.
  • Ars Technica; July 17, 2025.
The results are in - 58% of Scottish voters wish to remain in the United Kingdom.
  • The Sun; July 18, 2025.
Bastille Day celebrations in Lyon co-opted by National Rally partisans in an attempt to spread their false allegations of election fraud throughout the city.
  • Le Parisien; July 19, 2025.
LNA captures Bin Jawad from GNA forces.
  • Al Jazeera; July 20, 2025.
Spencer Paton, MP for Paisley and Renfrewshire South, leads factional split from the Scottish National Party.
  • ITV (UK); July 21, 2025.
Snap elections called for Scottish Parliament on the 7th of August.
  • The Scotsman; July 22, 2025.
Caracas and a number of other Venezuelan cities rocked by protestors calling for the end of the junta and new democratic elections.
  • TV Azteca News; July 23, 2025.
Venezuelan military cracks down on protestors, arresting over 1,000 within the last 24 hours.
  • NBC News; July 24, 2025.
Egyptian president Sisi announces the completion of Cleopatra City, with plans to move all political organs there by the end of 2026.
  • Al Jazeera; July 25, 2025.
Joseph Kony reportedly returns to Uganda as the Lord's Resistance Army gains new recruits afraid of the possibilities an East African Federation would bring.
  • BBC International; July 26, 2025.
Residents of Cape Town neighborhood lynch Chinese migrant worker for allegedly murdering a 19-year-old coloured woman.
  • The Sunday Times (South Africa); July 27, 2025.
Elon Musk resigns as chairman of Twitter.
  • The Wall Street Journal; July 28, 2025.
Bethesda Softworks announces plans for a digital distribution service; set to be a competitor to Steam and the Epic Games Store.
  • Polygon; July 29, 2025.
Cape Town police launch ring of arrests against alleged ringleaders of last Sunday's lynching.
  • SABC News; July 30, 2025.
Universal, Paramount and a number of other film companies file lawsuit against DeepReel, claiming the company committed copyright infringement by using footage from their movies to create their titular movie generation software.
  • Bloomberg; July 31, 2025.
Belgian prime minister resigns after failing to secure vote to nationalize a number of manufacturing industries.
  • DW; August 1, 2025.
Anti-immigrant riots flare up in parts of Durban and East London, South Africa.
  • CNN; August 2, 2025.
Antifa militants launch attack on alleged KKK base in Huntsville, Alabama.
  • Fox News; August 3, 2025.
Reports of raids against military bases and convoys in Venezuelan Amazon brings speculation of a potential anti-junta resistance movement.
  • La Latina Americana; August 4, 2025.
Magnitude 7.6 earthquake strikes western Himalayan mountains.
  • NBC News; August 5, 2025.
Nepalese president Ram Chandra Poudel declares national state of emergency in wake of recent earthquake.
  • ITV News (India); August 5, 2025.
Body of 14th Dali Lama found in rubble of Dharamshala residence.
  • The Times of India; August 6, 2025.
Trial for Le Pen to begin on October 8th.
  • France Info; August 7, 2025.
Scottish Labour, Scottish National Party and newly formed Scotland Patriot Party achieve roughly equal three-way split in national parliament following yesterday's elections.
  • BBC Scotland; August 8, 2025.
Donetsk People's Republic's de facto territory reduced to little more than a few isolated pockets of resistance.
  • Reuters; August 8, 2025.
Red Cross president Peter Maurer declares Nepal earthquake relief efforts "the greatest success story of the 2020s so far."
  • PBS News; August 9, 2025.
Scotland Patriot Party enters coalition agreement with Scottish Labour.
  • The Herald; August 10, 2025.
Alexander Lukashenko receives 83 percent of the people's vote in recent presidential elections.
  • Zviazda; August 11, 2025.
Protests sweep across Belarus in opposition to official election results.
  • BBC News; August 11, 2025.
Lukashenko declares martial law across all of Belarus.
  • Euronews; August 12, 2025.
Belarussian military crackdown on protestors met with fierce resistance.
  • The Guardian; August 12, 2025.
Anti-Lukashenko protestors in Minsk erect barricades across a number of major roadways.
  • ABC News (US); August 13, 2025.
Belarussian military drives tanks through civilian barricades.
  • DW; August 14, 2025.
Almost all of Donetsk Oblast back under Ukrainian control.
  • Reuters; August 15, 2025.
Venezuelan Democratic Patriotic Front uploads video to YouTube calling for the overthrow of the Venezuelan junta.
  • O Globo; August 16, 2025.
Order and stability returned to Belarus by Lukashenko and his heroic armed forces.
  • TASS; August 17, 2025.
Meet Frisco resident John Martinez, the face of the revitalized Millennium Project.
  • Wired; August 18, 2025.
Category 3 hurricane makes landfall on the Yucatan Peninsula.
  • NBC News; August 19, 2025.
Lord's Resistance Army highly active in and around Arua, Aringa, and Ituri Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • Human Rights Watch; August 20, 2025.
Sevastopol recaptured by Ukrainian military.
  • The New York Times; August 21, 2025.
Leaked footage of Turkish military torturing and executing Kurdish dissidents sparks outrage from much of the international community.
  • The New York Times; August 22, 2025.
Crown Prince Abdulaziz dismissed as heir to the Saudi throne in favor of King Mohammed's own son, Prince Salman.
  • BBC News; August 23, 2025.
Governor of Yucatan criticizes President Gálvez's "poor handling" of disaster relief effort for Hurricane Chantal.
  • Las Estrellas; August 24, 2025.
Antifa splinter group calling itself Antifa Lone Star stages assassination attempt against Mayor of Fort Worth.
  • Houston Chronicle; August 25, 2025.
Mass demonstrations break out in Istanbul against the authoritarian policies of Turkish President Erdogan.
  • CNN; August 26, 2025.
Counter-protesters clash with Istanbul demonstrators as the fate of Türkiye remains uncertain.
  • Euronews; August 26, 2025.
Turkish military police launch brutal crackdown on Istanbul protests.
  • The Washington Post; August 27, 2025.
Ukraine makes advances towards Bakhmut.
  • NBC News; August 28, 2025.
Russians engage Ukrainians near Kramatorsk as the war for freedom seems to have been almost won.
  • 1+1; August 29, 2025.
Unidentified drone shot down over Ankara.
  • DW; August 30, 2025.
Turkish government releases report claiming Ankara drone carried bomb and was intended to be dropped on Presidential Complex.
  • BBC News; August 31, 2025.
Lukashenko declares victory against "insurrectionists" in speech broadcasted on Belarussian state television.
  • Newsweek; September 1, 2025.
FAK launches all-out assault on Kaliningrad.
  • Euronews; September 2, 2025.
Rwandan president Paul Kagame shows apprehension towards a potential EAF in press conference held at Kigali.
  • SABC News; September 3, 2025.
Chinese National Space Administration announces plans for a crewed landing on the Moon by 2028.
  •; September 4, 2025.
"Well, they might be able to do it, they might not. All I can say is that we'll have beaten them to the punch in about four months."
  • Jesse Waters (Fox News); September 4, 2025.
The beginning of a second Space Race?
  • Vox; September 5, 2025.
Governor DeSantis claims three "Antifa members" made unsuccessful attempt on his life.
  • The Miami Herald; September 6, 2025.
"They were hooded- I mean masked, they all had guns, and they would've killed me if it hadn't been for my bodyguards."
  • Ron DeSantis during press conference held in Tallahassee; September 6, 2025.
"holy shit they've lost their minds"
  • @Soyjick43 (Twitter); September 6, 2025.
"Does anybody believe even this moron? It's kinda suspicious that there was no security footage of this 'assassination attempt' or anything."
  • @ItreoGuevera (Twitter); September 7, 2025.
Russian military orders full retreat from all occupied territory in Ukraine.
  • DW; September 8, 2025.
"...but this is not the end. We will return to rid Ukraine of its warmongering fascist regime, and we will do so with a vengeance."
  • Russian president Putin on military retreat from the Ukraine; September 9, 2025.
Experts believe Putin unlikely to pull a Terminator.
  • The Onion; September 9, 2025.
Even as the orders were made to retreat back into Russia, there were still many in the Kremlin who were all for continuing the fight to the end. Putin, however, saw the writing on the wall and make the decision before they could humiliate themselves any more on the international stage.

Putin had become somber and secluded. He spent most of his time in his private bedroom, rarely letting even his top ministers in to discuss domestic policy. There are very few instances of direct quotes from Putin during this period, but what little primary sources available all claim that when approached he would mostly limit his speech to a sentence or two at a time, sometimes resorting to one word answers. Of course, it remains possible that these were embellishments made by the ministers in order to make Putin seem resolute in the final days of the war with Ukraine.

Without his leadership, most of the day-to-day management of the federal government went to said ministers, who had more than enough on their hands due to various separatist and insurgent groups. The resurgent Caucasus Emirate, the liberationist Freedom of Russia Legion, and the Free Army of Kaliningrad were all but a few of the many non-state actors taking aim at Russia during these months. They suspected, and rightly so, that the year 2026 would consist of them desperately trying to mop up these rebels while trying to maintain an outward appearance of strength under President Putin...

...given Putin's seclusion, it was all the more surprising that he still went ahead with the end-of-year press conference with state media that December. As is the case with much of history, one can only wonder what would have happened had he chosen not to appear...
  • Lucas Ballinger. "The Russo-Ukrainian War", Random House, 2030.
- - -

Centre Party overtakes Conservatives in the Storting.
  • TV 2 News (Norway); September 9, 2025.
", just because they said they were done doesn't mean we get to lower our guard. American sanctions against Russia will remain in place as long as they continue to oppose us on the international scene, and as long as Putin's still in there holding the reins."
  • US President Biden on the Russian retreat from Ukraine; September 10, 2025.
Hundreds of Donetsk and Luhansk militants willingly surrender themselves to Ukrainian forces in wake of Russian retreat.
  • 1+1; September 10, 2025.
LRA launches assault on the city of Arua.
  • The Insider; September 11, 2025.
Thousands of Russian soldiers refuse to return home out of solidarity against Putin's fascist regime.
  • Jacobin; September 12, 2025.
Most Russian deserters surrender to Ukrainian soldiers.
  • Interfax-Ukraine; September 13, 2025.
Arua falls to Kony's forces following lackluster defense effort by UPDF.
  • New Vision; September 14, 2025.
Ukrainian armed forces rapidly retake Luhansk Oblast as Russian men and arms pour out of the region.
  • Reuters; September 15, 2025.
Libyan front lines remain largely stagnant for two months and counting.
  • Al Jazeera; September 16, 2025.
Nu Atlantis project secures rights to build artificial island 35 miles northwest of Key West.
  • The Wall Street Journal; September 17, 2025.
"Honestly, I don't see how they could do this. It just doesn't seem like something they could accomplish with a budget of only 3 billion dollars."
  • Joe Rogan (The Joe Rogan Experience); September 18, 2025.
Severodonetsk falls back under Ukrainian control.
  • BBC News; September 19, 2025.
Antifa Lone Star proclaims South Central Huston Free Zone after riots grip the area.
  • KUHT; September 20, 2025.
"Oh joy, another CHAZ. Let's see this one get thrown down the memory hole"
  • @Soyjick43 (Twitter); September 21, 2025.
Amazon Asimov releases to the tune of poor sales.
  • Newsweek; September 22, 2025.
"I bet the robros are coping and seething rn"
  • @TankieSlayr (Twitter); September 22, 2025.
Luhansk recaptured by Ukraine's armed forces.
  • Euronews; September 22, 2025.
Viral video shows Asimov shorting out and catching on fire to the horror of its shocked purchasers.
  • Vice; September 23, 2025.
Last Russian troops leave Ukraine!
  • 1+1; September 24, 2025.
Outermost suburbs of eastern Kaliningrad fall to FAK fighters.
  • DW; September 25, 2025.
Amazon issues recall all Asimov models due to fatal design flaw.
  • The Wall Street Journal; September 26, 2025.
Cracker Defense Squad detonates bomb within historically black neighborhood of Denver.
  • CNN; September 27, 2025.
Labor retains majority in Parliament.
  • ABC News (Australia); September 28, 2025.
Bezos refuses to resign as Amazon CEO despite the massive failure of the Asimov.
  • Jacobin; September 28, 2025.
Pirate Party gains 2 seats in Althing.
  • RÚV; September 28, 2025.
DeepReel CEO claims company is "already working on" next version of AI-generated movie software, despite ongoing legal challenges.
  • Wired; September 29, 2025.
45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, dies in prison at age 79.
  • The New York Times; September 30, 2025.
"bye bye"

@LiminalMadman (Twitter); September 30, 2025.

"Trump may be dead, but his ideas will live on. We have to take every step we can in order to prevent fascism from taking hold in the future."
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Twitter); September 30, 2025.
"*sob* It's a damn shame that he was treated the way he was. All...all he wanted to do was make America great again."
  • Glenn Beck (Blaze Media); September 30, 2025.
- - -

Things were already tough between Doris and I; I'll admit to that. But something really changed after we moved into the Governor's Mansion. Maybe it had something to do with my ever-increasing focus on work affairs at the expense of my personal life. Maybe it was the change in my general attitude I made to reflect my new status as governor. Maybe we just weren't meant for each other. No matter the case, there still remained a deep rift.

We would get into fights often. Not physical fights, thank God, but nearly a week didn't go by without our screaming voices echoing throughout the rooms of our house. More often than not, it was about minor things: the way the portrait of McNair hung off to the side, how I may have talked down to my butler after dinner, my falling asleep while Doris was talking to me about her knitting group, and so on and so forth. Looking back in more recent years, I often berated myself for letting all these petty squabbles get so heated, but I also go on to think about the woman I would never meet if I stayed with Doris...
  • Tim K. Anderson. "Rise and Fall", Simon & Schuster, 2039.
Chapter 7
LEAVING THE CRADLE // ...And All Was Well?
Anderson Cooper fired from CNN following disrespectful anti-Trump tirade caught live on camera.
  • Breitbart; October 1, 2025.
Trump to be given a private funeral out of concerns for political violence.
  • NBC News; October 1, 2025.
"You know, I think it's more than obvious that Trump didn't die of old age. He targeted the Clintons in 2016, and now they're getting their revenge."
  • @Soyjick43 (Twitter); October 2, 2025.
4chan hackers leak the location of Trump's funeral service; hundreds of uninvited guests show up in response.
  • CNN; October 3, 2025.
"Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar!"
  • Chant repeated by 4chan trolls at Trump funeral; October 3, 2025.
Union parties win plurality in Bundestag.
  • Bild; October 4, 2025.
CDS makes unsuccessful raid on Camp Rapid in South Dakota.
  • NBC News; October 5, 2025.
Indigenous Voice to Parliament advises that the Australian government pay at least A$800 million in reparations to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders for past oppression and seizure of lands.
  • ABC News (Australia); October 6, 2025.
Libyan GNA launches offensive towards Ajdabiya.
  • Al Jazeera; October 7, 2025.
Much of Indonesian's Highland Papua province reportedly out of government control and in the hands of the Free Papua Movement.
  • Euronews; October 8, 2025.
Strong typhoon makes landfall at Samar and south Luzon, in the Philippines.
  • All-Nippon News Network; October 9, 2025.
Entire neighborhoods in Manila hit hard by ongoing typhoon.
  • The Manila Standard; October 9, 2025.
Bethesda Square launches to surprising success.
  • PC Gamer; October 10, 2025.
"I know it might be hard to believe, but Bethesda actually made something that works for once. I can really see this giving Steam a run for its money"
  • @PanisCupcake727 (Twitter); October 10, 2025.
Former South Central Houston Free Zone dissolved and occupied by Texan National Guard.
  • Newsweek; October 11, 2025.
Parliamentary debate over Indigenous Voice reparations come to a standstill.
  • The Courier-Mail; October 12, 2025.
Liberal Democratic Party maintains plurality in both houses of the Diet.
  • The Yomiuri Shimbun; October 13, 2025.
Marie Le Pen sentenced to 4 years imprisonment, barred from running for public office until 2040.
  • BBC News; October 14, 2025.
Anonymous Antifa Lone Star leader calls for a "doubling down" of terrorist efforts throughout Texas in spite of the collapse of the SCHFZ.
  • OANN; October 15, 2025.
"The fascists are doubling down in their efforts to take freedom away from us Texans, and it's time we do the same! They've infiltrated every department, every city council, every sheriff's office throughout the Lone Star state, and we're not just gonna sit down and let democracy be taken away from! We will fight, and we will fight hard!"
  • Woman of Action (YouTube); October 15, 2025.
Free Papua Movement launches major raid on Indonesian military base near Kobetakaida.
  • Reuters; October 16, 2025.
Russian military drops bombs on Kaliningrad suburbs occupied by FAK.
  • Bild; October 17, 2025.
India becomes fourth nation in history to independently send an astronaut into orbit.
  • SpaceNews; October 18, 2025.
"They were tearing themselves apart just one year ago, and now they're sending people into orbit. Glad to hear they're doing better"
  • @ItreoGuevera (Twitter); October 18, 2025.
"Hello, I'm Donald Carter, and welcome to The World Today. I'll be here on CNN every weeknight from 4 to 6 EST. And as a mixed-race man, I can tell you that I am honored to have the privilege of giving the evening news here on CNN, when it happens and as it happens - with some added commentary, of course."
  • Donald Carter (CNN); October 19, 2025.
GNA lays siege to Waddah after capturing Sawknah from Tobruk government.
  • Euronews; October 20, 2025.
Desertions "more common than ever" among Indonesian troops stationed in West Papua, says anonymous source.
  • The Huffington Post; October 21, 2025.
Abkhazian government overrun by Caucasus Emirate militants.
  • TASS; October 22, 2025.
CDS rally held near Mount Rushmore faces little opposition from both local and federal law enforcement.
  • The New York Times; October 23, 2025.
President Erdogan rushed to Ankara hospital following sudden onset of undetermined illness.
  • Hürriyet; October 24, 2025.
Google announces new virtual reality headset, dubbed the Retina, set to launch in the summer of 2026.
  • The Wall Street Journal; October 25, 2025.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared dead at 71.
  • Euronews; October 26, 2025.
"While it may be sad for some Turks to hear about the death of their beloved president, you have to remember the large amounts of democratic backsliding and authoritarianism that occurred in Türkiye during his administration. But there is a real question that needs to be asked here: will the new boss be better or worse than the old boss?"
  • Donald Carter (CNN); October 26, 2025.
Lord's Resistance Army uses children as human shields in battle with UPDF near Aringa.
  • Human Rights Watch; October 27, 2025.
First round of snap presidential elections in Türkiye fixed for November 16.
  • BBC News; October 28, 2025.
New video shows Russian defenses practically melt away in face of Free Army of Kaliningrad's assault on the King's Gate.
  • ABC News (US); October 29, 2025.
Freedom of Russia Legion reportedly most active in Belgorod, Kursk, Rostov, and Voronezh Oblasts.
  • Reuters; October 30, 2025.
ES6 confirmed to be a Bethesda Square exclusive.
  • PC Gamer; October 31, 2025.
Man dressed in clown costume fires gun outside Fort Lauderdale apartment complex.
  • The Miami Herald; October 31, 2025.
Indonesian Air Force drop bombs on suspected FPM guerilla base near Bintuni.
  • ABC News (Australia); November 1, 2025.
New data estimates that at least 15% of all information on the Internet is AI-generated.
  • Ars Technica; November 2, 2025.
LA Dodgers beat New York Yankees 4-3 at 2025 World Series.
  • Fox Sports; November 3, 2025.
Final draft of EAF constitution signed at Dar es Salaam.
  • DW; November 4, 2025.
Incumbent Eric Adams re-elected Mayor of New York City.
  • The New York Times; November 5, 2025.
People of Oregon approve ranked choice elections referendum by 54%.
  • KPTV; November 5, 2025.
Freedom Party candidate D. E. Lewiston elected to Virginia House of Delegates, along with 3 other Freedom candidates from across western Virginia.
  • WVIR-TV; November 5, 2025.
"The Freedomers have done surprisingly well in this Tuesday's round of elections... if things keep going the way they are now, then the midterms won't give a very good outcome for the split conservative vote."
  • Jesse Waters (Fox News); November 6, 2025.
After 3 days of careful recounts, Eileen Filler-Corn is declared Virginia's newest governor-elect.
  • WRIC-TV; November 7, 2025.
New Jersey State Police arrest losing General Assembly candidate after breaking and entering opponent's house with a loaded gun.
  • WPVI-TV; November 8, 2025.
CDS and Qanon terrorists arrested for planning to set fire to the Virginia State Capitol.
  • The Richmond Times-Dispatch; November 9, 2025.
Protestors in Brisbane and Gold Coast rally against the perceived "needlessly harsh" reparation demands made by the Indigenous Voice.
  • ABC News (Australia); November 10, 2025.
Artillery rains over the Mediterranean waters as both sides of the Libyan conflict battle for control over the Gulf of Sidra.
  • BBC News; November 11, 2025.
Judge from the Northern California District Court rules in favor of Paramount and associated plaintiffs in case concerning DeepReel's use of copyrighted movies.
  • The Los Angeles Times; November 12, 2025.
DeepReel legal team files for appeal against decision in Paramount lawsuit.
  • AI Today; November 13, 2025.
Biden once again condemns political violence on "both sides" following end of 2025 election cycle.
  • The New York Times; November 14, 2025.
Elder Scrolls VI: Hammerfell release date announced for December of 2026.
  • Polygon; November 15, 2025.
FBI arrests three Tampa residents in connection with the assassination attempt on Ron DeSantis.
  • Breitbart; November 16, 2025.
Kilicdaroglu wins majority in first round of presidential elections.
  • TRT; November 17, 2025.
Freedom of Russia Legion launches assault towards Moscow in an attempt to overthrow Putin's government.
  • Le Monde; November 18, 2025.
"[the Ukrainian government] did not authorize this attack... all attempts by our armed forces to order a retreat have failed."
  • Ukrainian President Zelensky on FRL's coup attempt; November 18, 2025.
LNA relief forces lift siege of Waddan.
  • Al Jazeera; November 19, 2025.
- - -

Abdul didn't look back as the APC carried him and his squad away from the city. He and his fellow soldiers had been camping outside Waddan for almost a long and grueling month, and while he remained silent along with the rest of them he was sure they were as glad as he was to be finally leaving.

He was drafted into a war that had been waged since he was six, and for all intents and purposes he was ready for it to end. The brief respite he lived through over the last five years was shattered just a few months ago, and his hope for a peaceful future had shattered along with it. It was time to face the facts: after Gaddafi, there would be no more Libya...

- - -

Ukrainian government begins negotiations with the EU on its potential future admission.
  • DW; November 20, 2025.
Australian parliament narrowly votes against paying hundreds of millions in reparations to Aboriginals.
  • The Daily Telegraph (Sydney); November 21, 2025.
Chinese corporate representative calls the relief effort in South Africa "the greatest achievement by the People's Republic in the 21st century so far."
  • China Daily; November 22, 2025.
It's been three months since the Belarusian protests, and Lukashenko has yet to end martial law.
  • Vox; November 23, 2025.
Biden authorizes over $150 million worth of arms and supplies to be sold to the Libyan Government of National Accord.
  •; November 24, 2025.
Ninth Court of Appeals agrees to hear DeepReel AI case on February 19th.
  • AI Today; November 25, 2025.
Brak captured by Government of National Accord.
  • Reuters; November 26, 2025.
Aringa captured by Lord's Resistance Army.
  • SABC News; November 27, 2025.
FORL incursion bogged down by resilient and loyal Russian military.
  • RT; November 28, 2025.
Caucasus Emirate reportedly using bombers and fighter jets in attacks against Russian bases in the North Caucasus.
  • Reuters; November 29, 2025.
Brentford woman stabbed to death by suspected Caucasus Emirate-affiliated terrorist.
  • ITV News (UK); November 30, 2025.
Indian authorities breath a sigh of relief as country enters its third month without a major Islamic State of India attack.
  • The Times of India; December 1, 2025.
NSA director Paul Nakasone condemns recent rise in extremist terrorism; says "[the United States] will no longer be a country if we continue to let ourselves fall victim to hatred and politically motivated violence."
  • Stars and Stripes; December 2, 2025.
Starship HLS lifts off from Cape Canaveral.
  •; December 3, 2025.
Here's what you need to know about Maria Montenegro, the first non-white woman to set foot on the Moon.
  • Vice; December 4, 2025.
Georgian president Pridon Balavadze urges nation to "remain strong" against the existential threat posed by the Caucasus Emirate.
  • The Huffington Post; December 5, 2025.
Caucasus Emirate launches massive bombing raid on Vladikavkaz.
  • AP; December 6, 2025.
Images of the Artemis 3 crew's view of the distant Earth go viral across social media.
  • Vox; December 7, 2025.
Many FORL troops lost due to starvation and inclement weather.
  • BBC News; December 8, 2025.
"You know, I feel kind of bad for those astronauts... they kind of have to come back."
  • Jimmy Fallon (The Tonight Show); December 8, 2025.
Libyan National Army rapidly losing ground in south-central Libya to local forces unaffiliated with either side.
  • Al Jazeera; December 9, 2025.
Caucasus Emirate closing in on Kutaisi, Georgia.
  • Euronews; December 10, 2025.
Siene-Saint-Denis police arrest 4 far-right radicals in connection with an alleged plot to murder Mayor Anne Hidalgo with a car bomb.
  • Le Parisien; December 11, 2025.
Almost all of Kaliningrad under FAK occupation.
  • Reuters; December 12, 2025.
Artemis 3 approaches the Moon.
  • SpaceNews; December 13, 2025.
LRA makes inroads into South Sudanese territory.
  • NBC News; December 14, 2025.
Live-action Moana remake slammed by critics and public alike.
  • Entertainment Weekly; December 15, 2025.
Artemis 3 enters into Lunar orbit.
  •; December 16, 2025.
  • Meduza; December 17, 2025.
Artemis 3 lander touches down on the lunar surface, bringing humanity back to the moon for the first time in over half a century.
  • The New York Times; December 18, 2025.
"...and we're back."
  • First words spoken on the Moon during the 21st century; December 18, 2025.
"Today, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has continued to do what many once thought to be impossible... it was hard, but it was worth it."
  • Joe Biden on the Artemis 3 moon landing; December 18, 2025.
Train heading from Pretoria to Johannesburg derails, killing 36.
  • SABC News; December 19, 2025.
Freedom of Russia Legion turns back towards Ukraine after massive blizzard strikes southwestern Russia.
  • BBC News; December 20, 2025.
Caucasus Emirate reportedly gaining ground in Dagestan and western Azerbaijan.
  • Reuters; December 21, 2025.
Right-wing terrorist activity slows down as a particularly cold winter blankets the country.
  • Right Wing Watch; December 22, 2025.
"What's the matter, fascists? A little chilly weather keeping you indoors?"
  • Woman of Action (Twitch); December 23, 2025.
Free Army of Kaliningrad declares victory against Russian government; announces formation of a democratic transition government.
  • Bild; December 23, 2025.
Artemis 3 landing vehicle lifts off from lunar surface.
  • ABC News; December 24, 2025.
Russian president Vladimir Putin struck by bullet during end-of-year press conference.
  • CNN; December 24, 2025.
"While it's not too surprising, it's still hard to imagine that this will turn out to be some sort of turning point for Russia. If anything, this is likely the start of a great downward spiral for the wellbeing and livelihood of the Russian people - and that's if Putin makes it out alive."
  • Donald Carter (CNN); December 24, 2025.
Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin declared Acting President in light of Putin's assailment.
  • TASS; December 25, 2025.
  • The New York Times; December 26, 2025.
Spontaneous celebrations in many major Russian cities following assassination of Vladimir Putin.
  • Reuters; December 26, 2025.
Putin assassin identified as 28-year-old former Pravda reporter Dimitry Kruchinkin.
  • BBC News; December 26, 2025.
Communist Party of Russia leadership condemns the actions of Dimitry Kruchinkin; claims he was a "false comrade gone rogue".
  • AP; December 27, 2025.
Massive protests sweep Russia as distraught citizens call for democratic elections.
  • NBC News; December 28, 2025.
City of Telavi directly attacked by Caucasus Emirate forces.
  • AP; December 28, 2025.
Mikhail Mishustin sworn in as President of Russia.
  • Interfax; December 29, 2025.
Russian President Mishustin orders military crackdown on protestors.
  • Reuters; December 29, 2025.
Few Russian soldiers follow crackdown orders; some even join protestors.
  • DW; December 30, 2025.
Ajdabiya captured by Government of National Accord.
  • Al Jazeera; December 30, 2025.
Batch of fireworks accidentally fire hours before planned New Year's celebration at Westminster.
  • The Guardian; December 31, 2025.
- - -

The assassination of Vladimir Putin was something that everyone saw coming, but could have also been easily prevented. Kruchinkin's press pass had been officially revoked following his departure from Pravda in February 2025, but the failure of Russian authorities to retrieve the physical pass enabled him to sneak in undetected on that fateful December evening. The true motives of Putin's assassin remain unknown to this day, but the consensus among modern historians was that he felt his government had done far too little to push Russia towards the forefront of the global stage and to reestablish the Soviet Union through both military conquest and diplomacy.

Very little is known of what transpired during Putin's final days in Moscow Central Hospital. Mishustin, along with most of the cabinet ministers, were far too busy dealing with civil unrest to give him any visits, entrusting their faith in the city's finest doctors. One of the few primary sources available comes from the man in charge of maintaining the President's health, a certain Viktor Limonov from the Zapadny Okrug. In his memoirs, Dr. Limonov often recounted the sheer terror he felt inside of him while thinking of what would happen if Putin died, drawing a comparison between his situation and the situation a team of doctors faced while trying to save Joseph Stalin in 1953.

News of Putin's death was quick to spread - quicker, perhaps, than what the Kremlin would have liked. Social media networks like VK and Odnoklassniki, despite being monitored and censored by state agencies, proved unable to catch every single user who attempted to spread the word. Before nightfall, it was common knowledge throughout most of Russia's major cities that Putin had croaked, and many Russians who had grown tired of his warmongering and oppression rushed out into the streets to celebrate what must have seemed like the dawn of a new era.

But as with most things in history, what at one time seemed to promise one outcome can prove deceptive and instead grant another...
  • Yuriy Ponikarov. "Hibernation: A History of Post-Soviet Russia", Netsk Online Publishing, 2076.
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Interlude IV
Márcio scrolled over the massive variety of images that populated his computer screen. Thousands of scenes, hundreds of characters, and dozens of art styles - all made not with the stroke of a pen, but with the crunching of numbers. The things that computers could do nowadays amazed him, and he couldn't wait to see what things they would be able to do next.

In an instant, the entire screen went black. For a split second he blinked in confusion, before sighing and getting up from the chair. The power had gone out again, as it often did in these parts of Sao Paulo. The boy felt little choice in doing anything but going to the living room.

Mother and Father were with two of his siblings on the couch, who mere seconds ago were watching a football game that Márcio couldn't care any less about. Well, perhaps a rephrasing is in order: Mother and two of Márcio's siblings were watching the game. Father was passed out, bellowing a snore so loud that the boy wondered how the others could've heard who was winning. Oh, it doesn't matter, Márcio thought to himself. It was probably a rerun; football season ended almost a month ago.

Just then, Mother turned her head to look at the face of her son who had appeared out of the blue. She wore her typical stern expression, always laced with a slight glimmer of compassion and motherly love.

"Márcio, I hope you haven't been on that computer for too long. You're not the only one who uses it, you know." No need for her to tell me that again, he thought.

"Mother, can I go over to Uncle Pedro's house for a bit?" There was still a chance that his uncle's New Year's Eve party would be going on as usual thanks to his generator.

"No, absolutely not. It's too dangerous to go out this late at night. You'll be staying right here, young man."

"Okay. Fine." He started back towards his bedroom before she stopped him by speaking up again.

"And don't forget to wash the dishes again. I really don't appreciate having to keep after you and do things you should've already done."

"Yes, Mother. I'll start on it now." True to his word, he started towards the kitchen and took a look at the massive pile of dirty dishes towering over the sink. He always dreaded Wednesdays for this very reason, but even so he took the dish sponge and got it wet and soapy.

If Father was to be believed, then responsibilities like these would only continue to grow and pile up as Márcio got older. He trusted him on most things, but despite this a part of him desperately wanted to believe that he could find a way to prove his father wrong.

- - -

The North Side Bar wasn't much of an establishment to gawk at. The fluorescent lighting flickered more often than neither the bartender nor the patrons would have liked, many of the cushions on the seats were torn and expelling foam from their wounds, and a particular corner was coated with a sticky substance no amount of water and floor cleaning fluid could remove.

It was here that Kyle Conway and his new drinking buddy sat across from each other in a booth, chatting about their lives in between taking swigs of good, old-fashioned beer. Kyle was carrying the conversation, finishing up a long monologue about the attractive neighbor from his home apartment complex.

" yeah, she's a real smoker, but there's no way in hell she'd date a guy like me. One of those social justice types."

"Oh, that's a shame. Big shame." Kyle's friend replied. "I fuckin' hate those ones."

"You and me both, Nick." He looked outside the window and noted the heavy dusting of snow littering the ground. It was going to be a white New Year's in Colorado Springs, and he couldn't think of anyone better to spend it with than Nick. Well, anyone he could spend it with.

"It's very white outside," Nick mentioned. "The negroids must be seething."

"Heh heh. Yeah, you bet," Kyle replied with a slight smile. "Oh yeah, that reminds me. How's the militia going?"

"It's not." Nick admitted with a grunt of melancholy. "We've pretty much disbanded since the FBI caught Rick with CP. He's pretty much the only one who was holding us together."

Kyle took another sip before responding. "I mean... well, that's pretty bullshit. If the next president doesn't abolish those bastards the moment he's sworn in then I oughta..." he paused, drifting his eyes off towards the rest of the almost-empty bar "abolish them myself... or something."

"Nah, I doubt it," Nick replied with a sense of forlornity. "We're losing the culture war. Trump's dead, DeSantis is going to be dead in a few months, Freedom is in the gutter, and the FBI's cracking down on anyone who so much as attempts to argue against the woke supremacists."

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right." Kyle muttered before downing a great swig of beer. "But we'll be on the rise again soon. History works in waves. A wave of liberalism, a wave of conservatism, another wave of liberalism, and so on. Things'll get better soon enough."

"I admire your optimism, Kyle." Nick stared down the empty mug before turning his attention back to Kyle. "But I just don't think that's possible."

- - -

Qin Luoyang entered the office with a façade of confidence. The deputy propaganda secretary for the local township had called him for an impromptu meeting earlier today, and the lack of information regarding the reasons for his summoning was eating away at his sense of composure. Was he being called for some transgression he had made? Were they there to discuss a treasonous matter?

"Good evening, Mr. Geng."

"Good evening to you, Mr. Qin." Geng motioned to the austere wooden chair placed in front of his desk before sitting down himself. "Please, take a seat."

Qin felt little but an obligation to fulfill Geng's request. The lack of décor within the office spoke pages to him about his commitment to the revolution.

"Before we begin, do you want to go get dinner? I know there's a place that makes the best spring rolls in the entire -"

"No, that'll be fine. I just ate." Qin was lying through his teeth, and he couldn't help but feel like Geng knew it.

"Well, if you're not hungry, then I suppose I'll have to tell you what I need right here." He leaned forwards in his desk, lowering his voice to a soft whisper. "I want you to keep an eye on him. We at the local propaganda office have reason to doubt his dedication and loyalty to the CCP. If he says anything that sounds suspicious or counterrevolutionary, inform me and we'll look into the rest."

Qin sunk in his chair before mustering a response. "I will oblige you to your request, Mr. Geng. If anything comes up, I'll send you an email."

Geng shook his head. "No, no. Emails are too risky. I want you to come to me personally."

"Very well."

"Good, good." Geng looked over his shoulder at the analog clock hung on the wall.

A picture of the great Chairman Mao rests high on the wall. Qin couldn't help but admire it; after all, if it wasn't for his leadership then he would be poor and destitute and unimportant, along with the rest of China.

Just then, a stray thought crossed his mind. By the standards of the west, the year was coming to an end tonight. According to the more well thought out Chinese calendar, the beginning of the Year of the Horse was coming soon. What were some of the traits which belonged to the Horse? He was mellow and determined, yes, but more importantly he was... honest. Qin may have been a child of the Rooster, but even then he made a promise at that moment to try and be more honest about things.

The promise might have been a lot easier to keep if those around him were honest, too.

- - -

It was a great New Year's Eve for the students of Woodward High. The party at Blake Walton's house was going as well as one would expect, with all the connotation that entailed. The music was loud, people were chatting up a storm, and in the eyes of the partygoers the occasional fight only served to liven up the mood all the more.

Jacob Strand and his friend Kevin were hanging out near the corner of the kitchen, keeping their distance from some of the crazier goings-on but still taking the time to chat with others they knew whenever they showed up.

"D'y'know they're giving out actual booze here?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah. I know, right?" Jake's eyes darted around the room, almost expecting to spot the cops swarming in on the unsuspecting crowd.

"You take any?"

"What, and be like my dad? Fuck that." Jake took a sip of coke from his plastic cup, the memories of his father's drunken antics replaying themselves in a mental collage. What he did at the 4th of July celebration a few years back gave him a particular grimace.

Kevin raised a finger across the room. "Hey, isn't it that girl you like?"

"What? I don't see her." Jake tried to look at where he was pointing, but got lost in the sea of faces and voices.

"No, over there. It's Patricia. You've talked about her a lot, remember?"

It was then when Jake saw her - or at least, a small part of her. She was obscured by a number of classmates lining the room between the two of them, but despite this Jake recognized her all the same. She was perfect for him, and he couldn't help but hope she felt the same.

"Nah. I don't have a chance in the world with her. Maybe I could be her math tutor, but not much more than that."

Kevin gave him a sly grin. "Do you think you have as much of a chance with Patricia as you have of becoming an astronaut?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Jake couldn't help but let out a snicker. "You know, I do have other jobs in mind in the likely chance that I never go to space. I'm not stupid."

"Like what? A fireman?"

"No, an electrician," Jake retorted. "Or a plumber."

"You know, I can see you as a plumber," Kevin admitted with a grin. "You're already knee-deep in shit with school, so it wouldn't be that much of a jump."

The two broke out into laughter, which was drowned out to everyone else by the sheer volume of chatter and chaos throughout the party. Yes, it was good being in high school, despite everything.

- - -

"Peace and blessings of God be upon you."

Keykavous lifted himself up from his prayer mat before taking a moment to look out the window at the breathtaking sunset sky. It had become almost routine at this point, three months after he moved out of his family's home, but he still felt a bit uneasy counting his blessings alone. He was going to find a woman one day, he just knew it, and then the gnawing emptiness he felt inside would be sealed once and for all - but that time was yet to come.

He sat down on the living room loveseat and turned on the TV. An imam was speaking on the political talk show, warning the interviewer of the dangers of western homosexuality. His words did little but waft over Keka, who kept going back to the words of prayer he recently finished.

He was a man now, living on his own, and never before had he left the streets of Tehran. There was so much more to the world than what he knew, even in his home country, and more than anything else he wanted to experience all of it. At the very least he would do Hajj and ensure his safe passage into heaven. Yes, he would do it someday. But not today. Not now.
Chapter 8
LEAVING THE CRADLE // A Deceptive Revolution.
New Year's celebrations throughout Russia cancelled due to ongoing political turmoil.
  • Euronews; January 1, 2026.
City of Kutaisi in Georgia falls to Caucasus Emirate.
  • Newsweek; January 1, 2026.
Russian Duma passes motion of no confidence against President Mishustin.
  • BBC News; January 2, 2026.
"Hold onto your hats, everyone. This could be the end of Ruscism as we know it."
  • Donald Carter (CNN); January 3, 2026
Artemis 3 crew returns to Earth.
  •; January 4, 2026.
Artemis 3 crew hailed as heroes upon return to Cape Canaveral.
  • NBC News; January 5, 2026.
"It was incredible... every time I looked up and saw the Earth, I thought to myself, 'that's where everyone else is.' Everyone."
  • Maria Montenegro at press conference in Cape Canaveral; January 5, 2026.
Situation rapidly deteriorating in Siberia as Russian government becomes increasingly inept.
  • The Washington Post; January 6, 2026.
Caucasus Emirate falls back from assault on Telavi.
  • Reuters; January 7, 2026.
Hundreds of Freedom of Russia Legion officers court martialed by Ukrainian armed forces for insubordination.
  • BBC News; January 8, 2026.
Russian military effectively abandons Omsk to mob of angry rebels.
  • The New York Times; January 9, 2026.
Riots break out in Novosibirsk over increased military presence.
  • Le Monde; January 10, 2026.
Kilicdaroglu administration continues decades-old Turkish government policy of Armenian genocide denial.
  • Human Rights Watch; January 11, 2026.
Russian military unable to control rioters in Novosibirsk.
  • Interfax; January 12, 2026.
Lord's Resistance Army claims responsibility for bombing of predominantly Muslim neighborhood in Kampala.
  • New Vision; January 13, 2026.
Government of National Accord launches multiple bombing raids on Qaminis, Suluq and Benghazi.
  • ABC News (US); January 14, 2026.
Cracker Defense Squadron claims responsibility for the murder of prominent Jackson BLM activist.
  • WMPN-TV; January 15, 2026.
Second motion of no confidence narrowly passes Gosduma with 229-221 votes.
  • Interfax; January 16, 2026.
Russian President Mishustin dissolves the Russian Duma and calls for new general elections before resigning.
  • Euronews; January 17, 2026.
Lord's Resistance Army captures Gulu from Ugandan government forces.
  • BBC News; January 18, 2026.
Local law enforcement arrest three Antifa Lone Star members charged with plotting to assassinate the mayor of Corpus Christi.
  • KRIS-TV; January 19, 2026.
Dimitry Belyakov elected new leader of United Russia.
  • TASS; January 20, 2026.
Third Intifada comes to a quiet and undeclared end.
  • Haaretz; January 21, 2026.
Antifa militants fail hilariously in attempt to kidnap Ohio governor Mike DeWine.
  • Fox News; January 22, 2026.
Personal information of over 200 FBI agents leaked on the dark web.
  • The Huffington Post; January 23, 2026.
Caucasus Emirate reportedly in control of much of the western mountain range, around the Russo-Georgian border.
  • ABC News (US); January 24, 2026.
Caucasus Emirate captures Vladikavkaz from Russia.
  • Euronews; January 25, 2026.
Türkiye makes deal with Libyan National Army to funnel money and arms to Tobruk government.
  • DW; January 26, 2026.
Moldovan armed forces launch invasion of Transnistria.
  • Reuters; January 27, 2026.
Warlord proclaims All-Russian People's Council in Krasnoyarsk.
  • BBC News; January 28, 2026.
Governor of Iran's Semnan province under fire for alleged extramarital affair with minor.
  • Al Jazeera; January 29, 2026.
Caucasus Emirate forces launch isolated assault on Durban.
  • CNN; January 30, 2026.
LRA crashes hijacked aircraft into Uganda National Mosque.
  • New Vision; January 31, 2026.
Cracker Defense Squadron claims responsibility for the delivery of mail bombs to over 20 high-ranking FBI agents; all were defused with no casualties.
  • Right Wing Watch; February 1, 2026.
President Belyakov promises to "bring the country back together" in public speech at Moscow.
  • TASS; February 2, 2026.
New Twitter hashtag #QuitTheFlaunt advocates for the boycott of Pride Month celebrations.
  • Fox News; February 3, 2026.
Christians in occupied Kutaisi subject to mass forced conversions by Caucasus Emirate soldiers.
  • Euronews; February 4, 2026.
Group calling itself the "Restored USSR" launches guerilla campaign throughout Arkhangelsk Oblast.
  • Reuters; February 5, 2026.
2026 Winter Olympics open in Milan and Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy.
  • BBC Sport; February 6, 2026.
Former video game streaming giant Twitch announces that it will be shutting down at the end of May.
  • PC Gamer; February 7, 2026.
Pittsburgh Steelers beat San Francisco 49ers 18-8 in Super Bowl LX at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara.
  • NBC Sports; February 8, 2026.
Construction begins on Nu Atlantis.
  • The Miami Herald; February 9, 2026.
Much of southwestern Libya under GNA control.
  • Al Jazeera; February 10, 2026.
Russian Duma election results: United Russia loses 104 seats. Communist Party gains 14 seats. SRZP gains 24 seats. LPDR gains 35 seats. New People gains 31 seats.
  • AP; February 11, 2026.
Antifa Lone Star leader gone missing for over two weeks - and many suspect she was killed.
  • Left Wing Watch; February 12, 2026.
United Russia enters coalition agreement with LPDR and SRZP.
  • DW; February 13, 2026.
People's Republic of Transnistria collapses due to impromptu Moldovan invasion.
  • CNN; February 14, 2026.
Disgruntled Russian army soldiers stationed in Bratsk stage mutiny against commanding officers.
  • The New York Times; February 15, 2026.
Military officials stage coup against government of Sakha Republic.
  • TASS; February 16, 2026.
2036 Summer Olympics to be held in Mexico City.
  • CBS Sports; February 17, 2026.
Lord's Resistance Army captures Labongo.
  • Reuters; February 18, 2026.
Durban falls to Caucasus Emirate while additional forces make push into Azerbaijan.
  • Euronews; February 19, 2026.
US appellate court rules in favor of Paramount in copyright infringement lawsuit against DeepReel.
  • The Wall Street Journal; February 20, 2026.
Caucasus Emirate captures Sochi and Adler in dual-pronged push towards Black Sea.
  • NBC News; February 21, 2026.
Milan Winter Olympics come to a close.
  • ESPN; February 22, 2026.
DeepReel makes appeal to the Supreme Court.
  • AI Today; February 23, 2026.
Much of Far Eastern Russia reportedly out of government control.
  • BBC News; February 24, 2026.
Rioting and looters run rampant throughout St. Petersburg as Russian government continues to struggle to maintain order.
  • CNN; February 25, 2026.
GNA launches all-out assault towards Qaminis and Suluq.
  • Reuters; February 26, 2026.
Caucasus Emirate leader Zelim Aslakhanov self-proclaims himself caliph of the new "Caucasus Caliphate".
  • Newsweek; February 27, 2026.
RUSSR reportedly expanding operations into Karelia Republic and Vologda Oblast.
  • Euronews; February 28, 2026.
- - -

Yuliy watched the chaos in the streets of St. Petersburg from the relative comfort of his family's shoddy apartment. Even now, he could hear outside the shouting and burning of refuse, so far away yet so close to home. It was still hard for him to believe that Putin was long dead.

Meanwhile, in the other room his parents argued over something Yuliy could care less about. It was such a common occurrence that it mattered less to him than the hellscape outside his bedroom window. Why was he stuck watching this sordid scene, anyways? Wasn't there a computer he could play games on?

Oh, right. The power was out. It hadn't been on for almost a week.

Just then, the door smashed open with a thud. Some muffled shouting came from downstairs, followed by the screams of his mother and father, then two loud cracks pierced his ears. Now he was scared.

Yuliy jumped up off his bed before unlocking the window and opening it. The sounds of footsteps and moving furniture echoed from below, moving him to rush ever faster in climbing out towards the ledge.

"Please, God," he muttered. "Let me live. Let me live." Then he jumped.

The fall from the second story window gave him a dense, electric shock throughout his entire body. His heart almost reached itself out of his throat before he landed on his feet with a loud crack. He had twisted his ankle, but not to the point of bone fracture. He had no choice but to limp onwards as fast as he could, away from comfort and into the violent unknown.

- - -

PM Starmer advocates for Parliament's solidarity with the US in their efforts to aid the Libyan GNA.
  • ITV News (UK); March 1, 2026.
Blair 2.0 - another example of blind obedience to Washington.
  • The Sun; March 1, 2026.
Much of St. Petersburg in chaos and anarchy.
  • The Guardian; March 2, 2026.
1st annual "ToonCon", a nationwide fan convention centered around western animation, to be held in Pittsburgh from July 10-12.
  • FanNow; March 3, 2026.
Texas Attorney General Brian Mulligan poisoned by anthrax mail bomb; authorities suspect Antifa Lone Star.
  • Austin American-Statesman; March 4, 2026.
Democratic elections for the Free City of Kaliningrad fixed for June 14th.
  • Euronews; March 5, 2026.
"Russia may be collapsing into a third-world hellhole, but don't be so quick to put the blame on the war with Ukraine. The country was already suffering from an economic recession due to COVID and a demographic crisis exacerbated by mass conscription. While many of you may cheer at the fall of Putin's dictatorship, I for one look onward with sorrow as Russia eats itself alive."
  • Tucker Carlson (OANN); March 6, 2026.
Antifa Lone Star claims responsibility for the attempted bombing of a San Antonio police station.
  • San Antonio Express-News; March 7, 2026.
Caucasus Caliphate launches renewed offensive on Telavi.
  • Reuters; March 8, 2026.
Rouge Russian army unit takes control over most of Sakhalin.
  • Le Monde; March 9, 2026.
Russian government withdraws diplomatic support for Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
  • BBC News; March 10, 2026.
"...I'm not sure if this changes anything on the ground."
  • Donald Carter (CNN); March 10, 2026.
LRA captures Yei, South Sudan as part of apparent offensive towards Juba.
  • CNN; March 11, 2026.
Daft Punk releases 25th anniversary for landmark Discovery album - and it's selling like hot cakes.
  • Rolling Stone; March 12, 2026.
Much of Siberia completely out of Russian governmental control, according to new CIA report.
  • NBC News; March 14, 2026.
Hammer and sickle flag seen flying over government buildings in Onega.
  • The New York Post; March 15, 2026.
  • @giveitupfor15 (Twitter); March 15, 2026.
"Holy shit this bot is gonna run forever"
  • @grill3dMormon (Twitter); March 15, 2026.
Caucasus Caliphate's governor of Kutaisi goes rogue against an already rogue state.
  • NBC News; March 16, 2026.
Joseph Kony found stabbed to death in bed at Arua.
  • Uganda Argus; March 17, 2026.
A St. Paul, Minnesota startup is selling domesticated foxes at a very high price.
  • Inside Edition; March 18, 2026.
North Macedonia to hold referendum on joining the EU on July 19.
  • Euronews; March 19, 2026.
New evidence reveals one of Kony's personal child bodyguards was responsible for his assassination.
  • SABC News; March 20, 2026.
Libyan migrant boat headed for Syracuse attacked and sunk by unidentified gunboat.
  • BBC News; March 21, 2026.
"...after reviewing the evidence, we have good reason to believe that this was a coordinated attack. It is likely that if the nations of Europe take no preventative measures, more attacks like these will occur in the future."
  • Europol Executive Director Catherine De Bolle on the Libyan migrant boat attack; March 22, 2026.
Progress on Nu Atlantis put on hold due to heavy rain and thunderstorms.
  • The Miami Herald; March 23, 2026.
Anti-migrant terrorist group calling itself the "European Preservation Front" claims responsibility for Saturday's Libyan migrant boat attack.
  • Bild; March 24, 2026.
Self-proclaimed caliph Zelim Aslakhanov makes speech in YouTube video, calling for "all the faithful to rally behind God and His representative on Earth."
  • Al Jazeera; March 25, 2026.
New York City Council approves plans for the construction of a 1,863-foot-tall mixed use skyscraper in Midtown Manhattan, making it the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere upon completion.
  • The New York Times; March 26, 2026.
Uganda People's Defense Force occupies last remaining LRA holdouts.
  • Reuters; March 27, 2026.
Russian warlord based out of Bratsk practices ritual cannibalism on local civilians.
  • Human Rights Watch; March 28, 2026.
Europol identifies at least three gunboats affiliated with the European Preservation Front.
  • Euronews; March 29, 2026.
The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2 smashes the box office during its opening weekend.
  • The Hollywood Reporter; March 30, 2026.
LRA collapses into infighting due to lack of effective leadership.
  • New Vision; March 31, 2026.
Construction on Nu Altantis restarts after over a week of delays.
  • Fox News; April 1, 2026.
Caucasus Caliphate falls back after becoming unable to capture Telavi.
  • Newsweek; April 2, 2026.
"To be frank, I don't quite get why the Republicans still have a problem with President Biden. The economy's gotten a lot better since he first took office in '21, the war in Ukraine has been over for several months, and there's still little evidence of any supposed corruption from within the White House. They should be glad that the Trumpists split off and made their own party, and they should also be glad that the nation is beginning to stabilize after over a decade of civil unrest."
  • Donald Carter (CNN); April 3, 2026.
Moroccan migrant boat sunk by EPF Q-ship.
  • ABC (Spanish newspaper); April 4, 2026.
Former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro dies in prison at age 71.
  • Euronews; April 5, 2026.
Super Mario 3 movie based on the Galaxy game series announced for 2028.
  • Entertainment Weekly; April 6, 2026.
Free Papua Movement launches concurrent raid on multiple Indonesian military bases near Timika.
  • ABC News (Australia); April 7, 2026.
RUSSR reportedly in control of several major cities of Arkhangelsk Oblast.
  • DW; April 8, 2026.
EPF gunboat sunk by Spanish naval squadron near Malta.
  • ABC (Spanish newspaper); April 9, 2026.
Meta Platforms files for bankruptcy.
  • Forbes; April 10, 2026.
Mark Zuckerberg resigns as CEO of Meta following fallout from bankruptcy announcement.
  • The Wall Street Journal; April 11, 2026.
"One of the five great pillars of Big Tech has fallen. We can only wait and see if others will follow."
  • @ZuckerSuckr (Twitter); April 12, 2026.
Gulu and Aringa recaptured by Ugandan government.
  • The Daily Monitor; April 13, 2026.
EPF gunboat identified at port in Monrovia.
  • The Huffington Post; April 14, 2026.
Instagram purchased by Alphabet-Microsoft partnership.
  • Business Insider; April 15, 2026.
Tanzanian authorities capture EPF gunboat docked at Dar es Salaam.
  • SABC News; April 16, 2026.
Nintendo and Illumination announce upcoming Legend of Zelda movie, set for release in late 2027.
  • The Hollywood Reporter; April 17, 2026.
Three Cracker Defense Squadron ringleaders arrested during FBI sting operation in Billings, Montana.
  • Right Wing Watch; April 18, 2026.
UPDF mops up last remnants of Lord's Resistance Army.
  • New Vision; April 19, 2026.
Bolsonaro estate sues Campo Grande Federal Penitentiary, alleging guards committed prisoner abuse during the former president's internment.
  • TV Brasilia; April 20, 2026.
Self-proclaimed "Emir of Derbent" renounces allegiance to Caucasus Caliphate, prompting infighting between garrisoned troops.
  • Reuters; April 21, 2026.
Supreme Court agrees to hear Paramount v. DeepReel in September.
  • AI Today; April 22, 2026.
EPF claims responsibility for bombing of predominantly immigrant neighborhood of Athens.
  • Alpha TV News; April 24, 2026.
Man opens fire on marathon runners in New Orleans.
  • The New Orleans Advocate; April 25, 2026.
New Orleans marathon shooter identified as Harry Bourgeois, Stormfront regular and known white supremacist.
  • CNN; April 26, 2026.
"You couldn't make that name more fitting if you tried."
  • @ItreoGuevera (Twitter); April 26, 2026.
Caucasus Caliphate loses control of Sochi.
  • DW; April 27, 2026.
Facebook to continue operation as a subsidiary of Apple.
  • The Washington Post; April 28, 2026.
Eurpol issues list of 9 gunboats identified as being affiliated with the European Preservation Front.
  • Euronews; April 29, 2026.
RUSSR claims responsibility for bombing of prominent United Russia politician's St. Petersburg apartment.
  • RT; April 30, 2026.
- - -

The fact that the Russian Warlord Era began in 2026 would have struck some as a surprise to those living during the waning years of the Soviet Union. They never would have guessed that instead of the USSR's breakup serving as the catalyst for a fractured Russia and years of brutal civil war, a certain KGB official would instead take the reigns and prolong the mother country's collapse by a whopping 35 years. It was perhaps a miracle on Putin's part, and a tragedy to the rest of Russia.

Nonetheless, by the spring solstice of 2026 it was clear that chaos was here to stay. Dimitry Belyakov, a relative newcomer to the upper echelons of the Russian governmental apparatus, struggled to maintain control over Siberia, and by the beginning of April he and his government had quietly admitted defeat. In his private memoirs which remained unpublished until years after his death, he recounted the personal struggle he underwent in trying to live up to his predecessor's image:

"Vladimir Putin was irreplaceable. Yet it fell upon me to replace him. I never truly wanted this role; it was thrust upon me as a political compromise. I knew he put on me an insurmountable task, yet I had no choice but to try in vain to solve it... it was hell on earth in Russia, yes, but it was a hell that could be tamed."[1]
  • Yuriy Ponikarov. "Hibernation: A History of Post-Soviet Russia", Netsk Online Publishing, 2076.
[1] Dimitry Belyakov. "The Struggle of the Lawman", Moscow Virtual Press, 2074.
Chapter 9
LEAVING THE CRADLE // The New Atlantis.

Caucasus Caliphate loses control of Adler.
  • BBC News; May 1, 2026.
European Council president Mark Rutte lambasts Türkiye for harboring EPF ships at Antalya, Izmir and Istanbul.
  • Bild; May 2, 2026.
Poland becomes first European country to recognize Kaliningrad as an independent state.
  • NBC News; May 3, 2026.
Avengers: the Kang Dynasty preforms poorly during opening weekend in theaters.
  • The Hollywood Reporter; May 4, 2026.
Antifa rally in Charlotte met with brutal police crackdown.
  • CNN; May 5, 2026.
United Nations deploys nearly 100,000 peacekeepers to locations around Russia in an attempt to secure Russian nuclear missile silos.
  • AP; May 6, 2026.
Independent Jewish Autonomous Oblast renames itself "The People's Republic of the Siberian Judea", or more simply East Judea.
  • BBC News; May 7, 2026.
Nintendo director Shigeru Miyamoto arrested on charges of structuring.
  • The Asahi Shimbun; May 8, 2026.
"Is structuring even a crime? It sounds completely made up."
  • @waluigi98 (Twitter); May 9, 2026.
"It's very saddening to see so many fanatical Nintendo cultists flock to defend their savior's actions, even when said actions are blatantly criminal."
  • @EmperorLemon (Twitter); May 9, 2026.
Self-proclaimed Caliph Zelim Aslakhanov reportedly killed in drone strike.
  • AMPTV News; May 10, 2026.
Lead, id Software's new competitive class-based FPS, becomes the number one best-selling game on Bethesda Square.
  • PC Gamer; May 11, 2026.
Indian Department of Space's newest roadmap includes plans for a potential Mars rover by 2035.
  • TV Brasilia; May 12, 2026.
Federal judge dismisses Bolsonaro estate lawsuit against maximum security prison, citing lack of evidence for prisoner abuse claims.
  • O Globo; May 13, 2026.
Israeli government sends millions of USD worth of weapons and ammunition to Siberia in support of East Judea's struggle to maintain independence.
  • Channel 12 News (Israel); May 14, 2026.
Large portion of Nu Atlantis collapses under its own weight.
  • Ars Technica; May 16, 2026.
European Parliament passes law establishing Mediterranean Nautical Task Force, in response to organized crime and the rise of maritime terrorist groups such as the European Preservation Front.
  • The Times; May 17, 2026.
Supreme Court justice Samuel Alito dead at 76.
  • The New York Times; May 18, 2026.
Democrats scramble to choose a new candidate for newly opened SCOTUS seat.
  • Townhall; May 19, 2026.
Government of National Accord captures Qaminis from opposing forces.
  • Al Jazeera; May 20, 2026.
"To be honest, I'm starting to think it might not be a good idea to keep doing pride month. The big corps have practically co-opted the entire thing by now, and a lot of the queer people I've talked to say they just want to live their lives and not 'show off', whatever that's supposed to mean. Why not go back to the way it was, with a pride week or maybe even just a single day of pride?"
  • @transSocialite (Twitter); May 21, 2026.
Biden administration nominates Judge Sean Hudson of the 9th Court of Appeals for the Supreme Court.
  • The Huffington Post; May 22, 2026.
Sean Hudson revealed to have consistent progressive track record.
  • Townhall; May 23, 2026.
Conservative protestors in Washington rally against Biden's SCOTUS pick.
  • The Washington Post; May 24, 2026.
"How does it feel? How does it feel to be on the losing side?"
  • @ItreoGuevera (Twitter); May 24, 2026.
UN peacekeepers somewhat successful in securing a number of Russian land-based nuclear missile silos.
  • CNN; May 25, 2026.
Senate votes to approve new SCOTUS nomination entirely across party lines.
  • Fox News; May 26, 2026.
"Looks like we're back on track towards a respectable Supreme Court. Here's to liberty and human rights!"
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Twitter); May 27, 2026.
"Ah yes, because we all know that human rights include the right for 'doctors' to kill unborn children and the right for employers to discriminate job applicants on the basis of race."
  • @Soyjick43 (Twitter); May 27, 2026.
Prime Minister Chowdhury announces plans to send Indian astronauts to the Moon by 2032.
  • ITV (India); May 29, 2026.
Robert Downey Jr. buys pet fox from Minneapolis breeders.
  • Vanity Fair; May 30, 2026.
GNA launches two-pronged assault towards Benghazi.
  • Al Jazeera; May 31, 2026.
"...something wonderful has finally happened, something that I'm sure all of you knew was coming for a long time. Twitch is gone."
  • penguinz0 (YouTube); June 1, 2026.
Rapidly growing art hosting website Artia enacts blanket ban on AI-generated art.
  • FanNow; June 1, 2026.
Georgian president Balavadze returns to Tbilisi to jubilant crowds.
  • Caucasian Journal; June 2, 2026.
Portland Pride Festival 2026 cancelled due to fears over ongoing political violence.
  • KPTV; June 3, 2026.
St. Petersburg stands isolated against a sea of rebels and warlords.
  • Vox; June 4, 2026.
New UN report reveals over 70% of Russia's Siberian nuclear missiles have been secured by UN peacekeepers.
  • Euronews; June 5, 2026.
Meet the Jacksonville, Florida man who's trying to marry an AI chatbot.
  • Vice; June 6, 2026.
EPF raid against port of Barcelona repelled by MNTF response fleet.
  • BBC News; June 7, 2026.
"The time for division and petty squabbling is over! We must look ever forward, to march on towards a better Brazil, one that can stand together as one people and one nation!"
  • Hugo Correia de Matos at a campaign rally held in Joao Pessoa; June 8, 2026.
Avengers: Secret Wars confirmed to be the final movie of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
  • Entertainment Weekly; June 9, 2026.
Russia's neo-fascist government has changed little since the Winter Revolution.
  • Human Rights Watch; June 10, 2026.
FBI report claims Cracker Defense Squadron activity has been largely minimal over the last month.
  • Right Wing Watch; June 11, 2026.
Bodies of over a dozen women found dumped in alleyway in Isfahan, Iran.
  • Al Jazeera; June 12, 2026.
Isfahan law enforcement arrest 3 men in connection with the Isfahan massacre.
  • Iran Daily; June 12, 2026.
Iranian private investigators reveal Isfahan perpetrators had numerous connections with high-ranking government officials.
  • Reuters; June 13, 2026.
Costa Rican diplomat Juanita Curbelo selected to be tenth Secretary-General of the United Nations.
  • The New York Times; June 13, 2026.
Tensions rising in Isfahan as many blame the Iranian government in the Isfahan massacre.
  • CNN; June 14, 2026.
Democratic socialist People's Party of Kaliningrad wins plurality of seats in free city's first democratic elections.
  • Euronews; June 15, 2026.
Iranian women rights activists stage massive protest in Tehran in support of gender equality.
  • The Huffington Post; June 15, 2026.
Protestors in Tehran throw stones at effigies of Isfahan murderers.
  • Al Jazeera; June 16, 2026.
Viral video shows Iranian military police firing rubber bullets at protestors.
  • Vice; June 17, 2026.
Forces of Krasnoyarsk Democratic Republic launch invasion against warlords based in Yamalia and Yugra Autonomous Okrugs.
  • DW; June 18, 2026.
Islamic fundamentalist pro-government militia fire into crowd of protestors at Tehran.
  • CNN; June 19, 2026.
At least 50 dead and hundreds more wounded following massacre at Tehran.
  • Al Jazeera; June 19, 2026.
Most protestors stand down as Khamenei accedes to some (but not all) demands.
  • NBC News; June 20, 2026.
"...the Iranian government will continue to look into avenues for improving the station of the nation's women... but the will of God guides my hand far more than any protest can. There are some lines that are not meant to be crossed."
  • Al Khamenei at a public speech in Tehran; June 20, 2026.
RUSSR reportedly in control over much of Arkhangelsk and Vologda Oblasts.
  • Euronews; June 21, 2026.
Plans for Nu Altantis finally cancelled after over a month of stalling.
  • The Verge; June 22, 2026.
Governor-General of Isfahan Province shot by unidentified assailant.
  • Iran International; June 23, 2026.
Battle of Benghazi turns to stalemate as neither side is able to maintain the upper hand.
  • BBC News; June 24, 2026.
Saint Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg hit by unidentified drone strike.
  • Gazeta Wyborcza; June 25, 2026.
- - -

Yuliy wasn't too fazed by yet another low rumble from above his bunker. He was used to hearing explosions go off from up above, and so long as he and everyone else in there remained safe he didn't try to worry too much. The city could be rubble, for all he cared; in some sense it already was.

A young woman about his age sat below the bunk bed Yuliy rested on. He hadn't talked to her much - or anyone else, for that matter - but from what little talks he had, he couldn't help but admit that he was warming up to her.

"Hey." He got up from the bed and dangled his feet beside her.

"Yes?" she got up to face him. "Yuliy, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, yeah." He looked off to the side, rubbing his hands together. "Do you think this is ever going to end?"

She thought for a moment, moving her mouth in contemplation. "I don't think I could tell you. I don't think anyone can know for sure, as a matter of fact."

Yuliy harumphed in agreement. He looked around at the rest of the room, noting all of those who were fast asleep in their beds. "I just hope I can make it out alive."

"We all do," the woman replied, appearing as solemn as ever. "We all do."

- - -

RUSSR takes responsibility for attack on St. Isaac's Cathedral.
  • The New York Times; June 25, 2026.
Female body found in Buffalo Bayou confirmed by police to be the leader of Antifa Lone Star.
  • KRIV; June 26, 2026.
The Netherlands beat Spain 2-1 in FIFA World Cup finals at Mexico City.
  • BBC Sport; June 27, 2026.
A little less than 200,000 attend San Francisco pride march - the lowest recorded in decades.
  • The Los Angeles Times; June 28, 2026.
Russian civil strife spilling over into Ukraine and Belarus as both Zelensky and Lukashenko take action to defend their home countries.
  • DW; June 29, 2026.
Google Retina performs fairly well during its first week of sales.
  • Wired; June 30, 2026.
Governor Abbot declares victory over Antifa Lone Star in televised speech.
  • The Houston Chronicle; July 1, 2026.
Russian government rapidly losing control over eastern Volga and Southern Districts.
  • Euronews; July 2, 2026.
Freedom Party holds 250th Independence Day festival in Philadelphia.
  • Breitbart; July 4, 2026.
2 men arrested for assault and battery during Freedom Party rally held in Philadelphia yesterday.
  • WPVI-TV; July 5, 2026.
Algerian government refuses to hand over EPF ringleaders hiding out in Algiers.
  • BBC News; July 6, 2026.
Iranian authorities unable to quell civil unrest throughout Fars province.
  • Al Jazeera; July 7, 2026.
Mick Jagger dead at age 82.
  • Rolling Stone; July 8, 2026.
Russian warlord infighting spilling over to Kazakhstan and Mongolia.
  • Euronews; July 9, 2026.
Much of St. Petersburg divided between rival gangs and warlords.
  • DW; July 10, 2025.
ToonCon attendee arrested for streaking.
  • FanNow; July 11, 2026.
Almost a thousand Libertarians attend party rally held in Kansas City.
  • OANN; July 12, 2026.
Department of Transportation approves plans for the construction of electrical charging station network across Interstate 95.
  • Ars Technica; July 14, 2026.
Nome, Alaska raided by unidentified Russian gunboat.
  • Reuters; July 15, 2026.
European Preservation Front hijacks Italian destroyer stationed in the Adriatic.
  • La Repubblica; July 16, 2026.
Civil unrest in Shiraz, Mashhad, Tehran and several other major Irani cities met with authoritarian crackdown by law enforcement.
  • The New York Times; July 17, 2026.
Border skirmishes between Finnish army and Russian insurgents becoming all the more common in recent weeks.
  • Dagens Hyheter; July 18, 2026.
Cracker Defense Squadron claims responsibility for bombing of historically black Jacksonville neighborhood.
  • The Miami Herald; July 19, 2026.
Citizens of North Macedonia approve EU referendum by 58%.
  • DW; July 20, 2026.
  • AP; July 21, 2026.
Rogue ICBM shot down by US-launched kill vehicle.
  • The New York Times; July 21, 2026.
"The first nuclear attack since the end of World War II, and it got obliterated in space within the span of four hours. Boy, what a world we live in."
  • Donald Carter (CNN); July 22, 2026.
Structuring charges against Shigeru Miyamoto dropped by Japanese authorities.
  • Nikkei Shimbun; July 23, 2026.
"We will not attempt to escalate the situation by launching retaliatory nuclear strikes on Russian soil... this was an anomaly, and it is in the world's best interest to keep it that way."
  • President Biden on the US military's response to the RUSSR rogue ICBM; July 24, 2026.
Biden signs executive order federalizing the Alaskan National Guard as part of a series of new precautions raised against the threat posed by Russian warlords.
  • ABC News (US); July 25, 2026.
Magnitude 7.9 earthquake strikes the Persian Gulf.
  • BBC News; July 26, 2026.
Burj Khalifa topples from recent earthquake, killing thousands.
  • Reuters; July 26, 2026.
"...the entire purpose of the Burj Khalifa was to give the leaders of the UAE bragging rights for being the country with the tallest building in the world. As a result, few considerations were taken into place for the maintenance and stability of the structure. In other words, it was a steel-framed disaster waiting to happen."
  • Tucker Carlson on the collapse of the Burj Khalifa (OANN); July 26, 2026.
Body of Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum found in remains of Dubai mansion.
  • Al Jazeera; July 27, 2026.
New video footage shows hundreds of luxury homes in Dubai collapsed into rubble due to earthquake.
  • Vice; July 28, 2026.
Abu Dhabi relatively well-off in wake of Persian Gulf quake.
  • NBC News; July 29, 2026.
Warlord nicknamed "Butcher of Kazan" murdered by personal bodyguard.
  • RT; July 30, 2026.
At least 150,000 reported dead from recent Persian Gulf earthquake.
  • CNN; July 31, 2026.
Crew of two EPF gunboats captured by MNTF forces in the Aegean.
  • Euronews; August 1, 2026.
Residents of Shiraz wage riot due to lack of adequate government response to Persian Gulf earthquake.
  • Al Jazeera; August 2, 2026.
Irani Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei killed by bomb thrown during public speech in Tehran.
  • The New York Times; August 3, 2026.
- - -

The assassination of Khamenei may have come as a surprise to many at the time, but to those in the upper echelons of government it was a tragedy that could have easily been prevented. The Supreme Leader himself was ambivalent on taking what he perceived as too many precautions, who was quoted as saying that "at some point you have to put some trust in God." The Iranian president and a number of top ministers privately decried this viewpoint as unbecoming of Khamenei, but in front of his face they merely went along with his desires.

Nevertheless, upon his death the lives of several others were also taken, including a Supreme Court justice and the suicide bomber himself. The government scrambled to try and find a new figurehead to lead the nation in such a time of crisis, and within a matter of weeks they had found an obscure imam from Mashhad who was willing to take the job...
  • Donavan Halpert. "Republic of Submission: The History of Modern Iran", Amazon Digital Publishing, 2055.
Conflict in Russia as of 08/03/26
Alright, here's the map you guys requested. I did warn you that it might not be all that good.

Some information on each of the named factions:


Republic of Russia
- Led by President Dimitry Belyakov. Regarded as the legitimate Russian goverment by the majority of the world's nations.

Free City of Kaliningrad - Declared independence from the Moscow government in the months leading up to Putin's assassination. Not yet widely recognized by the international community.

Confederation of Autonomous Republics - An alliance of the Bashkortostan, Chuvashia, Mari El, Tartarstan, and Mordovian Republics, all banding together under the banner of mutual defense. Currently fighting against the Moscow government.

Kalmykia Republic - The Moscow government's greatest ally in the Caucasus Region. Currently focusing on eliminating the People's Krai of Stavropol from the chessboard.

St. Petersburg Pact - A coalition of several legitimists and warlords centered in the St. Petersburg area, whose number one priority at the moment is to win the fight against the RUSSR. Aligned with the Moscow government.

Saratov Provisional Government - Led by a former member of the Saratov Oblast Duma, this military dictatorship is currently working on demolishing the CAR. Nominally aligned with the Moscow government.


Restored Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
- By far the most prominent communist faction in the former Russian Federation. Carries a number of client states under its wing, each of them having its own unique flavor of communism.

Tsardom of Russia - Led by some nutjob claiming to be the distant descendant of the Liberator, Alexander II. Hopefully they won't get very far with their goals.

Eurasian Federation - A crypto-fascist state aiming to unite all of the former Soviet Union under a new, democratic federation. Control over much of its territory is nominal at best, as many pirates and gangs of marauders roam the far eastern forests.

People's Republic of Sakhalin - Led by a former Russian army sergeant stationed on the island when Putin was assassinated. Currently fighting with the Eurasian Federation over the Kuril Islands.


People's Republic of East Judea
- Touted by its leaders as second only to Israel in being a haven for Jewish refugees. Of course, they have a lot more to do before they can actually achieve a status equal to what they claim to be.

Caucasus Caliphate - Originally the (second) Caucasus Emirate, this was the most powerful and dangerous Islamic faction in the Russian conflict before it began to fall to internal rebellions and factional infighting.

Christian Fundamentalists - Mostly of the Eastern Orthodox variety, these states attempt to forge utopias based on their founders' visions for a society strictly adhering to the laws set down by the Bible. The most prominent of these is the Last Kingdom based out of Anapa, who believe that the Second Coming of Christ is imminent and that President of the United States Joe Biden is the Antichrist.
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Interlude V
The sun hung low in the west over the urban spawl of Greater London as John Flander and Ron Millings walked along the rows of shops and well-to-do cottages lining Longbridge Road. From the other side of the road, the two friends glanced at the rows of trees marking the edge of Barking Park from time to time, although John's interest lay more in the various cars parked right in front of them.

"It's not often we get sunny weather for this long, innit?" John remarked, looking up and noting how few clouds were in the sky.

Ron let out a quiet snicker. "No, 'specially not here in East London. We just can't seem to get a break very often."

"Oh, it's not that bad," John thought out loud. "The weather's as good here as it is in the rest of England. Can't imagine it was much better in Liverpool, no?"

"Oh, I barely remember Liverpool, you know that," Ron replied. "Though I can't imagine you're wrong."

The two walked in silence for a brief few moments before John changed the subject to something he would later regret. "Have you watched the news lately? They say Biden's building a coalition with NATO to 'save' Iran. Like they should be saved in the first place."

"Oh, he's not doing it for the sake of democracy, there's no doubt about that. He and Starmer and all of the other world leaders are all in it for their own ends, not ours. Cultural Marxism is the real endgame."


Ron's expression remained stone cold. "Remember 2024? The Republicans were purposefully trying to re-elect Biden because both of them are controlled by the same globalist elite. It's all part of their master plan to bring about their shitty New World Order."

John snorted at his friend's claim without skipping a beat. "You're an enormous knob, you know that?"

Ron shook his head before stopping near a corner to lean on the aging brick wall. "Yeah, and what? The real knobs are the ones controlling the world and trying to tear it down!"

"Fine, then," John replied, "Why do you care more about American politics more than what's going on between us and the other lads at school?"

"Oh, come on, John! You know I care about you and the others! I-"

"Don't play games. I haven't seen you at all outside of school for two weeks, and everyone I've talked to says the same. You're avoiding us all on purpose, and I'd like to know why."

Ron gave John a narrow-eyed glare, his lips twitching in a desperate attempt to form words. "Er... John... listen, I've got to get dinner. My mum must be worried sick about me." Without even saying goodbye, he turned around the corner and walked off in a huff, leaving John alone on the sidewalk alone and somewhat confused.

Something had gotten into Ron, and he had a feeling he knew what it was.

- - -

Pat McElroy was playing Team Fortress 2 when he heard a knock on his bedroom door. It took no time at all for him to respond with a warm "come in", sure in his mind he knew exactly who it was. Good thing we moved into a proper house instead of a dorm now that we're starting senior year real soon, he thought to himself.

True to his speculation, Pat's roommate Erin was the one who opened the door. They were wearing a plain gray sweatshirt with a plaid skirt. "Hey, I haven't seen you at all today. How was the AA meeting?"

"It went pretty good. I think I'm starting to get the hang of this sobriety thing."

"Well, it certainly looks like it. How long has it been again?"

"Yeah. It's been... two months starting today."

"Good to hear. Here's to two more months." They lifted up a hand to give him a high-five, but all they got was a slight shove on the shoulder. "Sorry about that."

Recognizing his mistake, he quit the game before swiveling his chair around to face Erin. "So how are you doing today? Draw anything interesting?"

"Yeah... yeah, I just finished another full-body commission," Erin said before shifting to the side. "It wasn't my best work, but they still paid me the full price."

Pat raised an eyebrow. "Really? How much did they pay you?"

"Uh... $150."

"Jesus Christ, you're set for life, aren't you?" Pat muttered while throwing up his hands. "I can barely get anyone to tip me more than 25 percent at the Olive Garden, and here you are making more money in an instant than I do in a whole day."

"Well, it's nothing to be too proud of." Erin gave him a humble smile that they knew he wouldn't see. "I've still got a lot more student loans I haven't paid off. If I'm lucky, I'll get rid of them by the time I turn 40."

Pat snickered in reluctant agreement. "Yeah, me too. We've all got our debts. But I'm thinking more about our thesis papers - if "

- - -

The rolling plains of the Tibetan Plateau poked through the puffy clouds surrounding Keykavous's airplane window. It was a pleasant scene, to be sure, but the circumstances from which he found himself viewing the landscape could not have been any less so.

He had always wanted to travel at some point in life, but to put it lightly, this was not the way he would have preferred. The riots and increased police presence throughout Tehran were becoming too much of a danger to his life and the lives of his friends for him to feel comfortable remaining in his home of Iran. He booked an impromptu flight to another country, having just enough time to apply for a visa and nothing more.

Keka took the moment to turn towards the other side of the window. He had the fortune of not having anyone sitting next to him, although even then it would have been nice for there to be someone for him to occasionally chat with. Instead he turned on the airplane TV and changed the channel to the evening news from back home.

"Good evening everyone, and welcome to BBC Persia. Our top story tonight is on the bombing which took place outside the Baharestan, during the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's speech to the nation of held earlier this morning. It resulted in the tragic death of the Supreme Leader and an undetermined number of additional casualties. Here's the latest with our political correspondent..."

Keka's mouth stood agape. How could have his nation's security allowed this to happen? What was to become of the Iranian government? It was an unthinkable travesty for all this civil chaos to have spread to the country's once thought untouchable spiritual head. Khamenei was the eyes and mind from which Iran made its toughest decisions, and whoever had the unfortunate honor of succeeding him would have to deal with hell on earth if he wanted everyone to come out unscathed.

If there was one good thing about my leaving the country, he mused, it would be the lack of danger I'd be in if I stayed any longer. It was somewhat of a selfish thought, no doubt, but in dire times it was often more practical to look out for oneself over others. He changed the channel to a sitcom, making a mental note to check up on the news whenever he could.

He craned his neck back towards the window. One of Tibet's many lakes was prominent behind the cloud cover. It wouldn't be long before the plane would land, and Keka would finally be at his intended destination. He had chosen a place where he could have opportunities, where he could be free to pursue his life and worship. It wouldn't be America, of course - those bastards were the ones who caused the world's ailments far more often than they cured them. No, his city of refuge would be much kinder to Muslims than any Western country could ever hope to be.

Even though Hong Kong would from now on be his new home, his heart would always remain with venerable Iran.

- - -

The towering facades of inner city Paris cast a comforting shadow on Jacques and Tristan, who were taking a stroll through the streets of their local arrondissement in the final month before they went off to college. Both of them were wearing their casual t-shirts and blue jeans, adding to the stark contrast between the classical architecture of the buildings and the modern fashion senses of those who walked besides them.

"Me and the family went to Versailles yesterday. It's a really nice place," Jacques went on before stopping in front of the crosswalk. "Shame it was built by some nut who thought the entire world revolved around him."

"But the world did revolve around him, didn't it?"

"Only in France, if that. He spent the majority of his life trying to get the powers of Europe to kiss his feet just like any other commoner, and he failed. Go figure."

"Really?" Tristan retorted before turning towards Jacques. "You have a problem with a guy who died three centuries before either of us were even born? I'd hold a bigger grudge against Pétain than long-gone Louis number fourteen."

"Well... I guess you have a point." The man on the crossing signal lit up, and the two friends started down the road. "I'm just thinking of all the people who were pissed off at his grandson."

"I mean, they're all dead too, are they not?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I've just been thinking about history class a lot. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about." Jacques and Tristan crossed back onto the sidewalk just in time for the cars to start moving again. "Speaking of school, have you thought about which college you're going to go to? I've already applied to Paris-Sud."

"Oh, I don't really like thinking about that," Tristan admitted. "If anything, I'll just go for a trade school and pick up something simple. I've heard rail workers are in higher demand than ever before."

"With the way AI has been ramping up for the past few years, I'm not even sure if that'll be a stable option," Jacques argued. "It probably won't be long before all of the power grid repair systems will be automated."

"I don't think it'll be over that soon," Tristan replied while the two stopped outside the entrance to his apartment building. "Anyways, I've got a spare VR headset from my cousin. You wanted to take a look at it, right?"

"Yeah, I've been thinking about getting one for a while. There's troublesome technology, and then there's the stuff you want to see succeed. I'm really excited to see what will become of VR in the future."

- - -

"...if there's one promise the Democratic Party hasn't been keeping well enough, it would have to be their commitment to the working class and urban poor. As your representative, I will work day and night to ensure that the rights of blue collar workers are maintained and protected. Furthermore, I assure you that if I am elected, you won't need to worry about where the homeless will get their next meal, or if Joe the construction workers' pay won't be enough to let him live comfortably. I want to thank the wonderful people at the Covina Teamster's Union for letting me speak here, and I wish you all a good night."

Bernard Domodo walked away from the podium with a smile on his face. In his mind, there was no possibility of him losing the general election - the district had been blue since the years of Bush Senior. The hardest part of the campaign was over, and now the real challenge would be navigating the byzantine politics of Capitol Hill.

The crisp L.A. air remained pungent even at this late hour, as Bern walked out the backdoor of the facility towards his parked Mercedes. As he walked towards the door to the driver's seat, he took a moment to think about how surreal all of this was. Barring some freak anomaly favoring the local Republicans, at the start of next year he would be taking his seat in the House of Representatives, taking part of a select club limited to 535 of the nation's highest elite. He still couldn't get over how little money he had been able to raise compared to the other Democratic candidates, and how he had won the primary in spite of that fact.

Upon putting his key in the ignition, another thought crossed his mind: he hadn't spoken much with his old bandmates, despite those promises he made back when he started. He was able to keep up with them back during the primary, but as of late he had been taking less and less time out of his schedule to do the occasional gig.

Oh well, he thought as he pulled his car out into the street. I don't think I was all that cut out for being a guitarist, anyways. The political arena was much more exciting.
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Chapter A
LEAVING THE CRADLE // Midterms and Mohammed.

Iranian government reports at least 8 additional deaths as a result of the bomb that killed Khamenei.
  • NBC News; August 4, 2026.
Libyan GNA moves to take more direct control of Tuareg militias.
  • Al Jazeera; August 5, 2026.
3 American tourists killed following the bombing of a mosque in Karaj.
  • Iran International; August 6, 2026.
Assembly of Experts appoint imam Shadmehr Gharibian as the third Supreme Leader of Iran.
  • IRIB TV1; August 7, 2026.
Chaos continues unabated in the streets of Dubai and Abu Dhabi almost two weeks after the Persian Gulf earthquake.
  • CNN; August 8, 2026.
Tuareg co-opt attempt by Government of National Accord backfires spectacularly.
  • RT; August 9, 2026.
At least 200,000 recorded dead as a direct result from last month's Persian Gulf earthquake.
  • Newsweek; August 10, 2026.
King Mohammed of Saudi Arabia visits Al Jubail as part of earthquake humanitarian cleanup efforts.
  • MBC Masr News; August 11, 2026.
Government of National Accord struggles to protect south central Libya from bandits and ethnic guerillas.
  • Al Jazeera; August 12, 2026.
Minecraft version 1.29 changelog.
  •; August 13, 2026.
Supreme Leader Gharibian calls for unity and brotherhood among the Iranian peoples in televised speech.
  • BBC Persia; August 14, 2026.
Major flash flooding strikes Bangladesh; at least 100 reported casualties.
  • Reuters; August 15, 2026.
EPF attempt to capture Irapetra on the island of Crete met with overwhelming force by MNTF.
  • Euronews; August 16, 2026.
Government of National Accord erects strong defense lines against mutinous Tuareg militias.
  • Libya Al Ahrar TV News; August 17, 2026.
Over 100,000 people evacuated from Kolkata return to find their homes destroyed by flooding.
  • CNN; August 18, 2026.
Europol releases strategic map identifying over two dozen ports of safety for the European Preservation Front, mostly based out of West Africa and the southern Mediterranean.
  • France Info; August 19, 2026.
Train station in Ahar, Iran hit by car bomb.
  • PBS News; August 20, 2026.
Group calling itself the "Fists of the Azeris" claim responsibility for Ahar bombing; stated goals are to unite all ethnic Azerbaijanis under a single state.
  • Al Jazeera; August 20, 2026.
Turkish president Kılıçdaroğlu speaks in favor of a return to secularization in public speech held at Ankara.
  • BBC International; August 21, 2026.
Why has Biden done nothing to stop the RUSSR terrorists?
  • OANN; August 22, 2026.
Fifth iteration of Cracker Defense Squadron's YouTube channel banned for hateful content.
  • The Huffington Post; August 23, 2026.
Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev denounces Fists of the Azeris in press conference.
  • AzTV; August 24, 2026.
European Preservation Front base near Palermo raided by MNTF forces.
  • Euronews; August 25, 2026.
GNA forces closing in on the Benghazi region.
  • Al Jazeera; August 26, 2026.
Self-proclaimed "Tsar of the Russian Empire" personally leads assault on Rostov-on-Don.
  • TASS; August 27, 2026.
A look at the charred streets of Benghazi, embroiled in war once again after over 10 years.
  • Vox; August 28, 2026.
First session of the provisional Eurasian General Assembly held in Petropavlovsk.
  • RT; August 29, 2026.
RUSSR launches major offensive towards St. Petersburg Pact.
  • Euronews; August 30, 2026.
"There's a lot of potential for a Nintendo Cinematic Universe, and in my opinion it would take a lot of effort on both Illumination and Nintendo's part to screw it all up...I still can't wait for the Zelda movie trailer."
  • LucasParty2 (YouTube); August 31, 2026.
Russian government and allies steadily losing ground in Saratov and Belgorod oblasts.
  • Reuters; September 1, 2026.
Recent polls indicate Republicans may take the lead in upcoming midterms.
  • Fox News; September 2, 2026.
"Remember 2020? Remember when they didn't trust the polls and thought Trump was still gonna win? Yeah, I don't either."
  • Vaush (Twitch); September 2, 2026.
Fists of the Azeris launch numerous concurrent raids on Iranian military supply depots stationed across East Azerbaijan Province.
  • Reuters; September 3, 2026.
Opinion polling for upcoming midterms appearing to largely favor Republicans and Freedomers.
  • Fox News; September 4, 2026.
Eurasian Federation releases public manifesto on the internet.
  • The New York Times; September 5, 2026.
" is within the best interest of those living throughout the former Soviet Union to unite under one banner, one free... from both the left-wing tyranny of communism and the right-wing tyranny of fascism."
  • Excerpt from the Manifesto of the Eurasian Federation; September 5, 2026.
Government of National Accord captures Suluq from Libyan National Army.
  • CNN; September 6, 2026.
British troops stationed in Iran suffering hard from harsh desert conditions.
  • The Sun; September 7, 2026.
European Preservation Front carries out successful raid on naval base near Kalamata, Greece.
  • Bild; September 8, 2026.
National Rally event held in Lyon attended by thousands.
  • Le Parisien; September 9, 2026.
Most of Rostov-on-Don under the control of self-proclaimed "Tsar of Russia".
  • Euronews; September 10, 2026.
President Biden attends the commemoration ceremony for the 25th anniversary of the September 11th attacks in New York City.
  • ABC News (US); September 11, 2026.
- - -

I first met President Biden in person near the reflecting pools where the Twin Towers once stood. It was for a very special and somber occasion - the 25th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, to be specific - and I was invited along with all the other governors, senators and representatives who were serving at the time. Being my usual proactive self, I arrived over an hour before most everyone else. This caught some of the event's staff by surprise, but no one was more surprised at my early arrival than the president himself.

He went out of his way to personally introduce himself to me, giving his greetings as if we were both regulars at the bingo club. I will never forget that as we were shaking hands, he complimented me by saying that "it's great work, what you're doing in Mississippi. You're bringing people together." A Secret Service agent went behind his ear to whisper something before Biden corrected himself with "oh, I apologize. It's Missouri, isn't it?" I did nothing but nod and walk away.

It should have been more obvious to me at the time, but it was clear that Biden was nearing the end of his life. Perhaps it was this moment that helped encourage me to take the next step.

Tim K. Anderson. "Rise and Fall", Simon & Schuster, 2039.

- - -

PM Starmer declares RUSSR an "existential threat" to global stability; calls for "all nations" to "unite under one banner in taking these terrorists down".
  • ITV News (UK); September 12, 2026.
Russian oblasts bordering Ukraine and Belarus reportedly falling into warlord control.
  • BBC News; September 13, 2026.
Moderates overtake Sweden Democrats as party with second-largest number of seats in Riksdag.
  • Dagens Nyheter; September 14, 2026.
RUSSR partisans reach the shores of Lake Ladoga.
  • ABC News (US); September 15, 2026.
Jimmy Carter, 39th president of the United States, dies in his sleep at age 101.
  • NBC News; September 16, 2026.
his peanuts finally went sour
  • @psychicpebbles (Twitter); September 16, 2026.
Fists of the Azeris gaining considerable ground in Azeri-majority regions of northwestern Iran.
  • Al Jazeera; September 17, 2026.
27-year-old white supremacist charged with threatening to commit a mass shooting in a black neighborhood revealed to have ties to the Cracker Defense Squadron.
  • The Chicago Tribune; September 18, 2026.
Moscow-based Russian government reportedly limited to control over Moscow, Vladimir, Kaluga, Ivanovo, Ryazan, Yaroslavl, Tver, Smolensk, and Brask Oblasts.
  • Reuters; September 19, 2026.
Category 3 hurricane strikes Louisiana.
  • NBC News; September 20, 2026.
Over $500 million in damages recorded as a result of Hurricane James.
  • The New Orleans Advocate; September 21, 2026.
Iranian Renewal Force reportedly doubling down on efforts to undermine government control over Shiraz.
  • AP; September 22, 2026.
43-year-old Giobbe Scioli, presumed ringleader of the European Preservation Front, arrested on charges of first-degree murder and domestic terrorism.
  • The Sun; September 23, 2026.
Tsardom of Russia launches major offensive towards the "heathens and infidels" of the Caucasus Caliphate.
  • OANN; September 24, 2026.
Supreme Court rules in favor of DeepReel in case with Paramount and others, enabling software developers to use copyrighted works to train their AI without any fear of legal reprisal.
  • AI Today; September 25, 2026.
"I don't see this ending very well for the American people."
  • Donald Carter (CNN); September 25, 2026.
Justice Hudson writes majority opinion on DeepReel case.
  • Newsweek; September 25, 2026.
Protestors gather around the Supreme Court Building in opposition to the DeepReel verdict.
  • Jacobin; September 26, 2026.
Artwork depicting Mohammed and Jesus kissing each other go viral on Twitter.
  • Vice; September 27, 2026.
Fists of the Azeris capture Ahar from Iranian government.
  • Al Jazeera; September 28, 2026.
Iranian Renewal Force claims responsibility for attempted drone bombing of Iranian Parliament Building.
  • Iran International; September 29, 2026.
Leadership of Tomsk Sultanate issue direct threat on the lives of those who made the viral Mohammed-Jesus romance cartoons.
  • Euronews; September 30, 2026.
"Tsardom of Russia" struggles to maintain control over Rostov-on-Don and surrounding area.
  • ABC News (Australia); October 1, 2026.
Antifa members and supporters hold aggressive protest against alleged police brutality in Los Angeles.
  • Breitbart; October 2, 2026.
Iranian Renewal Force reportedly capturing neighborhoods in Isfahan.
  • BBC Persia; October 3, 2026.
Governor Newsom passes law banning pet foxes statewide.
  • The Los Angeles Times; October 4, 2026.
Brazilian Democratic Movement candidate Hugo Correia de Matos wins plurality in first round of presidential elections.
  • O Globo; October 5, 2026.
MDB wins most seats in Chamber of Deputies, followed closely by PL and FE Brasil.
  • TV Brasilia; October 5, 2026.
Number of AI movie generators surge in the weeks following the Supreme Court's legalization of training Ais on copyrighted movies.
  • CNN; October 6, 2026.
Alleged SDF base in southeastern Al-Hasakah Governorate hit by Syrian Arab Republic bombing raid.
  • BBC News; October 7, 2026.
Supreme Leader Gharibian calls for reconciliation with the West in working to take down insurrection.
  • Al Jazeera; October 8, 2026.
Islamic extremist charged with the shooting of 24-year-old Nick Wallace; claims that Wallace was the creator of the Jesus-Mohammed romance cartoons.
  • BBC News; October 9, 2026.
Russian Tsardom's advance into Caucasus Caliphate territory stalled near Stavropol and Kropotkin.
  • The Guardian; October 10, 2026.
Rwandan Parliament ratifies EAF constitution, making Rwanda the first country to do so.
  • Euronews; October 11, 2026.
Socialist Party loses majority in Portuguese Parliament.
  • SIC Notícias; October 12, 2026.
Legendary film composer John Williams dead at age 96.
  • The Hollywood Reporter; October 13, 2026.
Russian government recaptures Cheboksary from Confederation of Allied Republics.
  • The Washington Post; October 14, 2026.
Midlothian family sues neighbors for the attack of their 6-year-old daughter by their neighbors' pet fox.
  • WRIC-TV; October 15, 2026.
35-year-old Persian woman with links to IRF leadership arrested in Tehran by Iranian authorities.
  • BBC Persia; October 16, 2026.
A visit to Petropavlovsk, the primary center of power for the Eurasian Federation.
  • Vice; October 17, 2026.
New Zealand Labour Party wins minority government in Parliament.
  • TVNZ; October 18, 2026.
Indonesian president Tirta Salmet calls for "further escalation" of military operations against West Papuan guerillas.
  • The Herald Sun; October 19, 2026.
"Hasn't the guy already escalated things enough? What the hell is he gonna do, carpet bomb the whole island?"
  • @TankieSlayr (Twitter); October 19, 2026.
Teaser trailer for Avengers: Secret Wars picks up barely 5 million views within the first few days after being uploaded to YouTube.
  • The Hollywood Reporter; October 20, 2026.
Syrian Democratic Forces launch renewed offensive into Aleppo.
  • Al Jazeera; October 21, 2026.
Black Lives Matter protest turns violent following the stabbing of a black man in Kansas City.
  • Fox News; October 22, 2026.
DeVante Byrd was stabbed by a Hispanic man - so why is the left blaming white supremacism?
  • OANN; October 23, 2026.
"Dylan Smith's grandfather was a light-skinned Mexican immigrant. How the actual fuck does that make him Latino?"
  • @transSocialite (Twitter); October 23, 2026.
"The murder of DeVante Byrd was tragic, and it should never have occurred in the first place. But the riots that occurred in the wake of this brutal killing have been unacceptable, and I do condemn them. Violence should not be met with more violence."
  • Missouri Governor Tim Anderson in public speech following DeVante Byrd riots; October 24, 2026.
Civil disorder has largely subsided in the UAE. Will the financial capital of the Middle East be able to recover?
  • Vox; October 25, 2026.
De Matos confirmed as Brazil's next president following second round of elections.
  • TV Brasilia; October 26, 2026.
Fierce fighting remains ongoing between Iranian government and Fists of the Azeris over cities of Sarab and Tabriz.
  • Iran International; October 27, 2026.
RUSSR offensive towards St. Petersburg held at bay by St. Petersburg Pact and allied Moscow government forces.
  • RT; October 28, 2026.
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders dead at age 85.
  • NBC News; October 29, 2026.
Here's how Sanders supporters still believe his rotting corpse can win in 2028.
  • The Onion; October 29, 2026.
SDF and allied forces successfully crosses the Euphrates in eastern Syria, near Dier ez-Zur.
  • NBC News; October 30, 2026.
Man in clown costume found stabbed to death in Queens.
  • The New York Times; October 31, 2026.
Government coalition retains majority in Folketing.
  • TV Avisen; November 1, 2026.
All of the Kuril Islands reportedly under Eurasian Federation Control.
  • NBC News; November 1, 2026.
"I still think there's a lot going for the Democrats in today's elections. Overall, Biden has been able to maintain a strong leadership during this time of great crisis, and it's very possible that his strategy will return great dividends for his party in terms of flipped Congressional seats, gubernatorial victories and winning control over the state legislatures. Not to mention that the conservative vote has been divided thanks to the rise of the Freedom Party."
  • Donald Carter (CNN); November 2, 2026.
"Given the Freedom Party's rather lackluster successes during last year's elections, I don't see them getting much farther in the ballot box today. They may have the backing of the Trump family and a number of influential hardcore conservatives, but the two-party system that has persisted in the United States since its very founding has been able to weather plenty of challenges to their dominion in the past, and this time things don't seem very different."
  • Tucker Carlson (OANN); November 2, 2026.
"You heard it here first, folks: the Republicans have it in the bag. The six-year itch came for both Clinton and Obama, and today we're going to see it hit Biden in 2026."
  • Jesse Watters (Fox News); November 2, 2026.
Democrats lose 15 seats in the House and 2 seats in the Senate.
  • The New York Times; November 3, 2026.
"Now, what did I tell you?"
  • Jesse Waters (Fox News); November 3, 2026.
"Well, it looks like the Senate is now split 50-50 for the first time since after the election of 2000, and with a Democrat-led executive branch it seems to be that they'll be calling the shots in there for the next two years."
  • Danielle Warburg (MSNBC); November 3, 2026.
Democrat Byron Donalds elected future Governor of Florida.
  • The Miami Herald; November 3, 2026.
Governor Kathy Hochul wins yesterday's re-election.
  • The New York Post; November 3, 2026.
Former governor John Hickenlooper wins re-election to US Senate.
  • The Denver Post; November 3, 2026.
Musician Bernard Domodo wins race for California's 31st congressional district.
  • The Los Angeles Times; November 3, 2026.
Governor Abbot narrowly wins re-election.
  • KTBC; November 3, 2026.
Freedom Party gains plurality in Idaho House of Representatives and Alabama Senate; coalitions with Republican legislators seem likely.
  • NBC News; November 3, 2026.
Republican Albert Harrison elected Governor of Ohio.
  • The Toledo Blade; November 3, 2026.
Rob Bonta elected Governor of California.
  • KCRA-TV; November 3, 2026.
Two Freedom Party candidates elected to the House, ringing alarm bells in the minds of political analysts throughout the country.
  • The Washington Post; November 3, 2026.
Pirate Party candidate for Vermont state house wins race against both Democratic and Republican opponents.
  • WCAX-TV; November 3, 2026.
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The Iranian Renewal Force was a culmination of decades of unaddressed grievances against the Islamic Republic of Iran from the liberal youth. For years they jockeyed for increased secularization, sexual equality and other basic human rights, and time and time again they were either denied or ignored. While it still remains likely that they were the minority within Iran - even amongst their own generation - the collapse of Putin's Russia at the start of 2026 and the July Persian Gulf earthquake served as the final catalyst for those disaffected activists to rise up and start fighting.

At first, popular support was limited to the major cities, while those living in rural areas who remained complacent with the Iranian government were opposed to the IRF's goals at best. This mandated the utilization of guerilla tactics and urban warfare amongst all ranks of their membership. Even though most of the rank-and-file had poor combat skills the leadership were well poised to get as much information on asymmetric warfare as they could, by the end of 2026 those who survived had enough experience to begin making significant gains against the authoritarian government they so much opposed - despite the fact that many of their friends had died in the fighting.
  • Donavan Halpert. "Republic of Submission: The History of Modern Iran", Amazon Digital Publishing, 2055.
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