What about the unrest in Siberia?

In the following days, there might be a rumor of an uprising in Central Siberia, mainly Novosibirsk, Barnaul, or others in case when Mishustin attempts to initiate crackdown on protests as if he was attempting to distract from ongoing rebellions in the Northern Caucasus and Kaliningrad/Krolewiec as the country continues to lose their ground.

Is it likely that new ideologies would rise, similar to those ones in the prelude to WWII?
So Mishustin went all Black League?

If by Black League you mean fascist Soviet irredentism? I mean, I kinda figured that was the secret end goal of Putin's Russia, so I guess you could say he was already there. The chances of United Russia achieving this goal are, by this point ITTL, next to none of course.

What about the unrest in Siberia?

In the following days, there might be a rumor of an uprising in Central Siberia, mainly Novosibirsk, Barnaul, or others in case when Mishustin attempts to initiate crackdown on protests as if he was attempting to distract from ongoing rebellions in the Northern Caucasus and Kaliningrad/Krolewiec as the country continues to lose their ground.

Trust me, I already have plans for that. It just kinda slipped my mind while I was writing the most recent update, but there will be a lot more focus on it in the next chapter.

Is it likely that new ideologies would rise, similar to those ones in the prelude to WWII?

You mean in Russia or the world as a whole?

That 4Chan trollers is totally in-character, and I loved it.

There's nothing more representative of absurdist edgy internet humor than a bunch of neckbeards and incels screeching radical Islamic war cries at some boomers just trying

Was it televised live in 4k?

Yes. Of course, the feed was quickly cut to a performance of Swan Lake or something similar.
If by Black League you mean fascist Soviet irredentism? I mean, I kinda figured that was the secret end goal of Putin's Russia, so I guess you could say he was already there. The chances of United Russia achieving this goal are, by this point ITTL, next to none of course.

I was more talking about unleashing WMDs everywhere.
I was more talking about unleashing WMDs everywhere.

Oh no, he's not brazen enough to do that. There might be a fire in Russia, but it hasn't consumed everything yet.

Probably in general or the world as a whole.

Well yeah, of course. I imagine a lot of them would be transhumanist or post-scarcity in nature, accompanied with a number of reactionary movements like the Dark Enlightenment you mentioned.
What is happening on the climate change front? Have insurance companies stopped writing policies for states or certain locations?
Well yeah, of course. I imagine a lot of them would be transhumanist or post-scarcity in nature, accompanied with a number of reactionary movements like the Dark Enlightenment you mentioned.
No clichés involving the second rise of a far-left superpower though?

Is it possible that space tourism will be like OTL tourism in the next following decades and is it likely that a commercial spaceplane will be available to the average person?
No clichés involving the second rise of a far-left superpower though?

Is it possible that space tourism will be like OTL tourism in the next following decades and is it likely that a commercial spaceplane will be available to the average person?

I personally feel like the rise of any kind of left-adjacent polity IRL is pretty much impossible until the existing global neoliberal order is seriously crippled...which may be coming as supply chains shrink due to the after shocks of the pandemic...
I personally feel like the rise of any kind of left-adjacent polity IRL is pretty much impossible until the existing global neoliberal order is seriously crippled...which may be coming as supply chains shrink due to the after shocks of the pandemic...
What are those economic ideologies that can succeed the crumbling neoliberalism as a replacement?
What are those economic ideologies that can succeed the crumbling neoliberalism as a replacement?

Syndicalism seems like one of the better ones, though neofeudalism may take hold in some places as central authorities become ever more stretched by compounding crises. A lot of places will unfortunately probably have to face serious struggles with resurgent strains of fascism, as we're seeing. The upside is many of the fascists here in america seem to be fuckwits who confuse social media engagement with policymaking, and so may be easier to thwart. I'd be more worries about the hard-right scotus doing something totally deranged like letting corporations run for office, than a direct coup or insurrection by the likes of say, Florida Man. That's just on the US side of course. I don't know abojt everyone else
No clichés involving the second rise of a far-left superpower though?

I personally feel like the rise of any kind of left-adjacent polity IRL is pretty much impossible until the existing global neoliberal order is seriously crippled...which may be coming as supply chains shrink due to the after shocks of the pandemic...

According to this EG article the US and China will remain the world's only two superpowers until late into the 21st century, when a number of new states will emerge as great powers. It doesn't say much about the ideologies of said states, and I don't think I want to spoil things anymore than I already have.

Is it possible that space tourism will be like OTL tourism in the next following decades and is it likely that a commercial spaceplane will be available to the average person?

One night trips to LEO will be largely affordable to the top 1% by 2050, although available rooms will remain hard to come by. Spaceplanes will be developed under a similar timeframe.
According to this EG article the US and China will remain the world's only two superpowers until late into the 21st century, when a number of new states will emerge as great powers. It doesn't say much about the ideologies of said states, and I don't think I want to spoil things anymore than I already have.

I take articles like that with a grain of salt. Political analysts, to say nothing of economic analysts, have a tendency to underestimate the power of factors that alter the stability of certain regions. I'm not saying they're outright wrong; China and the US will likely remain the dominant military forces at the very least. However, if this year is anything to go by, mayhem may be multiplying faster than existing systems can adapt.
Interlude IV
Márcio scrolled over the massive variety of images that populated his computer screen. Thousands of scenes, hundreds of characters, and dozens of art styles - all made not with the stroke of a pen, but with the crunching of numbers. The things that computers could do nowadays amazed him, and he couldn't wait to see what things they would be able to do next.

In an instant, the entire screen went black. For a split second he blinked in confusion, before sighing and getting up from the chair. The power had gone out again, as it often did in these parts of Sao Paulo. The boy felt little choice in doing anything but going to the living room.

Mother and Father were with two of his siblings on the couch, who mere seconds ago were watching a football game that Márcio couldn't care any less about. Well, perhaps a rephrasing is in order: Mother and two of Márcio's siblings were watching the game. Father was passed out, bellowing a snore so loud that the boy wondered how the others could've heard who was winning. Oh, it doesn't matter, Márcio thought to himself. It was probably a rerun; football season ended almost a month ago.

Just then, Mother turned her head to look at the face of her son who had appeared out of the blue. She wore her typical stern expression, always laced with a slight glimmer of compassion and motherly love.

"Márcio, I hope you haven't been on that computer for too long. You're not the only one who uses it, you know." No need for her to tell me that again, he thought.

"Mother, can I go over to Uncle Pedro's house for a bit?" There was still a chance that his uncle's New Year's Eve party would be going on as usual thanks to his generator.

"No, absolutely not. It's too dangerous to go out this late at night. You'll be staying right here, young man."

"Okay. Fine." He started back towards his bedroom before she stopped him by speaking up again.

"And don't forget to wash the dishes again. I really don't appreciate having to keep after you and do things you should've already done."

"Yes, Mother. I'll start on it now." True to his word, he started towards the kitchen and took a look at the massive pile of dirty dishes towering over the sink. He always dreaded Wednesdays for this very reason, but even so he took the dish sponge and got it wet and soapy.

If Father was to be believed, then responsibilities like these would only continue to grow and pile up as Márcio got older. He trusted him on most things, but despite this a part of him desperately wanted to believe that he could find a way to prove his father wrong.

- - -

The North Side Bar wasn't much of an establishment to gawk at. The fluorescent lighting flickered more often than neither the bartender nor the patrons would have liked, many of the cushions on the seats were torn and expelling foam from their wounds, and a particular corner was coated with a sticky substance no amount of water and floor cleaning fluid could remove.

It was here that Kyle Conway and his new drinking buddy sat across from each other in a booth, chatting about their lives in between taking swigs of good, old-fashioned beer. Kyle was carrying the conversation, finishing up a long monologue about the attractive neighbor from his home apartment complex.

"...so yeah, she's a real smoker, but there's no way in hell she'd date a guy like me. One of those social justice types."

"Oh, that's a shame. Big shame." Kyle's friend replied. "I fuckin' hate those ones."

"You and me both, Nick." He looked outside the window and noted the heavy dusting of snow littering the ground. It was going to be a white New Year's in Colorado Springs, and he couldn't think of anyone better to spend it with than Nick. Well, anyone he could spend it with.

"It's very white outside," Nick mentioned. "The negroids must be seething."

"Heh heh. Yeah, you bet," Kyle replied with a slight smile. "Oh yeah, that reminds me. How's the militia going?"

"It's not." Nick admitted with a grunt of melancholy. "We've pretty much disbanded since the FBI caught Rick with CP. He's pretty much the only one who was holding us together."

Kyle took another sip before responding. "I mean... well, that's pretty bullshit. If the next president doesn't abolish those bastards the moment he's sworn in then I oughta..." he paused, drifting his eyes off towards the rest of the almost-empty bar "abolish them myself... or something."

"Nah, I doubt it," Nick replied with a sense of forlornity. "We're losing the culture war. Trump's dead, DeSantis is going to be dead in a few months, Freedom is in the gutter, and the FBI's cracking down on anyone who so much as attempts to argue against the woke supremacists."

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right." Kyle muttered before downing a great swig of beer. "But we'll be on the rise again soon. History works in waves. A wave of liberalism, a wave of conservatism, another wave of liberalism, and so on. Things'll get better soon enough."

"I admire your optimism, Kyle." Nick stared down the empty mug before turning his attention back to Kyle. "But I just don't think that's possible."

- - -

Qin Luoyang entered the office with a façade of confidence. The deputy propaganda secretary for the local township had called him for an impromptu meeting earlier today, and the lack of information regarding the reasons for his summoning was eating away at his sense of composure. Was he being called for some transgression he had made? Were they there to discuss a treasonous matter?

"Good evening, Mr. Geng."

"Good evening to you, Mr. Qin." Geng motioned to the austere wooden chair placed in front of his desk before sitting down himself. "Please, take a seat."

Qin felt little but an obligation to fulfill Geng's request. The lack of décor within the office spoke pages to him about his commitment to the revolution.

"Before we begin, do you want to go get dinner? I know there's a place that makes the best spring rolls in the entire -"

"No, that'll be fine. I just ate." Qin was lying through his teeth, and he couldn't help but feel like Geng knew it.

"Well, if you're not hungry, then I suppose I'll have to tell you what I need right here." He leaned forwards in his desk, lowering his voice to a soft whisper. "I want you to keep an eye on him. We at the local propaganda office have reason to doubt his dedication and loyalty to the CCP. If he says anything that sounds suspicious or counterrevolutionary, inform me and we'll look into the rest."

Qin sunk in his chair before mustering a response. "I will oblige you to your request, Mr. Geng. If anything comes up, I'll send you an email."

Geng shook his head. "No, no. Emails are too risky. I want you to come to me personally."

"Very well."

"Good, good." Geng looked over his shoulder at the analog clock hung on the wall.

A picture of the great Chairman Mao rests high on the wall. Qin couldn't help but admire it; after all, if it wasn't for his leadership then he would be poor and destitute and unimportant, along with the rest of China.

Just then, a stray thought crossed his mind. By the standards of the west, the year was coming to an end tonight. According to the more well thought out Chinese calendar, the beginning of the Year of the Horse was coming soon. What were some of the traits which belonged to the Horse? He was mellow and determined, yes, but more importantly he was... honest. Qin may have been a child of the Rooster, but even then he made a promise at that moment to try and be more honest about things.

The promise might have been a lot easier to keep if those around him were honest, too.

- - -

It was a great New Year's Eve for the students of Woodward High. The party at Blake Walton's house was going as well as one would expect, with all the connotation that entailed. The music was loud, people were chatting up a storm, and in the eyes of the partygoers the occasional fight only served to liven up the mood all the more.

Jacob Strand and his friend Kevin were hanging out near the corner of the kitchen, keeping their distance from some of the crazier goings-on but still taking the time to chat with others they knew whenever they showed up.

"D'y'know they're giving out actual booze here?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah. I know, right?" Jake's eyes darted around the room, almost expecting to spot the cops swarming in on the unsuspecting crowd.

"You take any?"

"What, and be like my dad? Fuck that." Jake took a sip of coke from his plastic cup, the memories of his father's drunken antics replaying themselves in a mental collage. What he did at the 4th of July celebration a few years back gave him a particular grimace.

Kevin raised a finger across the room. "Hey, isn't it that girl you like?"

"What? I don't see her." Jake tried to look at where he was pointing, but got lost in the sea of faces and voices.

"No, over there. It's Patricia. You've talked about her a lot, remember?"

It was then when Jake saw her - or at least, a small part of her. She was obscured by a number of classmates lining the room between the two of them, but despite this Jake recognized her all the same. She was perfect for him, and he couldn't help but hope she felt the same.

"Nah. I don't have a chance in the world with her. Maybe I could be her math tutor, but not much more than that."

Kevin gave him a sly grin. "Do you think you have as much of a chance with Patricia as you have of becoming an astronaut?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Jake couldn't help but let out a snicker. "You know, I do have other jobs in mind in the likely chance that I never go to space. I'm not stupid."

"Like what? A fireman?"

"No, an electrician," Jake retorted. "Or a plumber."

"You know, I can see you as a plumber," Kevin admitted with a grin. "You're already knee-deep in shit with school, so it wouldn't be that much of a jump."

The two broke out into laughter, which was drowned out to everyone else by the sheer volume of chatter and chaos throughout the party. Yes, it was good being in high school, despite everything.

- - -

"Peace and blessings of God be upon you."

Keykavous lifted himself up from his prayer mat before taking a moment to look out the window at the breathtaking sunset sky. It had become almost routine at this point, three months after he moved out of his family's home, but he still felt a bit uneasy counting his blessings alone. He was going to find a woman one day, he just knew it, and then the gnawing emptiness he felt inside would be sealed once and for all - but that time was yet to come.

He sat down on the living room loveseat and turned on the TV. An imam was speaking on the political talk show, warning the interviewer of the dangers of western homosexuality. His words did little but waft over Keka, who kept going back to the words of prayer he recently finished.

He was a man now, living on his own, and never before had he left the streets of Tehran. There was so much more to the world than what he knew, even in his home country, and more than anything else he wanted to experience all of it. At the very least he would do Hajj and ensure his safe passage into heaven. Yes, he would do it someday. But not today. Not now.
Chapter 8
LEAVING THE CRADLE // A Deceptive Revolution.
New Year's celebrations throughout Russia cancelled due to ongoing political turmoil.
  • Euronews; January 1, 2026.
City of Kutaisi in Georgia falls to Caucasus Emirate.
  • Newsweek; January 1, 2026.
Russian Duma passes motion of no confidence against President Mishustin.
  • BBC News; January 2, 2026.
"Hold onto your hats, everyone. This could be the end of Ruscism as we know it."
  • Donald Carter (CNN); January 3, 2026
Artemis 3 crew returns to Earth.
  • Space.com; January 4, 2026.
Artemis 3 crew hailed as heroes upon return to Cape Canaveral.
  • NBC News; January 5, 2026.
"It was incredible... every time I looked up and saw the Earth, I thought to myself, 'that's where everyone else is.' Everyone."
  • Maria Montenegro at press conference in Cape Canaveral; January 5, 2026.
Situation rapidly deteriorating in Siberia as Russian government becomes increasingly inept.
  • The Washington Post; January 6, 2026.
Caucasus Emirate falls back from assault on Telavi.
  • Reuters; January 7, 2026.
Hundreds of Freedom of Russia Legion officers court martialed by Ukrainian armed forces for insubordination.
  • BBC News; January 8, 2026.
Russian military effectively abandons Omsk to mob of angry rebels.
  • The New York Times; January 9, 2026.
Riots break out in Novosibirsk over increased military presence.
  • Le Monde; January 10, 2026.
Kilicdaroglu administration continues decades-old Turkish government policy of Armenian genocide denial.
  • Human Rights Watch; January 11, 2026.
Russian military unable to control rioters in Novosibirsk.
  • Interfax; January 12, 2026.
Lord's Resistance Army claims responsibility for bombing of predominantly Muslim neighborhood in Kampala.
  • New Vision; January 13, 2026.
Government of National Accord launches multiple bombing raids on Qaminis, Suluq and Benghazi.
  • ABC News (US); January 14, 2026.
Cracker Defense Squadron claims responsibility for the murder of prominent Jackson BLM activist.
  • WMPN-TV; January 15, 2026.
Second motion of no confidence narrowly passes Gosduma with 229-221 votes.
  • Interfax; January 16, 2026.
Russian President Mishustin dissolves the Russian Duma and calls for new general elections before resigning.
  • Euronews; January 17, 2026.
Lord's Resistance Army captures Gulu from Ugandan government forces.
  • BBC News; January 18, 2026.
Local law enforcement arrest three Antifa Lone Star members charged with plotting to assassinate the mayor of Corpus Christi.
  • KRIS-TV; January 19, 2026.
Dimitry Belyakov elected new leader of United Russia.
  • TASS; January 20, 2026.
Third Intifada comes to a quiet and undeclared end.
  • Haaretz; January 21, 2026.
Antifa militants fail hilariously in attempt to kidnap Ohio governor Mike DeWine.
  • Fox News; January 22, 2026.
Personal information of over 200 FBI agents leaked on the dark web.
  • The Huffington Post; January 23, 2026.
Caucasus Emirate reportedly in control of much of the western mountain range, around the Russo-Georgian border.
  • ABC News (US); January 24, 2026.
Caucasus Emirate captures Vladikavkaz from Russia.
  • Euronews; January 25, 2026.
Türkiye makes deal with Libyan National Army to funnel money and arms to Tobruk government.
  • DW; January 26, 2026.
Moldovan armed forces launch invasion of Transnistria.
  • Reuters; January 27, 2026.
Warlord proclaims All-Russian People's Council in Krasnoyarsk.
  • BBC News; January 28, 2026.
Governor of Iran's Semnan province under fire for alleged extramarital affair with minor.
  • Al Jazeera; January 29, 2026.
Caucasus Emirate forces launch isolated assault on Durban.
  • CNN; January 30, 2026.
LRA crashes hijacked aircraft into Uganda National Mosque.
  • New Vision; January 31, 2026.
Cracker Defense Squadron claims responsibility for the delivery of mail bombs to over 20 high-ranking FBI agents; all were defused with no casualties.
  • Right Wing Watch; February 1, 2026.
President Belyakov promises to "bring the country back together" in public speech at Moscow.
  • TASS; February 2, 2026.
New Twitter hashtag #QuitTheFlaunt advocates for the boycott of Pride Month celebrations.
  • Fox News; February 3, 2026.
Christians in occupied Kutaisi subject to mass forced conversions by Caucasus Emirate soldiers.
  • Euronews; February 4, 2026.
Group calling itself the "Restored USSR" launches guerilla campaign throughout Arkhangelsk Oblast.
  • Reuters; February 5, 2026.
2026 Winter Olympics open in Milan and Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy.
  • BBC Sport; February 6, 2026.
Former video game streaming giant Twitch announces that it will be shutting down at the end of May.
  • PC Gamer; February 7, 2026.
Pittsburgh Steelers beat San Francisco 49ers 18-8 in Super Bowl LX at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara.
  • NBC Sports; February 8, 2026.
Construction begins on Nu Atlantis.
  • The Miami Herald; February 9, 2026.
Much of southwestern Libya under GNA control.
  • Al Jazeera; February 10, 2026.
Russian Duma election results: United Russia loses 104 seats. Communist Party gains 14 seats. SRZP gains 24 seats. LPDR gains 35 seats. New People gains 31 seats.
  • AP; February 11, 2026.
Antifa Lone Star leader gone missing for over two weeks - and many suspect she was killed.
  • Left Wing Watch; February 12, 2026.
United Russia enters coalition agreement with LPDR and SRZP.
  • DW; February 13, 2026.
People's Republic of Transnistria collapses due to impromptu Moldovan invasion.
  • CNN; February 14, 2026.
Disgruntled Russian army soldiers stationed in Bratsk stage mutiny against commanding officers.
  • The New York Times; February 15, 2026.
Military officials stage coup against government of Sakha Republic.
  • TASS; February 16, 2026.
2036 Summer Olympics to be held in Mexico City.
  • CBS Sports; February 17, 2026.
Lord's Resistance Army captures Labongo.
  • Reuters; February 18, 2026.
Durban falls to Caucasus Emirate while additional forces make push into Azerbaijan.
  • Euronews; February 19, 2026.
US appellate court rules in favor of Paramount in copyright infringement lawsuit against DeepReel.
  • The Wall Street Journal; February 20, 2026.
Caucasus Emirate captures Sochi and Adler in dual-pronged push towards Black Sea.
  • NBC News; February 21, 2026.
Milan Winter Olympics come to a close.
  • ESPN; February 22, 2026.
DeepReel makes appeal to the Supreme Court.
  • AI Today; February 23, 2026.
Much of Far Eastern Russia reportedly out of government control.
  • BBC News; February 24, 2026.
Rioting and looters run rampant throughout St. Petersburg as Russian government continues to struggle to maintain order.
  • CNN; February 25, 2026.
GNA launches all-out assault towards Qaminis and Suluq.
  • Reuters; February 26, 2026.
Caucasus Emirate leader Zelim Aslakhanov self-proclaims himself caliph of the new "Caucasus Caliphate".
  • Newsweek; February 27, 2026.
RUSSR reportedly expanding operations into Karelia Republic and Vologda Oblast.
  • Euronews; February 28, 2026.
- - -

Yuliy watched the chaos in the streets of St. Petersburg from the relative comfort of his family's shoddy apartment. Even now, he could hear outside the shouting and burning of refuse, so far away yet so close to home. It was still hard for him to believe that Putin was long dead.

Meanwhile, in the other room his parents argued over something Yuliy could care less about. It was such a common occurrence that it mattered less to him than the hellscape outside his bedroom window. Why was he stuck watching this sordid scene, anyways? Wasn't there a computer he could play games on?

Oh, right. The power was out. It hadn't been on for almost a week.

Just then, the door smashed open with a thud. Some muffled shouting came from downstairs, followed by the screams of his mother and father, then two loud cracks pierced his ears. Now he was scared.

Yuliy jumped up off his bed before unlocking the window and opening it. The sounds of footsteps and moving furniture echoed from below, moving him to rush ever faster in climbing out towards the ledge.

"Please, God," he muttered. "Let me live. Let me live." Then he jumped.

The fall from the second story window gave him a dense, electric shock throughout his entire body. His heart almost reached itself out of his throat before he landed on his feet with a loud crack. He had twisted his ankle, but not to the point of bone fracture. He had no choice but to limp onwards as fast as he could, away from comfort and into the violent unknown.

- - -

PM Starmer advocates for Parliament's solidarity with the US in their efforts to aid the Libyan GNA.
  • ITV News (UK); March 1, 2026.
Blair 2.0 - another example of blind obedience to Washington.
  • The Sun; March 1, 2026.
Much of St. Petersburg in chaos and anarchy.
  • The Guardian; March 2, 2026.
1st annual "ToonCon", a nationwide fan convention centered around western animation, to be held in Pittsburgh from July 10-12.
  • FanNow; March 3, 2026.
Texas Attorney General Brian Mulligan poisoned by anthrax mail bomb; authorities suspect Antifa Lone Star.
  • Austin American-Statesman; March 4, 2026.
Democratic elections for the Free City of Kaliningrad fixed for June 14th.
  • Euronews; March 5, 2026.
"Russia may be collapsing into a third-world hellhole, but don't be so quick to put the blame on the war with Ukraine. The country was already suffering from an economic recession due to COVID and a demographic crisis exacerbated by mass conscription. While many of you may cheer at the fall of Putin's dictatorship, I for one look onward with sorrow as Russia eats itself alive."
  • Tucker Carlson (OANN); March 6, 2026.
Antifa Lone Star claims responsibility for the attempted bombing of a San Antonio police station.
  • San Antonio Express-News; March 7, 2026.
Caucasus Caliphate launches renewed offensive on Telavi.
  • Reuters; March 8, 2026.
Rouge Russian army unit takes control over most of Sakhalin.
  • Le Monde; March 9, 2026.
Russian government withdraws diplomatic support for Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
  • BBC News; March 10, 2026.
"...I'm not sure if this changes anything on the ground."
  • Donald Carter (CNN); March 10, 2026.
LRA captures Yei, South Sudan as part of apparent offensive towards Juba.
  • CNN; March 11, 2026.
Daft Punk releases 25th anniversary for landmark Discovery album - and it's selling like hot cakes.
  • Rolling Stone; March 12, 2026.
Much of Siberia completely out of Russian governmental control, according to new CIA report.
  • NBC News; March 14, 2026.
Hammer and sickle flag seen flying over government buildings in Onega.
  • The New York Post; March 15, 2026.
  • @giveitupfor15 (Twitter); March 15, 2026.
"Holy shit this bot is gonna run forever"
  • @grill3dMormon (Twitter); March 15, 2026.
Caucasus Caliphate's governor of Kutaisi goes rogue against an already rogue state.
  • NBC News; March 16, 2026.
Joseph Kony found stabbed to death in bed at Arua.
  • Uganda Argus; March 17, 2026.
A St. Paul, Minnesota startup is selling domesticated foxes at a very high price.
  • Inside Edition; March 18, 2026.
North Macedonia to hold referendum on joining the EU on July 19.
  • Euronews; March 19, 2026.
New evidence reveals one of Kony's personal child bodyguards was responsible for his assassination.
  • SABC News; March 20, 2026.
Libyan migrant boat headed for Syracuse attacked and sunk by unidentified gunboat.
  • BBC News; March 21, 2026.
"...after reviewing the evidence, we have good reason to believe that this was a coordinated attack. It is likely that if the nations of Europe take no preventative measures, more attacks like these will occur in the future."
  • Europol Executive Director Catherine De Bolle on the Libyan migrant boat attack; March 22, 2026.
Progress on Nu Atlantis put on hold due to heavy rain and thunderstorms.
  • The Miami Herald; March 23, 2026.
Anti-migrant terrorist group calling itself the "European Preservation Front" claims responsibility for Saturday's Libyan migrant boat attack.
  • Bild; March 24, 2026.
Self-proclaimed caliph Zelim Aslakhanov makes speech in YouTube video, calling for "all the faithful to rally behind God and His representative on Earth."
  • Al Jazeera; March 25, 2026.
New York City Council approves plans for the construction of a 1,863-foot-tall mixed use skyscraper in Midtown Manhattan, making it the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere upon completion.
  • The New York Times; March 26, 2026.
Uganda People's Defense Force occupies last remaining LRA holdouts.
  • Reuters; March 27, 2026.
Russian warlord based out of Bratsk practices ritual cannibalism on local civilians.
  • Human Rights Watch; March 28, 2026.
Europol identifies at least three gunboats affiliated with the European Preservation Front.
  • Euronews; March 29, 2026.
The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2 smashes the box office during its opening weekend.
  • The Hollywood Reporter; March 30, 2026.
LRA collapses into infighting due to lack of effective leadership.
  • New Vision; March 31, 2026.
Construction on Nu Altantis restarts after over a week of delays.
  • Fox News; April 1, 2026.
Caucasus Caliphate falls back after becoming unable to capture Telavi.
  • Newsweek; April 2, 2026.
"To be frank, I don't quite get why the Republicans still have a problem with President Biden. The economy's gotten a lot better since he first took office in '21, the war in Ukraine has been over for several months, and there's still little evidence of any supposed corruption from within the White House. They should be glad that the Trumpists split off and made their own party, and they should also be glad that the nation is beginning to stabilize after over a decade of civil unrest."
  • Donald Carter (CNN); April 3, 2026.
Moroccan migrant boat sunk by EPF Q-ship.
  • ABC (Spanish newspaper); April 4, 2026.
Former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro dies in prison at age 71.
  • Euronews; April 5, 2026.
Super Mario 3 movie based on the Galaxy game series announced for 2028.
  • Entertainment Weekly; April 6, 2026.
Free Papua Movement launches concurrent raid on multiple Indonesian military bases near Timika.
  • ABC News (Australia); April 7, 2026.
RUSSR reportedly in control of several major cities of Arkhangelsk Oblast.
  • DW; April 8, 2026.
EPF gunboat sunk by Spanish naval squadron near Malta.
  • ABC (Spanish newspaper); April 9, 2026.
Meta Platforms files for bankruptcy.
  • Forbes; April 10, 2026.
Mark Zuckerberg resigns as CEO of Meta following fallout from bankruptcy announcement.
  • The Wall Street Journal; April 11, 2026.
"One of the five great pillars of Big Tech has fallen. We can only wait and see if others will follow."
  • @ZuckerSuckr (Twitter); April 12, 2026.
Gulu and Aringa recaptured by Ugandan government.
  • The Daily Monitor; April 13, 2026.
EPF gunboat identified at port in Monrovia.
  • The Huffington Post; April 14, 2026.
Instagram purchased by Alphabet-Microsoft partnership.
  • Business Insider; April 15, 2026.
Tanzanian authorities capture EPF gunboat docked at Dar es Salaam.
  • SABC News; April 16, 2026.
Nintendo and Illumination announce upcoming Legend of Zelda movie, set for release in late 2027.
  • The Hollywood Reporter; April 17, 2026.
Three Cracker Defense Squadron ringleaders arrested during FBI sting operation in Billings, Montana.
  • Right Wing Watch; April 18, 2026.
UPDF mops up last remnants of Lord's Resistance Army.
  • New Vision; April 19, 2026.
Bolsonaro estate sues Campo Grande Federal Penitentiary, alleging guards committed prisoner abuse during the former president's internment.
  • TV Brasilia; April 20, 2026.
Self-proclaimed "Emir of Derbent" renounces allegiance to Caucasus Caliphate, prompting infighting between garrisoned troops.
  • Reuters; April 21, 2026.
Supreme Court agrees to hear Paramount v. DeepReel in September.
  • AI Today; April 22, 2026.
EPF claims responsibility for bombing of predominantly immigrant neighborhood of Athens.
  • Alpha TV News; April 24, 2026.
Man opens fire on marathon runners in New Orleans.
  • The New Orleans Advocate; April 25, 2026.
New Orleans marathon shooter identified as Harry Bourgeois, Stormfront regular and known white supremacist.
  • CNN; April 26, 2026.
"You couldn't make that name more fitting if you tried."
  • @ItreoGuevera (Twitter); April 26, 2026.
Caucasus Caliphate loses control of Sochi.
  • DW; April 27, 2026.
Facebook to continue operation as a subsidiary of Apple.
  • The Washington Post; April 28, 2026.
Eurpol issues list of 9 gunboats identified as being affiliated with the European Preservation Front.
  • Euronews; April 29, 2026.
RUSSR claims responsibility for bombing of prominent United Russia politician's St. Petersburg apartment.
  • RT; April 30, 2026.
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The fact that the Russian Warlord Era began in 2026 would have struck some as a surprise to those living during the waning years of the Soviet Union. They never would have guessed that instead of the USSR's breakup serving as the catalyst for a fractured Russia and years of brutal civil war, a certain KGB official would instead take the reigns and prolong the mother country's collapse by a whopping 35 years. It was perhaps a miracle on Putin's part, and a tragedy to the rest of Russia.

Nonetheless, by the spring solstice of 2026 it was clear that chaos was here to stay. Dimitry Belyakov, a relative newcomer to the upper echelons of the Russian governmental apparatus, struggled to maintain control over Siberia, and by the beginning of April he and his government had quietly admitted defeat. In his private memoirs which remained unpublished until years after his death, he recounted the personal struggle he underwent in trying to live up to his predecessor's image:

"Vladimir Putin was irreplaceable. Yet it fell upon me to replace him. I never truly wanted this role; it was thrust upon me as a political compromise. I knew he put on me an insurmountable task, yet I had no choice but to try in vain to solve it... it was hell on earth in Russia, yes, but it was a hell that could be tamed."[1]
  • Yuriy Ponikarov. "Hibernation: A History of Post-Soviet Russia", Netsk Online Publishing, 2076.
[1] Dimitry Belyakov. "The Struggle of the Lawman", Moscow Virtual Press, 2074.
Damn. Poor Russia.

Though I hoped there will be no National Salvation Front coming out during that era and coup the hapless Russian government, then splitting into something the world isn't ready for it.
The fact that the Russian Warlord Era began in 2026 would have struck some as a surprise to those living during the waning years of the Soviet Union. They never would have guessed that instead of the USSR's breakup serving as the catalyst for a fractured Russia and years of brutal civil war, a certain KGB official would instead take the reigns and prolong the mother country's collapse by a whopping 35 years. It was perhaps a miracle on Putin's part, and a tragedy to the rest of Russia.
The way this snippet is written makes it sound like Putin took power immediately after the Soviet Union's collapse. I guess the Yeltsin and Medvedev presidencies are lumped in with Putin's rule by historians in this world.
Y'know, there is a major issue here that needs remedying on the US side of things, that being the corrupted SCOTUS. That they've emerged so little as an antagonistic force so far makes me wonder if a couple of them didn't get hit by a bus early on. They're slated to hear a case challenging the Chevron defense next year and I dread to think of a world where Grubby Gorusch managed to overturn that with his specious legal 'logic'. Might even trigger a crisis of legitimacy in the court.