Interlude V
The sun hung low in the west over the urban spawl of Greater London as John Flander and Ron Millings walked along the rows of shops and well-to-do cottages lining Longbridge Road. From the other side of the road, the two friends glanced at the rows of trees marking the edge of Barking Park from time to time, although John's interest lay more in the various cars parked right in front of them.

"It's not often we get sunny weather for this long, innit?" John remarked, looking up and noting how few clouds were in the sky.

Ron let out a quiet snicker. "No, 'specially not here in East London. We just can't seem to get a break very often."

"Oh, it's not that bad," John thought out loud. "The weather's as good here as it is in the rest of England. Can't imagine it was much better in Liverpool, no?"

"Oh, I barely remember Liverpool, you know that," Ron replied. "Though I can't imagine you're wrong."

The two walked in silence for a brief few moments before John changed the subject to something he would later regret. "Have you watched the news lately? They say Biden's building a coalition with NATO to 'save' Iran. Like they should be saved in the first place."

"Oh, he's not doing it for the sake of democracy, there's no doubt about that. He and Starmer and all of the other world leaders are all in it for their own ends, not ours. Cultural Marxism is the real endgame."


Ron's expression remained stone cold. "Remember 2024? The Republicans were purposefully trying to re-elect Biden because both of them are controlled by the same globalist elite. It's all part of their master plan to bring about their shitty New World Order."

John snorted at his friend's claim without skipping a beat. "You're an enormous knob, you know that?"

Ron shook his head before stopping near a corner to lean on the aging brick wall. "Yeah, and what? The real knobs are the ones controlling the world and trying to tear it down!"

"Fine, then," John replied, "Why do you care more about American politics more than what's going on between us and the other lads at school?"

"Oh, come on, John! You know I care about you and the others! I-"

"Don't play games. I haven't seen you at all outside of school for two weeks, and everyone I've talked to says the same. You're avoiding us all on purpose, and I'd like to know why."

Ron gave John a narrow-eyed glare, his lips twitching in a desperate attempt to form words. "Er... John... listen, I've got to get dinner. My mum must be worried sick about me." Without even saying goodbye, he turned around the corner and walked off in a huff, leaving John alone on the sidewalk alone and somewhat confused.

Something had gotten into Ron, and he had a feeling he knew what it was.

- - -

Pat McElroy was playing Team Fortress 2 when he heard a knock on his bedroom door. It took no time at all for him to respond with a warm "come in", sure in his mind he knew exactly who it was. Good thing we moved into a proper house instead of a dorm now that we're starting senior year real soon, he thought to himself.

True to his speculation, Pat's roommate Erin was the one who opened the door. They were wearing a plain gray sweatshirt with a plaid skirt. "Hey, I haven't seen you at all today. How was the AA meeting?"

"It went pretty good. I think I'm starting to get the hang of this sobriety thing."

"Well, it certainly looks like it. How long has it been again?"

"Yeah. It's been... two months starting today."

"Good to hear. Here's to two more months." They lifted up a hand to give him a high-five, but all they got was a slight shove on the shoulder. "Sorry about that."

Recognizing his mistake, he quit the game before swiveling his chair around to face Erin. "So how are you doing today? Draw anything interesting?"

"Yeah... yeah, I just finished another full-body commission," Erin said before shifting to the side. "It wasn't my best work, but they still paid me the full price."

Pat raised an eyebrow. "Really? How much did they pay you?"

"Uh... $150."

"Jesus Christ, you're set for life, aren't you?" Pat muttered while throwing up his hands. "I can barely get anyone to tip me more than 25 percent at the Olive Garden, and here you are making more money in an instant than I do in a whole day."

"Well, it's nothing to be too proud of." Erin gave him a humble smile that they knew he wouldn't see. "I've still got a lot more student loans I haven't paid off. If I'm lucky, I'll get rid of them by the time I turn 40."

Pat snickered in reluctant agreement. "Yeah, me too. We've all got our debts. But I'm thinking more about our thesis papers - if "

- - -

The rolling plains of the Tibetan Plateau poked through the puffy clouds surrounding Keykavous's airplane window. It was a pleasant scene, to be sure, but the circumstances from which he found himself viewing the landscape could not have been any less so.

He had always wanted to travel at some point in life, but to put it lightly, this was not the way he would have preferred. The riots and increased police presence throughout Tehran were becoming too much of a danger to his life and the lives of his friends for him to feel comfortable remaining in his home of Iran. He booked an impromptu flight to another country, having just enough time to apply for a visa and nothing more.

Keka took the moment to turn towards the other side of the window. He had the fortune of not having anyone sitting next to him, although even then it would have been nice for there to be someone for him to occasionally chat with. Instead he turned on the airplane TV and changed the channel to the evening news from back home.

"Good evening everyone, and welcome to BBC Persia. Our top story tonight is on the bombing which took place outside the Baharestan, during the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's speech to the nation of held earlier this morning. It resulted in the tragic death of the Supreme Leader and an undetermined number of additional casualties. Here's the latest with our political correspondent..."

Keka's mouth stood agape. How could have his nation's security allowed this to happen? What was to become of the Iranian government? It was an unthinkable travesty for all this civil chaos to have spread to the country's once thought untouchable spiritual head. Khamenei was the eyes and mind from which Iran made its toughest decisions, and whoever had the unfortunate honor of succeeding him would have to deal with hell on earth if he wanted everyone to come out unscathed.

If there was one good thing about my leaving the country, he mused, it would be the lack of danger I'd be in if I stayed any longer. It was somewhat of a selfish thought, no doubt, but in dire times it was often more practical to look out for oneself over others. He changed the channel to a sitcom, making a mental note to check up on the news whenever he could.

He craned his neck back towards the window. One of Tibet's many lakes was prominent behind the cloud cover. It wouldn't be long before the plane would land, and Keka would finally be at his intended destination. He had chosen a place where he could have opportunities, where he could be free to pursue his life and worship. It wouldn't be America, of course - those bastards were the ones who caused the world's ailments far more often than they cured them. No, his city of refuge would be much kinder to Muslims than any Western country could ever hope to be.

Even though Hong Kong would from now on be his new home, his heart would always remain with venerable Iran.

- - -

The towering facades of inner city Paris cast a comforting shadow on Jacques and Tristan, who were taking a stroll through the streets of their local arrondissement in the final month before they went off to college. Both of them were wearing their casual t-shirts and blue jeans, adding to the stark contrast between the classical architecture of the buildings and the modern fashion senses of those who walked besides them.

"Me and the family went to Versailles yesterday. It's a really nice place," Jacques went on before stopping in front of the crosswalk. "Shame it was built by some nut who thought the entire world revolved around him."

"But the world did revolve around him, didn't it?"

"Only in France, if that. He spent the majority of his life trying to get the powers of Europe to kiss his feet just like any other commoner, and he failed. Go figure."

"Really?" Tristan retorted before turning towards Jacques. "You have a problem with a guy who died three centuries before either of us were even born? I'd hold a bigger grudge against Pétain than long-gone Louis number fourteen."

"Well... I guess you have a point." The man on the crossing signal lit up, and the two friends started down the road. "I'm just thinking of all the people who were pissed off at his grandson."

"I mean, they're all dead too, are they not?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I've just been thinking about history class a lot. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about." Jacques and Tristan crossed back onto the sidewalk just in time for the cars to start moving again. "Speaking of school, have you thought about which college you're going to go to? I've already applied to Paris-Sud."

"Oh, I don't really like thinking about that," Tristan admitted. "If anything, I'll just go for a trade school and pick up something simple. I've heard rail workers are in higher demand than ever before."

"With the way AI has been ramping up for the past few years, I'm not even sure if that'll be a stable option," Jacques argued. "It probably won't be long before all of the power grid repair systems will be automated."

"I don't think it'll be over that soon," Tristan replied while the two stopped outside the entrance to his apartment building. "Anyways, I've got a spare VR headset from my cousin. You wanted to take a look at it, right?"

"Yeah, I've been thinking about getting one for a while. There's troublesome technology, and then there's the stuff you want to see succeed. I'm really excited to see what will become of VR in the future."

- - -

"...if there's one promise the Democratic Party hasn't been keeping well enough, it would have to be their commitment to the working class and urban poor. As your representative, I will work day and night to ensure that the rights of blue collar workers are maintained and protected. Furthermore, I assure you that if I am elected, you won't need to worry about where the homeless will get their next meal, or if Joe the construction workers' pay won't be enough to let him live comfortably. I want to thank the wonderful people at the Covina Teamster's Union for letting me speak here, and I wish you all a good night."

Bernard Domodo walked away from the podium with a smile on his face. In his mind, there was no possibility of him losing the general election - the district had been blue since the years of Bush Senior. The hardest part of the campaign was over, and now the real challenge would be navigating the byzantine politics of Capitol Hill.

The crisp L.A. air remained pungent even at this late hour, as Bern walked out the backdoor of the facility towards his parked Mercedes. As he walked towards the door to the driver's seat, he took a moment to think about how surreal all of this was. Barring some freak anomaly favoring the local Republicans, at the start of next year he would be taking his seat in the House of Representatives, taking part of a select club limited to 535 of the nation's highest elite. He still couldn't get over how little money he had been able to raise compared to the other Democratic candidates, and how he had won the primary in spite of that fact.

Upon putting his key in the ignition, another thought crossed his mind: he hadn't spoken much with his old bandmates, despite those promises he made back when he started. He was able to keep up with them back during the primary, but as of late he had been taking less and less time out of his schedule to do the occasional gig.

Oh well, he thought as he pulled his car out into the street. I don't think I was all that cut out for being a guitarist, anyways. The political arena was much more exciting.
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Well, things are getting bettee for the most part. Though the situation of Iran in this TL could worry, even their rivals, after what happened to Russia.
Chapter A
LEAVING THE CRADLE // Midterms and Mohammed.

Iranian government reports at least 8 additional deaths as a result of the bomb that killed Khamenei.
  • NBC News; August 4, 2026.
Libyan GNA moves to take more direct control of Tuareg militias.
  • Al Jazeera; August 5, 2026.
3 American tourists killed following the bombing of a mosque in Karaj.
  • Iran International; August 6, 2026.
Assembly of Experts appoint imam Shadmehr Gharibian as the third Supreme Leader of Iran.
  • IRIB TV1; August 7, 2026.
Chaos continues unabated in the streets of Dubai and Abu Dhabi almost two weeks after the Persian Gulf earthquake.
  • CNN; August 8, 2026.
Tuareg co-opt attempt by Government of National Accord backfires spectacularly.
  • RT; August 9, 2026.
At least 200,000 recorded dead as a direct result from last month's Persian Gulf earthquake.
  • Newsweek; August 10, 2026.
King Mohammed of Saudi Arabia visits Al Jubail as part of earthquake humanitarian cleanup efforts.
  • MBC Masr News; August 11, 2026.
Government of National Accord struggles to protect south central Libya from bandits and ethnic guerillas.
  • Al Jazeera; August 12, 2026.
Minecraft version 1.29 changelog.
  •; August 13, 2026.
Supreme Leader Gharibian calls for unity and brotherhood among the Iranian peoples in televised speech.
  • BBC Persia; August 14, 2026.
Major flash flooding strikes Bangladesh; at least 100 reported casualties.
  • Reuters; August 15, 2026.
EPF attempt to capture Irapetra on the island of Crete met with overwhelming force by MNTF.
  • Euronews; August 16, 2026.
Government of National Accord erects strong defense lines against mutinous Tuareg militias.
  • Libya Al Ahrar TV News; August 17, 2026.
Over 100,000 people evacuated from Kolkata return to find their homes destroyed by flooding.
  • CNN; August 18, 2026.
Europol releases strategic map identifying over two dozen ports of safety for the European Preservation Front, mostly based out of West Africa and the southern Mediterranean.
  • France Info; August 19, 2026.
Train station in Ahar, Iran hit by car bomb.
  • PBS News; August 20, 2026.
Group calling itself the "Fists of the Azeris" claim responsibility for Ahar bombing; stated goals are to unite all ethnic Azerbaijanis under a single state.
  • Al Jazeera; August 20, 2026.
Turkish president Kılıçdaroğlu speaks in favor of a return to secularization in public speech held at Ankara.
  • BBC International; August 21, 2026.
Why has Biden done nothing to stop the RUSSR terrorists?
  • OANN; August 22, 2026.
Fifth iteration of Cracker Defense Squadron's YouTube channel banned for hateful content.
  • The Huffington Post; August 23, 2026.
Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev denounces Fists of the Azeris in press conference.
  • AzTV; August 24, 2026.
European Preservation Front base near Palermo raided by MNTF forces.
  • Euronews; August 25, 2026.
GNA forces closing in on the Benghazi region.
  • Al Jazeera; August 26, 2026.
Self-proclaimed "Tsar of the Russian Empire" personally leads assault on Rostov-on-Don.
  • TASS; August 27, 2026.
A look at the charred streets of Benghazi, embroiled in war once again after over 10 years.
  • Vox; August 28, 2026.
First session of the provisional Eurasian General Assembly held in Petropavlovsk.
  • RT; August 29, 2026.
RUSSR launches major offensive towards St. Petersburg Pact.
  • Euronews; August 30, 2026.
"There's a lot of potential for a Nintendo Cinematic Universe, and in my opinion it would take a lot of effort on both Illumination and Nintendo's part to screw it all up...I still can't wait for the Zelda movie trailer."
  • LucasParty2 (YouTube); August 31, 2026.
Russian government and allies steadily losing ground in Saratov and Belgorod oblasts.
  • Reuters; September 1, 2026.
Recent polls indicate Republicans may take the lead in upcoming midterms.
  • Fox News; September 2, 2026.
"Remember 2020? Remember when they didn't trust the polls and thought Trump was still gonna win? Yeah, I don't either."
  • Vaush (Twitch); September 2, 2026.
Fists of the Azeris launch numerous concurrent raids on Iranian military supply depots stationed across East Azerbaijan Province.
  • Reuters; September 3, 2026.
Opinion polling for upcoming midterms appearing to largely favor Republicans and Freedomers.
  • Fox News; September 4, 2026.
Eurasian Federation releases public manifesto on the internet.
  • The New York Times; September 5, 2026.
" is within the best interest of those living throughout the former Soviet Union to unite under one banner, one free... from both the left-wing tyranny of communism and the right-wing tyranny of fascism."
  • Excerpt from the Manifesto of the Eurasian Federation; September 5, 2026.
Government of National Accord captures Suluq from Libyan National Army.
  • CNN; September 6, 2026.
British troops stationed in Iran suffering hard from harsh desert conditions.
  • The Sun; September 7, 2026.
European Preservation Front carries out successful raid on naval base near Kalamata, Greece.
  • Bild; September 8, 2026.
National Rally event held in Lyon attended by thousands.
  • Le Parisien; September 9, 2026.
Most of Rostov-on-Don under the control of self-proclaimed "Tsar of Russia".
  • Euronews; September 10, 2026.
President Biden attends the commemoration ceremony for the 25th anniversary of the September 11th attacks in New York City.
  • ABC News (US); September 11, 2026.
- - -

I first met President Biden in person near the reflecting pools where the Twin Towers once stood. It was for a very special and somber occasion - the 25th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, to be specific - and I was invited along with all the other governors, senators and representatives who were serving at the time. Being my usual proactive self, I arrived over an hour before most everyone else. This caught some of the event's staff by surprise, but no one was more surprised at my early arrival than the president himself.

He went out of his way to personally introduce himself to me, giving his greetings as if we were both regulars at the bingo club. I will never forget that as we were shaking hands, he complimented me by saying that "it's great work, what you're doing in Mississippi. You're bringing people together." A Secret Service agent went behind his ear to whisper something before Biden corrected himself with "oh, I apologize. It's Missouri, isn't it?" I did nothing but nod and walk away.

It should have been more obvious to me at the time, but it was clear that Biden was nearing the end of his life. Perhaps it was this moment that helped encourage me to take the next step.

Tim K. Anderson. "Rise and Fall", Simon & Schuster, 2039.

- - -

PM Starmer declares RUSSR an "existential threat" to global stability; calls for "all nations" to "unite under one banner in taking these terrorists down".
  • ITV News (UK); September 12, 2026.
Russian oblasts bordering Ukraine and Belarus reportedly falling into warlord control.
  • BBC News; September 13, 2026.
Moderates overtake Sweden Democrats as party with second-largest number of seats in Riksdag.
  • Dagens Nyheter; September 14, 2026.
RUSSR partisans reach the shores of Lake Ladoga.
  • ABC News (US); September 15, 2026.
Jimmy Carter, 39th president of the United States, dies in his sleep at age 101.
  • NBC News; September 16, 2026.
his peanuts finally went sour
  • @psychicpebbles (Twitter); September 16, 2026.
Fists of the Azeris gaining considerable ground in Azeri-majority regions of northwestern Iran.
  • Al Jazeera; September 17, 2026.
27-year-old white supremacist charged with threatening to commit a mass shooting in a black neighborhood revealed to have ties to the Cracker Defense Squadron.
  • The Chicago Tribune; September 18, 2026.
Moscow-based Russian government reportedly limited to control over Moscow, Vladimir, Kaluga, Ivanovo, Ryazan, Yaroslavl, Tver, Smolensk, and Brask Oblasts.
  • Reuters; September 19, 2026.
Category 3 hurricane strikes Louisiana.
  • NBC News; September 20, 2026.
Over $500 million in damages recorded as a result of Hurricane James.
  • The New Orleans Advocate; September 21, 2026.
Iranian Renewal Force reportedly doubling down on efforts to undermine government control over Shiraz.
  • AP; September 22, 2026.
43-year-old Giobbe Scioli, presumed ringleader of the European Preservation Front, arrested on charges of first-degree murder and domestic terrorism.
  • The Sun; September 23, 2026.
Tsardom of Russia launches major offensive towards the "heathens and infidels" of the Caucasus Caliphate.
  • OANN; September 24, 2026.
Supreme Court rules in favor of DeepReel in case with Paramount and others, enabling software developers to use copyrighted works to train their AI without any fear of legal reprisal.
  • AI Today; September 25, 2026.
"I don't see this ending very well for the American people."
  • Donald Carter (CNN); September 25, 2026.
Justice Hudson writes majority opinion on DeepReel case.
  • Newsweek; September 25, 2026.
Protestors gather around the Supreme Court Building in opposition to the DeepReel verdict.
  • Jacobin; September 26, 2026.
Artwork depicting Mohammed and Jesus kissing each other go viral on Twitter.
  • Vice; September 27, 2026.
Fists of the Azeris capture Ahar from Iranian government.
  • Al Jazeera; September 28, 2026.
Iranian Renewal Force claims responsibility for attempted drone bombing of Iranian Parliament Building.
  • Iran International; September 29, 2026.
Leadership of Tomsk Sultanate issue direct threat on the lives of those who made the viral Mohammed-Jesus romance cartoons.
  • Euronews; September 30, 2026.
"Tsardom of Russia" struggles to maintain control over Rostov-on-Don and surrounding area.
  • ABC News (Australia); October 1, 2026.
Antifa members and supporters hold aggressive protest against alleged police brutality in Los Angeles.
  • Breitbart; October 2, 2026.
Iranian Renewal Force reportedly capturing neighborhoods in Isfahan.
  • BBC Persia; October 3, 2026.
Governor Newsom passes law banning pet foxes statewide.
  • The Los Angeles Times; October 4, 2026.
Brazilian Democratic Movement candidate Hugo Correia de Matos wins plurality in first round of presidential elections.
  • O Globo; October 5, 2026.
MDB wins most seats in Chamber of Deputies, followed closely by PL and FE Brasil.
  • TV Brasilia; October 5, 2026.
Number of AI movie generators surge in the weeks following the Supreme Court's legalization of training Ais on copyrighted movies.
  • CNN; October 6, 2026.
Alleged SDF base in southeastern Al-Hasakah Governorate hit by Syrian Arab Republic bombing raid.
  • BBC News; October 7, 2026.
Supreme Leader Gharibian calls for reconciliation with the West in working to take down insurrection.
  • Al Jazeera; October 8, 2026.
Islamic extremist charged with the shooting of 24-year-old Nick Wallace; claims that Wallace was the creator of the Jesus-Mohammed romance cartoons.
  • BBC News; October 9, 2026.
Russian Tsardom's advance into Caucasus Caliphate territory stalled near Stavropol and Kropotkin.
  • The Guardian; October 10, 2026.
Rwandan Parliament ratifies EAF constitution, making Rwanda the first country to do so.
  • Euronews; October 11, 2026.
Socialist Party loses majority in Portuguese Parliament.
  • SIC Notícias; October 12, 2026.
Legendary film composer John Williams dead at age 96.
  • The Hollywood Reporter; October 13, 2026.
Russian government recaptures Cheboksary from Confederation of Allied Republics.
  • The Washington Post; October 14, 2026.
Midlothian family sues neighbors for the attack of their 6-year-old daughter by their neighbors' pet fox.
  • WRIC-TV; October 15, 2026.
35-year-old Persian woman with links to IRF leadership arrested in Tehran by Iranian authorities.
  • BBC Persia; October 16, 2026.
A visit to Petropavlovsk, the primary center of power for the Eurasian Federation.
  • Vice; October 17, 2026.
New Zealand Labour Party wins minority government in Parliament.
  • TVNZ; October 18, 2026.
Indonesian president Tirta Salmet calls for "further escalation" of military operations against West Papuan guerillas.
  • The Herald Sun; October 19, 2026.
"Hasn't the guy already escalated things enough? What the hell is he gonna do, carpet bomb the whole island?"
  • @TankieSlayr (Twitter); October 19, 2026.
Teaser trailer for Avengers: Secret Wars picks up barely 5 million views within the first few days after being uploaded to YouTube.
  • The Hollywood Reporter; October 20, 2026.
Syrian Democratic Forces launch renewed offensive into Aleppo.
  • Al Jazeera; October 21, 2026.
Black Lives Matter protest turns violent following the stabbing of a black man in Kansas City.
  • Fox News; October 22, 2026.
DeVante Byrd was stabbed by a Hispanic man - so why is the left blaming white supremacism?
  • OANN; October 23, 2026.
"Dylan Smith's grandfather was a light-skinned Mexican immigrant. How the actual fuck does that make him Latino?"
  • @transSocialite (Twitter); October 23, 2026.
"The murder of DeVante Byrd was tragic, and it should never have occurred in the first place. But the riots that occurred in the wake of this brutal killing have been unacceptable, and I do condemn them. Violence should not be met with more violence."
  • Missouri Governor Tim Anderson in public speech following DeVante Byrd riots; October 24, 2026.
Civil disorder has largely subsided in the UAE. Will the financial capital of the Middle East be able to recover?
  • Vox; October 25, 2026.
De Matos confirmed as Brazil's next president following second round of elections.
  • TV Brasilia; October 26, 2026.
Fierce fighting remains ongoing between Iranian government and Fists of the Azeris over cities of Sarab and Tabriz.
  • Iran International; October 27, 2026.
RUSSR offensive towards St. Petersburg held at bay by St. Petersburg Pact and allied Moscow government forces.
  • RT; October 28, 2026.
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders dead at age 85.
  • NBC News; October 29, 2026.
Here's how Sanders supporters still believe his rotting corpse can win in 2028.
  • The Onion; October 29, 2026.
SDF and allied forces successfully crosses the Euphrates in eastern Syria, near Dier ez-Zur.
  • NBC News; October 30, 2026.
Man in clown costume found stabbed to death in Queens.
  • The New York Times; October 31, 2026.
Government coalition retains majority in Folketing.
  • TV Avisen; November 1, 2026.
All of the Kuril Islands reportedly under Eurasian Federation Control.
  • NBC News; November 1, 2026.
"I still think there's a lot going for the Democrats in today's elections. Overall, Biden has been able to maintain a strong leadership during this time of great crisis, and it's very possible that his strategy will return great dividends for his party in terms of flipped Congressional seats, gubernatorial victories and winning control over the state legislatures. Not to mention that the conservative vote has been divided thanks to the rise of the Freedom Party."
  • Donald Carter (CNN); November 2, 2026.
"Given the Freedom Party's rather lackluster successes during last year's elections, I don't see them getting much farther in the ballot box today. They may have the backing of the Trump family and a number of influential hardcore conservatives, but the two-party system that has persisted in the United States since its very founding has been able to weather plenty of challenges to their dominion in the past, and this time things don't seem very different."
  • Tucker Carlson (OANN); November 2, 2026.
"You heard it here first, folks: the Republicans have it in the bag. The six-year itch came for both Clinton and Obama, and today we're going to see it hit Biden in 2026."
  • Jesse Watters (Fox News); November 2, 2026.
Democrats lose 15 seats in the House and 2 seats in the Senate.
  • The New York Times; November 3, 2026.
"Now, what did I tell you?"
  • Jesse Waters (Fox News); November 3, 2026.
"Well, it looks like the Senate is now split 50-50 for the first time since after the election of 2000, and with a Democrat-led executive branch it seems to be that they'll be calling the shots in there for the next two years."
  • Danielle Warburg (MSNBC); November 3, 2026.
Democrat Byron Donalds elected future Governor of Florida.
  • The Miami Herald; November 3, 2026.
Governor Kathy Hochul wins yesterday's re-election.
  • The New York Post; November 3, 2026.
Former governor John Hickenlooper wins re-election to US Senate.
  • The Denver Post; November 3, 2026.
Musician Bernard Domodo wins race for California's 31st congressional district.
  • The Los Angeles Times; November 3, 2026.
Governor Abbot narrowly wins re-election.
  • KTBC; November 3, 2026.
Freedom Party gains plurality in Idaho House of Representatives and Alabama Senate; coalitions with Republican legislators seem likely.
  • NBC News; November 3, 2026.
Republican Albert Harrison elected Governor of Ohio.
  • The Toledo Blade; November 3, 2026.
Rob Bonta elected Governor of California.
  • KCRA-TV; November 3, 2026.
Two Freedom Party candidates elected to the House, ringing alarm bells in the minds of political analysts throughout the country.
  • The Washington Post; November 3, 2026.
Pirate Party candidate for Vermont state house wins race against both Democratic and Republican opponents.
  • WCAX-TV; November 3, 2026.
- - -

The Iranian Renewal Force was a culmination of decades of unaddressed grievances against the Islamic Republic of Iran from the liberal youth. For years they jockeyed for increased secularization, sexual equality and other basic human rights, and time and time again they were either denied or ignored. While it still remains likely that they were the minority within Iran - even amongst their own generation - the collapse of Putin's Russia at the start of 2026 and the July Persian Gulf earthquake served as the final catalyst for those disaffected activists to rise up and start fighting.

At first, popular support was limited to the major cities, while those living in rural areas who remained complacent with the Iranian government were opposed to the IRF's goals at best. This mandated the utilization of guerilla tactics and urban warfare amongst all ranks of their membership. Even though most of the rank-and-file had poor combat skills the leadership were well poised to get as much information on asymmetric warfare as they could, by the end of 2026 those who survived had enough experience to begin making significant gains against the authoritarian government they so much opposed - despite the fact that many of their friends had died in the fighting.
  • Donavan Halpert. "Republic of Submission: The History of Modern Iran", Amazon Digital Publishing, 2055.
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I'm sorry but my disbelief has been disrupted, mostly because the Democratic party isn't in open revolt over getting into another foreign quagmire. There is literally no way there would be any real public support for foreign adventurism, let alone this level of 2000s-era rewind. Unless the plot is to break up all existing political blocs, I don't see how this doesn't turn into an immediate win for the far right.
Has Afghanistan and Iraq taught them nothing? What were they thinking! Iran is 2.5 times larger than Afghanistan, just as mountainous with a larger and educated population with a large civilian and millitary industrial base, no wonder is going to fail.
Has Afghanistan and Iraq taught them nothing? What were they thinking! Iran is 2.5 times larger than Afghanistan, just as mountainous with a larger and educated population with a large civilian and millitary industrial base, no wonder is going to fail.
Well, the U.S could brush it off as an humanitarian intervention that could hold up scrutiny by the United Nations (after all, OTL UN is begging every nations to intervene, under the guise of humanitarian reasons, in Haiti).

That, and maybe the U.S foreign policy is emboldened to the Ukrainian victory against the Russians (assuming this TL showcased the Taiwan Crisis).
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Well, the U.S could brush it off as an humanitarian intervention that could hold up scrutiny by the United Nations (after all, OTL UN is begging every nations to intervene, under the guise of humanitarian reasons, in Haiti).

That, and maybe the U.S foreign policy is emboldened to the Ukrainian victory against the Russians (assuming this TL showcased the Taiwan Crisis).

20 years of forever war scars do not vanish overnight. Especially when there has been no attack on American soil by Iran or Iranian affiliates. If anything, the failed nuclear attack should've been way more of a trigger to attack Russia.
Small correction, Bernie Sanders would be 85 on this date.

Thanks for pointing that out. It's been fixed.

I'm sorry but my disbelief has been disrupted, mostly because the Democratic party isn't in open revolt over getting into another foreign quagmire. There is literally no way there would be any real public support for foreign adventurism, let alone this level of 2000s-era rewind. Unless the plot is to break up all existing political blocs, I don't see how this doesn't turn into an immediate win for the far right.

Has Afghanistan and Iraq taught them nothing? What were they thinking! Iran is 2.5 times larger than Afghanistan, just as mountainous with a larger and educated population with a large civilian and millitary industrial base, no wonder is going to fail.

Yeah, you're both right. I don't know what I was thinking for that one. I'll go ahead and tone it down to be more in line with the interventions in Libya and Syria, and maybe add in some direct action against RUSSR.

How severe is starvation in Russia right now?

It's most severe in eastern Siberia, where cohesion is at its least and food is the most scarce, while the Moscow government has been comparatively well-off. A major reason for why the Eurasian Federation has had so much success was the fact that its leaders were able to strike lucrative deals with foreign trade companies and get aid in the form of basic supplies from humanitarian organizations based out of the US, Australia, South Korea and Japan.
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A big improvement overall. Though I imagine a lot of US companies will end up getting taken to court in the EU if they violate copyright law there. While the current SCOTUS lineup may have just exploded existing copyright law in the States with their ruling, that doesn't mean there won't be consequences outside the US.
Chapter B

"On one hand I'm glad the two-party system is finally starting to break down. On the other hand I'm afraid about what might end up taking its place."
  • @ItreoGuevera (Twitter); November 4, 2026.
Boston Red Sox defeat Arizona Diamondbacks 4-1 in 2026 World Series.
  • Fox Sports; November 5, 2026.
Iranian government begins emergency relocation from violence-racked Tehran to Ramsar, on the Caspian coast.
  • BBC Persia; November 6, 2026.
Recount confirms Freedom Party candidate John Bryce as representative for Nevada's 2nd Congressional district.
  • KRXI-TV; November 7, 2026.
Iranian military successfully defends Beharestan from angry mob of rioters.
  • Al Jazeera; November 8, 2026.
Syrian Democratic Forces spring renewed assault on Aleppo.
  • ABC News (US); November 9, 2026.
Over 1,200 recorded casualties within first 24 hours of fighting in Aleppo.
  • Reuters; November 10, 2026.
Passenger train inbound for Nagpur from Mumbai derails, killing 24 and injuring dozens more.
  • ITV News (India); November 11, 2026.
What the chaos in Russia could mean for the EU's stability.
  • Fox News; November 12, 2026.
Shots fired during President Jon Ramaphosa's public speech held in Johannesburg.
  • City Press (South Africa); November 13, 2026.
Eurasianists stage successful military coup against leadership of the People's Republic of Sakhalin.
  • Newsweek; November 14, 2026.
Shells rain over Aleppo once again as Assad and the SDF are locked in a brutal struggle over control of the city.
  • Vox; November 15, 2026.
Is the Biden administration sending funds and military aid to the Eurasian Federation?
  • Fox News; November 16, 2026.
Fists of the Azeris capture Sarab from Iranian government.
  • Newsweek; November 17, 2026.
Former governor Peter Shumlin elected to Sanders's old US Senate seat.
  • WVNY; November 18, 2026.
Governor of Nigeria's Kaduna state assassinated by unidentified assailant.
  • Naija News; November 19, 2026.
Eurasian Federation launches invasion of former Khabarovsk Krai.
  • Euronews; November 20, 2026.
Watch CNN's interview with prominent leader of the Eurasian Federation, Erik Tolbanov.
  • CNN; November 21, 2026.
Government of National Accord captures Suluq from Libyan National Army.
  • Al Jazeera; November 22, 2026.
Losing Freedom House of Representatives candidate goes on mass shooting rampage, killing 6 before taking his own life.
  • Kentucky New Era; November 23, 2026.
Shell oil rig off the coast of Greenland explodes, creating the largest oil spill since Deepwater Horizon.
  • BBC News; November 24, 2026.
Most of Kafr Hamrah under control of the Syrian Democratic Forces.
  • Al Jazeera; November 25, 2026.
"Tsar Alexander IV" makes public speech to crowd at Rostov-on-Don.
  • TV Tokyo News; November 26, 2026.
" people, it has been long past due for the rightful rulers of Russia to guide her noble people back towards the right direction, to bring light where there has been none for over a hundred years. It is time to best the mighty Westerners and their deviant practices - it is time to let the Empire of Russia fly its banner once again!"
  • Quote from self-proclaimed Tsar Alexander IV's infamous "Rostov" speech; November 26, 2026.
Moscow turns the tide against RUSSR's assault on St. Petersburg.
  • The Guardian; November 27, 2026.
European Preservation Front temporarily takes control of Dipkarpaz in Turkish Cyprus.
  • Euronews; November 28, 2026.
Eurasian advance into Russian Manchuria stalled by United Communes of Amur.
  • Reuters; November 29, 2026.
Finnish armed forces on high alert following border incursion made by warlord based out of Murmansk.
  • Helsingin Sanomat; November 30, 2026.
Danish government orders Shell to pay $3.4 billion USD in restitution for the Greenland oil rig explosion.
  • SVT1 News; December 1, 2026.
GNA ground troops closing in on the outskirts of Benghazi.
  • NBC News; December 2, 2026.
New MI6 report claims much of eastern West Papua is fully out of the control of Indonesian armed forces.
  • ITV News (UK); December 3, 2026.
Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige announces the continuation of the MCU primarily through TV shows on Disney+.
  • The Hollywood Reporter; December 4, 2026.
"Are they seriously still banking on that dumpster fire of a streaming service?"
  • diesel patches (YouTube); December 4, 2026.
Argentine president Milei arrested following military coup.
  • CNN; December 5, 2026.
Saudi Arabian government quietly abandons work on The Line following refocusing its efforts towards earthquake cleanup.
  • The New York Post; December 6, 2026.
President Milei escapes police custody for Geneva, Switzerland.
  • The Buenos Aires Herald; December 7, 2026.
Shell CEO Wael Sawan resigns following mounting international pressure in wake of Greenland oil spill.
  • NBC News; December 8, 2026.
Warlord based out of Pskov Oblast launches night raid towards Tartu, Estonia.
  • Euronews; December 9, 2026.
Fists of the Azeris at Tabriz's doorstep, say US intelligence officials.
  • The Huffington Post; December 10, 2026.
Sudden surge of COVID-19 cases throughout much of European Russia.
  • The Guardian; December 11, 2026.
Buenos Aires subject to unending riots against the military junta.
  • TV Brasilia; December 12, 2026.
City of Quaminis captured by Libyan Government of National Accord.
  • Al Jazeera; December 13, 2026.
US airstrike against former Pskov Oblast takes out warlord that raided Estonia.
  • The Washington Post; December 14, 2026.
Russian Duma passes law relaxing anti-LGBT+ laws and policies, but still has yet to legalize gay marriage.
  • Human Rights Watch; December 15, 2026.
President Belyakov professes tacit approval towards US airstrike near Pskov, but warns that "[the Americans] are not to be trusted... if you give them an inch, then they will take a hundred miles."
  • RT; December 16, 2026.
United Communes of Amur taken over by Leninists in bloodless coup.
  • The New York Times; December 17, 2026.
Why it's okay to not celebrate Christmas.
  • Buzzfeed; December 18, 2026.
"See? Look at that! There you go! The War on Christmas is real!"
  • Matt Walsh (The Daily Wire); December 18, 2026.
SDF leadership issue consolidation directive aimed at bringing more disobedient subordinates under control.
  • AlHiwar; December 19, 2026.
Much of north and northeastern Aleppo under the control of the Syrian Democratic Forces.
  • CNN; December 20, 2026.
Constantin Film sues DeepReel for violation of German copyright law.
  • AI Today; December 21, 2026.
Village of Tazirbu captured by Libyan GNA.
  • Al Jazeera; December 22, 2026.
Elder Scrolls 6 filled to the brim with bugs on launch, as per usual.
  • The Gaming Watcher; December 23, 2026.
"AHAUHAUHAUHAUA! Oh, Jesus fucking Christ, look at that mouth movement! It's like a... one of those goddamn shitty SFM animations! Oh my god..."
  • Joel Vargskelethor (Kick); December 24, 2026.
" in summary, the game is highly resource-intensive, you can no-clip through walls, a lot of the side quests are broken, and the story is boring and un-immersive. It's quite possibility the worst Christmas present in the history of video games."
  • LucasOrville331 (YouTube); December 25, 2026.
Argentine junta leaders' headquarters stuck by bomb placed by unidentified assailant; all 5 members declared dead.
  • O Globo; December 26, 2026.
Tsardom of Russia troops take down last vestiges of Kislovodsk People's Commune.
  • OANN; December 27, 2026.
President Milei returns to Argentina and is greeted by a jubilant crowd.
  • The Buenos Aires Times; December 28, 2026.
"Chat... chat, this is not a finished game. Why should I keep playing this if I know I won't be able to finish it?"
  • Vinny Vinesauce during Hammerfell stream (Kick); December 29, 2026.
Will Russia ever be put back together again?
  • Vice; December 30, 2026.
Bethesda releases emergency Hammerfell patch - but many fans are still quite upset.
  • PC Gamer; December 31, 2026.
Montenegro and North Macedonia become the two newest member states of the European Union.
  • MEGA Channel News; January 1, 2027.
Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve 2027 pulls in lowest ratings in show's history.
  • Entertainment Weekly; January 1, 2027.
"I just don't get it... we had Ariana Grande, we had BTS, we had DJ Leenman, we pulled out everything we could get! What the hell are we doing that's pushing everyone away?"
  • Disney CEO Bob Iger discussing the failure of Dick Clark '27 with board of directors; January 1, 2027.
Almost all of eastern former Sakha Republic under the control of the Eurasian Federation.
  • TASS; January 2, 2027.
120th US Congress inaugurated at the Capitol Building.
  • Huffington Post; January 3, 2027.
Marjorie Taylor Greene boldly declares an incoming "new age of Freedom" for the American people.
  • OANN; January 4, 2027.
Tsarist forces capture Novorossiysk, cementing their hold over the Russian Caucasus.
  • Dimokratia; January 5, 2027.
Last wild specimen of the crowned sifaka dies in Madagascar.
  • Scientific American; January 6, 2027.
Total 2026 domestic box office sales about $5.8 billion, the lowest recorded since the pandemic.
  • The Hollywood Reporter; January 7, 2027.
Anti-Milei guerillas reportedly fighting in Tierra del Fuego.
  • The Atlantic; January 7, 2027.
Free City of Kaliningrad reportedly troubled by Eurasian defectors.
  • CNN; January 8, 2027.
Osaka-based cargo ship inbound for Petropavlovsk sunk by team of heavily armed patrol boats affiliated with Manchurian warlords.
  • The Yomiuri Shimbun; January 9, 2027.
Syrian Democratic Forces closing in on desert surrounding Palmyra.
  • Reuters; January 10, 2027.
- - -

The mess hall of Yeltsin Forward Base was a hive of activity and chatter for the brave soldiers who lived there. Despite everything, the rations were still adequate - but even as the troops huddled together for warmth they could still hear the barrage of gunfire echoing off to the east, made by their brothers against their brothers.

Nestled within the pack of sardines was Yuliy Komarov, a proud frontline soldier for the St. Petersburg Provisional Government. All things considered, he was more content with his lot than he was on this day one year ago, but not by very much. Most importantly, he felt like he had a purpose for the first time in his life, and even though it was almost certain that he was fighting for a temporary state he still knew it would be worth it in the end.

From beyond the opening in the tent, the base's commanding officer stepped in with his entourage. He stood facing the masses of warriors, looking onwards with a grim expression on his face. He motioned to one of his staff, who picked up a megaphone before turning it on and blaring orders.

"Attention! Colonel Ageykin has an announcement! Turn your heads to face him!"

The entire mess hall went quiet before the colonel cleared his throat.

"Attention, soldiers. We've just got word from Moscow that the leader of the Restored USSR has been killed. He was shot by his own bodyguard. I bid you all a good evening, and I'll see you at the front lines in an hour."

Before the colonel could finish speaking the entire crowd went into celebratory cheering. They stood up and high fived each other, clinking together bottles of watered-down vodka in honor of this special occasion. Surely the war would be over soon - or at least, this particular phase.

Yuliy was among those who were more or less unsurprised. They had been fighting against these guys for almost a year, and the bullet that took their leader came from within their own ranks. Typical.

- - -

Self-proclaimed General Secretary of the "Restored USSR", Samuil Nazarov, killed by personal bodyguard.
  • Euronews; January 11, 2027.
Kazakhstan's request for military aid from the US against the Siberian Caliphate promptly denied.
  • Fox News; January 12, 2027.
New leadership of rump RUSSR renames itself to "the Russian Commune Collective"; reorients its goals towards the establishment of the world's first anarcho-communist state.
  • NBC News; January 13, 2027.
New England hit by massive nor'easter, blanking the region in over 3 feet of snow.
  • The Weather Channel; January 14, 2027.
As the first of Gen Alpha reaches adolescence, the now middle-aged Millennials are beginning to grow out of touch with current tech and trends.
  • Vice; January 15, 2027.
FEMA agents deployed to Boston area in wake of Thursday's nor'easter.
  • The Boston Globe; January 16, 2027.
"...I know you'll believe me when I say that the Eurasian Federation is bad news. Any group trying to reestablish the old Soviet Union's borders, no matter their vague platitudes towards democracy or freedom of speech, is going to position itself as an international pariah when it forcibly annexes all those independent states... including Ukraine. And when you have a rogue armed with nukes, it's only a matter of when they'll end up using them."
  • Tucker Carlson (OANN); January 17, 2027.
"With the nor'easter over I'm still not too sure about this whole climate change thing. If the world is supposed to be heating up, then why does it seem like winters have been colder than ever?"
  • @DrewOfNewHaven (Twitter); January 18, 2027.
"Keep being stupid. Lmao"
  • @ItreoGuevera; January 18, 2027.
Italian parliament narrowly passes bill imposing stricter regulations on foreign asylum seekers.
  • Rai News 24; January 19, 2027.
"So the EPF have won. Let's see how long it takes the rest of the continent to wake up."
  • @ChurchNotKirk (Twitter); January 20, 2027.
GNA forces deploy northward desert assault towards Tobruk.
  • Reuters; January 21, 2027.
Russian Communal Collective rapidly losing ground to breakaway states and Moscow government forces.
  • CBS News; January 22, 2027.
Cartel-related murders down by 15% in 2026 when compared to the previous year.
  • La Jornada; January 23, 2027.
Indian Department of Space announces plans for an unmanned Mars probe, set for launch by 2032.
  • ITV News (India); January 24, 2027.
Over one and half a million cases of COVID recorded in Russia over the past two months.
  • BBC News; January 25, 2027.
Prominent Chinese pro-democracy advocate Lian Jingyi missing for over two weeks.
  • The New York Post; January 26, 2027.
Russian Tsardom's offensive towards the Volga delta halted by strategic bombings from Moscow.
  • RT; January 27, 2027.
Albanese announces his resignation as prime minister following the failure of a defence appropriations bill in the House of Representatives.
  • ABC News (Australia); January 28, 2027.
The fight for Freedom may be tipping towards their favor, but the war is far from over - what the Freedom Party needs to do in order to take the presidency.
  • Breitbart; January 29, 2027.
Most of Benghazi's eastern suburbs under the control of the GNA.
  • NBC News; January 30, 2027.
EPF destroys third migrant boat in the last month, a sharp decrease from the height of their reign of terror last summer.
  • BBC News; January 31, 2027.
Snap federal elections fixed for February 12.
  • The Courier-Mail; February 1, 2027.
Amur People's Republic remains strong in spite of continued Eurasian aggression.
  • Pravda; February 2, 2027.
Self-proclaimed Siberian Caliphate makes advance towards Kostanay, Kazakhstan.
  • Reuters; February 3, 2027.
Governor Anderson files for divorce against wife.
  • KYTV; February 4, 2027.
Hospitals throughout Moscow and St. Petersburg set up emergency tents in order to cope with COVID's resurgence.
  • Euronews; February 5, 2027.
Solar eclipse occurs over most of South America.
  • O Globo; February 6, 2027.
Ukrainian military beset by frequent border incursions made by Russian warlords.
  • Le Monde; February 7, 2027.
Russian tanks surround the Kremlin as rumors of a coup spread like wildfire.
  • Bild; February 8, 2027.
Civilians jeer at coup forces in a nostalgic throwback to the August Coup.
  • TASS; February 8, 2027.
"Two Russian coups within two months. I feel absolutely terrible for everyone who's been trapped."
  • @ItreoGuevera (Twitter); February 8, 2027.
Russian government forces announce the arrest of at least 5 high-ranking military officers suspected of masterminding yesterday's attempted coup.
  • Euronews; February 9, 2027.
NASA announces the delay of all future Artemis missions until at least 2030.
  • SpaceNews; February 10, 2027.
Uncovered skeleton reportedly belonging to Alexander the Great revealed to be a hoax.
  • CNN; February 11, 2027.
GNA advance towards Tobruk ground to a halt by severe dust storms.
  • Reuters; February 12, 2027.
Labor achieves minority government following yesterday's elections.
  • ABC News (Australia); February 13, 2027.
Houston Texans defeat Carolina Panthers 17-13 at Super Bowl LXI held in MetLife Stadium in Rutherford, New Jersey.
  • ABC Sports (US); February 14, 2027.
Iranian Renewal Force reportedly controlling around one-third of Tehran's neighborhoods.
  • Le Monde; February 15, 2027.
Peronist Argentine Popular Front based out of the Andes launches eastbound assault on Milei's government.
  • Newsweek; February 15, 2027.
President Lukashenko decries the "ugly lawlessness" of warlords bordering Belarus; warns that "if [this] continues then they will have hell to pay".
  • Zviazda; February 16, 2027.
Uganda ratifies constitution for the East African Federation.
  • DW; February 17, 2027.
Frankfurt court orders AI movie company DeepReel to pay Constantin Films over €600 million in compensation for violating the latter's copyright.
  • Das Erste Nachricht; February 18, 2027.
Moscow military tribunal sentences all 6 ringleaders of February coup to death.
  • TASS; February 19, 2027.
In a stunning move, the Tsardom of Russia captures both Pyatigorsk and Grozny in the same day.
  • OANN; February 20, 2027.
DeepReel CEO Brendon Flanders announces that the company will not be appealing the Constantin decision.
  • AI Today; February 21, 2027.
MP for Corangamite, Tyler McLean, sworn in as Australia's newest prime minister.
  • The Daily Telegraph (Sydney); February 22, 2027.
Impending debt ceiling breach sparks heavy debate within Congress.
  • Newsweek; February 23, 2027.
House unable to vote on Medicaid appropriations bill; government shutdown appears imminent.
  • Politico; February 24, 2027.
2030 FIFA World Cup to be hosted by Italy.
  • ESPN; February 25, 2027.
Igdir Genocide Memorial vandalized by unknown perpetrator.
  • Sabah (newspaper); February 26, 2027.
Congressman Arnold Porter [F-TX] files motion to vacate Speaker McCarthy.
  • C-SPAN; February 27, 2027.
How far will Freedom ring in 2028? Here are some predictions.
  • OANN; February 28, 2027.
House of Representatives narrowly votes to remove Speaker Kevin McCarthy from office.
  • NBC News; March 1, 2027.
"Something tells me that he's been sitting in that chair for a lot longer than he should have."
  • Jesse Waters (Fox News); March 2, 2027.
Russian armed forces recapture Kazan from CAR.
  • TASS; March 3, 2027.
Iranian military turning the tide against IRF rebels.
  • Ettelaat; March 4, 2027.
EPF destroyer infamous for harassing migrant boats coming out of Tripoli sunk MNTF task force earlier this morning.
  • Euronews; March 5, 2027.
Sony announces the development of the PlayStation 6; due for release in November.
  • Polygon; March 6, 2027.
"Well, it can only be so much worse than the PS5. Right? RIGHT?"
  • @Caddicarus (Twitter); March 7, 2027.
Chinese National Space Administration reveal details for an unmanned Mercury lander, with a planned launch date slated for 2031.
  • China Daily; March 8, 2027.
Frank Lucas [R-OK] elected as 56th Speaker of the House.
  • C-SPAN; March 9, 2027.
Governor Anderson signs bill legalizing abortion in cases of rape statewide.
  • KYTV; March 10, 2027.
Starmer reshuffles cabinet following the sudden resignation of Secretary for Science, Innovation and Technology.
  • ITV News (UK); March 11, 2027.
FBI Director Jon Schmitt declares "a quiet victory" over the recent tide of white nationalist groups like the Cracker Defense Squadron.
  •; March 12, 2027.
Much of former Khabarovsk Krai under control of the Eurasian Federation.
  • Chosun Ilbo; March 13, 2027.
Hundreds of Iranian Renewal Force militants captured and forced out of eastern Tehran.
  • Iran International; March 14, 2027.
President Belyakov announces renewed offensive into western Central Russia near the borders with Ukraine and Belarus.
  • Interfax; March 15, 2027.
Serbia to hold referendum on joining the European Union on November 7.
  • BBC International; March 16, 2027.
City of Smolensk recaptured within days of Russia launching its new westward offensive.
  • Euronews; March 17, 2027.
Confederation of Allied Republics gains considerable ground due to the waning of Russian military presence.
  • Reuters; March 18, 2027.
City of Cordoba captured by Argentine Popular Front.
  • NBC News; March 18, 2027.
Australian parliament passes law barring primary schools from discussing LGBT topics during Years 2 and below.
  • TVNZ News; March 19, 2027.
Laurent Wauquiez barely in the lead, according to recent presidential election polling.
  • France Info; March 20, 2027.
Russian Federation troops reach Belarussian border.
  • RT; March 21, 2027.
Leaked phone call reveals Jeff Bezos planned to use Amazon assets in order to influence elections in nations around the world.
  • The Guardian; March 22, 2027.
"It's AI generated. Trust me, I'd know."
  • Elon Musk (Twitter); March 23, 2027.
Bezos phone call Truth-O-Meter rating: False.
  • PolitiFact; March 23, 2027.
President Lukashenko gives his personal thanks to Russian president Belyakov for "restoring order in our mutual border regions".
  • Novy Chas; March 24, 2027.
Amazon workers go on nationwide strike, calling for the resignation of CEO Jeff Bezos.
  • ABC News (US); March 25, 2027.
" they go on strike against Bezos for doing something that Soros did for decades? I think I smell some hypocrisy."
  • Nick Fuentes (Rumble); March 25, 2027.
Syrian Democratic Forces reach the outskirts of Palmyra.
  • Reuters; March 26, 2027.
Amazon calls in Pinkerton detectives to help break factory worker strikes in Dallas-Fort Worth area.
  • KXAS-TV; March 27, 2027.
De facto ruler of the "Russian Commune Collective" reportedly killed by Russian Federation airstrike.
  • Euronews; March 28, 2027.
Mediterranean Nautical Task Force captures one of three remaining known EPF gunboats.
  • ZDF News; March 29, 2027.
Kazakhstani military pushes Siberian Caliphate forces out of Aktobe.
  • The Asahi Shimbun; March 30, 2027.
Most of southern Benghazi under control of GNA forces.
  • Al Jazeera; March 31, 2027.
- - -

To those living in Russia during the winter of 2026-7, it seemed as if there was no worse state that this once-great country could sink to. This sentiment was shared particularly among those under the Moscow government, who one year prior had anticipated the splendid blossoming of a truly democratic Russian Federation, but were now under the realization that such dreams were as cold as the weather.

But even during this dark hour, the leadership still persevered. President Belyakov is quoted by a top Kremlin staffer as saying "it's either we win or we lose... and I don't plan on losing." Needless to say, there remained light at the end of the tunnel - even though the darkness was far from over.

Yuriy Ponikarov. "Hibernation: A History of Post-Soviet Russia", Netsk Online Publishing, 2076.
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Whew. Things are going swimmingly in the new update.

But I am very surprised at the quick collapse of Restored USSR after the assassination of their General-Secretary that saw R-USSR transformed into an anarcho-communist state...which is isn't doing anything favors for them in the end.

Another surprise that I noticed is the quick SDF offensive against the Syrian government forces in Aleppo. Such actions would result in Turkey, very wary towards Kurdish secessionist groups succeeding, would like to bomb them from the air like how the Russians do against Syrian rebels; of course, Turkey would also face sort of an dillemna as their allied (and Islamist) groups in Iblib pocket would like to exploit SDF's actions against the Syrian government.

Also, the arc of Argentinian coup (and counter-coup) would lead into an outbreak of an civil war no matter how good is Milei wiping out the entire military junta (which I believe to be either Right-Peronists (I would see Left-Peronists gravely injured as a result of Milei's winning) or the self-proclaimed successors of those who invade Falkland Islands and lost).
But I am very surprised at the quick collapse of Restored USSR after the assassination of their General-Secretary that saw R-USSR transformed into an anarcho-communist state...which is isn't doing anything favors for them in the end.

I admit I may have made their rise and fall a bit too quick, but keep in mind that everything that's been written so far isn't the main event. It'll still be quite a while before the transhumanist stuff kicks in, but when it does direct conflict like this will be put on the backburner.

Another surprise that I noticed is the quick SDF offensive against the Syrian government forces in Aleppo. Such actions would result in Turkey, very wary towards Kurdish secessionist groups succeeding, would like to bomb them from the air like how the Russians do against Syrian rebels; of course, Turkey would also face sort of an dillemna as their allied (and Islamist) groups in Iblib pocket would like to exploit SDF's actions against the Syrian government.

I didn't think about Türikye when writing about the Syrian conflict. I'll be sure to bring them in very soon.

Also, the arc of Argentinian coup (and counter-coup) would lead into an outbreak of an civil war no matter how good is Milei wiping out the entire military junta (which I believe to be either Right-Peronists (I would see Left-Peronists gravely injured as a result of Milei's winning) or the self-proclaimed successors of those who invade Falkland Islands and lost).

The coup leaders were right-Peronists. I added a few entries alluding to a civil war.

Were some words from that Le Monde article cut out?

I meant to write "Russian warlords" at the end. Sorry about that, it's fixed now.
Total 2026 domestic box office sales about $5.8 billion, the lowest recorded since the pandemic.
  • The Hollywood Reporter; January 7, 2027.

The current Blockbuster centric model of cinema has always had a limited shelf life. This may be a sign that it's finally beginning to bite the dust. Which could have dark signs for the theater industry. I won't lie; it will be a little sad to see the classic cinema fade into a niche experience. Then again, who knows; maybe drive ins will become popular again? Also, AMC might finally go under or have to reinvent itself like it was trying to before the whole Gamestop stock fiasco a few years ago.

Impending debt ceiling breach sparks heavy debate within Congress.
  • Newsweek; February 23, 2027.

Lol, this again?

DeepReel CEO Brendon Flanders announces that the company will not be appealing the Constantin decision.
  • AI Today; February 21, 2027.

Either they're confident they think they have the cash to stay afloat, or they don't have the power or will to contest it. Or, perhaps they just don't care?

Something tells me that he's been sitting in that chair for a lot longer than he should have."
  • Jesse Waters (Fox News); March 2, 2027.

Lol. Lmao.
119th and 120th United States Congresses
I've 'shopped up an few images that give a visual representation for what both houses of Congress were like at the start of each of their terms. I'll continue to do these as the timeline progresses.

Might do something similar with other great powers in the future.
Interlude VI
Sollux took a long, good look at the ceiling from the comfort of his spring mattress. Why did he have to change his name? Why didn't anyone try to stop him?

No, he shouldn't be stupid. His friends, his family, and so many others objected to his ridiculous lifestyle choices and warned of what might happen if he continued to indulge in his borderline hedonist desires, and where is he now after ignoring them all? A run-down studio apartment in downtown New Haven, with no job, no friends or love life, and very little else to his name.

Holding up his phone in his arms, he opened Twitter for the tenth time that day. It's insane to think, he mused, that there's a nearby alternate reality where this site was renamed to X.

With each passing week, more and more of his online friends - the only friends he had - were dropping off the face of the internet, moving on to focus on college or their careers. Sollux had none of that. He never even had a name that anyone would take seriously. A name given not by his parents, but himself. Wait a minute...

It had been two and a half years since he changed his name, and in all that time between then and now he never once made that trip back to City Hall. Maybe, in spite of what everyone else had been telling him over the years, he should still carve out his own path and be a happy little weirdo.

Sollux's mind was made up. He exited out of Twitter and went to a different app, an app he hadn't touched in almost an entire year: TikTok. It's a wonder it's still around, he thought.

He had made this schtick his fucking identity, and gog damnit he was going to own it.

- - -


The victory message flashed on the curved flatscreen TV in front of Dan and Belle, two highschoolers who had just played another round of Mario Kart '26.

"Well, you win again," Dan remarked. "Another good night of gaming on the Switch."

Belle put the controller back on the coffee table before lounging back in her seat. "It's crazy how it was released almost ten years ago, and everybody who plays games is still on it like it was just released."

Dan turned his head to give Belle a slight smile. "Nah, it's not that crazy. I remember reading somewhere that the NES was in production for, like, what? Fifteen years?"

"Eh, that was in the past. I think it's better to look towards the future."

"Yeah," Dan agreed. "I've heard that they might make a VR headset next. Now, that would be crazy. Can you imagine how a mainline Mario game would work in VR?"

"I'm not too sure if I want to. I get a bit nauseous whenever I put those on," Belle admitted before running a hand through her hair. "But you know what I do think has potential? AI research."


"I mean, why not? They've already been releasing programs that can AI-generate entire movies and 3D models. Who knows how soon it'll be before someone releases a fully AI-generated video game?"

"Now, that's the thing that unsettles me. If AI can make media just as good or even better than what humans can, then what's the point of having humans write, or act, or draw, or program? It sounds like the beginning of a cyberpunk dystopia to me."

"Bold of you to assume that we don't live in a dystopia to begin with."

"Okay, that's enough of that. I'm not too fond of politics." Dan leaned closer to Belle before continuing. "You mind if I stay here a little longer? Maybe watch a movie?"

"No, I don't want to stay up too late on a Sunday night. My parents will be home any minute now, and I don't think they'd want to see you lounging around."

Dan appeared put off for a moment before getting up off the couch in a hurry. "Alright. I'll see you soon."


- - -

"I have to admit, this wouldn't have been my first choice, Mr. Rivero." Congressman Domodo took a seat "With a name like yours, I didn't think you'd want to go with Italian."

"No, my grandparents were from Venice," Mr. Rivero revealed. "They escaped from Mussolini to live here back in the thirties. I take a lot of pride in my heritage."

Just then, a waiter approached the two politicians, ready to take their orders.

"I'll have a spaghetti carbonara with a side of calamari fritti and a glass of wine."

"I'll have a plate of lasagna with a salad and a Coke."

"Hm. I thought you'd might want to drink a cocktail," Mr. Rivero remarked. The waiter was already gone when Domodo gave his response.

"No, I always like to have a clear head when I'm on official business. Alcohol only serves to keep me from making good decisions."

"I see. Did I see you take a taxi here?"

The two continued to make small talk for a few minutes before the waiter returned with their drinks. Then, the real discussion began.

"So what are you here to talk to me about? Something about DC statehood?"

"Well, that is the gist of it, I suppose," the lobbyist acknowledged. "The Douglass Commonwealth Statehood Group is the nation's vanguard when it comes to taking action for the people of the nation's capital. We haven't been here for very long - it started just after the 2024 election, as a matter of fact - but we've already got quite a lot of leverage in the form of HR 351."

Domodo took a sip of coke before responding. "Don't you think you would alienate a lot of people for pushing the new name? It might be better for you to stick with what's been established for so long."

"Really? You're saying that? I'm sure you've paid attention to history class, right? If anything, keeping the name tied to Columbus and his misdeeds would only serve to alienate people more than if we changed it in honor of someone with a higher moral standard."

"Ah... okay. Fair enough," Domodo conceded. "I just don't know how you're going to get support from everyone in Congress. I want to know what your plan of action is, and then I'll consider voting on HR 31.

"Well in that case, I do happen to have a proposal for you. DCSG has a lot of connections to PACs and all kinds of campaign finance organizations. If you vote yes on the bill, then we'll be sure to create one specifically to help keep you in that office of yours after the next election."

"What? Buying me dinner wasn't enough?" Domodo joked before the two shared a quick bout of laughter.

Just then, the waiter arrived Now that an agreement had been made, the two drifted off to a number of other subject matters, and before either of them knew it the plates and glasses were empty.

"Thank you for your time, Representative. I assure you that you won't regret this meeting." After paying the tab, Mr. Rivero got up from his seat before leaving Domodo to collect his thoughts.

He thought about what his old bandmates would think of him now. Maybe something along the lines of apathy or disappointment.

- - -

In a large tent nestled deep within the Russian wilderness, two soldiers laid wide awake in the same bunk bed. They had seen more than enough bloodshed over the last year, and it was more than clear to both of them that they'd yet to see the most of it.

"So, Timofey... you think about home all that often?" the man on the bottom, Yuliy, asked. His hands were clasped on top of his chest in deep contemplation.

Timofey let out a soft sigh. "I've heard a lot of things from back home, Yuliy. They say the Council's getting ready to go back under Moscow and United Russia."

"You mean the same guys who put us all in this mess to begin with?" Yuliy put a hand over his head in apathy. "Sounds wonderful."

The two laid in silence for a minute. Timofey broke it with a tough question. "What do you think you'll do after the war's over - if the war will be over?"

Yuliy rolled over in his bunk before responding. "I don't know," he admitted. "Best case scenario, I might want to do something with the country's space program."

"Yeah, I'm sure that'll work out," came the reply from above. "Chances are, we won't live to see the end of the war."

"Well, shit," mumbled Yuliy. "That is a possibility. But let's focus on the positives, right? RUSSR's fucking dead! I-"

Out of the blue, the entire tent was bathed in a bright light. An officer in uniform was standing tall at the entrance, though Yuliy couldn't make out who it was.

"Squad И. Meet me in the briefing room. I've got a job for you."

The two friends watched as eight of their fellow compatriots got out of their beds and walked away. No one else in the barracks dared to speak.

- - -

The misty atmosphere of early spring permeated the evening air. A rusty vintage pickup truck nudged its way through the narrow streets of Atlanta, often appearing unsure of itself. While in truth the car lacked a mind of its own, its driver, a junior year high schooler, was as nervous as he could let on to his friend in the passenger's seat.

"You sure you know where you're going?" The car's sole passenger questioned. "You've been making a lot of missed turns."

"I know what I'm doing, George," he responded. "I've only had my license for a week."

"Well, I sure hope so, motherfucker. I'd like my bones to remain intact, please."

"I haven't been to Jamal's house in a while," Brain admitted before putting the car in park. "I hope he's doing okay."

"Yeah, he's doing just fine. I saw him last weekend."

The two got out and took a good look at the house in front of them. It was a quaint, one-story building, nestled in a row with the other houses like densely packed sardines. The front steps to the door creaked as the two of them walked up, where George rang the rusty doorbell.

Another teenager opened the door. "Oh, hey George," Jamal greeted him in surprise. "What's up?"

"Yo, Jamal. You doing okay?"

"Yeah, I'm doing fine. I see you brought someone," he noted. "Do I know him?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure you do," Brain chuckled. "I'm Brian, remember?"

"Oh," Jamal mumbled before giving him a quizzical look. "Well, go ahead and come in." George and Brian followed him to the living room.

Jamal gave Brian a slight smirk. "So, what's up with you? You got yourself a tan or what?"

"It's a lot more than just a tan, my dude," Brian replied. "I've done a lot of thinking these past few months. I identify more with people of color than the race I was born into."

Jamal shot him a look of confusion. "What? No, man. That doesn't make any sense. You can't just be born white and then later on decide you're black."

"Well, why not?"

He shook his head in dismissal. "Listen to me, now. I'm black. George is black. You? You are not black. All you did was spend half an hour in the tanning salon."

Brian held his hands out in an attempt to calm things down. "Jamal, listen. You know me. I've lived in Atlanta all my life. Nearly all my friends have been black. All I want is for you to respect my decision-"

"I can't respect any decision you make if it goes against the truth. Brian, there's a lot more to being black than what's on the surface. You need to know the pain. You need to know the struggle. You need the blood pumping through your veins."

"I don't get what the big deal is," Brian admitted while throwing his arms in the air. "There's a lot that goes into being a man or a woman, but trans people are able to pull that off pretty well. "

Jamal raised voice to a shout, leaning his face into Brian's as he barked at him in defiance. "That's different! That's different! You-"

"How is that different?"

Jamal stopped right in his tracks. He gave George an almost supernatural glare, appearing as if he was about to explode at him for backing up the pretender. The three of them stood in silence for a moment and an eternity, before Jamal broke in with an ultimatum.

"Get out. Both of you. Now."

George stood back in confusion. "What-"

"Get out or I'm getting you out myself."

Brian, well aware that there was no point in challenging him anymore, motioned for George to follow him out the door. In a flash the two were back out in the front yard, racing towards their ride home.

"You're not black, you hear me?" Came the cry from within the house. "You are not fucking black!"
Sollux took a long, good look at the ceiling from the comfort of his spring mattress. Why did he have to change his name? Why didn't anyone try to stop him?

No, he shouldn't be stupid. His friends, his family, and so many others objected to his ridiculous lifestyle choices and warned of what might happen if he continued to indulge in his borderline hedonist desires, and where is he now after ignoring them all? A run-down studio apartment in downtown New Haven, with no job, no friends or love life, and very little else to his name.

Holding up his phone in his arms, he opened Twitter for the tenth time that day. It's insane to think, he mused, that there's a nearby alternate reality where this site was renamed to X.

With each passing week, more and more of his online friends - the only friends he had - were dropping off the face of the internet, moving on to focus on college or their careers. Sollux had none of that. He never even had a name that anyone would take seriously. A name given not by his parents, but himself. Wait a minute...

It had been two and a half years since he changed his name, and in all that time between then and now he never once made that trip back to City Hall. Maybe, in spite of what everyone else had been telling him over the years, he should still carve out his own path and be a happy little weirdo.

Sollux's mind was made up. He exited out of Twitter and went to a different app, an app he hadn't touched in almost an entire year: TikTok. It's a wonder it's still around, he thought.

He had made this schtick his fucking identity, and gog damnit he was going to own it.

- - -


The victory message flashed on the curved flatscreen TV in front of Dan and Belle, two highschoolers who had just played another round of Mario Kart '26.

"Well, you win again," Dan remarked. "Another good night of gaming on the Switch."

Belle put the controller back on the coffee table before lounging back in her seat. "It's crazy how it was released almost ten years ago, and everybody who plays games is still on it like it was just released."

Dan turned his head to give Belle a slight smile. "Nah, it's not that crazy. I remember reading somewhere that the NES was in production for, like, what? Fifteen years?"

"Eh, that was in the past. I think it's better to look towards the future."

"Yeah," Dan agreed. "I've heard that they might make a VR headset next. Now, that would be crazy. Can you imagine how a mainline Mario game would work in VR?"

"I'm not too sure if I want to. I get a bit nauseous whenever I put those on," Belle admitted before running a hand through her hair. "But you know what I do think has potential? AI research."


"I mean, why not? They've already been releasing programs that can AI-generate entire movies and 3D models. Who knows how soon it'll be before someone releases a fully AI-generated video game?"

"Now, that's the thing that unsettles me. If AI can make media just as good or even better than what humans can, then what's the point of having humans write, or act, or draw, or program? It sounds like the beginning of a cyberpunk dystopia to me."

"Bold of you to assume that we don't live in a dystopia to begin with."

"Okay, that's enough of that. I'm not too fond of politics." Dan leaned closer to Belle before continuing. "You mind if I stay here a little longer? Maybe watch a movie?"

"No, I don't want to stay up too late on a Sunday night. My parents will be home any minute now, and I don't think they'd want to see you lounging around."

Dan appeared put off for a moment before getting up off the couch in a hurry. "Alright. I'll see you soon."


- - -

"I have to admit, this wouldn't have been my first choice, Mr. Rivero." Congressman Domodo took a seat "With a name like yours, I didn't think you'd want to go with Italian."

"No, my grandparents were from Venice," Mr. Rivero revealed. "They escaped from Mussolini to live here back in the thirties. I take a lot of pride in my heritage."

Just then, a waiter approached the two politicians, ready to take their orders.

"I'll have a spaghetti carbonara with a side of calamari fritti and a glass of wine."

"I'll have a plate of lasagna with a salad and a Coke."

"Hm. I thought you'd might want to drink a cocktail," Mr. Rivero remarked. The waiter was already gone when Domodo gave his response.

"No, I always like to have a clear head when I'm on official business. Alcohol only serves to keep me from making good decisions."

"I see. Did I see you take a taxi here?"

The two continued to make small talk for a few minutes before the waiter returned with their drinks. Then, the real discussion began.

"So what are you here to talk to me about? Something about DC statehood?"

"Well, that is the gist of it, I suppose," the lobbyist acknowledged. "The Douglass Commonwealth Statehood Group is the nation's vanguard when it comes to taking action for the people of the nation's capital. We haven't been here for very long - it started just after the 2024 election, as a matter of fact - but we've already got quite a lot of leverage in the form of HR 351."

Domodo took a sip of coke before responding. "Don't you think you would alienate a lot of people for pushing the new name? It might be better for you to stick with what's been established for so long."

"Really? You're saying that? I'm sure you've paid attention to history class, right? If anything, keeping the name tied to Columbus and his misdeeds would only serve to alienate people more than if we changed it in honor of someone with a higher moral standard."

"Ah... okay. Fair enough," Domodo conceded. "I just don't know how you're going to get support from everyone in Congress. I want to know what your plan of action is, and then I'll consider voting on HR 31.

"Well in that case, I do happen to have a proposal for you. DCSG has a lot of connections to PACs and all kinds of campaign finance organizations. If you vote yes on the bill, then we'll be sure to create one specifically to help keep you in that office of yours after the next election."

"What? Buying me dinner wasn't enough?" Domodo joked before the two shared a quick bout of laughter.

Just then, the waiter arrived Now that an agreement had been made, the two drifted off to a number of other subject matters, and before either of them knew it the plates and glasses were empty.

"Thank you for your time, Representative. I assure you that you won't regret this meeting." After paying the tab, Mr. Rivero got up from his seat before leaving Domodo to collect his thoughts.

He thought about what his old bandmates would think of him now. Maybe something along the lines of apathy or disappointment.

- - -

In a large tent nestled deep within the Russian wilderness, two soldiers laid wide awake in the same bunk bed. They had seen more than enough bloodshed over the last year, and it was more than clear to both of them that they'd yet to see the most of it.

"So, Timofey... you think about home all that often?" the man on the bottom, Yuliy, asked. His hands were clasped on top of his chest in deep contemplation.

Timofey let out a soft sigh. "I've heard a lot of things from back home, Yuliy. They say the Council's getting ready to go back under Moscow and United Russia."

"You mean the same guys who put us all in this mess to begin with?" Yuliy put a hand over his head in apathy. "Sounds wonderful."

The two laid in silence for a minute. Timofey broke it with a tough question. "What do you think you'll do after the war's over - if the war will be over?"

Yuliy rolled over in his bunk before responding. "I don't know," he admitted. "Best case scenario, I might want to do something with the country's space program."

"Yeah, I'm sure that'll work out," came the reply from above. "Chances are, we won't live to see the end of the war."

"Well, shit," mumbled Yuliy. "That is a possibility. But let's focus on the positives, right? RUSSR's fucking dead! I-"

Out of the blue, the entire tent was bathed in a bright light. An officer in uniform was standing tall at the entrance, though Yuliy couldn't make out who it was.

"Squad И. Meet me in the briefing room. I've got a job for you."

The two friends watched as eight of their fellow compatriots got out of their beds and walked away. No one else in the barracks dared to speak.

- - -

The misty atmosphere of early spring permeated the evening air. A rusty vintage pickup truck nudged its way through the narrow streets of Atlanta, often appearing unsure of itself. While in truth the car lacked a mind of its own, its driver, a junior year high schooler, was as nervous as he could let on to his friend in the passenger's seat.

"You sure you know where you're going?" The car's sole passenger questioned. "You've been making a lot of missed turns."

"I know what I'm doing, George," he responded. "I've only had my license for a week."

"Well, I sure hope so, motherfucker. I'd like my bones to remain intact, please."

"I haven't been to Jamal's house in a while," Brain admitted before putting the car in park. "I hope he's doing okay."

"Yeah, he's doing just fine. I saw him last weekend."

The two got out and took a good look at the house in front of them. It was a quaint, one-story building, nestled in a row with the other houses like densely packed sardines. The front steps to the door creaked as the two of them walked up, where George rang the rusty doorbell.

Another teenager opened the door. "Oh, hey George," Jamal greeted him in surprise. "What's up?"

"Yo, Jamal. You doing okay?"

"Yeah, I'm doing fine. I see you brought someone," he noted. "Do I know him?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure you do," Brain chuckled. "I'm Brian, remember?"

"Oh," Jamal mumbled before giving him a quizzical look. "Well, go ahead and come in." George and Brian followed him to the living room.

Jamal gave Brian a slight smirk. "So, what's up with you? You got yourself a tan or what?"

"It's a lot more than just a tan, my dude," Brian replied. "I've done a lot of thinking these past few months. I identify more with people of color than the race I was born into."

Jamal shot him a look of confusion. "What? No, man. That doesn't make any sense. You can't just be born white and then later on decide you're black."

"Well, why not?"

He shook his head in dismissal. "Listen to me, now. I'm black. George is black. You? You are not black. All you did was spend half an hour in the tanning salon."

Brian held his hands out in an attempt to calm things down. "Jamal, listen. You know me. I've lived in Atlanta all my life. Nearly all my friends have been black. All I want is for you to respect my decision-"

"I can't respect any decision you make if it goes against the truth. Brian, there's a lot more to being black than what's on the surface. You need to know the pain. You need to know the struggle. You need the blood pumping through your veins."

"I don't get what the big deal is," Brian admitted while throwing his arms in the air. "There's a lot that goes into being a man or a woman, but trans people are able to pull that off pretty well. "

Jamal raised voice to a shout, leaning his face into Brian's as he barked at him in defiance. "That's different! That's different! You-"

"How is that different?"

Jamal stopped right in his tracks. He gave George an almost supernatural glare, appearing as if he was about to explode at him for backing up the pretender. The three of them stood in silence for a moment and an eternity, before Jamal broke in with an ultimatum.

"Get out. Both of you. Now."

George stood back in confusion. "What-"

"Get out or I'm getting you out myself."

Brian, well aware that there was no point in challenging him anymore, motioned for George to follow him out the door. In a flash the two were back out in the front yard, racing towards their ride home.

"You're not black, you hear me?" Came the cry from within the house. "You are not fucking black!"
Huh. Does the guy in the last part attempting to do an infamous author who pretended to be black and live in areas so that he could experience the societal problems they have?
Last edited:
Chapter C

Italian frigate Luigi Rizzo, under command of the MNTF, wracked by pro-EPF mutiny.
  • Corriere della Sera; April 1, 2027.
Reddit admins launch another /r/place community project "for one last time."
  • Vox; April 1, 2027.
Several competing sites move in to help deliver the country's online orders in place of Amazon.
  • NBC News; April 2, 2027.
Construction begins on I-95's electric charging station network near Boston.
  • The Boston Globe; April 3, 2027.
Turkish military launches massive bombing raids against SDF bases north of Aleppo.
  • The Atlantic; April 4, 2027.
The end for the Syrian Democratic Forces?
  • TASS; April 5, 2027.
Argentine general elections delayed until 2028.
  • O Globo; April 6, 2027.
What a Democratic victory in 2028 could mean for the future of the nation.
  • The Daily Wire; April 7, 2027.
Social media giant Reddit announces its shutting down at the end of August.
  • Bloomberg; April 8, 2027.
Moscow government launches carpet bombing strike on Tsardom of Russia stronghold Rostov-on-Don.
  • TASS; April 9, 2027.
Argentine Popular Front losing ground in Tierra del Fuego, while simultaneously winning against the Milei government in the Northwest and Cuyo regions.
  • La República (Peru); April 10, 2027.
Libertarian Party reportedly attracting centrists and left-libertarians, according to recent poll.
  • The New York Post; April 11, 2027.
Laurent Wauquiez and Edouard Philippe win first round of French presidential elections.
  • Le Monde; April 12, 2027.
"Y'know, I had a new iPhone on the way when the strikes started. Still haven't gotten it. Thanks Bezos."
  • @ItreoGuevera (Twitter); April 13, 2027.
EPF gunboat opens fire against Libyan refugee boat leaving Tripoli, only to get counterattacked by GNA coast guard task force.
  • Euronews; April 14, 2027.
Libyan GNA's advance through Benghazi comes to a standstill.
  • BBC International; April 15, 2027.
DeepReel releases version 2 of its AI movie generation software, with marked improvements towards reducing artifacts.
  • AI Today; April 16, 2027.
"Still takes almost a day to generate a one-hour film. 0/10 do not recommend"
  • @Soyjick43 (Twitter); April 17, 2027.
Unarmed Mozambican immigrant shot and killed by Hong Kong law enforcement officer.
  • BBC News; April 17, 2027.
Riots flare up across Hong Kong out of anger towards the murder of Orbada Lebonde.
  • CNN; April 18, 2027.
"Normally, this sounds like something that would come out of the US or Europe - but now it looks like it's China's turn to have issues with police brutality. I can definitely see the Chinese government's reaction being a bit more direct than it would here in the states."
  • Donald Carter (CNN); April 18, 2027.
New video shows Hong Kong police firing rubber bullets at Lebonde protestors.
  • Vox; April 19, 2027.
Sega announces the launch of the EU-only Genesis Rebirth, a retro console capable of playing Sega Genesis cartridges and CD disks.
  • Eurogamer; April 20, 2027.
Armed mass shooter opens fire outside of black church in Lexington, Kentucky, killing 3 and injuring over a dozen.
  • The Lexington-Herald Leader; April 21, 2027.
Parliament of Kenya narrowly votes to ratify EAF constitution, therefore putting said constitution into effect.
  • Newsweek; April 22, 2027.
EF troops capture Mirny in Sakha with little fighting.
  • The Eurasian Hope; April 23, 2027.
Last SDF ground troops retreat from Aleppo following Turkish intervention.
  • Euronews; April 24, 2027.
Lexington church shooter revealed to have connections with the Cracker Defense Squadron and other right-wing terrorist groups.
  • Right Wing Watch; April 25, 2027.
Wauquiez elected president following yesterday's runoffs.
  • France Info; April 26, 2027.
Last remnants of February coup forces captured by troops loyal to Moscow.
  • RT; April 27, 2027.
Libyan National Army turns the tides against the Government of National Accord at Benghazi.
  • Al Jazeera; April 28, 2027.
Eurasian Federation enters ceasefire agreement with East Judea.
  • Le Monde; April 29, 2027.
Siberian Caliphate claims responsibility for attack on Kazakh government offices in Astana.
  • CNN; April 30, 2027.
International Worker's Day parade held in Portland, Oregon met with considerable backlash from counter-demonstrators.
  • Jacobin; May 1, 2027.
Richmond Public Schools teachers hold strike over low wages and inadequate resources.
  • WRIC-TV; May 2, 2027.
Following over a month of ongoing strikes, Jeff Bezos resigns as chairman of Amazon's board of directors.
  • Forbes; May 3, 2027.
Crowd heckles Rian Johnson at 50th Star Wars Day convention in San Francisco.
  • FanNow; May 4, 2027.
"Looks like China has largely forgotten about how they murdered an African in cold blood. We can't just sit around and let another Tiananmen happen, can we?"
  • @SocialistAgainstChina (Twitter); May 5, 2027.
Top leadership of the Fists of the Azeris reportedly killed by Iranian government airstrike.
  • Al Jazeera; May 6, 2027.
CIA report claims alleged Fists of the Azeris drone strike was fabricated by Iranian propaganda ministers.
  • The Washington Post; May 7, 2027.
"I can't imagine we'll be around for much longer if a Republican wins 2028. Especially if they're a populist, like Trump was."
  • Joel Laprade (The Mountain News Network); May 8, 2027.
Five Eyes back up CIA's claims of fabricated Iranian airstrike.
  • BBC News; May 9, 2027.
Facebook under fire for favoring AI script writers over paid human programmers.
  • Wired; May 10, 2027.
Can Amazon recover from the loss of their founder?
  • Vox; May 11, 2027.
Turkish army base in Taurus Mountains hit by bombing raid.
  • The New York Times; May 12, 2027.
Trump, Jr. announces bid for Freedom Party nomination.
  • Fox News; May 13, 2027.
"...the American people want freedom, and by God we're gonna give it to them. Are you all with me?"
  • Donald Trump, Jr. at campaign launch speech held in Miami; May 13, 2027.
"He's a lunatic, just like his father. How could he possibly think that he and his party are going to get anywhere?"
  • @ItreoGuevera (Twitter); May 14, 2027.
SDF leadership repeatedly denies involvement with Taurus base bombing.
  • ABC News (US); May 15, 2027.
Last EPF gunboat captured near Tangiers.
  • Euronews; May 16, 2027.
Siberian Caliphate reversing the tide on Kazakhstani military.
  • Le Monde; May 17, 2027.
Concerned activists gather in Kampala arguing against an East African Federation.
  • New Vision; May 18, 2027.
Magnitude 7.1 earthquake strikes northeastern Hokkaido.
  • The Nikkei Shimbun; May 19, 2027.
Chinese government announces "closed-door policy" on all future refugees coming from Iran, Russia, Syria and Libya.
  • The San Fransico Chronicle; May 20, 2027.
- - -

Above Keka Keshavarz's head and the heads of dozens of tired workers, a whistle rang out signaling the end of their shift. For ten hours he had labored, doing nothing else but inserting the buttons on cargo pants, and now it was time for him to return home. It was a hard life, for sure, but it beat getting stabbed in the back once and never living to see another day.

He looked around at his coworkers as they left. Most were ethnic Han, but some were African, others Russian, many children as young as 12. He never had much time to talk with many of them - even those who were right next to him on the assembly line were reluctant to speak much - but that's not the reason you come to work, now is it?

It was a couple blocks' walk to the bus stop. The air was tinged with smog, obscuring the sky above, but it was still breathable. He thought about what he would do once he arrived home, a quaint apartment in the Cheung Sha Wan district, a home betting a modest man like himself. Yes, in times like these it would only be courteous to thank God for the pleasantries you have and for the gift of life.

But no matter how bad things might get, it would be nothing compared to what would have awaited him had he taken the plane to San Francisco.

- - -

2034 Winter Olympics to be held in Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • BBC Sport; May 21, 2027.
Hokkaido prefectural assembly thanks Japanese central government for rapid disaster relief given following recent earthquake.
  • The Yomiuri Shimbun; May 22, 2027.
Subline, Diddit, and Markov: a look at Reddit's 3 major competitors in the final months before its shutdown.
  • The Verge; May 23, 2027.
MIT researchers demonstrate proof-of-concept autonomous electric line repair vehicle.
  • Wired; May 24, 2027.
Consortium of NASA, ESA, CNSA, Roscosmos, Boeing, Blue Origin and 3 other aerospace corporations announce joint Mars Mission Profile initiative.
  • SpaceNews; May 25, 2027.
"...if all goes to plan, then there will be humans on Mars by 2038."
  • Quote from press release statement announcing the Mars Mission Profile; May 25, 2027.
"What I don't get is how Russia is going to be able to fund this while barely being able to keep their country together. Interesting times indeed"
  • @transSocialite (Twitter); May 25, 2027.
"can't be done"
  • Elon Musk (Twitter); May 25, 2027.
"Can't be done by you."
  • @SsocialDemocratt (Twitter); May 25, 2027.
How Russian warlordism may affect the Mars Mission Profile.
  • CNN; May 26, 2027.
St. Petersburg Pact forces moving northwards to former Karelia Republic and Murmansk Oblast.
  • TASS; May 27, 2027.
George P. Bush announces campaign for House of Representatives.
  • Fox News; May 28, 2027.
Tsardom of Russia controls most of most of the Russian Caucasus save for Makhachkala, Izberbrash and Derbent, according to recent CIA report.
  • The Washington Post; May 29, 2027.
Italian and Spanish governments call for the disbandment of the MNTF, despite reports from the EU that the EPF is still active.
  • Das Erste News; May 30, 2027.
Iranian Renewal Force gaining considerable ground throughout Iran's southwestern regions.
  • Al Jazeera; May 31, 2027.
United States government recognizes People's Republic of East Judea as sovereign nation.
  • NBC News; June 1, 2027.
Eurasian troops begin advance into Primorsky Krai.
  • Euronews; June 2, 2027.
Missouri governor Tim Anderson declares bid for the Republican nomination.
  • Fox News; June 3, 2027.
"For far too long, the United States has been divided by political violence and polarization between two sides who won't move their beliefs so much as an inch. As president, I will use every inch of my authority to ensure that we will be capable of coming together as one people, in order to face any and all forces that would be so cruel as to undermine the very liberties and freedoms that we enjoy! Do not vote for me because I am a Republican; vote for me because I am an American!"
  • Quote from Tim Anderson's presidential campaign announcement speech; June 3, 2027.
"I don't see Anderson getting very far in the primaries. He doesn't have much in the way of political experience."
  • Jesse Waters (Fox News); June 4, 2027.
St. Petersburg Pact forces capture Kotlas from RUSSR holdouts.
  • The Guardian; June 5, 2027.
TikTok user faces massive backlash after uploaded video purporting to show time travelers watching the Battle of Flodden Fields is revealed to be AI fabrication.
  • Vox; June 6, 2027.
"What I don't get is why out of all the things to make up for clout, you make some AI generate a video of you watching some boring old literal white knights kill each other. There are so many more interesting and pivotal events throughout history that they could have depicted, and this was what they went with. Shameful."
  • @ItreoGuevera (Twitter); June 6, 2027.
"thought you would've learned by now to stop framing everything in terms of race"
  • @Soyjick43C (Twitter); June 6, 2027.
New report estimates over 20% of all internet posts are AI-generated in some way.
  • Statistica; June 7, 2027.
Massachusetts to vote on universal healthcare referendum on Election Day.
  • WCVB-TV; June 8, 2027.
New York City votes to remove sanctuary city status, joining Chicago and Portland in returning to sanity.
  • The New York Post; June 9, 2027.
Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy throws hat in the ring for Republican primaries.
  • NBC News; June 10, 2027.
VRChat surpasses 100,000 concurrent users.
  • VRNow; June 11, 2027.
President Wauquiez rejects the idea of a European Army in public speech held at Versailles.
  • Le Figaro; June 12, 2027.
Representative Jim Jordan declares candidacy for Republican presidential primaries.
  • Fox News; June 13, 2027.
President Mabandla celebrates over two years of a stable power grid in ceremony held in Johannesburg.
  • SABC News; June 14, 2027.
AOC enters race for the Democratic nomination.
  • The Huffington Post; June 15, 2027.
Brazilian government under de Matos announces its unilateral withdraw from BRICS.
  • O Globo; June 16, 2027.
Tsardom of Russia captures Kamyzyak following months of intense fighting.
  • Nova Roma (Tsardom-controlled online newspaper); June 17, 2027.
President Lukashenko found dead in executive mansion.
  • Zviazda; June 18, 2027.
Military junta assumes leadership of Belarus.
  • Euronews; June 18, 2027.
"I can't help but sympathize with the people of Belarus. Their dictator was finally overthrown, only to be replaced by another authoritarian regime. I hope they get the freedom that they deserve."
  • Donald Carter (CNN); June 19, 2027.
Streets of Minsk in chaos as Belarusian leadership struggle over deciding Lukashenko's successor.
  • Bild; June 20, 2027.
Vice President Kamala Harris announces candidacy for Democratic primaries.
  • CNN; June 21, 2027.
Lithuanian military fortifies border with Belarus following the collapse of the latter's authority.
  • Lithuania Tribune; June 22, 2027.
SAG-AFTRA holds massive strike against the rise of AI generated control.
  • The Los Angeles Times; June 23, 2027.
The Simpsons renewed for a 41st season.
  • Entertainment Weekly; June 24, 2027.
Large Argentine refugee community gathering in Sao Paulo.
  • Folha de S.Paulo; June 25, 2027.
Tensions remain high between Alaskan citizens and refugees from war-torn Siberia.
  • Anchorage Daily News; June 26, 2027.
Agreement reached between Richmond City Public Schools and local teacher's union, ending the almost two-month-long strike.
  • The Richmond Times-Dispatch; June 26, 2027.
All of Khabarovsk Oblast under control of the Eurasian Federation, according to US intelligence report.
  • ABC News (US); June 27, 2027.
AWOL Belarussian army company launches raid across Latvian border.
  • Dagens Nyheter; June 28, 2027.
Representative from Texas, Brian Hampton, declares candidacy for Republican presidential nomination.
  • Fox News; June 29, 2027.
Should President Biden invoke Article 5 of NATO?
  • OANN; June 30, 2027.
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research publishes paper suggesting the future emergence of a new "Generation Beta" cohort, with a proposed range of birth stretching from 2028 to 2043.
  • The Washington Post; July 1, 2027.
Fists of the Azeris claim responsibility for attack on Russian Tsardom base near Derbent.
  • BBC International; July 2, 2027.
Belarussian warlords make raids into Smolensk and Bryansk oblasts of Moscow-controlled Russia, in strange reversal from several months ago.
  • Le Monde; July 3, 2027.
Washington D.C.'s Fourth of July celebrations interrupted by anti-Biden protestors.
  • The Washington Post; July 4, 2027.
3 arrested in wake of D.C. Fourth of July disruptions.
  • CNN; July 5, 2027.
Genesis Rebirth launches to astounding success.
  • Polygon; July 6, 2027.
SDF and Assad government at a virtual standstill since the Turkish intervention in April.
  • Al Jazeera; July 7, 2027.
Moscow government reaches agreement with St. Petersburg Pact for reintegration by the end of 2027.
  • Euronews; July 8, 2027.
Could DuckDuckGo become the search engine to finally dethrone Google?
  • AltTech Insider; July 9, 2027.
Activision-Blizzard announces new Call of Duty game about the war in Ukraine, with a slated release for holiday season of 2028.
  • Polygon; July 10, 2027.
Attack on Muslim community in Stockholm linked with the European Preservation Front.
  • Svenska Dagbladet; July 11, 2027.
Colorado governor Sam Herrod announces commitment towards phasing out combustion vehicles, drawing sharp criticism from local Republicans and Freedomers.
  • The Denver Post; July 12, 2027.
Fists of the Azeris have effective control over much of majority-Azeri Iran, according to recent CIA report.
  • ABC News (US); July 13, 2027.
City of Mendoza captured by Argentine Popular Front.
  • TV Brasilia News; July 14, 2027.
Violence in Tehran starting to die down, according to Iranian intelligence report.
  • Al Jazeera; July 15, 2027.
Houston VR entertainment startup VirtuTech releases the VirtuTech Solid, a robust VR headset on par with big tech models such as Sony and Samsung.
  • Wired; July 16, 2027.
Prime Minister Luxon denounces the Eurasian Federation as "treacherous ideologues" in speech to the UN General Assembly.
  • TVNZ; July 17, 2027.
Mexico beats Brazil 2-1 in 2027 FIFA Women's World Cup, hosted by Spain.
  • BBC Sport; July 18, 2027.
SAG-AFTRA unable to reach agreement with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers.
  • The Hollywood Reporter; July 18, 2027.
How Diddit could become the internet's newest hub for alt-right extremism.
  • Vice; July 19, 2027.
Prime Minister Poilievre advises "caution" towards accepting Russian, Iranian and other refugees.
  • The Toronto Star; July 20, 2027.
Marjorie Taylor Greene announces bid for the Freedom 2028 presidential nomination.
  • OANN; July 21, 2027.
Proud Boy and Antifa demonstrators clash in New Orleans.
  • WVUE-DT; July 22, 2027.
President Belyakov cancels 2028 general elections due to ongoing civil war.
  • RT; July 23, 2027.
Free City of Kaliningrad signs association agreement with the European Union.
  • Der Speigel; July 24, 2027.
Videos comparing Missouri governor Tim Anderson to Hank Hill go viral on Twitter and Facebook.
  • Memebase; July 25, 2027.
Czech Republic begins construction of 660 km long high-speed rail network.
  • Euronews; July 26, 2027.
VirtuTech Solid sells out for the second time since its launch almost a month ago.
  • The Verge; July 27, 2027.
DTJ mourns the passing of late father and former president; claims the Democrats were "working to kill him" in his jail cell.
  • Breitbart; July 28, 2027.
Illinois to vote on ranked-choice voting amendment on Election Day.
  • The Chicago Tribune; July 29, 2027.
Moscow government launches offensive into Saratov Provisional Government.
  • RT; July 30, 2027.
Togolese president Faure Gnassingbé overthrown in military coup.
  • Naija News; July 31, 2027.
- - -

During the northern summer of 2027, the campaigns for the 2028 presidential election truly began to pick up steam. Both the Democratic and Republican fields were chock full of candidates, and to all observers the final outcome remained too far away to determine.

But to those who were more interested in the entertainment that politics provided, the real scene to watch was the ongoing debacle in the Freedom Party primaries.

There were three candidates, a small roster for a small party: political and business dynast Donald Trump, Jr., House Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, and Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas. Over the following years, the exploits of these three candidates over the course of the campaign season became the stuff of legends.

They agreed on only three things: they were against the nebulous "establishment", they believed that Donald Trump, Sr. had won the 2020 presidential election, and they believed that his death in September 2025 was a "hit" orchestrated by the Democratic National Committee. Beyond this, the candidates shared no common ground.

Trump, Jr. put an emphasis on persecuting those allegedly involved in the conspiracy and murder of his father, even going to far as to "name and shame" several Washington leaders who orchestrated the supposed plot. A major talking point of Greene's was the establishment of a "national divorce", wherein majority left-wing states would separate themselves from majority right-wing states in an attempt to avoid civil war. Cotton was adamant on ridding racial left-wing terrorist groups like Antifa, often using white supremacist dog whistles during speeches when discussing his intentions towards those groups.

The real entertainment, however, was the infighting. All three candidates, especially Trump, would come to trade insults and jabs at each other on the campaign trail, attacking them for being "grifters" or "un-American". One incident of particular note was on July 17 when Trump, upon discovering that Cotton would be holding a rally in Kansas City, Missouri, decided to hold a concurrent rally in Kansas City, Kansas in an attempt to "spite him". Trump would afterwards fly over to Cotton's rally and surprised him by entering the convention center with his entourage and asked to speak with him in person. Photographs of the two shaking hands while appearing tense would be shared around on social media as reaction images and memes.

Despite all the showmanship and political theater, the Freedom Party primaries had little impact on the actual election. A Gallup poll in August 2027 revealed that only 11% of US voters supported Freedom, and analysts predicted that this would only go down as the months progress. From the perspective of those living in 2027, it would not be too difficult to assume that the meteoric rise of the Freedom Party would be remembered as an outlier, a temporary fluke in the US political system's two party dynamic. As will be explained in subsequent volumes, this would become an incorrect assumption.
  • Adam-5. "A Complete History of the United States of America, First Edition; Volume XIX: 2009-2029", New Lansing Virtual Press, 2174
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