Interlude VIII
C-SPAN House of Representatives Transcript

03-31-2028 13:00 EST

PRESIDING REP. DAVID JUMMINGS (R-FL): The chair recognizes Representative Domodo from California. You have five minutes to make your statement.

REP. BERNARD DOMODO (D-CA): Thank you, Mr. Chair. I want to begin by saying that my time spent in Washington has been nothing but pleasant. It's a wonderful city, and it has every right to enjoy the same representation as the over 300 million people who live throughout the rest of the country.

DOMODO (D-CA): However, it is also a small slice of the US. If admitted, it would become the 49th most populated state, with only Vermont and Wyoming falling behind it.

DOMODO (D-CA): But this does not mean that its deserved representation in Congress can be afforded to wait until July 1st. The people of Washington, D.C. have lived without a full congressional delegation since its founding in 1790, and they've only been able to vote for president since 1964. Granted, they may have a delegation here in the House, but didn't the Framers intend for the bicameral nature of Congress to be so in order for every state to get an appropriate degree of representation? To be honest with you all, it's a travesty that we are now living in the year 2028, and the issue of DC statehood is still being hotly debated.

DOMODO (D-CA): Of course, the main problem with Mr. Thompson's proposed expeditionary amendment is the possibility for the federal government to get caught up in all the rules and regulations, and not be ready in time for the amended June 1st deadline. To this my answer is simple: have some compassion! Have some compassion towards the people of the Douglass Commonwealth and get past the red tape in time for the summer! Have some compassion and give the nation's capital what it deserves, what it's been yearning for all these years! Doesn't every state in the US deserve some compassion?

DOMODO (D-CA): And that, Mr. Chair, is why I suggest that the House vote yes to Representative Thompson's proposed amendment to expedite the promulgation of the statehood act to June 1st; not because it would hurt D.C. to wait another month, but because they've already been waiting for almost two and a half centuries.

[Much of the chamber erupts into applause.]

- - -

The dingy motel room stunk of embedded smog. Seven learned men from all walks of life, united by a common cause, sat around the room in anticipation of a meeting. One of them was a young career bureaucrat by the name of Qin Luoyang, who counted himself as one of the more nervous individuals among them.

The leader, a gruff middle-aged man named Zeng, began the discussion with an assurance of privacy. "All the cameras throughout this hotel have been taken offline for maintenance. We should be safe for the next few hours."

He stopped to clear his throat. "But with that said: we are here today because the CCP's leadership has begun a war of aggression against one of its neighboring countries. Our objective with this meeting is to organize a resistance to oppose the war effort within the city of Changsha by any means necessary, barring violence."

Another one of the activists spoke up. "Well, if there's no use in taking up arms, then why don't we just go to the university and give students some picket signs?"

Zeng looked at the man with an expression of sympathy. "Open protests aren't going to work, either. We all know what happened on April 65th."

"April 65th?" Qin asked. The others answered with silence for a few terse moments, before something clicked in the bureaucrat's brain. "...oh."

"What we need to do," Zeng continued, "is offer passive resistance. Ghandi style. Make sure factory workers get sloppy in manufacturing war materiel. If the Party requests anyone to perform a special duty in service of the war effort, they should do the bare minimum required. Anyone who gets drafted should be told to stay on the move."

Another man, standing near the window, professed his skepticism. "The Party has eyes and ears everywhere. There's no doubt in my mind that they will find out about us. How can we stay away from their wrath while maintaining these operations?"

Zheng gave him a sly smile. "Well, that's the point of the strategy, my friend: our chief secondary objective is to break as few laws as possible. Imprisonment is inevitable, yes, but it can be mitigated by adhering to order. It helps that we, specifically, will mask our identities from the general public."

Qin raised his hand. "I motion for the adoption of this strategy."

Zheng sniffed before doing the same. "All in favor?"

Three, four, five, six... seven.

"Motion passed unanimously."

This was going to be an interesting year.

- - -

Officer Lawson examined the scene in front of him. The man named Kyle Conway was shaking and sweaty, the car he identified as his parked right next to a fire hydrant. "So Kyle, do you know why we're giving you this ticket?"

"Yeah, 'cause I couldn't find anywhere else to park. There's nowhere else in the entire goddamn neighborhood!"

"There's an open space on the other side of the street." The cop pointed out.

"No, that's way too short," Kyle muttered, scratching his shoulder while talking. "I would've parked there, if any of those retards knew how to park."

"Listen, I'm not here to argue with you. You're getting a ticket, and if you don't move your car somewhere else it's gonna get impounded."

Still scratching his back in a frenzy, Kyle's attention was turned towards his car, where a second officer was rooting around the driver's seat. "Wait a minute, the hell's he doing?"

"He's searching your car."

"Yeah, but why is he searching my car?"

"Because, quite frankly, you look like you're high on meth."

Kyle's face scrunched up as he listlessly turned away from Officer Lawson. "Christ, man, it's not my fucking fault that all these niggers don't know how to fucking park their cars!" He gave a good kick to the side of his SUV, almost falling back onto the sidewalk in the process.

"Now, that wasn't necessary." Lawson kept an eye on him as he went over to the other officer, who relayed some information to him. Kyle was still fuming over his hurt foot when he returned.

"I want to ask you a question, Kyle." He gestured to the hood of his car, where the second officer had placed a ziploc bag containing white crystal. "Where did you get this from?"

For a moment, Kyle stood in silence, almost trembling with fear. "Uh... I dunno, man."

"Well, you had to get it from somewhere."

"Um... well..."

"Listen, Kyle. We're not going after you. We're looking for the big guy. If you tell us where you got this meth from, then that'll help the both of us out a whole lot."

Kyle's arm twitched. "Uh..."

"Be honest with me."

Kyle didn't even say anything. He just mumbled and continued to stare at his feet. Both of the officers stood around him, ready for anything at a moment's notice.

"Alright, if you're not going to talk, then we're placing you under arrest. Put your hands behind your back."

Kyle continued to stare out into space, wide-eyed even as the cuffs were placed onto him. "What? No. I can't go to jail. I can't go to jail..."

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you-"

"Fuck this."

"-in court. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before you ask you-"

"Fuck you."

"-any questions. You have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning. If you cannot-"

"Fuck you. Fuck this."

"-afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you-"

In Kyle's mind, the officer's words were drowned out by the severity of his situation. He hadn't even been doing drugs for an entire year, and now he was going to pay for it. Hopefully they wouldn't find a way to bring up his edgy posts on Twitter...

- - -

"When is dad going to be home again?"

Singdha Patil asked her mother in the somewhat spacious family dining room. The chandelier hung as high as it could, while Mrs. Patil and her two children ate their bowls of paya. They were joined by an important guest: the former governor of the state, C. Vidyasagar Rao, who was hoping to find Mr. Patil but wound up disappointed.

"I told you already, he should be here to visit tomorrow." Singdha's mother answered before blowing on her spoon. Within a moment she turned to Mr. Rao and feigned a smile. "I'm sorry my husband wasn't here today. I'm sure he'll be able to speak with you over the weekend."

"No, no, it's fine. I just wanted to ask him how things were going." The retired politician's hand shook as he slowly raised his spoonful of paya to his mouth. "I have quite a lot invested in his company, you know."

"He's told me you are one of his most valuable customers." Mrs. Patil noted. "How has your retirement been?"

"It could be better," Mr. Rao mentioned before putting down his spoon. "I have more than enough money to keep me afloat, but my safety is another matter entirely. Especially after the events of a few years ago."

Singdha's mother stopped eating to take a quick glance at her daughter. She returned to face the former governor within a moment's notice. "I'm not sure we should discuss that... not right now."

"Why not? Your children lived through the Religious Crisis, did they not?" Mr. Rao waved a hand at Mrs. Patil's two children before going back to his stew. "They deserve to know what happened."

Singdha turned to Mr. Rao. "What did happen, anyways? Wasn't it something to do with Muslims?" Her mother opened her mouth in protest, but quickly stopped once she saw Mr. Rao's brow furrow in anger.

A fist curled from underneath the table. "Those damned pacifists ruined the party, and they ruined the country, too! The fact that nothing's been done to punish them for their actions is beyond infuriating! It makes me want to - " he stopped in his tracks before standing up in a stupor. A few startled gags spewed out of his mouth before he fell over onto the linoleum floor.

Mrs. Patil dropped her drink in a flash, failing to notice its contents spilling all over the tablecloth. "Shiva above! Raj, call an ambulance!" Singdha's older brother was quick to take out his phone and start dialing. Singdha herself ran over to Mr. Rao, a trail of saliva dripping from his mouth and drips of blood rolling out of his head.

"It'll be alright, sir. It's going to be alright..."

- - -

The Baraka household was quite typical among those in Uganda. There was enough electricity to run the lights and a radio, the plot of land was adequate to feed everyone, the three bedrooms and two baths seemed like just enough to house the family of two parents, four children and one grandparent. It was here that Barasa, the second child of Monbera and Mordasa, sat on the floor, eating his stew on a makeshift table.

"We have all done very well today, children," the patriarch, Monbera, proclaimed. "But the growing season is far from over." He doesn't need to tell me that twice, Barasa ruminated before taking a sip of stew.

Mzuzi, the oldest child of the Baraka family, was next to speak up. "We're almost done with plowing, no?" he pointed out. "That's the worst part of it."

"Oh, it may be the worst party, but that doesn't mean the rest will be much easier," Mordasa mentioned.

Monbera chuckled. "Yes, work may be long and grueling, but it's all for a very important purpose." He pointed to his half-empty bowl of stew. "We'll need a lot to get through the winter."

"You boys want to listen to the radio?" Mordasa asked. A chorus of "yeses" and "sures" echoed across the room, and within a minute the family was reintroduced to the radio's evening news program.

"Good evening Uganda, and welcome to The World Today. Our latest development comes from the Rwandan capital of Kigali, where a student-led protest against the authoritarian rule of President Paul Kagame was broken up earlier today by a massive police crackdown, resulting in the arrest of at least 44 university students. Among the protest's secondary demands was for the Rwandan government to pull out of the planned East African Federation, which Uganda, Rwanda and three other members of the East African Community are slated to join on June 1, 2029..."

"What's with the EAF, anyways?" Barasa asked. "I still don't get why so many people are against it."

"Against it?" Monbera exclaimed, slamming a fist on the table. "Why would anyone be for it? It's a globalist grift that will enrich the elite at the expense of small-timers like us! It's a travesty that this scam was able to get so far in the first place."

"Maybe we should turn off the radio," Monbera's wife suggested.

And so they did, leaving Barasa to ruminate on his father's words.
Chapter 10
LEAVING THE CRADLE // An Unfortunate Turn of Events.

Facebook has gone the way of Myspace - how much longer until Twitter or Instagram falls?
  • Vice; April 1, 2028.
Resurgence in secularist sentiment in Isfahan Iran following mass demonstration held earlier this morning.
  • BBC Internation; April 2, 2028.
Nintendo announces Mario movie spinoff series based on Luigi's Mansion, set to start streaming on YouTube TV in late 2028.
  • Polygon; April 3, 2028.
Iranian offensive into Azeri grinds to a halt.
  • Al Jazeera; April 4, 2028.
Anderson wins Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin; Jordan wins Louisiana.
  • Fox News; April 5, 2028.
AOC wins primaries in Georgia and Louisiana; Harris takes Connecticut, Delaware, Rhode Island and Wisconsin.
  • CNN; April 5, 2028.
Completed sections of Interstate 95 electric charging network stretch across the BosWash and from Savannah to Miami.
  • The Washington Post; April 5, 2028.
Trump, Jr. leading Freedom primary polls by 5 points, with Greene coming in second.
  • OANN; April 6, 2028.
China National Space Administration announces plans for the construction of a Lunar space station starting in 2032.
  • China Daily; April 7, 2028.
New Nintendo Direct announces upcoming animated movies based on Mega Man, Donkey Kong and Kirby, slated for release in summer 2029, fall 2029, and autumn 2030 respectively.
  • The Gamer; April 8, 2028.
At least 8 confirmed dead following mass shooting at strip mall in Denver, Colorado.
  • ABC News (US); April 9, 2028.
"I tell you what, this lawlessness has to stop, and it's got to stop now. The Anderson administration will take no qualms in punishing those who dare to commit these heinous acts to the fullest extent of the law. You hear me?"
  • Tim Anderson on the 2028 Denver mass shooting; April 10, 2028.
Liberals gain minority government in Parliament.
  • The Globe and Mail; April 11, 2028.
Cartel-related crime down 8% over the last year.
  • El Heraldo de Mexico; April 12, 2028.
Liberal Party enters coalition agreement with Bloc Quebecois.
  • National Post; April 13, 2028.
Vice President Harris wins Alaska and North Dakota; Ocasio-Cortez takes Hawaii.
  • NBC News; April 14, 2028.
Governor Ben Ulliver signs bill decriminalizing cocaine statewide.
  • The Seattle Times; April 15, 2028.
Chinese economy continuing to take massive dip following invasion of Taiwan.
  • TVNZ; April 16, 2028.
Henry Mann sworn in as 25th Prime Minister of Canada.
  • The Toronto Star; April 17, 2028.
Consumer robotics sales on the rise.
  • AI Today; April 18, 2028.
Mayor of Paterson, New Jersey's home raided by FBI following newly surfaced evidence of drug trafficking.
  • WNYW; April 19, 2028.
Governor Byron Donalds signs bill legalizing recreational marijuana statewide.
  • The Miami Herald; April 20, 2028.
Vice President Harris breaks Senate tie vote for DC statehood bill.
  • Newsweek; April 21, 2028.
Anderson carries primaries in Wyoming and Puerto Rico.
  • Townhall; April 22, 2028.
At least 85,000 civilians reportedly killed as a result of the Chinese occupation of Taiwan.
  • Reuters; April 23, 2028.
President Biden signs Douglass Commonwealth Admission Act.
  • Politico; April 24, 2028.
"With... with the signing of this act, and its entering into force, the United... the United States will wel-welcome its first new admission to the union since... since the admission of Alaska and Ha...Hawaii in 1949."
  • Joe Biden on the admission of the 51st US state; April 24, 2028.
"This is a great day for every DC resident. It's finally time for taxation with representation!"
  • District of Columbia Mayor Linda Newark in a speech following the signing of the DCAA; April 24, 2028.
"Now that DC has been admitted, I think it's long past time to give Puerto Rico a voice. It's hard to justify giving one territory proper representation while continuing to sideline the other."
  • Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico, Briana Bonilla in speech to the House of Representatives; April 24, 2028.
Why the Eurasian advance westward remains stifled, even after the start of spring.
  • Vox; April 25, 2028.
What You Should Know About the Newest U.S. state.
  • Mr. Beat (YouTube); April 26, 2028.
Taiwan makes slow and arduous advance out of Kaoshuing.
  • AP; April 27, 2028.
51-star flag raised in the Capitol Building for the first time.
  • CNN; April 28, 2028.
Harris leads presidential polls by 4 points.
  • The Huffington Post; April 29, 2028.
President De Matos makes disdainful remarks towards the treatment of Taiwanese civilians under PRC occupation; claims that "no human should have to suffer through such hardship."
  • O Globo; April 30, 2028.
Assad government's recent major offensive towards SDF results in massive success.
  • Al Jazeera; May 1, 2028.
DRC President Tshisekedi attends African Union summit in Dar es Salaam; praises the founding countries of the EAF as "[having] overcome their differences" and "[uniting] as one".
  • The Daily Sun (South Africa); May 2, 2028.
Anderson wins Missouri primary.
  • St. Louis Post-Dispatch; May 3, 2028.
President De Matos signs bill strengthening resource exploitation regulations on the Amazon rainforest.
  • TV Brasilia; May 3, 2028.
President Biden reportedly suffers heart attack in the Oval Office this morning.
  • NBC News; May 4, 2028.
Kamala Harris assumes role as Acting President in light of presidential health emergency.
  • AP; May 4, 2028.
"The President is in critical condition, but he is expected to make it out okay."
  • Statement from press conference following Biden's sudden heart attack; May 4, 2028.
"We all knew it was coming... we just didn't think it would take so long to happen."
  • Jesse Waters (Fox News); May 4, 2028.
  • The New York Post; May 5, 2028.
- - -

Not since the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt had a sitting president fallen under so severe an illness. The sudden health emergency of who was then considered by many to be "the most powerful man in the free world" was not taken lightly by the other world leaders. Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Lisa Nandy offered her "deepest condolences" to the people of the US, wishing the best recovery for President Biden. Australian PM Tyler McLean termed the situation "a damn shame", assuring the American public that "[Biden]'s a working man" who would "survive and persevere." Despite his previous attitude towards perceived US imperialism, Brazilian President Hugo Correia de Matos expressed sympathies towards his northern neighbor's crisis. Mikhail Belyakov and Xi Jinping, presidents of Russia and China respectively, were far too busy with domestic affairs to offer much of a response.

Many Republican and Freedom news commentators were quick to point out the apparent decline of Biden's health over the past few years, going so far as to claim that he had been mentally unwell since his first campaign back in 2020. Supporters of Biden and other Democrats countered this by suggesting that if the president were feeling truly ill, then he would have resigned well before things got to this point. Whatever the situation was in the months leading up to his heart attack, it was clear that there were a very big pair of shoes for his replacement to fill.

Despite the dire situation, Vice President Harris did not yet fully assume the duties associated with the now-vacant Oval Office; instead, she along with the rest of the Cabinet opted to wait several weeks to see if the comatose president would wake up and make a full recovery. A contemporary Gallup poll revealed that the general public did not share the same sentiment: less than 22% believed that Biden would come out of his coma before the 2028 election, and 49% believed that he would live to the end of his presidential term.
  • Adam-5. "A Complete History of the United States of America, First Edition; Volume XIX: 2009-2029", New Lansing Virtual Press, 2174.
- - -

"A great tragedy has struck this country... we at CNN wish him the best of luck at recovery."
  • Donald Carter (CNN); May 5, 2028.
"Well, this new development surprised just about no one."
  • Tucker Carlson (OANN); May 5, 2028.
Labour candidate Bruno Adams elected as next Mayor of London.
  • BBC News; May 6, 2028.
At least 500 fully domesticated foxes estimated to live within the United States.
  • Statistica; May 7, 2028.
Bongbong Marcos wins second term as President of the Philippines following yesterday's landslide election.
  • GTV News (Philippines); May 8, 2028.
May 7th Philippine general election rife with voter fraud.
  • Human Rights Watch; May 8, 2028.
PM Poilievre resigns after House of Commons fails to pass bill accommodating Taiwanese refugees in Canada.
  • National Post; May 9, 2028.
Czechia finishes construction of high speed rail network.
  • Le Monde; May 10, 2028.
Anderson takes Indiana following yesterday's Republican primaries; Harris wins Democratic round.
  • The Indianapolis Star; May 10, 2028.
Vice President Kamala Harris declared presumptive nominee for 2028 Democrat race.
  • The Washington Post; May 11, 2028.
Snap parliamentary elections in Canada scheduled for July 10.
  • CBC News; May 11, 2028.
German PC hardware manufacturer Kreislauf GmbH releases the Jungerät, a low-cost game console capable of playing a plethora of 80s and 90s games, to astounding success throughout Europe.
  • Polygon; May 12, 2028.
"I'm kind of amazed that Nintendo let them put Marios 1 to 3 on there... but regardless, it's the definitive way to play most NES games legally. Now, as for something like, I don't know, Crash Bandicoot or Klonoa? The jury's still out on that one, I'd say."
  • LucasParty2 (YouTube); May 12, 2028.
Population of Petropavlovsk on the rise as refugees fleeing other parts of war-torn Russia make their way to the freest city on the continent.
  • The Eurasian Hope; May 13, 2028.
Harris campaign selects Cori Bush as running mate.
  • CNN; May 14, 2028.
Blue Origin announces plans for a dual Venus and Mars flyby mission in 2034 and 2035, respectively.
  •; May 15, 2028.
Yan Navumčyk assumes control of legitimist Belarussian government based out of Minsk.
  • TASS; May 16, 2028.
Anderson wins all three of Maryland, Nebraska and West Virginia following yesterday's primaries.
  • NBC News; May 17, 2028.
AI-generated video purporting to show Biden's funeral goes viral on YouTube.
  • Vox; May 17, 2028.
New poll reveals almost two-thirds of Polish voters do not wish to remain in the EU.
  • Wydarzenia 24; May 18, 2028.
Protestors in Kampala rally in opposition to the upcoming establishment of the East African Federation.
  • New Vision (Uganda); May 19, 2028.
Indian-American billionaire Johnathan Adhya buys majority stake in Blue Origin, effectively purchasing it from Amazon.
  • Forbes; May 20, 2028.
Tsardom of Russia reportedly funding Ukrainian separatist groups based out of Donetsk and Luhansk.
  • The Guardian; May 21, 2028.
Over 25 million PS6 units sold since launch.
  • Polygon; May 22, 2028.
"There's no need to let the race you identify be the same as the race you were chosen at birth. #TransracialLivesMatter"
  • @Ebonpr1ncess (Twitter); May 23, 2028.
"Dude, is that fucking blackface?"
  • @maninasiutcase (Twitter); May 23, 2028.
Anderson wins Kentucky primary.
  • The Atlanta Journal-Constitution; May 24, 2028.
Second season of Honkai: Star Rail still doesn't match up to the actual game.
  • Anime News Network; May 25, 2028.
Family Guy renewed for 28th season.
  • Entertainment Weekly; May 26, 2028.
Civil resistance within Taipei continues to be perilous and difficult.
  • The Daily Telegraph (Sydney); May 27, 2028.
Riot breaks out in Belgrade due to anti-EU sentiment.
  • Euronews; May 28, 2028.
The Super Mario Galaxy Movie earns fairly well during opening weekend in the box office.
  • The Hollywood Reporter; May 29, 2028.
Taiwanese air force conducts bombing raids on PLA military bases stationed near Douliu.
  • ABC News (Australia); May 30, 2028.
Anderson wins New Jersey, New Mexico and South Dakota. Jordan wins Montana and DC.
  • CNN; May 31, 2028.
Tim Anderson declared presumptive Republican nominee for 2028 presidential election.
  • Fox News; May 31, 2028.
State of Washington, Douglass Commonwealth officially becomes 51st state of the USA.
  • The Washington Post; June 1, 2028.
Following 4 weeks of a comatose Biden, Kamala Harris is sworn in as nation's 47th president.
  • The New York Times; June 2, 2028.
"It's almost pitifully ironic how the first female American president - the thing that the left has been trying to push on us for years now - wasn't even democratically elected in the first place. They're removing the curtains, people, they're removing the curtains."
  • @NoStepp0nSnek (Twitter); June 2, 2028.
National Assembly votes to expel National Rally member for speaking in support of recent surge in far-right violence.
  • Le Monde; June 3, 2028.
Taiwanese military making significant advances in Taitung County.
  • BBC International; June 4, 2028.
52.4% of Serbians vote yes to joining the European Union.
  • Euronews; June 5, 2028.
€30 billion defense spending bill fails to pass in Bundestag.
  • ZDF News; June 5, 2028.
Libyan Democratic Party wins majority of seats following the nation's first democratic elections held yesterday.
  • Al Jazeera; June 5, 2028.
Los Angeles Lakers beat Chicago Bulls 4-3 during 2028 NBA Finals.
  • Fox Sports; June 6, 2028.
Merz resigns as chancellor following vote of no confidence by Bundestag.
  • Süddeutsche Zeitung; June 7, 2028.
Far-right activists inspired by events in France stage anti-government riot in Naples.
  • Euronews; June 8, 2028.
Anderson selects Ohio Governor Albert Harrison as campaign running mate.
  • Fox News; June 9, 2028.
Civil unrest in Santiago de Cuba met with harsh crackdown by law enforcement.
  • O Globo; June 10, 2028.
Pro-NR riot in Nice met with tear gas and the arrest of over 30.
  • France Info; June 11, 2028.
Lars Hauer elected as new leader for CDU.
  • Bild; June 12, 2028.
Ukrainian president Panas Buryak issues dire warning to dissidents in Donetsk: "we will not reward violence with compassion."
  • The Eurasian Hope; June 13, 2028.
Donald Trump, Jr. nominated by the 2028 Freedom Party National Convention held in Billings, Montana.
  • OANN; June 14, 2028.
"Look, I know what happened twelve years ago with his dad, but you can't tell me with a straight face that Don Junior is going to take the presidency. At best, he'll spoil the election for Anderson and ensure Harris her much-needed victory."
  • Donald Carter (CNN); June 14, 2028.
Egyptian president Al-Sisi overthrown in military coup.
  • Al Jazeera; June 15, 2028.
Twitter to drop its Community Notes feature on July 1.
  • Gizmodo; June 16, 2028.
Former Mayor Jose Rico Dengra of Paterson, New Jersey convicted of 4 counts of drug trafficking.
  • The Jersey Journal; June 17, 2028.
Games Workshop issues copyright claim over AI-generated Warhammer 40K movie.
  • FanNow; June 18, 2028.
Tsardom of Russia forces cross eastern border with Kazakhstan.
  • BBC News; June 19, 2028.
President Harris makes promise to double down on China sanctions if re-elected during campaign speech in Chicago.
  • CNN; June 20, 2028.
Far-right agitators in Seine-Saint-Denis hold massive rally calling for the prosecution of politicians supposedly involved in the death of Le Pen.
  • Le Parisien; June 20, 2028.
False copyright claim made by Games Workshop on AI-generated 40K movie revoked following review by YouTube staff.
  • AI Today; June 21, 2028.
Prime Minister Mann speaks in favor of furthering economic ties between the US and Mexico.
  • The Toronto Star; June 22, 2028.
2 critically injured following shots fired outside Harris rally.
  • NBC News; June 23, 2028.
Meet Jim Benson, newest Silicon Valley billionaire and leading pioneer in AI research.
  • Wired; June 24, 2028.
Civil unrest on the rise in Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts of Ukraine.
  • Das Erste; June 25, 2028.
President Wauquiez announces new "stringent measures" to combat far-right violence in France's cities.
  • Le Monde; June 26, 2028.
All of Arkhangelsk Oblast under control of the legitimate Russian government.
  • RT; June 27, 2028.
VirtuTech unveils new line of mobile phones running on Linux fork, set to launch in late November.
  • The Verge; June 28, 2028.
Harris, Anderson and Trump share 45-45-10 split, according to most recent polls.
  • Politico; June 29, 2028.
Latest Census estimate places current US population at 340 million.
  • NBC News; June 30, 2028.
Last edited:
YouTube videos, 2023-2028
A bit of a detour from the regular timeline. View counts are accurate as of June 30, 2028.

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SSSniperWolf Situation is Crazy
  • penguinz0. September 24, 2023. 27M views.
Asmongold Reacts to HasanAbi's Unhinged Outburst Against Hindus
  • Asmongold Clips. December 11, 2023. 1.3M views.
New Genshin Impact Anime Draws Outcry from Twitter Freaks (and Chinese Government)
  • Rev says desu. April 7, 2024. 184k views.
220K SPECIAL - Sunder - Part 7: MAP21 (Blind Ultra-Violence Run)
  • decino. August 24, 2024. 75k views [livestream].
Absolute Mad Lads - Alex Jones
  • Count Dankula. December 31, 2024. 8.2M views.
MAGA Cult Fails Miserably In Disastrous Jan 6th Repeat
  • Vaush. January 6, 2025. 954k views.
Smiling Friends Season 3 is INCREDIBLE
  • Valiksbaum. March 14, 2025. 3.5M views.
Hasan Piker Finally Loses It
  • TomDark. July 4, 2025. 1.1M views.
Kemono//mimi - The Best Anime of the 2020s?
  • Mother's Basement. September 26, 2025. 4.4M views.
THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS - Season 2 Episode 1: "The Façade"
  • GLITCH. December 19, 2025. 51M views.
This month's news without the bull%&t (February 2026)
  • Sir Swag. February 28, 2026. 1.6M views.
Wings suffers MAJOR heart attack in WORST DISASTER STREAM EVER
  • ranklin's revenge. May 3, 2026. 2.3M views.
The State of Russia is Deadly and Abysmal
  • Destiny. August 25, 2026. 863k views.
Nintendo Cinematic Universe speculation - Full Video
  • LucasParty2. October 19, 2026. 16M views.
The Disappointing World of PS6 Launch Titles - Caddicarus
  • Caddicarus. January 7, 2027. 5.8M views.
The Painful Decline of Pewdiepie
  • Internet Anarchist. June 15, 2027. 3.8M views.
A Look Back On The Degeneracy Of Reddit
  • Ghost Gum. August 31, 2027. 7.9M views.
Vaush Reacts to Anderson Gaffe on Campaign Trail
  • Vaush. October 26, 2027. 458k views.
Walt Disney Animation Studios - Mickey's Nightmare (1932)
  • Disney Public Domain Archive. January 1, 2028. 2.2M views.
QAnon | Down The Rabbit Hole
  • Fredrik Knudsen. February 10, 2028. 11M views.
Toontastic: A Cartoon Network Retrospective (1992-2028)
  • LS Mark. April 9, 2028. 968k views.
taking a break
  • Markiplier. June 24, 2028. 42M views.
Chapter 11
LEAVING THE CRADLE // Spontaneous Re-Election Campaign.

Paradox CEO June Ceder reveals more information about Warhammer Fantasy Online at PDXCON 2028.
  • Polygon; July 1, 2028.
"...the base game's map will consist of the Imperial states of Reikland, Middenland, and Talabecland, along with its capital, the Free City of Altdorf. Following initial release, we do have plans to add more of the Old World in future updates."
  • Ceder explaining the full extent of WFO's game map on release; July 1, 2028.
Kazakhstani president Kassym-Jomart Tokayev declares state of emergency in light of Russian tsarist invasion.
  • Dainik Navajyoti; July 2, 2028.
New CIA report alleges the PRC is sending arms and supplies to legitimist Russian government.
  • National Intelligence; July 3, 2028.
General Wael Haddad appointed interim President of Egypt by provisional military council.
  • Al Jazeera; July 4, 2028.
Libyan government signs autonomy agreement with Taureg and other ethnic militias.
  • CNN International; July 5, 2028.
Major wildfire breaks out in Sequoia National Park.
  • Los Angeles Times; July 6, 2028.
"The fire has already claimed at least 4 of the world-famous trees, and as of now it shows no sign of stopping... this truly is a great travesty to the planet's environmental diversity.
  • Donald Carter (CNN); July 6, 2028.
13 right-leaning delegates of the Argentinian Reconstruction Committee walk out due to political differences.
  • O Globo; July 7, 2028.
California firefighters struggle to contain Sequoia wildfire as many look to Governor Bonta for answers.
  • Fox News; July 8, 2028.
"...a lot of the left-leaning youth are in favor of student loan forgiveness. I can get that. You try to get a decent education, and all you get in return is a slap of debt in the face. But hear me out, folks, I'll do you one better: why should you need a degree in the first place? It would be a much better idea for the government to discourage big tech companies from requiring degrees in order to be hired. Maybe even defund the universities! How does that sound?"
  • Tim Anderson during campaign rally in San Francisco; July 9, 2028.
Gen Alpha - the first to be raised on VR.
  • Vice; July 10, 2028.
Labour gains plurality in Canadian House of Commons.
  • The Toronto Sun; July 11, 2028.
Kamala Harris nominated at Democratic National Convention in Boston.
  • The Huffington Post; July 12, 2028.
Helskinki-Tallinn tunnel opens for public use.
  • Euronews; July 12, 2028.
Labour enters coalition with Bloc Québecois.
  • The Globe and Mail; July 13, 2028.
2028 Summer Olympics opening ceremony held at SoFi Stadium.
  • Los Angeles Times; July 14, 2028.
Sequoia National Park wildfire extinguished as over one hundred of the massive trees lay dead and fallen.
  • ABC News (US); July 15, 2028.
PLA military base near Chiayi struck by alleged Taiwanese bombing raid.
  • Reuters; July 16, 2028.
Henry Mann elected new leader of Canadian Labour Party.
  • CBC News; July 17, 2028.
Tsardom of Russia in control of most of Kazakh territory west of the Ural river.
  • Fuji News Network; July 18, 2028.
Anderson chosen as Republican Party nominee for 2028 presidential election.
  • Fox News; July 19, 2028.
Newly formed Peronist Interim Coalition consolidates power base in rural Patagonia and the northern Argentine Andes.
  • La República (Peruvian newspaper); July 20, 2028.
Over 900,000 casualties estimated to be as a result of the PRC-ROC war.
  • Reuters; July 21, 2028.
Turing Enterprises announces the development of the Turing AutoLawn, an autonomous lawn mowing robot with a slated release set spring of 2029.
  • Ars Technica; July 22, 2028.
Small-time farmers in Belgium hold nationwide strike against alleged government overreach, exorbitant taxes and the growing tide of automation in the agricultural industry.
  • Le Monde; July 23, 2028.
MP for Calgary Forest Lawn, Henry Mann, sworn in as Canada's 25th prime minister.
  • The Globe and Mail; July 24, 2028.
Russian legitimists launch southward offensive towards Tsarist occupied territory in Kazakhstan.
  • RT; July 25, 2028.
JAXA unveils plans for an independent LEO space station, set to begin operations by at least 2032.
  • The Yomiuri Shimbun; July 26, 2028.
Chinese Yueliang 4 mission to the Moon launches from Wenchang Launch Center as planned.
  • Euronews; July 27, 2028.
Anderson promises to led a NATO-led intervention in Russia if elected at rally held in Boston.
  • Townhall; July 28, 2028.
First annual US "fox show" held in St. Cloud, Minnesota.
  • KARE; July 29, 2028.
2028 Olympics come to a close.
  • NBC Sports; July 30, 2028.
Tsardom of Russia launches major offensive against the Republic of Georgia.
  • CNN International; July 31, 2028.
"You know, it's funny that the Chinese can fight a war and put men on the Moon at the same time... I wonder how long that's going to last."
  • Tim Anderson on the CNSA Yueliang 4 mission; August 1, 2028.
Chinese astronauts set foot on Mare Imbrium.
  • Newsweek; August 2, 2028.
"China is now the second country in the history of the world to send humans to land on another celestial body... I do believe a second space race has truly begun."
  • Donald Carter (CNN); August 2, 2028.
- - -

Kong Chun took a moment to look up at the little blue sphere spinning above him. At the moment, he could make out the eastern end of Africa slinking along near the edge, while much of Central and Southeast Asia displayed itself prominently near the center... and yes, just above those landmasses was his home country, the great and noble People's Republic of China. It was thanks to the thousands of great men and women working in concert that he and two others were now standing the farthest that any person had ever been up until that point.

China had been the second country in history to put humans on the Moon. It was a shame that the Americans had done it first... once during the leadership of Chairman Mao, and again just a scant few years ago. The Chinese had been the first in many technological advances - why couldn't they have gone to see the great rabbit in the sky before anybody else? Surely, the Century of Humiliation had done much to stimy the minds of China's great inventors and engineers.

"Mr. Kong, is everything alright? We still need to inflate the base." Oh, that's right. The lunar habitat module, which had sat on the surface for over a month since an unmanned probe delivered it there in preparation for the crew's arrival, was still not ready for them to live in for the duration of the mission. Taking himself away from the beautiful view of his home, he turned in the direction of the module and jumped up in an effort to get there as quickly as he could. It was going to be an exciting next 36 hours.

- - -

Kamala Harris promises to federally decriminalize marijuana if re-elected during campaign speech held in Seattle, Washington.
  • NBC News; August 3, 2028.
Dexblit's CEO Mark Frasier reveals big plans for the emerging Twitter competitor.
  • Breitbart; August 4, 2028.
Yueliang 4 astronauts depart the lunar surface.
  • Reuters; August 4, 2028.
Minecraft version 1.35 changelog.
  •; August 5, 2028.
Pipe bomb detonates next to post office in Benghazi.
  • Al Jazeera; August 6, 2028.
59% of Polish public vote to exit the European Union.
  • Euronews; August 7, 2028.
Inside the "transasian" community center in Chinatown, and the growing voices of concern from the locals.
  • The San Francisco Chronicle; August 7, 2028.
Brave Yueliang 4 astronauts return to Shanghai and are greeted with a hero's welcome.
  • China Daily; August 8, 2028.
Prime Minister Tyler McLean, Governor-General Mark Lachman, King Charles III and UK Prime Minister Lisa Nandy meet in Westminster to discuss mutual foreign policy towards the war in Taiwan.
  • ABC News (Australia); August 9, 2028.
HM Government's plan for a written constitution shot down by supermajority of MPs from both sides of the political spectrum.
  • The Guardian; August 10, 2028.
Over half a million Israelites have moved to East Judea since its founding over two years ago.
  • Judea Oriente; August 11, 2028.
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I dead at age 88.
  • TASS; August 12, 2028.
Socialist revolutionaries clash with far-right counterdemonstrators outside Anderson rally held in the Bronx.
  • Jacobin; August 13, 2028.
First automated auto repair shop opens in Adachi, Tokyo.
  • The Asahi Shimbun; August 14, 2028.
SpaceX unveils plans for a privately operated space station in Low Earth Orbit by 2033.
  • SpaceNews; August 15, 2028.
The Ovac, Turing's answer to the Roomba and similar products, quickly gaining almost a quarter of the industry's US market share.
  • Forbes; August 16, 2028.
Jungerät developers announce NA release on December 8 under the name "Nostalgia Machine".
  • Console Gaming News; August 17, 2028.
Far-right agitators heckle President Harris during campaign rally in Richmond, Virginia by calling her a communist.
  • ABC News (US); August 18, 2028.
"DTJ is gonna be the hero that this country needs, but he might not be the one we deserve. There's a lot of tough problems in America that need to be solved, and it takes a tough man like him to solve them. It's a damn shame his dad isn't here to see him now."
  • Ramses of Cairo (YouTube); August 19, 2028.
Kemono//mimi fanworks make up huge slice of doujin sales at Summer Comiket 2028.
  • FanNow; August 19, 2028.
Activision representatives confirm that there will be no new Call of Duty releases in 2029, marking it as the first year without one since 2004.
  • PC Gamer; August 20, 2028.
New Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople named Constantine VII.
  • Hürriyet; August 21, 2028.
Shots fired towards South African President John Mabandla during speech held in Cape Town. No confirmed injuries.
  • SABC News; August 22, 2028.
Peronist Interim Coalition forces clash hard with Argentine Popular Front on the plains of Patagonia.
  • Vox; August 23, 2028.
All of the Kazakhstani Caspian coast, along with almost all territory west of the Aral Sea, under control of the self-proclaimed Russian Tsardom.
  • The Guardian; August 24, 2028.
Prime Minister of Poland Jakub Pich resigns, citing lack of government support for the EU exit.
  • Das Erste; August 25, 2028.
Ukrainian military base near Donetsk attacked by separatist militants carrying on the legacy of the Putinist era.
  • Pershyi News; August 26, 2028.
President Laurent Wauquiez rejects all rumors of a proposed French EU exit referendum being discussed among government ministers.
  • Le Parisien; August 27, 2028.
Canadian Prime Minister Henry Mann proposes a number of revisions to the USMCA in televised address to the US and Mexico.
  • CBC News; August 28, 2028.
Anderson rails against President Harris's track record on abortion during rally held in Queens, New York.
  • Fox News; August 29, 2028.
EU and Polish governments begin preliminary negotiations in Brussels regarding the latter's exit from the European Union.
  • The Times; August 30, 2028.
"Even though CN will still be around online, I just don't see how we're ever going to see it produce content on par with the golden eras of the 2000s and 2010s. Also, it feels kind of wrong seeing Aqua Teen Hunger Force air during the middle of the day"
  • @RebelTaxi (Twitter); August 31, 2028.
Canadian PM's unilateral USMCA revisionary proposal shot down by both President Harris and Mexican President Galvez.
  • The New York Times; August 31, 2028.
American Right to Food Organization leader Karen Delando makes passionate speech in support of new amendment proposal in front of the House of Representatives.
  • Vox; September 1, 2028.
DNC spends over $15 trillion in trying to resuscitate Joe Biden in a desperate attempt to guarantee victory in the 2028 election.
  • The Onion; September 2, 2028.
Factory workers in Kampala hold strike against low wages and dangerous working conditions.
  • New Vision; September 3, 2028.
Xi Jinping threatens to cut off Chinese funding for Mars Mission Profile if the US continues to aid Taiwan.
  • Reuters; September 4, 2028.
"What I don't get is why Xi is doing this now. He had almost a year to pull this card, and now he's threatening to cut funding?"
  • Post on Sufficient Velocity forums; September 4, 2028.
Anderson deputy campaign manager Michael Huntington fired for usage of the n-word during recently leaked phone call.
  • The New York Times; September 5, 2028.
"This isn't surprising, but it still stings like hell. One can only imagine what other racist skeletons are hiding in the other Anderson campaign staffers' closets? What about Anderson himself."
  • Kamala Harris (Twitter); September 5, 2028.
"Pardon my French, but what my campaign staffer did was in poor taste and downright shitty. I'm sure some of you want to see him get more repercussions than just getting fired, but we live in a free country, and I'd say a ruined reputation is good enough."
  • Tim Anderson during campaign rally in Miami, Florida; September 5, 2028.
Belgian farmers stand down from strike following a month of deadlock with government authorities.
  • Euronews; September 6, 2028.
VRChat surpasses 150,000 concurrent users.
  • VR Today; September 7, 2028.
PIA military quickly seizes Cordoba, Argentina in surprise offensive against APF.
  • TV Azteca; September 8, 2028.
Why millions of Twitter users are migrating to competitor sites - and it's not because of the end of Community Notes.
  • Vice; September 8, 2028.
Magnitude 7.2 earthquake strikes Peru.
  • NBC News; September 9, 2028.
At least 500 confirmed dead as a result of yesterday's Peru earthquake.
  • Folha de S.Paulo; September 10, 2028.
Russian government in Moscow reportedly giving heavy amounts of aid to Belarussian provisional administration based out of Minsk.
  • Euronews; September 11, 2028.
Anderson "trumps" Harris with "plenty of witty comebacks" during first 2028 presidential debate, held at UT Austin.
  • Fox News; September 12, 2028.
Syrian front lines continue to stagnate, despite major losses on both sides.
  • AP; September 12, 2028.
LNFM co-leader El Fresa murdered during skirmish with Federal Police.
  • Excélsior; September 13, 2028.
Recent polls show Anderson ahead of Harris by just over 4 points.
  • Townhall; September 14, 2028.
Russian Moscow government recaptures Ufa from Ural warlords.
  • RT; September 15, 2028.
LNFM Cartel launches major attacks on Federal Police and other law enforcement agencies; likely done in retaliation for the assassination of El Fresa.
  • TV Azteca; September 15, 2028.
- - -

The word I would use to describe my life most accurately during 2028, the first year of Turing's existence, would be "hectic". That's not to say that it was downright unpleasant, of course; if I didn't enjoy my new job, then why would I continue to hold it for so much longer? No, it was more or less the year when I started learning the ropes: negotiating with suppliers, discussing marketing strategies, fleshing out the designs of proposed products... I still consider it to be the most important year of my life. But if it weren't for the innovations of Turing's predecessors, such as Google, Apple and Microsoft, then I wouldn't have been able to get nearly as many breakthroughs as we ended up making.

It was also the year when I, and by extension the other top executives, began to really get involved in politics. A commonly-held belief among the nation's conservatives at the time, namely that the big enterprises should strive to be politically neutral, always struck me as quite odd. Corporate executives (along with their subordinates) deal with the government, whether it be federal, state or local officials, on an almost daily basis - why shouldn't corporations take a stance on the issues of their benefactors? At the behest of my colleagues, such as CFO Kevin Martinez, fellow Director Micheal Streckner, and Vice President of Marketing Amy Roland, I began to look into all of the important issues during my spare time.

As I've already touched upon, I was a bit of a fence-sitter in the years before I founded Turing. Not the Democrats, the Republicans, and especially not the Freedomers appealed to me on enough of a level for me to support them. I suppose the company got put on the map at the perfect time for me to make my decision. With the 2028 election right around the corner, in late August I began donating to the campaigns of a number of Congressional candidates from both of the two major parties, with a special focus on those who leaned towards the right while still maintaining an appeal towards the left-wing public found in the cities...
  • Jim Benson. "Turing, Tired and True: A Memoir", Amazon Digital Publishing, 2072.
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