Man, this is a tough one. There's very few options for this turn that I wouldn't like done, yesterday at the latest. But let's see...
[X] Uncomfortable Merchants - Any disruption in the rule of a city can bring a disruption in trade, and your assumption of power from Otomo Genryu certainly qualifies. While Yu is a bit rough around the edges, he should still be more than able to convince the merchants that their businesses will remain unimpeded, and prevent them from jumping ship for more 'favorable' ports.
This seems like a way to avert what could be a lot of long-term harm.
[X] A Patron Of The Arts - Hatsuyuki believes that one of your larger obstacles to public acceptance is the Catfish Clan's public recognition and friendship with the geisha of the Flower District. Since she doesn't care to suggest that you change that in any way, the other alternative is to try to legitimize it. Allowing geisha houses to set up public theaters, music halls, and other means by which they can make their living that do not involve sex work could help to change the reputation of geisha from prostitutes to artisans - if low-class ones. More to the point, she says, if a samurai has a plausible excuse not to take notice of a distasteful activity, they will - and legitimizing geisha would give them that excuse.
- [X] Putting 1000 koku behind the project would allow for the change to happen much more rapidly, and could lead you to see a return on your investment as a performance industry takes hold.
I went back and forth a lot on this one, as Noble Friends is time-sensitive and potentially very valuable. Ultimately it came down to the issue that a lot of our inadvertent argument to the Emperor about why he should put us in charge of our city was about the corruption of our potential "friends." Do we really want to start getting into bed with those guys and gals? (And possibly send a notice to the politically focused Clans that we intend to play in the big leagues before we're ready to really do that?)
[X] Spy on the Departing Nobles - Just because Genryu left town doesn't mean that the corrupt Emerald Guardsmen in the city aren't going along with business as usual. Assigning her network to watch those guys would give her spy network some targets to practice on that aren't the Brotherhood, and possibly yield some tasty blackmail for when you travel to Winter Court.
On the other hand, having some intel going into the Winter Court seems like a very good idea, as much as I want to get a better spy network up and running asap.
[X] Standardize The Equipment - any kind of training program that you try to put these guys through will be worthless if you aren't training them on the equipment they're going to be using. Getting everyone armor and eku, and getting them used to using those weapons, is an important first step.
- [X] Putting a thousand koku behind this would allow you to develop much higher standards of equipment. In particular, Yu is thinking of getting the troops eku for keeping the peace and much deadlier weapons for times of war, and on making sure that your lieutenants have something better than ashigaru armor.
Another one where all three options folks are voting for seem like really good ideas. I can't say I have any strong arguments for this over the other two, but I don't have any strong arguments for the other two over this either.
[X] Inari's Blessings - Thanks to the Miya family's gift of rice, many of the city's poor are finally eating well, and singing your praises. Chouko suggests building temples to Inari to help to distribute that grain, and to turn those thoughts of mere gratitude into thoughts of gratitude and faith. She does note that this will be easiest to do early, before people become used to the extra food and to attributing that food to the government. (Requires 1000 koku)
Seems like a general good idea, and the kind of thing that looks good for a Clan to be doing.
Boss Koibu: Is just breaking ground and getting started in Wave Province. You suggest that he focus on:
[X] Water: Getting the pulse of the region, and extricating bandits before they become entrenched.
Knowledge is power. And entrenched bandits are bad!
[X] Learn the ways of Court from Hatsuyuki. You are going to be at Winter Court in six months, and acquitting yourself well there would be a great boon to your Clan. You can't help but think that her abilities to manipulate emotions would come in handy...
All of these personal options would be good things to do, but we only get one chance to make a first (and given we're a Minor Clan, possibly only) impression at the Winter Court.