Talking to the minor clans may work poorly. Remember during the gift-giving how openly they resent the Crab due to their rather blatant "give us rice"-policies.
Talking to the emporer.... This has a lot of potential. To forewarn him of this (given he does not know already), could be vital. And, as little political power as the Emporer wields when faced with the clan-politics, they still can not go -against- his will and the faction may splinter if they learn that they work against his pleasure.
Talking to the crab seems obvious. The "safe" move. Last preperations.
Still.... gonna go with this:
[X] Speak to Hantetsu. It is entirely possible that he will be able to do very little in the face of the Great Clans. You know perhaps better than most just how limited the power of the Emerald Throne can be - but nevertheless, you would like to speak to him. If nothing else, you can think of no one better qualified to advise you tomorrow.
Talking to the minor clans may work poorly. Remember during the gift-giving how openly they resent the Crab due to their rather blatant "give us rice"-policies.
Talking to the emporer.... This has a lot of potential. To forewarn him of this (given he does not know already), could be vital. And, as little political power as the Emporer wields when faced with the clan-politics, they still can not go -against- his will and the faction may splinter if they learn that they work against his pleasure.
Talking to the crab seems obvious. The "safe" move. Last preperations.
Still.... gonna go with this:
[X] Speak to Hantetsu. It is entirely possible that he will be able to do very little in the face of the Great Clans. You know perhaps better than most just how limited the power of the Emerald Throne can be - but nevertheless, you would like to speak to him. If nothing else, you can think of no one better qualified to advise you tomorrow.
The Emperor definitely knows - you've been coordinating with the Otomo on this, and your fiance is the Emperor's nephew. Going to him would be less about informing him, and more about seeking comfort and advice from a friend.
And yes, going to the Minor Clans does carry some risk. It's the medium-risk, medium-reward option. The high-risk, high-reward option would be trying to find the Crane Alliance dissenters.
As a bit of a spoiler, I intend to handle the big court debate with an adaptation of the Mass Battle rules - resting will give you additional 'hit points', while going to another faction will give you options to unlock 'Heroic Opportunities' during the battle to come.
Thank you, i forgot that part.
I am still going to go with my vote: I can not believe that the Emporer -wants- this to go through. Mayhaps we are the pawn he needs to direct on the political battlefield in order to keep the status quo without mayor riots breaking out. This way, he can tell us what to do and what angles to attack.
[X] Speak to Hantetsu. It is entirely possible that he will be able to do very little in the face of the Great Clans. You know perhaps better than most just how limited the power of the Emerald Throne can be - but nevertheless, you would like to speak to him. If nothing else, you can think of no one better qualified to advise you tomorrow.
There are other places we could've brought the minor clans inside, but right here "crab are no longer holding as much of the wall" is a valid solution to their "crab is extorting us to feed their soldiers on the wall" problem.
[X] Speak to Hantetsu. It is entirely possible that he will be able to do very little in the face of the Great Clans. You know perhaps better than most just how limited the power of the Emerald Throne can be - but nevertheless, you would like to speak to him. If nothing else, you can think of no one better qualified to advise you tomorrow.
I'll join the chorus of excitement to see this quest return.
...the vote is tricky. I think the Minor Clans are probably the strategically optimal choice. I agree with worries about backfire there, but since our QM has described it as "medium risk" that seems like a reasonable move.
But from a story perspective, of what scene I'd like to see written, it'd have to be:
[X] Speak to Hantetsu. It is entirely possible that he will be able to do very little in the face of the Great Clans. You know perhaps better than most just how limited the power of the Emerald Throne can be - but nevertheless, you would like to speak to him. If nothing else, you can think of no one better qualified to advise you tomorrow.
As that seems the most dramatically appropriate prelude to the battle to come. Not for gaining advantage in the political fight or asking Hantetsu to save us with imperial decrees, but just... well, actually @storybookknight already said the words I was about to grope for: "seeking comfort and advice from a friend." In the actual political fight, he's going to have to be the Emperor Hantei, with all the responsibility and limitations that brings with it, but this is a chance for our friend Hantetsu to get some screentime.
In addition to the sentimental side, which I agree with, our relationship with Hantetsu is always worth cultivating. Being the personal friend of the Emperor is no bad thing, and keeping that friendship strong can only benefit us.
[X] Speak to Hantetsu. It is entirely possible that he will be able to do very little in the face of the Great Clans. You know perhaps better than most just how limited the power of the Emerald Throne can be - but nevertheless, you would like to speak to him. If nothing else, you can think of no one better qualified to advise you tomorrow.
[X] Speak to Hantetsu. It is entirely possible that he will be able to do very little in the face of the Great Clans. You know perhaps better than most just how limited the power of the Emerald Throne can be - but nevertheless, you would like to speak to him. If nothing else, you can think of no one better qualified to advise you tomorrow.
[X] Speak to Hantetsu. It is entirely possible that he will be able to do very little in the face of the Great Clans. You know perhaps better than most just how limited the power of the Emerald Throne can be - but nevertheless, you would like to speak to him. If nothing else, you can think of no one better qualified to advise you tomorrow.
Would it be possible to orginise another council with representatives from all sides. Sort of the Crab option but with the Scorpion and Otomo chiming in.
Would it be possible to orginise another council with representatives from all sides. Sort of the Crab option but with the Scorpion and Otomo chiming in.
[ ] Organize a last-minute meeting with everyone. While you've all already agreed to support one another, perhaps some specific contingencies or plans can be worked out that would be useful.
[X] Organize a last-minute meeting with everyone. While you've all already agreed to support one another, perhaps some specific contingencies or plans can be worked out that would be useful.
[X] Organize a last-minute meeting with everyone. While you've all already agreed to support one another, perhaps some specific contingencies or plans can be worked out that would be useful.
[X] Speak to Hantetsu. It is entirely possible that he will be able to do very little in the face of the Great Clans. You know perhaps better than most just how limited the power of the Emerald Throne can be - but nevertheless, you would like to speak to him. If nothing else, you can think of no one better qualified to advise you tomorrow.
[X] Organize a last-minute meeting with everyone. While you've all already agreed to support one another, perhaps some specific contingencies or plans can be worked out that would be useful.
[X] Speak to Hantetsu. It is entirely possible that he will be able to do very little in the face of the Great Clans. You know perhaps better than most just how limited the power of the Emerald Throne can be - but nevertheless, you would like to speak to him. If nothing else, you can think of no one better qualified to advise you tomorrow.
Interesting quest, glad I caught up in time for the vote.
[X] Organize a last-minute meeting with everyone. While you've all already agreed to support one another, perhaps some specific contingencies or plans can be worked out that would be useful.
[X] Speak to Hantetsu. It is entirely possible that he will be able to do very little in the face of the Great Clans. You know perhaps better than most just how limited the power of the Emerald Throne can be - but nevertheless, you would like to speak to him. If nothing else, you can think of no one better qualified to advise you tomorrow.
Interesting quest, glad I caught up in time for the vote.
[X] Speak to Hantetsu. It is entirely possible that he will be able to do very little in the face of the Great Clans. You know perhaps better than most just how limited the power of the Emerald Throne can be - but nevertheless, you would like to speak to him. If nothing else, you can think of no one better qualified to advise you tomorrow.
For the moment, the Face of the East is quiet. It is an unusual state of affairs, as beyond the hundreds of foreign delegates present and the even greater number of samurai of the Crab there are almost innumerable heimin servants. Even a simple soft sound, be it quiet speech or an ordinary footfall, can become distracting when multiplied by a thousand bodies. To you, who grew up in one of the greatest cities of southern Rokugan, this was by no means an unfamiliar phenomenon; while the hustle and bustle of the castle over the Winter Court did occasionally grow wearing, in many respects it has been much like home.
Tonight the atmosphere is hushed, as many samurai gather their strength for the coming day. Moreover, dour Tamon-no-kami has seen fit to carry a measure of snow upon the northerly winds which, though no longer falling, still settles soundlessly upon the courtyards and the eaves and further muffles the noises of the night. It is seemingly the ideal night for silent contemplation, an eve of quiet before a storm... yet your heart is as restless as a fish on a line. Though you have represented your clan in many ways and upon many occasions, tomorrow carries a real element of risk. You have more than a small chance of alienating three of the most prominent Clans in the Empire even if you succeed, and if you fail the reputations of your closest allies will be greatly damaged. It is possible that the honor of the Empire itself is in your hands, and a year ago you were no more than a river-boat captain!
For a few moments you considered confiding these worries in your advisers, but with your Inner Gift you could sense that they need you to be a strong and decisive leader, one sure of her course and confident in her success. You cannot go to your co-conspirators, lest they doubt your commitment - though the temptation to take comfort in your fiance's presence is surprisingly strong given your short acquaintance. No, though it may be presumptuous, may seem almost mad, you are going to the one man who you can possibly approach for advice: Hantei Hantetsu, thirty-first of his name, the Emperor of Rokugan.
Of course, one does not simply scratch against the Emperor's door and ask to be allowed entrance. As you climb to the sixth floor of the castle, you are greeted by a pair of vigilant Seppun Guardsmen. "Can I help you, Namazu-sama?" asks the one on your right. Despite the unusual circumstances of your visit, you hear nothing but deference in the Guardsman's tone. Though you have spoken to few members of the Seppun family over the Winter thus far, it appears that these two at least have a firm appreciation for your efforts in the Emperor's defense.
"I apologize for the lateness of the hour, Seppun-san, but I had hoped to ask the Emperor's counsel on a fairly urgent matter. Will you please ask if Hantei-heika will see me?" You bow deeply, and the guardsman takes a glance at his companion to the left before answering.
"Hantei-heika does not normally entertain visitors at this time..." he begins, then looks at you once more. He does not quite sigh, but there is a barely-noticeable pause as you can see him evaluate your sincerity and decide in your favor as he continues with "... but he has not yet requested not to be disturbed for the evening, so I will send someone to ask." He makes a quick gesture down the hallway behind him, and you see one a second pair of guards further down the corridor leave their post, taking a few steps to scratch at a screen. After a few seconds, the guard approaches the two with you at the stairway.
"The emperor will see you, Namazu-dono." He bows and extends his hands to you respectfully. "May I take your sword? I would be happy to polish it while you meet with him."
You bow in return - more shallowly than him, of course, but deeper perhaps than might otherwise be called for by the code of propriety. You have not forgotten how the Seppun bought you the time to escape with your lives either. "My thanks for your kind hospitality, Seppun-san." After your weapon is surrendered, you are escorted down the hall, and admitted to the Emperor's quarters.
To your surprise the Son of Heaven is seated in front of an open window, his gaze casting out over the snowy landscape. Though he is bathed in moonlight, the rest of the room is dark, a few meager candles providing only barely enough light to see. For a moment you feel concern until you notice the pair of braziers on either side which radiate heat to ward off the chill, and the thick blanket in which he is enveloped. "Come in, Tsubaki-san," he says. "Would you care to join me? Lord Moon shines brilliantly on the snow tonight."
Something painful in your heart unclenches just a touch as he refers to you so familiarly. Taking a deep breath, you walk forwards and kneel at your Emperor's side. "I would be delighted... Hantetsu-san."
Your Inner Gift allows you to feel a frisson of surprise and indignation coming from the Seppun Guardsmen behind you, but the legendary discipline of the Emperor's guardians holds fast, for you hear no audible intakes of breath nor shouts of outrage. When Hantetsu smiles at you and opens the blanket in a gesture for you to wrap it around yourself as well the outrage subsides, leaving behind only a curiosity that you do your best to put out of mind as your friend and Emperor speaks. "It is a curious thing," he says. "Onnotangu-no-kami's madness has been responsible for many evils - yet humans are still born of his blood, and upon beautiful nights such as these one could almost believe that he harbors some lingering affection for his children."
As you look out over the wintry landscape you see a land shining silver, pristine and picturesque as the clear sky and the height of the mountain beneath you allow you to see all the way to the Shinomen No Mori. Yet although the moon shines brilliantly, his light also casts shadows on the dips and hollows of the landscape beneath you, and the ominous tenor of your Emperor's discussion almost makes you wonder what deeper darknesses might hide in such shadows. It is plain that something is troubling your friend, and you cannot do other than your best to reassure him. "To speak frankly, Hantetsu-san, I know little of such theological matters," you begin. "For a simple woman such as myself, it is enough to see that the world is beautiful."
"A simple woman," Hantetsu chuckles self-deprecatingly. He turns to look at you, and you can see that the lines on his face are heavy, his eyes weary. "At times I wish that I could have allowed you to remain so." He turns back to the glittering hills and valleys, his eyes focusing aimlessly on some faraway spot. "Were I kinder, I could have rewarded you for your service by adopting you into the Seppun, and given you a simple and well-compensated life as a Guardsman. Instead I have cast you into a viper's nest of politics, put you in a position to make powerful enemies, and placed the burden of hundreds of lives upon your shoulders."
You shake your head, not daring to look at your Emperor directly. For him to know that you saw a face twisted with regret would be a matter of great shame to him in the future, so to save face you instead consider the snowy hillsides below. "You are many things, Hantetsu-san, but never have you struck me as unkind. If you have laid a burden upon me, then I thank you for it, because you have done me a great honor in trusting me to remove it from your shoulders."
He sighs, and you feel a wry gratitude through your inner gift. If you turned your head, you think, you would likely catch a glimpse of a quirk of the lips. "If you say so, so must it be," he says. "Then perhaps - should I chide you for being so dissatisfied with that one honor that you immediately sought to gain a second by risking your Clan to preserve the stability of the Empire?"
"I humbly beg your forgiveness." You say with a dry snort of amusement. "I merely saw an opportunity unnoticed by the other Clans, and greedily grabbed at it. I apologize for my lapse in judgement."
"Hmm, well. I shall forgive you for it," says Hantetsu, "if you can forgive me for not having made the time to speak to you privately before now during this Winter. I had hoped that by distancing myself somewhat from you that I would be able to keep you above the worst of the mire of politics, and forgot your determination to do what is honorable even if it meant pitching yourself into the muck head-first!"
You chuckle a bit at that. "It was unkind indeed for you to forget such, Hantei-heika, but if you will forgive me for my lack caution I will forgive you for the lapse." Finally turning to look at Hantetsu, you sigh. "I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow," you admit. "The Crab and the Scorpion assure me that they have things in hand, and have invited me to contribute if I see the opportunity, but I have no idea what such an opportunity would even look like! Perhaps this is their way of telling me that I am unlikely to be useful in such a battle, but I ... find the notion of sitting idly by distasteful."
Hantetsu smiles at that and shakes his head. "Have no fear, Tsubaki-san. As the head of the Namazu, it is true that few will respect the head of a fledgling minor clan; as a Hero of Rokugan, I think it likely that you will find your words to have a much more pronounced weight. Over the winter you have displayed yourself to be a woman of honor, courage, and taste and I cannot think that the words of such a woman would be ignored no matter which court she speaks at." You flush at the unaccustomed praise, and Hantetsu looks once more over the balcony to allow you to reclaim your on. "As to your actions... all I can say is that you are well known to be in my favor. Even though I dare not intervene on the Crab's behalf until they are plausibly the victor in the conflict, or risk rebellion, the fact that you are well-respected by me should make most courtiers inclined to, shall we say, target someone else to make their points."
You nod solemnly. You can think of several uses for such a phenomenon, and yet... "Is rebellion truly such a risk, Hantei-heika?" You ask. "Surely no honorable clan would do such a thing!"
Hantetsu sighs. "I speak not of a rebellion tomorrow, nor next year, nor of open warfare. The Great Clans show their displeasure in many subtle ways, or - on occasion - with assassins in the night." You raise an eyebrow at that. "Until the culprits behind the attempt on my life can be tracked down, I must give those Great Clans still allied to the Imperial Throne as few reasons as possible to give aid and comfort to the Empire's enemies." Some of your sour acceptance of that explanation must show upon your face, because Hantetsu smiles ruefully. "My son didn't care for that explanation either. It's a shame that you haven't met him - I think the two of you would get along well."
"Does he remain in Otosan Uchi, then?" You ask.
Hantetsu shakes his head. "Believe it or not, my oldest son is currently on a Musha Shugyo, traveling as a wandering ronin. I have a second son who does remain in the capitol, however - else I never would have permitted him to take such a risky journey."
You blink at that. "I had no idea, Hantei-heika! But I pray that your son finds good fortune on his travels." Despite yourself, you can feel a gaping ache in the back of your throat that heralds a coming yawn. You swallow it down forcibly and stand, shrugging the blankets off your side. Though the air is tolerable between the braziers, you are not looking forward to the long walk through the chilly castle back to your rooms. "Thank you for seeing me, Hantetsu-san." You bow to your Emperor, and he shrugs off his blankets to stand and return your bow with his own.
"Thank you for coming to see me, Tsubaki-san. Perhaps as the Winter Court becomes less frantic we could spend some more time together. A dinner, perhaps, with my brother and your betrothed." You almost pull a face at the thought of a dinner with the pompous Otomo O-Shishi before remembering Katsura's words a few weeks prior of the 'act' that O-Shishi puts on, and smile instead.
"I would like that. A pleasant evening to you, heika."
"And to you."
The next day dawns clear and bright. The weekly Grand Court will begin after samurai have broken fast and gathered in the audience chamber, and you are certain that today is the day that will decide defeat or victory for the Crab. As you take your meal with the rest of the courtiers, you notice a surprising number of curious looks aimed at you. It seems that the Court has taken note of your late-night visit to Hantetsu, and although no one has dared to repeat any rumors implying that you were involved in a romantic affair, the depth of the regard in which the Emperor holds you has clearly become well-known. The speed at which the news traveled smacks of Scorpion interference, but in this instance, you can't say that you are complaining. Hopefully it will be of advantage to you in the hours ahead.
The greater debate for the future of the Crab and the Great Carpenter Wall shall take place as a series of opposed Adviser + Diplomacy Ring + bonus rolls between the leaders of each side of the debate. However, it is still possible for Tsubaki to make a difference in this debate.
Similar to the Mass Battle rules, Tsubaki must first choose her level of engagement. This represents how deeply she is participating in the debate. If 'Heavily Engaged', she might be attempting to counter the assertions of Doji Ran herself; at 'Disengaged' she might merely be coughing in the background to express subtle disapproval.
In order to speak and be heard at appropriate times, Tsubaki must roll Willpower + Etiquette Rank. This will be modified by her level of engagement and by the success or failure of the leader of the debate to determine her impact upon the debate as a whole. Once she speaks, there is a chance of a specific event happening (a Duel, in which she might come into a direct argument with an opposing courtier, or a Heroic Opportunity, in which case she might be given a chance to sway the course of the discussion.) Afterwards, she will take 'Wounds' that effect not her health but her credibility, and how likely others are to heed her counsel.
[NOTE: Due to your choice of preparations, Tsubaki now has social 'armor' of the Emperor's favor that will grant DR against those 'wounds'.]
If she has succeeded at her Heroic Opportunity, she may turn the tide of the conversation enough to turn a lost round into a stalemate, or a stalemate into a victory.
What level of engagement will Tsubaki begin with during the fateful discussions? (can be changed after the first round.)
[ ] Reserves - Best to watch and wait, to begin with; perhaps you won't be needed at all.
[ ] Disengaged - A few coughs here, a quiet whisper there; you'll start by keeping a low profile, ready to jump in with surprise.
[ ] Engaged - You intend to be an active participant from the get-go, but you don't want to exhaust yourself too soon.
[ ] Heavily Engaged - Throw yourself into the thick of it. You may become tired quickly, but if you can get the Crab a first-mover advantage perhaps this farce can be shut down before it even begins.
Also, what is your strategy for the opening discussions?
[ ] Focus on buttressing the Crab. A simple voice of support will grant their words more weight.
[ ] Chime in on the Scorpion arguments. It may garner you some animosity, but will undoubtedly be effective.
[ ] Put pressure on the Mirumoto. Now that they lack the support of the other Dragons, you may be able to force them to withdraw.
[ ] Attempt to bait the Matsu. You believe that you have set the idea into Matsu Masakawa's mind, but how to get him to implement it...
[ ] Strike directly against the Crane. You may be able to trick them into being unable to oppose you while also opposing the Emperor.
[X] Disengaged - A few coughs here, a quiet whisper there; you'll start by keeping a low profile, ready to jump in with surprise.
[X] Focus on buttressing the Crab. A simple voice of support will grant their words more weight.
They did mention that we would be best waiting till the perfect moment. Let us stay back and bide our time to strike. Also, the crab are going to need all the help they can get.