I honestly have no idea have L5R's dice system works, and I've tried to figure it out. I'm just going to vote for heroic opportunity, as that seems important.
As far as i see it (and i may be mistaken), our situation and options are as follows: First off, we are loosing. The enemy is pretty much overpowering us and right now our side is taking a beating. Luckily, that does not mean we are down yet. That requires another hit like this while we are reeling.
Our options, as i see them, are as follows:
Option 1. We can take the beating and slide over towards reeling. The cornered Catfish is the most dangerous. In fact, a "loosing" faction has a higher percentage-chance of getting Heroic opportunities or duels. Storybookknight's setup allows us to push our faction from the brink if we manage a personal challenge of sorts.
Pros: We could actually gain a ton of Glory this way if we are the ones saving our faction from loosing. If we manage to do that repeatedly and succesful, Tsubaki could become reknown as "the catfish fighting the Crabs battles" or something.
Cons: It is dangerous. We slip, we loose. We do not get our "Heroic Opportunity", we can not change the course of battle. And we are taxing on our endurance and Tsubakis Lifepoints. Albeit we are not in physical danger (Swords are not part of this currently), we could end loosing by default. If we did really well, we could come out smelling like a rose and, despite being defeated in court, we would gain boku-glory for fighting the crane and being the only one which kept our guys fighting
Option 2. We fight back. Same setup as above, except with our Heroic Opportunity we would push ourselves from "loosing" to "neutral" and put us on even ground again for another round of combat.
Pros: We can take another hit if there is a mayor slip-up.
Cons: "Neutral" gives us less chances to gain Heroic Opportunities next round, which are our main method of influencing this. We are not good enough to fight with those titans on even ground.
The general problem is that i was not aware how screwed we were until the dice-pools came out. Doji Ran is more than just good at her job, she is a killer in court. In hindsight, i really wish we would have been agrressive from the start and tried to put everything on "Win or bust" in 2 turns. That is not possible in this situation. As i see it, we somehow have to penalise Doji Ran or eleminate her from the "Battlefield" with some kind of duel or trick or we can not win this.
And even if that happens (somehow), i doubt that Tsubaki is still in shape to continue fighting and Doji Ran's second in command will likely be an equal match (or better) to Yasuki Daimyo.