Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

I'm trying to find the Kancolle story that had a Shipgirl bring a coastal Chinese city to become a Shipgirl.
But I am drawing a blank on where I read that story. Can someone please help me?
Do you mean a shipgirl awakening during an attack on a coastal Chinese city? Cause if so I vaguely remember a sidestory snippet in HatSG where a ship girl (an American cruiser I think, one of the newer ones like a Baltimore) had a flashback of her awakening during a visit to China. It would be somewhere on SV in that case, as I don't read HatSG on SB, but I'm not sure which of the two threads it would be in. No idea who the author of that was, but I'm pretty sure it was one of the less-frequent posting side story writers.

Edit: and I didn't reload the page before posting, so your question was already answered.
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As an odd aside, I've started watching Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-San and an idea came to me... Does anyone think that Senko and Ikazuchi are very similar in personality and the like? What with Senko stating that it is her job to pamper Kurato, and Ikazuchi stating that the Admiral should rely on her for everything?

Can you imagine the two meeting?
I haven't watched it yet, however, I predict headpats. Lots of Headpats.
Mostly tail brushing, though there are headpats here and there. I kinda want to see a crossover between Ranma 1/2 and Always Helpful Fox Senko San. She and Kasumi would either get along perfectly or absolutely loathe each other.

Unfortunately, Senko-san is kinda niche. between here, spacebattles and fanfictionnet there are only 12 mentions of it. At all. Which is frankly kinda depressing. (I've been looking for the last hour)
Mostly tail brushing, though there are headpats here and there. I kinda want to see a crossover between Ranma 1/2 and Always Helpful Fox Senko San. She and Kasumi would either get along perfectly or absolutely loathe each other.

Unfortunately, Senko-san is kinda niche. between here, spacebattles and fanfictionnet there are only 12 mentions of it. At all. Which is frankly kinda depressing. (I've been looking for the last hour)
Well, there was talk of it over on SB...

And it turned into the Admiral being Senko-San's son and thus being reminded of his mother by Ikazuchi. Complete with Senko showing up and every shipgirl just BSODing.
Backroom Deals

Ark Royal turned her collar up against the wind, as she walked through the streets of the small port town. She kept her eyes peeled and watched every dark shadow, just in case she were to run into another shipgirl, or worse, the admiral. Technically she was on shore leave so she wasn't breaking any rules, but people would still wonder what she was up to if they saw her wandering about this late at night.

Fortunately it seemed no-one else was about, and she made it to the little café without incident.

The bell jingled as she opened the door and stepped inside, allowing herself to bask in the warmth of the shop. The place was relatively upscale decorated in warm colours, mahogany tables and chairs with red, velvet cushions. All manner of pleasant scents met her nose as the door soft clicked closed behind her.

Graf Zeppelin was already sitting in their usual booth, at the back of the room well away from the windows. The German girl looked up at her as she approached, her brow furrowed and a frown on her lips.

"You're late," she said.

"My apologies," Ark replied. "The meeting with Warspite and Nelson ran on longer than usual."

Graf just grunted in response, and turned back to her brink, a coffee so black it almost looked like tarmac. Ark resisted the urge to wrinkle her nose, personally she couldn't stand the bitter drink, but she could at least learn to tolerate it; she had to, if her plans for the future had any hope of coming to fruition.

Almost as soon as she'd sat herself down a waitress was standing beside their table, smiling down at them with the practised patience of someone in the service industry.

"Welcome to Le Chat Noire," she said. "May I take your order?"

"One cup of Earl Grey," she replied, smiling back pleasantly.


Ark nodded.

"Yes please."


"Two please," Ark answered.

"Anything to eat?"

"A scone, perhaps?"

As the waitress turned and began to walk back to the counter, she heard Graf chuckle, drawing her attention back to the German girl.

"You're very picture of an English Lady, aren't you," she said, with good-natured sarcasm.

Ark just shrugged.

"Well, I do try," she replied.

They drifted into something of a companionable silence after that, Graf sipping her tea, and Ark allowing her mind to wander. When she stopped to think of it, it was somewhat surprising how comfortable they were around each other now, considering how tense things had been between them when they had first come to this arrangement.

The two shipgirls didn't get down to business until after waitress had returned with Ark's order, and then left again.

"So," Graf said. "Did you bring the stuff?"

Ark didn't respond immediately, instead taking a sip of her tea and sighing as she felt its warmth spread through her. Placing her cup back on it's saucer with a soft clink, she reached into the inner pocket of her coat, and produced a plastic bag filled with beans the colour of mahogany. After a quick glance to make sure no-one was looking, she slid the bag across the table to the other girl.

Graf gave the back a quick once over, before discreetly sliding it into her bag.

"Interesting," she said. "What kind is it?"

"Black Ivory," Ark answered.

Graf's eyebrows shot up towards her hairline, and she stared at the redhead with wide eyes.

"Really?" she asked.

"Indeed," Ark replied. "And I don't mind telling you I had to call in a few favours to get my hands on so many."

Graf's eyes narrowed.

"How many?"

Ark smirked.

"Enough to last even you for the next year," she answered.

For a moment Graf was silent, and she looked at Ark as though she was some sort of goddess descended from upon high. She quickly regains her composure, coughing into her fist and leaning back into her seat, attempting to affect a look of nonchalance. Her efforts to play it cool may have made Ark laugh, but she had more important matters on her mind.

"Your turn," she said.

Graf nodded stiffly, and reached into her bag again. She pulled out an unmarked manilla envelope, and slid it across the table to the other woman. Ark opened the the envelope just enough for her to peer inside, so that she could check the content.

"Oh my, yes, this is more than acceptable payement," she replied. "I'm surprised you didn't arouse any suspicion."

Graf shrugged.

"She knows I took them," she explained. "She just doesn't know I made extra copies to give to you."

Ark could feel the smile spreading across her face, and raised her cup in a sort of toast, a gesture that Graf mirrored.

"Well then," she said. "It's been a pleasure working with you Miss Zeppelin. Here's hoping we can continue our mutually beneficial relationship this year too."

"Likewise," Graf replied.

An hour or so later would find Ark Royal back in her room on the base, however she did not go straight to bed. Instead she sat at her desk, so that she could spread the contents of the envelope out on the surface, and examine them properly. They were mostly pictures of a tall, blonde woman, slender, but with an impressive bust and curvy hips.

Most of the pictures showed the woman lounging around at the beach in a swimsuit, but there were a couple of others too. Like the one of her from the Christmas party, dress in the Mrs Claus outfit with the scandalously short skirt, her cheeks almost the same colour as her dress. Then there's one where she got into a push-up competition with Nelson, her face all red and sweaty with exertion.

...Perhaps she should buy Nelson a present?

Ark leaned back in her chair, and sighed wistfully.

Wonderful Bismark. What must I do just to have a proper conversation with you?

With another sigh, Ark leaned forward again and picked up the last item the envelope had contained. It was a small piece of paper, blank put for the numbers 14 – 02 printed on the surface.

Ark smiled softly. Valentine's Day, somehow that seemed utterly appropriate, and it gave her just over a month to plan how she was going to make her move...
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A Naval Buildup Snippette

1934- As part of a WPA project, East coast drydocks expansion begins. Expected to take 5 years, the finished expansion will be able to build far heavier ships than allowed by the treaty, only the true extent is left unmentioned to anyone outside of President Roosevelt.

1935-6- As the year closes out, Naval designers begin on the Montana and Iowa class battleships. The Navy also begins the infrastructure expansion as the drydock expansion program enters the final phase. This expansion is assisted by the Panay incident in China. Congress agrees to a massive 5 billion dollar Naval budget increase, also voting to effectively nullify the WNT.

Elsewhere, the Japanese begin construction on Yamato as Britain nervously eyes both America and Germany.

1937- The first Montana design comes out; it is a weird one.

7 triple turrets in a fore and aft configuration [abcd and wxy] of 17"/76 caliber shell size. A proposed secondary battery of six 8" surface triple turrets and 90 light/ 30 medium AA dual purpose guns.

Powerplant would be [Redacted].

Armor for the Montana "1776" would be [redacted]

Three 1776s would be approved. The preparation for building starting in the last quarter of the year. The proposed weapons and engines were also embarked upon in the preparation process; it should be noted that naval building was a bit behind so despite the normal way of making sure weapons and engines were pre-built, it was not the case here.

The Iowa class was significantly smaller with only an ab and y configuration, or 3 turrets of 16"/50 caliber. Two of these would begin in Boston the next year.

1938- Industrial expansion within vicinity of naval yards reaches an all time high as steel machining facilities require more and more workers. Weapon factories are encouraged to expand under the guise of an extended WPA program.

In short, 1938 was the year of keels;

Montana was laid on March, 1938, while unknowingly, the keel for the Yamato was laid in November. The North Dakota and South Dakota [The Montanas would cause the SoDak class to be cancelled] were laid in October.

1939- More Mines were opened or expanded where possible. Publication of economic figures was allowed, but specifics could not be mentioned. Unemployment was quite low as Europe geared for war.

Two of the old Standards would be taken for scrapping; the Maryland and West Virginia. The names would be put on the list for the Montana class ships while Iowa, Missouri, Kentucky, Illinois, Louisiana and New Jersey were reserved for the Iowas.

The so-called Pocket battleship makes the debute as Germany trumpets the completion of the Scharnhorst.

From an American perspective, European War #3 starts, and Neutrality is declared.

1940- The engine assemblies were lowered into the hull and properly intertwined with the 4 main shafts being installed afterward and the two outboard shafts installed after that. Each of the six power plants put out 90k shp; the largest plants ever produced. The two outermost screws were mounted significantly forward of the stern, resulting in an odd keel design.
Later in the year, the engineering and fuel spaces would be completed, and the citadel would take shape followed by the main weapon spaces, followed by the Main deck. Work also started on the structure where possible.

1941- The Montana main superstructure was completed, work was mostly centered around the massive amount of connections for radar, communication, engineering, weapons, lights and piping. Unseen by those who worked on the leviathan, a semblance of a spirit began to coalesce as the ship came together.

Iowa and Missouri are launched, New Jersey and Wisconsin are laid.

Yamato is launched, rumors swirl for intel offices of most navies.
Bismark remains in Germany, enabling Hood to be refit in America, post Mers-al Kebir.

The ghostly essence looked out over the dock she was in, spying the giant banner on the wall. "U.S.S. Montana. Is that what I'm called?"

[Gigantic Titanic of a snip]

We need you're help, please come back.

"Do you?"

You were the most famous of our ships, the most powerful on the sea.

"I see, very well."

Come to the light.

"We shall come then."


"Sir, the entire supply of STS just disappeared."

"Even from storage?"


"Crap." He vocalized as three distinct shapes materialized in the water.


The foot falls of the new summons caused the building shiver, out of the gloom appeared three females. Battleships.

Not just any battleships, but the ones remembered for poking holes in two nations.

"Report, Sailors!"

The three stiffened as the redhead took charge, "Sir! U.S.S. Montana-"

"-U.S.S. North Dakota-"

"-and U.S.S. South Dakota-"

"-reporting for duty Sir!"

"Welcome to Sasebo Naval base-"

Three battleship grade supply rooms howled in desperation, and all three clutched their middles, "Ugh. Mess hall please?"

"Follow Yamashiro."


The mess hall, also known as the cafeteria or galley; was the largest single level building on the immediate portion of the base. The time of day was around the smaller ship classes feeding time, except that there was panic in the kitchen staff today as three of the largest battleships ever built approached.


Tenryuu wondered what the hold up was for the breakfast line to open, but did not expect to find the answer in the form of the mess hall doors opening as three people she'd never seen before just... cut in front of her without noticing.

As if on cue, the barrier retracted and Tenryuu had to stare, battleships, no... super-battleships. The realization turned her impending ire into fear as she followed the new summons in their wake and noticed the cooking staff desperately trying to get more breakfast ready.

"Hey, you three, leave some for the rest of us will you?"

The blonde turned to regard the shorter cruiser, but couldn't talk with her mouth full, so just shrugged in reply.

Eventually, the three food mountains moved to a table in the corner and sat down to eat. Sadly, whatever their wishes were, they would not remain isolated for long.

Montana glanced up at the light cruiser who'd parked herself and the cadre of destroyers at the next table over. "Hi."

Tenryuu nodded, "So, new summons eh?" She'd seen battleships and their food before, but super-battleships were on another level.

"Yesh." Montana swallowed what remained in her mouth, then continued, "Sorry, U.S.S. Montana, North and South Dakota." The redhead moved her hand to indicate her sisters and herself in introduction.

"Tenryuu, Leyte Gulf?"

"I was sunk by that point-"

The cafeteria doors opened again, along with a voice. "I, Musashi, have arrived to dine!"

Montana froze a moment before moving over, "North, sit beside me. If she notices me-"

"Right." While North Dakota completed the odd sounding request in Tenryuu's ears, the other Dakota answered the unspoken question. "Montana sank Musashi in Leyte Gulf, without ever visually seeing her."

"Bloody cloud cover."

"Huh, so that's why..."

A silent nod confirmed Tenryuu's comment.

Meanwhile, the doors opened yet again.

"Oh hell no."

"Scharnhorst." North Dakota stared and wondered what they had done to deserve this.


Montana quietly used air drawing in the form of "Y...A...M!"

"Oh-" South Dakota swallowed what she'd been chewing and monitored the reflections in the windows as best she could.

"Ugh, I, Yamato, have been woken up by Musashi-"

"-to come dine here. I also heard that there were new summons...!" Yamato froze for a moment as she spotted three really large people occupying most of a corner table, but then carried on to the food line where Musashi was finished with supply gathering...

Looking for a place to sit...

In Montana's opinion, this was bad. She was still trying adjust to having a body like a human, and really didn't want any complications on top of that; but it looked like she had no choice.

From Musashi's viewpoint, what she did know was there were three new faces she had never seen before. Cue the second Yamato sister unknowingly setting her tray down diagonal to the object of her past historical destruction.

And Yamato looking like she had bitten into some sour fruit while shuffling toward where her dear sister had parked, sitting at the end of the table.

Eventually, the conversation happened once the supplies were satisfied to a degree.

"So, who are you and where did you fall?"

North Dakota replied, "U.S.S. North Dakota, that's South Dakota, and she is Montana. We three are the Montana class super-battleships, scrapped in the 70s and 80s."

Musashi tilted her head while Yamato simply focused on her food. "Super-battleships you say?" Heedless of the closet she was walking into.

The mess hall door banged open loudly as the resident repair ship walked in with her assistant. "-three massive rigs that needed their own separate carts! No, they try to put all three rigs on ONE cart! Hello? three rigs that weigh 171,000* tons each? Not to mention the odds and..."

All 5 battleships and the cadre of Desdiv 6 froze at the ridiculous figure given. "Question withdrawn. What battles were you in?"

Montana finally spoke, "Leyte Gulf."

The two Yamatos instantly froze up with that, Yamato raising her head to regard Montana. "I watched you-"

Montana nodded, her single green locking with Yamato's gaze. "Yup, that happened-"

"-Seventeen inch turrets with 76 caliber-"

"-tank my shells from under 7,000 meters." Yamato pinned her killer with her gaze, continuing despite the Dakotas attempts at dereailment. "I watched as Musashi's shells failed against you-"

"Wait! Wha-"

"-they failed to damage you as they should have!"

Montana glared at Yamato, "I was brand new, that was first real battle. I was just as shocked when my guns tore through your armor like it wasn't there! That wasn't a battle Yamato, it was a desperate struggle to survive! I did not know just how badly my fire would maul you. My crews were terrified that we'd come out of the fog so close to you. 5,000 or so yards or so is suicide melee range for us somewhat modern battleships. You can't blame me entirely for what happened. Neither of us used our radars till we sighted each other, so seeing another capital ship so close and personal like that. Your crew panicked just as badly as mine did, but my 7 beat your three and that's a done deal."

"EXCUSE ME!" Musashi roared, glaring at Montana, "So that was you then who sank me without ever seeing me?"

"Yes, it was; and if you try to start something here, my sisters might have to interject. Yes?"

The three sisters grinned toothily and Musashi wilted under their gaze. "....Fine."

Slowly, the quintette of battleships finished off their breakfasts.

"Any recent summons, please come to the Admiral's office after your initial resupply has been dealt with, thank you."

"Well, I'm guessing that means us."


The three sisters entered the outer office of the admiral only to stop as Montana froze up in her tracks again.

"Come on sis, not this again." North Dakota grimaced as she looked at the secretary-who was also a ship- and would've greeted her, but for the same expression.

"...Nagato, are the new summons her- Oh there you are. Hey Nagato?" The admiral looked questionably at the newcomers, "I'm likely going to regret this, but by chance, did one of you meet her during the war?"

Both Dakotas pointed at the redhead in the room silently.

"Ah. Urk!" The admiral might have attempted to return to his office, but was arrested by his secretary latching onto his shoulder.

"I'm sorry sir, but can we conduct this here instead?"

"Erm, let me guess, Leyte Gulf?"

All the ships nodded with Nagato providing a "Yes." in verbal confirmation.

"Hoo boy."


"Now see here, I had no desire to sink you if I could avoid it. My crew chose that option-"

"You tore me apart then executed me with your trickery!"


"Now hold on sister." South Dakota interrupted, and finally garnered their attention. "Nagato, we had this same discussion with both Yamatos earlier in the mess hall. The circumstances were beyond any of us to completely control."

" I remember that I saluted you just before you sank, and I was not happy with my crew." Montana spoke slowly, "Somehow I had the feeling you were doing the same."

"I-I don't know how to take that..."

"Is it just me or does everyone here seemed to hold some weird issue regarding us Montanas?" North Dakota asked as Mutsu entered the room.

"..." The admiral smiled weakly as yet more stuff surrounding the new summons played out.


Far away in Kiel, three blondes sneezed at once. "Someone must be talking about us."


* A rough estimate.

I've written a huge piece in the last week or so related to this, not posted anywhere yet though. I only posted this to give a rough idea of what I'm doing. Thoughts are welcomed, expressed interest will result in Much of the story being in its own post/thread. Edited to reflect some of the story changes; there will be more changes later on to this section.
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It was a Tillman on steroids. Granted, I believe I realize now why they limited turrets to 4 maximum. Mostly having to do with the ammo storage areas and safety. I don't even necessarily know if 1500 ft would work or not. Games tend to have limits hard coded, UA,D has limits more for the AI than the player. The following picture is an approximation of the version of the Montana class I'm using. The length is really truncated and there are several aspects of the game that leave much to be desired. Limited super structure, barbettes, no custom lengths for hulls "yet" and limited engine choices. Alpha 5 should be later this month maybe.

The longest I've seen that game has been a shade under 1200 feet long so far, which imo, seems a bit short for a seven turret layout. Thank you for the schematic. I'll put the link to my story in my sig. But I haven't posted what consists of the latter half of the previous snippette in my story thread.
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New CGs for the peach festival: Gotland, Minegumo, Mikura, Richelieu.

This Richelieu is absolutely divine. Also note the Gamby and Teste dolls.
do you lot know some good tools that could be used to design shipgirls for someone with minimal artistic tallent? I'm thinking of doing a playthrough of Rule the Waves with some shipgirl flavor.
Not sure if it counts as a fanfic rec, but I was thinking of doing a reading and my thoughts on a certain Kancolle Fanfic.
Hmm, a RtW type thing...

Can't really say I know of anything, unless you take a look at some of the things on Steam. Granted, you'd have to jury-rig ideas about the riggings, but at least you could have an idea about what the ship may look like in its humanoid form.

Anyways, Have another snippette.

Did we remember to put out the light upon kissing our children goodnight? Was it too late for us to consider the nearby ocean life? When it came, we were too stunned to see, frozen by emotional shock as they came from the ocean.

They smashed what they could of our docks, destroying the shipping, laying waste to our pitiful defenses. Killing and massacring those who tried to fight back, even those who ran were at risk. But it was too late, for something truly wicked had come home to roost.

No, it wasn't called karma, although one could make the case for rendered karma. This was a rebuke by the sea, for not having enough sunken ships lately. I wasn't aware that we had to cater to our own planet's interests.

These demons attacked every port on the coast, especially focused where the country's navy happened to use anchorages. Taking special care to thrash the naval high command of nearly every ocean going country with a port on the ocean. Sure they were driven off in the end, but the price we paid for said victory was steep, and where things went strange.

That's when I noticed them, small forms wearing seemingly over-stacked backpacks seemingly skating on the water. These were fighting the weird things and would be introduced later as historical ships given a humanoid form. These things would be a major part of driving the beasts off back into the waters of the seas.

Yet it was not to last, one night, a lone demon got into the Potomac river, and when she was just a few miles from D.C., she transformed into a creature having seven turrets on her body, 3 guns per turret. The leviathan shelled our nation's capital with near impunity and was only said to have commented, "Fools should put their capital more in the middle of their country, not on the edge!"

It was in that time frame that I had died, and found myself in front of a Great White throne, and He who sat upon it held Ultimate sway over my life and the future of me, but alas, my determination was found unworthy, which is why....

This is why, when I woke up again, I found myself staring up at the sky, floating on the water, blinking. Why wasn't I dead? Or had I been alive all along? That was the quandry I was in when I felt it, or rather; them.

Yes, them. Little feet on my skin, akin to a really large spider; except they felt bipedal, not octopedal. They were also within me, moving around, doing things, couldn't tell what if I tried to analyze the action.


So that's as far as I've gotten with this idea so far... Yeah, it uses the unique design I've brought forth before, but that's all the intro so far. Nothing beyond that point yet.

Thoughts on the above snip?
Hmm, a RtW type thing...

Can't really say I know of anything, unless you take a look at some of the things on Steam. Granted, you'd have to jury-rig ideas about the riggings, but at least you could have an idea about what the ship may look like in its humanoid form.

Anyways, Have another snippette.

Did we remember to put out the light upon kissing our children goodnight? Was it too late for us to consider the nearby ocean life? When it came, we were too stunned to see, frozen by emotional shock as they came from the ocean.

They smashed what they could of our docks, destroying the shipping, laying waste to our pitiful defenses. Killing and massacring those who tried to fight back, even those who ran were at risk. But it was too late, for something truly wicked had come home to roost.

No, it wasn't called karma, although one could make the case for rendered karma. This was a rebuke by the sea, for not having enough sunken ships lately. I wasn't aware that we had to cater to our own planet's interests.

These demons attacked every port on the coast, especially focused where the country's navy happened to use anchorages. Taking special care to thrash the naval high command of nearly every ocean going country with a port on the ocean. Sure they were driven off in the end, but the price we paid for said victory was steep, and where things went strange.

That's when I noticed them, small forms wearing seemingly over-stacked backpacks seemingly skating on the water. These were fighting the weird things and would be introduced later as historical ships given a humanoid form. These things would be a major part of driving the beasts off back into the waters of the seas.

Yet it was not to last, one night, a lone demon got into the Potomac river, and when she was just a few miles from D.C., she transformed into a creature having seven turrets on her body, 3 guns per turret. The leviathan shelled our nation's capital with near impunity and was only said to have commented, "Fools should put their capital more in the middle of their country, not on the edge!"

It was in that time frame that I had died, and found myself in front of a Great White throne, and He who sat upon it held Ultimate sway over my life and the future of me, but alas, my determination was found unworthy, which is why....

This is why, when I woke up again, I found myself staring up at the sky, floating on the water, blinking. Why wasn't I dead? Or had I been alive all along? That was the quandry I was in when I felt it, or rather; them.

Yes, them. Little feet on my skin, akin to a really large spider; except they felt bipedal, not octopedal. They were also within me, moving around, doing things, couldn't tell what if I tried to analyze the action.


So that's as far as I've gotten with this idea so far... Yeah, it uses the unique design I've brought forth before, but that's all the intro so far. Nothing beyond that point yet.

Thoughts on the above snip?

Interesting take on things. I like it!