Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Idea Number 2: A faction of the Abyssals try out the Admiral thing by getting a random human from a coastal community to be their new Admiral.

[Congratulations, you have just become our Admiral. Please do not resist.]
Idea Number 2: A faction of the Abyssals try out the Admiral thing by getting a random human from a coastal community to be their new Admiral.

[Congratulations, you have just become our Admiral. Please do not resist.]

"Oh shit, This is rather nice...Juneau, That you, sis?"

I've had this idea for quite a while now, on a low simmer.

I kinda wanna do a Kancolle Abyssal SI...based on Lorelei: The Witch of the Pacific.

Mostly the SI wakes up completely concussed and doesn't know where she is or what she is. She's slowly figuring things out, and hiding in Manila Bay.

Meanwhile the Abyssals have been pushed to the breaking point and thus break out the 'last ditch' weapons. Cue the poor Japanese Shipgirls being on the receiving end of Kamikaze aircraft attack, which has led to a massive cluster f*** of an operation scattering forces all near the Philippines. Cue Tenryu and her little division limping into Manila bay to hide/repair (more like the division drags Tenryu on their shoulders to shore so she doesn't sink) and while hiding there start running across abyssal wrecks all over the place, much to their alarm.

Then from the locals they find out that something is haunting Manila Bay and is likely operating out of the burned out remains of Fort Drum, the 'concrete battleship' which used to guard the entrance to the bay. But it didn't attack them on the way in...

I'm not sure of the tone of the story yet though. I WANT to do a Hunt for Red October sorta vibe, but I'm not sure I can pull it off...
I've had this idea for quite a while now, on a low simmer.

I kinda wanna do a Kancolle Abyssal SI...based on Lorelei: The Witch of the Pacific.

Mostly the SI wakes up completely concussed and doesn't know where she is or what she is. She's slowly figuring things out, and hiding in Manila Bay.

Meanwhile the Abyssals have been pushed to the breaking point and thus break out the 'last ditch' weapons. Cue the poor Japanese Shipgirls being on the receiving end of Kamikaze aircraft attack, which has led to a massive cluster f*** of an operation scattering forces all near the Philippines. Cue Tenryu and her little division limping into Manila bay to hide/repair (more like the division drags Tenryu on their shoulders to shore so she doesn't sink) and while hiding there start running across abyssal wrecks all over the place, much to their alarm.

Then from the locals they find out that something is haunting Manila Bay and is likely operating out of the burned out remains of Fort Drum, the 'concrete battleship' which used to guard the entrance to the bay. But it didn't attack them on the way in...

I'm not sure of the tone of the story yet though. I WANT to do a Hunt for Red October sorta vibe, but I'm not sure I can pull it off...

Just do it! Try to see if you can! You'll never know if you can if you don't try. So don't let this just be another dream!
That Witch of the Pacific sounds like an interesting movie.

I'm considering separating out the second arc of AENB into its own thread, but I'm not sure that's a good idea or not as the first arc is there to explain the foundation to the second arc...

Not to mention, I'm considering that S-I snip I did earlier to be the reason one of the ships never appears in the second arc... I would appreciate some feedback on my idea of separating the two out.

And speaking of said S-I snip, Have an updated version

Did we remember to put out the light upon kissing our children goodnight? Was it too late for us to consider the nearby ocean life? When it came, we were too stunned to see, frozen by emotional shock as they came from the ocean.

They smashed what they could of our docks, destroying the shipping, laying waste to our pitiful defenses. Killing and massacring those who tried to fight back, even those who ran were at risk. But it was too late, for something truly wicked had come home to roost.

No, it wasn't called karma, although one could make the case for rendered karma. This was a rebuke by the sea, for not having enough sunken ships lately. I wasn't aware that we had to cater to our own planet's interests.

These demons attacked every port on the coast, especially focused where the country's navy happened to use anchorages. Taking special care to thrash the naval high command of nearly every ocean going country with a port on the ocean. Sure they were driven off in the end, but the price we paid for said victory was steep, and where things went strange.

That's when I noticed them, small forms wearing seemingly overstacked backpacks seemingly skating on the water. These were fighting the weird things and would be introduced later as historical ships given a humanoid form. These things would be a major part of driving the beasts off back into the waters of the seas.

Yet it was not to last, one night, a lone demon got into the Potomac river, and when she was just a few miles from D.C., she transformed into a creature having seven turrets on her body, 3 guns per turret. The leviathan shelled our nation's capital with near impunity and was only said to have commented, "Fools should put their capital more in the middle of their country, not on the edge!"

It was in that time frame that I had died, and found myself in front of a Great White throne, and He who sat upon it held Ultimate sway over my life and the future of me, but alas, my determination was found unworthy, which is why....

This is why, when I woke up again, I found myself staring up at the sky, floating on the water, blinking. Why wasn't I dead?* Or had I been alive all along? That was the quandry I was in when I felt it, or rather; them.
Yes, them. Little feet on my skin, akin to a really large spider; except they felt bipedal, not octopedal. They were also within me, moving around, doing things, couldn't tell what if I tried to analyze the action.

"Hey, hey. [Let's get this show on the road shall we? Prepare for boiler start.]"
"Hey. [Yes Sir.]"

What was going on? He felt his body begin to stand, "Wha-" His hands went to his mouth, eyes gaping in shock. "Why do I sound like my moth--well smeg." He finished with a deadpan as looked at what appeared to be a female body's reflection in the water.

"Heeeey, hey hey. [Boilers are lit, engines are go.]"
"Hey hey hey. [Very well, make turns for one third speed.]"
"Hey. Hey hey hey hey. [Turrets one through seven operational, secondaries and AA operational. Should we invoke radar?]"

Once again, I opened my eyes and looked around, brushing a lock of black hair from my face as I saw nothing but liquid in every direction. With my mind firmly in a sort of shocked frozen state, it was easy for the little ones to guide me.

"Heyhey? [Where are we going?]"
"Hey hey hey, hey hey. [The hull's unresponsive, let's go west then.]"
"Hey hey hey. [As you said Sir.]"

I was catatonic, so much made no sense to me. I'm recounting this on the second day. The first day was the adjustment, coming to grips with what I now appeared to be. That night, I slept restlessly, and the little ones. Well, they took matters into their own hands.


Day Two, about 0500 hours

Part of the command staff gathered around the sleeping ship, "Hey, hey hey hey. [Ship seems clean, good as new condition wise.]"
"Hey, hey hey hey heeeeeey. [Well, we need to wake her up. Wait, why you lookin at me...? Nooo.]"
Everyone was now giving the commander a wide berth, meaning he had the job he had just asked about.

A feeling pervaded my groggy mind, the feeling of being touched. "W-wha-?"


"WHAT?!" I demanded, sitting up and frowning at the sound of my voice. I stood up, frowning as I looked down at myself. "Okay, I'm still not entirely clear on my form, but it is obvious that you little ones need my cooperation..."


So according to what seems to be my crew, I'm a ship girl now. Less emphasis and worry for me on the ship part though. I tell you, I'm far more at issue with the female form really. That however can be explained another time. The main facts presented to me at this time were:

I was a reincarnated WW2 battleship.

Said battleship was larger than Yamato.

The basic form for these humanoid ships was female.

The situation was still hard for me to fully accept, but I grudgingly listened and learned as I set steam for points unknown.


Ship Log; Day 3, 0430

The sunrise was glorious today, I watched along with many of my lookouts while the sun inflamed the sky into oranges, apples and lemons. Well, sorry for the analogy, it seemed to be better than saying reds, oranges and yellows....

Oh, I see; so the log is more important data only? So I'm a US Battleship that in my time was never built, let alone conceived of. Thanks to my crew, I know that I have seven turrets of three guns each, in this form however...

Twelve of them are in two revolvers on hips, said implements being utterly massive, but feeling very comfortable in my hands. The other nine are in my actual rigging.

Originally, my hull was about 150 feet wide and around 1500 feet long. Here this translates over to a height of.... Well, I suppose 7'11" will do just fine, and thats not a convenience store either. Armor was extensive and not skimped; 37" full hull belt and 19" full deck with 15" of armor on superstructure and 22" armor on turret tops.

Now, all that is translated somehow into muscle and bone, best not to dwell on it as it is. Very much a headache inducer for the sane.

Now, to find information on where I am.

End Log.


She? Yes, it was best to simply accept that he could be described as a she now; although, her clothing was... off for what appeared to be the South Pacific.

"Why am I wearing what seems to be a parka when I'm in the South Pacific?"


Having issues about which island chain the character's at before I write more.
Eh, I think 16° 46′ 17″S 151° 26′ 50″W works better for some island chain. Those coords were open ocean. Or one of those islands in that area.
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I'd make an OC for an Abyssal Installation, but I don't know how coastal fortifications translate into Abyssal personifications.