Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Yep. Thanks a bunch already, if you PM me your Discord I'll be happy to continue whenever is convenient for you.
So, is this the sort of place where I can ask about historical ship facts for a fic I may or may not write or is there a thread for that?

As a note I would be asking about Project Habbakuk, since the project never went forwards would there be a different place to ask for specific info?
Drachinifel on YouTube is a good source for naval facts. He's got a discord server too, which has good amount of naval nerds on it, with channels for ship questions. I think there's probably a link to it in the description of every video of his, but there's definitely one in the about section of the channel. I know Seismic already answered some your questions, but I figured I'd mention Drach regardless as he makes some good content, and his server would be good place to ask future questions.
New equipment ranking rewards was distributed today! The standout ones are the XF5U Pancake and SG Radar.

With this there is a high confidence next event will have a US ship.

Additionally, in a furniture set added with Hiei K2C and Gotland Andra's update, there is a doll of new, unidentified girl:

Very awesome Abyssal size comparison by mizuchi7118:

All left to right, starting from Yamato:

Princesses and integrated with a Princess, on ground level:
Abyssal Lifebuoy (Escort Water Hime's)
Standing: Heavy Cruiser Hime
On a leash: Escort Water Hime
Resting on red flowers: Lycoris Hime
Standing: Lycoris Fubuki
With blue flowers: Night Strait Hime
Eyeless, black, standing: Battleship Hime
Sitting on tail: French Battleship Hime

Without Princess, on ground level:
Near Escort Water Hime's legs: Anchorage Water Oni's pet
Large, dark one with two heads: Battleship Water Oni
Small, dark blue heads and pale body, with tusks: Sun Hime
Black upper side, white lower side and limbs, long-headed with bed: Anchorage Water Oni

Princesses and integrated with a Princess, floating:
Dark blue/purplish, elongated with glowing blue eye: Submarine Hime
Long-tailed, above Submarine Hime: Seaplane Tender Water Hime
Red and white, rightmost: Central Hime
Red and black, below Central Hime: Aircraft Carrier Oni

WIthout Princess, floating:
White and Round above Heavy Cruiser Hime: Nimbus Hime
Dark blue, above Heavy Cruiser Hime: Dock Hime
Dark blue with tail, just in front and slightly under the whale: Air Defense Cruiser Hime
Very large, pale, whale-like: Pacific Hime
Red and black, elongated with runway and large turret just below the whale: Crane Hime
Large, white spherical: Midway Hime
Nautilus: Batavia Hime
Two-headed, looking to the right, above the nautilus: Mediterranean Hime

Other/Not a Princess:
PT Imp Group

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"Goodbye," said the fox. "And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
"What is essential is invisible to the eye," the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember.

Pool recommendation: number 16009 on Danbooru.

B612's Beach, by sepecat1995.

A short, sweet story about Commandant Teste and Mizuho, who's nervous about the night. The title and the story references the novella "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

"And then look: you see the grain-fields down yonder? I do not eat bread. Wheat is of no use to me. The wheat fields have nothing to say to me. And that is sad. But you have hair that is the color of gold. Think how wonderful that will be when you have tamed me! The grain, which is also golden, will bring me back the thought of you. And I shall love to listen to the wind in the wheat..."

Similarly to the Prince in the story whose golden hair is compared to wheat, Mizuho wears ears of rice as her hair decoration.
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Idea time!

Kantai Dungeon Crawl
A patrol group of obsolete ships gets trapped behind enemy lines and finds their way into the flooded basement of the physical structure of an Installation. If they go up, they have to deal with the Hime and her garrison. This place seems to go a long, long way down, though, and at the bottom is the Abyss itself. And in the middle, layer after layer of underground ocean, the training ground for emerging Abyssals competing for the right to be allowed to fight on the surface. Cut off from any hope of rescue or resupply, the patrol must fight for their life, salvage what hardware they can to sustain themselves and upgrade each other, and find a way to kill the Installation for good.

There's approximately zero chance that I'll ever get around to writing this, and I don't think I could execute the idea particularly well even then. So I'm leaving it here instead.
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Oka no Ue no Gunkan - The Warship Above The Hill

Can be found in a certain manga index under (what I believe to be a mistranslation) Battleship Above The Hill.

Hibiki, who now lives in Russia, visits Akatsuki who is now married and blessed with children, and reminisces about the past.

Short and melancholy, a good read.
Y'know, I've been wondering on what would things be like in a post-Abyssal War world that ended in Abyssal surrender, the snips and concepts that people have already made are pretty damm cool and I'd like to see more.
Anyways on an unrelated note, could someone please ask aceofAces over on SB if he'll crosspost his story over here?
From today's update:

Kaga Kai Ni:

Kaga Kai Ni Go (Jet capable with ASW focus)

Kaga Kai Ni E (Night capable).

Akashi in yukata:

Yashiro in yukata:

Jingei in yukata:

South Dakota in yukata (her damaged art is badass!)

I've never been good at spot the difference. Can someone please point out to me the differences between Kaga's three forms? I can see Go has different flight deck markings while E has nightlights, a partially-darkened flight deck, darker thighhighs(?) and a katana, but apart from that?
I've never been good at spot the difference. Can someone please point out to me the differences between Kaga's three forms? I can see Go has different flight deck markings while E has nightlights, a partially-darkened flight deck, darker thighhighs(?) and a katana, but apart from that?
Okay, this is mostly conjecture, but:
  • Kaga Kai Ni basically standard conversion into better carrier (longer deck, more ship capacity, arrester etc)
  • The marking in Kai Ni Go probably to helped pilot knows when to take off, or marking arrester cables. Jet in general had bigger max speed and acceleration compared with propeller, IIRC.
  • The lamps on Kai Ni E (Night Ops) is pretty self-explanatory, also consider that plane-mounted radar isn't as widespread in IJN as in USN, at least at the end of war. The katana probably represents additional secondaries (because light parade at night in the middle of ocean isn't exactly conductive to being hidden, so she need some insurance against surface attack).
Alright, as I've just seen the post:

- Kaga Kai Ni Base and Kaga Kai Ni Go have similar brighter lighting
- Kaga Kai Ni E has darker lighting and slightly shinier yellow eyes, plus the sword. She also has running lights along the edges of her deck.
- Kaga Kai Ni E's bow is also physically darker colored.
- Baseline and Go both have dual quivers, E has only one.
- Baseline has "normal" carrier deck markings similar to the rest of the carriers; as mentioned, Kaga Kai Ni Go's deck mimics DDH Kaga's; Kaga Kai Ni E has running lights and splatters of dark camo.

That's what I notice.
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So a few weeks ago over on SB me and CDRW had a......Discussion(?) as to what Rapture would be like if she were to be summoned as an Installation, I would be continuing this discussion on SB if it weren't for the fact that I got kicked from the site (no I will NOT stop bitching about that, if you have complaints direct them to the asshole who kicked me!) so now I'm continuing it here.


From the new monthly ranking rewards is the 16-inch triple gun mk.6+GFCS.

It is unknown yet if the new fairy is a hint for a new shipgirl.
If it is, it's KC's Washington. Given SoDak and Wash's crews getting into brawls over Guadalcanal, if I remember correctly.
but that headdress is definately IJN battleship, and more importantly looks nothing like any part of a NorCal's superstructure

Could be a Mk. 38 Fire director, though if it is one of the Kongou's, don't you think it should be Hiei or Kirishima? Especially Kirishima, Given SoDak's role in her sinking.
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