Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Welp, here we go again.


"Jaaaaa!" The Captain screeched, plunging the point of her blade into the exposed neck of the Abyss-spawn, oily black blood coating her uniform as she kicked the screaming creature's body back towards its compatriots. "Jaja ja, ja jaaa!"

One either branch of the junction around her, Armsmen faced off against a seemingly endless horde of hunchbacked crustaceoids within the narrow confines of the corridors. The occasional pistol-shot cracked above the furious din as the melee raged on, axes and boots smashing against the bony carapaces of the ponderous Drones as the Crew swarmed their much larger foes, shrill screams and squeaked battlecries intermingling with the bestial roars of the enemy.

"Jaaa!" Spotting one of the Drones about to finish off one of her Armsmen, the Captain leaped over the prone Fairy and tackled the foul thing out of the way just as an obsidian pincer began to close around the downed Fairy's neck, latching onto the face of the Drone as the stunned creature reeled. The extra weight pulling it off balance, the Drone gargled in surprise as it lurched away from the Armsman before a glimmering blade sank into its unprotected eye, the Captain pulling her sabre free from the wound with a spray of dark viscera.

With a final groan the Drone toppled over with a rattling crash, the corpse already beginning to dissolve into a black mist as the Captain wiped off her stained blade on one of her sleeves.

Looking over the ongoing melee, the Captain nodded to herself in satisfaction. The specifics of it still eluded her, but the unexplained "cleansing" effect the Captain's presence had on their surroundings was going strong as usual; patches of rot coating the metal walls of the corridor continued to wither away into more of that black mist as the Drones fell one by one, the steadily weakening beasts surrounded and brought down one by scores of angry Fairies with great prejudice.

The spell was broken, however, by the scuttling of spindly legs against steel; as yet another of the foul beasts blundered into the battleground through the open bulkheads on the far ends of the corridors, a bellowing warcry erupting from the Drone's throat as it squeezed its bulk through the northern portal. As long as those hatches remained open their foes would be an inexorable tide, the Captain feared, endless waves of Drones boiling forth into the corridors until they all were dragged kicking and screaming under a sea of black chitin.

Those gates needed to be sealed, to hell with the casualties!

Picking out the familiar welding mask of Engine from the press of bodies lining the walls, the Captain bellowed a warning and waved her blade in the direction of the open hatchways. Engine's eyes widened at the sight of a fresh Drone squeezing in and she snapped off a quick salute, rapping the Armsmen around her on their heads with her wrench and bodily dragging the disorganised Fairies into crude ranks.

"Ja ja, ja!" Engine hollered, flashing the Captain a thumbs-up as the lines of fighting men formed up and began to press back against the tide, a battle-rhythm of stamping boots and grunts of effort forming at the heart of the little army with two-man teams of Armsmen shoving the teeming mass of Drones back down the passageways with lowered shoulders, Abyssal carapace crunching underfoot as Fairies armed with sharpened lengths of pipe skewered exposed mouths and eyes from the back.

"Jajaja, jaja ja!" Crewmen darted to the side at the command as the Captain squeezed through to the fore, blade whirling as the massed Fairies drove deep into the heart of the abominations. Picking out a scarred Drone looming over the cowering form of one of her straggling Crew, the Captain bellowed a challenge at the foul creature and charged, rolling under the giant pincer-arm swinging towards her face and dragging her sabre across the Drone's exposed armpit, the gleaming edge of her blade splitting open accursed metal-flesh as she opened up the sinews of the screaming monstrosity.

Right arm dangling limply in its socket as oily blood gushed down its sides, the Drone roared in frustration and animal fury at the offending Fairy that had wounded it so, its brutish frame clanging against the narrow walls as it struggled to turn around in the tight confines. Without missing a beat, the Armsmen at the fore drew their hefty fire axes and hacked away at the creature's exposed back, axe-heads and solid butt-strikes sending cracks running down the Drone's shell that seeking pipe-spears immediately dug into with relish.

As one, the Armsmen gave the soon-to-be coprse a strong kick and began clambering past the dissolving carcass, the Captain plopping the peaked cap in her hands back onto its rightful position as the three of them seized the rusty bulkhead and began the arduous task of muscling it back into position, the three Fairies huffing with exhaustion as they fought the rusted hinges for every bitter inch.

Spears clanged against carapace overhead as an almighty blow slammed against the other side of the bulkhead, a Drone's pincer-arm scrabbling against the rim of the hatch as it attempted to fight its way in. Before any of them could react, barbed claw-tips sank into the shoulder of the Armsman and pulled, the hapless Crew's legs kicking frantically as she was dragged kicking and screaming through the opening.

"JAAAA!" the Captain roared as the bulkhead slammed shut with a final metallic screech, the clanks of the hatchway's locks drowning out the doomed Armsman's cries. Staggering back from the bloodsoaked bulkhead that had cost them so many lives to reach, the sabre in hands fell to the floor with a clatter as the Captain sank to her knees, exhausted Crew mimicking their leader as the lot of them simply collapsed wherever they stood.

Hard-earned victory but a victory nonetheless, but as the sounds of battle raged on from the other corridors none of them had the heart to cheer.

And as her head rested against the cold steel of the sealed door, the Captain saw a glimpse of the future: miles and miles of tainted halls birthing monsters from their very walls, her precious Crew grinding themselves into dust as they chiselled further and further into the depths of the corrupted hulk in search of...

...of what, again? She couldn't even remember.


Author's Note: This started off as a very old Self-Insert idea in the vein of Lord K and borrows inspiration from "Captain on Deck" over on Spacebattles, in the SI inserts as only a single "soul" (the Captain) instead of a full ship.

(Un)luckily for them, there's a whole bunch of "blank" hulls running around on the high seas with no ship-spirits of their own, being simulacra of ships formed wholesale out of concentrated grudges and no overarching will. The "mook" Abyssals, Abyss-spawned parodies of proper hulls that in a twisted parody of MSSB, actually sort of count as ships.

Boarding action, ho! (Does it even count as a boarding action if you're already onboard?)

Half throwing out an old idea before it withers on the vine and half battle-scene practice, I don't really have a concrete plan for where this snip's headed to. Leaning towards the nascent shipgirl having to "earn" the right to exist, and perhaps a look into the mind of one of many nameless Abyssals and its (lack of) reasons to fight.

One fights for Humanity, but has never even seen the Humanity they're fighting for. The other fights against it, but can't even think of why.

"What do you fight for?" The two sides of the same coin ask each other, and there can only be one answer.

ADDENDUM: Pardon the chuunibyou antics. I did mention this was an incredibly.old idea.

ADD2: Doesn't even need to be an SI anymore to be honest, could write up a whole story about one of the many "paper ship" kanmusu clawing her way in through the veil.

ADD3: Fairy dialogue is absolute cake to write, if you don't mind looking like an uneducated hack. Or more of one, in my case. Screw coming up with snappy lines, just Desu/Ja/Hey/Oi/Da your way to victory!

EDIT: Collapsed for ease of access, sorry for the inconvenience. I blame delirium.
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I like this one. Stuff from fairy perspectives always amuse me, and people's takes on abyssal "fairies" are always neat. Also, I really liked Captain on Deck, so this seems to have a lot of the stuff I liked.
well, I'm going to post this crossover idea here since the PMMM thread is long dead.

I have a desite to see Walpurgis take a MSSB enhanced broadside to the face. We've seen that Homura somehow magically controls things including launching missiles from a submarine. Perhaps she attempts to grab a museum ship just looking for one more thing to throw, and something sympathetic with her magic "wakes up" the ship?
I have the image in my head of the steel hull restoring to original quality. the turrets swing to bear on Walpurgis, and Homura spots an unfamiliar girl standing on the bow. The girl makes a gesture, the turrets fire, and the battle is on...

Anyone want to help expand on this?
Welp, here we go again.


"Jaaaaa!" The Captain screeched, plunging the point of her blade into the exposed neck of the Abyss-spawn, oily black blood coating her uniform as she kicked the screaming creature's body back towards its compatriots. "Jaja ja, ja jaaa!"

One either branch of the junction around her, Armsmen faced off against a seemingly endless horde of hunchbacked crustaceoids within the narrow confines of the corridors. The occasional pistol-shot cracked above the furious din as the melee raged on, axes and boots smashing against the bony carapaces of the ponderous Drones as the Crew swarmed their much larger foes, shrill screams and squeaked battlecries intermingling with the bestial roars of the enemy.

"Jaaa!" Spotting one of the Drones about to finish off one of her Armsmen, the Captain leaped over the prone Fairy and tackled the foul thing out of the way just as an obsidian pincer began to close around the downed Fairy's neck, latching onto the face of the Drone as the stunned creature reeled. The extra weight pulling it off balance, the Drone gargled in surprise as it lurched away from the Armsman before a glimmering blade sank into its unprotected eye, the Captain pulling her sabre free from the wound with a spray of dark viscera.

With a final groan the Drone toppled over with a rattling crash, the corpse already beginning to dissolve into a black mist as the Captain wiped off her stained blade on one of her sleeves.

Looking over the ongoing melee, the Captain nodded to herself in satisfaction. The specifics of it still eluded her, but the unexplained "cleansing" effect the Captain's presence had on their surroundings was going strong as usual; patches of rot coating the metal walls of the corridor continued to wither away into more of that black mist as the Drones fell one by one, the steadily weakening beasts surrounded and brought down one by scores of angry Fairies with great prejudice.

The spell was broken, however, by the scuttling of spindly legs against steel; as yet another of the foul beasts blundered into the battleground through the open bulkheads on the far ends of the corridors, a bellowing warcry erupting from the Drone's throat as it squeezed its bulk through the northern portal. As long as those hatches remained open their foes would be an inexorable tide, the Captain feared, endless waves of Drones boiling forth into the corridors until they all were dragged kicking and screaming under a sea of black chitin.

Those gates needed to be sealed, to hell with the casualties!

Picking out the familiar welding mask of Engine from the press of bodies lining the walls, the Captain bellowed a warning and waved her blade in the direction of the open hatchways. Engine's eyes widened at the sight of a fresh Drone squeezing in and she snapped off a quick salute, rapping the Armsmen around her on their heads with her wrench and bodily dragging the disorganised Fairies into crude ranks.

"Ja ja, ja!" Engine hollered, flashing the Captain a thumbs-up as the lines of fighting men formed up and began to press back against the tide, a battle-rhythm of stamping boots and grunts of effort forming at the heart of the little army with two-man teams of Armsmen shoving the teeming mass of Drones back down the passageways with lowered shoulders, Abyssal carapace crunching underfoot as Fairies armed with sharpened lengths of pipe skewered exposed mouths and eyes from the back.

"Jajaja, jaja ja!" Crewmen darted to the side at the command as the Captain squeezed through to the fore, blade whirling as the massed Fairies drove deep into the heart of the abominations. Picking out a scarred Drone looming over the cowering form of one of her straggling Crew, the Captain bellowed a challenge at the foul creature and charged, rolling under the giant pincer-arm swinging towards her face and dragging her sabre across the Drone's exposed armpit, the gleaming edge of her blade splitting open accursed metal-flesh as she opened up the sinews of the screaming monstrosity.

Right arm dangling limply in its socket as oily blood gushed down its sides, the Drone roared in frustration and animal fury at the offending Fairy that had wounded it so, its brutish frame clanging against the narrow walls as it struggled to turn around in the tight confines. Without missing a beat, the Armsmen at the fore drew their hefty fire axes and hacked away at the creature's exposed back, axe-heads and solid butt-strikes sending cracks running down the Drone's shell that seeking pipe-spears immediately dug into with relish.

As one, the Armsmen gave the soon-to-be coprse a strong kick and began clambering past the dissolving carcass, the Captain plopping the peaked cap in her hands back onto its rightful position as the three of them seized the rusty bulkhead and began the arduous task of muscling it back into position, the three Fairies huffing with exhaustion as they fought the rusted hinges for every bitter inch.

Spears clanged against carapace overhead as an almighty blow slammed against the other side of the bulkhead, a Drone's pincer-arm scrabbling against the rim of the hatch as it attempted to fight its way in. Before any of them could react, barbed claw-tips sank into the shoulder of the Armsman and pulled, the hapless Crew's legs kicking frantically as she was dragged kicking and screaming through the opening.

"JAAAA!" the Captain roared as the bulkhead slammed shut with a final metallic screech, the clanks of the hatchway's locks drowning out the doomed Armsman's cries. Staggering back from the bloodsoaked bulkhead that had cost them so many lives to reach, the sabre in hands fell to the floor with a clatter as the Captain sank to her knees, exhausted Crew mimicking their leader as the lot of them simply collapsed wherever they stood.

Hard-earned victory but a victory nonetheless, but as the sounds of battle raged on from the other corridors none of them had the heart to cheer.

And as her head rested against the cold steel of the sealed door, the Captain saw a glimpse of the future: miles and miles of tainted halls birthing monsters from their very walls, her precious Crew grinding themselves into dust as they chiselled further and further into the depths of the corrupted hulk in search of...

...of what, again? She couldn't even remember.


Author's Note: This started off as a very old Self-Insert idea in the vein of Lord K and borrows inspiration from "Captain on Deck" over on Spacebattles, in the SI inserts as only a single "soul" (the Captain) instead of a full ship.

(Un)luckily for them, there's a whole bunch of "blank" hulls running around on the high seas with no ship-spirits of their own, being simulacra of ships formed wholesale out of concentrated grudges and no overarching will. The "mook" Abyssals, Abyss-spawned parodies of proper hulls that in a twisted parody of MSSB, actually sort of count as ships.

Boarding action, ho! (Does it even count as a boarding action if you're already onboard?)

Half throwing out an old idea before it withers on the vine and half battle-scene practice, I don't really have a concrete plan for where this snip's headed to. Leaning towards the nascent shipgirl having to "earn" the right to exist, and perhaps a look into the mind of one of many nameless Abyssals and its (lack of) reasons to fight.

One fights for Humanity, but has never even seen the Humanity they're fighting for. The other fights against it, but can't even think of why.

"What do you fight for?" The two sides of the same coin ask each other, and there can only be one answer.

ADDENDUM: Pardon the chuunibyou antics. I did mention this was an incredibly.old idea.

ADD2: Doesn't even need to be an SI anymore to be honest, could write up a whole story about one of the many "paper ship" kanmusu clawing her way in through the veil.

ADD3: Fairy dialogue is absolute cake to write, if you don't mind looking like an uneducated hack. Or more of one, in my case. Screw coming up with snappy lines, just Desu/Ja/Hey/Oi/Da your way to victory!


New Fubuki-class, Usugumo, Part of the 12th DesDiv with Murakumo.

She already has art:

Cute, I wonder who's next?
That does look cute.

As far as installations go, considering its like the area of French Polynesia... Hmm, I'll think of some abyssalic thing...
I've held on to this one idea for a while, it's yet another crossover between Worm and Kantai Collection but instead of the usual "[Insert Character] is a shipgirl" it is Taylor as an Admiral. Taylor's powers take the form of her being able to summon the shipgirls of her fleet, having a pocket dimension for her shipgirls to reside in when not summoned by Taylor, and her first showgirl whom is also her secretary ship happens to by Monty aka U.S.S. Montana the leadship of the last battleship class designed by the United States Navy.

Taylor's Miscellaneous Powers

  • Every passing day since Monty rescued her from the locker, anywhere between one to three shipgirls manifest in her pocket dimension. Starting with older Predreadnoughts and similarly old vessels before going up from there.
  • If Taylor enters her pocket dimension, time outside the dimension slows to a rate of one day inside equaling one hour outside, with the added bonus of the mess hall containing replication of all food eaten by Taylor since gaining her powers. She can also take food from her pocket dimension and bring to the Real world unchanged.
  • Taylor can summon any firearms or equipment that would have been on board the shipgirls while they were in operation, she still has to undergo training to learn how to properly use them though.
  • Shipgirls cannot be mastered, attempts to master shipgirls will result in immediate retaliation.

Through a miscommunication and while being observed by the Protectorate, Monty contacts Taylor under the alias 'Admiral T' however the Protectorate hear Monty call her 'Admiralty' and that ultimately becomes her cape name. Monty is an inexperienced Battleshipgirl who wants to like up to the legacy of the Iowa sisters and earlier Battleshipgirls, so she generally acts very headstrong and slowly develops a crush on her Admiral.
@Red Shirt i'm pretty sure i've seen at least bits of something akin to this in the Worm recs thread, that said, it's a good idea and should have a running story for it
Don't really know enough to talk about it, but I hope you know where you're going, especially considering what awaits at the end of the ultramarathon that is Worm. While I don't want to sound like I'm raining on your parade, both here and SB are littered with the countless corpses of Wormfic that thought they had a good idea, but ultimately couldn't go the distance.
I really never do learn my lesson, don't I? Another snippet in the vein of this one, with timeskip as the parts in between simply don't exist.

Just a note, to keep in mind: the German IronBlood ships from Azur Lane, their riggings are pretty... distinctive, aren't they?

"Who... are you..."

Black ichor splattered onto her shoulder as she drove the blade in deeper, the silvery sabre clenched in her bloodsoaked fist sinking all the way to the hilt into the Other's pallid flesh. Coughing up a dollop of blood of her own, the Captain flashed it a crimson grin and twisted.

Ichor, both black and red alike, dribbled down the fronts of their chests.

"Who... am I?" The Captain coughed, groaning from the bone-chilling cold emanating from the corrupt steel piercing her own breast. A darkened sister-blade to her own, it had run her through in exactly the same spot as as its twin had impaled the Other, a final irony in the twisted tale shared between the two of them. "I am... you, foul beast. I... am you, you... are me...!"

Everything made sense, in the final hour. All those little clues, the inexplicable bond they shared even as she sought to slay it - no, her.

"Is... is that so...?" the Other chuckled, a black-gloved hand rising to carress the Captain's cheek as the two of them sank to their knees, their bodies leaning on each other for support in a growing pool of their own blood. "Ha-have you an answer, then...? To the grand mystery - of... us? What... are we?"

"I don't-" the Cap on her head hit the floor with a thunk as the Captain's head drooped, her chin coming to rest on her... other-half's shoulder. "To th-the very end, I d-don't think we'll find out... A mystery to the end, I-I'm afraid."

I'm sorry, the words died on her numbed lips. For you... and for me.

"Ha. Ha. Ha.... Two lost fools, ignorant to the end," the Other giggled. "hurting ourselves... fearing ourselves - all because we could not bear to look in a mirror..." Rallying the last of her strength, the Other pulled her compatriot upright to look her in the eyes, an almost tender smile gracing her features as the fire in her electric-blue eyes dimmed. "P-promise me something, w-warrior of the light..."

"W-what...?" Darkness had claimed the last dregs of the Captain's vision, the bone-biting chill suffusing her battered bones tugging gently at the back of her mind towards the eternal rest. Only the warmth of her Sister's hands (when were they so warm) kept her in the waking world, lending her the strength to keep going for a little longer.

"That you'll live on, in both our steads..." she whispered gently into her ear, thin arms wrapping around her in a gentle embrace. "I... I never meant to hurt anyone..."

And then she was gone.


No, you most certainly didn't.

The sword clattered to the ground as the Captain clutched at her chest, the gaping hole through her heart dribbling crimson through her red-stained fingers. Her Sister was gone; the loss of her warmth leaving her body to the merciless cold permeating their once-shared hull.

Empty now, save for herself. And so, so lonely.

I was a fool, a thrice-damned fool that refused to see the truth.

Her eyes had gone blind a long time ago; and in the darkness she forced her body into a crawl, shuffling on her hands and knees towards... somewhere. A veritable pull tugged at her soul even through the cold, herding her along even as the Captain died droplet by droplet of blood.

It, it was staring at me the entire damned time.

The Other - her Sister, her Self - she had been empty from the very beginning. Even with the Abyss puppeting her along, filling her with fell power, she had taken no pleasure in the destruction she had wrought. A mindless puppet on her strings, sowing carnage without will or desire...

The rage, the madness... they didn't come fron the Abyss.

...until something, someone, had given it to her.

"I-I enjoy hurting p-people, don't I...?" an aimless giggle left the Captain's lips as she clung onto the mast of the steering wheel. Dragging herself up handhold by handhold into a standing position, her palms tightened around the spokes as she finally took her rightful place at the helm of her own destiny, lost for all those years. "Those bitter grudges, the clinging despair... All those times she looked upon the sunlit seas and envied-"

It, all of it, came from me.

She had her hull, her crew, her right to sail the seven seas.

She had done anything, done everything to get it.


"You never meant to hurt anyone, you said."

In the midst of the stormy seas, a nameless hull cut through the waves. A towering bow cleaved apart the frothing white-topped swells with careless abandon as she plowed through the storm's fury, the wrath of Mother Nature bouncing off of jagged scales made of ebon steel. Searching antennae scanned the broiling clouds above as spined turrets twitched in their nests, crewmen lashing down slumbering war-machines in the belly of the beast as the great leviathan lumbered on.

Every inch of her oozed power and menace, from the polished officer's cap perched atop her head to the enamelled cane in her gloved hands. Snow-white hair fluttered behind her like a banner as she steamed into the wind, the stained black cape on her shoulders flapping in the gale as the three-headed hydra at her side snarled and gnashed its teeth, blazing eyes scanning the dark waters with searing vigilance.

The same hellfire burned in her own eyes. And if the eyes were the windows to the soul...

"Woe is me, for I have sinned, and I shall sin some more..." the carrier hummed as the thunder rumbled in her ears, a twisted smile on her lips as she drank in the ocean rains she had been yearning for, for so long. "Wo is me..."
Really hope I didn't overdo it with all those ellipses, and all that purple prose. It tends to get out of hand real quick, let me know if it's at intolerable levels.

Yup, it's AzLane's Graf Zeppellin, as a half-shipgirl, half-Abyssal abomination. Or is she an Abyssal that thinks itself a shipgirl?
So, is this the sort of place where I can ask about historical ship facts for a fic I may or may not write or is there a thread for that?

As a note I would be asking about Project Habbakuk, since the project never went forwards would there be a different place to ask for specific info?
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So, is this the sort of place where I can ask about historical ship facts for a fic I may or may not write or is there a thread for that?

As a note I would be asking about Project Habbakuk, since the project never went forwards would there be a different place to ask for specific info?

IMO, here should be fine. Another option is to find someone here and set up DMs with them, or be lucky enough to share a Discord server with people who like KC/AL.


But I'm weird, sorry >_<
OK, I'll just fire away a few and people can tell me if I'm doing something horribly wrong.

So, Habbakuk was supposed to have a flight group of 100-200 planes, which is a pretty big range so I was wondering if there was a more specific number otherwise I'd just take 150 or so.

Another is what sorts of planes would she carry? I know that a lot of the excitement is about the ability to carry multi-engine heavy bombers but would there otherwise be a difference in Fighter craft and such?

I'll stick with just these two for now. If all goes well I do have a couple more.
OK, I'll just fire away a few and people can tell me if I'm doing something horribly wrong.

So, Habbakuk was supposed to have a flight group of 100-200 planes, which is a pretty big range so I was wondering if there was a more specific number otherwise I'd just take 150 or so.

Another is what sorts of planes would she carry? I know that a lot of the excitement is about the ability to carry multi-engine heavy bombers but would there otherwise be a difference in Fighter craft and such?

I'll stick with just these two for now. If all goes well I do have a couple more.

Current list I have is:

60 x Gloster Meteor Jet fighters.
60 x Vickers Wellington twin engine bombers.
5 x converted Vickers Wellingtons AEW&C's.
25 x Beaufighter Twin engine Multi-roles.

Though switching these for British B-25's or B-17s would also work.

As for Fighters...Spitfire's? Huricane's?...Seafire's? Someone else would probably know better.


DERP B-36's weren't what I was thinking of, meant B-25s or B-24s
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Thanks a bunch!

She had a max speed of 6 knots, right? Correct me if I'm wrong on any account. Was the Acceleration or deceleration particularly slow? I would imagine so on a ship that big.

And I would think she could launch a few aircraft at once, the concept pictures show the flight deck as extremely wide so I don't see why aircraft spaced out enough (which would be easy on such a big deck) would be able to take of at once. Correct me if I'm missing something extremely obvious about carriers in general with that.

And also, since she was intended as basically a floating airfield in the Atlantic gap to ward off U-boat attacks on convoys I would imagine she had enough aviation fuel for extensive and continuous operations.

Sorry if I'm going overboard on the questions and thanks a lot again.
Thanks a bunch!

She had a max speed of 6 knots, right? Correct me if I'm wrong on any account. Was the Acceleration or deceleration particularly slow? I would imagine so on a ship that big.

And I would think she could launch a few aircraft at once, the concept pictures show the flight deck as extremely wide so I don't see why aircraft spaced out enough (which would be easy on such a big deck) would be able to take of at once. Correct me if I'm missing something extremely obvious about carriers in general with that.

And also, since she was intended as basically a floating airfield in the Atlantic gap to ward off U-boat attacks on convoys I would imagine she had enough aviation fuel for extensive and continuous operations.

Sorry if I'm going overboard on the questions and thanks a lot again.

No problem~

Yeah, 7knots max, And probably slow acceleration, yes, :p

Probably spaced out with the Bombers due to wingspan, at max 2-4 at a time, but fighters, definitely 4-8 at time, if they're the smaller Spitfire's/Hurricane's/Seafire's/Fulmar's

Probably? Either that or a fleet of Oilers with her at all times, Lol.

...We should probably take this to PMs or a Discord. Or both.