Kaleidoscope Swordswoman, Sasaki Koujirou Quest (Nasuverse/Yuki Yuna is a Hero Crossover)

Should Koujirou retain his Drying Pole?

  • Yes, but Koujirou should be able to astralize it and resummon it at will.

    Votes: 36 73.5%
  • Yes, but it has to be permanently physical.

    Votes: 9 18.4%
  • No.

    Votes: 4 8.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Unlike the websites of Funimation, Hulu, and Daisuki though, AdBlock works perfectly on Crunchyroll's videos.
Which is a pretty shitty thing to do if you ask me. Especially since they've actually somewhat improved their ads recently. Still needs variation, but man, using time to give back just a bit would be nice I think. A shame I can't do it because do to the modification I did to my DNS server (or something, not sure what exactly it did) to circumvent the censoring of websites on my country, which affects advertisements and such (especially Google Ads, which I believe CR uses now).

But it's getting kind of off-topic so let's stop here. In any case, there are options if you want watch YuYuYu, legal ones.
Which is a pretty shitty thing to do if you ask me. Especially since they've actually somewhat improved their ads recently. Still needs variation, but man, using time to give back just a bit would be nice I think. A shame I can't do it because do to the modification I did to my DNS server (or something, not sure what exactly it did) to circumvent the censoring of websites on my country, which affects advertisements and such (especially Google Ads, which I believe CR uses now).

But it's getting kind of off-topic so let's stop here. In any case, there are options if you want watch YuYuYu, legal ones.
Agreed on our need to get back on topic, but I just wanted to say that I wasn't advising to use adblock, I was just saying that it is an option. I still consider legal streaming with adblock to be infinitely more moral than illegal streaming though.
okay, but how do you solve the whole "video stops every 90 seconds, forcing you to reload the page and adds dozens of times" thing?
okay, but how do you solve the whole "video stops every 90 seconds, forcing you to reload the page and adds dozens of times" thing?
That used to happen to me on Crunchyroll, but it stopped happening like a year ago. At the very least, at least CR's video player usually remembers where you were in the video and jumps right to there after the refresh.
The player does become unresponsive from time to time with me, but that's only when I left it alone, paused, for like an hour or something. Otherwise, it goes fine.
Story Post 13
Shorter update today. Also, I finally standardized the calendar I'll be using from now on. I'll fix the earlier posts' calendar dates at some point.

Ducking underneath the beast's next lunge, you climb up the stairwell and take up a defensive position.

The beast abandons its lunging attacks for the time being, instead swiping at you with a clawed paw.

Steel meets claw as you nimbly parry the strike before landing one of your own.

The beast howls in pain as your sword draws a deep gash across its chest. As it roars in pain, you spare a moment to assess the condition of the Drying Pole. Noting that it suffered no damage from the exchange, you return your attention to the beast.

Howling in pain at the base of the steps, your eyes meet the beast's. Waves of resentment pulse from within the beast's red orbs, forcing you to suppress a shudder.

Roaring once again, it charges. But its movements have slowed greatly, becoming sloppy and a sluggish.

Sidestepping the charge, you hold your sword out horizontally in its path, allowing the beast's own momentum to cleave it in two.

With one final, pathetic whimper the beast falls silent, its body dissolving into a black smoke before disappearing from sight.

Your eyes swiftly scan your surroundings for further enemies, and upon finding none you allow yourself to relax. As your sword and kimono vanish into prana, you exhale roughly.

"What in the FUCK was that?!"


You head straight home after your encounter with the the beast. Bidding the Inubozaki sisters a brief good night, you make a beeline for your room and throw open a spare notebook.

After finding a pen, you begin to write.

A. Black Beast
a. Encounters: 1
b. Places encountered: Flight of concrete stairs near home
c. Threat Level: Pitiably incompetent

Sighing, you snap the notebook closed, stashing it within in your dresser. While the beast was no threat to you, if it had come across Fu or Itsuki it would have been another story entirely. The two sisters wouldn't have stood a chance.

You'll have to be more careful in the future. The carefree lifestyle this world promised has made you lax in your security. You'll have to insure that no harm EVER comes to those girls.
~Thursday, November 1, Year 299 in the Age of Gods~

"Um... Yue-chan?" Fu asks tentatively.

"What do you need, Fu-chan?"

"What are you doing out here?" Fu asks.

Clad in a windbreaker, you stand right outside the apartment.

"Nothing of importance. Just getting some fresh air."

"It's freezing out. Well, whatever, I have breakfast ready if you want some before sch- oh my Shinju-sama!" Fu exclaims suddenly. "Are those bags under your eyes?! Have you been out here all night?"

"Of course not." You respond without looking at Fu.

"Nevermind school, you need to get some rest before you make yourself sick." Fu grabs your arm in an attempt to pull you back inside.

But you refuse to budge. "That won't be necessary."

"Yue, you look like you could fall over at any moment!"

"I'll be fi...ne..." your vision blurs suddenly, colors swimming wildly across your rapidly reducing field of view.



You shrink away from Fu, sinking deeper into your bed sheets.

"This isn't necessar-"

"You have a fever, Yue-chan!" Fu chides. "I don't know why you stayed out all night, but never do it again!"

Her face softens considerably. "You're still healing, Yue-chan. You only got out of the hospital a month ago, and you go and pull a stunt like this... your body can't take it."


"No buts! You're going to stay here and get better. I already called the school, and they're letting me take the day off to watch over you. Normally I'd have to go anyways, but because your body is still recovering from a long coma." You wince as she reminds you of that fact. "They're going to make an exception."

Leaving your bowl of soup on the bedstand, Fu moves to leave the room, before stopping for a moment.

"I worry about my girls, Yue-chan. It tears me apart when one of them is hurt. So please... get well soon."

... well your "vigilant sentinel" idea blew up in your face. Turns out a human body can't take that kind of sleep deprivation. And coupled with your still-recovering-from-a-coma body and your newly acquired high fever, the fact that you're no longer a Servant is really driven home.

Picking up your book on Shikoku Island's history, you leaf through some pages. You can't do anything about the beast at the moment, so you resolve to spend the rest of the day:

[ ] Finishing the book on Shikoku Island's history.

[ ] Chatting with Fu.

[ ] Catching up on your studies.
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[X] Finishing the book on Shikoku Island's history.
Damn, we determined, but we maaaay have been letting too much of Saber's master rub off on us.

Hahahaha, of course Sasaki would try to play vigilant guardian. Oh man, despite not wanting to be Caster's lackey, he still fits the role she designed for him.

[x] Finishing the book on Shikoku Island's history.
-[x] Look for any mentions of any black beasts like the one you encountered last night
[x] Finishing the book on Shikoku Island's history.
-[x] Look for any mentions of any black beasts like the one you encountered last night