Kaleidoscope Swordswoman, Sasaki Koujirou Quest (Nasuverse/Yuki Yuna is a Hero Crossover)

Should Koujirou retain his Drying Pole?

  • Yes, but Koujirou should be able to astralize it and resummon it at will.

    Votes: 36 73.5%
  • Yes, but it has to be permanently physical.

    Votes: 9 18.4%
  • No.

    Votes: 4 8.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You have a better option? 'cause I don't.
Even an ornamental sword still hurts of you're hit with it, and unless our brand new Yuusha powers come with a replacement Washing Pole, it's the best we've got.
...We should check to see if they do. But if they don't, we could steal a sword from a museum. I trust Sasaki to be able to judge if a sword is combat-capable or not.
Could we practice seeing all of our actions as swallow slaying enough times for us to bend reality to our will?
Dude, Sasaki can literally cut through causality with his skills. This ain't a Q quest.
My pet theory is that his current body can't handle the stress placed on it with such technique, which is why he needs some body conditioning.
Because Sasaki is totally a professional thief who can get away with stealing a (probably valuable) museum piece.
Not to mention he would have to appraise the weapons first. He trained with one sword and he wasn't propely taught, despite being a genius amongst geniuses. Maybe he can judge a sword, but I somehow doubt that.
[] Tell Fu about the email, and see if she can help you obtain a replacement sword, but do not take her with you. The last thing you need is to drag yet another bystander into this.

Edit: Vote retracted, reconsidering our options.
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[] Tell Fu about the email, but go alone.
-[] Listen to her when she inevitably objects. There's obviously something she knows that we don't.

We have some time, and not telling someone when you're about to go off and do something really dangerous is an awful cliche as much as bringing a noncombatant into a combat zone. Furthermore, while I know literally nothing about Yuki Yuna is a Hero (luckily, I'm used to reading quests where I know fuck-all about at least one of the fandoms involved), all evidence points to the conclusion that Fu knows more than we do about this. We should insist on going alone, if at all possible, but we shouldn't establish the precedent of leaving the people we care about out of the loop in the name of protecting them, either; that way lies endless overdramatic cliches that I would prefer to avoid.

(All narrative evidence also points to Onodera being behind this attack, but all that amounts to is that Onodera was introduced at the same time that the attacks started happening and is almost certainly jealous of Ayase for her perceived closeness to Fu, which fits with the idea that the attacker is solely targeting Ayase herself. Personally, I'm hoping the plot is pulling a fast one on me, so I'm withholding judgment until things develop further.)

EDIT: tfw the "new messages have been posted" doesn't pop up until after you click "post reply" and there's like a whole page of new messages to go through.

EDIT2: I like Hyp3rb14d3's vote better than mine, so I'll switch to it. It's not perfect, but I'm not picking any option that has us succumbing to that tiresome and endlessly frustrating cliche of "I must keep everyone who cares about me out of the loop for their own good". (Well, I might do something like that if I were gunning for one of those tragically ironic deaths that just tickles my most morbid of fancies, but since I don't want Ayase to die there's no chance I'll do that.)

[X] Tell Fu about the email, and see if she can help you obtain a replacement sword, but do not take her with you. The last thing you need is to drag yet another bystander into this.
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And you believe this will actually work... why?
Hm. I think I was in a rush and not considering the options properly at the time. I think I've got a few other ideas, but I'm still pressed for time, so for now, I'll just retract the vote rather than edit until I get some more free time.
Sorry 'bout that.
[X] Don't tell Fu about the email. Go alone.
-[X] While the Twin Swords may be used for ornaments, it's currently the best that you have. Oil and sharpen their edge until it's sharp enough to be dependable in a lethal battle. Spend most of the day practicing with them. If asked, answer that you're working off your worries and frustration.
-[X] Spend a few hours before the fight meditating. Clear your mind, tamper your resolve, sharpen your eyes, and prepare yourself. It's going to be a big battle, you know it.
[X] Tell Fu about the email, and take her with you to the temple.
-[X] Keep her hidden.

Fu won't sit still for her little sister and has a good head on her shoulder. The enemy knows our limits. We need a way to get Itsuki out ASAP. We also want to stay close to our new family. No one wolf nonsense.
Pretty sure Sasaki is capable of ditching Fu if it comes down to it. Telling her is both to keep her in the loop and to let her know the time limit to get a new sword in. Not much point in asking her help getting a replacement if it's not going to arrive for weeks because she requested that a new sword be forged.
Not much point in asking her help getting a replacement if it's not going to arrive for weeks because she requested that a new sword be forged.
Couldn't Sasaki simply ask her where he can get a sword or something?
We could specify about asking to buy already made swords.
Pretty sure Sasaki is capable of ditching Fu if it comes down to it.
But why risk a civilian like this?
I cant remember if I locked votes or not, so I'll relock them.

Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Don't tell Fu about the email. Go alone.
No. of votes: 18
Neo-Chan, Amatsumi, Jrin, UberJJK, Z000, meganeshounen, veekie, wingstrike96, SoothingCoffee, Frakir's brother, Felipe Melo, SMuha, LostDeviljho, The3rdCorinthian, rogthnor, GaleBread, Driliviel, taovkool

[X] Tell Fu about the email, and take her with you to the temple.
No. of votes: 5
Kerfirou, Chojomeka, Wind Tempest, Biigoh, FixerUpper

-[X] Keep her hidden.
No. of votes: 5
Kerfirou, Chojomeka, Wind Tempest, Biigoh, FixerUpper

[X]Demand an explanation. At least a brief one.
No. of votes: 1

-[X] Leave a note where she can find it after you're gone.
No. of votes: 3
UberJJK, Z000, Felipe Melo

[x] Tell Fu about the email, but go alone.
No. of votes: 1

-[x] Fu follows you by herself.
No. of votes: 1

-[X] Leave a note where she can find it in your room only after you're gone, explaining that you suspect the kidnapper has your house watched, and that you're going to the temple alone on their demand to make sure Itsuki is okay. If she follows, make sure nobody knows about it or Itsuki will be in danger, whoever it was knew enough to time their call to when she was occupied with HER call.
No. of votes: 2
veekie, wingstrike96

-[X] Bring the twin swords, and spend the day practicing with them as far as you are able without getting too tired for the meeting. If questioned, claim you're working off your worries and frustration.
No. of votes: 2
veekie, wingstrike96

-[X] Ask Fu if she knows anyone who might know how to fix your sword.
No. of votes: 2
veekie, wingstrike96

-[X] While the Twin Swords may be used for ornaments, it's currently the best that you have. Oil and sharpen their edge until it's sharp enough to be dependable in a lethal battle. Spend most of the day practicing with them. If asked, answer that you're working off your worries and frustration.
No. of votes: 4
SoothingCoffee, LostDeviljho, The3rdCorinthian, Driliviel

-[X] Spend a few hours before the fight meditating. Clear your mind, tamper your resolve, sharpen your eyes, and prepare yourself. It's going to be a big battle, you know it.
No. of votes: 4
SoothingCoffee, LostDeviljho, The3rdCorinthian, Driliviel

[x] Tell Fu about the email, and see if she can help you obtain a replacement sword, but do not take her with you. The last thing you need is to drag yet another bystander into this.
No. of votes: 2
Hyp3rB14d3, DeepWaters

EDIT: Been a bit busy with work and other stuff (totally not been distracted by Space Station 13), but I'll try to get the next story post out as soon as possible. It's gonna be a biggun'
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Story Post 17 Wall of Text Edition
Hot off the presses with absolutely ZERO proofreading. As usual, I deliver only the BEST in quality.


Gritting your teeth, you put your phone away before Fu returns. It's your fault Itsuki's been kidnaped, and you have no right involving normal humans in a conflict, sister or no.

Returning to your room, you rummage through your things. Materializing the Drying Pole, you almost swear aloud. The nodachi is still in pieces. While you may be able to hire someone to repair it in the future, you don't have enough time as of now.

Unzipping the duffel bag on your armchair, you pull out the twin swords. These will have to do. Ornamental they may be, they're still your best chance at saving Itsuki.

Your Servant attire is still repairing itself, so you're stuck using mundane clothing for now. You begin to pull a t-shirt over your head, before sighing as you notice your chest. Taking a few minutes to bind your breasts, you grow a bit annoyed at the extra care this body is already demanding.

Deciding upon wearing your jogging pants, you loop a belt through it, fitting the twin swords' sheaths onto it.

Taking a quick look in the mirror causes you to smirk. You resemble some kind of amazon.

In a flash, the blades are out of their sheaths and in your hands. Spinning, you go through the various forms you've been practicing.

Its not up to your usual standards, but it will have to do. It's the best you've got right now.

Re-sheathing the blades, you climb onto your bed. Sitting cross-legged, you slip into a meditative trance, one of the few things your master (But was it mine? Or Sasaki Koujirou's?) taught you before his death.

At an unknown point, you fall asleep. It seems the night before exhausted you much more than you anticipated. Shaking off the grogginess, you check the clock, 3:34 PM, and unsheathe your swords.

As you hack and slash at nothing, your thoughts drift back to the dream you'd had the night before. That woman, the Last Pythia she had called herself. Did she really heal you, or was that just the last remnants of your power as a Servant doing the healing.

You shake your head to clear it. No, getting distracted won't do. You're going to need your full concentration for tonight.

Wordlessly, you return to practicing with the twin blades.


Slipping out of the apartment, you silently shut the door behind you. Immediately met with a chilled breeze, you shiver despite your windbreaker.

Setting out into the night with a brisk jog, you attempt to put together a plan, before abandoning the idea. You know next to nothing about Koushou-ji Temple, you lacked the time to do a proper staking out of the location.

Stopping at a vending machine, you slip a few yen into it for a bottled water, draining it with vigor before tossing the bottle away. You're nearly there now, so it'd be best to get ready.

Removing the sheathed swords from your backpack, you clip the sheaths to your belt to your belt.

Crossing out of the city, you find yourself surrounded by woodland. Your grip the handles of your blades as you walk, eyes scanning the tree-line for the enemy.

The temple itself is a derelict, rotting wooden structure. Nothing like the well-maintained Ryuudou Temple or even the temple in town. Approaching the structure, you freeze as you feel eyes on you. To your right, a black beast appears. Drawing your swords, you split your attention between it and looking for other beasts.

The two of you stare in a standoff for what feels like hours, before the beast breaks off, trotting over to the open temple door. Looking back at you, it enters the structure.

Your senses on high alert, you follow.

Lead by the wolf, you cross into the heart of the temple. Broken pottery and torn scrolls dot the ground. Reaching what would have been the main living area for the monks, you spot Itsuki, strung up like a puppet, arms tied to ropes hooked to the ceiling. While her feet were touching the ground... that couldn't be comfortable.

Rage boils beneath your serene exterior. You start to sprint towards Itsuki, but a second beast emerges from the shadows, batting you back with a tackle.

Yet oddly, you don't feel any pain from the impact.

"Hoh, so you have one too." a familiar voice states, voice dripping with false interest.

Hand shaking, you glare into the eyes of OnoderaYukino.

"So you're the one behind this, Onodera-san." you state as calmly as you can, taking in the odd armor she seems to be wearing. Some sort of bright pink jumpsuit with white shoulder pauldrons.

Onodera scratches behind the ear of one of the beasts, and it whimpers, licking her hand. "I'm surprised. No "Why would you do this?" or "You monster!" I have to say, the other girls were WAY more entertaining than you."

"Im a very straightforward person." you respond, glancing around at the ensemble of black beasts skulking in the shadows of the room.

Onodera shrugs. "Well, to put it simply, Fu is mine. And I want you out of the way. Simple enough, right? The other girls, Ringo-chan especially, didn't think so."

Blood boiling beneath your skin, you take a deep breath. You can't afford to make mistakes here. One wrong step and you're kibble for these mutts.

Onodera shrugs, before smiling down at the beast licking her hand. "He's adorable isn't he? My Beelzebub, that is.The Shinju-sama gifted me with Beelzebub when it found my love for Fu worthy." Taking her hand off of the "Beelzebub's" head, she twirls in place. "Apparently other beings like Beelzebub can protect their owners, but mine just splits itself into tons and tons of copies, isn't that exciting?"

You keep your expression blank. If this insane bitch is willing to give away information on her powers, you aren't going to be one to stop her.

Apparently Onodera takes your silence as an affirmative. "I know, right? I mean, look at how boring this is."

With a flourish, the girl materializes a spear in her hand, jabbing it down towards Itsuki's stomach.

You leap forward to intercept the spear, but you're too far away. Beelzebubs are already moving to stop your advance, killing any hope you have of saving Itsuki. You're rendered helpless as you watch Onodera's spear get... deflected.

A burst of green lights up the room as a green puffball blocks Onodera's spear, sending it harmless skidding across the ground until it dematerializes.

Onodera bursts out laughing. Wiping a tear from her eyes, she smirks. "Oh Shinju-sama your face was just too good! Truth be told I tried to off this runt hours ago, but the puffball stopped me. So now I'm thinking I mold her into my disciple. Sound good to you?"

Deflecting a Beelzebub with the twin blades, you continue your advance on Onodera. Rolling her eyes, Onodera materializes another spear, pointing it at you with a bored look on her face.

"Alright, you're not much of a talker. I can work with this." Onodera snaps her fingers. "Beelzebub, kill her."

And Hell descends upon you.

Gutting one Beelzebub after another, you find you no longer have to worry about taking damage. Each strike made by the Beelzebubs is blocked by a strange creature you eventually make out to be some sort of hawk.

However, the momentum from their attacks is preserved, and you find yourself fatiguing quickly.

A glint of steel shines in the corner of your vision, and Onodera's spear plunges towards your chest.

The hawk manages to deflect most of the blow, but the momentum from the attack carries you backwards through the air, slamming you into a wall.

Rising to your feet, you feel a trickle of blood run down the base of your neck.

Onodera grins, a mad thing devoid of good humor. "As I suspected. Your guardian can only block so much at once."

In a flash, Onodera is next to you, jamming the spear into your hawk before kneeing you in the abdomen.

Dropping the twin swords, you clutch your stomach in pain as you gasp for breath.

'Damn it!' you clench your teeth. 'This body just isn't good enough.'

"But didn't I give you the power to save her?"

Your eyes snap open, a rush of energy surging through your body.

Around you, an aura emerges, your clothes changing into a purple getup vaguely resembling samurai armor, although much more revealing.

Onodera stumbles backwards, sneering. "You think you can beat me with an incomplete transformation? How cute!"

Charging with her spear, you raise your hand, a katana forming in it (how did you do that?).

Your movements no longer feel sluggish, as if weighed down by your flesh and blood. You honestly feel more powerful than you ever did as a Servant. Onodera seems to be charging in slow motion now, your senses augmented to be something on par with a high class Servant.

Easily sidestepping Onodera, you slam your katana's hilt into the base of her neck, causing her to fall to the ground, writhing in pain. Around you, the Beelzbub's flicker, their forms dissipating as their master weakens.

Putting your blade under Onodera's chin, she gazes up at you, fear evident in her eyes.

"H-how?" she squawks.

You scoff. "When you do nothing but rely on your raw power, what happens when someone your equal comes along?"

Raising your blade, you prepare to bring it down and sever Onodera's head.

"Don't kill her, Yue-chan." you hear a small voice call out. Itsuki is awake.

You grit your teeth. "She almost killed you, Itsuki, and has already killed many others. We can't let her roam free."

"But if we kill Onodera, that makes us no better than her!" Itsuki cries out.

Returning your gaze to Onodera, you make your decision.

[ ] Kill Onodera

[ ] Don't kill Onodera.
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