Voting is open
Lights Are On (but Nobodys Home)
Nubby wasn't paying attention.

You found this out quiet easily as you darted out, running towards the dull orange creature with only the barest effort to stealth. Nubby didn't react, slamming it's head against the tree once more. You were practically right next to Nubby, so close you could make out the individual cracks running between it dull scales.

The muscles in your legs coiled like springs as you prepared to lunge. Only the slightest unnatural movement of grass, letting you know Morada was in position. Everything was set, the speed of your rush built up into a truly large amount of force as you legs released. All but shooting you into the air, exhilaration pulsed beneath your scales as they shivered happily.


You slammed onto Nubby's back, the force transferring into it's body like water from a stream. Your claws digging deep into it's flesh, deep black red blood swelling up from the wounds as you ripped one out of it back to step closer to it's neck. Only to stumble slightly when it's legs gave out beneath it with a loud crack.

A squawk of surprise left you muzzle as you tumbled off Nubby, landing slightly wrong as you flopped onto the grass. The small twinge of pain dissipated almost immediately as you jumped to your feet backing away from your opponent.

Nubby didn't react, seeming totally unaware of your presence as it tried to rise on it's legs. Completely Oblivious as it tried to rise on a broken right front leg. Ignoring the injury entirely as it lumbered to it's feet, and started to charge the tree once more.

Confusing bubbled beneath your scales, a chirp of complete and utter bafflement slipping between your teeth. As you looked to the side, directly towards the tall grass where you sister was hiding. Her Camouflage blinked away, an empty space several feet away from where you were looking now filled by the pitch black of your sister.

A trill of worry blaring out from her throat as you looked back at nubby. Only to find it still banging it's head against the wood with a dull thunking sound. A frustrated growl gurgled from you, your feet circling around the oblivious Nubby as you tried to make sense of this.

A deep breath only gave you more question as a deeply sweet scent hit your nose. The scent of Nubby's blood tumbling into your sense of smell as you jumped back at the offensive sensation.

Nubby smelled, Dead.

Not like something dying, or even something rotting. No it smelled like it's end had already been decided, like no matter how it's legs moved, it's fate had already been etched into reality. Ignoring the instinct that said to get as far away from the creature as possible, you creeped closer coming up to the right of Nubby's head as it thudded against the tree again.

It's eyes were blank, there was nothing there as Nubby, no, as the thing continued to slam it's crest into the tree trunk.

Well hello everyone who decided to read this, it's been a while. Almost three years in fact. A pretty big gap especially when I initially though I would be back at this in only a month or two. In regards to this quest, well there a couple things to get sorted.

I love this quest, really it was awesome to make no matter the mistakes in the process. I would also like to continue it, but I'm going to leave that up to you guys.

The First option is kind of obvious, I let it die after one last update. Maybe post what my plans were for it for anyone who wants to know.

The Second is equally obvious, in that I just continue like I didn't leave it alone for several years and continue like I had with a few changes. Mostly that we would have two or three more events anywhere from one to six posts before we get to the point we'd enter the end of the prologue.

The Third Option is that I just do some minor filler things with a single prompt, before we just hope over to the end of the Prologue, though this option would make it harder to save Morada.

Either of the continue options will probably have a longer bit between each update if only because life does that, but anyway I'll leave a vote open for a couple of days (a week actually) so everyone who wants to can see it.

Moved the vote closer since I wasn't expecting it to be so unanimous.

[] Option One

[] Option Two

[]Option Three
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Interlude: The Outer View
Henry, well he was a mess.

He hadn't had the time to take a shower in more two weeks days in the middle of a tropical island, he knew he wasn't exactly a pleasant sight at the moment. Then again, he was fairly sure non of the others present had been doing any better.

It had been seven and a half months since the tampering had been discovered. Seven months of constant work trying to uncover the culprit, with no result at all. Sure there were suspects, but all of them either had alibi's or were cleared in some other way. It had been only a month back that they actually found some evidence other then the actual tampering.

It was a single half second long clip that had almost been missed, of a single figure unidentified figure leaving the gestation lab.

Who was the figure? No one knew. Why had they done it? No one knew.

What purpose did it serve to make a creature who would live out it's entire life in a state of constant agony?

No. One. Knew.

It was only now at seven months were he and the rest of the Site B personnel allowed to return to semi-normal operation, with offsite researchers and other member of In-Gen having managed their actual projects in the meantime. More than one of his colleagues were facing an inquisition from their spouses after seven months of radio silence.

He'd spend the last two days since being moved back to regular operating parameters watching the surveillance footage of the time he'd missed. Looking over the various reports as he watched them.

They were beyond his expectations.

Azula Showed so much more than he could have ever expected of her. Perhaps he should be angered, his pride far more than briused by the tampering of what was suppose to be a masterpiece. His Masterpiece.

Perhaps he was even, but every time he watched Azula curl around her sister protectively, as she studied a fish for hours matching it's scales, as she climbed a fence and of all things, started cursing her heart out.

It brought to mind something he'd heard as a child, he couldn't even remember who said it to him but it seemed to bounce around in his head every time he saw Azula.

"Some times a mans greatest work, start with his greatest mistake."

He shook the thought from his mind as he turned back to the TV, a simple device with an attached VCR, and started extracting the tape with a practiced movement while he reached for the next one with his other hand. The dim light of his office barely enough to read the label on it as he squinted his eyes to see it clearer.

"AlloTops/SpinoRex Incident, See Report No.48299"

Henry Could feel warning bells go off in his head as read the label. Why would Sara -the Allotops he reminded himself- have been anywere near Azula and Morada? Especially after they had been moved to seperate encloseures?

He had a very bad feeling about this, as he pushed the tape into the VCR, and dug into the acompanying box for the right file.

What did Azula do to Sara/Nubby?

[] Killed Her (she invaded your territory)

[] Mercy Killed (She was already dead, her body just kept moving)

[] Left Her (She's no threat)

[] Left Her (She's not interesting)

[] Write in (What do?)

(Vote will Start/Open At 12:00 Tomorrow)
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Remember Brighter Days
The sound of flesh hitting tree continued with a sickening rhythm.

A sad and confused trill sapped the warmth from the clearing as Morada examined the Remnants of Nubby. Smacking its bloody crest against the tree without pause or recognition to anything around it.

You Felt a profound sense of something burrow underneath your scales, as you stared at the hollow creature in front of you. The sweet scent of death noxious around the still breathing corpse, reminding you just how wrong this situation felt.

You found yourself rebuffing Morada's query as you closed in on Nubby once more, a simple hop had you on it's back once more. The thing losing it's balance and in combination with it's broken leg slumped to the ground once more. This time you were prepared for the change in footing, not slipping even slightly as it crashed down.

It was, oddly skinny now that you were looking at it as more than just a threat. As your claws dug into it's back you could see it's bones. The skin hanging off it like it had lost weight at a rapid pace. Even so it was still incredibly bulky for it's size, and as a result you only had one option left, if you wanted to, to...

What did you want to do? Why did you need to do anything?

A flash ran through your mind as you paused, of a smaller bright orange Nubby one, somehow so much more than this dull puppet.

Ah, that was it.

You didn't want to see Nubby like this, She had been hostile, fearful at best. Yet she had been so much more than this thing. Out of respect, it was better to just put the scraps of her to rest. With how bulky her remains were you only had one way to do this quickly, a way to do this without more pain.

So as walked up her back, a short few steps before you were close enough to her head, that you jabbed a single claw under her crest, through the back of her skull, and straight into her brain. Immediately what little struggle it was making to stand ceased as what little remained of nubby ceased to be.

A mournful trill burbled from your throat, before you hopped from her back. Walking away at a sedate pace, single commanding bark making Morada rush after you.

You didn't spare a single glance at what Remained.

You didn't want to remember Nubby that way.

Henry was baffled as her read through the Report for the third time since he'd watched the surveillance feed. He wasn't sure what to feel at all really as he read how Sara- the Allotops, how the Allotops had died.

The autopsy wasn't a pleasant read either. Sara- the Allotops dammit, had so many issue it was hard to read, let alone summarize. Not only had the creature been facing mass organ failure, several tumors, at least one brain bleed, but also starvation. At some point her stomach had just ceased to be able to process plant matter, it was a miracle that she had lasted this long.

Then there was how Azula had, put an end to the situation. How had she known to attack where she did? Why hadn't she eaten, well anything off of her corpse? He pressed his hands to his eyes in frustration, before a morbid thought struck him.

If he looked at this from a human point of view, it almost looked like a mercy kill. Before he shrugged it all off, shoving the various paper back into the file as he made his way out of his office. He had no Dr. Rmasey hadn't been told yet, and he-

He didn't want her to be alone when she found out.

Dino Do what?
Choose and Event
[] A Warning
[] New hunt
[] Curiosity
[] Interaction
[] Mouse in the Trap
[] Write in (Make a two word prompt and I'll run with it)
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Hollow Colors
The days after seem hollow.

The sun is just bright, the flowers just as vibrant, and the fish just as happy.

But they all feel empty, superficial. Like skin that refused to shed. You aren't sure when it happened, right after you ended the fleshy puppet? When you went to sleep, staying awake far longer than usual. An itchy uncertain feeling bubbling beneath your scales, like something might attack at any second.

You had to stay awake, to make sure Morada would be there, would be safe.

Wouldn't die without death, wouldn't fade without loosing color, wouldn't shift into a thing that wasn't Morada anymore.

It feel like the sun has faded hundreds of times since your claw cut into Nubby's skull, even though scarcely a day has passed by.

Morada had been able to pick up on the change in your behavior, concern evident in every shift of her scales. She had even taken to waking you in the morning trying to roll you out of the den like you had done to her in the past.

Something needed to change, needed to shift back into place.

Somehow that had lead to this, you standing quietly in a clearing, Nothing but a few trees and the absence that anything had happened here at all. Along with a feeling that you needed to do, something? Anything ? Scratching beneath you scales like an ocean of churning, irritating sand.

But what?

Dino Do what?
[] Do Something, anything.
-[] Cry, Scream, Shriek
-[] Gather flowers
-[] Gather sticks
-[] Curl in a ball
-[] Break the Tree
-[] Let your scales shift
-[] Write in
Orange Rocks
Frustration boiled under your scales, a screech of irritation muffled in you throat as you paced restlessly. Circling the very spot that Nubby's limp body had once laid. One of your claws scratched at you chest, in nervous frustration as you finally let out a growl of irritation. Bursting into a run as you headed in a random direction.

You ran, and ran, until you without noticing ran right into the silvery fence. Bouncing off the tough metallic structure, you tumbled onto the ground. Falling into heap of jumbled limbs, your breath heavy and eyes glossy as you stared aimlessly at the ground.

Tiny sprouts of grass growing around disturbed earth of and a trail of claw marks. Your own claw marks having dug deeply into the earth, scattering about patches of grass, and small rocks.

Focus pulsed into your eyes like burning the burning heat of sky light, snapping at they found a single rock. It was Orange, almost the exact shade of Nubby even. Unlike the small rocks that had been scattered in your tracks, this one was larger, still hidden in the middle of your claw marks.

Your rolled to your feet, stepping softly as you closed in on the rock, and began to dig.

Morada chirped lightly, drawing you from a seemingly mindless state as you rose to your feet.

Your scales covered in bits of dirt and other debris from your task, as you looked down at the small pile of things you had placed around the tree.

Orange rocks stacked up against the tree trunk, sticks that looked vaguely like Nubby's horns, leaned against it. All held together by bits of grass between rocks and odd flowers with no color that made you sad.

You barked back at Morada, a simply playful thing as you chased her out of the clearing.

Dino Do What? (3-4 2 Events Left in prologue)
Choose and Event
[] A Warning
[] New hunt
[] Curiosity
[] Interaction
[] Mouse in the Trap
[] Write in (Two Word Prompt and I'll run with it)
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Drugged and Confused
Pain jabbed into your skull as you woke, a drowsy haze still blurring your thoughts. Your mouth tasted funny and you had to resist scrapping it against just licking something at random to get the taste out of your mouth.

Stretching your legs you started to roll over preparing to adjust for your sisters presence as you made to get more comfortable.

Except you couldn't roll over, tight straps holding your still to what was most certainly not the sand of your nest. It was only a momentary surge of energy that allowed you to peel your eyes open with great effort. You were somewhere unfamiliar, yet it seemed almost like you had been here or at least somewhere like it.

You were in a large white room, strapped a hard shiny thing with thin straps of some sort. The room was almost rectangular, with several other objects scattered about including at least two others like the one you were strapped too. two of the two legs were chattering lowly in the corner of the room saying things in there garbled grunts that you could only just barley make out from background noise.

"Checkup--- going well--- don't understa---------- yes, that might------- anesthesia should last-----day."

The sounds just as meaningless as ever as you struggled against the heavy fog in your mind, as your muscles tensed against the restraints. A strange whir echoed in your ears as one of the walls slid apart revealing a single two leg on the other side.

Dino Do What?
[ ] Break out
-[ ] Loudly
-[ ] Quietly
--[ ] Run for the doors!
--[ ] Try To Approach the Humans
[ ] Stay where you are
-[ ] Go back to sleep
-[ ] Feign Sleep
-[ ] Start Cursing Mimicking human speech
-[ ] Listen to Humans for a while
[ ] Write In
Ingen Tradition: Traumatizing Interns
You banish the sleepy feeling clouding your mind to the best of your ability, as you try to focus on just what was going on around you.

The two legs on the far right side of the room continue to mutter their garbled speech at each other. Scratching away at their own board's with strange yellow twigs. That seemed oddly familiar for a moment, scratching, Boards, yellow twig?

Why did that seem so very familiar, even being trapped like this brought a feeling like it happened before. You barely note the tap of the two legs feet as it walks through the odd slide-y opening on the far left of the room. Some part of you note that it even starts talking to the other two legs in a stern fashion.

You on the other hand tear what little attention you were paying to the two legs, as you closed your eyes and tried to figure out just what was causing the strange sense of confusing similarity. There was an itch in the far back of your mind, so you did your best too drag into the forefront of your mind.

Then suddenly it snaps to the forefront of your mind, you looking down from on top of your odd silvery boundary upon a two leg laying on it's back. Your sister on the ground playing with a similar yellow twig as the two legs, and two other two legs looking down in confusion on the wierd human on her back.

Then you remember what you had done, your vocal cords twitching in vague remembrance as you recalled some of the sounds the two legs had made.

Before your could thin any deeper on them your are snapped from your mind as something touched your tail. You don't react outwardly at least, inwardly you could a roil of irritation, anger, and a slight hint of fear. before you banish them all as a curiosity erupts from the deepest part of your being, rumbling just beneath your scales.

Whats happening? Why are they touching you? Don't they know touch a thing with sharp teeth is stupid if you haven't killed it first? Countless things bouncing around your mind as you open your eyes. Curiosity, the thing that had run wildly inside from the moment you were born practically igniting a light behind your deep cobalt eyes.

The two leg had his back to you, with his right hand resting on the belt strapped above your flank. Garbled words of the two leg, said with a vicious intonation as it seemed to berate the two other two legs. Perhaps it was an elder? Perhaps the other Two legs were still growing in some way?

You wanted to know more!

A single strap restrained your head, but it was quiet easy to just pull your head back and slip it out in order to get a better look. The Younger two legs wore had the strange objects all two legs had wrapped around them. A white sheet like thing over various other colored things. One of them had long yellow hair, and a blue thing under it's white sheet, it's eyes a color similar to grass.

The other had short brown hair, a strange metal frame sitting on it's face covering it's eyes, and was wearing a bright yellow thing under it's white sheet. For a moment you had to pause as you noticed it's face was a darker color than any you two leg you had seen before. But then you were drawn back to the other young two leg as it's face began to change shade, fading far paler color.

You didn't know two legs could do that, and you were even more confused when the second of the younger pair shakily moved its hand in a gesture you didn't understand.

The older two leg slowly removed it's hand from your flank, turning around in a manner that you made question if it's legs had suffered some form of injury. It's hair was black and it two had the strange metal frames on it's face, it's white sheet was closed, and it's eyes were not only incredibly wide, but you could only just make out a slight blue tinge around disks of black.

Hmm, this was familiar too! You had been in this exact situation with the strange two leg that had fallen on it's back! You tilted your head as you thought, well if it worked once.

You garbled a set of sounds at the two leg, the unfamiliar action hurting your throat before you paused waiting to see what would happen. Shortly after a meaty thudding sound echoed in the room, your eyes having followed the two leg as it fell on it's back.

A irritated chirp left your mouth, you had hoped this one would do something new. Before you realized the two younger two Legs were still present. Interest sharp in your mind, as you affixed your eyes on the strangely motionless pair.

Azula Says: Sheep Fucking Donkey Herder, It's super effective.

Dino Do What?

[ ] Escape
[ ] Stay

Conscious two legs
[ ] Bark more sounds at them to see what happens.
[ ] Try and sniff them.
[ ] Just Stare at them till they do something interesting.
[ ] Ignore them and do something else
-[ ] What?

Bet you weren't expecting that.
Dinosaur Unbuckled
For what seemed to be a small eternity you stared at the two younger? two legs waiting for them do to, well just about anything really.

Sadly they refused to be even mildly interesting, instead they just tried to stop moving all together. Which was actually pretty interesting if only because you were confused as to why? Freezing in front of a threat was just stupid after all, and you were most certainly a threat.

However while that was interesting, it wasn't enough to capture your attention for very long at all. Especially since you had to crane your neck in order to see them, and caused the binding to rub against your sail in a way that was, very, irritating. So after a moment longer to ensure the two legs wouldn't be doing anything interesting the second after you looked away, you relaxed your muscles. Allowing your head to press gently back onto the table.

As you did so, the strap you had just slipped your head out from underneath caught your attention. It was a thin strip of material wither several small holes, that smelling like old hide and was held together by a strange silver thing.

The shine it gave off was just enough to draw your interest, and your curiosity.

Why was this strange piece of silver there? Wouldn't it restrain you better if it held you with one solid piece? The ideas popped through your head like tiny Morada's jumping out of bushes, and they had to be satisfied.

So you examined it, tapping it with an easily freed claw, tested it with your teeth, and by pure accident slipped the silver piece in just the right way that caused the strip of material to slip free.

It stunned you when you saw it, because it became apparent that it was meant to do that. It was meant to be undone! This required more study!

Craning your neck around you found another silver buckle, attached to a strip of the same smelly material wrapped around your middle. You were only just barely able to see it out of the corner of your eye. Several Minutes of trying to undo this buckle left you stumped. You simply couldn't bend in a way that would allow you to undo it.

Then lightning struck as you paused mid motion. Only, it was worth a try wasn't it?

So your starter to squirm and writhe, and as luck would have it you began to slide forward. Soon Enough you had wormed your way forward just enough to used you claws to pull yourself out from under not only the bindings, but off the table as well. Pride burst in your chest at you absolute brilliance, before you returned to the buckle.

It was only minutes later that you had figure out how to undo this one, however this time it was on purpose! You even did it again on the last strap that had been around your flank, just because you could.

Satisfaction chittering through your scales you glanced around the room.

Dino Do what?
[ ] Continue to look around the room (Azula will satisfy her uncontrollable curiosity.)
[ ] Leave room
[ ] The Young Two legs left, try and fine them
-[ ] Scent them out
-[ ] Just Wander around trying to find them
[ ] Unconscious Human, Do something with him
-[ ] Poke him
-[ ] Sniff
-[ ] See If He Tastes Good
-[ ] Write in
[ ] Go take a nap
[ ] Write In

Turns Until Alarm Goes Off: 3
Once alarm goes off Security will be after you.
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Embarassment is Part of Discovery
You Fiddled with the silvery metal latch, after unlatching them all, including the ones of the other empty tables an Idea had struck you.

If they were meant to open they were also likely designed to close. A pulse of frustration throbbed underneath your eyes as you strained your claw muscles trying to latch the metal contraption. You had even largely figured out how to it was suppose to close, after having opened it so many times it wasn't exactly hard to figure out.

You however, found that you simply couldn't move you claws in a way that would allow it. Even using your jaw to help hadn't done much.

No matter how you flexed your four claws, you simply didn't have either the control or the necessary appendages. A sad croon parted your teeth as spat the silver buckle back onto the table, having accidentally bitten through the smelly material. Your sadness on the other hand, didn't last very long.

The second you looked away from the slobber covered buckle your attention was drawn to the room around you. Various objects scattered over counters and strange recessed things underneath. There was even a weird metal indent with a metal thing handing over it.

So many choices! So many Options!

It was all to much so you decided in the way you usually did. That is to say you looked around for the shiniest thing in the room.

Eventually you settled on one of the strange objects, it was a weird silver bottle thing with a strange red thing at the top. So you turned it and something came out of it! Except you couldn't really tell what, it felt sort of like the air on your skin, and you couldn't actually see it. On the other hand you could hear, a hissing sound escaping the bottle.

Licking it didn't turn any result, and the bottle was hard enough that biting it, hurt your teeth, it didn't smell either when you took a big breath of it. So you through the bottle to the side and went to the next thing on your list.

The strange metal indent!

Except there wasn't much to see there either, it was just a metal indent, though there was the weird metal thing hanging above it. There were even a set of handle things you'd seen humans use when they walked around your cage, on each side of the metal thing.

So shifting your center of gravity you got close enough to poke at the the handle thing with your nose, except it refused to budge. Curiosity pumping beneath your scales, you tried to pull it with one of your claws.

COLD! your jumped back, freezing water having pored right on top of your head. Tripping backwards, you flopped around in a panic and started to make a warning Growl to scare away whatever had attacked you.

Only it came out wrong, very wrong. The deep, guttural, rumble you tried to make, came out high, almost squeaky as you froze in confusion.

You were so stunned you almost didn't notice that the older human had woken up.

Dino Do What?
[ ] Continue (keep looking around)
[ ] See whats up with the Human
-[ ] Try and see what his white sheet is
-[ ] Lick him, Maybe he tastes good?
[ ] Leave the room, see what else you might find
-[ ] Try and find the younger humans who left earlier
-[ ] Run around
[ ] Go To Sleep Ends Event
[ ] Write in
White Sheet Study and Tounge Trouble
Confusion on what just happened left your mind almost instantly.

The feeling of cold, wet, something splashing down on your scales, scattered to the winds. Why your voice had changed to something completely different than what you had known since childhood, dissipated like clumps of sand in water.

Any question, or concerns left your mind as you focused intently on the pained grunt of the old human returning to consciousness. Muttered sound just as garbled as usual, though carrying a rhythm of confusion, as the human put an arm over it's eyes like Morada when she tried to hide from the waking sun.

Your eyes however were drawn to the hole his hand came out of in white sheet.

A curiosity bloomed into your mind, something you hadn't really though much on in the past. Just what was the white sheet the two legs seemed to use? What was it's purpose? Why was it white? Was it soft? Was it rough? Did it taste good?

You hadn't even noticed it as your moved with a will of their own, you were already mere inches from the confused human as you examined the white sheet up close. Your keen eyes were able to make out tiny strands of something, all seemingly wrapped together in order to make a single large sheet.

Running the scales of your left claw over it showed that it wasn't soft, but also wasn't rough. In fact it was oddly stiff and smelled similar to an odd root that grew within your territory. Then you extended your tongue to taste it.

It was only midway through the action did you remember the issue with that, as your tongue fired out from your mouth with enough force to shove the confused human.

Naturally this lead to the human turning around to see what was going on, a distressed and incredibly high squeal escaping it's lips as it spotted you. You noted this in a detached fashion out of the corner of your eye as you tried to gather your tongue back into your mouth. Nearly tripping over the pink appendage when the human jolted backwards into the table you had been restrained on. Causing a loud thud as it banged it's already damaged head against the metal object.

You ignored the cry of pain it made still trying to gather your tongue when a scent drifted into your nose. You snapped your head, instantly directing all your attention to the human.

The wounded and more importantly bleeding Human.

Dino Do What?

[] Continue studying the white sheet (Traumatize/Confuse him further)
[] The human is bleeding?
-[] try and taste it
-[] it's wounded, eat it.
-[] Ignore it do something else
--[] Run out of the room
--[] Stay and be Curious
--[] Write in
Voting is open