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So, I decided to do a little bit of backreading and brain fudgery to try and see if (or how) we might be able to save Morada by the end of the prologue based off of what we know.

1. Cold water helps to relieve her pain / is soothing to her.

2. Our blood is straight up incompatible and would cause all sorts of problems if put into her bloodstream directly.

3. Morada depends on us for everything, whether it's ignoring the pain, not sleeping all day or generally just relying upon us as an emotional anchor.

4. We are able to save Morada as we are right now with no additional traits mutated and without the ability to swim to Nublar.

So to that end, here's a few theories based off of our traits.

Long Tongue and Active Camoflauge is probably not gonna be much help with saving Morada, so we can safely leave those be for now.

Vocal Mimic could be useful if we ever need to signal for the Humans to show up and help.

So that's 1/3 active abilities that could come in handy for saving Morada.

Next is the passives.

Human Intelligence is probably gonna be one of our biggest boons (both in general and for saving Morada) because we might be able to do some research of our own (generally checking up on Morada and all that, or some more dubious experimenting with our blood)

Next up are the heavy hitters, Jellyfish DNA, Lizard DNA and Strong Hearted (plus genetic car crash) gives us borderline superhuman regeneration speed, but our blood is functionally toxic if introduced into Morada's bloodstream, and this would seem like a dead end at first.


QM might have given us a bit of a hint.

If the blood is absorbed through the skin, it is considered safer than a blood transfusion "Depending on what's done to it." (Although they also say that absorbing it through the skin as is doesn't do much).

Ultimately, we gotta try and identify what problems we might face first that could involve a Morada death scenario before we try a solution.

Problem 1. Morada's DNA looks like a stained glass mosaic compared to ours and she'll eventually die.

Problem 2. There's a giant, 'Fuck You' hurricane about to (sometime at the end of the prologue) cause some serious problems for Ingen (so they release us to hope that we survive) and storms are generally stressful to live through for an animal/dinosaur, especially one like Morada.

Whatever the solution is, it is something that we can do right now, and swimming to Nublar is out of the picture at the moment.

So, where does that leave us? Truthfully, I'm not sure, we can't just bleed on Morada without running the risk of killing her, and Ingen isn't good enough with their tech to patch the holes in her DNA, but I do have a crackpot idea in mind.

I can't believe I'm saying this with a straight face, but we may have to go mad-scientist and bleed on some lab rats (our food mostly) until we trial and error a path to success (Like Wu, like Chimera).

Like I said, total crapshoot, but it's the only solution I can see turning out well for us at the moment, not unless Wu puts his noodle to work.
Given this sudden turnaround, I'd suggest at least giving a small description of what each vote can lead into going forward. Oh and

[X] Power Nap
To that end, what would "Messages from above" be if "Power Nap" was Wu's reaction to the sleeping hybrids? A Hammond and Wu discussion?
To that end, what would "Messages from above" be if "Power Nap" was Wu's reaction to the sleeping hybrids? A Hammond and Wu discussion?
Hammond Reacting to the report of recent events. the focus of the report is variable and mostly depends on what I end finding fun to write about.

Alternative options and thoughts:
We, and probably Morada as well, can hold our breath long enough that waiting out the hurricane inside a lagoon or other body of water may be viable. We'd be much safer under the surface away from the winds and the storm.
Water being supportive could also help, as Morada's condition seems to be eased by being submerged in water.

Also; Morada has some of the same genetics as us... it's possible that Morada could mutate and improve mutations similarly to Azula, and if so, the solution might be figuring out the right triggers to get her to evolve a stronger constitution.
Either way, the only way to find out what we're dealing with will have to involve getting more info, until then, all we can do is guesswork.

(I'm still all for the mad scientist plan /j)
Alternative options and thoughts:
We, and probably Morada as well, can hold our breath long enough that waiting out the hurricane inside a lagoon or other body of water may be viable. We'd be much safer under the surface away from the winds and the storm.
Water being supportive could also help, as Morada's condition seems to be eased by being submerged in water.

Also; Morada has some of the same genetics as us... it's possible that Morada could mutate and improve mutations similarly to Azula, and if so, the solution might be figuring out the right triggers to get her to evolve a stronger constitution.
Not really, we'd need to be underwater for an extended period, maybe days.

We're better off finding someplace to set up a den in, and waiting there.
Vote closed
Interlude: Questions From Above
John Hammond was many things, had been even more in his time walking this beautiful planet.

An entrepreneur, a car salesman, founder of a fortune five hundred company, a Father, and an ecstatic Grandfather. He was however not sure if he'd ever been this confused before, or exasperated for that matter.

Just to be sure he flipped the report back to the beginning and started reading it from the start. The two main subjects of project Chimera (really why had he allowed that Project to go through?) had a close encounter with one of the Sub-experiments. the Allo-Tops hybrid if he remembered the designation correctly. the Autopsy report had shown a great deal of issues, finding everything from cancer to signs of liver failure. Truthfully it was more a miracle that she had been a functioning entity and managed to live until she was all but given a mercy kill by the main subject.

There had been some concern that the Allo-tops had contracted more than a few diseases, nothing truly worrying but they had scheduled a check up after such close contact and concerns about the tampering with there genetic make up.

Subject CHPK-SR-1 otherwise known as Azula had been sedated and brought into an examination room, along with her sister CHPK-SR-2 or Morada. Rubbing his rather tired eyes he flipped the page of the report.

Initially there hadn't been any real issue, both Chimera's had been separated into diffrent exam rooms, and while they sadly only had one Vet qualified to do the check up it had only meant that CHPK-SR-1 would be going first.

At least that had been the plan.

The Vet had been forced to leave the room after one of the three internes had failed to show up, only to return and find the two interns that had actually shown up digging through files they didn't have clearance for, and that they hadn't properly restrained the Subject.

Only for said subject to wake up, slipping out of it's restraints and- and cursing at them like a sailor. The pressure of the situation lead to the Vet passing out on the floor, and the interns fleeing the room.

A mistake, if they had fallowed procedure they would have left the room and pulled the emergency switch just to the right. that would have flooded the room with a mild sedative. The vet would have likly had a headache afterwords but it would have been better than what happened next.

The report was a bit jumbled and he was still having trouble undertsanding how it resulted in Subject- oh for the love of- Azula fleeing the room after stealing the vetranarians belt buckle. After that acccounts were scattered as Azula proeeded to run roughshod through nearly a third of the building until seemingly vanishing into thin air for more then six hours.

They finally found her sleeping in her sisters examination room, with the rather strange bed partner of Dr. Henry Wu. Though the man himself was wide awake, trapped under the snoozeing form of Morada curled over his stomach Azula snuggled up to his side. The man had been pushed to his limits and had been little more than a sleep deprived shell upon discovery.

Though the Dr hadn't had any injuries, beyond his own need to change clothes he hadn't had even a scratch on him.

That lead to now, where he had to figure out what to do with the entire incident. The interns would need to be repromanded, the vet would probably need some counseling after his own encounter. Security itself needed to increased dramatically if a lizard the size of a greyhound could get away with this.

Then there was Henry, to be honest he should probably repprimand him as well. However after going through every report from the Dr, the sheer amount of them as well as the amount of duties the man had been fullfilling.

He supposed he could let it slip this once, though he would have to instate some way to ensure the man would actually sleep. The amount of overtime he had was enough to break more than one labor law.

Dino Do What?
[ ] Nest Time
[ ] Dino Dialouge
[ ] Write in

This will be the last event, after this the prolouge will end. Functionally there will be one more event after this but that will be the hurriccane/Morada. After that it will be a more standard action system that most quests use instead of events.
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