Adam self insert idea.... OP ADAM..
I looked down at my self incredulous, I was stumped... I was Adam Taurus. That I understood as his memories began flowing into me. No that fact I was Adam Taurus was not the reason I was stumped. It was the fact that how had Adam ever been defeated with the Semblance he had.

His Semblance and was the Transfer and Amplified Release of Energy. Kind of like a laser. Where the photons bounce around inside a sealed chamber and is released.

Once enough photon particles are stimulated and trapped within they are released through a single opening resulting in a beam of light.

And Adams semblance? It could transfer nearly any kind of energy from something to another. The requirements were what type of energy and where the energy was transfered. And when released he could transform it into a different kind of energy while ampliying it depending on how much Aura is used.

And the dude used it to store the kinetic energy as heat energy in his fire dust blade, all of his opponents blows in his sword and release it in a single iado slash by transferring the heat energy into the air as he swung while transforming it back into kinetic energy and amplifting it by using his Aura.

It was cool as fuck.

But that was not the problem.

The problem is, that is the only way he used his semblance which so fucking versatile!

It had so many uses in both utility and combat that Adam could have used for.

If the dude was standing on a ship during stormy weather. He could absorb the kenetic energy of the waves that crashed onto the ship and stored it by transfering all that energy to the ships dust tank or when the waters calmed down he could just transfer all that energy directly to the ships propeller as rotational energy and and there would be no loss of energy from the engine.

He could absorb heat energy from a giant freezer and store the energy in a metal block of some kind.

The huge freezer could be used to store Menageries food supplies without relying on dust to run it.

And the heat stored in the metal block could be used for anything from cooking to melting..

If we are talking about combat he could absorb kinetic energy from the air resistance and any of his opponents attacks. Transform them into potential energy and store them in his muscles them, release as kinetic energy to move even faster or to add a ridiculous amount of force, basically becoming a Version of One for All that gets stronger as the fight goes on. The dude could even absorb the literel force of gravity preesing down on his and store it...

At night he could be even stealthier than his partner by absorbing any sound energy he makes and absorbing and light energy that hits him...

How the fuck is he just a white fang commander.

He alone had the power to probably wipe out all the Grimm population of Menagerie.

His semblance could literally help menagerie uplift itself.

Oh right... I was Adam now...


Yeah... I'm not raiding this train......

I'm going to menagerie... Hell I could understand why Adam was doing what he did, the methods he was using wouldn't work.... No...

We need a different method....

What we need is another war...

Not a Global war like the Faunus Revolution..

A Economical war...

And perhaps if it ever becomes needed.... A cold war....
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yup this is the good stuff. the versitility of the so called "simple" powers is always left in the dust.
also instead of using a sword, he could've just used a gun and put all the gathered energy into a single bullet.
either becoming the greatest sniper/mobile artillery or getting the strongest and fastest hand cannon.
not to mention the power generation, just live inside a nuclear generator, absorb the radiation and heat and gain infinite* energy.
or if you just want to chill and laze about, you can instantly cool any and all computers/consoles for all your hardcore gaming needs.
yup this is the good stuff. the versitility of the so called "simple" powers is always left in the dust.
also instead of using a sword, he could've just used a gun and put all the gathered energy into a single bullet.
either becoming the greatest sniper/mobile artillery or getting the strongest and fastest hand cannon.
not to mention the power generation, just live inside a nuclear generator, absorb the radiation and heat and gain infinite* energy.
or if you just want to chill and laze about, you can instantly cool any and all computers/consoles for all your hardcore gaming needs.

The thing is that he has to store the energy he absorbs into something and that something should be capable of storing that form of energy so the second part of his semblance comes in.

Adam has a fire Dust blade which he stores the kinetic energy as heat energy which is why as it when it glows when enough heat energy is stored in it Adam can ofcourse keep storing more and more energy and as heat energy but comes a point where it simply cannot absorb anymore. If the blade was made of metal instead of dust it would start glowing red then yellow and then start melting.

At that point it won't be a blade anymore...

So he can absorb energy, transform said energy store it in something whether it be in a muscle as potential energy, in a piece of metal or fire dust as heat energy or in a flywheel as rotational energy and amplyfy the released energy by using Aura.

So technically his semblance is just transferring energy from one thing to another while also transforming it to a different kind of energy. Since the storage requires something that can accept which ever energy for Adam transformers it into. Oh... And he can Amplyfy the transfered energy depending on the amount of Aura sacrificed...

So he can only gather energy into a bullet as much as the dust can store... Which is a lot...

Basically Adams semblance Violates Entropy...or rather he can reverse it...
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Shirous True Path 1
Shirou always wanted to save help people. He wanted to save everyone.

He had always looked up to his old man, but perhaps he was wrong trying to copy exactly as his old man did.

After all no matter what he did he couldn't get the hang of projection.

The only thing he magecraft he was good at was Reinforcement and he was decent at alteration...

And he was quite good at cooking if Fuji-née's praise was anything to go by.

So perhaps instead of fighting he could help people another way.

A more direct way..

His own way.

His own path.

He got an idea when he saw Fuji-née's watching a cartoon and there was a witch with a cauldron bubbling...

Which gave him an idea...

He was really good at cooking...

And making potions was just cooking, with magic.

Perhaps this was a what he would truly excel at!

So he ordered some flasks.

He had to ask Raiga ojisan for some help else people would be asking why in the world would a high schooler need all these scientific flasks and a huge caudlron for?

Not to mention a lot of stoppers.

Now here he was looking at his shed with more actual equipment than he'd ever thought hed ever have.

What was he going to try to make first?

A health potion obviously! If he wanted to save people, he neaded to be able to heal them.

So he gathered all the kitchen ingredients currently had that he knew would have high medicinal propertiens... He'd check out more medicinal herbs later. But for now?




Olive oil



Green Tea leaves

Oh and he got some distilled water after all.. He was going to making POTIONS. And he didn't want additives contaminating his potion...

The first step...

Structural Analysis...

He knew a general idea of what his ingredients were useful for but it was always better to have more information....

Well, his first potion looks good?

He had cast structural analysis on each ingredient and selected the few ones which 'fit together' the most, carefully reinforced the specific concepts that he wanted as far as he could take them.

He chose honey distilled water in a 1:1 ration, with a teaspoon of tumeric, slowly mixed together as he slowly brought the mix to a boil over the bunsen burner, Ginger was ground in a pestle and mortar which was also reinforce to extract and many beneficial effects and possible then boiled in green tea concentrate, which was also reinforced.

He then passed them through a filter which was reinforced to filter any harmful products as much as possible and then slowly stirred the mixture as he continuously cast structural analysis in an attempt to understand what was going on.


Once done he slowly cooled it down and poured it into a few flasks. Before drinking but and putting a stopper on the few full flasks.

Over the next few hours he observed it's effects by casting structural grasp on himself.

To his disappointment it wasn't anything special...

All the effects were definitely much stronger thoguh not at a visible rate.

The cut he made on his hand prior did close in a an hour after he drank the potion and bandaged his hand.

All in it wasn't magical... But it was definitely Very good medicine.

It boosted his immune system, improved his bloodflow and his energy levels for a short while. Though he didn't notice any other changes.... Perhaps because he was healthy?

He would have to give it to someone sick and see if that would help them.

Besides this was just the first potion... He'll propably get much better results with practice and more ingredients to test with.

The mixture was indeed a very weak compared to most potions...

It was no where near the level of an actual potion.

His Godly cooking skills combined with his mastery of reinforcement magecraft alowed him to do something truly rare, he didn't know the miracle he had accidently achieved.

He had made a Generalised Healing Potion and it didn't have any negative effects.

Such a thing was unheard of in the modern age, long thought to be lost in the age of gods. Most. Potions modern Magi use are for specific purposes such as for regenerating a lost limb. Or perhaps to cure a desease or perhaps to dispel a curse.

But it was always! Always! Made for a specific purpose. And taking a potion for a affliction you didn't have would most likelt result in painful death usually through mercury poisoning or something similar as the reagents in the potion do not have the afliction to fight against it would instead do nothing magically... But the ingredients it's made of which usually is used in curing the affliction which you have will instead be digested normally... Which while some potions are made for that? Some potions s have things like powdered diamond and liquid mercury....

Which would result in a long and painful death...

If magi knew what Shirou had managed they would froth in the mouth, as they would not have considered mundane herbs and medicinal plants a possible ingredient to make potions... Especially General Potions....
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A cooking Shirou sounds like a blast, I wonder if he would summon a healer in the Grail War.
So Asclepius or Nightingale? can only imagine the Summonings are gonna be different, maybe Illya will summon Archerkles or GARcher who decides to put off suiciding himself (shit's complicated) in favor of making sure his sister (again shit's complicated) survives the war this time around
So Asclepius or Nightingale? can only imagine the Summonings are gonna be different, maybe Illya will summon Archerkles or GARcher who decides to put off suiciding himself (shit's complicated) in favor of making sure his sister (again shit's complicated) survives the war this time around

If it was the former two choices that would be interesting, Considering how Asclepius and Herakles were crew members on the Argo and friends with Jason
A cooking Shirou sounds like a blast, I wonder if he would summon a healer in the Grail War.
I've seen Shirous who fight to save people with swords.

I've seen Shirous who fight to save people with bows and arrows.

I've even seen Shirous who try to help people with his good mechanic skills.

But his godly skills as a cook? That's usually a side skill unless it's in shokugeki no soma.

So I've never seen him use cooking, the thing he is most skilled at, towatds him dream...
If it was the former two choices that would be interesting, Considering how Asclepius and Herakles were crew members on the Argo and friends with Jason

Well considering Medea is there as well that would make it 3 of the Argo...unless I change Rins archer to Atalanta? And Shinji actually tries to summon before Zolgen forces sakura to summon and gets Jason... Someone who is as useless and Shinji.
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Well considering Medea is there as well that would make it 3 of the Argo...unless I change Rins archer to Atalanta? And Shinji actually tries to summon before Zolgen forces sakura to summon and gets Jason... Someone who is as useless and Shinji.

Jason's not that useless, guy just needs to be on the defensive so he can focus on planning and using his allies strength's , now being somewhat of an A-Hole yeah,
Jujitsu Kaisen SI Idea
Self insert in jujutsu with a system and the ability to absorb negative emotions from people as well as Cursed energy eventually and turn it into stat points or Positive Energy

Name : <******>

NE:0 Convert?
CE:0 Convert?
STA: 42


Stat Points:0


Negative Emotion Absorption LV1-
Absorb Negative Emotions from any sentient being around you within 1 meter. Turns into Stat points at a rate of 10,000 Negetive Emotion to 1 Stat point.
(Distance Increases with Level)

Negative Emotion Storage LV1-
Stores absorbed negative emotions. Amount decided by WILL and skill Level.

Cursed Energy Absorbtion (LVL - Locked till WILL raises to 20)
Absorb Cursed Energy from any sentient being around you within 1 meter. Turns into Stat points at a rate of 100 units of CE to 1 Stat point.
(Distance Increases with Level)

Cursed Energy Storage LV1-
Stores absorbed Cursed Energy. Amount decided by WILL and skill Level.

Positive Energy Conversion and Manipulation. (Lvl-1)Converts Cursed Energy to Positive energy.
Uses Stamina. Stamina usage decreases as level increases. Allows you to convert absorbed cursed energy and release positive energy back into the world instead of Negetive energy. You can use Positive energy to Heal organic beings, restore a damages natural landscape or even restore a damaged object to its prime.
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Danmachi NO Falna SI 2

I knew I couldn't afford any of the skills in the skill shop yet.

Canon is only 2 months around the corner. So I used to use my time as efficiently as I could.

I got into the dungeon with nothing but my clothes, a bag to hold monster cores and drops in, and a knife to carve it out and descended into the dungeon's first floor despite Hestia's insistence for not to go without a Falna.

I go to the first floor and stay in the first floor. Making sure that I was as close to the stairs to the entrance as possible and preparing to run should more than a single goblin attack. Because even bashing t a single goblins head is hard with my fists and my feet and stings like all fuck.

most of the people who pass me by look at me like I'm mad, and a lot of them sneer but luckily none of them try to rob me. most likely because I have nothing to give but the few stones that I manage to bash through with my fists and getting hit with the goblins "mallet" hurts like all fuck, but I have to endure it if I want to prepare my body to start learning those ridiculous martial arts.

By the time I come back to Hestia a 3 to 4 hours later, I'm usually beaten and bruised and have about 10 to 15 golbin stones. Its not much, I take half and give the half to Hetsia to exchange once every week.

Then Usually fall asleep by the hearth fire eating Jakamru kuns. I swear Im damn sure Hestia used a bit of her arcanum on the hearth fire because whenever I sleep by the hearth I wake up and my injuries are gone and I'm completely rejuvenated.

Though I guess her use of Arcanum is small enough that Ouranus doesn't mind it.

Usually after that I awake at night and see Hestia asleep. I adjust her cover and go out to the yard to do some exercise. Push-ups, sit-ups squats, planks, all the exercises I know thanks to (Physical Conditioning - Free) and push my muscles to the limit as far as I can before crawling to the bathroom dead on my feet, my muscles screaming at me even more than when I was in the dungeon since when I was there It was mostly my skin and bones that screamed at me, took a short shower and then returned to the ben next to the hearth my muscles sighing in relief at the fires diving energies as I lie down and prepare to sleep only to wake up the next day to do this all over again but slowly increasing difficulty.

It seemed like forever until the day came.

"Jaune, look we have our second family member. This is Bell. Bell, this is Jaune."

I looked at the white-haired rabbit, rubbed my eyes.

Well, shit. Looks like canon is here already huh, and I've barely collected 500,000 valis. Not enough even for the Shikuchi.

"What's Canon?" Two voices asked...

I just sighed.

"Nice to meet you bell, unfortunately I'm not ready to be a captain yet, but if you want advice on anything let me know."

"Hai, Jaune Sempai" His smile blinded me.

Dear lord. I'm straight and even i find the guy attractive... No wonder he attracts so many women...

I've got to step up my training even more.... This is going to suck... Should I give up and ask for a Falna??

Yeah no. Falna may make me Stronger now. but the potential versatility of the system would be lost then.

Fuck it.

Just have to suck it up.

Its time to grind like a mother fucker...
You know... I think a Self-insert in Skyrim will be pretty overpowered if he is even knowledgable in Modern-day equivalent if they learn the thuum.

For example.

Yor Toor Shul

Fire Inferno Sun

We have much more knowledge than anyone on Skyrim...
Warhammer 30k SI
SI in Warhammer 30k with an RPG gamer system locked in the Bard Class.

At first he tries to stay hidden... and manages to stay hidden as a travelling musician... Slowly grinding his stats. But the only skills he gets are bard-related skills.

Years pass and he wonders what he is doing with his life.

Even if he is locked into the bard class he was still given a system.

He had seen countless men die and has tried to ignore it. but its getting too much, he cant even make excuses that he is too weak to make a difference since he is a bard and his bard skills are a literal battle field multi plier not to mention his physical stats are in the hundreds.

Something something happens and eventually, he comes across a battlefield where he sees humans fighting (insert Xeno here). and he decides to take out his instruments and do a one-man orchestra on the battlefield using his bard skills on the battlefield to boost the humans singing this song...
View: all the instruments by himself... somehow.
with some slight changes to the lyrics..

Ships on vigor of the waves are skimming
Barren summits to the verdant plains
Each horizon is a new beginning
Rise and reign

Far from the Chaos and their ice cold Gods.
Legions soar over new frontiers
Songs and sagas of a fate determined
Shields and spears

Vows of favour or the thrill of Prayer
Pull together for the clan and kin
Clank of hammers and the crash of thunder
Pound within

The echoes of eternity
Emperor calling me
To pluck the strings of destiny
Emperor calling me
Emperor calling me

Ships a' swaying on the crimson rivers
Blood and glory in the fighting fields
Shields a' shatter into splintered timbers
Iron and steel

Fires are rising and the bells are ringing
Glory take us into Emperor's Mercy
Golden glimmer and the sound of singing
Emperor's call

The echoes of eternity
Emperor calling me
To pluck the strings of destiny
Emperor calling me
Emperor calling me

Wind and the waves will carry me
Wind and the waves will set me free

The echoes of eternity
Emperor calling me
To pluck the strings of destiny
Emperor calling me
Emperor calling me
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Machine Jumpchain
Self insert finds themselves as Machines usually in the middle of battle...

First jump in Zero No Tsukaima waking up as the Zero Fighter when the first time its engines are started.

As a soul is present within the craft it becomes more capable than it is before, and as the soul ages the power it has on machine increases... At first the soul will increase the power, speed and durability of the machine its in by a few percentages. and be able to nudge the controls, instruments/displays slightly by the same percentages.

System will display what machine the SI possesses and its current capabalities as well as the current effecting percentage.

Name: ***************
Effectation Power(Needs a Better Name) - 1%
Current Body :

Mitsubishi A6M Zero

Current: Weapon Load out
  • 2x 20 mm cannons in the wings
  • 2x Two 7.7 mm machine guns
  • 2x Two 59.9-kilogram bombs under the wings (Out of Ammo)
Energy/Fuel Level : 45%

When the Machine is destroyed beyond Repair or certain conditions are met jump will be initiated again and the soul will be displaced into another machine, in another universe.
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I do wonder… what will he become? To be a machine in battle, to stand in every age and war. To roll forward on tracks of steel when the Allies drew the beach from the devils claws in 45', to hold the line on Cadia as a Leman Russ or a Imperal Knight, battling as the forces of Chaos storm forward, or perhaps a Highlander, fighting as the Blackwatch stand tall in the Gorst Flats, opposing Amaris will. Many are the ages and battles he could fight in.
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