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Just gonna leave this here...

In the dead of night a locker was left un opened filled...
Greg's Pain.

Jaune Pendragon

King Of Servants
Just gonna leave this here...

In the dead of night a locker was left un opened filled with biohazards that would probably need a hazmat team to clean up. Within it lied a body, a body of a girl who pleaded for help yet recieved none. Hours passed and her cries became whimpers before it completely stopped.

The next morning a body was found.

A Taylor Herbert has paased on from this world or so they thought... Needless to say it was all swept under the rug, courtesy of principal Blackwell.

Student kept silent and soon forgot about her. Except for one young man. Who went by the name Gregory Verder.

For Greg, young Taylor was a beacon in the darkness that was his life. The only person who actually didn't treat him like shit.

Taylor the pariah from the girls side.

Greg the black sheep from the boys side.

Greg was an overly emotional young boy. But had quite the mental fortitude.

When Taylor the only person to treat him like a human died and he saw the authorities just sweeping it under the rug.

Something his mind snapped.

It snapped so loudly that it echoed through out the dimensions.

And something returned filling his mind with knowledge.

Mysteries that was lost to time.

Mysteries that were not Supposed to exist.


The next day when Greg arrived in school he was completely silent.

And a few days later shit hit the fan.

Sophia Hess no longer had Taylor to went her stress on and so found someone else to vent.

Emma was quite helpful in pointing out the sheep and the losers who nobody would bother with.

Greg Veder. That creepy guy.

Unfortunately for Hess, messing with Greg wasn't therapeutic as she had hoped.

No matter what she said she simply couldn't get a reaction out of him.

No matter what she did, physical or physiological, he simply. Ignored her and any injuries she gave him as if they didn't exist.

This caused her frustration to rise as well as her stress. Quite the opposite she was aiming for.

In her frustration. However she accidently stepped on a NUCLEAR landmine.

She insulted Hebert.

She didn't miss the anger in his eyes and relished it.

However that didn't last long.

Greg whispered Two words that held heavy weight in them.

Her honed instincts. Screamed at her to get away. But she didn't want to admit. Defeat. Her pride wouldn't allow it. And she continued to antagonize a boy whose mind. Has snapped.

"Shinra, Tensei"

The world turned white and pain filled her vision.

Then it all went black.
Ok, you are off to an amazing start. Greg with Pein's powers is not something I expected to see. If you ever continue this snip it's gonna be a Beautiful Train wreck.
Self insert as the Duck Butt.
Fantasy World creation


Power manipulation - 5Charges

Sharingan (Two Tomoe)

Today was a really strange day.

Really strange in that I was sure that I was dreaming or in another one.

I walked through the village as I headed to the building that was present in my memories showing me where to go.

People seemed to be giving me pitying looks as I walked. KInd of understandable from the dram I was in.

As I approached my destination, a school? Seems really detailed for a dream. Then again I am quite an imaginative person.

I headed to the classroom that my memories seemed to show me and opened the door.

"Sasuke you're late. I know that you've graduated but please do come on time." Iruka sighed.

"Hn." Yes, people for some reason I seemed to be in quite a vivid dream about being Sasuke Uchiha.

I took a look around the room as I entered and saw Naruto glaring at me as if trying to spontaneously set me on fire.

I gave a sigh and headed towards my seat.

The moment I sat down I see Sakura staring at me as she sat down right next to me. beating Ino by a margin ...oh goody... she seemed nice enough...

I began to brood with my elbows on my desk.

What is it with finding myself in worlds that are always in danger of being destroyed.

Why can't I end up in somewhere nice like? Shokugeki no Soma for example?

Previously it was The Grand Order with humanity erased from existence. Now the moon eye Plan and Kaguya. You know what fuck this shit. I'm just going to relax and enjoy myself.

"Team Seven Uzumaki Naruto" I perked up is this going to be different? "Haruno Sakura"

"Yay," Naruto stood up in joy and Sakura to get depression?

"and Uchiha Sasuke" Iruka finished causing Naruto to get depressed and Sakura to stand up in joy.

I sweatdropped great. Just great. I think I should leave this world and go to Shokugeki no soma to eat some of Soma's delicious food.

It didn't take long for Naruto to begin complaining about the team placements. I sighed and looked out the window. This was going to be a long day.

"After lunch, you'll meet your new Jounin teachers until then class dismissed."

As the student began to run out the classroom I waited until it calmed down a bit before standing and heading towards the door only to be interrupted by Sakura.

"Hey, Sasuke" she called out waving at me, I stopped and turned to face her.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Do you want to have lunch together, I mean now that we are a team and all?" she said looking abashed.

I shrugged "Sure. Where to?"

"Hey SAKURA! Do you want to go and grab lunch together now that are teammates?" And here came Naruto

"No, Naruto." She looked like she was about to murder him.

"Sure why not? You can come along."

"But Sasuke..." She pouted.

Oh my god, that was too cute. I don't know why people hate her so much. Ok, I get that she was a bit too harsh on Naruto at this point but that can be improved with a bit of effort.

"Sakura, you did say that you wanted to get lunch because we were teammates right?" I said Emphasizing the teammates part. "and Naruto is a part of the team, I get it that he can be a bit of a pain at times but he ain't so bad. Just give him a chance." I said giving a gentle smile.

"Oh, Sasuke!" Oh great.

"Who are you and what have you done with Sasuke?!" Even better.

I continued as if I didn't even hear them. "So where do you guys want to go for lunch? My treat." The Uchiha clan Funds left me with more than what I could Spend in my entire lifetime. Just because they didn't live in golden mansions didn't mean they couldn't!

My kids, grandkids and Great grandkids could probably live like kings their whole life and still have some left over.

"ICHIRAKU RAMEN!" Naruto said excited

"I can't eat ramen! I'll get fat!"

"Don't worry Sakura, we're going to be shinobi so I'm sure there are ways to keep yourself slim even while eating a lot of calories." This seemed to ease her mind as we headed off to Ichirakus.


Three freaking hours.

Just like in canon.

"Alright, Why don't you introduce yourselves one at a time." Kakashi started leaning on the rail.

"An introduction? What are we supposed to say?" This is the smartest girl in class?

"You know, likes, dislikes, dreams for the future? That sort of thing."

"Why don't you tell us about yourself first, you know so that we can see how its supposed to work," Naruto asked.

"Me?" sensei said pointing at himself. "I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate...I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future? Never really thought about it. As for hobbies? I have lots of hobbies."

"That was totally useless all he really told us was his name," Sakura said.

I remained Silent.

"Okay, your turn you on the right you first."

Here goes the future Hokage....

"I am Naruto Uzumaki, I like Cup Ramen, and I really like the ramen Iruka sensei gets me at Ichiraku. But I hate the threminuteses you have to wait after you put the water in the ramen cup. My hobby is eating Different Kinds of ramen and comparing them."

Ramen Ramen Ramen....Seriously? Why don't you go marry Ramen!

"My dream is to become HOKAGE!"

Well looks like that part is still there.

"Alright next," Kakashi asked.

"I'm Sakura Haruno.... " and I tuned her out... It was a bit embarrassing to listen to okay maybe this is the actual reason Sasuke left the village in canon. Out of embarrassment...HEHEHE.

"The last one"

Oh, it's my turn.

Now, what should I do....Hmmm oh I know...

"My Name is Sasuke Uchiha, I like doing experiments to understand the world, making new inventions, freedom, my magic and eating delicious food. I dislike traitors and those who are cruel to others without a valid reason. I absolutely hate bullies and those who pick on the weak simply because they can.
My dream? Is to become a hero of Justice"

"......*Cricket chirping*....."

"Sasuke you're So cool!" Oh boy. and Naruto was staring at me again.

"Well you are all unique and you have your own Ideals. Youll have our first mission tomorrow at training ground 7 at 7 am. Don't be late. and bring your ninja gear. Oh, and tomorrow you better skip breakfast or'll puke..."

With that, he disappeared in a puff of smoke.


At home that night I used all 5 powermanupilation charges before going to bed. 3 create a power to mimic Time Alter from fate except mine could reach up to 200 times faster than normal time. Two charges went to create a power that strengthens my body when i eat more food than neccesary. The power would wait for my stomach to get 3 quarters full, after that any food I intake would be used to improve my body. I Could also control what improvement was made to my body.

Before going to sleep I ate a crap ton of food. Setting my power to strengthen my bones, muscles and skin without too much difference on the outside.

By the time I was done emptying my fridge my bones were about 4 times stronger. that like 30 times stronger than steel. My muscles were also 4 times stronger. As were my skin.

I went to sleep ready for the trials ahead or maybe I would just skip them. with cheats....
Fammiliar of ZERO / Atom the Beggining Crossover Part 1
Today I was going to summon my familiar.

As I got up and put on my uniform, I cannot help but imagine what my familiar would be like.

Would it be a dragon, or better yet, a manticore. Perhaps a gryphon? I can feel myself filling with excitement just thinking about it.

But considering my past failures even a cat would be a success.

With finally securing my cape around my shoulders, I took my wand and stared at it for what felt like minutes.

For years I tried and failed to cast spells.

Any spell, no matter which one I tried, would fail, resulting in an explosion, which , miraculously, never hurt anyone beyond light burns.

I began to despair.

What if I failed, as I always do…. I would have to leave the school.

The rules state that any student, who failed to summon a familiar, is to be expelled. I look at my arm, still cluching on to the wand.

I was shaking, trembling, the wand nearly left my grip, but I managed to calm down.

If I fail today, my nickname would be no longer just that - a nickname. It would become the absolute truth.

I would truly be a Zero.

Steadying myself, I put such thoughts aside, before putting the wand back in my cape pocket and walking out of my room.

No matter what destiny had in store for me, I will not give up... No matter what.

Even if I am expelled I would find a way to continue studying my magic.

It was around two hours later when the summoning has began, just outside of the academy walls.

I tried making myself as small as possible, hoping to go last, or not go at all.

I stood on the sidelines, observing my classmates.

Having to watch everyone successfully summon something was not improving my mood at all.

That pompous fool, Guiche, summoned a giant mole after a ritual with so many unnecessary movement and words, that I was sure it would not work. Yet it somehow did anyway. Was I cursed?

After that he started hugging it, declaring that It was the most beautiful familiar there was. Really, a mole? But I suppose even a mole is still something.

Kirche, that annoying Germanian , actually succeeded in summoning a salamander.

I absolutely detest her, She made my life even worse than it already was constantly rubbing salt in the wounds.

But I cannot help but be impressed with the fire breathing lizard.

Of course not a moment later, she began showing it to everyone right away, boasting about how it matches her affinity and what not. As I said- annoying.

In the end there was quite a range of familiars. From simple cats and frogs to rather unique familiars such as bugbears which did not even look even close to a bug or a bear and was more of a floating eyeball. Seriosly who named it bugbear?

The quite blue-haired girl, Tabitha, actually managed summoned a dragon. A blue wind dragon.

She was one of the few people who didn't torment me. So Good for her.

When I look around I suddenly saw that I was the only one without a familiar yet.

The despair, which I suppressed mere moments ago, suddenly reemerged.

"Has everyone summoned their familiar?" asked professor Colbert, our teacher supervising the summoning.

"No professor, Louise is yet to summon something" responded the loud voice of Kirche, her delight obvious in it.

"She will probably fail again" said someone from the crowd.

"Louise the Zero, Always failing. What are you still doing at the academy?" continued someone else.

"Enough! Miss Valliere, If you will." Said the professor coblert, while gesturing to the center where the ritual itself was carried out.

I Took a deep breath to calm myself steadying myself and slowly walking forward. When I finally reached the designated spot, I took a deep breath before raising my wand and began casting. Focusing more than ive ever done before. pouring every bit of willpower into it that I can manage. This spell maybe my last. So may as well as give every bit got.

"My servant that existed somewhere in this vast universe,"

I went through every theory about the summong ritual.

"My divine, beautiful, wise, powerful servant, heed my call,"

Pouring every bit of concentration I had to make sure I was doing everything correctly.

"I wish from very bottom of my heart and add to my guidance and appear!"

In the end, I was greeted by familiar explosion.

This time, though, it was on an even much greater scale.

Professor Colbert, standing a few steps behind me was thrown of his feet, though somehow I was not.

People having fallen to the ground, either from the explosion or simply taking cover, were beginning to get up.

"As expected of the Zero, she cannot even do this right." I heard the annoying voice of Malicorne cut through the smoke that has enveloped all of us.

"No! I did everything right! It's just that…." I tried to respond, but found myself at a loss of words.

"I am sorry, miss Valliere. It would appear you have fai-" Professor Colbert found his words cut off as the smoke was suddenly blown of by a wind coming from the epicenter of my explosion.

As everyone turned to look at it, I found myself at a loss of words.

I had had never seen something like this.

A golem. A steel Golem.

Steel was extremly difficult to make and was extremly expensive.

Only the the most Skilled blacksmiths are able to produce strong steel.

And Square class Mages.

For this reason most weapons were made of Iron or brass.

"Miss Vallière please complete the contract."

I stepped forward standing right in front it and began to complete the contract.

The moment I completed the contract I saw runes begin to engrave in its arm.

I was so giddy that i couldn't hear the professor congratulate me.


I look around trying to find where that strange sound came from.

"System Administrator Access Granted"

The Golem? Was it a a sentient golem?

USER changed to Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière.

If so then this was really good.

Sentient magical items were incredibly rare. More so for a golem.

"Reprogramming complete."

"System Starting up."

The golems Eyes lit up and looked straight at me.

Today I was going to summon my familiar.

As I got up and put on my uniform, I cannot help but imagine what my familiar would be like.

Would it be a dragon, or better yet, a manticore. Perhaps a gryphon? I can feel myself filling with excitement just thinking about it.

But considering my past failures even a cat would be a success.

With finally securing my cape around my shoulders, I took my wand and stared at it for what felt like minutes.

For years I tried and failed to cast spells.

Any spell, no matter which one I tried, would fail, resulting in an explosion, which , miraculously, never hurt anyone beyond light burns.

I began to despair.

What if I failed, as I always do…. I would have to leave the school.

The rules state that any student, who failed to summon a familiar, is to be expelled. I look at my arm, still cluching on to the wand.

I was shaking, trembling, the wand nearly left my grip, but I managed to calm down.

If I fail today, my nickname would be no longer just that - a nickname. It would become the absolute truth.

I would truly be a Zero.

Steadying myself, I put such thoughts aside, before putting the wand back in my cape pocket and walking out of my room.

No matter what destiny had in store for me, I will not give up... No matter what.

Even if I am expelled I would find a way to continue studying my magic.

It was around two hours later when the summoning has began, just outside of the academy walls.

I tried making myself as small as possible, hoping to go last, or not go at all.

I stood on the sidelines, observing my classmates.

Having to watch everyone successfully summon something was not improving my mood at all.

That pompous fool, Guiche, summoned a giant mole after a ritual with so many unnecessary movement and words, that I was sure it would not work. Yet it somehow did anyway. Was I cursed?

After that he started hugging it, declaring that It was the most beautiful familiar there was. Really, a mole? But I suppose even a mole is still something.

Kirche, that annoying Germanian , actually succeeded in summoning a salamander.

I absolutely detest her, She made my life even worse than it already was constantly rubbing salt in the wounds.

But I cannot help but be impressed with the fire breathing lizard.

Of course not a moment later, she began showing it to everyone right away, boasting about how it matches her affinity and what not. As I said- annoying.

In the end there was quite a range of familiars. From simple cats and frogs to rather unique familiars such as bugbears which did not even look even close to a bug or a bear and was more of a floating eyeball. Seriosly who named it bugbear?

The quite blue-haired girl, Tabitha, actually managed summoned a dragon. A blue wind dragon.

She was one of the few people who didn't torment me. So Good for her.

When I look around I suddenly saw that I was the only one without a familiar yet.

The despair, which I suppressed mere moments ago, suddenly reemerged.

"Has everyone summoned their familiar?" asked professor Colbert, our teacher supervising the summoning.

"No professor, Louise is yet to summon something" responded the loud voice of Kirche, her delight obvious in it.

"She will probably fail again" said someone from the crowd.

"Louise the Zero, Always failing. What are you still doing at the academy?" continued someone else.

"Enough! Miss Valliere, If you will." Said the professor coblert, while gesturing to the center where the ritual itself was carried out.

I Took a deep breath to calm myself steadying myself and slowly walking forward. When I finally reached the designated spot, I took a deep breath before raising my wand and began casting. Focusing more than ive ever done before. pouring every bit of willpower into it that I can manage. This spell maybe my last. So may as well as give every bit got.

"My servant that existed somewhere in this vast universe,"

I went through every theory about the summong ritual.

"My divine, beautiful, wise, powerful servant, heed my call,"

Pouring every bit of concentration I had to make sure I was doing everything correctly.

"I wish from very bottom of my heart and add to my guidance and appear!"

In the end, I was greeted by familiar explosion.

This time, though, it was on an even much greater scale.

Professor Colbert, standing a few steps behind me was thrown of his feet, though somehow I was not.

People having fallen to the ground, either from the explosion or simply taking cover, were beginning to get up.

"As expected of the Zero, she cannot even do this right." I heard the annoying voice of Malicorne cut through the smoke that has enveloped all of us.

"No! I did everything right! It's just that…." I tried to respond, but found myself at a loss of words.

"I am sorry, miss Valliere. It would appear you have fai-" Professor Colbert found his words cut off as the smoke was suddenly blown of by a wind coming from the epicenter of my explosion.

As everyone turned to look at it, I found myself at a loss of words.

I had had never seen something like this.

A golem. A steel Golem.

Steel was extremly difficult to make and was extremly expensive.

Only the the most Skilled blacksmiths are able to produce strong steel.

And Square class Mages.

For this reason most weapons were made of Iron or brass.

"Miss Vallière please complete the contract."

I stepped forward standing right in front it and began to complete the contract.

The moment I completed the contract I saw runes begin to engrave in its arm.

I was so giddy that i couldn't hear the professor congratulate me.


I look around trying to find where that strange sound came from.

"System Administrator Access Granted"

The Golem? Was it a a sentient golem?

USER changed to Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière.

If so then this was really good.

Sentient magical items were incredibly rare. More so for a golem.

"Reprogramming complete."

"System Starting up."

The golems Eyes lit up and looked straight at me.

damm, I was hoping it would be this guy
Let's be honest here people, that is one scary ass mofo
Bladeworks Blacksmith Self insert Naruto/Fate crossover.
Blade works Blacksmith part one....










A beautiful blade revealed itself as I finished reforging the previously broken Katana.

I placed the Blade in an Ice bath to cool it further before putting the tongs aside and picking up the blade...

Trace on

Blue circuits glowed under my skin as I activated my 27 high-quality magic circuits and began generated prana to cast one of the many spells within my repertoire.

Structural Analysis

I began to analyse the structure of the blade.

A Japanese katana it had no name, but it was wielded by Gekko Hayate for 15 years.

Well, may as well improve it further... I need more customers.

I haven't got a lot of customers since I arrived in this world and decided to set up shop.

Most of them seemed to come just for some kunai and shuriken sets or to have them sharpened.

Very few a seemed to want to buy the Noble Phantasms on display but the sheer price caused them to back out.

Of course, I had only three of them out on display right now. Considering the Price I put on then it was understandable.

100,000,000 Ryo For the Monohoshizao.

100 Ryo approximately 1$.

So a million dollars.

I did add a few extra enhancements to it. One to keep it sharp the other a very special enchantment. It would subtly teach the wielder ALL of Sasaki Kojirou's skills. And by that I mean ALL of it over a period of time. The more time the wielder spends training the more of it the wielder would gain.

Yes, that includes the Tsubame Gaeshi.

I think a million dollars is worth that.

The other two on display was Kanshou and Bakuya for sale as a pair for 600,000,000 Ryo.

Considering Gaia didn't seem to reject Mage-craft here rather it seemed as if it was supporting it. Making objects made by Magecraft and Magecraft itself much stronger than it normally would be.

Back to my reforged blade...

I focused on the slight imperfections within the blade and began to reinforce it filling in the gaps and making it far stronger and sharper than should be possible...

Trace off.

I switch off my circuits having completed the enforcement to near perfection still far from Shirou's level though.
That guys reinforcement mastery was through the roof. I may have his abilities but I'm far from mastering them...

*Ring* *Ring*

Ah, looks like he's here on time. I sheath the Katana and switched off my Magical forge before heading to the entrance sword in hand to greet my customer.

"Good afternoon" I greeted the sickly join.

*Cough* "Yeah afternoon" *cough, cough* he said in between coughs. "How much do I owe you?"

"300,000 Ryo" I replied straight face as handed the Katana to the surprised man who began wracking coughs as he tried to recover.

"What?! That's a rip-off!" He said unable to hold his surprise...

"Just try it before saying anything" I continued holding out his Katana.

He picked it up eyeing it warily as if it was a bomb about to explode...and began to dance with the blade. It was Hard to tell this was a sick man when he was wielding the sword.

He seems quite pleased with it.

"The balance and the weight is perfect. But is it sharp enough?"

Just before he pricked his finger to test his sharpness. I stopped him. Upon his inquiry, I took out a Kunai from one of the displays and presented it to him.

The reinforced sword sliced through the ordinary Kunai like a hot knife through butter leaving a wide-eyed Gekko while I began t lo give a wolfish grin.

"So what were you saying about a rip-off?"

He stared back at me incredulously.

"How much did you say it was?"

"300,000 Ryo"


He immediately took out his wallet and began to take out before handing said amount to me.

"By the way what are those?" He asked pointing to the Noble phantasms on display.

"Legendary swords" Short simple and to the point. Normally people would just snort and leave saying that it was a decoration piece. But this was a sword master..and he could tell that I was telling the truth with a single glance at the swords.

Unlike the others, he seemed to actually observe it silently. And as he approached Kanshou and Bakuya and began to inspect it shortly before giving a short wolf whistle.

"Damn, this is something..."

Kanshou and Bakuya.

Two swords. Unlike others didn't have a purpose. They were created for the sake of creation and were absolutely breathtaking in its beauty. Bakuua was white as snow with wavelike patterns engraved on it. And Kanshou Black as night with red hexagon like outlines on it.

Black and White.

Yin and Yang.

Underneath them, a scroll titled 'Crane Wing Three Realms'.

"You know I think ill to come to buy this sometime soon...." He said Eyeing the Price tag... "Can I reserve it?"

I gave a nod. I didn't know any better swordsmen in Konoha than Gekkou Hayate.

"Alright," he turned around and began to leave as he began to cough violently.

I sweatdropped. Looks like he stops coughing completely when he has a sword in hand. But the moment he let go....the cough returns ...


What kind of disease had a weakness to swords?
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Blade Blacksmith 2 Ten ten
Part 2 Tenten...

Its been about a week since I repaired Gekko's katana, he said he was going to buy Kanshou and Bakuya, I wonder what he is doing now?


I sat on the counter chewing gum...

I finished my Magecraft for the for the day.

I may be able to trace swords and access the sword mastery of the past users when wielding a Noble Phantasm.

Instant swords mastery... LOL.

But I still have to practice Magecraft...

*Ring* *Ring*

Oh looks like I got a customer...


"Holy shit, what the hell...PUT THAT DOWN KID!"

The girl reluctantly put the Kanshou and Bakuya back in its case, before turning around...

"Hey, did you make this?" she asked with stars in her eyes...

"Yes..." I answered hesitantly...

"It'ssobeautiful!Howdidyoumakeitwhat methodsdidyoususe howmanyfoldsdoesithavehowisitsobeatifulcanihaveitwhatsitsname?"

"Take a breath kiddo!" I reminded her to breath. Damn, how the hell did she say all that in a single breath?

"In order yes, I know It's beautiful. That's a secret. That as well and no you can't it's been reserved. The black one is named Kanshou and the white is named Bakuya."

She looked like someone kicked her puppy I felt bad for her...

"Tell you what kid if you stop pouting I consider making a Noble Phantasm for you as well. "

"Noble Phantasm?"

Shit, I didn't mean to use that word...

"Noble Phantasms are my specialty. Like how the Mist have seven swords. Kanshou and Bakuya are Noble Phantasms..."

"So if you really need one I can create one for you ... However, you must know that it will be quite expensive."

How much are we talking about? She asked dreading the price.

"Well, my Noble Phantasms are divided into ranks depending on how dangerous they are...."

"E - ranks cost up to 500,000 Ryo, D - ranks cost between 500,000 to 200,000,000, C - ranks like Kanshou and Bakuya cost between 200,000,000 to 1000,000,000. Ryo."

"Wait that is a C- Rank? What kind of scale are you using?!"

I continued as if nothing happened.

"After that comes B - ranks which cost from 1000,000,000 Ryo to 10,000,000,000 Ryo, A, A+ and A++ ranks cost between 10,000,000,000 to 1000,000,000,000 Ryo"

"Ex Ranks cost about 1000,000,000,000,000 Ryo"

Her eyes grew wider and wider until they were the size of dinner plates...

"You're just adding zeros to that!" She said frustrated.

"However B ranks and above can be attained with a test for the price of a C rank...that is if you pass the test....otherwise you will have to pay the full sum...."

"It doesn't matter what kind of weapon those prices are ridiculous!" She said angrily. She didn't understand how dangerous Noble Phantasms were...

"Kid". I said looking straight at her.

"There is a reason I put those prices. My Noble Phantasms are incredibly Dangerous With a CAPITAL D, especially those above C-Rank.

That's is why I put those insane prices. Not just because the material is rare, though some of them are made of extremely valuable metals.

Those who can actually manage to pay those large sums would either the Hokage or someone really high up or those who pass my test.

If I didn't do this, even irresponsible people may also get it...and cause a lot of harm...."

"So if you want me to craft you a B-Rank or above you have to pass my test or get a letter of recommendation from the Hokage... cheer up kid I can still make you a C-rank or below Noble Phantasm so What kind of weapon do you want?"

She hummed for a while looking at the shelves..... "Hey, what about that one?"

I looked at where she was pointing.

"Monoho Shizao?"

She deadpanned at me. "Really? Drying pole?" She began to walk over to it and began to gently pick it up... "Whoa!" She began to slowly unsheathe it. The blade briefly glowed indicating that my enchantment began its work. Her stance slowly corrected and she began to unconsciously adjust her stance with the gentle nudges from Monoho Shizao.

When she saw the price on the tag she began to cry anime tears.

OK, this was too funny but I couldn't help but take pity on her. I was essentially ripping them off since I just traced them but they were anchored in this world by Gaia so they would stay in this world even if it is in pieces...but I need to feed my stomach so I decided on a compromise.

"Hey kid" She turned her head towards me still crying, unable to afford it with her genin salary.

"Ah stop crying already. Here I'm going to give it for an installment anyway since it appears the sword choose you as its wielder." Bullshit not that she would know....

"Eh?" she said unable to comprehend how a sword chose her.

"Yes, normally even weapon experts would find it difficult to hold it because of its unnatural length but look at your stance. Monohoshizao is somewhat sentient and is correcting your stance so you don't have much difficulty wielding it. You should be able to notice the gentle nudge."

"That means Monohoshizao has chosen you." BULLSHITTTTTT...

At that, she seemed to stop crying. "I'll give it to you for an installment plan of 50,000 Ryo a month. How about it" That's $500. She should be able to afford it.

At that, the waterworks started again even harder and I found myself drenched in tears and snot... Really this girl is too emotional about this... What the hell Kishimoto I thought she was a ninja? Fuck you Kishimoto FUCK YOU !

Also, I added an enchantment that only allowed Tenten to lift Monoho Shizao to improve the bullshit quality... which I totally did not copy the Idea from Mjolnir.....Really... and added a free traced kimono that Sasaki wore. bullshiting that this was included with the sword.... I did add some defensive enhancements to it with some reinforcement making it stronger than steel...

This was just business... So that she would spread through the word of mouth..not that I care about her or anything....Really...


The next day, shouts of YOUTH were heard throughout the village when her teammates saw her new sword hung from her back and the fancy purple Kimino she was wearing.
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Puealla Magi Homura Gamer 1
She had tried time and time again yet all it amounted to was increasing Madoka's potential beyond belief.

The Incubators words rang through her as she finally began to fall into despair. Her ankle twisted and her head bleeding. Was this where she was going to die? All she had done so far was it all meaningless?

She closed her eyes and tears leaked from her eyes as she began to sob and shoulders shook with grief.

She was filled with so much grief that she didn't hear the music began to play around her nor did she notice that time was frozen and it was not her doing.

Homura Akemi.

A gentle voice called out to her causing her eyes to snap open at the unknown voice.

As she looked around she was surprised. Time was still. She looked towards her shield. It wasn't active. So how was time stopped? Her soul gem was also frozen.

My dear Homura.

There it was again. The voice. It was so soft yet it seemed to hold so much power within it.

"Who are you?" She asked looking around trying to find the source of the voice as she rubbed the tears from her eyes.

Whoever this was could stop time as well and if they wanted to harm her they would likely already have done so.

Silly Homura-chan. Why would I ever even want to hurt you?

What did they want? She was tired and broken. A magical girl about to despair. What more did they want?

The moment she thought that, she felt something in her soulgem and lifted her hand and saw grief flowing out of her soul gem leaving it glowing a bright lavender.

There, now Homura-chan won't become a witch.

And what was the use of this? She couldn't beat Walpurgisnacht and save Madoka no matter what she did. The world would be better without her.

NO, the world is not better without Homura-chan! If Homura-chan goes then we don't want to live too.

What? Who was this anyway? And why was it saying such things? Were they reading her mind?


"Was that a question or a statement? Never mind that."

"What do you want with me?"

I want Homura chan to live an have fun. But Homura-chan also want to save Madoka and beat Wallmart Night so I want to help Homura-chan too!

*Snort* Wallmart. *snort* in all her timelines she never once heard someone refer to it like that.but this wasn't the time for jokes.

"Right. I cannot believe that. The last time I did I had my soul turned into a Gem, literally. So there is definitely going to be a catch for this help."

No! I really want to help Homura-chan!

"And why would you want to help me? Out of the goodness of your heart? I find that hard to believe! "

At this point, Homura was lashing out. Her mind tense tired and angry needed to lash out at something.


"I could hear what you said can you repeat that."

*mumble, mumble Homura-chan

"Can you please say it a bit louder?"

*deep breath* I said I want to help because I love Homura-chan!

At this Homura Akemi's mind froze unable to procrss, was still for a minute unable to move from what she just heard.

Homura.exe has stopped running.

An unexpected error occurred and needs to shut down.

Homura Akemi fainted.

It was super effective.

Oh....think I should start helping Homura chan now. But I have to be careful not to give too much help or the bad Gods will try to hurt her.

Once again Time was turned back and this time at the hand of a God instead of a Mortal....
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Homura's True second Chance. Welcome to the Game
Homura Akemi woke up in bed to a familiar ceiling. And she began to wonder if the previous timeline was a dream.

Good morning Homura-chan!

Or maybe not.

"What happened? What did you do?" What was the use of turning back time anymore? She could not beat Walpurgisnacht no matter what she did, so why was she in the past?

Oh, I turned back time using Homura-chan's shield. You know Homura-chan's Magic is very unique not even the gods can do that. The other Gods might have destroyed Homura-chan or tried to take her away. But Looks like there are not a lot of Gods in this world.

"Wait, are you telling me that you are a god? Who are you anyway?"

Yes. Though, I was a human once before. You can call me Pendragon

This was too difficult to believe. "How do Humans even become gods? That doesn't make sense and why did you turn back time anyway?"

Well, there are a lot of ways for a human to become a God. And when someone becomes a God they would have authority over a certain Domain. As long as it doesn't belong to any other deities within that Universe. AS for why I turned back time because I wanted Homura-chan to live a happy life of course.

Homura sighed at this.

Oh and I also gave you a gift.

"What kind of gift?"

Look at your hands.

As Homura observed her hands she noticed something was very wrong her soul gem was gone.

"What did you do?" In fear. What happened to her soul?

I returned your soul to your body so you won't become a witch and Homura-chan can now grow again. When the white Fluffykins took out your soul and turned it into a rock it unlocked your magic and your semblance but in return, you would never grow again since your Aura is still locked. You see humans are beings that grow forever they have unlimited potential to grow. That's how I became a god.

The light of the soul is locked away within all humans and will stay locked until it is unlocked.

Humans naturally have three things that can be improved. The body, the mind, and the soul.

The Body generates KI or Physical Energy which only the highest Martial Artist have unlocked in this world. Once your Ki is Unlocked the Body will regenerate faster would be able to handle more stress and become stronger which would, in turn, allow the body to generate more KI and It becomes a Cycle of growth until you stop training.

The Soul which is directly linked with your mind, Generates Aura or Mana whichever you prefer to call it. The soul gems become black with corruption because it is forced to generate Mana while it is still locked.

Now, however, since I unlocked your Aura you should be able to feel it. Your Aura can also cover your body like a Force Field protecting you from any physical damage.

That was a relief.
Now that he mentioned it she could indeed feel it. It felt like something was finally lifted from her shoulders, no it was like she was finally free from a cage she didn't know she was in. As she concentrated on it her body gently glowed a dull lavender before winking out immediately when she willed it back. She could feel her shield ready to answer her call the moment she called for it. However, the amount of magic seemed a much, much lower.

That's because what you used before was beyond what your soul and mind could produce at the moment. Now, however, you can improve it. I gave some of my blessings and something.

"What something?" Homura deadpanned.

Try saying 'Status'.


Just try it come on.

Alright not like it was going to hurt her, may as well play along.


And to her surprise, blue words popped out in front of her in a square blue outline

Name: Homura Akemi
Title: Champion of the One
Level: 1 (0%)
HP: 210/210
AP/MP: 60/60 (Regeneration: 12/min)

Strength : 4 + (200%) = 12
Vitality : 8 + (200%) = 21
Agility: 6 + (200%) = 18

Perception : 7
Intelligence: 6
Wisdom: 4

Stat points : 0


Gamers Mind (LVL MAX): A divine blessing granted from a young god. Keep the minds calm and protects the mind from any Psychological attacks. (Activated)

Gamers Body(LVL MAX): All damage received is negated and turned to a reduction in HP. Allowing the user to ignore most damage. If HP falls to Zero however, the user will die.

Aura (LVL 1): The Light of the soul. Increases Physical status by 200%. Forms a forcefield around the user protecting her from physical or magical damage relative to the amount of Aura possessed by the user. Forcefield can be deactivated at will.

The Shield of Time (LVL N/A): The only thing capable of turning back time or stopping it entirely in this Universe. Was formed from Homura Akemi's soul when she contracted. The exists none like it. 1 Ap every Minute of time stop. Reversing Time However Does not Cost anything.

Semblance(Innate Time Control)(LVL Max): Allows Homura to control the rate Time flows around her body.

Champion of the One: Multiplies Stat Gains BY 2.

"What is this?" This was...

Do you like my gift Homura-chan?

Perhaps hope was not lost after all. With this, she might just be able to beat Walpurgisnacht.

Within her heart, she felt warm. She felt something she hasn't felt in a long time.


Now come on let's get out of this hospital you are completely healthy. Go out and enjoy the sunshine!

Yes. Now then what was the first thing she had to do? RIght Amy, the stray Cat that Madoka always ends up contracting to save if she didn't save it first.

New Quest!

Save Amy the cat and take care of it.

Rewards: 50Exp, An Uncontracted Madoka, Amy loves you.
Time limit: T-minus 45:27:15 and counting.
Failure: Madoka contracts to save the cat.

So looks like I have just under two days? Time to get out of this place.


Quest Completed.
Rewards Gained 50 Exp. An Uncontracted Madoka, Amy loves you.

I look down at Amy who was rubbing her head against my leg.


And there was the god who just Gave me the power to live my life as a video game.

I took out a Packet of milk from my fridge and poured a bowl for Amy.

As I watched Amy drink her milk my mind drifted to the past timelines and I began making plans.


You have rested in a comfortable bed. HP and MP are fully recovered

The next day was a school day and I woke up late I am used to staying up late at night but for some reason, I didn't wake up. I have a feeling Pendragon is responsible for this somehow.


"Whistling only makes you look guilty" I deadpanned.He was so silly.

I had only 30 minutes to get to class.

Hey, Homura I have a Challenge for you.

New Quest!

Get to class on time.

Rewards: 200Exp. Madoka and Sayaka think you are really cool.
Time limit: T-minus 00:29:45 and counting.
Failure: Sayaka and Madoka thinks you are a Delinquent

Bonus 1: Get to class with 5 minutes to spare. Extra 50 EXP.
Bonus 2: Get to class with 10 Minutes to spare. Extra 100 EXP.
Bonus 3 Get to School with fifteen minutes to spare. Extra 150 Exp.
Bonus 4: Get to School without using any magic. Extra 500 EXP.

You can't decline this quest.

I deadpanned. Really? "Challenge Accepted." I grinned.

I raced down the stairs and got ready putting on my uniform shoes and got my bag. Then raced back up the stairs and opened the window and JUMPED out, my strength and agility allowing me to land on the next roof and I took off running as fast as I could towards school. With each step, I pushed as hard I could running and jumping from roof to roof.

Not long after I got a popup showing that I gained a new skill.

You have obtained passive skill Sprint LVL 1(5.65%). Increases Speed when running by 1% when running

I grinned as I felt myself speed up just a tiny bit.

By the time I arrived in class I managed to get Sprint to level 3. Which didn't look like much but it was still an improvement.

I walked among the halls of the school carrying my new school bag and books.

I can't wait to see Madoka again.

I walk towards class and as I neared I heard the teacher.

"Well then now then that's out of the way let's give a big warm welcome to our new classmate." I hear the teacher saying as I approached the door and strode in. "Come in Miss Akemi, don't be shy."

I stopped next to the teacher and faced the class. "Why don't you tell the class a little bit about yourself?" The whole class began whispering.

Quest Completed.

Get to class on time.

Rewards: 200Exp. Madoka and Sayaka think you are really cool.

Time limit: T-minus 00:17:45 Remaining.

Bonus 1 Complete: Get to class with 5 minutes to spare. Extra 50 EXP.

Bonus 2 Complete: Get to class with 10 Minutes to spare. Extra 100 EXP.
Bonus 3 Complete Get to School with fifteen minutes to spare. Extra 150 Exp.
Bonus 4 Complete: Get to School without using any magic. Extra 500 EXP.

Level Up! You have gained 5 Stat points.

Level Up! You have gained 5 Stat points.

Level Up! You have gained 5 Stat points.

Champion of the One activated You have Gained 15 stat points.

Emergency quest.

Do the hairflip in after your introduction.

Rewards 50 Exp, Sayaka thinks you're badass and respects you. Madoka is impressed

This is fucking bullshit.

Oh, it's not...As you level further it will be more and more difficult to level up...

"I am Homura Akemi it's nice to meet you." I introduced myself, I looked towards Madoka and sighed in relief, looks like she still isn't contracted. I began to write my name and turned around before doing the HAIR FLIP.

The result? Everyone in class looked at me in awe.

That was Awesome!

I know and fun...


Name: Homura Akemi
Title: Champion of the One.
Level: 4 (35%)
HP: 210/210
AP/MP: 60/60 (Regeneration: 12/min)

Strength : 4 + (200%) = 12
Vitality : 8 + (200%) = 21
Agility: 6 + (200%) = 18

Intelligence: 6
Wisdom: 4

Stat points: 30


Gamers Mind (LVL MAX): A divine blessing granted from a young god. Keep the minds calm and protects the mind from any Psychological attacks. (Activated)

Gamers Body(LVL MAX): All damage received is negated and turned to a reduction in HP. Allowing the user to ignore most damage. If HP fall to Zero however the user will die.

Aura (LVL 1): The Light of the soul. Increases Physical status by 200%. Forms a force field around the user protecting her from physical or magical damage relative to the amount of Aura possessed by the user. Said force field can be deactivated at will.

The Shield of Time (LVL N/A): The only thing capable of turning back time or stopping it entirely in this Universe. Was formed from Homura Akemi's soul when she contracted. The exists none like it. 1 Ap every Minute of time stop. Reversing time, however, does not Cost anything.

Semblance(Innate Time Control)(LVL Max): Allows Homura to control rate the Time flows around her body.

Sprint (LVL 3 10.42%). Increases Speed when running by 3% when running

Champion of the One: Multiplies Stat Gains BY 2
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Isekai Car LOL




Silicon Chips.









All of these components worked in perfects synchronization with each other to do work.

Yet all of this still needed a human in order for them to function properly.

Except for one.

There was one exception.

On one corner of a forest was a Strange pile of metal.

Within the junkyard was a car.

Or something that could barely be called a car.

It was literally a square box. With no glass on its two windows.

It had two seats. If those could even be called seats. The seats were so rigid and hard even standing would be better.

It had a single 1-litre engine with two gears forward and reverse.

Its lights were nothing special.

Its Paint was Plain white.

Its battery was ordinary as well.

It was so Ordinary that even the shittiest car dealers wouldn't buy it.

However within it was something extraordinary.

Within it invisible to anyone was a human soul.

Said human soul was crying while glancing at a box in front of it.


Level 1
EXP 0.00
No Name
Race: Car
Tyre Condition 100% -Plain

Fuel: 100% RON - 88
Battery: 100%
Engine Oil:100% Universal Lubrication OIL.
Transmission OIl: 100% Universal Lubrication OIL
Brake Fluid: 100% Dot 3
Body condition: 100%

Money: 0 $


[Start engine.]
THE Worm SI.... Unknown Powers.
This was a. NIGHTMARE....

what you ask? One minute I was Driving my 2003 Kia Rio Hatchback.

The next minute I was somewhere else... In a street I was totally unfamiliar with...

I slowed down and parked near a shop to and asked and asked where the fuck I was... The answer Fucking Brockton Bay.... Fuuuck I did not remember doing any CYOA.

I knew I wrote Fiction for worm before but there was no way I had that power otherwise it would be quite noticeable...

I wasn't kid Gilgamesh... I was my 18 year old self... Fuuuck....

I went back to the car and started the engine and sat down...

What the hell am I supposed to do? I did t fucking have invincible powers! I could be killed at any fucking moment. The only things I had with me at the moment was my wallet and my credit cards. My car. My smart phone need I say something that was made in 2018. Unlike my car which was made in 2003. My phone would stand out a lot. In 2010.. Yes.. Currently the date was 11 September 2010. And my phone seemed to connect to the current network. Strange.... Though I highly doubt I could make any calls on it... Still I can't survive on my own. If I went to the Protectorate there was a chance Cool would find me.. I couldn't let that happen.

As I checked my phone It was able to activate Google maps... Even though I was sure there was no Google on earth bet. Was this my power if so that was one shitty power.

Who the fuck can I ask for help? Dragon?
She is tin mother in PHO right? But she might still report to the Protectorate....

So that was out..... Fuck...

Shit fuck...

The only reason I didn't crash was because I drove since I was a Kid. Yes.... My dad was awesome....

But that was not what the point...

I was currently following my GPS towards the boat graveyard and pulled up near the Harbour. I switched off the engine and got out locking my ride behind as I turned to face the sea.

I was in a Death world.

What the Fuck am I supposed to do?

Fuck I was going to die.... And there was nothing I could do about it... Just great....

I didn't even know what to feel I was sad angry and I felt like everything was gone. I felt empty.

I was so distracted I didn't even notice someone coming behind me...

"Hey man. You Allright dude?" I felt a cold hand on my shoulder and twisted around in surprise.


I saw two people I easily recognized... Shit...
True Time travel....Homura....
She never meant for this to happen. All she wanted to do was suppress Madoka's power and get rid of the incubators so that Madoka can live an ordinary life again.

Where Homura Akemi would have become a demon, a single mistake resulted in the Law of cycles being completely removed from the universe.

However, you can't just remove a concept without anything going wrong.

The moment The Law of cycles was removed the universe ground to a halt.

And Time began to spin backward.

Unlike before Homura didn't travel back in time.

When Time began to spin backward. Everything began to undo. All the threads of destiny that Homura unknowingly wound around Madoka began to unwind.

10 years of work that Homura poured into trying to save Madoka began to go down the drain.

The Sun grew younger.

The planets rotated backward.

The Galaxy spun anti-clockwise and the universe shrunk.

However, the energy that was left from the Law of cycles had to go somewhere.

It went into the closest vessel that was available...

That vessel was Homura.

All the energy, Divinity, and Authority began to flow into Homura's soul gem.

But Homura's soul gem wasn't large enough for that.

It shattered overflowing with power.

Homura screamed silently, her voice unable to escape her soul was on fire as it returned to her body and was forcible expanded and strengthened to hold the infinite amount of energy that was once a part of the Law of cycles.

She didn't know how long she screamed.

Her body was destroyed and reformed thousands upon thousands of times.

Memories that were not hers begin to flow into her. Memories of The Law of cycles and all it had done. Since the beginning of time. All the soul she had saved. All the curses she had to bear.

Her scream stopped. The process completed.

Her mortal body was gone and she now had a Divine body her human body was split and now physically weak and in a hospital...

She was now a deity. A true Goddess. Unlike Madoka, however, she wasn't restricted by the universe. Her authority was absolute.

She began to stare at the universe as she began to comprehend what had happened.

All her work gone. If it was anyone else they might have broken. She did not.

The first thing that came to her mind was. "Now, I can keep Madoka safe."

Once she gained her bearings she smiled as she stared at the blue planet that was once her home... and split her attention.

The incubators were in for quite an experience.


In a hospital, Homura Akemi began to wake. Her body easily controlled by her power.

Seeing from two different places was...strange...but it didn't bother her that much. Now that she was powerful enough she could keep Madoka safe with ease...

For the first time in a long while, she couldn't wait to go to school...
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)Self insert Kakashi....(Indulgent)
I walked through the VIllage heading to wards the academy to where 'I' am supposed to pick up my new team.

I remember all my previous reincarnations. I had the weight of countless worlds on my shoulders...Now however? I was relaxing... It's been a month since I've found myself in a certain lazy Jounin's body..

I also apparently had an apartment which looked pretty ordinary on the outside and the inside. A bedroom, a Kitchen, a living room and a bathroom. There was one hidden room with a 3 shelves dedicated to IchaIcha....


As I entered the academy and headed to the classroom where I was supposed to pick up the kids.

I made a split second decision as I stepped into the room.

I caught the eraser with my right hand and walked towards the desk before taking a seat and keeping the eraser.

I sighed. This was going to be something alright...

"I don't care who is responsible for putting that duster there and frankly I don't care." I gave each of them a small glare before relaxing..
"I am your Jounin sensei Hatake Kakashi."

Naruto fidgeted in his seat, Sakura was stealing glances at Sasuke and Sasuke was looking at me brooding...

"Normally this would be when you Jounin sensei gives you a test to see if you are worthy of being under them. If you fail. You'll be sent to the Gennin roster. Not to mention that the chance of failure is 66%." At this Sasuke's eyes narrowed and his eyes tightened. Sakura looked heartbroken and before Naruto said something I raised my hand to stop him.

"But...I am not a normal jounin. It would not be incorrect to say that I am currently the most powerful Jounin in the village. So I won't be giving you that test."

I heard two loud sighs from Naruto and Sakura. Sasuke relaxed letting his tension fade.

"I tomorrow morning at training ground seven we will begin training immediately at 5 in the morning. Now then that's done time for you to introduce yourselves."

__________________________________ONe INtroduction Later_________________________________________________________

"Alright" I faced naruto "So wish to be Hokage?"

"Yeah, I'll be the number one Hokage believe it!"

"Hmm Alright, I suppose I can train you to take the position of Hokage. I was once considered for the position of Hokage after all." In the future that is....

At that Naruto's eye's turned starry. I turned to Sasuke. "I will train you such that by the time I am done you should be and easily able fight and defeat him... I was his captain before the incident after all." Sasuke's eye's narrowed.

As for Sakura, I turned to her..." I think you would do well as a medic ninja.... if you wish I can sign you up for studies at the hospital after training."

I gazed at all of them.. "All right as I said meet me at training ground seven at 5 in the morning" I turned to Sakura. "And no diets from now. Dismissed"

I teleported out of there in a prismatic flash of a rainbow... to my own dimension... I arrived in an empty temple with vibrant mountain surrounding it lush with forests I needed to get some rest... I had some kids to take care of tomorrow.


Sasuke didn't know what to think about his new teacher... He was late by three hours. But when he Sat down the man exceeded an aura of absolute power and authority. Sasuke could not deny the claim that he said he was the strongest jounin in the village.

As he approached the training grounds that no one has arrived yet. Was the teacher going to be late again? He came about 4:50. Ten minutes early in hopes of earning some goodwill with the powerful jounin.

Naruto arrived right on time and Sakura arrived shortly after. They both hower dozed and fell asleep.

Not a moment later the teacher arrived in front of him I a rainbow-like burst of light not unlike a kaleidoscope?

He gave us a quick glance before nodding slightly and called signaled me to be silent and follow him. We didn't go too far. Naruto and Sakura were still easily visible but far enough to be unheard.

"Good job not sleeping in. As a Ninja you have be prepared for every eventuality, even if you did sleep in you have to be ready to wake up and act at moments notice." I listen carefully this man wasn't babysitting us. Unlike the academy...he might actually be someone worth respecting...

"Your first excersise is to climb that tree." he pointed to a tree infront of us. I deadpanned at him and he just ignored it and continued. "Without your hands."

"Hn?" How is that possible?

instead of explaining further he just placed one foot on the tree and began to walk up it completely ignoring gravity.

"Like that." He said once he reached the first branch and then hopped down. "Just channel Chakra to your legs... Too much and the bark will explode under your feet, too little and you fall. use a kunai to mark your progress. This exercise will help you with your chakra control and is necessary for most jutsu. Once you have reached the top of the tree you begin the next exercise. To refine your Chakra control even further and the more control you have the less chakra you waste in jutsu. That will also increase the amount of chakra you have...I'll be back once you are done or the sunsets, Also don't get angry if you can't do it today or tomorrow... This exercise will take time...

He then turned around and disappeared in a rainbow flash.

"Hn" Well he isn't someone to waste time. Straight and to the point. That was good..He had a tree to conquer.


I sat on top of a tree as I contemplated what to do.

Should I follow canon or should I eff up the timeline? Hmmmm know what? I was tired of trying to keep can events and solve everything may as well completely eff up the storyline. Cannon derailment here we go...Well, I already derailed cannon by not giving them the bell test anyway....

I wonder what should I teach them? Since I decided to eff up the timeline I think may as well go a whole new route... I wonder what I should teach Sasuke? The way of the Voice? No, I don't think Sasuke would be patient enough to learn that. Hmmm...Guns? Sasuke with guns now that would be a sight to see...Magic? Yes, that might actually be interesting...I can certainly try that... For Sakura...hmmmmmmm...Oh, wait for Sakura....Perhaps I should offer her Kanjutsu training, should she accept I would create Senbonzakura Kageyoshi and bind it to her soul...then teach her to call upon it.......for Naruto....I think I had a very good Idea......Lets just say.....He was going to inherit Minato's name very well....


Oh looks like Sakura is waking up... Well, let get them training.


By the time the sun began to set and I dismissed the team Sasuke was able to climb about a quarter of the tree. Naruto could climb just under a quarter of a tree and Sakura could walk on water courtesy of a small lake I prepared with the ever helpful Kaleidoscope. Bringing large amounts of water was no problem, there was also a lot of fish and the water didn't stay more than two hours before it was almost all completely absorbed by the ground. leaving behind quite a few salmon Salmon flopping along the surface of the water. I decided to use the Salmon as today's dinner.

*Munch Munch*

Skyrim salmon was particularly delicious and crunch Even the bones were edible.....

Yum Yum.....
An army of naked clone berserkers you mean
Can't Naruto already more or less do that with the Reverse Harem jutsu? If the SI's bringing in abilities from other universes, it'd make more sense for him to do something like show Naruto how to access the Speed Force. Just imagine an army of Naruto clones blitzing an enemy with the Infinite Mass Punch.
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Can't Naruto already more or less do that with the Reverse Harem jutsu? If the SI's bringing in abilities from other universes, it'd make more sense for him to do something like show Naruto how to access the Speed Force. Just imagine an army of Naruto clones blitzing an enemy with the Infinite Mass Punch.
That was exactly what I was thinking....
Kakashi SI 2 (Self indulgent.)
For the next few days, I watched Naruto and Sasuke fall flat on their asses while I dined in exquisite dishes. Sakura agreed to Kenjutsu training only after I hinted that Sasuke likes strong girls. So she has been swinging the heavy Bokuto I gave her to practice with going through all the Basic Zanjutsu forms...

After. Sasuke mastered tree walking I had him move to water walking. Naruto was in a different training ground with a huge river where I told him the secret to the Kage bunshins...

He literally jumped in joy when he found out that he could learn it a thousand times faster...

Not too long after, the River was now completely orange filled to the brim with Uzumaki Naruto....

And he when I told him to dispel them after an hour a look of realization flashed across his face and he dispelled them.... Needless to say, he was able to walk in water with ease after that...

The next day he begged me to teach him a justu...origjnally I was going to increase his Physical capabilities.... But since he asked... I had Naruto create a Hundred clones and created and I created 10 thousand water balloons with Fantasy world Creation. Then proceeded to make a water balloon hill. Needless to sa,y he was disappointed until I told him that it was an A-Rank jutsu, one that the fourth Hokage created.... Unfortunately for him while the clones were trying to break the water balloons with chakra I placed the Naruto under a two times Gravity field....

I will not admit even under the threat of death that I snorted when Naruto fell flat in his face.....


When Sasuke was done with the Water walking I walked up to him..

He looked towards me eager and he his eyes shone a willingness to endure... The Naruto manga was very much different from the Sasuke in front of me... He was respectful amd ready to do anything I asked of him.... Well, I suppose it's time to introduce him to magic....

"Alright, now that you have mastered water walking you can theoretically do any jutsu with enough practice."

His eyes shined with joy...

"but that's not what I was thinking today."

He looked confused and disappointed...

"Now, now, I'm not saying I won't teach you jutsu."

He regained some joy at this....

"He is a powerful man and will likely have prepared for a lot of situations...."

At this, his face darkened in realization....

"So I was thinking of teaching you something that he would have never ever faced before.. Mahou jutsu".

His face turned into a curios one. "Hn?" 'And what's that?'

"Unlike Ninjutsu, Genjutsu or Taijutsu, Mahou Jutsu cannot be replicated or understood by the sharingang because it doesn't use Chakra..."

He's eyes widened at the implications....

"You see there is something called Magic Circuits a pseudo-nervous system that spreads itself through the human body and what qualifies a person to be a magus. Their normal functions are to act as paths that convert Life Force into magical energy."

His eyes widened...

" If you learn how to control it you can use it to perform mysteries the sharingang simply cannot comprehend which makes it a perfect weapon for someone like itachi."

And then his fist clenched anger clouding his mind.... Regardless I continued....

"They are that which connects the material world to the astral plane, the paths which connect to the foundations for Mahou jutsu.

And he got confused again....

" Magic Circuits reside within the a person's soul and what is found on the body is just a physical expression of them that stretches itself throughout the body in a fashion similar to the nervous system."

I turned serious and stared at sasuke causing him to stiffen as I applied a small amount of killing intent to show how serious I was....

"However, heed my warning Sasuke unlike Tenketsu and your chakra pathways, Magic Circuits do not change and once damaged they cannot be repaired. So when if you want to try an idea always tell me before you do so so that I may supervise you, because unlike chakra it can also harm the user if you are not careful and you might even Die if you don't agree to come to me with any ideas you wish to try I shall stop teaching you Mahou jutsu. Is that acceptable? "

He nodded sweating profusely as I stopped emmiting Ki causing him to fall flat on his back from relief and exhaustion.....

Hmm. I wonder what spells I should teach?..
Kakashi SI (Self indulgent)
The birds chirped in the background as Sasuke kneeled in the Grass in sieza Position...

"Alright. Breath deep breaths Sasuke this might hurt... First I need to check how many circuits you have if you don't have any then you cannot you use anything except formalcraft and even then the ones that only use the surrounding Mana."

As soon as he gave an affirmative nod I place my right hand on his left shoulder blade and activated my magic core.

"Trace On"

1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 18, 20, 26, 30, 35, 39.

My eyebrow raised.... That is quite a lot of circuits for a non Magus family... I continued deeper and deeper until I reached the last one..


73 high grade magic Circuits. Dam. This kid is seriously lucky...

I switched of my magic core and lifted my hand off him.

He sent me a questioning look and I gave him an eye smile....

"Well, what do you know you are quite a lucky child Sasuke...."

He smiled at that and gave a short Uchiha style "hn". But I knew he was dancing in joy on the inside....

"You have 73 High Grade Magic Circuits. It may not sound like much but believe me that's a lot. Even Tohsaka Rin has About 50 circuits.and that's with the Tohsaka family crest included. She'd kill someone to get more natural circuits... But unfortunately that is impossible... "

Unless you are me and have the crazy shit ton of powers I have...

Sasuke's smile grew bigger..

" Alright the first thing I need to show you is how to activate your.magic circuits..


The day passed and Sasuke was able to find thef trigger switch on his Magic Circuits and and shut them off.

It was a the moon glowing red to activate and the moon turning white to deactivate his circuits.... Now isn't that a coincidence.....

Naruto had yet to manage to break the water balloon. But to his credit he is doing it in one hand not two so that was good.

Sakura still had a long way to go and I spent most of her training getting her physical state up and the mastery of her Zanjutsu.... What she didn't notice was I was continously leaking a lot of Reiatsu around her slowly but surely her Reiatsu reserves began to grow....

She should have a decent amount of Reiatsu by the end of next month.... Which is also when the bridge builder is going to arrive...

As I dissmised my team and headed home an Anbu appeared in front of me...

"Lord Hokage is requesting your precense."

I nodded. "Message recieved. I'll be there shortly..."

As the Anbu disappeared I began to wonder should I be late. Or not? If so how many hours should I be late?
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... Rinsert...
Finding myself in Tohsaka Rin's body was Certainly a strange experience.

I had two sets of memories parallel to each other...

One my old life, which has ended... And my current life as Tohsaka Rin...

I sighed as I continued to go through my tomes...

These magi didn't really know how good a technology was didn't they?

Having all these books in Digital format would make my life a Hell of a lot easier. However to my misfortune it was the year 2003 and the Smartphone industry had yet to take off so I had to use Desktops. Though I did manage to get my hands on a BlackBerry 6210. It wasn't a smartphone but it would do for now...

Then the next thing.. The Tohsaka's were filthy rich.. I mean it... I had jewels literally lying all around...

.... But considering Rin was Good in Jem Mage craft yeah I could see how she became Luvia's servant in Prisma Illya...

When I checked my bank account.... Well that was loaded with a few Billion dollars to spend and I had so many forms of income as I owned lot of land in Fuyuki not to mention Kotomine had to pay me as well this girl really. And she knew how to milk him dry..

10,000$ a month... From Kotomine...


All the others she took depending on the size of the land and the building she rented but for Kotomine? That was the price for him just to stay in Fuyuki...

As I finished revising the Tome on advanced Formalcraft I keep the rest of the books aside and head to the basement.

I had stuff to explore...

As I began to go through the old stuff I found a few chests...

Opening them up I found something that I didn't think I could ignore.... A snake fossil...

The one Tokiomi used to summon a Gilgamesh, since Gilgamesh is already here I highly doubt I could use it as a Catalyst to summon him again...

I suppose I could sell it to a Mage AFTER I figured out a way to destroy the Holy grail when the war started... Speaking of I need to get in contact with Shirou. I don't think I can bare letting him continue turning his nerves to circuits every time he needs to use mage-craft.

So meeting up with shirou was on my to do list...

As I opened the final box I saw something I never though I would see...


The Blue wand twitched before glowing for a short while and then floated out of the box.

"Ah, Excuse me Ma'am, do you know who the current head of the Tohsaka family is?"
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Shirou Emiya wanted to be a Hero of justice.

The other kids in class always laughed at his dream, but that didn't matter, He promised his dad that he would become a Hero of justice.

Then one day his luck turned around. It was night and little Shirou was practicing what little mage craft he knew when someone knocked on his shed.

No one should be here at this time but since the bounded field did not ring the whoever knocked wasn't hostile.

He opened the door to find a tall muscled man staring down at him with blue eyes and red hair.

"So, you must be Shirou? Eh?"

Shirou nodded. "May I ask who you are MIster?"

"And polite too, not many youngsters know their manners these days. So I hear you wanted to be a hero of justice?"

Shirou nodded.

"Well how about I do you one better? How about I help ya become a SUPERHERO instead of a regular Hero of justice?"

Little Shirou's eyes had stars in their eyes as they shone in excitement.


It's been years since he began his training and studies to become a superhero under the man who called himself Sebastian. Which he was pretty sure was not his real name but Shirou wasn't going to complain. Now in his first year of High school education, today was the day he was going to make his debut as the worlds first real life superhero.

He has been preparing for this day for years. The man showed him how to activate his mage craft and helped him master structural analysis and reinforcement but for some reason couldn't help him with his projection when Shirou asked him,.He kept saying ity was something Shirou should figure out on his own.

he shook his head as he entered he strode through the door that slid open for him.

"Good Morning Sir, Miss Taiga seems to be extremely hungry and might be about to eat something inedible if she doesn't have her meal."

He chuckled. "Thank you JARVIS." Of course and JARVIS an actual artificial intelligence he received for his twelfth birthday from Sebastian.


"Coming Taiga-Sensei."


After Taiga left he headed to his shed and stood at its center.

"Password: R74LG1NZ9X6C3"

Several gears clicked into place as the center began to descend below the surface until it was about 10 meters down. and an extremely high technological lab, straight out of science fiction came into view as the lift stopped descending.

As he stepped through Sebastian came into view. "Today is the big day kiddo! You ready?" asked Sebastian with a grin.

He nodded.

It was time to test his first superhero suit.

Years of studies in science and mage craft and he it was finally complete.

The Iron Man Armour mark II as Sebastian called it.

In the center of the armor was a Reinforced Palladium reactor that provided me with 10 Gigajoules of energy and under it is hidden from sight was a small Mana reactor.

Producing about 50 units of prana a minute and storing it for use.

Sebastian and JARVIS helped him put on all the pieces of Armour in place.

Once Jarvis had uploaded into the suit and all systems were green a the ceiling opened above me with a Mechanical whir with a hole of a radius just larger than my armour's width.

"Good Luck out there kid."

"Thank you for everything Sebastian."

I was giddy to I was going to be an actual superhero.

I fired my repulsors and took off to the sky as I began to climb to about 700 feet.

The freedom of flight is indescribable.

It didn't take long for JARVIS to find a crime in progress, with a sonic boom I flew towards my debut.