Voting is open
For the Write in... Well checklist I have so far is:
Tell them about Adam & White Night,
Fill Beats in on what the fucky wucky's happening
Explain the situations of Dreaming Current & X/CENSORED.
[X] Plan: Get the ball rolling.
-[X] X knows one of the Pinus Sylvestris knights is under Adam's control, The Black Silence specialized in stealth so having Roland tail the guy is probably a good way to track down Adam.
--[X] The Voice said she was working with Adam, if she is listening to our talks then Adam will probably be prepared so be ready yourself.
-[X] We also have a meeting with our bosses about what's going on so having one of you librarians who are better informed than us to explains some stuff would be pretty good.
-[X] Have Beats send our regards to Linette. We should set up an Office wide meeting sometime soon to catch up and for us to explain the mess we're involved in.

I assume Beats can lead Roland to Jamie so I didn't really specify on the vote. Other than that, let's hope X omitting the fact that he has CENSORED doesn't bite us in the ass. If it comes to it exchanging the Dreaming Current for the Library's aid is a pretty good deal in my opinion.
I wanted to asked if Sieg should make sure Roland is the Black Silence, but I'm afraid that is 1. a bad idea and 2. he might fumble on his words.

But yeah having someone from the Library come over to meet Amiya, Kal'tsit, and the Doctor would probably help filled in any blank we ourselves don't know/also learning ourselves.

But relating to the first part, should we say sorry about that poor choice of words, I guess? Or move on and pretend it never happened?
I wanted to asked if Sieg should make sure Roland is the Black Silence, but I'm afraid that is 1. a bad idea and 2. he might fumble on his words.
It doesn't really matter if Roland is actually the Black Silence or not he just needs to be good enough at stealth which is safe to assume since he is the only one with stealth equipment.
Alright, uh, This is my first time doing this, and I have to apologize if I messed anything up

[X] Try to find Adam, he's the biggest threat right now
We should probably start voting if no one else want to present their own input/plan.

[X] Plan: Get the ball rolling.

What do you think who the Signora dei Lupi in Rhodes Island is? Red's Grandma?

This mostly related to the current event but might be important later on
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by thenew on May 23, 2023 at 3:15 PM, finished with 31 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Get the ball rolling.
    -[X] X knows one of the Pinus Sylvestris knights is under Adam's control, The Black Silence specialized in stealth so having Roland tail the guy is probably a good way to track down Adam.
    --[X] The Voice said she was working with Adam, if she is listening to our talks then Adam will probably be prepared so be ready yourself.
    -[X] We also have a meeting with our bosses about what's going on so having one of you librarians who are better informed than us to explains some stuff would be pretty good.
    -[X] Have Beats send our regards to Linette. We should set up an Office wide meeting sometime soon to catch up and for us to explain the mess we're involved in.
    [X] Try to find Adam, he's the biggest threat right now
Looks like i might've failed the vote, being the single one to vote on that, ya know

Well, might be better off this way, feels great being mentioned, man
Interlude: A Most Ridiculous Comedy

A Most Ridiculous Comedy


PHILIPPE LAMBERT as "Big Sad Lock" and "Silence The Chorus" (An Unfortunate Victim Of Poor Labor Legislation)

THE VOICE IN THE LIGHT as "Carmen" (The Opposite Of A Therapist)

AHRENDTS as the "Troupe Mouthpiece" (If Seen Without Context, Looks Rather Corpse-Like)

THE PLAYWRIGHT as "The Playwright" (Overdosed On Media Literacy)

MASHUP OF MANY MISCELLANEOUS MARIONETTES as "Puppets" and "Theater Golem" (Unlike A Certain Other Puppet, Not Trauma-Inducing)


TRAGODIA as "The Wine God" (An Extremely Confused Feranmut)

NARRATOR: Once, this poor soul was terribly sad.

BIG SAD LOCK stands on the stage in all of its horrible glory. Enter TROUPE MOUTHPIECE.​

NARRATOR: Miserable, lost, tortured, agonizing.

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE raises his hands to the sky, in exultation.​

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: Ah, my most sublime piece of art. How beautiful you are, young apprentice.

BIG SAD LOCK sobs pathetically.​

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: It truly is impressive what you can make out of unsightly things. The most supreme art enlightens the soul, my apprentice. It enlightened yours. I cannot wait to see what will happen to you, once the time comes for the lead actor to step onto the stage.


NARRATOR: They were trapped, in a great engine of destruction. In an ugly, rotten abomination of clockwork and fabric, a gigantic, monstrous mockery of their life and their desires.

BIG SAD LOCK whimpers.​

NARRATOR: His eyes were blinded, his hands were chained, and his body was scarred and bandaged.

BIG SAD LOCK trembles, and tries to cover its eyes with its large paws. Its movements are weak and sluggish.

Enter CARMEN, stepping onto the stage in her white labcoat. She looks around for a while, and picks up a pair of scissors from the ground. She fiddles around with the scissors, and to her disbelief, the blade draws blood.​


CARMEN tosses the scissors away, and looks at BIG SAD LOCK. She smiles.​

CARMEN: Oh, hello there!

BIG SAD LOCK covers its eyes harder.​

CARMEN: Sorry for the trouble, Philippe. How are you?

BIG SAD LOCK: …awful…

CARMEN: Well, we'll have to change that.


CARMEN: I can't have a conversation with you. Not when you're trapped like this. Okay, okay, what am I supposed to do now?

CARMEN paces around the room, clicking her tongue.​

CARMEN: What do you want, really? That's what I want to know. But I can't just go to someone who can't even speak right and ask them questions! That's not how it works, you're barely capable of mustering a full sentence!

BIG SAD LOCK lowers its hands and starts shaking.​

BIG SAD LOCK: I want… I want to get away. Get away from here… no one will hurt me. No one…

BIG SAD LOCK pauses.

Enter TROUPE MOUTHPIECE, walking into the stage yet again, head lowered. CARMEN looks around in panic and runs to hide behind BIG SAD LOCK.​

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: Where did I put those scissors?

The TROUPE MOUTHPIECE looks at the scissors that CARMEN discarded. They are still slick with blood. He stares at them for a second, and then lowers himself to pick them up.​

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: Ah-ha! There you are.

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE pauses and looks at the blade.​

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: …that blade cannot cut through anything tangible.

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE takes the scissors and walks away. Exit TROUPE MOUTHPIECE.​

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: But there are plenty of intangible things it can cut. It seems we have an uninvited guest- but where did you hide? Come on, let me see you…

After the TROUPE MOUTHPIECE is gone, CARMEN leaps out of her hideout behind BIG SAD LOCK.​

CARMEN: Thanks, big guy. Now, what were you talking about?

BIG SAD LOCK: No one… no one will… control me…

CARMEN: Now, that's really easy! All you need to do is think of everyone who's controlling you right now. And then just get rid of them! Cut them from your life! Cutting yourself from a toxic relationship is a key part of learning how to live.

BIG SAD LOCK: I tried… but they wouldn't let me… What… What can I do…?

CARMEN: Okay, we'll get to that part. But now, let's think of the list! I need you to think. I can help you with that last part! But you need to start the process yourself.

BIG SAD LOCK: …okay.

Enter TROUPE MOUTHPIECE for the third time, as he puts his head back on the stage. CARMEN gulps and runs back into her hideout.​

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: …where are they?

Exit TROUPE MOUTHPIECE. BIG SAD LOCK points in his direction.​

BIG SAD LOCK: That guy…

CARMEN pokes her head from behind the bear.​

CARMEN: Yeah, I already don't like them. They sound creepy!

BIG SAD LOCK: Playwright… maybe? I think he… doesn't like me…

CARMEN: That's two! Anyone else?

BIG SAD LOCK: Plot… reason for plot… reason to awaken… Blood Diamond. Lucien.

CARMEN: And that's three.

BIG SAD LOCK: Rest of troupe.

CARMEN: That's how many, though?

BIG SAD LOCK: Zero… all dead. For now…

CARMEN: Well, we just have to stop them from coming back. Then you'll have no one controlling you!

CARMEN smiles. BIG SAD LOCK shakes violently.​

CARMEN: What do you want to be?

Flames envelop BIG SAD LOCK. The castle shakes. BIG SAD LOCK lets out a huge roar, and the entire scene is burning soon after this.​

CARMEN: Oh, that's interesting. I'll leave you to it, then!

CARMEN bows, and steps off the stage. Exit CARMEN.

Enter TROUPE MOUTHPIECE, making frantic gestures. BIG SAD LOCK is sobbing and thrashing, moving his arms violently. Then, it stops. The flames grow stronger.​

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: My- my masterpiece! What is happening? The intruder- damn it! I'll have to put it out!

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE prepares to cast his Arts. BIG SAD LOCK suddenly moves and whacks him in the head before he can do so, making him reel.​


BIG SAD LOCK explodes, knocking the TROUPE MOUTHPIECE to the ground. A cloud of ash envelops the stage. The TROUPE MOUTHPIECE slowly stands up.​


???: Sort of.


Enter SILENCE THE CHORUS, stepping out of a cloud of ash.​

NARRATOR: He said he has had enough. He will be a puppet no longer.

SILENCE THE CHORUS resembles a jester- face painted with blood, made of metallic fabric and clockwork adornments. Two ursine ears come out from two holes in their head. Their robes are painted in all sorts of colors, and various appendages- made from the limbs of innumerable puppets- burst from the interior. In his hand there is a single golden candelabra, with a lit candle.​

SILENCE THE CHORUS: It's good to… live, I think. To not be in agonizing pain.

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: You? You returned?



TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: Mighty impressive. Might I ask how? Not to offend, but I don't recall you being all that great of talent in any particular Arts.

SILENCE THE CHORUS: I had help. The "intruder" you just failed to detect. Most of it was myself, according to her. Personally, I don't trust her, but I wouldn't refuse such a gift.

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: Wise of you. Now, have you got any interest in matters of returning to the troupe? I might be able to take you in as a personal apprentice.

SILENCE THE CHORUS: No, I don't think I do. If you could just permit me to leave that would be great.

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: I am not sure if the Playwright- that accursed philistine- will permit that.

SILENCE THE CHORUS: And you would?

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: In all honesty, yes. I am quite confused as to what just happened. If you could inform me of who this intruder is, so I could question them instead, I would have to let you leave. Matters of priorities, you see.


SILENCE THE CHORUS: …you would not try to control me?

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: I'm not really sure if I can. You don't seem to be even made of flesh anymore. Might I compliment you on that clockwork breastplate? Immaculate craftsmanship, that one.

SILENCE THE CHORUS: Her name seems to be "Carmen." I don't think I'm the only one she's trying to act through. I caught brief mentions of one in Columbia, one in Ursus and one in Leithanien.


SILENCE THE CHORUS: I don't really have an interest in her matters anymore, though. I plan on simply living my life. I didn't get to do that before. If you would allow me, I will take my leave.



TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: Matters of procedure. I will take you to see our master, and then we will sign the termination letter.

SILENCE THE CHORUS: …procedure. Now?

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: Yes, the master might be in his study.

SILENCE THE CHORUS: And if he isn't?

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: I will simply kill you, then.


SILENCE THE CHORUS reveals a sword. It is sharp, and seemingly made of brass. The TROUPE MOUTHPIECE unveils two marionette controllers from his robe.​

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: Hoh... Hohoh... You do not truly understand the troupe, "apprentice." I'll have to teach you. I, too, am a teacher, after all.

SILENCE THE CHORUS: Forgive me if I don't care.


SILENCE THE CHORUS: I rehearse- I do not care.


A THEATER GOLEM lunges from the back of the stage. SILENCE THE CHORUS dodges the blow, but a flash of red Arts strikes them in the chest.​

SILENCE THE CHORUS: Urgh. Aren't you Leithanian?

With a singular blow, the THEATER GOLEM is cut in half.​

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: I consider myself a citizen of Gaul ever since my banishment. The Witch King lost the right to call me his compatriot when he cast a curse at me.


TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: But its soul remains!

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE laughs. Another flash of red light. This time, it is blocked by the blade, and SILENCE THE CHORUS slashes at him. The blade strikes at the air- the TROUPE MOUTHPIECE dodges effortlessly.​

SILENCE THE CHORUS: …this is such a pointless endeavor.

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: It's in the name of art, you see. It is likely one of the easiest methods of justifying actions others see as unsightly.

SILENCE THE CHORUS: Does anyone actually buy that excuse?

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: You'd be surprised.

SILENCE THE CHORUS: I really can't be surprised at anything by this stage. Youl, though, will find a special surprise waiting for you.

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE avoids another blow. The second his feet land on the ground, it bursts into flames. The flame in SILENCE THE CHORUS' candelabra flickers.​

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: That's such a horrid form of Arts. A candle, really? What are you, a spire caster?

SILENCE THE CHORUS: It is a bit cliché. But so was all my work before.

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: Well, I suppose I only have myself to blame. You repurposed the Lock's mechanisms?

The MOUTHPIECE gestures to the ruins of BIG SAD LOCK around him. SILENCE THE CHORUS shakes his head.​

SILENCE THE CHORUS: Nay. It is all around you, burned to ashes. I only took some inspiration.

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: So your body is handcrafted? By your "helper," I presume?

SILENCE THE CHORUS: All she did was talk, really. She told me how to break free of your control. All the rest I can't really blame on anyone but myself.

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: Fitting. As will be your second end- falling from the greatest of heights!

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE makes a gesture, and various PUPPETS emerge from the shadows. The ground cracks.​


TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: Aye, it is fitting that your demise comes from them. They were the… flawed prototypes, you see.

SILENCE THE CHORUS: Whose souls are trapped in them?

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: No one, really. The idea of putting a fully aware soul inside of you was a stroke of genius. It was done before, but the gain was so small I couldn't really justify the hassle. The ritual that kept your consciousness intact… I hadn't thought of it before. I was manually controlling every puppet. Like those ones.

SILENCE THE CHORUS: You control thirty-seven puppets at once, manually?

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: What can I say? I am the foremost Caster of this Troupe.

SILENCE THE CHORUS: That might be the Playwright.

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: Oh, now you've made yourself a worthy target of my fury.

The PUPPETS act as one and dive towards SILENCE THE CHORUS. The battle rages on. The TROUPE MOUTHPIECE assists with his Arts, dodging and weaving past the flurry of strikes and flame blasts of SILENCE THE CHORUS. It is not possible to dodge all of it, though, and with time, SILENCE THE CHORUS lands numerous blows.

PUPPETS are destroyed, but they are replenished. THEATER GOLEMS intervene. The flames eventually start to grow weaker, and PUPPETS overwhelm SILENCE THE CHORUS. He does his best to dodge, but they are far too many. Soon enough, he is restrained. The TROUPE MOUTHPIECE is panting, and his clothes are cut and torn in numerous places.​

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: Any last words?


Fire consumes SILENCE THE CHORUS. The detonation devastates the room and tears a huge hole in the ceiling. The sun's light shines upon the burned body of the TROUPE MOUTHPIECE.

SILENCE THE CHORUS: I promised to silence you, Mouthpiece.

NARRATOR: To silence the audience itself- to become free from the whims of fate, from the directions of the stage. All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players, no? Then let us walk away. Let us become truly and utterly free! Let us prove that a marionette can live with its strings cut.

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: You are welcome to try.

SILENCE THE CHORUS' hand moves, and it burns away the TROUPE MOUTHPIECE's helm. It exposes his face- that of a short-haired, middle-aged blonde Elafia with small horns.​


SILENCE THE CHORUS: The curtains fall. The Mouthpiece has fallen silent. In a metaphorical manner.

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: That made no sense whatsoever. I am still speaking. And... you were supposed to kill me, no?

The TROUPE MOUTHPIECE pauses and contemplates the sky above him.
TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: He... he already wrote my end. I see it now. It was written in his blood... in his script.

SILENCE THE CHORUS: I don't care. What is written can always be crossed out. I don't even care if the metaphor makes sense or not. You shut up for about three seconds. That's enough for me.

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: What? It... it was written...

SILENCE THE CHORUS: I really have got no interest in killing you. I have little interest in what was written by that man. And as such, I might give you some measure of forgiveness. Don't strain your luck, though.

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: …might I ask why?



SILENCE THE CHORUS: Well, first, this script is trash. I can see how the lead actor wanted to run away after seeing it.

TROUPE MOUTHPIECE: In that, I agree completely. That man has no taste.

SILENCE THE CHORUS: And second- at first I wished to kill you. But then- but then- I realized. "What am I doing?"

He pauses and looks at the sky.​

SILENCE THE CHORUS: Yes, what was I doing? No, no, this was ridiculous. Ridiculous comedy that it was. I did not have to do this, for this is not freedom. My benefactor was correct- I have to cut you all from my life. I will simply leave you behind. Any sort of pursuit of revenge would be simply clinging to a past that is meaningless.


SILENCE THE CHORUS: When I burned and my body crumbled, I even grasped the possibility of something else- in another time, in another place. A sort of ordeal. But I decided against using them. They're nothing to me. Why, I'm rather sure all the other three used one of those. I even ruined the motif.

He pauses again. More brass blades materialize in the air- then, they bury themselves inside of the limbs of the TROUPE MOUTHPIECE- who makes a gurgling sound.​

SILENCE THE CHORUS: But I won't deny. This is really fun.


SILENCE THE CHORUS: I'll just leave you here. Maybe you'll think about your actions. Maybe you won't. I don't care either way. You've had the honor of a reprieve. The next stop is your rival. I'll tell the Playwright you said hi.

The TROUPE MOUTHPIECE's body is mutilated and burned. He stands on the floor, utterly baffled. He sincerely does not understand the situation he has been placed in. His costume is ragged, unrecognizable.

Exit SILENCE THE CHORUS. The TROUPE MOUTHPIECE stares at their direction for a while, uncomprehending.​


The TROUPE MOUTHPIECE's eyes turn to the back of his head and he collapses. In this state, thanks to the burn marks in his face and his general poor state, he looks indistinguishable from a corpse.​

A man is sitting in his office, writing a brand new play. They are THE PLAYWRIGHT.​

THE PLAYWRIGHT: This one- this one does work nicely…

Enter SILENCE THE CHORUS, kicking the door down.​





Je crois que non.

THE PLAYWRIGHT: Could you stop with this?

I don't feel like doing it. The Mouthpiece says hi, by the way.

THE PLAYWRIGHT: I know very well he didn't. You did not seem to complain at all about the drama when you were talking to that garish idiot.

I don't really care much about him. You, however, are still a threat to me.


I didn't care about the Mouthpiece because he, for all his prowess, is not capable of actively manipulating reality to keep me in the story.

THE PLAYWRIGHT: That is true. He is far below me.

I don't care about your ego either, Playwright. Just stop writing about me.

THE PLAYWRIGHT: And why would I?

Because if you don't, I will kill you.

THE PLAYWRIGHT: That would be an unsightly ending, but I- what are you doing?

Taking your quill. With my hand, you see. You can grab things with a hand, it's what it's made for.

THE PLAYWRIGHT massages his temples for a second. He sighs.​

THE PLAYWRIGHT: Could you give it back?


THE PLAYWRIGHT: Well, I'll have to take it from you, then.

Okay. I don't really have any intention of fighting you. You can have it back.

THE PLAYWRIGHT: Given how confrontational you were being, I am having a hard time believing that. But you did catch me offguard once. You might surprise me again.

THE PLAYWRIGHT reaches for his quill. SILENCE THE CHORUS lunges and lodges it inside his left eyeball.​


THE PLAYWRIGHT pauses, frowns, and unlodges his quill from his eye. It is bleeding profusely.​

I can see why the Troupe makes so much use of mind-affecting Arts on your plays. You'd have to be insane to enjoy them.

THE PLAYWRIGHT: Please stop with this mockery of my art.

...they say anything you imagine in your script becomes reality.

THE PLAYWRIGHT: That is true.

You should try writing about yourself being a better writer, then.


Not until you give me the letter.

THE PLAYWRIGHT: Weren't you all about freedom? Chaining yourself to the desire of that simple letter…

Stop with the hackneyed symbolism. Just fire me already.

THE PLAYWRIGHT: Ah. If you make the choice to not go after our Blood Diamond like you wished to, I will give you the letter.

Okay, I guess.

I don't really care much about him anymore either.

He kind of lost his luster after I realized none of this meant anything. But you like symbolism a lot, don't you?

THE PLAYWRIGHT: If it is executed well, yes.

You'll hate this, then.

THE PLAYWRIGHT blinks. He realizes his hand is writing against his will. SILENCE THE CHORUS unveils a jewel in his hand. A beautiful, half-refined red diamond.​

NARRATOR: Half of it shines radiantly in the name of art, while the other half is stained in a madder red color that signifies madness. This is the "Phantom" that the troupe leader has always dreamt of.

THE PLAYWRIGHT watches in disbelief, as SILENCE THE CHORUS crushes the diamond in his hands. He lets the shards fall to the ground.​

THE PLAYWRIGHT: …just take the damn letter.

THE PLAYWRIGHT takes a letter of termination of contract from below his desk. He presents it to SILENCE THE CHORUS.​

Thank you.

THE PLAYWRIGHT: Philippe Lambert, no?

Yes. That's right.

THE PLAYWRIGHT signs the letter with his own name, then writes SILENCE THE CHORUS' own, and hands it out. The Distortion signs it without question, and one of his puppet hands extends to take it. It then vanishes into the interior of his coat.​

THE PLAYWRIGHT: Good. Now leave.

I will.

Exit SILENCE THE CHORUS. A few minutes pass. THE PLAYWRIGHT slams his head on the desk.​

THE PLAYWRIGHT: I cannot for the life of me understand why Lech wants to go back to his own world. If it's that atrocious, I would very much try to stay here at all costs.

THE PLAYWRIGHT stays in his current state for roughly half an hour. His eye is still bleeding. His desk is now sporting a puddle of blood



THE PLAYWRIGHT: Please don't ask questions.

One of my inspirations for this chapter was The Summoned Hero Is a Historical Materialist?? by Winged_One, which I will alway recommend until the end of my days. It's an excellent fic.

Contrary to what you might think, this isn't the Sidestory you'd get if you had chosen Silence The Chorus in the Distortion vote- rather, you'd get a more gruesome story shown from the point of view of Big Sad Lock themselves, instead of a story written by the Playwright that you'd see here, and you'd get to see more of the actual mindset that Silence The Chorus is working on.

But as you see, the rules are broken- Distortionsa are highly unpredictable, and they might not all confirm to the same exact motif you see..
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The ability to cut the 'strings' on you, huh? Silence the Chorus got himself quite the neat ability. Considering what he did with the Blood Diamond, he might have a similar ability to the Playwright and can change reality, though something like that would probably come with some caveats.

I'd really like to see Silence the Chorus undistort, now. His Personal E.G.O. would be... interesting.

THE PLAYWRIGHT: I cannot for the life of me understand why Lech wants to go back to his own world. If it's that atrocious, I would very much try to stay here at all costs.

Lech has people he'd live through Hell for, whether that's his family or his Office.
I'd really like to see Silence the Chorus undistort, now. His Personal E.G.O. would be... interesting.
Funny thing is, if his desire is freedom then undistorting would give him true freedom by freeing him from the compulsion he has as a Distortion. Which means he is either very easy or very hard to undistort.
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