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Because one of the core concept of the Nosferatu is the fear of water, It doesn't mix well with a creature of water, especially one with a connection with basically an ocean god and the hive mind of hers, resulting the infected sea born getting cut off by the seaborne hive mind and leaves them with the intense fear of the water, their home.
So now, they are just a bunch of blood hungry monstrosity that doesn't belong anywhere, Their nature doesn't allow them to become creatures of the land and the fear does not allow them to go back into the ocean.
A possible result will be them evolving into mimics of creatures of land, humans, monsters, animals, doesn't matter, because they desire blood above anything else now, they have to do this or else they die, and because they are wild animals that is not controlled by any moral obligations or a community, we need to stop them before they turn the country into bloodfiend by biting everyone and anything they can find.
It seems like that one comment about Nosferatu taking the sea borns and saying "my children now" is coming true.
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[X] Plan: Hook, Line, and Sinker

The First to Talk is gonna be gamer raging about this.

At this point I really hope the First to Talk or Glaadia doesn't decide to pull plug on the infection by just murdering Arabella and destroying the tree. Like either probably can put two and two together that the bloodfiend plugged into the tree is what caused the infection with its kin next door to it to go out of control. The first to talk could also potentially decide to return home to communicate the danger of the blood, but I think communicating with Skadi takes priority, so it won't leave without Skadi first.

[X] Plan: Hook, Line, and Sinker
I think these Seaborn are very much...individualistic. Which is an irony. Which is also why I don't think individual bloodfiend seaborn would share adaptations.

I think they are just individual extremely brutal and powerful now, which...yeah, isn't great. Especially if they are all discount Eternal Persistence if they evolve enough.

Seaborn are used to eating until they're no longer hungry. Because they're animals with no real higher guidance than instinct, and they've gotten rid of the cannibalism taboo, they don't have any defence mechanism against addiction. They've willingly discarded anything except for their base desires, so a blood addiction would force them to become individuals, capable of moving beyond base instincts, or go extinct. This is hilarious, and Kal'tsit is going to have a serious headache dealing with the aftermath.

[X] Plan: Keep Away
-[X] Get the non-combatants out of the area before one of them starts bleeding, and a mob starts
-[X] When someone inevitably screws that up, keep them out of the way of the horde
-[X] lead them around in circles and difficult terrain while they cannibalize themselves

I'd rather avoid bleeding on purpose, considering it will be a problem for someone unavoidably anyways. The people of Sal Viento aren't the most capable, individually.
One, Our friends have k corp nano machines, Once she is done healing or at least stabilized, we can simply ask her to heal us with those.
Those things reattached a arm, a simple bleeding in the guts can heal nicely
two, we will start bleeding either way unless we don't fight at all so why not take use of it?
The marriage was short, the divorce was messy and Nosferatu got custody of the kids.
It's Turbin' Time: Antagonist Family Comedy.

Skadi Ishar-mla as the mother.
Nosferatu as the father
The One Who Watches as a daddy's girl/boy
The First to Speak and The Endspeaker as mommy's boys/girls
The Sanguinarch as the deadbeat uncle.

The Sui siblings as the next door neighbours who are seriously considering calling the police.
But Chong Yue and Nosferatu go out for (non-blood) drinks sometimes. (The Sanguinarch is never invited)
And The Second Brother is very good friends with The one Who Watches.

The Nachzerer King as the scary old man living down the street, everyone tells the youngsters not to go near him.

And finally, last but not least, Carmen (LoR) as the marriage counselor.
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Now that I think about it, Arabella seemed pretty pleased that the one who watches drank her blood. Do you suppose that she's trying to get back at Quintus by fucking up everything around her? Or is it just schadenfreude that the seaborn bit off more than they could chew?
A bit of both, I think, together with an undying hatred against the bishop. She is thinking that this action will backfire immensely onto his face.
And it does, somewhat.
Yeah soooo uhhh.. that's basically confirmation that trying to turn Wympe into a bloodfiend to help with the Seabornification is not an option.
Not necessarily. The reason the Sea-Fiends are mindlessly going on a rampage is probably because they don't have anything else going inside their head after getting cut off from the hivemind. They are now mindless animals searching for blood. Wympe on the other hand still has a mind of her own, something to temper the desire for blood. The most problematic aspect would be how fast Wympe's Seabornified side adapts to the Bloodfiend transformation and I'm still pretty sure Arabella can help with that. Or I'm just coping hard who knows?
I advise everyone to not try that because you know, When two chemicals that doesn't go well with each other got mixed together, the result is often an explosion or a violent reaction onto your face and shatters the test tube with it.
So if you lots still want to try that, go ahead, if our friend ends up dead, I will know who to blame.
Not necessarily. The reason the Sea-Fiends are mindlessly going on a rampage is probably because they don't have anything else going inside their head after getting cut off from the hivemind.
I really really don't think that trying to fight an infection with another infection is a good idea to begin with to be honest.
And neither of these are ordinary infections mind, both are magic and leave the patient as something inhuman.
We've already seen the fallout of attempting to mix them, let's not cut Wympe's already drastically shortened lifespan even shorter.
Or you know, alter her geno a bit to make her somewhat like a abyssal hunter, we have k corp stuff and a genius at our side to recalibrate those things and the nano machines can suppress mutations, as long as there is a way we can try to do that, The hunters were made by humans using super tech. So why can't we try that too? It's not like we have anything to lose.
I really really don't think that trying to fight an infection with another infection is a good idea to begin with to be honest.
I am actually pretty sure this can work. It might not be pretty and might be the biological and metaphysical equivalent of radiotherapy or weird symbiotism by having 2 things in your body keep each other in check, which means if the balance is disrupted you're fucked, but its better than seabornification.
Maybe it could work, or maybe it will backfire immensely. We're not sure and we don't have test subjects to test on and our morals does not allow us to test on others for this.
So cross your fingers and pray to god, drink the blood from the vampire, and hope your gut doesn't explode to thousands of ribbons and tendrils alike.
Or we find some safer options.
Or you know, alter her geno a bit to make her somewhat like a abyssal hunter, we have k corp stuff and a genius at our side to recalibrate those things and the nano machines can suppress mutations, as long as there is a way we can try to do that, The hunters were made by humans using super tech. So why can't we try that too? It's not like we have anything to lose.

I really don't think we have any K-Corp stock other than Linette with her Hephaestus nanomachines. Abel might be a genius but he mostly specializes in psychology not robotics as you would need for K-Corp stuff. And we are unlikely to ever get more of K-Corps Singularity unless the Library comes to Terra and gives us some (which is unlikely because we are definitely not on good terms with them) or Linette developing the healing nanobots herself (which is also unlikely because she wouldn't try to recreate them in the City because that's a huge risk and I don't think the nine or so years she has been on Terra is enough to recreate a Singularity).

Or we find some safer options.

We don't really have safer options.
Our options are:
1) Leave her alone: which is a death sentence.
2) Distort her: which has the potential to backfire worse that leaving the infection alone.
3) Turn her into a Bloodfiend: which seems like the safest option.

Even if we had the ability to turn her into an Abyssal Hunter that's not a cure but a delay at best.
...egh, fine.
I've presented my reasoning and my option, And if the option comes up, I will stand firmly in the corner of my own opinion. So that I will not have any guilt if our friend dies because of a theory with no base and with evidence against it.
I have no opinion on what you guys are insisting. But if something happens because of your insistence on trying a option that have evidence against it for not working out, know that I have warned you.
Anyway, Want to grab a local and force them to drink some blood to make sure that it works? City people do do that after all.
Well.. i've already voiced my concerns, i'd just be repeating myself if I continued.

I am very entrenched on the "don't try to cure eldritch sea monster assimilation with vampirism" hill but at this point we'll just have to see what happens.

What happens, happens, will of the people and all that.

honestly, normally i'd be much less concerned since Quest Protagonist (and friends) bias is very real but given the two series we're working with... well honestly i'd be impressed if everyone made it out alive to say the least. :cry:
As I said, we have no evidence for this theory working out. So I want to grab a local and force him to drink sea fiend blood see if it works out? This is my mutual ground, I'm desperate for evidence that shows it doesn't work or works. So this is my final offer.
We should not try a treatment without trying it on subjects first. So this is honestly my final offer.
I have concerns for her health too, but please, oh, god, please don't rush into it Head first, please.
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On the matter of the coming fight, I wonder if we can take pot shots at the Sea-Fiends backline to make them turn against each other even more?
That is an oversight of mine, yes, I will change that now...
Also adding a line about getting a vial of their blood just in case.
They are fighting each other for a single drop of blood. We can tear our shirt into pieces, soake it with blood, throw it into the crowd, and see them fight to death for A few drops of blood.
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The metallic taste of the Nosferatu's curse fills the air. Learn its secrets from the ancient Abnormality's words, or die.

(The first tutorial stage of Bloody Tides, the hypothetical Arknights event that this arc would be placed in.)

The One Who Watches has grasped an all-too-human sensation. As long as Arabella's blood flows in the veins of the Seaborn of Sal Viento, they cannot return to the sea- to the arms of We Many. And that ever-growing thirst… is all that remains.

Similarly to the Debt of Blood mechanic in Ill Siracusano, Banquet of Blood is shown in the HUD, below the enemy and Life Point count. However, it is not shown in the shape of a bar, but rather a bloody clock, whose hours were scratched by sharp claws in crimson fluid, with many closed eyes in its center. Every 12 seconds, a singular Hour will advance, triggering the Banquet every 144 seconds. Certain enemies can also speed up the progress of Banquet of Blood.

When Banquet of Blood is triggered, the Bloody Clock will shine red, and the Nosferatu's many eyes will open. Black tendrils like Elena's ones will also start pulsating in the sides of the clock.

When the Banquet of Blood is active, it will remain so for exactly 1 minute. During that minute, all enemies gain +100% ATK and move faster, but will also fight each other while this effect is active.

The Bloody Tides event would essentially leave a bunch of dormant enemies that will set of Banquets if they are attacked properly and send large groups of fragile but damaging enemies from various sides of the map, so the player will have the decision to set off Banquet of Blood and watch as the enemies kill each other instead of fighting them.

However, doing so will lead to certain large and threatening enemies coming for you instead, such as the Reaper. But you can't just ignore the Banquet, either. If it activates while you're unprepared, you'll be shredded. Because while enemies can attack each other if they're the closest target, an enemy that is already being blocked or is already attacking an allied unit will not stop. Certain enemies will also gain numerous benefits from Banquet of Blood.

In the end, the choice is yours. Pay the tithe now… or suffer the consequences later.
Slider Sea-Fiend
(A Sea Slider with a number of black-and-red tendrils bursting from its flesh.)

A Sea Terror corrupted by the Bloodfiend's curse. It hungers, and her hatred pushes it towards self-destruction.
No special abilities.

Reaper Sea-Fiend

(A mass of black tendrils bursting from the head of a Basin Sea Reaper. Its "petals" are painted red by many blazing blood vessels.)

A fearsome Sea Terror corrupted by the Bloodfiend's curse. Paralyzed by incomprehension. As it bleeds and suffers, the fated hour draws closer.
Sleeps until Banquet of Blood activates. When it is attacked, Banquet of Blood comes 1 hour closer to being activated. Very slow attack wind-up, but deals heavy damage.

Crawler Sea-Fiend

(The Pocket Sea Crawler has burst open entirely, with a singular red tentacle emerging from the exploded creature.)

A ruined Sea Terror corrupted by the Bloodfiend's curse. It has drunk enough blood to burst, and now seeks only to announce a new feast.
When HP reaches 0, immediately trigger Banquet of Blood.

Noir Corne

[A group of 6 Sea-Fiend Sliders are moving from the center of the stage. Noir Corne is right next to the Objective Point in the lower left of the map, and the Seaborn are coming towards him.]

Dobermann: We've fallen prey to their ambush.

Noir Corne: Dammit, we've never saw them coming. What the hell are those things!?

Dobermann: Our enemies have changed radically- they are entirely different from the ones we've seen before. For once- they do not inflict Nervous Impairment at all. That particular threat will not be an issue.

Noir Corne: Still, we've going to need some help here. I can keep some of these things busy, but if they come in groups this large I'll be outmatched.

Dobermann: Reinforcements are incoming- hold on!

[Lava and Catapult become deployable. The player has more than enough DP to place all of them. The Sliders are relatively slow, so it's easy to get rid of them, especially with Catapult's skill.]

[After finishing off the last enemy…]

Lava: We've dealt with the last one.

Noir Corne: Thanks, Lava- wait, there's more coming!

[Close-in on the upper left side of the map, where 12 new Sliders are coming through. They leave the Incursion Point, and stop moving for a while.]

[Close-in on the upper right side of the map, where 12 new Sliders are coming through. They leave the Incursion Point, and stop moving for a while.]

Noir Corne: There's too many!

Dobermann: The group was far larger than expected. We'll need to retreat for now-

[Vortex of blood forms in the center of the map]

Nosferatu: May I come in?

Dobermann: Who are you!?

Nosferatu: Who I am does not matter. What matters is that I have decided to guide the lot of you to victory. Listen to me, or don't, I couldn't care any less.

Nosferatu: I'm not even really here, it's not like there's any stake. I have interests, you see. What these creatures have done to my darling granddaughter is most displeasing. I would like to see you strike them down.

Noir Corne: Instructor, should we…?

Dobermann: …very well. We will listen.

Nosferatu: Haha! I knew you would do the smart thing. So, let us begin.

[The vortex of blood grows, and a Sea-Fiend Reaper manifests in the center of the map.]

Nosferatu: First of all, strike this creature down for me, will you? I have a wonderful gift, waiting to be given...

[Kroos is deployed in the Ranged tile pointing to it. The second she fires the first shot, the Bloody Clock appears, locked at 1 hour.]

Nosferatu: I think this will be very useful to the lot of you. Every time this wretch is struck, the fated hour draws closer… see it in action yourselves!

[Kroos continues shooting at the immobile creature, with the clock progressing by 1 every time she hits it. Eventually, it dies and the clock hits twelve, triggering the Banquet of Blood.]

Nosferatu: Ah… It is time for a grand feast! Enjoy the blood-red night, where all are to eat and be eaten! May this banquet bring me eternal happiness!

[The Sea-Fiend Sliders quickly start to eat each other, until not a single one is left.]

Nosferatu: Do you see? When the clock strikes twelve, the blood–red night will come forth. These wretched facsimiles of my children will, in their hunger, grow strong, strong. Double in strength, even! But they will also grow mad, and they will eat each other! How delightful!

Nosferatu: Ah… oh well. I said I would guide you, no?

[Banquet of Blood ends. A Sea-Fiend Crawler spawns in the center of the map, and 12 more Sliders come from the side of the map, moving towards the group. A Reaper spawns on the other side]

[Focus on the Crawler.]

Nosferatu: When this loathsome wretch perishes, it will immediately howl for a feast, announcing its beginning. How bothersome. Kill it now, before it can be trouble.

[Kroos kills the Crawler. Sliders immediately begin killing each other.]

Nosferatu: As you can see, they cannot control themselves… their thirst devours them just as they devour the rest!

[Focus on Reaper, who is dashing towards the Objective Point. Kroos can't inflict enough damage to defeat it, and it reaches Noir Corne]

Nosferatu: Ah, do you see? This scythe-armed creature… is capable of bringing the feast as it suffers and howls and it will remain in a deep hibernation until it is time to strike. When it is time for the feast… it will destroy all that stands in its way with overwhelming power!

[Reaper attacks, leaving Noir Corne almost entirely dead.]

Noir Corne: Gh!

Nosferatu (Portrait has half-shapeshifted into its monstrous form): YOU WORTHLESS WRETCH. JUST KILL THE ABOMINATION ALREADY, YOU-

Nosferatu: Ah, almost lost my calm there for a second.

Nosferatu: Here.

[Spear of blood bursts from the ground and instantly kills the Reaper as it is trying to wind-up for another attack.]

Nosferatu: This was but the first of your challenges, child. This one was a freebie. Be wary, there will be more.

Nosferatu: Now, it is time for me to say my farewells. I must return to my cell, within my book in the Library. It's time for a nap, I suppose. Goodbye.


A/N: Obviously not canon, but this was fun to write.
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