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4.2 - A Road Walked Together

[X] Turbulence Office

4.2 - A Road Walked Together

For the moment, you think, as you walk through the hallways of Rhodes Island's Medical Department, Turbulence Office should be the priority. With them by your side, you can do this- you can accomplish anything, anything at all.

You have their locations, but- those might change. They have certainly changed so far.

"Such is the nature of this sort of bizarre cartography. You blink, and innacuracies bloom." whispers Abel. "This hoard of maps inside your brain... it is confusing, but all of those events you have predicted, all of those possible futures- are they absolutely assured events? I am unsure, but I am inclined towards "no." They remind me of attempting to navigate the waters below, in the Well..."

...the Well?

Has Abel been there, too?

"Yes. Moving from one mind to another is... typically done through the Light that permeates the air, faint as it is, but for long distances, and for following Carmen's trail... sometimes I have to resort to following the Light into the place all emerges. Move through the deeper connections." he explains. "Nevertheless, you should consider that the maps in your mind can change, and that your very attempts to follow the course charted for you will alter it."

That is true.

But you think you'll be ready. Even if the map in your head isn't fully accurate at all times... hey, still useful. Knowing what was true at some point is still priceless information, isn't it?

"Fair enough, I suppose." Abel answers. "Ah, we are here."

In this case, "here" is a lead you think you that should have persued earlier.

Operator Silence- one of the doctors who worked on you, regarding the matter of the Fairy shards' removal- knows something about Memento, and Turbulence Office. And you think it could shed some more light on what, exactly, was going on with him since he arrived on Terra.

As far as you know, he might be arriving soon- the Rhodes Island landship hasn't diverted its course all that much, essentially still going in a straight line- so if he does not change his path, you will meet in time. There's no guarantee, but...

You have a feeling it will happen. That is all.

Ah, here she is.

Dr. Olivia Silence.

Is there anyone in there, right now? knock on the door of her office, and try to recall what she was like.

You haven't seen her around much, hm. Brown hair, a disposition that brought an owl to mind, an aura of perpetual exhaustion- if you recall it right, her Oripathy messed with her sleep cycle- and not much else. You know she's a skilled physician, apparently, but-

That symbol. You recall it, faintly. The emblem of infinity, a plus and a minus. It's from Rhine Labs- the same corporation that you saw H and Alvar attacking- hitting some sort of convoy, right? She is likely affiliated- was she sent here for some sort of multi-corporation collaboration project? Would she know about them as well?

Well, no one's answering. Is she here? Your ears are quite good- you can pick up a muffled sound of someone perusing through papers.

No, placing them back in the file, hurriedly.

You knock again, and hear another sound coming from the inside of the room. A cabinet opening? Sounds like it. Something being stuffed inside that cabinet. Then, the sound of it closing, and someone falling on a chair.

"...come in." you hear someone mumble.

You open the door.

Silence is just as she was last time you saw her, only a bit worse for wear. There are faint, but noticeable, bags under her eyes. Have her sleep problems grown worse, or has her Oripathy-induced maladies simply compounded with other matters and started to take a greater toll?

It's likely not your business.

"...Operator Sarasa, if I recall it correctly?" she asks, an eyebrow rising.

"Yes." you answer. "Are you busy, as of this time? I have some questions to ask you."

She frowns. She was not expecting this.

Then, comprehension dawns in her eyes. Is she guessing why you came here? Maybe.

"Please have a seat." she offers. You nod, and she looks into your eyes.

Well, into the place where they should be, if it wasn't for the hat covering and shadowing them.

You take the chair. It is... standard. The same as the rest of her office. Very... frugal, not much decoration. The most you can see are some certificates hanging on a wall, filing cabinets, a photograph of herself with a young girl with horns.

Before anything, you recognize a feeling. The... mood that this office carried. It reminds you of the one you used to own as a Fixer.

Not the one in the Nest you lived in until recently. One of the many offices you had through the years, in various spots accross the Backstreets, and the one just before you ended up going with Turbulence Office.

It's... punishingly frugal, almost. It is not a need of more luxuries, that's not what is missing. This is the office of someone that was like you- lonely, but unwilling or unable to recognize it.

Oh well. You suppose it's not your business. You might be reaching too far, even.

"...has your recovery went well, Sarasa?" asks Silence, shaking you off from your thoughts.

You chuckle. It's been some time since people have called you by your number.

"It has, yes." you answer. "...I have come here to ask you a question, you see."

"A question?"

"Regarding something you said, back when we met- when I woke up here for the first time."

She seems puzzled. She's not recalling what- then she blinks. She's almost gotten it.

"...something I said..."

"It's been some time, so you might not recall it. But you recognized some names I said aloud at the time. Have you heard of someone called "Memento," Mrs. Silence? That, or "Turbulence Office." You seemed familiar with them."

Silence closes her eyes, and sighs.

"I have."

"Good, good. Let's... make sure we're on the same page, you see. What would you describe him as? In terms of appearance, personality, I mean."

She clicks her tongue.

"Completely covered in bandages. Silent most of the time. Speaks slowly. He is always morose, and has ...a void for a face."

Yes. That is exactly who you were looking for. You sense a heavy feeling in your chest.

" has he been... doing?" you ask.

"Tell me something first."

You shrug. Why not? She can go for it, as long as she answers your own question

"...what is your relationship with Memento?"

There it is. Familiarity, caution, a bit of anger. She knows him, knows him enough to grit her teeth at this, and to question your motives. She knows him, and cares about him...


"He's a friend. We've been separated for a long time, and... and I want to find him, again."

Silence considers your words.

"You're a member of Turbulence Office, aren't you?"

"I am their leader."

This gives her pause.

"It's... a long story."

"And I have time."

"I think... I think it's watching me."

"...we met back when I still worked with Rhine Labs."

You tilt your head.

"Have you left them?" you say, your gaze pointed at her uniform. "...why the-"

"It's complicated." she interrupts. "Just... let me continue."

You shrug. Might as well. She looks guilty, for a second, moving her head away from you and towards the window. She gazes into the world outside for a second, before sighing and turning back.

"He was a test subject."


"Memento was... a test subject. He was unresponsive, and so... inhuman looking, that it was believed he was some manner of Arts construct. He remained in the same site as I for quite some time, and we formed, well, a connection."

"What kind of connection?"

"He wrote little poems, when he wasn't being observed, or when he was moved to somewhere without surveillance. He stored them inside..." she pauses. She knows it sounds absurd. "You... you know him, don't you? He stored the poems inside his face. Inside the void."


Yes, he does that.

You are unsure of what to say about him being a test subject. If Rhine Labs is anything like the research conglomerates you recall, that means nothing good. Nothing good at all. But this is a new world- are the rules the same? You can't know. But you'll expect the worst. The guilt in her eyes does not give you much hope for his treatment.

And his poetry... you miss it. It hasn't been that long, but you miss hearing him in a recital. He liked to visit those- it was one of the few social activities that you didn't have to push him into for his own good, and... you think he felt better.

The idea of them mistaking Memento for some sort of construct is... infuriating, you won't lie.

Though you suspect he might have made an effort to mantain the misconception.

Nevertheless, you gesture at her to continue.

"I found him taking a bundle of the poems out of his head one day. No one was looking, and I was surprised. I almost..."

She almost ratted him out, if unintentionally.

"From that day on, I started finding them around. But those little pieces of paper would vanish as soon as I took my eye off them, and one day I decided to write on the back of one of them. I was already... doubting Rhine Labs. Like I said, it's a long story." she recounts. "From there, he started asking me about where I was from, and... he told me the same. About..."

She stops.

"About "Turbulence Office." It wasn't much. Personal details, things he liked about his friends. He asked me if I had seen any of them around... and I hadn't." she says. "One day they stopped. He'd been moved to another site, under the wing of the Originium Arts division. And... that's it, mostly. I wish I could have gotten him out, and I tried, but... I failed to do it. I'm sorry."

"...I see." you say. "Thank you. He was not treated well, has he?"

"No. I don't think he was." Silence answers.

She's growing heated- beginning to grit her teeth. So are you- you can feel your hand instinctively tighten, as if around the pommel of an invisible blade.

You are so used to holding the motion back that it's become completely unnoticeable to an outside observer, and you yourself rarely pay attention to it.

But it's still there.

"It's best if you leave, at least for now." says Abel.


As you walk through the corridors of Rhodes Island, under the fluorescent lights, you hear something- back-to-to back slashing sounds.

Blades crossing, dashing through the air... a pleasing melody, for sure.

You even recognize some of the notes- one is certainly Arabella, going by the constant slicing noise of a blade through flesh. Her own flesh.

But who is she fighting?

It's a practice match, at least. If it was a real fight, she'd be more aggressive.

You step through the door of the training room, and you see someone you weren't really expecting.

Gladiia stands in the middle of the room, holding off a veritable storm of blood droplets with large sweeps of her spear.

You frown.

You haven't exactly interacted with her much. You know Arabella has some sort of interest, but you can't really bring yourself to treat her with this much friendliness.

You decide to sit down, and watch the fight happen. Who knows- maybe you'll learn something.

Arabella's learning, you think. Gladiia is extremely quick, and extremely strong- her explosive bursts of speed could easily make a puddle out of your companion through sheer momentum imparted with each blow, if she was allowed to land any hits- which is why Arabella can't allow her to land any.

The droplets are vital in this regard. Each of them is a deadly trap for the "Abyssal Hunter."

Normally, for less agile opponents, Arabella has to fling them into the enemy like bullets, but here she has to do the exact opposite. Keep them in place, or at least in a stable trajectory, don't let them get out of her way. It doesn't matter if they're not moving fast.

If the elaborately-dressed woman charges through them at lightning speed, she'll find herself with some new holes anyway- her reaction time can't quite beat her own agility.

You have the feeling this is a trick she's tried before, but now she's doing it with a bit more care.

That's interesting, at least.

Not a perfect solution- she's pushing through them with swings of her spear anyway and certainly doing it quickly enough to have the advantage- but Arabella's doing well.

Very well, for what is certainly a Color-level opponent.

Then, all of a sudden, Arabella sheathes her sword. Gladiia lowers her spear. The blood droplets fall from the air, and seem to flow back, wrapping around Arabella's outstretching hand slowly, gently.

The Abyssal Hunter lets out a sigh and walks away. Arabella blows her a kiss as she does so. There is a bandaged man in a corner of the room, outside of the designated ring for the fighters. Arabella blows him another kiss as she walks towards him- though this one is more of a mocking sort?

Ah, you didn't recognize him like this. Has he changed his bandages? It's Quintus.

Arabella's head turns towards you. You walk into their little corner, and give her a little pat in the shoulder.

"This was a good fight. The trick still needs some work, though- what if she just leaps upwards to avoid your projectiles? You had lower coverage of the area above her."

Arabella shrugs.

"It's a bit more difficult to manuever the droplets into that position." she says. She does not elaborate on why.

"...where's Ayam?"

Indeed, her... child is nowhere to be seen.

"With Beats. He's taking care of them for me."

Oh boy. Given your experiences with that child...

Well, you're sure he can do it.

Quintus is staring at the floating tendril of blood coiling around Arabella's arm. He seems disturbed by it on a profound level. Arabella seems pleased at his expression.

"So, got any plans for the future?" asks the Bloodfiend, smiling at you.

"...we'll be looking around for the rest of the Office soon."

She tilts her head.

"How soon?"

"...soon-ish? I don't know. Still gotta go check with our higher-ups."

Arabella frowns.

"Our higher-ups, eh? Don't tell me we're going to stick around all that much longer- as employees, at least."

"I think we'll have to stick around for some time, still."

"Ah, natürlich!" she sighs. "Were it only that we had not taken that contract. We would not be tangled in all of this confusing nonsense. I appreciate the drama, but not the lack of freedom."

Quintus doesn't seem to care much about your conversation. Arabella throws a hand behind her in a theatrical motion, picks up her companion by the scruff of his neck and leaves, laughing all the way.

...ever since you've briefed her in, well, what you know of the Distortion and the story of Ayin, she's been like this.

Half morose, half excited.

Some part of Arabella is very excited to be wrapped in a story like this- a confrontation for the fate of the world.

But another part of her seems simply annoyed, and missing home.

Though it hasn't been much since you left, has it?

All of Turbulence Office had a different reaction, either way.

To Wympe, it doesn't seem to really matter. As long as everyone remains together, it's all good for her- you are the only friends she has, so she has no particular attachment to the City, despite her hope of proving herself.

She wants to prove herself to you and your Office, not to the City.

Sleepy was much the same, except he doesn't care nearly as much about the second matter.

Capone seems to have long since given up and decided to let this madness simply go on.

Beats just found it extremely funny, for reasons that elude you still. Ever since he excused himself from the position of commentator in the Kazimierz Major after the, well Adam incident, he's been grumbling about this whole matter- apparently, this particular explanation was, in his own words, "perfect."

Linette did not utter a word. And a few days after the briefing, you saw her writing a letter to someone.

The one who was most taken aback, though, was Nicole. She hasn't spoken to you since. You recall something heartbreaking- there was betrayal in her eyes, however faint.

And you know why.

It's... best if you give her some time.


You sigh into your cup of tea.

This has been an interesting day.

The cat-eared woman across you gives off a look. Stoic, a bit unnerving. The sort of piercing eyes betraying no emotions you'd see in a top-ranked executive, or a Zwei squad leader during an interrogation. You've dealt with both.


Now that you think of it- perhaps...

It might be a little bit difficult for the average Terran to not sneak a glance at the fragments of Originium ore poking out of her shoulder.

Having those fragments be out, in the open, certainly is a statement, isn't it?

Kal'tsit breaks eye contact with you to look at the window, at the sunset. She sighs.

"...are you well?"

You take a sharp breath, and nod.

"I'm better, now. Thank you."

"Have you made a decision?"

You pause to think. Yes, you have.

You want to go look for your friends. You want to go find Turbulence Office. But despite how deeply you believe that finding them will be the key to defeating Carmen, you're not the one in charge here.

This isn't just a matter of decisions. You have to sell this to her as well.

Materialized in the chair next to you, diffuse and partially dissipating Light-projected fingers on a cup of herbal tea, Abel spares a glance at you. He gives a single nod.

"I believe that I can help you better, that we can help each other better, if I have access to my full team. I have very accurate information on their current locations, and most of them have firmly entrenched themselves in the local scenes- I believe that if I can bring them into the fold, we will all ultimately benefit."

Kal'tsit raises an eyebrow.

"I will not be dishonest with you." she states bluntly, "My resources are limited. Despite what it might look like, we cannot be seen moving large amounts of combat-capable Operators through national borders. If I am to approve an operation to recover the members of Turbulence Office, you cannot all go."

"...I see. And I do not believe moving us covertly would be possible, would it?"

"Despite Ascalon's work on rooting out the agents of foreign intelligence networks and similar infiltrators being more then adequate, I won't make promises I can't keep. There are many forces keeping a close eye on Rhodes Island, and you yourselves have not gone unnoticed."

"That is true. What do you think of the plan itself, though?" notes Abel. "I am still not entirely certain on the focus on Turbulence Office- I apologize, Sieg, but I have to say it."

"It's nothing." you say, brushing him off.

"It is adequate." Kal'tsit answers. "If I am not wrong, the locations are..."

"Columbia, for Alvar and Mr. H. Memento is in a collision route with the landship, and keeping a close eye in the current area might find him. I have forwarded a description of him and all the other members through the landship network." you explain. "the Rat King, Stock Man and Max are all scheduled to appear only in the future, though Rat King will appear in two weeks, in Sami. Lech... I have no idea, frankly, but you know him already. He's with Reunion. Emil in Siracusa-"

"Lech... is with Reunion?"

"...I presumed you knew this already. Lech is with them, yes."

Malkuth is nowhere to be seen. She wasn't anywhere in the vision. It worries you- did she survive the Library, as well? You asked Linette about it, but she didn't know- she was the first to be taken down in her reception. They prioritized her- good thinking, obviously, but still annoying.

"I did not know his whereabouts." notes Kal'tsit, snapping you out of your funk.



"Huh. Didn't you... fight against Reunion?"

"If he took part on the attack on Lungmen, he was not observed at any point, anywhere. Neither has he been observed by anyone else, on any operations."


Not actually that impossible. If Lech has found some way to reload his internal supply of time, he could operate exclusively at speeds beyond what an unaugmented eye can track, and you wouldn't put it beyond him to recreate TimeTrack utilizing Terran components and technological principles, or at least figure out a way to keep it charged.

"...oh well." you continue. "I don't think we can find him, even if he wasn't part of Reunion, very easily. He's likely moving around the world for his job."

"You are unconcerned with the possibility of him becoming your enemy, then?"

"I will not be his enemy."

"If it comes between you, and the progressing of Reunion's goals, do you believe you know what he will choose?"

"I am utterly loyal to the members of my Office." you say, with the utmost conviction. "I would die a thousand times over for each of them. I would not expect them to sacrifice themselves for me as well, but I have been with them for enough time to know, with certainty, that they would do the same. For me, and for each other."

It's the truth, and nothing but the truth.

"...are you sure?"

"He is." notes Abel. "As someone who lived in his head for some time, I can confirm he is."

"I am."

"I see." she answers, closing her eyes. "We will return to this at some point. For now, we have other matters to concern ourselves with. Such as the Library."


"I believe that there are unresolved matters between you and them?"

"What gave you this impression?"

"They approached me, recently, to ask for something. That being two books. The Book of the Dreaming Current that you revealed to us earlier and the "Book of the Poor Screenwriter's Note." They knew that those books should be with Abel and you, and wanted to broker a meeting since you had been avoiding them."

...well, fuck.

"Ah, and they requested Rhodes Island's assistance in keeping the "Khaganquest-" contained." she says- sounding somewhat divided on regards to the creature.


It's somewhere deep in the bowels of this landship. It can be killed, and you think it should. But the Library clearly thinks otherwise. Do they believe they can obtain something from it?

"What has been going on, with the Library and you?"

"For the time being, the Library are our guests. Communication with their leader- the Pale Librarian Angela, I believe- is growing difficult, for a reason that eludes me and that they have not disclosed."

They're keeping their cards close to their chest. That might- that might be a grave mistake, regarding the matters of Carmen.

Are they still under the impression that they are under a Wing's hospitality? They probably are.

Perhaps you should correct that. You don't... you don't think Rhodes Island deserves to be called such. They are, obviously, not people you know all that much about, but you don't think a Wing would do half the things you have witnessed Rhodes Island doing. If they did, they'd do it a bit louder, perhaps, make a big show out of their kindness.

They'd be making much more money out of all of this, too.

Abel has been listening intently to your conversation, but Kal'tsit's words seem to have shocked him.

"The Book of Poor Screenwriter's Note?" he asks.


"That is... strange. I was absolutely sure that the book returned to the Library's domain..."

"Are you sure?" you say, tilting your head. "Didn't I kill it?"

"Abnormalities are immortal. At that point I had not fully entered your world- I was in a sort of middle point. When I took your hand, I recall very vividly that the Book and the Abnormality within returned to the place where I took them from."

"Could something intercept that?"

"I do not think it could, but- I could be wrong. I am not an expert on alternate-dimension mechanics."

"What about her- Carmen." notes Kal'tsit. "Could she intercept this book? And for the matter, is it as powerful as the Book of the "Plague Doctor" was?"

" shouldn't be. The Abnormality was extremely unreliable and all E.G.O weaponry it produced tended towards either extremely low-grade or simply lethal to the user." notes Abel. "In matters of Carmen..."

He is deeply worried about this. The lines in his face, his age- it all seems especially pronounced now.

"But it has been nearly a month. Why has she not made any use of the Book, if she seized it?"

"...can she?" ask Kal'tsit.

"I do not know."

"There are far too many unknowns, then. This is something that should be corrected. I will authorize the plan to find your Office members. But you will have to fix matters with the Library, before you depart."

And find out what they are themselves going to do.

"I see. Well, I can do that."

"I also believe it would be in order for you to mount a team of Operators. I have brought some documentation on possible members for the taskforces."

You blink. Well...

"But I have more then enough members. We only have to search in Siracusa and Columbia- or is Sami not as off-limits as I believed it was?"

"Sami is indeed off-limits for the time being." she answers. "But I believe it would be for the best if we cooperated in this matter. It would allow us to cover ground on both regions better- and I do not believe all of your Office has experience in this new terrain."

She hands you over a thick dossier, full of notes and reports and files on various Operators. You place it next to your empty teacup and give her a thumbs-up.

"I can see your point. Thank you."

"...perhaps the Library could move as well? I believe they have access to a powerful sort of travel method- those golden portals. It could be useful."

"Do you recognize them?" asks Kal'tsit.

"They belong to the Abnormality known as the King of Greed. I did not know they could be used to cover such a length... but well, I don't know how far away from the arena they were when they teleported."

"Do you have any information on the Abnormality itself, should it get out?"

"It shouldn't. They are, at most, using its E.G.O weapon. I doubt they actually brought the Abnormality out. But to answer your question, it is a massive Abnormality with the appearance of a... fish." he says. He sounds a bit unsure about the wording. "A giant, monstrous fish that devours all in its path to sate her greed."

He takes a deep breath. He has clearly repeated this before.

"A frontal assault against her is highly ill-advised. Damaging the King's body with pure physical damage is nearly impossible as well. Attacks that do not target the body, and curses, are viable."


"Black damage is the official terminology. Weaponry corroding both the mind and the body." he whispers in your head, before continuing to speak in a more physical manner. "The King's speed is fairly low, and her portals are not suited for combat, unlike what her EGO allows. However, she can still use them to relocate to an area devoid of threats to devour everything that comes her way."

He clicks his tongue. Dwelling in this memory is not very pleasant for him.

Even thinking of the King of Greed dredges up resentment and bitterness- the sort that comes from speaking to someone who took something- or someone- you cared about.

"But she can't turn around very easily. She likes to attack in areas where you can't exploit that, such as corridors, and as long as people attack her from behind and do not flee directly into her maw..." Abel says, sounding very resentful- "it should be fine."

Abel is not afraid of the King of Greed- but he is uncomfortable even speaking of it. What history does he have with this specific Abnormality?

"...thank you."

"It was nothing."

Kal'tsit turns towards you.

"There are three more things."

"We have not received any information from our sources regarding the "End of Ursus." If it is still alive, it has been contained. Are there any more Distortions we should be keeping in mind?"

"If you have any mentally unstable Operators..."

Kal'tsit frowns.

"Well, just keep an eye on those. For the record, there's one in what used to be Gaul. One in Columbia, we might cross paths during our mission. And one in Leithanien."

"I see."

Question number two, then.

"What are your thoughts regarding our ally- the one you call "X?" We have not spoken much."

X, huh?

"Pretty okay dude, I guess?" you answer. "Not much to say on him. I haven't really gotten to know him very well. He seems... happy. Happy to be here."

Happy to be out of the loop, you leave unspoken.

"And in regards to his- to his predecessor's plan?" she asks. You suppose that's question three.

"The process? The timeloop, I believe?"

"The results, as well. The entire equation. What we are fighting against, what they produced- everything."

Abel told her of it, you believe.

In truth…

You just don't trust it.

You don't trust the Light. At all. Abel seems to have full trust on its potential to save the City, but you just find it… strange.

It feels as if it's something that is barely understood by anyone at all. You do not trust it. You can wield it as a weapon, and you spread it with every breath, but you cannot truly understand what it is. You haven't made a lightclone since you came here, and since you got Lech's blade in your hands you found yourself using the Light less and less.

Is it a response against Carmen? It might be. But can you really trust something that has changed so many people so completely, if it truly has changed the City in the ways that Abel and Carmen claims it has?

And the inconsistencies in the story of its founding.

Not really… inconsistencies.

It feels to you as if Abel was simply utterly divorced from the process of actually creating it. He underwent the cycle, but… he was never truly running the mechanisms behind the scenes. Neither was Angela.

Whatever arcane Singularity maintained and facilitated the Seed of Light's development, Abel was never in charge of it. He was never in control of anything at all in any step of the procedure. You have nothing against him as a person, but you don't trust his outlook when he formed his views on it while so much information was being withheld.

And it feels as if none of the parties involved in the cycle had any idea of what the actual processes of the Seed's unleashing "fixing" the City would be like. Yes, dreams would be restored, the people would be cleansed from this disease of the mind. But what does that entail?

Maybe it's your view as an outsider, but it feels to you as if none of them had any control over anything at all.


Strange Singularities, strange messiahs that promise to singlehandedly restore everyone's dreams and aspirations- as if they were ever gone in the first place, who were they to declare them gone?

Who was Carmen to say that the City had forgotten its dreams?

It sucks. The City sucks. The Head sucks. You can see that clearly, now more then ever. But is it really fair to say that?

Wasn't she a random Backstreets preacher? A Nestborn, even? What experiences had told her that? How could she possibly say that? What evidence supported that theory? How could she possibly acquire that evidence, how could she know billions of people intimately enough to declare their dreams gone?

You know that yours weren't.

"I don't agree with it." you say. "I think it was a shitshow, and that none of them- no offense, Abel-"

"None taken."

"None of them had any idea of what they were doing, and that now we have to live with the consequences."

"...I see. Thank you."

Later, you find yourself in your bed, staring at the dossier of Operators. There's many of them- with suggestions and notes in Kal'tsit's impeccable handwriting.

Two missions, plus whatever the Library's planning to do.

It's getting late- you'll talk to the Librarians tomorrow. Get this all settled. You have no intention of giving up the Book of the Dreaming Current, but you have to settle this.


You pick up your notebook. Who'd be best for each mission?

There's some suggestions you think are interesting, but you could also request to bring some of the people you know already- maybe you'd get along with them better? But you also need to pick someone who knows the terrain...

For Columbia- the Rhine Labs members associated to Rhodes Island. Could any of them be supplying information from here to their employers? Corporate espionage happens all the time, obviously, but this seems a bit too blatant.

And you can't judge their loyalty to the company based on this dossier, even if it does sound like Rhodes Island isn't picking the any diehard supporters out of the deck?

You'd have to get a feel for it more personally, in an actual mission. All of them seem to be researchers of some sort- that said, what's this... Saria.

Director of Defense?

Ex-Director of Defense.

"Interesting. "She has made contributions to the fields of life science, microbiology, and Originium Arts. At the same time, she has also proven herself formidable when it comes to demolition, protection, and anomaly containment missions." That..." chimes in Abel. "I will not lie, I am rather interested."

Given that apparently she left Rhine Labs after some sort of... incident?

You skim through the next page.

Ah, child experimentation. Yes, this is just like home.

"Kal'tsit has left quite a few recommendations for this specific Operator." says Abel, raising an invisible eyebrow. "Yes, it's quite obvious she wants her in the Columbian team."

Well, you put her in a mental list for further consideration. Who's next?

Silence is also Rhine Labs, but very obviously some sort of whistleblower- oh?. Yes, whistleblower. Diabolic Incident as well. She seems to be nominally affiliated, still, but you don't think that status is going to offer any sort of protection.

There's Blacksteel. Mercenaries, a private military contractor, and a firearm supplier? They hold the patents on a lot of the technology from what you know. Hmmm.

You don't actually have all that good of an experience with R-Corp's troopers. They're a gamble. Some are objectively awful to be around, like the Rabbits, a dangerous liability at best like the Rhinos, and, well, the Reindeers are the Reindeers.

The Rams and the Raccoons are pretty good to be around. The Rams are invaluable fortress-crackers and shock assault troops, and nobody does sabotage like the Raccoons.

So, overall, you can think you trust those Blacksteel guys to be professional.


You do think that guy- Mlynar, right? He could be useful. You think he's only actually tagging along with Rhodes Island because of Linette, but you're not entirely sure. She did complain about how hard it was to get him to do anything with his niece- Maria, was it?

Hm. "Chiave's Gang." Siracusans.

Maybe you should ask Capone? He probably knows. You don't think he should go to Siracusa, obviously, but he might have contacts there, and, well, maybe someone in Rhodes Island has a reputation there... sorting out through the archive in your head for something so specific is going to be a bit difficult.

(Voting must be done by plan format, selecting Operators and Fixers for the two missions, with a maximum of five for each, plus a leader for the respective expedition.)

[ ] Yourself.
Which one is the better fit for you?
[You must select this for at least one operation, as leader.]

[ ] Arabella
Arabella is a fierce and resilient combatant. She is deceptively stealthy for someone with such a dramatic personality. She will be helpful.

That said, you're not entirely sure you should leave Quintus in charge of taking care of Ayam for now. She seems to trust him to take care of them, but- why would she? Is this some sort of play from her? Is her child strong enough to make mincemeat out of the cultist should anything go wrong? He wasn't that strong when you fought him, but...

[ ] Wympe
Wympe is a clever and deadly combatant. And her expertise will prove useful in both legal matters and more illicit affairs. There is a reason she was taking part in all negotiations involving your Office.

And you think she's getting antsy, no matter how much you drag her out of the library to take a break.

[ ] Sleepy
He's been here for a while, and is relatively familiar with this place, but most things about him haven't changed at all.

Sleepy remains an enormously deadly fighter (if hisdecaying weapon is a burden, it's one he's easily compensating for), few people are less suited for stealth operations, and his approach to negotiations seems to have changed to "be actively detrimental" to "stand back and let Nicole do it." That's great.

And you do want to spend some more time with him.

[ ] Nicole
It's been some time- two whole years. She knows Terra, by now.

Her aim is impeccable, and you heavily suspect she picked up some more tricks during her stay on Terra. Her footsteps are almost completely silent, and if it wasn't for the smell of smoke, even you would have some difficulty to sense her approach.

She's avoiding you. A mission might be an opportunity to have a talk about what's happening.

[ ] Linette
Experienced in Terran affairs, and a shapeshifter to boot. Linette is an invaluable in any sort of covert operation, but she's... the sort of person who likes to antagonize other people, even her own allies.

Perhaps she shouldn't lead any operations.

[ ] Beats
Beats is strong and seems to have made a life for himself on Terra, which is an advantage. He's very distinctive in appearance, and he has a public presence, even if it might be confined to the local scene of Kazimierz. That said, he's an incredible tactician- his battlefield awareness and ability to coordinate with allies surpasses yours by a large margin, and he thinks even faster then yo.

And he's personable, talkative, fun to be around- people person.

[ ] Capone
Your newest member. It's best if you don't send into Siracusa- even if you would never let them kill him. He does not want to come back, and you will respect his wishes.

Nevertheless, Capone might have the sort of contacts that, even if they don't directly operate in the region, know someone who do. He's very tough, has good aim, and is an E.G.O user- living proof that the Distortion can be overcome. If you want to talk to that one Distortion that you know is in Columbia at some point, he might be useful.

[Capone cannot be chosen for the mission in Siracusa.]

[ ] Ayam

You're not sure why Arabella proposed this, but she thinks it will be a learning experience.

The kid's okay, you guess. The tentacles and the sheer density of Bloodfiend tendrils is off-putting, but you think you can get along with them. Does Arabella want them to be a Fixer? Either way, if she's going, one of her... parents is going to have to tag along.

[Ayam must be taken alongside either Quintus or Arabella.]

[ ] X

X is... the opposite of stealthy. You can quite obviously tell he isn't an experienced combatant. Even if an E.G.O weapon as powerful as his comes with some level of knowledge of its usage, it obviously doesn't give you enough instincts or battlefield awareness...he's not that good at that.

But him- and his beast that he carries, unfortunately, everywhere, are doubtlessly powerful. You don't think you could kill that thing by yourself, for one. But having that thing around won't be very good for morale.

And hey, if you cross by an opportunity to investigate the curious lack of Abnormalities on Terra, having one at hand might be useful. You're unsure about letting out the Current for that.

[X will bring [CENSORED] to the mission. It does not count as an additional member.]

[ ] Quintus

Well, if only to keep an eye on him. You think he's awfully... attuned to the Light, somehow.

It might just be vague feeling, but following hunches like those has paid off before.

And he did walk through miles and miles of wasteland all the way to Kazimierz from Iberia's coast, slip undetected through a mobile city's defenses, and survive the copious amounts of punishment you dished out without so much as a scar. All in what seems to be less then a week.

Though if you try to bring the Hunters into the mission, it's best if you make sure he won't come.

[Quintus isn't regarded well by the Abyssal Hunters. The thin, pale fiction of him being someone else is the only thing keeping them from killing him.]
(In the case of organizations, simply pick an individual Operator from and vote for them.)

[ ] Texas

Penguin Logistics does deliveries nearly everywhere. She's apparently assigned to stay some time under Rhodes Island's service, alongside Exusiai, and is to be arriving shortly. She's Siracusan, it seems, but Kal'tsit remarks it's not time to take her back home.

[Texas cannot go to Siracusa.]

[ ] Exusiai
Another Penguin Logistics employee, Exusiai left a fairly positive opinion on you. Fun gal, but professional and competent. Light on her feet, good with a gun.

[ ] Lappland
...she apparently contacted Kal'tsit first. You do not know why, or how she caught wind of your request for a mission. But she just remarked she's up for it.

[ ] Phantom
You don't like to be snuck up on by a stranger, but you know a Color-level combatant when you see one. You couldn't catch wind of his presence until he was literally behind you.

And he's the sort of weird that you like.

[ ] Mountain
The son of a top Columbian construction CEO, Mountain and his entire family were put in prison after they were framed by a rival corporation...

He was broken out after- ah, Silence was there. Hm. Given that Rhine Labs seems to have been involved in the frame job, he might want to go.

[ ] Elysium
Leader of the 3rd Special Operations Squad, communication specialist on the battlefield and with quite some expertise in covert operations.

Apparently was caught trying to fill in "Once in a lifetime hottie" on his resume profile.

[ ] Gavial
Former mercenary, very dedicated... physician. Well, changing careers isn't a new thing for you.

"Gavial is a doctor who defies all conventional definitions of the word..."

That doesn't sound very assuring.

"Generally will not let anyone touch her tail."

Why did people try? Is that a normal thing here? Are people going to try and touch yours?

[ ] Mlynar
He has an established relationship with Linette and seems to be quite a fearsome fighter. Not to mention, his Arts managed to damage the corroded form of Adam. That's a good resume.

[ ] Provence

Siracusan, Catastrophe Messenger, sniper. Having a local on hand might be useful.

[ ] Blaze
"Elite Rhodes Island Operator" is a mark that makes you willing to bet on her competence. She's used to being directly commanded by Amiya, but you think you and her can get along by what you see on the file.

[ ] Ceobe
From what you're seeing, she's essentially Outskirts-born.

On things she likes to do- "Eat well, drink well, sleep well, and beat up bad people." Well, you think you can supply those. Not used to civilized life, so she's probably less likely to find you and your fellow Cityfolk weird- she's weird herself.

And you just think you're liking what you're seeing.

[ ] Saria
Ex-Director of Defense. Highly reliable and probably has a bone to pick against Rhine Labs.

[ ] Silence
Ex-researcher of Rhine Labs and likely whistleblower. Second verse, same as the first. Kal'tsit note says she does not have a good relationship with Operator Saria- best to keep that in mind.

[ ] "Blacksteel"
There are multiple Operators under this banner- Jessica, Franka, Liskarm, and Vanilla. Gun manufacturers/arms dealers with their own military forces having extensive experience with Columbia. They're an interesting pick.

[ ] "Rhine Labs"
Aside from the whistleblower and the exiled Director of Defense, you're not entirely sure where the others- Ptilopsis, Mayer, and Magellan- place their loyalties. But the fact that they're with an organization sheltering not one, but two exiles from their organization, plus an escaped test subject... well, you wouldn't bet on their absolute loyalty to the company name.

[ ] "The Abyssal Hunters"
You're not sure about them. But they are monstrously powerful.

[ ] Write-in.
This is quite a lengthy dossier.

I'm back!

Thanks for everyone for waiting over a month for me. Here it is.

In this case, just to note: A plan would be like this.

[ ] Siracusa
-[ ] Leader: Operator 1
-[ ] Operator 21
-[ ] Operator 23
-[ ] Operator 101
-[ ] Operator 298
-[ ] Operator 945

[ ] Columbia
-[ ] Leader: Operator 188
-[ ] Operator 10
-[ ] Operator 334
-[ ] Operator 13
-[ ] Operator 45
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[X] Siracusa
-[X] Leader: Elysium
-[X] Ceobe
-[X] Phantom
-[X] Ayam
-[X] Quintus
-[X] Lappland

[X] Columbia
-[X] Leader: Yourself.
-[X] Nicole
-[X] Beats
-[X] Saria
-[X] Silence
-[X] X

I think this should be a good plan.
She's growing heated- beginning to grit her teeth. So are you- you can feel your hand instinctively tighten, as if around the pommel of an invisible blade.

You are so used to holding the motion back that it's become completely unnoticeable to an outside observer, and you yourself rarely pay attention to it.

But it's still there.

"It's best if you leave, at least for now." says Abel.

Well, not a great first impression for the Rhine Labs.
Some part of Arabella is very excited to be wrapped in a story like this- a confrontation for the fate of the world.

But another part of her seems simply annoyed, and missing home.
Arabella's whole dynamic with the Abyssal Hunters and co. is great, I can't get enough.
"I don't agree with it." you say. "I think it was a shitshow, and that none of them- no offense, Abel-"

"None taken."

"None of them had any idea of what they were doing, and that now we have to live with the consequences."

"...I see. Thank you."
This might've been a tougher convo before our literal enlightenment, but as it stands Sieg's on pretty solid ground to denounce the whole endeavor.
All of them seem to be researchers of some sort- that said, what's this... Saria.

Director of Defense?

Ex-Director of Defense.

"Interesting. "She has made contributions to the fields of life science, microbiology, and Originium Arts. At the same time, she has also proven herself formidable when it comes to demolition, protection, and anomaly containment missions." That..." chimes in Abel. "I will not lie, I am rather interested."
Saria's really fucking cracked when you get down to it, I'd be speechless as well.
(Voting must be done by plan format, selecting Operators and Fixers for the two missions, with a maximum of five for each, plus a leader for the respective expedition.)
Oof, even with eleven slots this is a tough call. Picking the other team's leader is a particularly interesting question - Elysium isn't an awful idea at all. He's a lot smarter and better with people than you'd think, and probably someone capable of handling the very 'complex' mission parameters at hand.
[X] Columbia:
-[X] Leader: Yourself

-[X] Capone
-[X] Saria
-[X] Silence
-[X] Blacksteel
-[X] X

[X] Siracusa:
-[X] Leader: Elysium

-[X] Linette
-[X] Mylnar
-[X] Ayam
-[X] Quintus
-[X] Lappland

@thenew - Mylnar wasn't included in the list, but the earlier text seemed to imply he was an option, so I'm working under the assumption he's available to tag along with Linette.

Overall, this was a really tough call. I wanted to include Gavial so badly it hurt, but couldn't justify squeezing someone else out for her. I will say, including the Blacksteel Ops for Columbia is an incredible amount of bang for your buck, don't snooze on what they offer.
hey dummy, You forgot your line.
Corrected... again. Thanks!
[X] Columbia:
-[X] Leader: Yourself

-[X] Capone
-[X] Saria
-[X] Silence
-[X] Blacksteel
-[X] X

[X] Siracusa:
-[X] Leader: Elysium

-[X] Linette
-[X] Mylnar
-[X] Ayam
-[X] Quintus
-[X] Lappland

@thenew - Mylnar wasn't included in the list, but the earlier text seemed to imply he was an option, so I'm working under the assumption he's available to tag along with Linette.

Overall, this was a really tough call. I wanted to include Gavial so badly it hurt, but couldn't justify squeezing someone else out for her. I will say, including the Blacksteel Ops for Columbia is an incredible amount of bang for your buck, don't snooze on what they offer.
I wrote something up for him, thanks!
As funny as bringing the Abyssal Hunters with us would be since they can just bulldoze through any obstacle we face, we probably don't want to go back to Rhodes with a bounty on our heads for openly smashing apart a army unit or something.

I'd say bringing Phantom to Columbia is essential. Color level combatant, and a stealth specialist to boot. Absolutely going to be useful in Columbia thanks to all the corporate espionage that goes on there, and the scrutiny our team will be facing.

As for Siracusa, I'd say we shouldn't bring Lappland for now. Useful as she is, she has too many eyes on her. Then again, she's a political handgrenade, and that may just be what we need to draw out Sinclair since he's working under one of the Siracusan families there.

Gonna have to think on this some more.
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I think it's because Arknights changed wiki So the old pictures in the old wikis are broken and taken down
I think it's because Arknights changed wiki So the old pictures in the old wikis are broken and taken down
Oh, that.

I was there to see all the funny vandalism. Google still refuses to show in its search results, but you should switch to better search engines anyway that isn't such a problem.

Considering how Linette does not have Unity or Turbulent Will, kinda want to bring her along - but she'd have to go on Sieg's team because of Lies so...
Also, considering how Mlynar was someone Linette valued and thought was a good idea to bring to a Color/Aleph Tier fight..

The note says it's best if she does not have a good relationship with Operator Saria- best to keep that in mind.
So, why are we voting to keep them on the same team again?
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[X] Siracusa
-[X] Leader: Beats
-[X] Linette
-[X] Mlynar
-[X] Lappland
-[X] Blemishine
-[X] Phantom

[X] Columbia
-[X] Leader: Yourself
-[X] Wympe
-[X] Nicole

-[X] Saria
-[X] Silence
-[X] Quintus

There are several factors we need to consider before launching a mission to either Siracusa and Columbia.

I'll go over Siracusa first. It's a relatively stagnant country owing to the fact that the civil government is just a polite fiction. Signora Sicilia has stabilized the country by uniting the Siracusan Mafia under her, but the balance of power between the families is fragile. We'll need to make a big enough splash to convince Sinclair's employers to deploy him by threatening said balance, but not too big that Signora Sicilia decides to gun for our heads.

This is where Beats, Linette and Mlynar come in. Beats and Linette know how to navigate Terra's political and financial scene and they do have some notoriety thanks to their careers in Kazimierz. Together with Mlynar and Blemishine who are Kazimierz nobility (albeit fallen on hard times), this means that the Siracusan Mafia will have to take them seriously. It'd help if whatever business proposals Beats and co. might cook up has financial backing from Rhodes Island too, but that's secondary to the fact that they have Lappland with them.

Lappland, as mentioned before, is a political handgrenade to Siracusa. She's heir to the Saluzzo, one of Sicilia's major criminal families, and now she returns with Kazimierz money, business and nobility with her?

That's going to draw eyes to them no matter what, and if the Saluzzos (or whatever other family decides to court Beats) potentially become ascendant over the other families and threaten Siracusa's peace, why, that might be cause for Sinclair to step in and stop them.

All else goes wrong, we have Phantom in Siracusa making sure our team there is informed about everything that goes on in the shadows.

Also, fun family bonding time between Linette, Mlynar and Blemishine. :p

Then, there's Columbia. I prioritized it over Siracusa due to the presence of a Distortion, and we'll definitely want Sieg on the off-chance that we encounter it. It's also why I brought Quintus with us since he's incredibly attuned to the Light and should be able to warn us if the distortion is near.

Unlike Siracusa, Columbia has a strong, stable government. Business is cutthroat, and while the danger of assassins is a thing, they're more likely to bury and stall us with legal issues than anything else. To that end, we absolutely need Wympe to help us cut through all that red tape. Nicole and Quintus will also be incredibly useful in this matter since they have skills in infiltration which should allow us to keep progressing even if we are caught in red tape.

Saria is recommended by Kal'tsit and she does have a lot of connections in Columbia, so she's an autopick. We know Mr. H does business with Rhine Labs too, so having her and Silence should hopefully help us track our Turb Members in Columbia down. We're gonna have to mediate between them since they're not on speaking terms, but they're professional enough that they won't fight at least.

Finally, Wympe's been wanting to get some action so let's let her stretch her muscles. Nicole also wants to have a talk with Sieg, and that seems like something we shouldn't put off for long.
[X] Siracusa
-[X] Leader: Beats
-[X] Linette
-[X] Mlynar
-[X] Lappland
-[X] Blemishine
-[X] Phantom

[X] Columbia
-[X] Leader: Yourself
-[X] Wympe
-[X] Nicole

-[X] Saria
-[X] Silence
-[X] Quintus

Seems fair enough, but what about the Linette antagonising people problem?
[X] Siracusa
-[X] Leader: Beats
-[X] Linette
-[X] Mlynar
-[X] Lappland
-[X] Blemishine
-[X] Phantom
[X] Columbia
-[X] Leader: Yourself
-[X] Wympe
-[X] Nicole
-[X] Saria
-[X] Silence
-[X] Quintus
Acceptable and Agreeable.
I hope that we will be seeing both sides, the sheer madness that lappland represents will be so fun...
However I am a bit sad that we won't be seeing our little buddy Ayam...
I really want to see the little guy because he is by far the most Intriguing little buddy for me in this quest.
Who else was at the prison with Heavy and Alvar? I know Mountain was, so maybe he has some idea where they went?
Who else was at the prison with Heavy and Alvar? I know Mountain was, so maybe he has some idea where they went?
As per the event, Kafka, Robin, and Saria. Silence also knows what happened (even if she didn't believe it at first). So do Mayer, Pinecone, and Mumu.
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[X] Siracusa
-[X] Leader: Beats
-[X] Linette
-[X] Mlynar
-[X] Lappland
-[X] Blemishine
-[X] Phantom

[X] Columbia
-[X] Leader: Yourself
-[X] Wympe
-[X] Nicole

-[X] Saria
-[X] Silence
-[X] Quintus
[X] Siracusa
-[X] Leader: Yourself.
-[X] Nicole
-[X] Arabella
-[X] Gavial
-[X] Phantom
-[X] Provence
-[X] Elysium
[X] Columbia
-[X] Leader: Saria
-[X] Capone
-[X] Texas
-[X] Lappland
-[X] Beats
-[X] Wympe

I wanted to give it a shot, so for Columbia I picked a few people that fit very well, like Saria, Beats, and Wympe to handle any complicated issues with combined implications of authority and tricky shenanigans, then added in Texas, Lappland, and Capone. Part of that is because they're a solid mix of mobility, violence, and scouting, but also because I think putting all the people who really hate Siracusa in one place will be very interesting.

For Siracusa, I really do want time to speak with Nicole, and she does probably fit in well with them the way Sinclair does. Arabella will love the chance to be dramatic and watch a Siracusan play, and kill Siracusan mafia. I just really love Gavial, and a medic will probably be helpful in keeping things peaceful, especially if she decides to just beat the shit out of a bunch of people. Provence actually knows her way around and is probably welcome, so with her introduction and Elysium we have a good shot at talking things out. Elysium would also be able to work with Phantom incase we need to quietly slaughter a bunch of people, too, so I think this would work.
Random Limbus Identities
The Abbot-Commander

Meursault Identity

Max HP: 218 [Stagger Thresholds: 197, 80]
Weak to Pierce, Strong against Blunt
Defense Level: 420
Base Speed: 4-6

  • 3x Preparations for a Pilgrimage
    • Damage: Pierce
    • Base: 4
    • Coins: 2x +4
    • Offense Level: 38
    • Gain an Oblation of St. Stalactite if the Skill is discarded (Up to 7)
    • On Use: If Oblations are above 2, Coin Power +1. If Oblations are below 2, gain an Oblation.
    • [Coin I]: Inflict 2 Tremor. Take 2 damage.
    • [Coin II]: Inflict 2 Tremor Count. Take 2 damage.
  • 2x Pilgrim's Progress
    • Damage: Blunt
    • Base: 6
    • Coins: 4x +1
    • Offense Level: 38
    • Gain two Oblations of St. Stalactite if the Skill is discarded (Up to 7)
    • On Use: Discard the Skill of the lowest rank in all of this unit's Skill Slots
    • On Use: Coin Power + 1 for every 2 Oblations
    • [Coin I] Inflict 3 Tremor, then take 3 damage.
    • [Coin II] Inflict 3 Tremor, then take 3 damage.
    • [Coin III] Inflict 3 Tremor, then take 3 damage.
    • [Coin IV]: Inflict 3 Tremor and heal HP equal to 30% of damage dealt (Includes damage inflicted by Passive)
  • 1x St. Stalactite's Saison
    • Damage: Blunt
    • Base: 5
    • Coins: 3x +3
    • Offense Level: 40
    • Gain three Oblations of St. Stalactite if the Skill is discarded (Up to 7)
    • On Use: Discard the Skill of the lowest rank in all of this unit's Skill Slots. Coin Power +1 for every 3 Oblations.
    • [Coin III] Inflict Tremor and Tremor Count equal to half of current Oblations (rounded down). If Oblations are equal to 7, add a fourth coin.
    • [Coin IV] Tremor Burst. If Tremor Count on enemy is equal or higher then twice the current Oblation value, add a fifth coin.
    • [Coin V] Tremor Burst. Take damage equal to total amount of Tremor on enemy (cannot reduce HP below 1). If this would cross a Stagger Threshold, remove it instead.
Guard Skill:
  • The Saint's Serenade
    • Base: 15
    • Coins: 1x +10
    • Offense Level: 38
    • On Use: Discard the Skill of the lowest rank in all of this unit's Skill Slots. Heal HP equal to [Total Amount of Ranks Between Discarded Skills x (4 + Oblations)].
Combat Skill: Halocline
  • 3x Gluttony (Owned)
  • Upon Bursting Tremor on a Staggered enemy for the first time, deal additional Pride damage equal to [Tremor x Tremor Count x Oblations)/7]. Upon further Tremor Bursts or upon Tremor Bursting an enemy with no Stagger Bars remaining, deal [Tremor x (Tremor Count + Oblations)/7] Pride damage instead.
Support Skill: Lachrymose Chartreuse
  • 4x Gloom (Res.)
  • All allies heal 15 HP and 10 SP, but receive 4 Defense Level Down for this turn.
The Princess of the Tomb-Colonies

Don Quixote Identity

Max HP: 157 [Stagger Thresholds: 139, 67]
Weak to Pierce, Strong against Slash
Base Speed: 4-8
Defense Level: 40

  • 3x Bold, Daring, Brazen
    • Damage: Slash
    • Base: 4
    • Coins: 2x +4
    • Offense Level: 40
    • On Use: Gain 3 Haste next turn. At 10+ Speed, reuse the second coin.
    • [Coin I]: Gain 2 Damage Up next turn.
    • [Coin II]: Inflict 1 Bind next turn.
  • 2x Bandaged Swordmaster
    • Damage: Slash
    • Base: 6
    • Coins: 2x +4
    • Offense Level: 40
    • On Use: Gain 2 Haste next turn. At 10+ Speed, reuse the second coin.
    • [Coin I]: Inflict 3 Bind next turn
    • [Coin II]: Gain 3 Defense Power Up next turn
  • 1x Rending Lance
    • Damage: Pierce
    • Base: N/A
    • Coins: 3x +3
    • Offense Level: 40
    • This skill's Base Power is equal to Speed. Gain +1 Coin Power for every 3 Speed advantage you have over the enemy (Max. 6)
    • On Use: Gain 5 Haste next turn.
    • [Coin III]: Deal +10% damage for every 1 Speed advantage you have over the enemy (Max. +200%) Inflict 2 Bind next turn, then gain Haste next turn equal to current Bind on enemy.
Evade Skill:
  • Legendary Duelist
    • Base: 6
    • Coins: 1x +10
    • Offense Level: 39
    • On Evade: Gain 2 Haste next turn (Max. 8)
Combat Skill: Fair Play
  • 2x Lust (Owned)
  • On Clash Win, gain 1 Haste next turn. On Clash Lose, gain 1 Bind next turn.
Passive Skill: Elder Continental
  • HP cannot go below 1 until this passive is triggered. At the start of the turn, if HP is 1, un-stagger self and heal all HP. Afterwards, disable this passive for the rest of the Encounter.
Support Skill: Bloodsport
  • 4x Pride (Res.)
  • All allies heal 5 SP and gain 1 Haste next turn.
Black Ribbon Duelist

Yi Sang Identity

Max HP: 168 [Stagger Thresholds: 112, 66]
Weak to Slash, Strong against Pierce
Defense Level: 42
Base Speed: 4-8

  • 3x Fearsome Duelist
    • Damage: Pierce
    • Base: 13
    • Coins: 1x -7
    • Offense Level: 40
    • On Use: Gain 4 Poise and lose 7 SP
    • [Coin I]: Gain 1 Poise Count
  • 2x So Be It
    • Damage: Pierce
    • Base: 14
    • Coins: 2x -5
    • Offense Level: 40
    • On Clash Win: Gain 4 Poise and lose SP equal to twice the amount of Poise on self [Max. 15]
    • [Coin I]: Gain 3 Poise Count
  • 1x A Bringer of Death
    • Damage: Slash
    • Base: 20
    • Coins: 2x -7
    • Offense Level: 43
    • On Use: Gain Offense Level Up and Damage Up for every 2 Poise on self (Up to 5), then lose SP equal to twice the amount of Poise on self [Max 20].
    • [Coin II (On Crit)]: Deal 10% extra Critical Damage for each Poise Count on self [Up to +100%]
Evade Skill:
  • 1x Hard-Earned Lesson
    • Damage: Slash
    • Base: 10
    • Coins: 1x +6
    • Offense Level: 39
    • On Evade: Gain 1 Poise and heal 5 SP
Combat Skill: Red-Honeyed Memories
  • 3x Gloom (Owned)
  • Deals more Critical Damage as SP is lost (up to +100% at -45 SP).
Support Skill: The Royal Fencing Instructor
  • 4x Pride (Res.)
  • An ally with the highest Poise Count deals 30% additional damage on a Critical Hit.
Waterlogged Drownie

Sinclair Identity

Max HP: 146 [Stagger Thresholds: 110]
Weak to Pierce, Strong against Blunt
Base Speed: 3-7

  • 3x Song of the Deep
    • Damage: Blunt
    • Base: 5
    • Coins: 3x + 2
    • Offense Level: 38
    • [Coin I]: Inflict 2 Sinking Count
    • [Coin II]: Inflict 2 Sinking Count
  • 2x Effluvia
    • Damage: Blunt
    • Base: 7
    • Coins: 1x +8
    • Offense Level: 38
    • [Coin I]: Inflict 5 Sinking
  • 1x Keelgrasper
    • Damage: Pierce
    • Base: 4
    • Coins: 4x +3
    • Offense Level: 40
    • On Use: If the enemy's SP is negative or they have over 7 Sinking Count, Coin Power +1
    • [Coin Í]: Inflict 1 Sinking Count
    • [Coin II]: Inflict 1 Sinking Count
    • [Coin III]: Inflict 1 Sinking Count
    • [Coin IV]: Inflict 1 Sinking Count
Counter Skill:
  • Cold Touch
    • Damage: Pierce
    • Base: 6
    • Coins: 2x +3
    • [Coin I]: Inflict 3 Sinking
    • [Coin II]: Inflict 3 Sinking
Combat Skill: Come Home To Us
  • 4x Gloom (Res.)
  • Inflict [Gloom Res/2] Sinking Count to all enemies, rounded up.
Support Skill: Rubbery Lumps
  • 5x Gloom (Owned)
  • The ally with the highest HP inflicts +1 Sinking Count.

Some random Limbus identities I thought of while writing the next chapter of my other quest.
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