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Interlude: Rhine Labs
Interlude: Rhine Labs

Don't let any rumours of this thing leak. As far as everyone knows, there is no Ironworm. The Mansfield Prison was not slaughtered by a monster- it was a catastrophic mechanical failure. If we have to throw some people under the bus, do it- it's a necessary sacrifice.

This thing could revolutionize science as we know it. It violates our current understanding of physics, of Arts, of anything.

Name a field of science, and I can name you a dozen ways it's violated the basic assumptions that hold that field up. It's that baffling.

Like I said. Priceless.

If Control wasn't still stuck dreaming, she'd realize the value of this creature. Hopefully Originium Arts or Ecological will agree with me. But that's for later.

For now, we have to get it out of that prison.

Muelsyse saw the light first, as she walked into the alley.

It was a strange one.

A yellow-green bioluminescence coated the small sapling's leaves. That small, fragile thing, held in the man's hands, was trembling.

It hadn't been cared for properly.

They gave it food, and water, but they didn't know enough about it to truly nurture its small, fragile form.

It's unlikely that they would know about its specific dietary needs, or how it had a tendency to grow extremely quickly during the early stages of its life, needing to have its container replaced constantly.

They would also not know about the ways you can stall its development without harming it, by shining a certain frequency of light over its surface- mimicking the glow of the algae-laced waters near its natural habitat, who shine in a different way during a period of scarcity, a way that leads the plant to believe it is not yet time to grow.

She frowned.

Of course they wouldn't know- the information is scarce. The plant is endangered, and it wasn't obtained with much finesse or care- why would they give it that afterward?

But still…

She was not a fan of working with Alvar, even if he has an annoying tendency of making himself needed. Hopefully, he didn't bring that friend of his.

The Zalak wasn't paying attention to his surroundings.

She could just sweep in, take the plant from its box, and run. She wouldn't, though- because she knew him.

He wasn't being careless because he was an idiot. He was being careless because he could afford to. He could outspeed her fastest clone and take the plant from its hands before she could finish blinking. It was futile.

How is he so fast, she wondered.

What little information they have on him- from his first, and only arrest- suggested something, some sort of spring-like structure, fused with his tibia.

Many- in Rhine Labs, in the Columbian underworld, in law enforcement agencies, amongst Messengers- wondered who were Mr. H and Alvar, the highwaymen who steal from Columbia's prominent tech companies, and supposedly sell the technology to the highest bidder in complete secrecy?

Eyes hidden behind his safety helmet, the Zalak lightly prodded the plant's partially emerging roots.

Muelsyse thought the plant was clearly chafing in that minuscule vase. It better not have been permanently damaged.

"Yo." he said. "Here for your plant?"

Muelsyse smiled.

"Of course!" she answered. "You can stop shuffling around, big guy. You're not as subtle as you think you are."

Breathing loudly, the 400 kilogram bald behemoth slithered out of a box in the corner. A box certainly too small for him, and in a way that would require a very flexible spine.

While the man towered over Muelsyse, and the gleam in his black shades made for a frightening atmosphere, the Director of Rhine Labs' Ecological Section had been sufficiently exposed to his ridiculous behaviour to feel absolutely no fear.

Mr. H came closer to her hair. His nose somehow seemed to stretch past his face, in a bizarre sort of movement that defied traditional understanding of nose tissue and buried itself on her forehead, before returning to its rightful place with a sniffing sound that didn't actually connect with the movement of his nostrils.

Then, his face twisted with an audible snap.

Forcing itself into an equally unnatural frown. Too expressive to fit a human face. Too flexible to fit flesh, muscle or bone. It was something else.

He mumbled something about water and smell in broken Columbian, filtered through something that sounded like you smashed the legs of an Ursus accent with a tire iron, and passed through the floor and into the basement of the house underneath.

Muelsyse blinked.


"Where's the rest?" she asked, now that this… event was done with. "You said there were more."

Alvar shrugged.

"Don't know much. Think that was all, sorry. Why do you want those anyway?"

"Well, Mr. Alvar, those plants have an unique sort of bioluminescence, you know. They're very rare nowadays, but the symbiotic bacteria that covers their leaves glows brightly, and is highly nutritious to several insect species. Entire ecosystems can sustain themselves on this plant alone."

Alvar checked the time on his Wicked Mouse watch. It was currently 16:35, standard Columbian timezone.

"I guess you want them for your garden or something. That's nice. Shame on the Originium sensitivity, though." he noted, before pausing. "Guess that's why it's so rare nowadays. It was a pain transporting it here."

It was exactly thanks to that.

With the opening of an increasing amount of Originium mining facilities around its original habitats, this particular plant- the lucidic bush- had quickly become an endangered species.

The bacterial colonies that dwelt on its leaves didn't react well to the increasing amount of Originium granules in the air- and died off quickly.

With their death, the insects that fed on them and pollinated the bush itself perished shortly after. The animals who survived off the insects fell as well, and from there, a total collapse of the ecosystem followed.

What few specimens of the lucidic bush remained were in the collections of rich eccentrics, in the laboratories of universities and corporations, and one particular specimen had been acquired from the starving forest around a newly-established Originium mine.

It was rumoured to be a potent Originium Arts enhancer, a key ingredient of a regenerative tonic, and a hallucinogenic drug capable of inducing a state of understanding of the cosmos.

It was none of those things. What made it valuable to Muelsyse was another thing entirely- its value to an ecosystem that she had, for quite some time, been attempting to reconstruct, if only in a limited format.

"You really got some nerve, stealing from Rhine Labs and then selling right back to us for a higher price." said Muelsyse. "Are you really sure those were all that was left from the transport?"

"With you being the Wing bigwig that you are, Muelsyse," noted Alvar. "If you can't pay what we're asking for this bush, you should probably go looking for some budget expansions. It's not much."

Muelsyse blinked. Wing? Then shook her head.

"You know it's not that easy… I'm just the teensy weensy Director of Ecological! I can't go around and just ask for a budget expansion! I had to pay for this out of my own pocket!"

Alvar raised a single eyebrow and offered the box with the plant.

"Really." he asked, before pausing. "Actually. Don't answer. I don't care. Hope we see each other again, Miss Director. Your money is as good as any other."

She took the plant in her hands. Didn't say a word.

Shortly after, Alvar was alone once again, in that alley.

He wouldn't be for long.

...Sir, your insurance premiums for the month.

That's too much. I- I can't afford this.

Sir, if you cannot pay before the deadline, we will only cover prescription drug costs for the rest of the month. And you'll need to get a physical at a designated health care facility before that, don't you.

Damn, the physical... I don't have enough for that on my own. But I already paid...

Sir, if you can't pay your premiums on time, then you definitely can't afford a physical examination, or the follow-up treatment.


We've been told that your Oripathy has been worsening recently, hasn't it? Have you reported any acute symptoms? Pain around the stomach region, where your crystal aglomerations were last detected?

I'm feeling fine, damn it!

Sir, we have here- right here- your last purchase. That's quite a lot of analgesic drugs. Are you sure you-

I've been working my ass off this month and you still want more. The hell you want me to do? What can I even do?

Well, considering your health and the social issues around it, a possible option would be to move into an Infected treatment zone next month.

Infected... treatment zone? No, no. I can't go there.

Well, sir, if you don't want to enjoy the discounts offered in a specialized treatment zone...

Wait. How long do I have until I have to pay?

Until next week, sir.

...alright. I can pay. Trust me in this.

Are you sure?

Yeah. There was that one contract... for Rhine Labs. Something to do with the recovery of a subject. The pay's more then enough.

Very well, sir.

And besides... I'm Infected. I haven't exactly got a lot to lose. Mansfield...

Date: January ██th, ████
To: Muelsyse
From: █████

We've recovered the specimen. It doesn't seem to be moving, but the properties you observed were indeed confirmed.

Whatever it is, it can survive anywhere- in the absence of breathable air, under extreme heat, under the cold of the absolute zero. The material we've extracted from its body is replenished soon enough, and it maintains its properties.

Energy is still excited about it. Ferdinand hasn't left the room since we did that preliminary scan of its outer layer and of the samples. Parvis is interested too.

That said, we still haven't pierced that layer. We've theorized the creature's got to have some kind of innards, but so far- nothing. It runs on nothing, I guess.

That said… the properties of its ferrofluid body are baffling.

I think this might be perfect. It might be what we're looking for.

"Hello, Mr. Parvis." noted the receptionist, through the phone. "Are you well? This is the third time this week you've called in sick."

The elderly Caprinae chuckled through the phone line.

"It's nothing. Just some headaches. I'll come back soon enough."

Date: January ██th, ████
To: Dorothy
From: Ferdinand

Regarding the Transmitter project, Dorothy: I think you might find this particular material very useful.

"Again?" said Muelsyse.

This time, she was the one to wait for him. He was carrying another box- this time, many jars full of tiny, chittering insects.

"" he answered with a shrug.

It really wasn't his problem if Columbia kept making their trains so easy to sneak into. Maybe Rhine Labs could invest into better transportation methods?

"You paid me my price already. I'm just here to hand you your bees, Muelsyse." he noted.

In the background, Mr. H was looming over an increasingly intimidated Rhine Labs security guard. The man was quaking on his boots by now, but he wasn't letting go of his weapon.

Whatever he could do to him wasn't worse than what Saria would do. If the Director of Defense learned he was-

Ah. Right.

Forgot about that.

"Wasn't me last time, you know. With the flowers." muttered Alvar, ignoring the occurrence in the corner. "Got it from some guys trying to sell it, swiped it right off their hands. Figured you'd like it."

He handed the box to the Elf without much fanfare. After checking a bit to see if the insects were alive, she nodded.

There was something strange about him.

"You, Mr. Alvar. You never really told me what you were doing before..." she made a wide gesture. "All of this. You said you had, what was it? A pretty nice job?"

Blatantly fishing for information, sure, but it worked. Alvar nodded and made a pensive expression.

"Yeah. My old boss' gone, though, so that's out of the picture. I didn't feel like going back to construction work, so..."

"Construction work?"

Interesting. He'd pretended to be one as part of the Mansfield breakout, but she didn't know he actually had been one at some point.

"What made you drop that? Not well-paying enough, hm?"

"Not really. I ran over some kid with a steamroller."

Muelsyse blinked.


"Yeah. The kid was just there, and I was driving the thing, not really paying attention. Got fired after that." he said, with another shrug. He didn't seem to care much. It was just a thing that happened.

In that moment Muelsyse realized she really didn't know anything at all about the person in front of her.

And that was that, at least for now.

Dorothy Franks poured a vial of a strange, silvery material down a tube.

As if fell into the black, metallic fluid below, something strange happened. It started... mixing. Merging.

Every reading coming from the bottle had stopped making sense.

The material baffled, and fascinated her. This fluid didn't seem to obey any logic but its own.

It was impossibly light at times, and impossibly heavy at others- with no real rhyme or reason to its shifts. It changed density on a whim.

And now, it was mixing with her material, of its own initiative. It seemed almost alive, even after being separated from the main body, and moved many miles away.

There was possibility, there- it had something governing its movement. Dorothy was sure she could understand- she was sure she could grasp what was behind it.

Returning to her laptop, she tapped a command into the prompt.


The liquid obeyed.

Date: January ██nd, ████
To: Muelsyse
From: █████

The specimen is stirring. It reacted badly to something- when we brought it to the terrarium to test its reactions again. We think it's that plant you brought yesterday.

Energy brought something new, a drill. Cooked up by Originium Arts specifically to drive through its tissue. I'm forwarding you the blueprints. Using it, we've managed to extract something from its inner layer.

It's black. We're unsure of what it actually is, but the scans are all returning… water.

Regular purified water.

That can't be, obviously.

Now, we can't move it from its spot, and it's… almost sniffing it? It doesn't seem to have a nose. It's a mass of iron and bone.

I'll keep you updated, Director.

"It's not a plant this time." mused Alvar.

He wasn't sure of what was in the package- it was some kind of sphere, warm to the touch. Probably some Singularity trick.

Muelsyse was taking a lot of time to get here, for sure. It was almost like he blew up that transport for nothing.

He chuckled. H would be already be grumbling if he was here.

Unfortunately, he was not. Every time some new season of the newest Higashian cartoon he was hooked on showed up in Columbia, he'd become unavailable for a week or two. Just normal stuff- Alvar was long since used to it by now.

Didn't mean it wasn't annoying, though.

Man, he really could go for some-

Before he could finish the sentence or Muelsyse could arrive to receive the package, however, he heard a sound. Something crushing the pavement.

Something hissing, for one second. And then, the grinding of metal passing through stone.

"Mr. Parvis?"


"Didn't you call in sick?"

"Yes, yes, I did. But there's been a recent discovery, you see. I couldn't exactly stay home."

"Ah. Well, sir, I think you should take more care with your health..."

"Ha, because I'm old, no?"

"No, sir, it's not that. I just think that-"

"Don't worry much about me. You're still young. You've got much ahead of you. I don't have much time to spend sitting on my bed. Have you heard of the new test subject we got our hands on?"

"The... ferrofluid mutant, sir?"

"It's not exactly a mutant. The Arts spectrometers didn't locate any Originium residue. That said... we've found something else."

"Something else?"

"Not to toot my own horn much, but it was my idea. Using some old symphonic Arts formulas to translate light into music- old stuff, barely in use nowadays- we managed to detect an entirely new kind of radiation, being emitted from its body. A variety of radiation entirely different from anything Originium can produce."

"That... is interesting. I imagine Energy's interested already."

"Oh yes, Energy and Originum Arts. Ecological's finding more use on the properties of its liquid body. Did you know it can violate conservation of mass? Or at least, we think it can."

"Violate conservation of mass... I see. So, I imagine we're going to be collaborating with Directors Dorothy and Ferdinand more closely in the future."

"We will! This creature really is fascinating. We don't know what it is, or from where it came from. The only identifying details are the DNA samples encountered on its bones. Tied to one Jesselton Miller. I imagine Ferdinand knew him, by the look in his face when we investigated."

Ahrens Parvis pauses, massaging the side of his head with an index finger.

"Are you well, sir?"

"It's just a headache. They've been getting better recently."

"Do you believe... it might be a side effect?"

"Of the radiation? Possible, and unfortunate if so. After the discovery, we've placed the creature in isolation, but there was an interesting thing..."


"We used the formulas on the areas the creature visited, calibrated to detect that mystery radiation. But the control variables also reported a somewhat lower amount- even though they were kept far, far away from here. Radiation that we are sure should have been detected, in some way, earlier. If not by us, then by another institute. It seems as if this mysterious energy is all around Columbia, now, and did not exist before."

He smiled at the young researcher.

"That's interesting, isn't it?"

Date: January ██nd, ████
To: Muelsyse
From: █████

I felt their sound.

It soaks those leaves.

We're coming.

There was a creature, there.

Its very presence radiated danger.

Every movement, every slurred twitch, had the primal, ancient parts of the human brain trying desperately to communicate that ancient knowledge- this is serious. This is a monster.

It was a gigantic, melting blob of liquid iron- many bone daggers and skeletal hands bursting from the boiling surface. But, simultaneously, the environment was silent- too silent. The only sound he could hear was the grinding, incessant and torturing to listen to.

Laughter echoing in the sky.

The form of the Distortion twitched. It recognized him. It knew him. The man in front of him, who was already taking his hammer from the backpack, was recognizable. Faintly so.

But what was more recognizable was something else.

A sound.

It was blind. It was mute. Its skull had melted into slurry and bone fragments. Its skin, its legs, its arms were all dissolved, so it could not touch. But it could still hear.

It heard the past and present. Transmissions on its head. Here, something had echoed. Here, someone spoke.

On the coat of Alvar, it felt the sound of laughter. A loud, boisterous laughter. It hated that laughter. It was the reason as to why it was what it was. Its mind was broken, shattered, but it hated things. It hated many things.

It hated white fur. It hated Liberi. It hated Rhine Labs. It hated bone, and pain. It hated itself.

But it also hated Mr. H, and his incessant noise.

It couldn't attack.

It wouldn't attack.

Not until it was told to.

It was an actor. A toy. An amusing thing for an audience. An audience that was always, always laughing at its antics.

It was a show. It was all a show.

Alvar could see it now, almost imperceptible. Infinitesimally thin strings, connecting the blob's melted appendages to something, high up in the sky. Those strings were not always there. They were connected to something, but not always.

Only when the show was in session.

Only at the appointed time.

Faces twisted into cruel grins, they were dolls of bone and cloth. The garbs of a prisoner, of a warden, of a construction worker.

They were smiling and laughing.

They always were.

I suppose I really am getting old.

Though… I'm not too ready to just accept a voice in my head yet. I've yet to stoop to that level, you see.

That said, I'm a scientist. I would be open to researching an interesting phenomenon… if it would do the polite thing, and tell me its name.

"Carmen." Yes, that is a nice name. You're a scientist, as well, hm.

Well, I'm Ahrens Parvis, Miss Carmen.

It's nice to meet you.
Man, the Rhine Lab events already were crazy enough as it is. This is going to make things so much worse. Aren't they talking about the Well at some point?
Interlude: The Bloodfiend and the Bishop II
Interlude: The Bloodfiend and the Bishop II

In the city of Kawalerielki, there are many hidden corners. Broken houses, abandoned alleyways of the Infected district, all sorts of little nooks and crannies where something could hide within.

Adrift in a sea of misery, that is all those places can be, left behind as they were by the sun-kissed world.

Sitting next to one of those places, is a building. It is incomplete, the construction workers having long since left the area. Whatever was the reason. A broken castle, monument to the crumbling tale of Kazimierz.

Perhaps they only left after numerous issues with the firm that wanted them to build a new skyscraper. Incompetence, lack of expertise and weakness of superiors blinded by greed and foolishness might have brought an end to this work. Perhaps there was an enormous, fiery battle of wills in the courts, in the battlefield of legality and technicality, that ended with their victory. Perhaps they simply weren't paid enough to continue, the labourer's worthy reward denied and the work it was meant to pay for following shortly after.

The haunting sight of the decay of the cityscape only reveals the darkness beneath the world's skin.

In the end, all that is left is a barely one story tall wreck, with a steel base forming a twisted sort of roof. An incomplete work that nevertheless served a purpose for a greater being, and as such has its right to exist confirmed.

It is an entity much like the ancient tribes of Fiends. Created for an unknown reason, long since lost to time, and yet worthy on its own way, for its mere existance paved the way for greatness to occur.

And above it stands a lone vampiric presence.

She is magnificent. A hauntingly beautiful sight. Her eyes are set alight with a crimson shine, and to gaze upon her is to contemplate a masterwork of causality. Generations have lived and died to ultimately craft her abd bring her into the world and in doing so they were proven worthy.

Her flawless beauty shines under the starlight, reflecting the glow of the skies above.

She is as alluring as she is dangerous. A frenzied thirst awaits behind her mask of civility, and her perfect elegance diverts from her strength and power.

"It is kind of funny, you know." she says to someone.

Silence. The person is here. They are simply not answering. But they are here, they would not have left. They are simply ignoring those words, immersed in their own thoughts…

"Yes. It indeed is. Surely, it's a jest of some sorts."

Continued silence.

"Come on. Show yourself already, Quintus." finishes the presence, grinning madly. "We've got unfinished business."

The woman is you. You are a Bloodfiend. Your eyes blaze with crimson light, and you heart beats with anticipation.

One could say it's morning, right now. Though the sun is not yet rising, the city is not yet waking up, it is still morning.

Right now, you're a bit tired. After all, you were up all night, weren't you?

Ayam wanted to come by your side. They even snuck out of the landship and followed you. But no. You would not let them. Perhaps they could speak to Quintus later. They need to rest, for now. They're a growing child, after all, and a child needs their sleep. You came here, sensing his fetid scent in the air, the lingering taste of his twisted, abominable blood in your tongue.

You remember it. You remember it very well.

Seawater and sadness, yes. You've felt it before, back in Sal Viento. You've gotten to know it, you became familiar with it, almost intimately so.

You remember that tree, a tree with no leaves, no roots, no flowers or fruits or even seeds. Less a tree, and more a coral reef growing through your flesh.

Drinking deeply of your blood, and giving it to We Many.

We Many.

What a strange name. You could feel its presence inside that tree.

"Nethersea Brand," that's what it was made of. An immense pile of microorganisms, made for growing, overtaking, secreting that corrosive, neurodegenerative miasma into its vicinity.

It screamed inside your head. It wanted you, but you were perhaps a little too spicy for it.

It wouldn't recognize you as a threat until the very end, until it was too late.

Even though you found what the Seaborn did to your blood rather disrespectful, it was worth it in the end.

You did find Ayam, didn't you?

But now, you have to get Quintus to come out of his little hole.

You can practically taste his doubt, his uncertainty. It clings to him, a thick, cloying mist around his soul. He is in quite an obvious hiding spot, hidden in the shadows behind a dumpster, completely silent.

He hears you. He slithers out of his little corner, looking directly into your eyes. He does not seem to be afraid.

"...I do not see the humor." he mutters to himself.

You raise an eyebrow. Really?

"I have every reason to kill you, Bischof von Sal Viento. You, and your Seaborn brethren-"

"I do not... I am not sure if they are my brethren. Not anymore."

You pause, blinking. You were not expecting that.

He is different from before. Where is that bishop who faced you? The preacher and philosopher cloaked in his sea-green robes? Who did not even blink when you sliced off their hand? The appearance is familiar, but the person underneath is faded and weakened.

Doubt fills their heart, just as you sensed before. And something else, something you can't quite pin down, but that feels recognizable. It feels like Adam, and like Capone. If it is what you think it is, then it isn't good.

Sieg told you of the Light, and you... you fear its consequences, in a way. You would not admit it, but the fact that it can uplift the weakest to such absurd levels as long as they show resolve, or allow themselves to be consumed by desire...

It is not pleasing to you. Not all convictions are worthy. Not all conclusions should be held onto. And power granted by allowing oneself to be consumed by desire...

It brings perverse incentives. Would it not push the denizens of the City towards an even greater degree of disregard of their fellows? Would the souls of the weak intentionally attempt to sink and drown in the name of power? To allow desire to swallow you whole is to destroy yourself. To become a falsity and a shadow.

You are not happy with the conclusions you've drawn. Perhaps you have misunderstood those powers, yes, but what you've seen is not pleasing.


"Truly? Erwarten Sie wirklich, dass ich daran glaube?"

"Yes, truly. My doubts started with... my worship of them. I might have lost my way. I cannot... I cannot see the Seaborn as divine, not anymore. They are an entirely different kind of life, but still life. Still, ultimately, mortal, and quite fallible, certainly not inevitable, or the only path forward..." he explains, mournfully. Those are not conclusions that he finds very pleasing or comforting. "You were the start of my questions. When your blood tainted the sea, when I lost everything I had. That was the beginning."

"That was your own mistake." you answer. "You did not have to pick up my body from that beach."

Ah, that was an interesting day, definitely.

This woman is a nightmare.

Color, certainly. Almost as evasive as Alvar- and those bursts of speed… you've never seen anyone like this.

Sieg at his best isn't this fast. Alvar is as fast, but not this mobile, not this agile, not this flexible, not as capable of leveraging his speed in combat. Only Claws are this mobile, and they employ literal teleportation.

She almost gives the impression of teleporting, with how fast and agile she is.

You can feel the pulses of air, with every hypersonic burst of speed. She's faster than the eye can track, not that you'd be able to really judge her on that field- she slashed your eyes off last time you crossed blades.

That fucking Bishop. You hope he finds a merciless death. A drawn out, agonizing, slow death.

Another burst. Her feet barely even touch the ground before she's dashing again. Who the hell is this Bloodborne-looking ass?

The woman isn't carrying anyone anymore, and is focused on you, on hunting you down. You barely had time to tell Wympe to run before she was already upon you. Is she merely the Bishop's personal executioner? Something else entirely? They recognize each other, but when you called her the Bishop's bitch she actually looked disgusted.

The executioner theory doesn't really work. He didn't seem too fazed by anything you said or did, and did seem to really believe Wympe would inevitably become one of those sea monsters.

Does she want to put you both down before that happens? She seems to be in a merciful mood, but she's still trying to kill you!

Damn it, you're missing too many pieces of the puzzle. Need to keep fighting, need to get more information.

But you have a pointed feeling winning this fight will not be easy. Yes. In theory, it is possible.

She attacks, and you barely have time to pull yourself out of your thoughts and react. Your blade moves to deflect her strike, but the sheer strength behind it almost snaps your wrist like a twig.

Speed is strength. You know that well. Alvar's raw physical power may be lacking, but you are perfectly aware that "how strong you are" becomes completely meaningless when you have enough momentum backing you to translate into overwhelming force. But Alvar takes time to get going, to build up speed and get the springs inside his implants going.

She moves again. You can barely hear anything, you're quite sure your eardrums are busted by now, especially when she- urk!

You fail to predict the next hit, and she carves clean through your stomach, wielding her spear like an axe to hack at your entrails. How brutal.



Then, you snarl- and spit blood on her face. The nectar boils as it leaves your mouth. She takes the spear out and backs out in the span of a second, leaving the boiling liquid to splash harmlessly on the ground.

The woman spins back into position, gracefully. It's almost like she's dancing- the way her spear moves is hypnotic.

She's toying with you. Why else- why else all of this sort of stupid fucking stalling and playing around instead of just finishing you off- ugh.

You're not thinking straight. It's fancy footwork, that's all that there is no it. Cinqshit, just that.

She moves again. But you've got the hang of it. And hey, for someone like you being stabbed has its advantages, doesn't it?

Every splatter of your blood that she scattered around the air moves to attack. It all lashes out in tendrils, in a flurry of liquid edges. She's fast, but there's simply too many of them- and her own speed was her undoing.

You can't control them for long after they leave your body, and your control, your power, is at its strongest during the very peak of your agony.

She struck at you, and before a single drop of blood hit the floor, she was back on her feet, repositioning.

You smile brightly as a drop of blood pierces clean through what you think is her fat and full of blood thigh. And through her dainty left hand. And…

No other points. She dodged the rest.



You move. You can't stop moving. You're losing blood, and you need to lose more. Your sword moves and you slash through your own chest. She pauses for one second in the air- presumably also raising her eyebrow- but understands.

The blood spurts out like a vicious claw. Your sword moves again, swinging in a wide arc. What few wounds you've inflicted on your enemy were already closing. She dodged.

Doesn't matter.

You strike again, in an even wider arc, your sword wailing with hunger. It passes through the bloodsplatter, and the force of the slash expands, grows, severing the landscape, tearing an enormous wound through the sands…

And doing nothing to her. Yet again she dodges.

Your claw leaps at her, and she effortlessly sidesteps the blow… and then you bark out a laugh, or not really. Your mouth is full of blood, it's barely a gurgle.

No more of this.

Your influence spreads and festers through the battlefield. For one precious instant, all blood is yours to command.

Her wounds twist, and then burst out in an agonizing frenzy, as do yours. It is painful, so painful, your hemomancy inciting every single drop of blood in the vicinity, etching a single command into all of them- dance.

What happens next is as beautiful as it is short-lived. Your pain is so monumental- every organ in your body screaming for mercy- that for one second you have the strength needed for this.

The drops of blood in the air, from your wounds, from her wounds, are flying, tearing the battlefield apart.

With one movement, you will bring this play to its finale. Her speed is worthless. Every cubic centimeter of the arena is littered in blood drops, and moving in any direction will have her shredded as certainly as if she faced a firing squad, her own agility tearing her to pieces. If she moves, she's dead.

And if she doesn't, you'll tear her in half.

Your arm moves, and-


You can't do it.

Why? Why can't you-


You don't have the strength to do it. The drops dissipate. You can't muster enough strength.

You can't so that, because the edge of her weapon- that spear, her beautiful spear- has just hacked its way through your sternum, reaching your heart.

And so, you fall to the ground in an unceremonious heap, clutching your sword.

If you have to find your end, if you have to die- you'll die holding it. You have to. One last blow. You need to hit her one more time.

If you weaken her enough, Wympe can escape.

If you-

She pulls the spear from your torso, cracking your bones into pieces and scattering their fragments across the sands.

"No PC port, then?" you mumble, the words faint and fragile in your lips.

You try to move again, and- no.

Who are you kidding? You can barely even muster coherent thought.

She strikes again while you are downed, hacking at your torso in a way that is far too graceful for such a brutal act. Your carotid artery explodes. Your spine is shattered shortly after. You can't move now, even if you wanted to.

And you have basically no blood left.


Her eyes. You can see her gaze, for one second, through the blood and through the ruins of the past iteration of your own eyeballs.

They're so insufferable.

Oh, how you want to see this woman laid low. How you want to see her cry.


You guess you'll have to be satisfied with something else. Something better. Wympe will live. You trust in her to do so.

Every second she's here- looking at you, being infuriatingly, monstrously beautiful, this bastard woman who killed you for no good reason, is a victory.

You need some last words. You have the feeling she's the sort to stop to hear them.

"You- you." you gasp, through a bloodless, torn pair of lungs. You don't have anything in your head. You can't think of any last words.

That's so embarrassing.

You're such a fuckup.

Alright, you need to think before the last of your blood dribbles out of your brain.

Something squeezes its way out of your dying, suffocated parietal lobe. Something you don't understand, but it's something, and that's better then ending this tale with nothing at all…

"I love you." you blurt out.

The woman pauses. Great. Great! It worked! You had no idea of what it would do but it worked!

You laugh wordlessly as she stares at you incomprehendingly, before steeling herself, that cold look reforming. In her features, there is disdain.

The last thing you feel, long after she leaves, are the cold and slimy limbs of the sea creatures, carrying you off to somewhere unknown.

Yes. An interesting day, this one. The day where you met your little darling- the dazzling beauty Gladiia.

And almost got killed by her.

It's petty, but you've certainly enjoyed the small acts of revenge you've managed to perform since you both found your way to the employ of Rhodes Island.

Staining her wardrobe with blood, hiding rotting fish beneath her pillow, a few anonymous love letters here and there, the like.

She can't exactly complain after what she did to you, her face never stops being funny, and Specter shares your belief it's hilarious. Well, when she's in a state to think such things.

You're unsure about what Skadi thinks. You swear to your Ancestor that you saw her smiling after the bucket incident, even if you have no real way to prove it. Wympe says you were seeing things, but you're sure.

Quintus pauses, assessing you. "I did save your life, didn't I?"

You shrug. Does he think he did? You think it doesn't really matter.

"Maybe? That woman had left by that point, and I'm not halfway bad at staying alive."

Still. Even if he's right in that regard…

"Saving my life only to torture me afterwards, digging into my veins for my precious, oh-so-delightful sanguine nectar. That is not salvation at all, is it? Whatever goodwill you might have earned with your timely rescue has long since been spent."

Quintus sighs. He expected this from you.

"Have you come here to kill me?" he says. "That child is not here."

If you wanted to kill him, you would have given an entirely different speech.

"Nay, nay! You have earned a few more days of life, Bishop Quintus. But still, there is something you must do. You must take responsibility for thy actions. Verantwortung, ja!"

He tilts his head.

"Pardon me?"

You laugh.

"Raising a child is not an easy thing to do. I can telll you from experience, yes. And I could argue that you are Ayam's father, no?"

You present him with a sneer.

"I would very much enjoy killing you, Quintus. But Ayam wants you to live. I do not know why, not truly. But I will abide by their wishes. You will live, and you will follow me into Rhodes Island."

Quintus stares at you, in what seems to be complete disbelief. He does not have anything to say to you. You roll your eyes. Few things are worse then having your fellow actor forget their lines.

Ayam is special. A child of the sea and of the old blood. Borne of two curses, one foot on each of your worlds.

You do not know the Seaborn. Quintus does not know the Bloodfiends. If they are to attain their true potential, they will require an education- from both sides.

Alone, you cannot give Ayam that.

If they are to choose their own fate- to choose to be a Fiend, a Seaborn, both or neither, they must know, and understand- the tales of their progenitors, of the ancestors on both sides of each bloodline.

And one day you will have to present them before your Elders.

One day, Quintus will reveal them to the leaders of his Church- whoever they are.

Yes. For your child to have choice, true choice, they must be taught the truths and lies that come from both mouths. You are flawed, and perhaps Ayam will not fully understand what they can be if you alone teach.

Understanding dawns in Quintus' eyes. He has seen it. He has understood what you wish for.

"I do not believe I am in condition to raise a child. Mentally, I mean. And I cannot teach them of the Seaborn, if I myself do not even know what they are."

"Then we will speak of it together. You have had no one to challenge your assertions in quite some time, no? I believe some ecclesiastical debate is in order. Your doubts are unproved, malformed yet, aren't they? Let me give them life. Challenge me, test me, and I shall do the same to you."

"...very well." he answers. "However, I do not believe that I can enter Rhodes Island. I am detectable. The Abyssal Hunters would catch me in moments."

You grin. It is not a nice grin.

"You can heal, can't you?"


You unsheathe your blade. Quintus hesitates at the sight of its blood-red edge.

"You see, Quintus. If I cut your face, will it heal just as it was before? I doubt it. Such things are never that simple. I'll scar you, Quintus. I'll cut away every single tentacle you've got scurried away under that robe. I'll snap your limbs and break your spine until your posture is unrecognizable. I'll lacerate that face of yours so badly even the Abyssal Hunters will not be able to prove you are yourself. Then we'll get you a fake identity. Rhodes Island is going to be in here for some more time. We can do that."

"That will fool no one."

"It doesn't have to. Plausible deniability, Quintus. Plausible deniability. Don't you know it very well?

He spits out a chuckle.

"Ah, I do. As long as they can't prove it, they won't move. You're very lucky you are dealing with a softer environment. Such things would not pass in Iberia."

"They would not pass in the City, either. This world's a bit soft at times. Maybe that's good for them, but I'm happy to take advantage of it."

"I see. The City..." he takes another look at your weapon. "So just as I thought… you are no Sarkaz. You belong to somewhere beyond this land. Will you tell me of it?"

You take a look at him.

"You might have heard of something from that place already, you know. Have you been hearing voices, Quintus? Eine wärme Stimme?"

He looks alarmed. Spot on, then. That voice's already got its hooks on him, then? Capone got out, so there's that.

You even kind of like the guy. Very Syndicatey, though.

"I believe we have much to speak of. I accept your bargain." he speaks, before stopping to think. "...if possible, I would like it for you to make it quick."

"I won't."

No one voted for this one, but still, here's the final interlude of Arc 3! Thanks to @StarDragon, @Taut_Templar and @ertniter for the beta readings!
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So Quintus will be helping Arabella co-parent Ayam then?
If Arabella gets her way, yes. And she's good at that. Now we must await the results of their parenting.
A little bit of both I believe. Arabella talking about how graceful and beautiful Gladiia is while she's stabbing Arabella is kind of telling about how Arabella feels about the Abyssal Hunter.
Arabella's got some wires crossed in her head, what else is new?
Ahem, *slides on shipping glasses* ArabellaxGladiia anyone? Or is it her just fucking around with her
You guys take the shipping glasses off?

By the way, merry Christmas, everyone!
After reading through this quest, I have managed to finally get turbing after upgrading my laptop to be able to actually run the game with mods on.

Gotta say, my favorite Key Page is gotta be Sieg.
Memento - 6* Crusher Guard

Memento - 6* Crusher Guard

Tags: Crowd-Control, DPS


Memento, not a great conversationalist.

You must suffer, as I have...

Faction: ????, Rhine Labs
Traits: Attacks all blocked enemies.
3022 (Elite 0, Level 1)
3919 (Elite 0, Level 50)
4950 (Elite 1, Level 80)
6347 (Elite 2, MAX Level)
+500 (Trust Bonus)

723 (Elite 0, Level 1)
1011 (Elite 0, Level 50)
1305 (Elite 1, Level 80)
1548 (Elite 2, MAX Level)
+80 (Trust Bonus)

0 (Elite 0, Level 1)
0 (Elite 0, Level 50)
0 (Elite 1, Level 80)
0 (Elite 2, MAX Level)

RES - 0

DP Cost:
20 (Elite 0, Level 1)
20 (Elite 0, Level 50)
22 (Elite 1, Level 80)
22 (Elite 2, MAX Level)

Block: 2
Attack Interval: 2.5 sec
Redeployment Time: 70 Seconds

[X][ ]
DP Cost -1
Redeployment Time -3
Improves First Talent
DP Cost -1
Redeployment Time -3
Lost in Thought (Unlocked at E0)
Has Status Resistance. Receives a stack of Memories (up to a maximum of 5) whenever an ally is retreated or when 30% of HP is lost. Each stack of Memories reduces ASPD by 3 and increases Max. HP and ATK by 3%.

Lost in Thought (Upgraded at E2)
Has Status Resistance. Receives 2 SP and a stack of Memories (up to a maximum of 5) whenever an ally is retreated or when 20% of HP is lost. Each stack of Memories reduces ASPD by 5 and increases Max. HP and ATK by 6%.

Potential Effect: Increases SP gain by 1.

Echoes (Unlocked at E2)
After Memento spends 4 seconds without attacking, an attack is "stored." When attacking, deal an amount of hits proportional to attacks stored and reset the count. The maximum amount of stored attacks is equal to current Memories count.
Reminder (Auto Recovery) (Auto Trigger)
Initial SP: 0
SP Cost: 9

The next attack deals 100-160% of ATK as Physical damage and gives a Memory stack. If at maximum, this also heals HP proportional to damage dealt, then consumes a stack instead.

Each Mastery Rank increases ATK by 20%.

Let Go (Auto Recovery) (Manual Trigger) (15 seconds)
Initial SP: 0
SP Cost: 25

Purge all Memories stacks.

Heal 10-20% HP, gain 10-35% ATK and lose 10 ASPD for each Memory removed.

Each Mastery Rank reduces skill cost by 1, increases heal by 5%, and ATK by 5%.

Silence (Auto Recovery) (Manual Trigger) (20 seconds)
Initial SP: 16 (Gains 3 per Skill Level)
SP Cost: 90

Stops attacking and removes the Memories cap. For the skill duration and 5 seconds afterward, Memento's HP will not drop below 1. At the end of the skill, attack, dealing 300-400% ATK to all enemies within an altered range as True Damage. Afterwards, purge all Memories stacks. Memento is Stunned for 10 seconds after skill duration.

New range:
[ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ]
[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ]

Each Mastery rank decreases cost by 2 and initial SP by 3, while increasing ATK by 25%.
Operator Module: (CRU-X) Collected Pile of Bandages

Unlock Conditions:
  • Have at least 100% trust with Memento
  • Raise Memento to at least Elite 2 Level 40
  • Complete Memento Module Missions
Module Missions:
  • Gain Memories stacks 35 times.
  • Deal 20.000 combined damage in a single attack.
New trait: Decreases damage from unblocked enemies or ranged attacks by 25% (applied before DEF and Shelter).
Silent Disposition (Unlocked at E0)
When this operator is assigned to a Dormitory with no Morale, they regain Morale twice as fast if there are no Operators assigned to the Dormitory, or all Operators are from the [?????] faction.

Learned Politeness (Unlocked at E2)
When this Operator is assigned to the Control Center, increases Morale of all Operators in the Control Center by +0.05 per hour.
Memento's Token (Reflective Steel Fragment)
A cracked, yet polished piece of metal. It is always cold to the touch.

Don't take this as canonical or anything, just a fun idea I had.
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4.1- Initiative
4.1 - Initiative

A landship in motion is always an interesting thing to see.

The arcane technologies that suppress the colossal weight of its construction are not perfect. Unlike the colossal physics-defying buildings G-Corp is so fond of, the Originium-fueled Rhodes Island landship is still enormously heavy.

And as it moves, its bulk leaves large wounds in the ground below.

You wonder when they are going to vanish, hosed away by wind and rain. There must certainly be some regions of Terra lacking in both- could one find the marks of landships that have long since moved on, there?

Are there regions where routes and paths tend to cross, decades of landship transit smashing tracks of land into absolute lifelessness? Perhaps there are.

Well, with cities that move, in the very least, you never really get bored of the background.

Yesterday, what you could see through the window of your room... were wheat fields in the distance. A vast expanse of golden reeds. The day before that, it was just dirt and rock, and you saw snow-covered mountains. And before that, you could see a village in the horizon.

Today, you navigate carefully through the edges of a Catastrophe site.

What you see is unforgettable. The enormous black crystals left behind by the disastrous event, this enormous field full of virulent toxin, infiltrating the land, contaminating the fields to the point where nothing will grow, no life will spring forth.

Miles upon miles of land that will be left poisoned and hollow for who knows how long, and those enormous towers of black...

It is an beautiful sight.

And it is always something different. Even the way the wind whispers is ever-changing.

Oh, what time was it, again?

You take a look at the clock in your bedside table. It a black digital clock. It was here when you first came into this room, and it will be here when you leave. It is three in the morning. The sun hasn't even risen yet.

You haven't really gotten used to the concept of time zones. Everything's so close by, back home. Going from one District to another, even if you don't take a Warp Train, never really involves such vast distances as the landship has to traverse. The best comparison are your trips to the Ruins and to the Outskirts, but those aren't as regular as the travels of Rhodes Island seem to be.

With a sigh, you stand up and take a look at your room.

It's bare. Too bare, too frugal. It's not small, and you like the whe white walls and grey floor, but there's basically nothing else. A closet with some clothes, a shoe rack for your shoes, that being one pair of boots and one of sneakers you bought in Lungmen, and standard-issue Rhodes Island boots for your uniform.

Curtains to cover your window, though you have no real intention of using them. You like the wind coming in. No bathroom. Your bags on a corner. Your jar of inactive Fairy- maybe you should get around to trying to charge it?

Eh, that's for later. It would probably take a lot of time to figure out- there's certainly security measures to prevent unauthorized recharging.

And... that's that.

You're not the sort to keep extravagant housings, but you really should decorate this place a little bit more when you have the time. Some shelves in the walls, and buy some books to put in those. Hang an analog clock in the wall- you like them. Maybe take some photographs and put them up as well?

You think making this room a bit more like what you are used to would help with the transition.

Back home, you've always kept your room very pristine. You don't exactly mind uncleanliness, but a room that is properly cared for helps you think. This place isn't all that different, though you miss having your own library.

You recall your small desk, your computer- sticky notes everywhere. A bulletin board with photos, trinkets. Gear collected throughout the years. Both bad and good. A white room, grey flooring. Weapons kept near the bed in case of an emergency.


You do miss your home. Some small things.

Well, it's best if you leave. You don't think you're in the mood to sleep again, and there's things to do. You fetch a small journal from your bedside table, and take a look at its yellow pages.

After Kazimierz, you've been trying to make sense of what you saw. Not the part about you- that's a bit too private to put into writing. You don't think you could do it. But the other half of the dream...

It's not a very detailed journal. More like a list of bullet points.

Something breaks open the sky?

The sky is fake
, somehow

You don't... no, that's not it.

Where's your pen? Ah, here, underneath your pillow. You probably left it here last night.

You pick it up, and cross out a section, before leaving your room.

The sky is fake, somehow

There's plenty of things to think about as you walk through the empty hallways, underneath fluorescent lights.

The sky... you know the how. The "Starpod." You don't understand it, but you know what it is. A dome, a shell covering the planet. Kirsten Wright- or was that Kristen? This Wright person will tear a hole into it, with a weapon of untold power.

There is a space carved into your brain, forced into shape by the churning and shifting black tides- and by your own fumbling hand. A little treasure trove of information, a hoard of maps and guides that fits that hole perfectly. The waters of the Well of Mankind left no damage, but sometimes you find yourself trying to remember something else, and find prophecies and folktales dripping into your head like a particularly persistent sort of daydream.

A pen taps the edge of the small journal's cover.

You managed to buy this in a gift shop before Rhodes Island left the city. It's not a very good journal, though it isn't bad either- it's just... normal. It feels inadequate in your hands. Like those pages shouldn't be trusted with information of this magnitude.

It's irrational. Best if you continue.

The End of Ursus is active. Have to deal with that.

You were so barraged with things to do, with enemies to fight, with Adam making his moves, that you almost forgot about it. But you shouldn't have. It's urgent. It's a new Pianist, and...

The worst thing is that you just don't know what it is doing.

You told Amiya and Kal'tsit about it, earlier, and turns out it's related to some sort of ancient monster- that same "Deathless Black Snake" you heard about a few weeks ago, in Lungmen. And your visions have given you a clearer picture on the serpentine beast. But... you don't know much about what the Distortion is doing, right now.

Its goal is as simple as it is horrific- the complete annihilation of the nation of Ursus.

You heard it speak in your dreams. You know it to be true. It is a Distortion- its obsession, its desire, is so unmistakable, so strong, so visceral in its magnitude that you could not possibly have been mistaken.

The End of Ursus will not stop until it has completed its purpose.

Until every single citizen of the nation it has declared its enemy is slaughtered, until every building is toppled, every city is rendered onto dust, until every single trace, every sliver, every remnant that could have possibly survived and everything from which the nation's revival could spring forth is destroyed.
It will not stop until it has achieved the complete and total obliteration of Ursus, of all that hails from Ursus and all that stands on the way of the destruction of Ursus.

You cannot let that happen.

When will it stop? Ursus is a country. You aren't entirely familiar with Terra, but you know a territory of that magnitude must have foreign trade, immigration, emigration. It must have deals with other countries, with other organizations. Are those "Ursus?" Will it find every single person who was ever born in Ursus but left the country, march its armies of machines through the borders of Ursus and stab the offending individual to death?

And when the nations react to the armies invading their cities, will they be enemies and supporters of Ursus? Will the End challenge the entire world for the sake of its mad quest? The world that you are living in?

When you saw what you saw, before, in the dream, you made a choice.

It is not a permanent choice. But you'd like to stick by it, all the same. You want...

You want to stay here. On Terra.

You never really realized how exhausting the City was until you found yourself outside of it. Now that you've experienced Terra, you don't really want to go back, not permanently.

Oh, you still want to settle some matters. You want to have a talk with the Vermillion Cross. You want to grab the four remaining members of your Office and throw them through the gate back to Terra. You want to stop by your house and pick up some things you'd like to keep.

Maybe you could also liquidate your assets and buy off a Workshop or two?

Bring the technology over. That could be an useful thing to have.

You have no intention of jumping between worlds very often, and you don't think opening a permanent connection would be a good idea either.

But... what about the rest of your Office? Will they make the same choice?

It hasn't been very long since you realized it yourself. You want to take whatever you can take from the City, and leave. Preferably forever. But the others... you haven't really tried to broach the subject yet, with how recent it even is.

Arabella will probably want to go back home, now that you think about it. Her people are there- and for all she might insult them, at times, she cares. She loves her home.

Wympe won't care. If Turbulence Office wants to stay, she'll stay. If it wants to return, she'll return. The worst that'll happen is that she'll be a little bit miffed about all the time she spent studying Terran law going to waste, but no more then that.

Sleepy... you don't think he'll care, either. Both he and Nicole seem happy, here. You can't say what Beats or Linette will want- it's been so long since they've seen you...

How have they changed? You don't know. You can't know until you have some more time.

But the Beats you know, and what little details you've seen of him... Well, he wouldn't mind staying here. Neither would Linette. But you're unsure.

And there's everyone else. What would Lech say? He wants to overthrow the Head, something you're... just unsure about. Very unsure. Can it be done? Should it be done? You don't know. What about Alvar? Mr. H? You need to ask them, before you make any sort of choice, don't you?

That said, whether or not you want to leave after all, well, having an intact Terra is just in your best interest, right?'re going to have a lot of work ahead of you, then, if everything you saw on those visions is going to happen in some way or another.

A lot of work, and it's going to keep getting worse before it gets better. If it ever gets better.

Still, you like Terra. You'd rather not see it destroyed.

Gate to the north, full of monsters? Aware of me, now? Will possibly attack. Have to prepare.

Someone in steam-based (smoke???) gear standing guard over something. Felt very pointless when I saw the vision, but that might be what he/she/they are feeling at the moment? Unknown.

Vague feeling about Gaul. Probably need to get a history book to get a better look at that. Or maybe a remedial history course.

Three more Distortions wandering around.

No news of widespread devastation or 300.000 thousand people dead in a single night coming from anywhere so they're probably laying low????

Memento on the exact path to hit the Rhodes Island landship based on current course. Will have to check for him every day.

Operator "Silence" (medic that treated me) had some sort of recognition, when I said his name? Check on that.

Sami will have the Rat King show up in one week.

Sami. You asked around about that. You scribble a few more notes, alongside a depiction of their "national emblem." Which is sort of like a Wing's logo, now that you think about it. You think your depiction is quite well done, anyway.

Countries are kind of like Wings, but also not? There's some things that they have in common, but others that they don't. One of the biggest differences is... inequality? You don't know how to word it.

Wings are, in a way, equal, ABC notwithstanding. They all exist by the Head's decree, and they are subject to its authority. They wage war against one another, just like nations do- but there here, there is no overseeing power.

They are not united under one system, one currency, one City.

Their authorities compete in a differing way, in a web of allegiances that, while not exactly more complex, is different in a fundamental way. There is no constancy- you all know that, even if Wings may bicker and battle, be destroyed or destroy others, it won't mean much, not permanently.

Things do not change. L-Corp might have been destroyed, but you are well aware that another will eventually rise to take its place. If Ursus or Kazimierz falls, the same is not a guarantee.

It's all quite strange.

You think a bit more about Sami, and lay down some more notes.

Sami is a country located in the furthest north bordering Kazimierz and Ursus.

Seen as very primitive and isolationist. Rumoured to have powerful snow-based Arts. Seen as barbarians by Ursus. Frequent border conflicts. Will it be regarded as enemy of Ursus by End of Ursus? Will it possibly seek alliances? Very unlikely, based on its temperament.

Columbian trade caravans and science expeditions have been slowing establishing foothold in Sami. Rhine Labs responsible for some of those caravans. Numerous Rhine Labs operators in Rhodes Island.

Alvar and Mr. H are robbing Rhine Labs.

Might be able to obtain entry into caravan??? Unknown.

You sigh. You could look it up with Rhodes Island's leaders- they seem like they could help you make some contact with the Rhine Labs Operators. It's unlikely that simply walking up to them and asking would work.

Though you're unsure if they'd be willing. Until very recently, their hands were rather busy with Kazimierz- though you thankfully left no direct evidence of your presence in the arena, no footage or witnesses, Kal'tsit and Amiya still had to help with a coverup.

Ensuring the explanation for the disappearance of Pinus Slyvestris didn't implicate Rhodes Island on anythin g, hiding Jamie, Sona and Andoain's comatose bodies as much as possible, and explaining alongside you and Abel, the situation to a number of people...

You left them with quite a bit of work, didn't you?

With that, and the uneasy climate between you and the Library, the whole new situation they had to deal with... plus a lot of new Operators they decided to provide employment and accomodations to, though it seems that wasn't so abnormal? They handled it quite efficiently.

They might not have a good opinion of you. And there's still the Amiya thing to think about.


She's an interesting sort, for sure.

You've met people as young as her in equally bloody businesses, for sure. And a number of idealists of all kinds. But there's something about her that you can't quite put your finger on... something that makes her different. Different from all of those others you've seen before.

Before the events in Kazimierz, you didn't think too much about Amiya. She was your new boss, and that's all she was.

But now...

You see cities, devastated.

You see Originium, blanketing the land.

You see someone you know, black crown on her head, melting millions of lives, into nothing but memories.

You see the King of Sarkaz, enslaving all peoples, everywhere.

You can't ignore her, even if you wanted to.

King of Sarkaz, uh...?

You don't think she is a Sarkaz. She doesn't look the part. They're, for one, supposed to have horns. But you know she is one. She is indeed a Sarkaz, and she is also a Cautus.

Maybe you shouldn't think about it? Just ignore it until everything else, the more urgent matters, are resolved.

Still, the idea that your boss might go insane and melt down all life in the planet into rocks is a disturbing one. You should probably not... just not place too much trust on that girl, not until you have her figured out.

That, and keep your sword sharpened and your eyes on her. You think that, even with how fast she is, you could take her. If you take her by surprise and go for the head, you could kill her and be done with it. You'll avoid that outcome if possible, but you have to keep that in mind.

You sigh.

Here you are, thinking of the quickest way of beheading your 15 year old boss.

"It is not unusual." whispers Abel, inside your head.

He's been out for some time. Searching for any clue or way to find out what Carmen is supposed to be doing now, because that's yet another damn threat you have to worry about. What did he find out?

"Not much. The Light has suffused Terra so profoundly, by now, that finding Carmen is nearly impossible. It was a simple matter, with how intense her presence was. Now... not nearly as much."

You can't even track her anymore.

That, and she's much more silent ever since your dream. You have a better grasp of your head, now- you can shut her out of it. And you've... realized some things, about yourself. Her words just don't have the sting they used to have.

She even feels less... ethereal. There's less mystique, less power behind what she speaks.

That charisma, that presence that made her words carry such a weight, is gone. You don't even need to ignore her, anymore. Her words have no impact. You know yourself, and you know you don't want what she offers.

Carmen is just a person.

You never had to pay attention to her, that much you always knew. You don't even have to listen. It's not a matter of disagreement, or rejection of her beliefs- though you think you do that, too.

But who, exactly, is Carmen, to tell you the things that she did?

Why does she have the right to shift around your head, around your memories, to strike at the cracks in you, to snipe at your flaws?

Why do you have to listen to her?

Who is she, to invade you?

You don't know what you want to become. You suppose you don't know what that is, you don't know what possibilities lie ahead of you, not really. But you think you'd like to try, not merely by yourself, and certainly not under her guidance.

You don't want to Distort, but you don't think you want to... solidify, yet. Maybe that's not the right word. Maybe one day you'll have enough certainty of what you want to find, to find that power within yourself.

But for now, you're just... you.

The "you" that is... not unhappy with the way that they are, right now.

You as you always were before. Just a bit better, and with a future that's just a little bit brighter.

And you think you like it.

But. Still. Even if you've moved away from her, that doesn't make her any less of a threat to other people.

"I have, however, obtained information on the End of Ursus, by following what scant traces of Carmen I could follow."

That's- that's great, actually. What did Abel find?

And how did he get it, for the record?

"It was thanks to your dream, for the most part. While I have... my own opinion on regards to our true self, what Ayin has given us has certainly proved useful" mutters Abel. "It has changed things. I cannot fully access the information stored in your brain, but with a map of that precision and completeness, searching Terra for, well, anything, becomes drastically easier."

How does Abel perceive the "maps," if he doesn't mind telling you?

"Hm. As... a map. An enormous island of maps, atlases, paper. The sea cannot be seen, for the way it is cut, the way it forms, does not allow one to see the horizon. Imagine it as map of itself, divided by lines, and each divided region an image of the whole."

How... novel.

"The human mind tends towards metaphor, I've found. My studies on Abnormalities are ample proof. Nevertheless, let us continue."

Yes, you probably should.

"What I have is mostly overheard conversations by an unstable army officer, who I suspected, to no avail, to be a target of hers. It seems that the government of Ursus has successfully contained it on a sealed chamber, which was... surprising." Abel muses. "It was successful in massacring the city it formed within, unfortunately- with around two hundred thousand registered casualties. Afterwards, it attempted to repurpose the city for its own purposes, and the Ursus army caught it while it was doing so."


You were expecting things to be worse.

Two hundred thousand dead is a lot, but a genocidal Distortion...

Well, how did they contain it? You recall it having some nasty-looking desintegration beam.

"It locked itself in a room, essentially. After the Ursus special forces cornered the Distortion, it created an "infinite distance field," in an attempt to survive against the "Emperor's Blades," which would defeat it almost effortlessly otherwise. That, however, could be, and is likely to be simple propaganda or simply information distorted through nationalistic biases."

Abel pauses for some time.

"I have been doing some reading on the subject." he says. "There is comparatively little literature relating to this topic, back on the City. I imagine the primarily Nest-based academia is not very eager to explore it."

Abel is acclimating to Terra quite well, you think. Why, he's almost as constant of a presence in the library as Wympe.

The old man in your head rolls his eyes.

Still, it's very good news to hear that the End of Ursus is contained. It might not stay that way for long, though- you'd rather have it be dead.

"How is the Plague Doctor?"

Abel was not happy when he heard of your deal with the Abnormality, for sure. Neither did he like the idea of hiding its presence from the Pale Librarian's henchmen, especially when you and Rhodes Island settled into a rather uneasy alliance with them until Carmen was dealt with.

If she could ever be dealt with in any sort of permanent basis.

The creature is nested inside your brain, awaiting comfortably until it is... rebuilt, for lack of a better word. The feather it gave you is still in your hair, you feel healthier then ever, and you're pretty sure you're healing much faster then before.

Even for someone as enhanced as you, seeing your fingers set themselves back right after you go through the effort of breaking the bone, again and again, is a little bit jarring. It feels as if you had a syringe of K-Corp serum jabbed into your bloodstream at all times- just, obviously, without that strange feeling that particular Singularity always gave you.

You've decided to try not to think about immortality and the implications it carries.

You can ignore your newfound tail quite easily- you barely notice it's there. But that other thing... needs a little bit of work. So, don't think about it!

The Doctor... it's not in a healthy state, so it doesn't really speak with you. Occasionally, it communicates feelings, impressions. Pride, when you see the comatose Apostles, and a promise that once it regains its consciousness, so shall they. An annoyance at the Librarians. A sense of barely restrained fury, when Roland contacts his master through their connection.

It... is a strange thing. But so far, it has not broken its promises, and so you will do the same.

"I have... my reservations on the Plague Doctor, Sieghart, and... I do not believe your decision was for the best, but it is a decision that has already been done." he says, with a sigh."But regarding other matters. I have been speaking to Kal'tsit in regards to Distortions, and I've had some thoughts. I believe we've been on the defensive, lately. Perhaps we should change that, now that things have... settled down, for lack of a better word."

On the defensive...

He's right, yes. You reacted to Carmen's assault, but you don't think you can win against her by just doing that. You have to make your own moves. You need to act, and most importantly, you can't let her put whatever she is planning into practice.

Every second that Carmen is allowed to do as she pleases, she will raise more soldiers for her army, prepare more weapons, obtain more allies.

Left alone in the City, she made the Pianist, the Reverberation Ensemble. Here, the End of Ursus, Adam, the three other Distortions who might be rampaging freely through Terra right now.

Does Abel have any ideas?

" I was hoping you could give me some."

Ideas, huh?

How to be more proactive...

Now that you think of it, there's some minor matters you have to settle, and the quicker the better. Those two weeks after the Major incident were full, with the anticipation, the "hiding the terrorist" thing, having to settle matters with the Library, deal with having to get Linette and Beats hired, plus that one guy who Nicole just... brought here? He's in the sales department now, but that was strange.

And Arabella's new bandage-covered "husband." She actually sat down and explained the whole matter to you, and... well, your opinion on the Abyssal Hunters' leader is not the sort that can be said in polite company, and you'll leave it at that.

...Ayam seems like a good kid, though.

Did she really need to bring the bishop, though? You stabbed him quite a lot of times, it's really awkward to have lunch on the same table as the guy.

The Library's still here, too. On their alleged mission of book collecting. They have one of the books, and you have another. X has a whole damn Abnormality, and he's just letting it out in the open. They're not happy, and your own resentment at them is not helping. You should... you have to settle this matter immediately. Return the book, have them back down and let you keep it...

But you'll have to do something, at least. Problems like those won't fix themselves.

That said, you also need a goal. You can't sit here on the landship and wait for it to reach Victoria. You have to do something.

[ ] Abnormalities
The Well of Humanity, in certain places, seems to... draw close. Close to the world, close to reality. The line between what is thought and what isn't blurs, magical things happen and horrible things come out of the water. That map in your head is full of those little spots, and you, yourself, are one of those points of connection.

You think that finding one of those points might be useful, if only to study them deeper. Why are there no records of Abnormalities in Terra? There is undoubtedly a Well to draw them from.

(Your next goal will be finding a point of connection to the Well. Why do Abnormalities do not form on Terra?)

[ ] The City

Your original home. While you want to stay in Terra, the rest of Turbulence Office likely won't agree, and, well, having a reliable way of going back might be helpful, and The Library is here. They might have one, and if they don't want to give it to you, well, you iron your relationship with them or you could search for another. It might not directly impact those Carmen issues, but indirectly it might give you some resources to work with, plus some more members of your Office.

Scour the world for any possible points of connection. Perhaps even go to Sami, to the exact place where the Rat King is supposed to show up- perhaps seeing the tunnel tear open with your own eyes could prove enlightening. Iron the alliance against Carmen better.

(Your next goal will be to find a way back to the City and work more closely with the Library. You might have to make quite a trip for that. Or perhaps not.)

[ ] Turbulence Office

You know the locations. You know where they are, which is a lot to work with. If you can find your friends, if you can bring them here and put your team back together, you're sure you can deal with whatever Carmen throws your way.

You have their locations marked on the "map," already. Simply let Abel keep you updated, and head to fetch your buddies.

(Your next goal will be to find the rest of Turbulence Office. They're scattered around, but you know where they are. Some of them aren't even that far away.)

[ ] Rhodes Island

If they're supposed to be your employers, perhaps you should get to work on stablishing a closer sort of business relationship. If only to know how to not set Amiya off.

Tell Abel to keep you updated, but for the meantime, focus on Rhodes Island itself, get to know people: train, work, go on a mission with a team of RI Operators.

(Your next goal will be to to stablish a better relationship with Rhodes Island. It might be a good idea, or not.)

[ ] Distortions

Abel has found one Distortion. You don't think it is in your reach now, but there's three more. Tell him to find more- and then, you strike. Set out, and find the Distortion, and obtain a clearer picture of Carmen's goals. She has three of them- of that, you are absolutely sure. If she had more, you have a feeling she would know.

So, make him focus on that. You have a vague feeling there's some important locations- Columbia (that one keeps coming up. Strange), one in Gaul, one in Leithanien.

(Your next goal will be to find a Distortion. You might have to make quite a trip for that. Or perhaps not.)

[ ] Write-in.
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Countries are kind of like Wings, but also not? There's some things that they have in common, but others that they don't. One of the biggest differences is... inequality? You don't know how to word it.

Wings are, in a way, equal, ABC notwithstanding. They all exist by the Head's decree, and they are subject to its authority. They wage war against one another, just like nations do- but there is no overseeing power.
One of my favorite parts of this quest has been the culture clash between the Cityborne and Terrans, and the whole idea of 'nation-states' is a really good example of it. It's just a neat thing to imagine, the very idea being strange to someone.

My personal inclination for the vote would be Rhodes Island. The Library will also need dealing with, but right now we're kinda sorta working with our employers and I think we need to get properly on the same page, so they can fully help out with the Carmen issue - and we can pitch in with their own, as a matter of fact.
So the options to go forwards from here are:
[EX] Puzzle out the nature of Abnormalities
[EX] Look about finding a way to finish up City business
[EX] Get the gang back together
[EX] Fully set up relations with RI
[EX] Deal with Carmen's new game pieces
Voting is open