Alvar's hammer isn't with him? That's worrying. I don't want to leave a papertrail, but paying with LMD should be good since I think the lore blurb for it states that it's the main currency used for business after a global financial crisis. Gets us some connections with the underground too, and whoever found the hammer might be willing to talk if we grease their palms with money.

Jesselton seems to present, so I'm willing to bet he's responsible for the murders and the reason why one of Rhine Lab's higher ups is missing is because they're doing their best (and still failing) to keep him contained, hence the redirection of funds from employee benefits and the sudden increase in drug dealing for Rhine Labs. We know Parvis has Carmen in her head, and I'm willing to bet Carmen is playing Jesselton and Parvis against each other.

That leaves us with the question of where exactly Alvar and Mr. H are, and what part they play in this.

Also, we really ought to get Wympe some help for We Many. She's handling it well at the moment at least. Maybe she and Ifrit can bond over having a voice in their head? Diablo's a lot more well-meaning than We Many at least.

[] Sneak directly into the Rhine Labs base, pierce through the lockdown

The lockdown is the center of everything going down in Trimounts. The more we know of the place, the more puzzle pieces we'll have.

As for the plans, here's the winning plan from before.

[] Plan: Making Waves
-[] Investigate Rhine Labs' latest moves.
--[] Silence:
The good doctor is both intimately familiar with the organization and thoroughly disabused, making her an ideal investigator for anything Saria would miss or omit.
-[] Investigate the local authorities.
--[] Wympe: No doubt Rhodes Island operates within some tortured legal grey zone to conduct its medical services, let alone paramilitary activities. Wympe will have a report with everything you need to know, who to bribe, and what to avoid with the i's dotted and t's crossed.
-[] Investigate the local underworld.
--[] Capone: The former mafioso's skillset is immediately and obviously useful here; some of Rhodes Island's pricier and more restricted medications shaved off the top will give in an easy entry into the higher-end of illegal distribution networks that our pals would be using.
-[] Gauge the status of the local Infected.
--[] Saria: This is why she's supposed to be here, after all. No reason to give any observers an immediate indication something is amiss.
[] Deal with the matter of Ifrit.
--[] Sieghardt: She's not the first victim of Wing experimentation you've encountered, and since returning her home isn't a practicable solution, best to figure out one sooner rather than later. Plus, speaking to the girl alone might give you further insight into whatever ... situation exists with her, Saria, and Silence, ideally before it disrupts the mission.
-[] Search for rumours of highwaymen.
--[] Nicole:
Our most generalist member, she'll be the most able to take on the 'pulse' of the local rumor mill. No doubt Mr. H and Alvin will have made a strong impression.

And here's the plan options from before:

[ ] Investigate Rhine Labs' latest moves.
Communication in Terra is rather slow. With news moving from one nation to another primarily through Messengers, who- despite the superhuman abilities in common amongst Terrans- don't travel all that fast... It means all the info you have is at least a week old. It's best if you correct that.
-[ ] Who, and how?

[ ] Search for the history of Rhine Labs.

Perhaps you don't want to ask the ex-Director in your team.
-[ ] Who, and how?

[ ] Investigate the local authorities.

Who is in control, or at least, who is supposed to be in control? What do they think of you?
-[ ] Who, and how?

] "Here be monsters."
The Distortion has to be somewhere around this country. Or not, you guess. It might have left.
-[ ] Who, and how?

[ ] Investigate the local underworld
There's always one. Who dwells in the dark underbelly of Trimounts? Alvar and H might be found here. They certainly have some link with this nations' criminal associations- it's hard to sell stolen goods otherwise.
-[ ] Who, and how?

[ ] Gauge the status of the local Infected.

You are here, ostensibly, to take care of them. You'll get to know some of this soon enough, with the clinic's operations, but you won't get to know the bigger picture unless someone goes out there and sees it.
-[ ] Who, and how?

[ ] Deal with the matter of Ifrit
Now, you don't exactly need to do this. You could simply ignore the kid, couldn't you? But having someone to help take care of them will help ease the burden on Silence. Plus, she might know something, being a former experimental subject of the very laboratory that dominates the city you're in.
-[ ] Who, and how?

[ ] Search for rumours of highwaymen.

Those two are certainly still causing trouble.
-[ ] Who, and how?

[ ] Snoop around Rhine Labs' base.

It's headquartered here. Someone that is sufficiently sneaky might catch wind of something important happening.
-[ ] Who, and how?

[ ] Brazenly breach Rhine Labs' defenses.

This might be foolhardy. Rhodes Island might not like it, and you absolutely cannot be caught. And so, nobody must know. If you don't do this all by yourself, it must be someone who you trust, both to get it done and to not blab.
-[ ] Who, and how?

We may want to have someone snoop around Rhine Labs. Nicole's our best specialist stealth specialist, so she ought to get on it.

Considering our focus shift to Rhine Labs, we may also need to drop investigations elsewhere. In particular, shifting Capone from investigating the Underground to Here Be Monsters may yield some results since I heavily suspect our local serial killer is a Distortion (Jesselton) that's being "contained" inside Rhine Labs' lockdown.
"What does he sound like?"

"Really strong! And deep. He's always asking me if I'm doing my stuff in time! I know when I'm going to do it, stop pestering me!"

…You suppose it's not Carmen. Might be a good idea to keep an eye on the kid, but it doesn't seem to be Carmen this time.
Sieg: Well the voice in her head is nagging her to get her homework done, so this is probably less urgent than the whole "rock cancer" thing.
Anyways, time to make a plan.

[X] Plan: Tunnels of 2Fort
-[X] Ask Wympe for the money.
-[X] Look for the smuggler tunnels in the sewers
-[X] [Taskforce] Investigate Rhine Labs' latest moves.
--[X] Silence. Saria's contact Muelsyse hasn't contacted you yet. You're getting nervous, look into what the various Directors have been up to.
-[X] [Taskforce] Investigate the local authorities.
--[X] Wympe. Continue cultivating her unknown insider in the police force and bribe the cops she thinks can be bought. Find information on the local smuggling routes, and any reports that relate to Alvar and Mr. H.
-[X] [Taskforce] Investigate the local underworld.
--[X] Capone. Meet up with the smugglers. Fish for information on Alvar and Mr. H under the guise of wanting to do business. You want to do so for a fair cut, but the stability of their operations seems questionable. You've heard that some prominent smugglers have been disappearing lately, so how can they guarantee you aren't just flushing money down a hole?
-[X] [Taskforce] Gauge the status of the local Infected.
--[X] Saria. Keep on keeping on while we wait for her contact Muelsyse.
-[X] [Taskforce] Deal with the matter of Ifrit.
--[X] Sieghart. The kid has a voice in her head? See if you can find out more. Offer to trade secrets. You'll tell her about Abel if she tells you about her assignment-pesterer and why he's getting louder.
-[X] [Taskforce] Snoop around Rhine Labs' base.
--[X] Nicole. Our stealth specialist has the best chance of pulling this off. Scout Rhine Labs HQ for potential ways to get inside along with the various security systems you'll have to deal with during entry and escape. If she can steal building plans, passwords, keycards and the like? All the better.

We have several leads as to where our targets are. First, Alvar's Hammer that was found in the Scrapyard and covered in blood, 2nd the Smuggling Tunnels that was frequently used by 2 people dealing with Rhine Labs who we can probably say is Alvar and Mr. H, and 3rd is the Rhine Labs lockdown.

I think this is all related to one another. My theory is that Alvar and Mr. H were involved with whatever has Rhine Labs spooked, and they ran into trouble with (Possibly, Jesselton?). Alvar and Mr. H were last seen using the Smuggling Tunnels, so we should prioritize looking for it since it may lead us to people who know why they disappeared.

In order to find said tunnels, we need to follow up on both Wympe's and Capone's leads. Law Enforcement surely knows something about those tunnels and who frequents them, while Capone can gather much of the same information from the other side of the law. We piece them together, and we might just find some clues as to what happened to Alvar and Mr. H.

In the meantime, Sieg keeps Ifrit company and tries to learn more about Diablo. Having him in our corner could be really useful if we ever need the extra firepower, and Ifrit has a lot of that. Similarly, Nicole preps us for infiltrating Rhine Labs itself. We shouldn't dive too deeply into the place without a plan.
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I think Muelsyse was captured by Rhine Labs.

She's Saria's contact who haven't been able to meet because she can't, she stuck in Rhine Labs.

She's also Alvar and Mr. H's client, hiring them for multiple jobs.

No, no, you can go back to your job. They're hiding somewhere in the city- I know it. They wouldn't leave now."

"Not when she's still here, after all."

A fact that other people know too.
People who are willing to use Jesselton to find them.

Wympe has gone into the local state apparatus trying to find vulnerabilities. She mentions a case and several murders that baffle the police. A murderer that seemingly appears at random, makes people into splatters and causes widespread property damage without any signs of entering any house. They simply seem to manifest there…

You are a shapeless thing.

Go where they say go you must go. Crawl and slither. You have to go- but the laughter stops, for a second, if you get there. And then you hear. You need to hear them, you need to find them.

You hate them, because you never find them. And the laughter starts right back up later.

Push through the rot. Every fragment, every corner of this city must be touched, every little nook and cranny. Nobody sees you. And you see nobody.

You cannot find any sign of your quarry.

Time passes. The world is dark. You're back. Emerge through the piping, crash through the vents.

Where are you?

You reach out. Plants, vines, and midges everywhere. Your eyes- malformed, regrowing- can't see where you're going. You're going nowhere.

More laughter. You wait until it gets a bit better.

Where are they? Where are they?

That's what the murders are. Jesselton travels through the pipes and vents, it's shapeless form well-suited for infiltration. Murders anyone in the vicinity, then goes off looking for his targets. Leaving no trace of himself behind.

Because he's searching for someone specific.

Faces twisted into cruel grins, they were dolls of bone and cloth. The garbs of a prisoner, of a warden, of a construction worker.

On the coat of Alvar, it felt the sound of laughter. A loud, boisterous laughter. It hated that laughter. It was the reason as to why it was what it was. Its mind was broken, shattered, but it hated things. It hated many things.

It hated white fur. It hated Liberi. It hated Rhine Labs. It hated bone, and pain. It hated itself.

But it also hated Mr. H, and his incessant noise

He's looking for Mr. H and Alvar. He is tuned to to them, to everyone present at the prison, everyone who was responsible for his imprisonment. So Saria and Silence are also possible targets.

He tracks them through sound and vibrations, perceived as laughter. Puppeteers and audience in one, mocking those that are controlled as Jesselton once did to others.

Interestingly the laughter "clings" to physical objects that the target touched. It's why Jesselton reacted to that plant which Alvar smuggled.

It's also probably how he found Alvar.

So he struck. Struck hard to shed blood. Struck hard for Alvar to lose his hammer.

Struck hard for Alvar to lose his leg.

"I'll have to make do with the tissue samples, then. That coil around the femur was interesting enough. It is- refreshing, to have a mind this clear."

What little information they have on him- from his first, and only arrest- suggested something, some sort of spring-like structure, fused with his tibia.

From Nicole's report this happened around a week ago, so yikes.

Also Jesselton is growing his eyes back?

Vibrations in the ground. Footsteps. A towering presence, heavy footsteps. Footsteps. Footsteps.

"Ah, there you are, Jesselton."

You feel the burning sensation upon your liquid flesh- the light pouring into you.

What the heck. Did Parvis Distort? Or awaken EGO? He said he had a "clear mind."

He had some power over vibrations. No, some sort of pressure that can lift things.

And can regrow eyes? Modifying a Distortion?

Don't know. Not enough information.

Most of it is who's selling what. There's more mundane smuggling on the other side of the town- as there's some construction work undergoing there, some people are taking the opportunity to smuggle both medical supplies and Originium fuel through the construction materials, it seems. There are also stories of people- two people- using the part of the city sewers that lead to the wasteland outside to smuggle prototypes stolen from Rhine Labs out of the city. Capone notes he didn't get any more info on those supposed smugglers so he can't be 100% sure- people were very tight-lipped around them- but he says it's definitely a promising lead.

Many- in Rhine Labs, in the Columbian underworld, in law enforcement agencies, amongst Messengers- wondered who were Mr. H and Alvar, the highwaymen who steal from Columbia's prominent tech companies, and supposedly sell the technology to the highest bidder in complete secrecy?

He mumbled something about water and smell in broken Columbian

Good chance this is Alvar and Mr. H. Especially since Mr. H was mumbling about water and the smell.

We could try to track them from here, but be wary that Jesselton can track traces of where they have touched. We might run into each other.

It seems that Rhine Labs has significantly cut down on the healthcare benefits for its lower staff and subsidiaries followed shortly after. Treatment has grown too expensive for most of the population to access, and the Infected, as the most vulnerable facet of them, are overflowing into the clinic. After all- somewhat bafflingly to you- this is all being done at abysmal prices, with some cases of employment in exchange for treatment being the worst the victims have to go through. Children are universally exempted from what few fees the clinic asks for.

We know that it was an Infected that smuggled Jesselton out of Mansfield and into Rhine Labs. Someone down on their luck because they couldn't afford their insurance.

Was it all for this? Cutting people off to manufacture someone desperate enough to do anything?

Energy brought something new, a drill. Cooked up by Originium Arts specifically to drive through its tissue. I'm forwarding you the blueprints. Using it, we've managed to extract something from its inner layer.

It's black. We're unsure of what it actually is, but the scans are all returning… water.

Regular purified water.

That can't be, obviously.

Date: ████ ██th, ████
To: Dorothy
From: Parvis

Dorothy, have found yourself hearing voices, lately?

I haven't been well.

Come to Trimounts. I have something I'll need your help for. It's urgent.

Or maybe it's to funnel funds into something else. Something big.

They have Cogito.

Also Dorothy is getting involved. What was her deal? I remember rampaging quicksilver art pieces and some dreamworld.

Also there's this.
She sounds worried. Anxious. She grinds her teeth- crushing the tip of the cigar until the contents slip into her mouth. Her skin looks, for a spare second, much greyer, much more wrinkles, with tears that hiss smoke and threaten to sprout teeth-

And then you blink, and she's like always.

That's not good.

We know her body has been mutating, but maybe the recent stress from knowing we want to stay on Terra is increasing it?

And they way she was described as unreadable... is she hoping that we let her steal it? Is she going to be disappointed if we tell her to wait for Wympe to give the money?

Am I just overthinking this?

"Really strong! And deep. He's always asking me if I'm doing my stuff in time! I know when I'm going to do it, stop pestering me!"

Somehow the ancient spirit of destruction is one of the better caretakers of children.
Thinking if we should pivot Nicole to search for Alvar and Mr. H directly.

She seemed stressed with feeling betrayed by Seig wanting to stay on Terra and the vision of her being a smoke monster.

Reuniting with the two could help ease tensions. It would have a higher chance of Jesselton finding us, but it could be worth it.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by thenew on Apr 23, 2024 at 10:13 PM, finished with 15 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Tunnels of 2Fort
    -[X] Ask Wympe for the money.
    -[X] Look for the smuggler tunnels in the sewers
    -[X] [Taskforce] Investigate Rhine Labs' latest moves.
    --[X] Silence. Saria's contact Muelsyse hasn't contacted you yet. You're getting nervous, look into what the various Directors have been up to.
    -[X] [Taskforce] Investigate the local authorities.
    --[X] Wympe. Continue cultivating her unknown insider in the police force and bribe the cops she thinks can be bought. Find information on the local smuggling routes, and any reports that relate to Alvar and Mr. H.
    -[X] [Taskforce] Investigate the local underworld.
    --[X] Capone. Meet up with the smugglers. Fish for information on Alvar and Mr. H under the guise of wanting to do business. You want to do so for a fair cut, but the stability of their operations seems questionable. You've heard that some prominent smugglers have been disappearing lately, so how can they guarantee you aren't just flushing money down a hole?
    -[X] [Taskforce] Gauge the status of the local Infected.
    --[X] Saria. Keep on keeping on while we wait for her contact Muelsyse.
    -[X] [Taskforce] Deal with the matter of Ifrit.
    --[X] Sieghart. The kid has a voice in her head? See if you can find out more. Offer to trade secrets. You'll tell her about Abel if she tells you about her assignment-pesterer and why he's getting louder.
    -[X] [Taskforce] Snoop around Rhine Labs' base.
    --[X] Nicole. Our stealth specialist has the best chance of pulling this off. Scout Rhine Labs HQ for potential ways to get inside along with the various security systems you'll have to deal with during entry and escape. If she can steal building plans, passwords, keycards and the like? All the better.
    [X] Plan: Tunnels of 2Fort
    -[X] Ask Wympe for the money.
    -[X] Look for the smuggler tunnels in the sewers
    -[X] [Taskforce] Investigate Rhine Labs' latest moves.
    --[X] Silence. Saria's contact Muelsyse hasn't contacted you yet. You're getting nervous, look into what the various Directors have been up to.
    -[X] [Taskforce] Investigate the local authorities.
    --[X] Wympe. Continue cultivating her unknown insider in the police force and bribe the cops she thinks can be bought. Find information on the local smuggling routes, and any reports that relate to Alvar and Mr. H.
    -[X] [Taskforce] Investigate the local underworld.
    --[X] Capone. Meet up with the smugglers. Fish for information on Alvar and Mr. H under the guise of wanting to do business. You want to do so for a fair cut, but the stability of their operations seems questionable. You've heard that some prominent smugglers have been disappearing lately, so how can they guarantee you aren't just flushing money down a hole?
    -[X] [Taskforce] Gauge the status of the local Infected.
    --[X] Saria. Keep on keeping on while we wait for her contact Muelsyse.
    -[X] [Taskforce] Deal with the matter of Ifrit.
    --[X] Sieghart. The kid has a voice in her head? See if you can find out more. Offer to trade secrets. You'll tell her about Abel if she tells you about her assignment-pesterer and why he's getting louder.
    -[X] [Taskforce] Snoop around Rhine Labs' base.
    --[X] Nicole. Our stealth specialist has the best chance of pulling this off. Scout Rhine Labs HQ for potential ways to get inside along with the various security systems you'll have to deal with during entry and escape. If she can steal building plans, passwords, keycards and the like? All the better.
In more seriousness, 95% of Sieg's diet is from a self-service restaurant on the way to work, the occasional sandwich or canned food. Maybe fried eggs with rice.
He just doesn't have interest in food beyond the immediate "hm, pretty good. Anyway," so this man would just roast dungeon creatures or eat them raw and move on, no effort expended and no cool recipes, sorry :V
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