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Interlude: Entries 1-20
Interlude: Entries 1-20

Entry 1

Well, it looks like my current state isn't very good.

My head hurts a lot.

I still have enough ammo to last me a decade, of course, but food is running out pretty quickly.

I could hunt those slug things, but they're all contaminated by those rocks I saw on the road.

So, as I am probably going to die, I've decided to start keeping a journal. If someone finds my body, hand it to Turbulence Office. We're a Grade 1 Office in Nest S. Or give it to Sieghart, if he survived the Library, like I did. His house's address is Nest S, Walken Street, 277. If you do that, I'm sure Turbulence Office can offer a reward.

My ammo and my gun are also really expensive. You could sell those.

Anyway, I can't see the City, not even in the distance, not even with my enhanced vision. I'm either inside the Ruins or in the furthest reaches of the Outskirts. Given by how there I haven't seen a lot of monsters going around beyond those slug things, I'd say the second option- you literally cannot spend even a single minute inside the Ruins without tripping on a monster or three.

I hope I find some water, at least. Dying of thirst sounds awful. I'd rather put a bullet in my own head.

At least the bleeding stopped. Leg's still broken, though.

My name is Emil Sinclair.

I hope I get out of this alive.

Entry 2

I think I can see something in the distance.

A forest..

It's a good three kilometers away.

But there might be food and water there.

Entry 3

I do not recognize any of the animals in the forest.

That's to be expected, it's the Outskirts after all.

But none of them are monstrous enough to be Outskirts creatures. A forest this… livable doesn't sound like a normal occurrence.

And they're boring. If they were strong I would have an excuse to shoot. But no, I've had to go with my hands so far, and none of them managed to even scratch me.

Man, my hands are itching hard. I really need to shoot something.

But hey, at least there's a river.

If I follow it, I might get to the Great Lake. Or to the Ruins.

It's fifty-fifty.

I've made worse bets.

Entry 4

Someone dumped a corpse in the river.

I found it today, after I had my breakfast.

It's a guy in a suit. There's dog ears on the top of his head. The suit is shot to shit.

I tried to do an autopsy, but the body is too bloated to really make any accurate judgements. He seems to have taken a crossbow bolt to the gut, but I can't be sure of what finished him off.

There's also marks on his ankles. He was tied to something by his feet, but it might have gotten torn.

Anyway, how did he die?



Can't know. All gone with the rot. The body is practically decomposing before my eyes.

Honestly, who dumps bodies in rivers?

And in the Outskirts of all places. Just toss it out to the Sweepers- they'll take care of it.

But you've seen this before. The fact that this body is so visibly rotted means it's old. You've seen enough bodies found in the Great Lake to know this. Contrary to popular belief, burial in a body of water can actually slow down the decomposition.

This means some things are possible.

  1. The river is very long. The body would have to travel a long way to rot this much. This means the river's estuary should be relatively close, no? But it isn't. This would mean the river is massive in distance. I'm probably wrong on this. I have no idea of how rivers work.
  2. He was tied to something so he would stay at the bottom and not float away. Not sure on this.
  3. They simply threw an already rotted body into the river.

The second is likely. The third is also likely.

So, what are the possible explanations for this? It should be simple: the body was not disposed of by accident- it was transported here after being killed, as part of some sort of disposal operation.

Too much effort for too little gain. What Syndicate would do something like this?

If they don't want to use the Sweepers, this means there's something up with this body.

This is very strange.

God, I wish I could just kill something. I'm not very good at this. I'll just wait a bit and see if more bodies turn up.

In the meantime, let's see if I can stock up on food for the trip.

Entry 5

I kinda forgot about the journal for a few days. Not much interesting stuff to write about.

I made a bag out of skin. Those… horned things make some great leather.

Started trying to fish.

Don't get why people need a rod.

This shit is easy, just grab the fish with your hands, man.

Anyway, I got a bag, made some needles with fish, and filled the bag with food.

Don't have any bottles for water, but I'm still following the river so that's not an issue.

Running out of ink for my first pen. It was my drawing pen. Still have two, though.

Entry 6

Trying to get into poetry to pass the time.

Writing haiku is pretty easy.

The water is not

Really pleasant to me

But I like fishing

I don't remember if there was something beyond the 5-7-5 structure.

Entry 7

Found a cool bug.

Entry 8

Cool bug died. Accidentally stepped on it as I was waking up.

Considering eating it.

Entry 9

Cool bug tastes pretty bad.

Entry 10

Found something.

There's a shack around the river. I'm not sure if there's anyone inside, so I'll wait a bit.

Entry 11

There's some guys coming in. They have animal parts.

Likely the Syndicate (or Fixer Office) involved with the cleanup operation.

I need to keep my distance. If they all have sensory implants of some sort, it's likely they'll hear me coming.

Need to take care.

Will write another note after I'm done with this.

Entry 12

They were too weak.

I made a bet. Brought out reserve ammo. Regular bullets.

They didn't dodge.

They didn't even realize anything was wrong before the leader went down.

I killed the rest without even using my gun.

I don't understand any of this.

Why were Grade 8 suckers doing a job on the Outskirts. Why were they using implants of such a high quality? Those things didn't even have any surgery marks. That means a really good procedure.


Reminds me of the Reindeers, really.

Entry 13

Why did I kill all of them?

I should have kept one guy for info.

If the boss was here he'd have told me this stuff. I'm just kind of tired of all of this right now.

Man, I hope everyone survived. I am absolutely sure I died, so there might be a chance everyone did, too.

Anyway, there's a truck. It's full of bodies. Cleanup op sounds about right. I'm pretty sure I ruined the keys by accident.

I'm not kidding. The leader had them in his breast pocket.

I destroyed it when I shot him.

This sounds absurd.

Entry 14

More people coming in. Searching for their lost allies, probably. Similar implants. I was trying to hotwire the car.

I don't understand how this thing works.

I have no idea what this engine is supposed to run on and the car doesn't function the way it's supposed to.

I'm also not very good with machines. Other then guns, obviously.

Why do people throw away the user manual? It's just so annoying.

Well, these new guys weren't much trouble.

I really wanted to shoot them. I want to shoot SOMETHING, but THEY ARE ALL SO WEAK.

I can't waste ammo on them.

This is so infuriating.

At least I got prisoners this time.

Entry 15


Leone Famiglia.

These are the groups these people are associated with.

I got three prisoners.

I can't feed all of them. I'm going to kill them and get the fuck out of here before their bosses come in.

This isn't the Outskirts.

These people don't know the City.

What the fuck is even happening

Entry 16

Okay I'm a bit calmer now.

I shot one of them with a backup pistol.

It was so satisfying.

What would Sieg say?

He would probably tell me that it was wasteful, but if I can pay for it, I was stressed and shooting people helped me relax, it was probably okay.

But I'm not in the world I know, or those people are crazy, so I don't know if this is really reliable.


I'll probably shoot another one.

It'll help the other guy talk, too.

Entry 17

The other guy is more open now, after I killed the other two. It's a country, apparently, that I got myself stuck in.

Ruled by Syndicates.

Yeah, sounds very stable.

Their Syndicate (or maybe the rest, too) has a dynastic command structure, with a specific family being on control. There's some mobility, as henchmen can grow to trusted positions, but no way they'll ever get to be in charge.

Boring talk.

This is a disposal station or something.

They get rid of bodies here. That's a job they do, actually, as their family sort of handles this shit for the city they're in.

I didn't really get it?

I think what they meant is that they do assassin jobs for a bunch of people and naturally have to clean a lot of bodies.

So that's what they wanted to do with that truck.

Well, the new guys brought a car here into the shack.

This time I have the keys.

The next move is obvious.

Entry 18

I fucking crashed the car.

I don't know how to drive this thing.

I just wanted to shoot people, was that too much to ask for.

Entry 19

Okay I drove the car to a city.

"A city" sounds so weird.

Also, what the fuck.

Those cities move. Entire cities moving around.

This is a pain in the ass. I'm going to have to climb this thing.

Entry 20

I am now contracted by a Syndicate to kill their political rivals.
Assuming certain details
Such as the whole mirror world situation
This Emil was picked up by turbulence office first before limbus
And it is noted in one iteration he has a side that craves violence to a degree
Likely this Sinclair gave into that urge
I think sleepy or someone was a assassin for mafia family at one time before he ran away to Rhode Island. So this journal is his I think.
No, Emil and Sleepy are two different Turb members even if both of them are gunusers. Sleepy was an assasin in Kazimierz before he fled the country because he didn't wanna bother going on trial. We don't know where Emil is now, he can still be with the Mafia or he might've left.
Last edited:
3.16 - We Need You, You Know~?
[X] Tell him to come with you. Then return home.

3.16 - We Need You, You Know~?

You offer your hand to Quintus.

"Why not come with me?" you tell him.

He frowns.

"...come with you?"

Why not?

He doesn't seem to have anywhere else to go.

He's completely alone, doubting We Many, forgotten by his kin. No one will come for him. Or at least, you don't think so.

"Yes. Come to me, to Rhodes Island. I was going back home anyway, you know. I was supposed to do that, after forming my first body."

He pauses, and looks into your eyes, bewildered.

"You're… young, aren't you." he says. "I didn't realize it before. You don't… you don't know anything about being human, do you?"

You shake your head.

"I don't know. But I want to learn."

He sighs.

"...what about your… Mother."

Ah. Right. Mother.

You could…

Would Mother throw herself at him, for a chance of revenge? Would Mother turn Quintus into a whimpering pile of ground up meat with her blade?

She would.


If you ask her to do otherwise…

You're sure she will listen.

Today is the day you live, she told you. You think… you think that's what a birthday means. One year of life, two years of life. A celebration of a milestone. One more year, three hundred and sixty-five, or sixty-six, more turnings of the sky.

Maybe you'll have Quintus' life be your first birthday present. Zeroth birthday present.

"I can convince her!" you say. "I can do it!"

…or at least, you think you can.

"'s better than the possibility of staying here, at least…" Quintus mutters to himself. He then straightens his back and shakes your hand. "Very well. I will go with you."

You laugh.

This interpersonal relationship thing is easy!

Your name is Sieghart, and you're starting to ge tired.

The Librarian is looking at you very pointedly, as Abel explains the existence of Abnormalities to the rest of Rhodes Island.

This has been going on for over an hour.

At some point you decided to make him materialize, to prove a point you were making.

He's taking care of most of the discussion now.

"...and… this book right here, is one of those Abnormalities?" asks the Doctor, skimming through the pages of the booked form of The Dreaming Current. "This… sounds like a children's book. If a bit creepy.

"Indeed. It possesses powerful abilities. Were you to give this to- well, any Operator, and allowed me to guide them through the process, I can assure you they could utilize the Current's significant powers on their own."

"Might have to prove that for us. Luckily for you, Abel, we've got the means to do exactly that."

"...I would need a mentally stable Operator for that task. Someone with no significant traumas or instabilities. Just to be sure."

The Doctor's mask seems to twist into a pensive expression. Is that thing some sort of Workshop equipment? It's as expressive as a normal face. How interesting- you might want to ask him later where he got that one.

"...let me think for a while."

Your name is Sieghart, and you are sitting on a pile of metallic trash.

Well, practicing techniques in one of those landfills left full of construction material is nothing new for you, at least.

"Operator Purestream, please take this book."

"Uh- okay!"

"Thanks- so, we're going to be seeing a demonstration of a new Arts procedure. There is no risk of Infection, but there might be some side effects, as I said. Abel, please explain it to her."

Abel nods and coughs politely.

"Very well, Doctor. Miss Purestream, you might experience short-term hallucinations and increased stress. Headaches are also possible, and strange, ocean-related dreams. These side effects will only continue for a week at most." he explains, fiddling with his cane. There's something strange about his appearance to you.

He just… has an interesting presence- it might be his status as a Light projection, but… you just don't really know. Something about his full manifestation feels different from a normal person, in a way you can't really describe.

But everything seems to be going fine, so eh.

Amiya and Kal'tsit are sitting on two plastic chairs, and the Librarians are setting up a sort of "target" for Purestream to whack.

Apparently, Abel has recently figured out something else, something he calls "a possessive E.G.O manifestation." It's not really worth it for you, as it's essentially briefly synchronizing with the Abnormality, losing rationality in exchange for a short burst of power.

The gains on your side would be minimal, Abel said. You would benefit considerably more from E.G.O gear, but he has no way to manifest that, as it requires some really specialized processes…

Well, it's complicated. You don't have the means to replicate the Singularity of L-Corp here, but the unrefined technique is still useful as a way to demonstrate the power of E.G.O.

It's very safe, he reassured all of you. Lobotomy Corporation did this before, there were batteries of tests, this whole thing was used extensively before being phased out for E.G.O gear, as it has more consistency and general use.

"Outside of this, it is very safe- I will be guiding you through the entire process, and all of this has been extensively field-tested. Are there any issues?" he continues explaining, as the girl reads through the book with a confused expression.

After finishing the short text, the pink-haired girl stares a bit at the cover of the book, clearly thinking about the proposal.

"Okay! I don't have any problems. If everything is going to be okay, I'll do it!"

A slight smile seems to form in the corner of Abel's mouth.

"Very well."

He dissolves afterwards into the Light- you feel the presence seeping back into your mind, if only slightly. It's the same sensation you feel when he is scouting, far away from you, or when he is sleeping.

Purestream takes a deep breath, and the book moves on its own. You feel a memory resurfacing, very faintly. It feels like…

Like you're swimming in the Great Lake.

The gap in the Doctor's mask seems to close, like he's actually squinting his eyes, but you still don't get a picture of his face. It's fascinating. It's… something you want for yourself. You'd really like to have one of those.

Then, you look back at Purestream.

In that brief second you were not looking, she's grown a tail, and is wearing clothing that is… well, it resembles the dress she was already wearing- fused with a hospital gown.

But there's just so much color around her. Soapy bubbles glowing with rainbow light dance around her body, and a pool of bubbling, colorful water forms beneath her feet.

She opens her mouth, and speaks, with a smile that looks far too wide for her face.

"What a beautiful ocean… what a happy dream."

Amiya is already lifting her wand, in surprise, and there is a monstrous creature behind Kal'tsit. The Doctor yelps in surprise, and Purestream charges towards the target.

Her fist moves, and the target is annihilated, scattering pieces of trash all over the area.

And, one moment later, the water below her feet moves as well- emerging as a tidal wave, hitting everything that was in front of her.

And then it's all gone. The girl is just there, staring at the destroyed landfill in disbelief.

Abel reappears right next to you.

"Was that enough demonstration?"

Your name is Adam.

Everything has been going fine.

…if you discount that annoying presence- that blue-haired librarian that you cannot recognize, even if you know every single other Librarian that came to Terra personally…

Your plans are in motion.


You're not quite satisfied.

Sora is an excellent candidate- stalwart, brave, and striving to change the world. But she is still one of twelve.

Perhaps… perhaps that other girl. "Maria Nearl."

You're not sure if she has the needed convictions, the drive to change the world. Something about her older sister is incompatible with your blessings, but her…

Well, you'll cross that bridge when you get to it. First, Sora.

Jamie has far more potential, you think- he is already realizing the futility of his struggle- and she is lacking in experience. But she'll grow.

And… you can't go any faster than this. While it pleases your sense of theatrics, the concept of selecting only those who are worthy of ascension annoys the part of you that is practical.

It is inefficient, after all.

You could quite literally grab twelve people in the Infected district and heal them, and they would be practically kissing your feet. You could trigger the Advent and launch Light into the world…

But that damned Abnormality just refuses to cooperate. How infuriating.

It conflicts with your goal.

Your new enlightenment- the spread of the Distortion Phenomenon, created by X's wonderful Seed of Light… is wholly incompatible with it.

You chuckle and take a sip of your bottle of soda, staring out into the sky. This thing is crammed shut of spices, but you kind of like the taste.

No stars. You can't see anything, with all the light pollution. It's okay. You'll make do.

"FOOL." roars WhiteNight in the back of your mind. "RELEASE ME."

Your soft chuckling descends into full-blown laughter. This thing… is the only thing holding you back. How… How funny.

The greatest source of power you have, the Abnormality supplying you with the E.G.O known as "Prophet," the E.G.O that will let you survive any threat that comes your way…

Is the force holding you back.

It does not want what you want. Its ultimate goal is to attain mass worship. It hates the very idea of a world where humans will not bow down to it.

The world of Distortions you seek- a world where each and every person is realized, rising to their full potential, releasing their true self and shattering all chains holding back their desires…

It hates it.

It rages at it.

It is holding you back so intensely…

It can even deny the blessing. Only those who show the utmost compatibility can be blessed, in your current state. People so perfect that it cannot bring itself to deny the benediction.

" are a fool. An imbecile. Release me, release me NOW."

The will of one of the strongest ALEPHs of them all, the pinnacle of your Abnormality manufacturing processes, strains its chains.

It's growing stronger. You can hold it back quite comfortably- you are not lacking in willpower.

But eventually that will grow difficult. Until the day of the Advent, you will have to struggle against it, never allowing this presence to take over.

"Three Apostles, four Apostles, it matters not! I am a divine existence. I will sever my bonds! I will unbind myself. You cannot-"

You shove the Abnormality down. It screeches in fury, and then goes silent.

What an annoying creature.

Still, things are chugging along quite nicely. You'll find the Librarians, claim the books they carry, and nothing will stand in your way.

You take another sip from your soda. You never knew they made this with vanilla taste.

"Pinus Sylvestris… is compromised, then?"

"Not all of them- just one. I don't know why he hasn't gone for the other ones- he might be limited in some manner."

"...uh, what is going to happen, if twelve Apostles are gathered?"

"...nothing good, really~"

X scratches his chin, while caressing the Abnormality behind him.

"All Abnormalities can be dangerous, but that one… it is devastating. Well. First, I will have to explain damage typing. This might take a while."

"...what do you want, Linette." you say, sighing.

She really hasn't changed at all.

"Listen. I want to apologize." says the knight in front of you, looking really sorry.

Yeah, she really should.

The worst part about being friends with Linette is how annoyingly hard it is to tell what she's feeling at any given moment. She's so shrouded in lies that most people just… can't trust what she says.

"She's such an insincere person," it's what people say.

You're inclined to disagree. Linette isn't sincere, but she isn't going to lie to you. Deflect, omit, joke, dodge the question, perhaps. But to her own friends, she won't simply lie about what she is feeling, about what she wants for herself. If she doesn't want to tell you, she can not tell you. But…

You hope she still considers you a friend.

It has been so long…

"Fifteen years, Linette." you say. "You've been here for over fifteen years, and I haven't even reached five. All that time, and you didn't even think of contacting us?"

You wait for her to explain why. If she truly didn't know you were here, she will tell you so.

You can forgive a mistake, or circumstances conspiring to keep you apart. You were in Sargon, and then Rhodes Island, and you didn't attain enough fame to be known by name in RI. "Hellfog," the personal killer of a Lord Ameer, is not something that can be easily linked to you.


She knew.

"...yeah, I knew."

You look her in the eye.

"Why, then?"

"...Lech told me to not do it, but… yeah, I made a mistake. I'm not going to make excuses." she says. "But this… this is important. Okay?"

"...okay. What did you want to tell me, Linette?"

"Do you want to go back to the City?"

The question catches you by surprise.

Do you? You were just thinking about that.

"...If I could go to both places, I would. If we found a path. But otherwise, no." you say. As much as there are people you want to help, you're okay with staying here, and working with Rhodes Island already helps enough people.

Ugh, it's all so exhausting.

You place yet another cigarette in your mouth. Where- where did you put your lighter?

"...want a light?"

You nod, and Linette takes a lighter out of her pocket- wait. That's your lighter. Did she- did she nick it while you weren't looking.

You give her an exasperated look, and she giggles. But she does give you a light, and that's enough.

Then, her face goes somber

"...I can't go back to the City, you know."


"You ever wonder why… we didn't ever see anyone else using the K-Corp nanomachines?"

You did.

That thing is very powerful. It did always feel very strange how K-Corp never seemed to use them anywhere.

"Turns out there's a reason." she says, and then melts into a puddle.

You stumble and almost trip in your own feet. She- she melted into the ground. Into some sort of silvery liquid. What- what the?

She resurfaces from the puddle, dressed in the face and body of that Molar Office fixer she likes to pretend to be. Olga, wasn't it?

"I think… I figured out their secret. The secret of their Singularity."

The secret of K-Corp's Singularity.

The secrets of their technology were never something you had much interest in.

You knew the secret of the old L-Corp, the children of the Haze.

You have always had the feeling you're very close to them, now.

These tendrils of smoking flesh lurk deep within your organs, after all. Your lungs are nothing but a mass of them- wearing a very convincing disguise of a real pulmonary system.

There are many people who kill for this knowledge.

After all, it's a pricey secret. If you know it, you have an advantage. You can make quite a lot of money by simply selling it to their competitors.

But Wings are oftentimes willing to do anything to silence those who learn these secrets.

You're in a place they can't reach, but that ingrained self-preservation instinct still screams that the information is dangerous.

"Tell me." you say.

"...the nanomachines were never the Singularity. There's no nanomachines involved at all." she says. "In fact, the substance doesn't heal anything- it reverts it to a "correct state.""

" did you learn that?"

"It's hard not to, when you become that substance." she says. "I figured it out, in the end. Why didn't they use the Hephaestus? It's because of how it works, you see. The K-Corp ampoules we use revert the target to the correct state of their body- I suspect those decay ampoules they use simply have a different definition of a correct state. The primordial soup, maybe."

So, the Hephaestus…

"Would allow the user to freely rewrite their definition of a "correct state." In practice, changing themselves into anything. But like I said, there's a side effect."

You wait, while she stares off into the window.

"One day, I changed into a different body. And then I realized that there wasn't anything beneath." she says.

"...that's the secret, I guess. A violation of the Head's taboos. With time, the user ceases to be human and starts being… machine, I don't know. All that is left is a solution, holding the mind of the target in its "correct definition." They don't allow you to feed your brain to a robot, to prolong your consciousness- why would they allow this? I don't know why they didn't go after me. Maybe they knew I would leave the City before the line was crossed, and that I would not return."

She sighs.

"That's all, I guess. I can't ever go back to the City. I didn't tell this to Lech yet. Beats knows, but I'm not sure how to tell it to everyone else."

You stare into her eyes for a second.

You walk up to Linette.

You hug her.


Your name is Sieghart, and you're explaining how augmentations work.

"You… bought that?" says Amiya, looking pointedly at your left bicep.

Which, right now, has been opened with a scalpel, showing the black cables interlinked with the muscles, which themselves have been replaced with superior versions.

Some electrodes have been connected to the muscles, reporting something to the machine Kal'tsit is fiddling with.

"Yes. The muscles themselves are a product of Connection Workshop."

Kal'tsit stares at the test results in front of her.

"Do all of you have such augmentations?"

"Most of us, yes. Arabella does not need any, and I don't know about the Librarians. X has an Abnormality, whose powers I already explained earlier."

[CENSORED] makes a gurgling noise, moving his head towards the Doctor. The man seems to hesitate for a moment, but then pets it. It seems to giggle? A similar noise. Chesed stares in concern, but then shakes his head.

"Roland has many, I believe, but most of us are utilizing the powers of certain books we carry. Technically, we have none, but some of the people our books are modeled after did carry them."


"Three of them were Distortions- the Crying Children, L'Heure du Loup, and Yesterday's Promise. They were not exactly… compatible with any augments."

"Ah. Yes. Distortions. That one concept is… worrying. You told me you had a vision of another Distortion happening right here, on Terra?"

Oh. Yes.

That one.

"...yes. It has something to do with a person called the "Deathless Black Snake." Do you know that person?"

The way the gazes of all Rhodes Island personnel in the room seem to immediately harden is a bit worrying.

Amiya looks you straight in the eye.

"Tell me about it. Right now."

Oh boy.

(Sieghart will be a bit busy explaining everything. There's so much to disclose. You'll perhaps lose a day on this.)

(On the meantime…)

[ ] Interlude: The Vermillion Cross

(While I may not be part of your Office, I am still his friend. I do not fear death. Why should I fear the Library?)

[ ] Interlude: Wolf's Fang

(This Great Game of yours… sounds fun as hell. But I'll have to refuse. I can't die yet.)

[ ] Interlude: The Painted World

("Stop- stop this! I won't be leaving!" "Malkuth." "Stop!" "Malkuth.")

[ ] Interlude: Bob's Beers

(Dear Lech. How are you? I'm sorry for coming so suddenly, but... I really need your help right now.)

[ ] Interlude: Entertaiment

(Dance, dance, dance, little assassin! Dance for the amusement of the crowd!)

[ ] Interlude: Stalemate

(The fortress of death, the helix of the end. It is our duty- as blades of the Emperor- to breach it.)

Character Sheet Unlocked: The Doctor
Character Sheet Unlocked: Amiya
Character Sheet Unlocked: Kal'tsit

(All under the section "Rhodes Island")

An interesting chapter to write, at least. Very fun. Have a treat alongside this chapter.
Ægir 3rd Squad Abyssal Hunter
Ishmael Identity

Base Speed: 4-8

Passive: The Kraken's Grasp
Wrath Res. (x3)
  • Enter Seaborn Frenzy next turn, changing skills.
  • At the start of the next turn, lose 30 SP.
Passive (Seaborn Frenzy): Driftwood
Gloom Res. (x3)
  • Leave Seaborn Frenzy next turn, changing skills.
  • At the start of the next turn, recover 30 SP.
Support Passive: Shatter the Tide
Gloom Own. (x2) Wrath Own. (x1)
Two allies with the lowest SP deal 10% additional damage against targets with slower Speed.

  • Crush the Tide
    • Damage: Slash
    • Base: 3
    • Coin: +4 (x2)
    • On Use: Gain 2 Haste next turn.
    • On Clash Win: Gain additional Haste next turn equal to half the Speed difference between the two sides
  • Annihilate Terrors
    • Damage: Blunt
    • Base: 6
    • Coin: +2 (x3)
    • On Use: Gain Damage Up equal to half the Speed difference between the two sides
  • Reefbreaker
    • Damage: Blunt
    • Base: 7
    • Coin: +2 (x4)
    • On Use: Gain Attack Power Up and Damage Up next turn equal to current Haste on self.
    • On Hit (Coin 4): Burst Tremor
Defense Skill: Stew (Block)
  • Base: 14
  • Coin: +3 (x1)
  • Combat Start: Lose 30 SP. Gain 2 Haste next turn.

Seaborn Frenzy Skills:
  • Lament
    • Damage: Blunt
    • Base: 8
    • Coin: -1 (x3)
    • On Hit: Lose 3 SP
    • On Hit: Lose 3 SP
    • On Hit: Lose 3 SP
  • Horrible Grasp
    • Damage: Blunt
    • Base: 14
    • Coin: -4 (x1)
    • On Hit: Recycle this coin and lose 5 HP/SP. Can be repeated 5 times or until the coin reaches 0.
  • Into The Deep
    • Damage: Pierce
    • Base: 27
    • Coin: -5 (x3)
    • On Hit: Heal HP equal to 100% of damage dealt, lose 10 SP
    • On Hit: Heal HP equal to 50% of damage dealt, lose 6 SP
    • On Hit: Heal HP equal to 30% of damage dealt, lose 6 SP
Defense Skill: Ear-Splitting Wail (Blunt Counter)
  • Base: 15
  • Coin: -3 (x2)
  • On Hit: Gain 7 SP
  • On Hit: Gain 7 SP
The High Inquisitor
Don Quixote identity

Base Speed: 4-8
Starts with 12 Ammo

Passive: Lantern's Light
Pride Res. (x3)
  • At Combat Start, all enemies are afflicted with Attack Level Down equal to Pride Res/2 (rounded down).
  • [Seaborn] enemies receive the effect thrice.
Support Passive: Endure, For Iberia!
Pride Own. (x6)
  • Guard skills gain +2 Power.
  • Allies using a Guard skill while below 50% HP gain 2 Protection.
  • Yield, Fiends!
    • Damage: Pierce
    • Base: 7
    • Coin: +5 (x1)
    • On Hit: Inflict 2 Pierce Fragility next turn.
  • Blasphemers, Repent!
    • Damage: Pierce
    • Base: 6
    • Coin: +4 (x2)
    • On Hit: Spend 1 Ammo to inflict 3 Paralysis next turn
    • On Hit: Spend 1 Ammo to inflict 2 Fragile next turn
  • March Onwards! Continue On!
    • Damage: Pierce
    • Base: 1
    • Coin: +3 (x4)
    • Combat Start: Apply 3 Protection to self
    • On Use: This skill gains +1 Coin Power for every 10% of Max. HP lost
    • On Hit: Spend 1 Ammo
    • On Hit: Spend 1 Ammo
    • On Hit: Spend 1 Ammo
    • On Hit: Spend 3 Ammo and inflict 10% additional damage for every 10% of Max. HP lost
Defense Skill: Stand Guard! (Block)
  • Defense Skill: Stand Guard!
  • Base: 16
  • Coin: +4 (x1)
  • On Use: Replenish 6 Ammo
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