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It's Turbin' Time (Library of Ruina Modded/Arknights)
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In which a group of 100% mentally stable Fixers is transported to the realm of Magic Rock Cancer.

This will surely end well.
0.1 - Turbulent Will


#1 Masters of the Bazaar Fan
My Lodgings
Spoilers for Library of Ruina, the specific mod that this quest is about and Arknights.

0.1 - Turbulent Will

…you're dead.

What a shame. After all you and your friends went through, after all you did to carve your name into the annals of the City, you are dead. As of now, all you can feel is your body fading away into light-wreathed pages. It feel like the world has slowed down. You're vanishing- slowly, gently.

It's done. You no longer have a body. Everything that used to compose "you" is now safely contained within one of the Pale Librarian's tomes. You don't expect to stay safe for long. She did say she would set fire to your books after this was all said and done.

Hah. Maybe you should've done this before the Library was declared an Impurity. Maybe you could have won, then.

So this is the end of the legend of Turbulence Office. What a joke of an ending. Then again, not like you were any different. The Library swallowed you whole, and unlike all these other people, there will be no coming back from the belly of the beast.

No great pillar of light will come out of the sky to spread Light over the City once more. You will not awaken in your Office, safe and sound once again. Tell me, Fixer. How did you fall?

[ ] You were vanquished by the blade of the Red Mist, under the blistering heat of her forge. A powerful swing of that grotesque flesh blade, a swing strong enough to cleave your body in twain. It hurt but for a moment.
[ ] You bled to death in that peculiar room, with stairs everywhere you could see. Some strange effect kept your wounds open, kept the blood flowing out of your body. It was a very painful way to go out.
[ ] You were crushed to paste in that strange city of gears. That strange chained ball, held by that purple-haired librarian, smashed you into a pulp. It didn't hurt that much, to be honest. After he broke through your defenses, the whole thing was over quickly.
[ ] You were sliced to bits in a flurry of strikes in that enormous city of books. The Black Silence's assault was unrelenting. You almost welcomed that final black blade digging into what remained of you.
[ ] You melted alive. In that bright, golden room with the red carpet. All of a sudden, this strange green liquid covered you and your allies. As you fought that blonde girl and her goons, it burned through your body. Slowly. Very slowly.
[ ] You were rent into nothingness by sound. In that sinister clocktower. You felt no pain at all. All you felt was a sense of… nostalgia.
[ ] You were carved apart by the Singularity of Fairy, whose wounds only worsen with time. You were not expecting an Arbiter to be there. What kind of place even was the Library? And they had the gall to call you a weirdo.

You can't return to the City.

…but nothing says you can't go somewhere else. Somewhere different from anything you've experienced before.

Your book begins to shake. As if claimed by an invisible hand, it slowly slithers out of the bookshelf and falls into the floor. From there, it simply vanishes, off to parts unknown.

But what book was this? Who exactly are you, amongst the ranks of Turbulence Office?

[ ] Sieghart
A Color Fixer known as the Steel Determination, Sieghart is the third member and leader of Turbulence Office. A man who's seen everything that The City has to offer, there's not much that can affect this veteran Fixer nowadays.

  • Extremely skilled and powerful, unphased by even the weirdest occurrences.
  • Massive weirdo magnet. It's like the universe itself conspires to put him in the most bizarre situations it can manufacture.
  • Hears voices. No, not really. He hears one voice. A warm voice.
[ ] Beats
The sixth member of Turbulence Office. A tactical mastermind with an extremely advanced screen-head implant.

  • His cyborg implants grant him a powerful physique and amplify his already excellent tactical skill.
  • Addicted to ketamine.
  • Unlike the president of Cane Office, can't shoot laser beams out of his screen face.
  • Needs a proper energy supply to keep his implants going, and that can get expensive.
[ ] Linette
The seventh member of Turbulence Office. A self-proclaimed "expert at identity theft," Linette has a tendency to lie a lot. Formerly a charity worker, she now fights to claim the wealth that was denied to the children of the Backstreets.

  • Linette, can steal money, can steal faces and can steal powers- a true genius plagiarist.
  • Refuses to show her true face. Linette is always copying someone, whether that "someone" likes it or not.
  • Likes to shapeshift into people to mess with them. That can get unnerving at times.
  • Lies all the time, whether or not it's a good idea to do so.
[ ] Wympe
The ninth member of Turbulence Office. Secretary of the organization and a girl saddled with massive confidence issues. Even with her issues, she's still the sanest member of Turbulence Office.

  • Skilled contract lawyer.
  • Wait, how did she turn that piece of paper into a bomb?
  • Nearly entirely unable to see worth in her own accomplisments.
[ ] Lech
The eleventh member of Turbulence Office. A former T-Corp scientist carrying dangerous stolen technology. Living on borrowed time.

  • Holds temporal manipulation powers and powerful cyborg augmentations.
  • Has lived for long and seen much.
  • Much like Beats, his mechanical body has considerable energy requirements, a problem that is worsened by the cost of utilizing his TT2 protocol.
  • Has yet to fully realize the price of silence.

Author's Note: You might be wondering who the hell are these people. To that question, I answer: those of you that have completed Library of Ruina- play Turbulence Office. Truly, it is the mod of all time. But for real, you don't need to. As long as you have the general background on the City you'll get these guys. If you're not in the mood for a quality modded reception that will absolutely not bring you endless suffering, of course.
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Character Sheets - Part 1
Character Sheets - Part 1

Turbulence Office

Age: 39
Threat Grade: Color

Third amongst the ranks of Turbulence Office. The Color Fixer known as The Steel Determination. Strong, resilient, and utterly loyal to his friends. A man unfazed by the City's madness. Few are the things that can surprise Sieghart.

- The Steel Determination: To be recognized as a Color- the dream and lifetime goal of all Fixers who wish for freedom.

- Light's Voice: A voice in his head. Guiding, advising, bringing forth revelation. Chipping away at his mind. Her voice is warm. It's warm, like the sun. But you don't have to listen. Idiot.

- Turbulent Will: Turbulence Office remains stalwart. You hit them, you send them flying, you make them stumble, you knock them out. But they bounce back. They always do.

- Unity: Sooner or later you have to face the fact that literally all adventures are about learning the value of teamwork.

- Students Of The Same Teacher: Something binds you to these creatures known as Distortions. The Light is scarce in this reality, and those few who hold it will inevitably drift towards each other. When facing a Distortion, you will connect to it in unexpected ways. But it will connect back.

- Those Who Are Faithful And Trustworthy: Why do you think I decided to stick with you until the end? Just look around you now. Everyone gathered here just for you. And they're waiting expectantly.
- Fairy's Remnant: The power of an Arbiter. The power of F-Corp's Singularity is to open anything- and what is a wound but an opening of flesh? It has healed, for the most part.

- E.G.O Gift ("Hippity-Hop"): A light-blue shark tail, granted to you by the Dreaming Current. Though you can control it,and even use it as an additional limb without issues, it has a range of involuntary movements, which seem to be connected to you are feeling

Age: 29
Threat Grade: Grade 1
The ninth in Turbulence Office's ranks, and secretary of the organization. A stalwart friend, loyal companion, and skilled contract lawyer, Wympe is a person you can rely on to do anything for you, unless "anything" is seeing the worth in her own accomplishments. Even with these ever-present self-confidence issues, she remains the sanest member of Turbulence Office.

- Turbulent Will: Turbulence Office remains stalwart. You hit them, you send them flying, you make them stumble, you knock them out. But they bounce back. They always do.

- Unity: Sooner or later you have to face the fact that literally all adventures are about learning the value of teamwork.

- Stained With Ink: Wait, how did she turn that piece of paper into a bomb?

- Preparing For A Brawl: Every Association has a very particular style of combat, and they pass it along to their associated Offices. Seven Association teaches their Fixers that the secret to win a battle is to see through the enemy's defenses and properly assess their weaknesses. But what if the enemy doesn't have any? Make one.

- Imposing Breath: "If I was trapped in a room with the Pianist, the Mother of the Sweepers, an Öufi Grade 1, and a gun with only two bullets, I'd shoot the Öufi twice, then kick the body. Just to be sure." - Renaud, Grade 1 Fixer of Charles' Office

- The Courage To Protect: You also have to remember this. She would want you to protect what we have left, rather than just languish in guilt.

- Bottom Deal: In Nest J, the Nest of District 10, the gigantic casino of J-Corp, gambling is a match of who's smarter, who's more clear-headed, who has the best face and who has the better luck. In the Backstreets of District 10, gambling is a match of who cheats harder.

- THE DEEP: It whispers in your ears. Are you willing to welcome it?

Age: 81
Threat Grade: Grade 1

The Bloodsoaked Swordswoman. A Bloodfiend of great age and strength. While she is an immense drama queen and has a tendency to do whatever she thinks is cool at the moment, regardless of how wise it actually is, she is the kind of person who will remain loyal to the ones she loves, until the very end.

- Turbulent Will: Turbulence Office remains stalwart. You hit them, you send them flying, you make them stumble, you knock them out. But they bounce back. They always do.

- Unity: Sooner or later you have to face the fact that literally all adventures are about learning the value of teamwork.

- Bloodfiendish: "There is one thing they strongly crave: blood. It's far from the desire for a good meal. To them, blood isn't something to satiate their gluttony. It's a crystallization of desire. They treat blood like how we treat money. Only that while money is a means for us to afford various desires, blood is a purpose in itself to them. Similar to how humans often become conniving and vicious for money, Bloodfiends are obsessed with blood, and will go to any lengths to consume blood in their own ways." - Moses, the Distortion Detective

- Reckless Blade: Inspired bravery, or reckless foolishness? The line between one and the other is difficult to grasp. When does a courageous charge become a bout of suicidal madness? To one as battle-scarred as Arabella, there is no difference at all. Her blade will wound herself just as it wounds the enemy, and she will laugh all the while.

- Hemomatic Recovery: "Wait, is that my blood- why is poking out through my skin? (incoherent screaming)" An anonymous Middle member, facing Arabella during one of her assassination tasks.

- Hemomatic Boost: If there was ever such a thing as "weaponized suffering," this discipline of Bloodfiend hemokinesis would fit it quite nicely.

Age: ?
Threat Grade: Grade 2

Nicole, Piernascie. The 14th member of Turbulence Office. She doesn't talk much.

- Turbulent Will: Turbulence Office remains stalwart. You hit them, you send them flying, you make them stumble, you knock them out. But they bounce back. They always do.

- Unity: Sooner or later you have to face the fact that literally all adventures are about learning the value of teamwork.

- Puffy Brume: Smoking is good for you.

- Hollowpoint: No matter how strong you are, no matter how hard you hit- one shot from her gun will will stop you on your tracks.

- Extra Pack: If there's one thing life has taught Nicole, is to always have backups. Bring an extra magazine, keep a second pistol if your first breaks. Never be left completely disarmed. You can't be prepared for everything- so make sure to cover the basics.

Age: 39
Threat Grade: Grade 1 (Possibly Color, by now)

Siete, Linette, seventh member of Turbulence Office, wielder of the apparently dangerously illegal Hephaestus "nanomachines," and someone suspiciously similar in appearance and ability to the Damazti Sarkaz.

- Grand Theft: That's a nice ability you have there. It'd be a shame if... someone just... took it for themselves. She could copy it too, apparently, but some times you just have to be an ass to people, it's inevitable.

- It's Just A Prank :3: You know, you can use this for more than just copying. Passing around stolen abilities isn't very reliable, but hey, if it works, it works. And giving someone the abilities you just stole... it's almost perfect.

Useless Trash: You learn to keep this stuff around, after time. You never know when it might be useful.

Lies: This is totally a coping mechanism. And hoo boy did it get worse.

Age: 36
Threat Grade: Grade 1

Sixth amongst the ranks of Turbulence Office. The strange and unpredictable tactician of Turbulence Office. Whimsical, fun-loving and resilient beyond even the standards of his highly enhanced mechanical body. A mind and a soul of steel.

- Turbulent Will: Turbulence Office remains stalwart. You hit them, you send them flying, you make them stumble, you knock them out. But they bounce back. They always do.

- Unity: Sooner or later you have to face the fact that literally all adventures are about learning the value of teamwork.

- Thunderous Tactics - Normally speaking, shock assault troops are expected to take disproportionate casualties in comparison to the rest of the team. Not those ones. Not when he's around.

- Addiction - He can give it up any time, as long as it's next Tuesday.

- Ride the Lightning: A storm for a heart, conductive skin, thunder crackling around their fingers. Beyond the needs of flesh. Not beyond its desires.​

Age: 27
Threat Grade: Grade 1

Sleepy, Enam Belas. The 15th member of Turbulence Office. Very rude.

- Turbulent Will: Turbulence Office remains stalwart. You hit them, you send them flying, you make them stumble, you knock them out. But they bounce back. They always do.

- Unity: Sooner or later you have to face the fact that literally all adventures are about learning the value of teamwork.

- Battle Ready: Sleepy's hand is steady, and he is always ready for another fight.

- Sleeping Terror: He looks unthreatening, doesn't he? Resting there in the shade, immobile, so peaceful. But the second he feels he's disturbed, there won't be much left of the enemy to tell the story.

- Danmaku: If you shoot enough bullets, you literally can't miss.

- Gun Specialist: "Bet you can't put it through the eye." "Left or right?"

Age: ?
Threat Grade: Grade 3

The former leader of the branch of the Siracusan Mafia stationed in Lungmen.

- Mafia: Due to its ancient tradition, the country of Siracusa is currently under the effective control of twelve Mafia families. Capone was born and raised there. That upbringing has left marks in his soul.

- Survivor: The harsh world. The unforgiving world. These are the conditions which shape one's skills to preserve their own life.

- Partial E.G.O: Much like the Angel of Dawn, the Nine Children of the Dragon, and the Red Mist before him, Capone's psyche has manifested itself into a great power. Its true form has yet to be witnessed, but he has moved past the Distortion... for now. A fragile psyche isn't something you can fix with a single speech. His E.G.O will remain incomplete until he attains a true resolution for his emotions.

- The Long Path Ahead: It's time I stopped trying to survive- and started tryin' to live. The Partial E.G.O of Capone. Not only does it allow him to adapt his flesh into a myriad of powerful tools, it also allows him to reconstitute his own body from separated biomass. However, this does not mean that he is invincible- if the biomass is destroyed... and there seems to be a cap on how much biomass he can generate at once using simple animal flesh. Eating human flesh would push past the cap... but Capone has swore to not follow this path of mindless consumption anymore.

- The Expectation for the Meaning of Existance: I want to believe that there's a reason for every sacrifice that was made, and to know that eventually, everything will be okay.
Ayam Adom
Age: >1
Threat Grade: Grade 1

Once, "The One Who Watches." The child of two tides- one of saltwater, one of blood. They fear the ocean, and yet they long to reunite with it, to offer their hands to its children so they may dance together. Is it a foolish dream? Is it a true hope for the future? Only time will tell.

- THE DEEP: It whispers in your ears. Are you willing to welcome it?

- Bloodfiendish: "There is one thing they strongly crave: blood. It's far from the desire for a good meal. To them, blood isn't something to satiate their gluttony. It's a crystallization of desire. They treat blood like how we treat money. Only that while money is a means for us to afford various desires, blood is a purpose in itself to them. Similar to how humans often become conniving and vicious for money, Bloodfiends are obsessed with blood, and will go to any lengths to consume blood in their own ways." - Moses, the Distortion Detective

- First Steps: They're learning, still. (Traits may be gained, lost, and replaced rapidly.)
- Shapeling: Flesh twists and bone knots under her hands. Life springs forth from a drop of blood.

Lobotomy Corporation

Age: ?
Threat Grade: ?

The former manager of Lobotomy Corporation. A spectral apparition of the fallen Wing's past, clinging to the mind of the Steel Determination.

- The Fearlessness to Keep On Living: Something never earned in life, now, ironically enough, attained in death. Even when life is full of pain, Abel will persue his chosen path- finding and holding on to even the smallest shred of possibility.

- The Wings of the World: Ayin was a scientist so skilled he could have picked any Wing, and would have attained great prestige no matter which one he chose. He chose to persue and attain an even greater goal- to found a Wing himself.

- Scars: Abel cannot stand up to Carmen. He cannot even bear to hear her voice. Not yet. The pain is simply too great. It still hurts. But for better or for worse, he has to gaze upon that horrible sight. And he refuses to falter.

Age: ?
Threat Grade: ?

The former manager of Lobotomy Corporation. The wielder of the Dreaming Current.

- Bubble: The pools of liquid that profused certain sections of the facility while The Dreaming Current escaped drastically inhibited the movement of employees and dealt RED damage over time. However, the employees' SP healed over time.

- Dash: After all is said and done, the biggest appeal of sharks is their strong jaws and teeth. A shark's jaw can apply an intense amount of force, around 20 times that of an adult human. Besides, their vision and olfactory sense are extremely well developed, allowing them to locate their targets easily. This is why sharks could reign as the ocean's greatest predator until today.

- Candy: Tell the kid today's treat is going to be grape-flavored candy. It's his favorite.

- ???: Unknown.

- ???: Unknown.

Age: ?
Threat Grade: ALEPH
Formerly the Manager of Lobotomy Corporation. The wielder (and friend) of the Abnormality known as [CENSORED]. Fulfilled the dreams of Ayin and Carmen, and in the end, made the choice to abandon that name of his, and to not fade away.

- [CENSORED]: Even after we adopted the cognition filter, many of our managers have lost their minds. Half of them gone because of (CENSORED). Even if we raise the cognition filter to its maximum setting at the risk of having our employees and other Abnormalities being perceived as extremely simple objects, the managers will still be driven insane as soon as this Abnormality comes into sight.

- The Knowing I: The final lesson, the teachings of Keter. X knows who he is, and what he is. Some would say that this is the most important lesson of them all.

- ???: Unknown.
The Plague Doctor

Age: ?
Threat Grade: ZAYIN

An immortal Abnormality capable of ascending to a far greater form, if the stars align. It is once again sealed, but a small sliver remains- inside your mind.

- Abnormality...?: Immortal, beholden to one's nature. A being born of humanity's collective subconscious. But something seems to have changed.

- A Contract: A deal has been made. A proposal was accepted. A fragment of the Plague Doctor shall live, and move onwards.

- Light and Life: So shall he never die.

- ???: Unknown.
The Dreaming Current

Age: ?
Threat Grade: WAW

An immortal Abnormality aligned with dreams, escapism, and the ocean. You have wielded it in combat before, and it has given you a gift.

- Synchronization: There is some incompatibility. But now, it's a possibility for you.​

- Abnormality: Immortal, beholden to one's nature. A being born of humanity's collective subconscious.

- Rainbow Sea: Let us all watch the brilliant ocean tides together, sparkling in rainbow colors. It doesn't have to be the real sea. Just looking at that candy, the candy with the sea inside, it's enough for me. When you're looking at beautiful things, it's okay to take slow steps.

- Hippity-Hop: I'm not wishing for things like vast meadows or warm sunlight. What I want to see is the ocean. I keep seeing it, in my dreams... and after that, I get so excited, I just can't stand still. Will I be able to run around in wider places one day?

- Candy: Please tell me it's grape-flavored candy. It's my favorite.

- ???: Unknown.


Age: ?
Threat Grade: Grade 1

"Skadi," a wandering singer. Perhaps more.

- ???: Unknown.

- ???: Unknown.

- ???: Unknown.

- ???: Unknown.​

Wei Yenwu

Age: ?
Threat Grade: Color

Lungmen's Chief Executive. A respected political leader. Wise, polite, tough, and a good strategist. Highly respected in many circles around the world. Truly cares about the development and well-being of his city- not very fond of people who bring destruction to it.

- ???: Unknown.

- ???: Unknown.

- ???: Unknown.​

Lungmen Underworld

Age: ?
Threat Grade: 4/3

The actual, current leader of the branch of the Siracusan Mafia stationed in Lungmen, as he took the boss spot from Capone when he came there. Brash and prideful.

- Mafia: Due to its ancient tradition, the country of Siracusa is currently under the effective control of twelve Mafia families. Gambino was born and raised there, and now that his family was purged, he moves to Lungmen to continue his operations and seize any power he can.

-Oh, My Brother: An oath has ben sworn with blood. Few who would cast such a promise break it.

- Pride: How many bosses does it take to change a light bulb? One. He holds the light bulb and the universe revolves around him to screw it in.​

The Inquisition

Age: ?
Threat Grade: Above Grade 2

A high-ranking member of the Iberian Inquisition.

- Unrelenting: There exists a certain kind of person- the kind who will fight until the bitter end and then some.

- Wedge: A sharp blade, and a sharp mind behind it. The tools of an Inquisitor- the cannon and the rapier- represent Iberia's strength.

- The Inquisition: The de facto governing body of Iberia. Those who remain standing between the Seaborn and their nation. Though not all Iberians welcome them with open arms, they still hold great power and authority.

- ???: Unknown.

- ???: Unknown.

Age: ?
Threat Grade: Grade 2

An Iberian Inquisitor. While her experience is lacking, none can say she does not have spirit.

- Wedge: A sharp blade, and a sharp mind behind it. The tools of an Inquisitor- the cannon and the rapier- represent Iberia's strength.

- The Inquisition: The de facto governing body of Iberia. Those who remain standing between the Seaborn and their nation. Though not all Iberians welcome them with open arms, they still hold great power and authority.

- ???: Unknown.​

The Distortion Phenomena

Age: Less then a day
Threat Grade: Star of the City.

The Distortion of Capone. Consumed by its desire to persist eternally, and its uncontrolled, ever-rising spiral of pure emotion.

Has receded. The ever-growing hunger has ceased- the endless drive to survive has been quenched. Capone has returned to the world.

- Shimmering - Distortions cannot be exhausted. Beings consumed by desire will chase the desire until their very soul gives out. No wounds shall impede, no blood spilled shall weaken. They will proceed on their endless march until the reaper comes to claim them.
- Knowledge: The Eternal Meal: They fought amongst themselves to eat the others. And the stronger side survived. That, simply, is the story.

- ???: One of three secrets. This one tastes of hunger.

- ???: One of three secrets. This one tastes of water.

-The Stench of Betrayal: One of three secrets- the secret of a bond. A bond that turned out to be a lie. It has now been revealed. There are consequences to breaking such a sacred bond. But these consequences will be consumed, much like all else. The oath made was a lie, and the sin was also a lie. Everything that is not vital for one's survival is a lie- and lies will be left behind.

(Gambino will ignore all protections that the Eternal Persistence constructs to defend itself. As long as Gambino lives, wounds he inflicts on the Eternal Persistence will not heal and cannot be adapted from. Killing Gambino will allow the Eternal Persistence to rise to far greater heights.)

Age: ???
Threat Grade: Star of the City.

The former host of the Deathless Black Snake, now Distorted. She marches on a mission to destroy all that can be called "Ursus." The image you see is but her former human shape- it has been discarded.

Knowledge: Helix Of The End: The tower is touched by the sky, and it will leave nothing on the earth.

Where We Must Reach: (This Distortion is infectious. Each victim that perishes at their hands- starting from the second the lethal blow is given- will rise as an extension of her. A creature borne of hate, persuing that all-consuming vengeance alongside its master.)

Death of the Deathless: Unknown.

???: Unknown.

???: Unknown.​
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[x] You were carved apart by the Singularity of Fairy, whose wounds only worsen with time. You were not expecting an Arbiter to be there. What kind of place even was the Library? And they had the gall to call you a weirdo.
[x] Sieghart
[x] You were carved apart by the Singularity of Fairy, whose wounds only worsen with time. You were not expecting an Arbiter to be there. What kind of place even was the Library? And they had the gall to call you a weirdo.
[x] Sieghart

Anyway, I am actually fine with this vote. Dying to Binah is a good way to go out. And, out of them all, Sieghart sounds the most interesting.

1. The guy has a lot of determination. Don't know much about Arknights, but that's always good to have.

2. We attract bizarre shit = there will always be interesting plot hooks to follow.

3. That voice is Carmen. Which means we have a chance to get and EGO or Distort. 50/50.
[X] You were rent into nothingness by sound. In that sinister clocktower. You felt no pain at all. All you felt was a sense of… nostalgia.
[X] Linette

EDIT: Oh, consider posting this in the Quest Advertising Thread.
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[X] You were rent into nothingness by sound. In that sinister clocktower. You felt no pain at all. All you felt was a sense of… nostalgia.
[X] Linette
[X] You were rent into nothingness by sound. In that sinister clocktower. You felt no pain at all. All you felt was a sense of… nostalgia.
[X] Lech
The eleventh member of Turbulence Office. A former T-Corp scientist carrying dangerous stolen technology. Living on borrowed time.

At least it's thematic
[X] You were carved apart by the Singularity of Fairy, whose wounds only worsen with time. You were not expecting an Arbiter to be there. What kind of place even was the Library? And they had the gall to call you a weirdo.
[X] Sieghart

These two choices have potential for story making.
[x] You were carved apart by the Singularity of Fairy, whose wounds only worsen with time. You were not expecting an Arbiter to be there. What kind of place even was the Library? And they had the gall to call you a weirdo.
[x] Sieghart

C'mon let's get a ego or turn into a distortion it'll be fun.
[x] You were carved apart by the Singularity of Fairy, whose wounds only worsen with time. You were not expecting an Arbiter to be there. What kind of place even was the Library? And they had the gall to call you a weirdo.
[x] Sieghart
[X] You bled to death in that peculiar room, with stairs everywhere you could see. Some strange effect kept your wounds open, kept the blood flowing out of your body. It was a very painful way to go out.
[X] Wympe

She can be best friends with Jessica. They may be able to help each other's issues with self-worth.

Jessica is also rich, we're talking more money in her snack budget than city-states have in their treasury, and Wympe sounds like the right person to manage her bank account. :V
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[X] You were rent into nothingness by sound. In that sinister clocktower. You felt no pain at all. All you felt was a sense of… nostalgia.
[X] Lech
The eleventh member of Turbulence Office. A former T-Corp scientist carrying dangerous stolen technology. Living on borrowed time.

This is some high-tier crack, I want to see where it goes.
[x] You were carved apart by the Singularity of Fairy, whose wounds only worsen with time. You were not expecting an Arbiter to be there. What kind of place even was the Library? And they had the gall to call you a weirdo.
[x] Sieghart
Ok. So, I'm not 100% sure why we get to choose how we died. But, if each one is supposed to represent a bonus then here's my guesses:

[ ] You were vanquished by the blade of the Red Mist, under the blistering heat of her forge. A powerful swing of that grotesque flesh blade, a swing strong enough to cleave your body in twain. It hurt but for a moment.

We got Greater Split: Verticaled by Gebura. Possibly get a glimpse into what makes her so strong and be able to replicate it.

[ ] You bled to death in that peculiar room, with stairs everywhere you could see. Some strange effect kept your wounds open, kept the blood flowing out of your body. It was a very painful way to go out.

Hod fucking bled us to death using her Bleed Strat Floor. Possibly gain some power to do the same to others?

[ ] You were crushed to paste in that strange city of gears. That strange chained ball, held by that purple-haired librarian, smashed you into a pulp. It didn't hurt that much, to be honest. After he broke through your defenses, the whole thing was over quickly.

Yesod killed us with his Regret Ball and Chain. Maybe understand how to hit people with a really big chunk of metal?

[ ] You were sliced to bits in a flurry of strikes in that enormous city of books. The Black Silence's assault was unrelenting. You almost welcomed that final black blade digging into what remained of you.

Roland Furioso'd us. Possibly have some idea on how to replicate that.

[ ] You melted alive. In that bright, golden room with the red carpet. All of a sudden, this strange green liquid covered you and your allies. As you fought that blonde girl and her goons, it burned through your body. Slowly. Very slowly.

Tipereth used Erosion to melt us down. Maybe gain a similar ability.

[ ] You were rent into nothingness by sound. In that sinister clocktower. You felt no pain at all. All you felt was a sense of… nostalgia.

Hokma hit us with the Blue Star. Maybe we carry that sound with us? If so, that's bad, cause that shit turns people into cult worshippers.

[ ] You were carved apart by the Singularity of Fairy, whose wounds only worsen with time. You were not expecting an Arbiter to be there. What kind of place even was the Library? And they had the gall to call you a weirdo.

Lastly, we got ripped apart by Binah's Fairies. This one in particular would be the most useful. Fairy's are little Nano-Machines that can not only rip your target apart from the inside out, but they are the polar opposite to J-Corp's Singularity. J-Corp's Singularity allows them to "Lock" things away. This moves right up to the conceptual idea of "Locking" things away. The Fairy Singularity is a "Key" that can "Unlock" anything. Even J-Corp's Lock. So, if we have that, there is literally NOTHING we can't unlock. Yes, even conceptually. Theoretically.

Note: I'm just spitballing here. No clue if any of this is true.
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The general history of Arknights quests has me iffy, but what the hey. Arknights AND Ruina, how could I possibly resist.
[X ] You were sliced to bits in a flurry of strikes in that enormous city of books. The Black Silence's assault was unrelenting. You almost welcomed that final black blade digging into what remained of you.

For all that he's a main protag my boy Roland rarely features strongly in Ruina fics so I feel like throwing him a bone here
[X ] Linette
The seventh member of Turbulence Office. A self-proclaimed "expert at identity theft," Linette has a tendency to lie a lot. Formerly a charity worker, she now fights to claim the wealth that was denied to the children of the Backstreets.

Facestealer seems like it would have the best potential for interesting stories so it has my vote.
For all that he's a main protag my boy Roland rarely features strongly in Ruina fics so I feel like throwing him a bone here

Personally I'd say that Roland and Angela are the protags of the main game.

And the probable reason why he hardly features is cause there's not much to do with him.

Set him before the end of the game? He's a nihilistic, just about suicidal jerk, who's only reason for existence is to kill Angela to avenge his wife.

Set him after the end of the game? He's a changed, non-suicidal, jerk with a heart of gold, that has decided to settle down with his friend and write a book. Not much of a place for him to go after that.

Plus his general style isn't as immediately recognizable. Gebura? You can tell she's the Red Mist and will fucking annihilate anything with brute force and EGO. And her general "Tomboy Badass Woman" outlook attracts people. Binah? A mysterious, tea-drinking, gothic maid woman who pyscho-analyzes everyone she meets, used to work for the Big Bad of the Setting, and basically only cares about fighting someone worthy? Yeah people would be attracted to that.

Then there's Roland.

A mostly normal dude who fights using a hammer space worth of weapons.

Cool, but nothing too stand out. Which is the point.

Ironically, it kind of fits his moniker/general Color gimmick. The Black Silence. Hardly anyone outside of his friends, other Colors, and the Ensemble knows who he is/pays attention to him. Just like most fics.
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[X] You were rent into nothingness by sound. In that sinister clocktower. You felt no pain at all. All you felt was a sense of… nostalgia.
[X] Lech
The eleventh member of Turbulence Office. A former T-Corp scientist carrying dangerous stolen technology. Living on borrowed time.

this or nemo head, but for theme, this wins.
also do not want to deal with Carmen at allcost.
[X] You were rent into nothingness by sound. In that sinister clocktower. You felt no pain at all. All you felt was a sense of… nostalgia.
[X] Lech
The eleventh member of Turbulence Office. A former T-Corp scientist carrying dangerous stolen technology. Living on borrowed time.

this or nemo head, but for theme, this wins.
also do not want to deal with Carmen at allcost.

Oh come on. It's not that bad. As long as we tell her to FUCK OFF we'll be fine. Then we get a super cool EGO that has a bullshit ability attached to it.
Oh come on. It's not that bad. As long as we tell her to FUCK OFF we'll be fine. Then we get a super cool EGO that has a bullshit ability attached to it.
I don't think it'll be that easy. There are far, far more Distortions than there are EGO users. The only people we even know about who manifested their own EGO are Yuria and Xiao, and of those two one had help and would've gone Distortion had they been alone. The other two EGO users, Kali and Moses, had their EGO made not through the disseminated Light.

Historically, if you hear the Voice, you are practically guaranteed to turn into a Distortion.
[X] You were rent into nothingness by sound. In that sinister clocktower. You felt no pain at all. All you felt was a sense of… nostalgia.

[X] Lech

Good luck, and this seems like it'll be an interesting quest. And there's something about temporal manipulation that just interests me.
I don't think it'll be that easy. There are far, far more Distortions than there are EGO users. The only people we even know about who manifested their own EGO are Yuria and Xiao, and of those two one had help and would've gone Distortion had they been alone. The other two EGO users, Kali and Moses, had their EGO made not through the disseminated Light.

Historically, if you hear the Voice, you are practically guaranteed to turn into a Distortion.

First, a chance is still a chance and I'm willing to gamble on that 50/50 shot.

Second, if having help is all it takes then Sighart has that covered. Remember, his thing is he attracts bizarre shit to him. And, if the Turbulence Office was any indication, that includes people he at least trusts with his life. So, he at least has a good chance of getting an EGO.
im completely done with her bullshit, and the wound form keter fight still hurts like a bitch.
also, ego or distortion is not a coin toss, its a mental warfare with your self doubt and humans nature to find excuses.
and city people don't have that much of a chance at winning it.
Then there's Roland.

A mostly normal dude who fights using a hammer space worth of weapons.

Cool, but nothing too stand out. Which is the point.

Ironically, it kind of fits his moniker/general Color gimmick. The Black Silence. Hardly anyone outside of his friends, other Colors, and the Ensemble knows who he is/pays attention to him. Just like most fics.
and that is his stick, he tricks you into thinking he is just a normal dude and slowly makes you mouth run like a broken valve, and thats why he do info scooping jobs, he knows how to use his words to poke things out of people.
he did that to all the librarians to get info and if you pay close attention, he didn't even speaks anything important about his live or past til gebura talked him into it, and thats after he get gebura to spill her life story.
he also gave it a shot after knowing binah is(or was) an arbiter, and give up trying to push binah to talk at binah story 3 or 4.
he act generic for his job, and acting like a generic guy will make a perfect chance for a sneak attack.
and unless it is related to Angelica, he keeps his cool even when killing his former best friend.
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[x] You were rent into nothingness by sound. In that sinister clocktower. You felt no pain at all. All you felt was a sense of… nostalgia.
[x] Linette

Don't mind me, just putting what I find funniest/most entertaining out there and hoping for the best.

(Seriously, can we play the lying identity thief instead of one of the powerful cyborgs? Powerful Cyborgs are everywhere, it's boring.)

Hokma hit us with the Blue Star. Maybe we carry that sound with us? If so, that's absolutely fantastic, cause that shit turns people into cult worshippers.

Fixed it for you.

your target apart from the inside out, but they are the polar opposite to L-Corp's Singularity. L-Corp's Singularity allows them to "Lock" things away. This moves right up to the conceptual idea of "Locking" things away. The Fairy Singularity is a "Key" that can "Unlock" anything. Even J-Corp's Lock.

Uh... the Corp with the lock singularity is J-corp, not L-corp, L-corp is lobotomy corporation... you may want to correct your post here.

Ironically, it kind of fits his moniker/general Color gimmick. The Black Silence. Hardly anyone outside of his friends, other Colors, and the Ensemble knows who he is/pays attention to him. Just like most fics.

Roland isn't the Black Silence, it's his wife, Angelica, and she was named *Black Silence* because her gloves makes it so that you won't hear anything but her weapons when she uses them. (I can thank Naron for knowing this last part, he was the one who said the artbook say this)
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hmm, If I remembered it correctly, theres a girl in arknight that also mess with time, and her theme is fallen angel, that interaction will be good to see if t corp guy wins.
edit: also, a Scientist that do time travel will be welcomed anywhere, Rhode island, Rhine Lab, lungmen, anywhere.
it will be the one with the biggest wiggle room.
and not a lot of guy needs a WoMD( Weapon of Mass Destruction )level muscle around for some insecure ass.
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