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Alright alright. I only have 1 Question and it's the main one that I've always had about Arknights.

What the fuck is the Infection? Who are the Infected?
The infected are people who have a disease called Oripathy.

Think of it as rock cancer.

You get it by inhaling too much originium particles in the air, or by introducing large amounts of originium to the body. Think of originium as magic tiberium. Every living thing on Terra, save for the Abyssal Hunters, havr a little bit of originium in their blood. Not enough to be lethal or for it to start converting your cells into more originium, but it's something that can be measured.

Oripathy, contrary to popular belief, can't be spread by making contact with the Infected. Instead, it mainly spreads due to improper handling and protection of workers who mine or refine originium. That, and when a Infected dies, their entire body turns into the stuff and then dissolves into tiny particles. The disease has a incredibly varied list of symptoms as its effects will mainly depend on where it begins to form. It can be anywhere from your brain to your skin to your nerves.

People who suffer from Oripathy are feared due to this, and the fact that since they have significant amounts of Originium in their bodies, they can use it as a power source to cast magic (Called Arts) at the cost of advancing their disease and shortening their life. Mind you, we know that a simple magic missile can be compared to a RPG or hand grenade, so the infected can be seen as always armed even whe most of them don't know how to use magic in the first place.
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[X] A bustling metropolis. Everywhere you look, you can see the banners with the same words- "Kazimierz Major."

Tournaments are cool. People fighting but not killing each other (on screen at least) sounds like something worth seeing.
Yeah. I can guess that much. That's why it's fucked up. Tiberium is fucked shit. Magic Tiberium that infects people to make more magic Tiberium is just an advanced form of war crime rock.
[X] A bustling metropolis. Everywhere you look, you can see the banners with the same words- "Kazimierz Major."

Time for some Interesting Times.
One thing I know for sure though. Sieghart is in for quite the ride.

It's a good thing the man has Anime and Memes on his side.
The infected are people who have a disease called Oripathy.

Think of it as rock cancer.

You get it by inhaling too much originium particles in the air, or by introducing large amounts of originium to the body. Think of originium as magic tiberium. Every living thing on Terra, save for the Abyssal Hunters, havr a little bit of originium in their blood. Not enough to be lethal or for it to start converting your cells into more originium, but it's something that can be measured.

Oripathy, contrary to popular belief, can't be spread by making contact with the Infected. Instead, it mainly spreads due to improper handling and protection of workers who mine or refine originium. That, and when a Infected dies, their entire body turns into the stuff and then dissolves into tiny particles. The disease has a incredibly varied list of symptoms as its effects will mainly depend on where it begins to form. It can be anywhere from your brain to your skin to your nerves.

People who suffer from Oripathy are feared due to this, and the fact that since they have significant amounts of Originium in their bodies, they can use it as a power source to cast magic (Called Arts) at the cost of advancing their disease and shortening their life. Mind you, we know that a simple magic missile can be compared to a RPG or hand grenade, so the infected can be seen as always armed even whe most of them don't know how to use magic in the first place.


Also, I don't know what's worse.

The fact that the world of Arknights might be as fucked up as The City.

Or the fact that, by and large, the world of Arknights could be slapped onto The City as a new District and NOTHING WOULD CHANGE.
[X] A bustling metropolis. Everywhere you look, you can see the banners with the same words- "Kazimierz Major."

Considering the direct combat specced choice won, I'm surprised people aren't choosing the easiest place in the world for Sieghart to thrive. An environment that isn't too different from the City and an easy in to fame and money via the tourneys, though given how many of the people here don't actually know the Arknights setting I guess that's expected.
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...It wouldn't be the weirdest boss, for sure.

And as for thriving, I'm not quite opposed to it. Anywhere Sieghart can thrive really. The man is very goddamn strong, grade 1 easily, and might even be touching Colour level.

He is also good at pulling people to him. What with...Turbulence Office being itself...It's just a choice of which location sounds more interesting to me.
[ X] A bustling metropolis. Everywhere you look, you can see the banners with the same words- "Kazimierz Major."

Considering the direct combat specced choice won, I'm surprised people aren't choosing the easiest place in the world for Sieghart to thrive. An environment that isn't too different from the City and an easy in to fame and money via the tourneys, though given how many of the people here don't actually know the Arknights setting I guess that's expected.

I mean, I'm cool with the NOT!Russia/Kiselv place. I didn't choose Sieghart cause he was direct combat. I chose him because I thought he'd be the most interesting character out of the bunch.

And, considering how we attract Bizarre Bullshit passively, doesn't really matter where we start. We'll end up some place weird. But, considering Turbulence Office, we thrive in weird.
I mean, I'm cool with the NOT!Russia/Kiselv place. I didn't choose Sieghart cause he was direct combat. I chose him because I thought he'd be the most interesting character out of the bunch.
Minor correction, but Kazimierz is Not!Poland. Not!Russia in this setting is called Ursus, and if that had been one of the choices I would've voted for that instead because it's always fun to square up against a brutal, highly militaristic society.
[X] The dirty alleyways of... are these the Backstreets? It's certainly crammed enough to be. You can faintly hear- is that rap music?

He's called Emperor by the way, and here's him preparing for a concert, featuring the rest of Penguin Logistics.


He's an actual superstar in-lore, and he does stuff like this:


The Emperor will never stop being hilarious as a character.

[ X] A bustling metropolis. Everywhere you look, you can see the banners with the same words- "Kazimierz Major."
Might want to remove the extra space before the X. Vote tally won't catch it otherwise.
I don't really know a lot about arknight lore Because I dropped it after I cannot get a limited time Operator aka, the rainbow six crossover Operator these days
But I know the general stuff of it, again through fanfic, and the very limited canon knowledge
...This is a world where the sea has a elder god or multiple elder god in it and gods is something that is real and walks the earth.And disasters happen almost weekly and city have to grow wheels to move around, And The equivalent of the Russian empire has made something like a claw to kill anyone they don't fancy.
This is world that is fucked up, maybe not as fucked up as the city because people still can have a happy life and normal life without killing people daily and the law is somewhat inuse with some ruler that cares about the people.
And Rhode Island, the medical company that we, the player controls, They are basically acting like the finale beacon in the sea of darkness. kind of like L corp Now I think about it, both reaching for inpossible goal(The seed of light, the Complete cure for the infection) but ultimately is doing bad stuff for it, One is throwing countless life towards the wall, The other is doing mercenary work because of money issue.
edit: oh yeah vote
[X] A bustling metropolis. Everywhere you look, you can see the banners with the same words- "Kazimierz Major."
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I already know the goal I have for myself in this quest.

Push it so that we somehow find a way to cure the damn infection. If not out of the niceties of our hearts, then of practicality. Having our allies not die from Giga Rock Cancer is a good thing.
Sieghart isn't really equipped to help with that though. At best, he can make like Kali and play the muscle for the eggheads doing the actual research. But Rhodes Island, the guys best positioned to discover it, isn't really lacking in big muscle and even a Color fixer can't help them stand the full might of nations.
But a Color Fixer can still help. And besides, E.G.O is an insanely powerful tool if Sieghart somehow manifest it but that army killer ability shouldn't be relied on.

Just because we can't solve all their problems doesn't mean that we still shouldn't try to help.

If we were strong enough to just bully the nations into submission, this would be quite boring I feel.
The cure won't be that simple, And we didn't choose the Scientist option.
And there is a entire medical company with the best of the best on board. And they cant do it, we are just a brute, And the one in our heads don't really want to help with rock cancer, They do mental cancer that eats kids.
The reason I choose the t crop is One, we can help them with our insane knowledge about time travels and general stuff, Two we can keep anyone we want in status so they don't die.
Three, if we ever get infected, we can just reverts our state.
TT 2 protocol is a safe net we can fall back to and very good assets so we can hold, but you guys choose the brute because funny voice and funny stick.
but whatever. it is, indeed, funny.
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It's just a consequence of choosing a combat-focused character. There's really nothing he can contribute on that front. Not that I think a typical citizen of the City would have any reason to do so. At most, he'll look out for one of his own if he should decide to set up something like a Fixer office here. Though I don't see that going beyond him being more willing to hire Infected and pay for their medicine since he lacks cultural bias against them.

Edit: Spelling
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Working for Rhodes Island as one of their combat operators would be Siegfried's best bet towards helping find a cure for Oripathy. Though, whether he'd care about curing Oripathy is another question entirely.
Though, whether he'd care about curing Oripathy is another question entirely.
From what I've seen of Sieghart in the probably depends? He will care if there's someone he cares about being affected by it.

But honestly, it's a matter of practicality. Having a deadly disease that he doesn't have a cure for in a world where K-Corp doesn't exist, trying to support the only organization that is actually working to cure it is just basic logic from my point of view.
The cure won't be that simple, And we didn't choose the Scientist option.
And there is a entire medical company with the best of the best on board. And they cant do it, we are just a brute, And the one in our heads don't really want to help with rock cancer, They do mental cancer that eats kids.
The reason I choose the t crop is One, we can help them with our insane knowledge about time travels and general stuff, Two we can keep anyone we want in status so they don't die.
Three, if we ever get infected, we can just reverts our state.
TT 2 protocol is a safe net we can fall back to and very good assets so we can hold, but you guys choose the brute because funny voice and funny stick.
but whatever. it is, indeed, funny.

I really dislike how you keep acting like that's the only reason people, myself included voted for Sieghart.

Tell me, what is this Quest about exactly? It certainly isn't about causing some huge change to the world of Arknights. If that was the case then it would've been made clear in the OP.

It's just about a Fixer from The City ending up in the world of Arknights. And out of all the characters, Sieghart honestly was the one that I saw had the most potential for character stories in general. Not just for his brute strength or because of Carmen. And besides, T-Corp doesn't really work like that. Without energy to power it's Singularity, it's basically useless. And even if we did use it, it wouldn't be stasis. It would be trapping someone in a loop for eternity. Just look at fucking Lob Corp. Do you think those Agents forget what happens to them when we kill and reload them? They don't. They remember. And it's painful.

Plus, people seem to keep forgetting the "Attracts Bizarre Stuff to him" clause that Sieghart has. We're not gonna end up somewhere sensible. We're gonna end up somewhere weird. And I'm all for that weirdness.
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