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And if we are going for the diplomacy option, one thing you guys need to know is the forsaken murderer is not someone who cares about moral implications even at its good days. He is someone who has been abused to hell and back but he is a psychopath murderer, He doesn't care if he does something bad to a child, he doesn't have a high level of a moral code.
And he is abnormality he will inevitably go back into the breaking down part of his story. The tape doesn't gets changed just because we say a few words, gets stuck maybe, but it will play
Thus why I shifted thusly on realizing Abel ain't here

[] get yourself ready..... avoid being directly in front of the entity, same with ifrit, check our pockets see if there's anything edible.... hopefully the tail isn't the only gift dreaming current has available in a realm of mind, if so we offer it.... guy seems like he could use something OTHER than the lousy food of a demented hospital

No moral code
But he definitely likes having his needs met
Hmm, since we're inside Ifrit's mind, I wonder if Forsaken Murderer will work like his version in Ruina, massively weakened when inflicted with a status effect
Not sure how to approach this, but all else fails, Forsaken Murderer is weak to status effects right? And Sieg can cause Bleed. Just gotta win the clash first.

That said, I'm not sure if going straight for combat is the best move here. Forsaken Murderer hasn't made a move yet despite being a hyperviolent convict, so let's keep things from going in that direction for now. I do like the idea of using Dreaming Current's candy to pacify him.

[X] get yourself ready..... avoid being directly in front of the entity, same with ifrit, check our pockets see if there's anything edible.... hopefully the tail isn't the only gift dreaming current has available in a realm of mind, if so we offer it.... guy seems like he could use something OTHER than the lousy food of a demented hospital
Eh, why not

[X] get yourself ready..... avoid being directly in front of the entity, same with ifrit, check our pockets see if there's anything edible.... hopefully the tail isn't the only gift dreaming current has available in a realm of mind, if so we offer it.... guy seems like he could use something OTHER than the lousy food of a demented hospital
are you guys really just going to offer possible "Drugs Of Unknow origins" to a man who is turned inton this because he was experiment on using so much ways, he is a abno but he is not dumb
are you guys really just going to offer possible "Drugs Of Unknow origins" to a man who is turned inton this because he was experiment on using so much ways, he is a abno but he is not dumb
More notably, drugs belonging to an abno whose story very clearly also indicates human experimentation (even if in a different direction). Even if he is dumb and accepts the candy without question or protest, feeding him dreaming current's candy is pretty equivalent to mixing both their narratives, and that can very easily lead to consequences. I don't wanna end up with a psycho murderer submerged in whatever his equivalent fantasies to the "child's wish for the sea" is.
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[X] This might turn ugly, but you need to talk to them, standard negotiation tactics should be good enough. Understand what they want, what they need, why are they doing this? And you can get some Information as well, like how did they get here etc. You will probably need to keep a handle on the kid as well, Don't want her to stir up any problems when you are trying to remove a problem from her head. Can you remove them? You might as well find some ways to do so once you get out of here, this connection thing you can do will probably be pretty handy.
-[X] And if talking doesn't work well... Well you hope and you pray that fighting in this mind space doesn't cause some permanent mental damage.
[X] This might turn ugly, but you need to talk to them, standard negotiation tactics should be good enough. Understand what they want, what they need, why are they doing this? And you can get some Information as well, like how did they get here etc. You will probably need to keep a handle on the kid as well, Don't want her to stir up any problems when you are trying to remove a problem from her head. Can you remove them? You might as well find some ways to do so once you get out of here, this connection thing you can do will probably be pretty handy.
-[X] And if talking doesn't work well... Well you hope and you pray that fighting in this mind space doesn't cause some permanent mental damage.
[X] This might turn ugly, but you need to talk to them, standard negotiation tactics should be good enough. Understand what they want, what they need, why are they doing this? And you can get some Information as well, like how did they get here etc. You will probably need to keep a handle on the kid as well, Don't want her to stir up any problems when you are trying to remove a problem from her head. Can you remove them? You might as well find some ways to do so once you get out of here, this connection thing you can do will probably be pretty handy.
-[X] And if talking doesn't work well... Well you hope and you pray that fighting in this mind space doesn't cause some permanent mental damage.
I do think this is a situation where running our gums is unlikely to accomplish much. Leaving aside the fact that the Forsaken Murderer is an Abnormality, what could we even say or accomplish? Our goal is to get it out of Ifrit's head, and beating him up in a dream realm is probably the way to accomplish it.
The fact that Forsaken Murderer decided to say things first and hasn't attacked us yet is probably why most votes aren't also resorting to violence yet. Our goal is to remove it from Ifrit's head but we don't know how, so this is just us being cautious for now I suppose.
ANCIENT REPTILIAN BRAIN - See you in Hell, Sieghart Izlinde.
Oh snap full name reveal!

I can't tell what kind of name Izlinde is supposed to be. Indonesian? Icelandic? Some derivative of Seiglinde?

You're here with me.
LIGHT OF POSSIBILITY - Ignore her for now, if you will.

And you, Carmen. Leave. I'll only say this once.

No problem. I don't think your... friend... would take very kindly to me anyway. See you later

PROPHET OF DARK DAYS [Godly: Success] - ...Hm. So this is her. Fascinating.
WhiteNight? That you?
Or something representing Distortions and Abnos in general?
The darker parts of the mind?]

???? - "Hello."

PERCEPTION (SIGHT) - As you turn towards the source of this new voice, you are met with what seems like a monster.

It stands at least two and a half meters tall. Flames coalesce around its body. Two enormous curved horns adorn its helmeted head. It carries a red scarf, and beneath its armor is a shirt in the same color. It is covered by numerous chains- though it does not seem to be *bound* by them.

In one hand, an enormous black sword that seems to be made entirely out of Originium. In the other, he holds a large metal lock.
He sounds like a nice polite man.

(He's so cool)

It is Sverdsmeltr.

Sverdsmeltr, Guardian Ember of the King.
More names! More names are neat!

HC SVNT DRACONES [Challenging: Success] - There is no need. You *already know it.*
Oh! You're new!

"Here Be Dragons." Some sort of danger sense? No, he's in the "Knowledge color category" and giving facts about exotic species... a bestiary of sorts?

Oh! He's here because we picked the Terra option from Ayin, right. We just got knowledge of all the various life forms stuffed into our head.

I wonder what the other options would have given us...

ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] - Chimerization: The formation of a chimeric gene, the creation of a chimera. Chimera: Creature composed of parts of other creatures.

HC SVNT DRACONES - You're kind of redundant now, aren't you?

ENCYCLOPEDIA - You are entrusted with matters esoteric and indigenous, while I retain the mundane and "urbane."
Ah, called it.

However, a few shards of Originium, holding the memories and consciousnesses of certain powerful members of our greatest Casters- remain
...Originium can do that? It can store memories and transfer conciousness?

Didn't know that...

IFRIT - "Am I going to get even stronger!?"

SVERDSMELTR - "If you continue doing your homework every day and paying attention to your Arts lessons, you will."

IFRIT - "Dammit!"

SVERDSMELTR - "Language." He coughs.
CURSES! Foiled by a responsible parental figure again!

ENCYCLOPEDIA [Challenging: Success] - The Control Section of Rhine Labs, obviously, controls the rest. Its leader is-

HC SVNT DRACONES [Easy: Success] - Kirsten Wright. Stop butting in.
The boys are fighting.

FORSAKEN MURDERER - "The dream is over. And I'm here."
Yep. There he is.

Others have already iterated how he had no moral scruples, he likes Instinct Work, and wants to lash out at others, but I don't know if that is what he wants the most.

His commits violence, but what moves him isn't mere rage. He feels hatred, yes, but also disgust and most of all a deep unending despair.

He just wants the suffering to end.

He just wants to die.

From the legacy version:
Around his neck is a rope.
It is up to you to cut his rope.
Cut the rope.Don't cut the rope.
You think I'm pathetic, huh?
But is you people who are really pathetic. Because you get killed by me.
His neck snaps, granting him silent and eternal rest.

Some notes: he doesn't like pity or being looked down upon. Guy still has some pride.

Do not try to restrain him or restrict his movements. Doing so just makes him stronger.

He sometimes complains about how dark and cold it is, so maybe giving some warmth and light can help. Dunno, just a guess.

In legacy his best Works are Nutrition and Amusement when calm/happy.

When in a bad mood, he favors violence and consensus work. This is when his head changes into metal.

He is still calm for now, so keep that in mind.

"The researchers laid down all sense of dignity, but they did not feel guilty as they had the greater good to pursue. Even the merciful Carmen condoned the project.

Enemies crushed by this regret can never return to their normal life. Before swinging this weapon, expressing one's condolences for the demise of the inmate who couldn't even have a funeral would be nice."
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Morse Code here translating into "hurts", "stop", and "stop" again. Considering what Ancient Reptilian Brain is saying, the massive batch of augments that fixers get fuck something up on a core level?
You really can't spend years hooking machinery to your nervous system without consequences, and in the Backstreets quality standards aren't that high.
New Guy? Ominous name. Probably replacing Inland Empire? I think everyone else purple is accounted for.

Other new guy. I assume it's some sort of implant, like the NW-45 Circuit from the og disco chapter.
As other people said, Dracones is your cache of Terran knowledge. Prophet is easy to infer from the name.
Sooo Forsaken Murderer would not react well to any greater good talk and was an amoral killer before the experiments.

Should we simply declare that we're going to kill him for trying to take over, hop straight into combat, or try to plead to his alien morality?
We can try to establish sympathy. Not pity, he doesn't like that, but a bond of understanding. A prisoner and a prisoner. Both bound against their will and violated in both body and mind, altered into something inhuman. But where one was abandoned, the other found love and support.

I don't know if we can grant freedom, or an end to his suffering. He wants does that the most, but I don't think that is within our power. But sometimes just knowing that someone understands can soothe the pain, just a little.

Maybe we can turn him against Parvis. He doesn't like mad scientists, and Ifrit has a bone to pick with him. Or would he just want to avoid him out of fear?

Oooor we could just beat him up. A murderer turned mental entity that represents the trauma of inhumane experimentation should not be in a child, no matter how much their experiences match up. But it's just Seig and Ifrit here, and fighting here could hurt Ifrit's mind...
...Originium can do that? It can store memories and transfer conciousness?

Didn't know that...
Yeah, it was a big reveal in the Babel event, which hasn't hit global yet. Originium, needless to say, is a great deal more than merely a power source or carcinogenic.
Enemies crushed by this regret can never return to their normal life. Before swinging this weapon, expressing one's condolences for the demise of the inmate who couldn't even have a funeral would be nice."
The whole analysis on the Forsaken Murderer was excellent, and this is roughly what I think we ought to do - give the poor thing some dignity before we put it to rest.
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