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[X] A velvet-bound "Book of Louise." It is a bright burning red. The margins of the pages are all filled with incomprehensible annotations. The piece of paper hid inside is heavily decorated, with red and gold.
[X] A "Book of Bongbong," bound with a material you cannot quite identify. It is blue in color. The page within is yellowed and filled with cuts and scratches.
[X] A "Book of Bongbong," bound with a material you cannot quite identify. It is blue in color. The page within is yellowed and filled with cuts and scratches.
[X] A "Book of Bongbong," bound with a material you cannot quite identify. It is blue in color. The page within is yellowed and filled with cuts and scratches.
I dont remember if its been mentioned before - would sieghart have showed up the same time on terra if someone else had been chosen? since I do remember some character choices having very different timelines to what ended up happening.
[X] A "Book of Bongbong," bound with a material you cannot quite identify. It is blue in color. The page within is yellowed and filled with cuts and scratches.
I dont remember if its been mentioned before - would sieghart have showed up the same time on terra if someone else had been chosen? since I do remember some character choices having very different timelines to what ended up happening.
I am not entirely certain on that. Had someone else been chosen I would probably have you meet him in around the fourth arc or probably not at all. He's the leader of Turbulence Office and everyone's pretty inclined to going along with what he suggests so I feel like he'd usurp a bit of the control out of the readers.

There's no real reason for Beats or Wympe or Linette to not do what he says so I wouldn't introduce him at any point. In terms of timeline he'd either be in the opposite corner of the world, either somewhere relatively isolated where you wouldn't really meet him by accident, or simply in a place whose story wouldn't intersect with yours.

It'd hurt to put him out of the plot but it'd be necessary :V

Also I made this.

The Dean of Xenotheology

Faust Identity

Max HP: 158 [Stagger Thresholds: 124, 66 ]
Weak to Blunt, Strong against Slash
Defense Level: 42
Base Speed: 4-6

  • 3x Eccentric Theory
    • Damage: Pierce
    • Base: 4
    • Coins: 3x +2
    • Offense Level: 39
    • Heal ([Gloom Res. + Gluttony Res.] x 3% of Max HP) HP if this Skill is Discarded
    • On Use: Discard the Skilll of the highest rank in all of this unit's Skill Slots.
    • [Coin III]: Lower User's Stagger Threshold by ([Gloom Res + Gluttony Res] x 4)
  • 2x Innovative Interpretation
    • Damage: Blunt
    • Base: 6
    • Coins: 3x +3
    • Offense Level: 39
    • Heal ([Gloom Res. + Gluttony Res.] x 5% of Max HP) HP if this Skill is Discarded
    • On Use: Discard the Skill of the lowest rank in all of this unit's Skill Slots
    • On Use: All allies gain 3 Healing Up this turn and next turn
    • [Coin III]: Lower all allies' Stagger Threshold by ([Gloom Res + Gluttony Res] x 2)
  • 1x The Song of Axile
    • Damage: Blunt
    • Base: 8
    • Coins: 4x +2
    • Offense Level: 40
    • Heal ([Gloom Res. + Gluttony Res.] x 1% of Max. HP) HP to all allies if this Skill is Discarded
    • On Use: Discard two Skills of the lowest and highest rank in all of this unit's Skill Slots.
    • [Coin I]: Inflict 3 Paralyze next turn
    • [Coin II]: All allies heal 5 SP
    • [Coin III]: Lower own Stagger Threshold by ([Gloom Res + Gluttony Res] x 2)
    • [Coin IV]: Heal the HP of the ally with the lowest HP percentage by ([Gloom Res + Gluttony Res] x 3% of Max. HP).
Guard Skill:
  • Faith
    • Base: 15
    • Coins: 1x +10
    • Offense Level: 38
    • On Use: Discard the Skill of the lowest rank in all of this unit's Skill Slots. The ally with the lowest percentage of Max. HP heals ([Gloom Res. + Gluttony Res.] x 2% of Max. HP) HP. (Maximum of twice per turn).
Combat Skill: Scholar of Neathy History
  • 3x Gloom (Owned)
  • When an ally defeats or staggers an enemy, gain 1 additional Sin resource at random.
Support Skill: Peculiar Perspective
  • 2x Gloom (Res.)
  • Gain 1 Sin resource at random.
[X] A "Book of Bongbong," bound with a material you cannot quite identify. It is blue in color. The page within is yellowed and filled with cuts and scratches.

So this is what being baited feels like, I know it's happening but I just can't stop myself.
[X] A velvet-bound "Book of Louise." It is a bright burning red. The margins of the pages are all filled with incomprehensible annotations. The piece of paper hid inside is heavily decorated, with red and gold.

Voting Louise for the inevitable surprise Iron Lotus BGM when we bring her out in a emergency.

Poor Screenwriter's Note is made of paper and in the hands of one of the worst people in Columbia. Paper is weak to fire. :V

I also just really like Iron Lotus as a song.
iron lotus is my favorite ruina song
maybe limbus too, but compass and between two worlds and in hell we live lament are so good
[X] A leather-bound "Book of Tatyana." It is soft to the touch, and the cover is emblazoned with various indentations, forming image of a clock. The page is of a grey, and sizzling with strange runes.
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Grandpa War Crimes has the Notes.

Of course he does.

Right. Okay. So our opponents looks like to be shaping up to be Parvis with Screenwriter's Note and Distorted Jesselton with Carmen playing cheerleader. Maybe Dorothy and whatever crazy stuff she does with this.

Does anyone remember what the Notes did? I think it just made people crazy, but it's probably based on the fan mod Keter Realization and I can't recall what it did.

Jesselton... there were some notes made earlier.
Whatever it is, it can survive anywhere- in the absence of breathable air, under extreme heat, under the cold of the absolute zero. The material we've extracted from its body is replenished soon enough, and it maintains its properties.
Doesn't need air or basic bodily needs, can survive in extreme heat or cold. Fire probably not the best idea.

It was blind. It was mute. Its skull had melted into slurry and bone fragments. Its skin, its legs, its arms were all dissolved, so it could not touch. But it could still hear.

It heard the past and present. Transmissions on its head. Here, something had echoed. Here, someone spoke.
Relies on hearing. Maybe silence or loud noises could disorient it?

It hated white fur. It hated Liberi. It hated Rhine Labs. It hated bone, and pain. It hated itself.

But it also hated Mr. H, and his incessant noise

Gonna aggro on anyone related to Mansfield, most of all Mr. H.
It couldn't attack.

It wouldn't attack.

Not until it was told to.

It was an actor. A toy. An amusing thing for an audience. An audience that was always, always laughing at its antics.

It was a show. It was all a show.

Alvar could see it now, almost imperceptible. Infinitesimally thin strings, connecting the blob's melted appendages to something, high up in the sky. Those strings were not always there. They were connected to something, but not always.

Only when the show was in session.

Only at the appointed time.
Some...Puppeteer shenanigans? Maybe relies on the "audience" to control him? Smokescreen to obfuscate the audience's sight might work. Or something to cut the strings...
[X] A "Book of Bongbong," bound with a material you cannot quite identify. It is blue in color. The page within is yellowed and filled with cuts and scratches.
[X] A "Book of Bongbong," bound with a material you cannot quite identify. It is blue in color. The page within is yellowed and filled with cuts and scratches.

Overwhelming Bongbongsweep. No contest.
I hate bongbong, She is a gag character who serves gag character purposes, She works in short bursts but long exposure makes me hate any mentions of her
[X] A leather-bound "Book of Tatyana." It is soft to the touch, and the cover is emblazoned with various indentations, forming image of a clock. The page is of a grey, and sizzling with strange runes.
so, pluto.
Plus I want someone to actually talk when we speak to them
I'm torn between best girl Bong Bong, Tanya, or the skeleton man, but I think I have an answer now

Hear me out, Pluto's contracts can give us anything if we abide by the terms, correct?
What if we made a contract which gives us back our old sword?

[X] A leather-bound "Book of Tatyana." It is soft to the touch, and the cover is emblazoned with various indentations, forming image of a clock. The page is of a grey, and sizzling with strange runes.
[X] A leather-bound "Book of Tatyana." It is soft to the touch, and the cover is emblazoned with various indentations, forming image of a clock. The page is of a grey, and sizzling with strange runes.
One hopefully not entirely useless vote to stem the bongnong tide, I want cool fire and intelligible conversations xD

[x] [X] A velvet-bound "Book of Louise." It is a bright burning red. The margins of the pages are all filled with incomprehensible annotations. The piece of paper hid inside is heavily decorated, with red and gold.
[X] A "Book of Bongbong," bound with a material you cannot quite identify. It is blue in color. The page within is yellowed and filled with cuts and scratches.

There's really only one option when you think about it.
[X] A "Book of Bongbong," bound with a material you cannot quite identify. It is blue in color. The page within is yellowed and filled with cuts and scratches.

BongBong is BongBong so we gotta get as much of her as we can before she'll eventually go back to the library.
[X] A leather-bound "Book of Tatyana." It is soft to the touch, and the cover is emblazoned with various indentations, forming image of a clock. The page is of a grey, and sizzling with strange runes.

Obviously bongbong is winning
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by thenew on Mar 6, 2024 at 11:59 AM, finished with 45 posts and 37 votes.
Voting is open