It Belongs to a Museum

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[x] Sith Rionnasc
[x] Tilea
[x] Vampire Coast
[x] Sartosa

The point of this vote is "I'd like to explore something new" (not like I'd be upset if we ended up in Altdorf though, given who's writing this)
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[X] Sartosa
[X] Tilea
[X] Vampire Coast

In favour of Tilea and Sartosa I can't help the dream of someday rocking over to Skavenblight on a Museum Expedition to claim the Ruins of Tylos, aka, a place that reads a bit like if Rome was sacked and then occupied during the era of Augustus by the huns, right when it was hitting it's stride.

Vampire Coast... who doesn't like being a pirate, bonus points for being a pirate that takes weird objects alongside the shiny.
I usually do not like playing the bad guys, but...

[X] Vampire Coast

sounds too interesting not to play.

...Also, we will play an imperialist museum, we will be bad guys almost by default.
[x] altdorf
Tyrazen the infinite but as an imperial museum curator tyrazen here to steal your stuff (and also your corpse) for the empire.
Sadly there is no « Khemri » option.

[X] Sith Rionnasc

The flavour of the history part of this option won me over. Ulthuan always has such a funny perspective about the rest of the world.
Yeah, they're one of the only faction to have a truly global reach, and they have been the world's best merchants since before the Empire existed.
[X] Altdorf
[X] Vampire Coast
[X] Sartosa
[X] Sith Rionnasc

So hard to pick, they're all good sounding options!
Voting is open