Also what are we (as in Taylor) going to do now? Given clever and sufficient use of LSD, could we actually have a secret identity and how would we pull it off? Do we even want one?
Still, I also think having a secret identity would make things massively easier for us if we choose to not join the Protectorate, since we don't have to deal with Taylor Hebert disappearing, our legal status as a monstruos cape etc. It would propably be easier for us to socialize with our Dad and having a secret id is something which should be pretty ic for Taylor. Sure, she hated her life and who she was, but I still think she would prefer being able to live a normal life (but now as a secret Hero!) instead of staying in her monstruos form all the time.
Keep in mind that the Protectorate and New Wave already know our civ ID. By extension, so will Dragon, as well as anyone who hacks into her or the Protectorate's systems. We can, however, salvage our personal identity by creating a "Taylor Hebert's regular self (idealized)" form to spend most of our time in. IMO we should do this more for convenience than anything else.

(Once BB is cleared though I'd like to fuck off to Africa and Restore Order on a large scale, which for a Solaroid is an even more transparent euphemism for conquest. There have to be all sorts of S-class threats over there which go undiagnosed because they're Business As Usual and Somebody Else's Problem. Plus, Earth's population density compared to Creation would allow us to build a Cult rating frighteningly quickly.)
Keep in mind that the Protectorate and New Wave already know our civ ID. By extension, so will Dragon, as well as anyone who hacks into her or the Protectorate's systems.

That was one of my initial concerns about trying to have a CID, but then I had an idea. Our monstrous form is well known as Taylor Hebert, but our LSD is not and also neither looks nor acts like Taylor Hebert. Could we pretend that our LSD is someone else and have that be our secret identity? It's backwards from what most capes do, but we could probably pull it off.
Why? Taylor Herbert the cape and X the civilian. That's not that hard.

Even if we hide ourselves as a civilian, that doesn't stop people from going after Danny for things we do in public as ourselves unless we take measures to deter this. Presumably brutal ones.

We could protect him(Yandere sense unfortunately), by having him live in our Elloge Charm acquired pocket dimension. Or we could see if we can awaken his essence by lecturing to him enough with SWLIHN Charms.

Otherwise we'd have to seriously limit ourselves. PRT Route as I see it: One LSD Form for normal life. Possibly a second form for our costume. Restrict ourselves to Spiteful Sea Tincture/Great Mothers Tears in costume. Never using our full potential anywhere we could be seen. Needing to eliminate any witnesses to our transformation power. Taylor and Daniel Hebert would need to permanently disappear.

I'm beginning to think that working with the PRT would require Taylor and Danny to fake their deaths as a starting point. Then Danny needs to go into witness protection and never see us again after we FLG our relationship with him. We use a single form of LSD permanently. Masquerade as a parahuman. That's what it would take to maintain a secret identity for us.
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I'm beginning to think that working with the PRT would require Taylor and Danny to fake their deaths as a starting point. Then Danny needs to go into witness protection. We use a single form of LSD. Masquerade as a parahuman. That's what it would take to maintain a secret identity for us.
What if we do nothing? We can't be the only Taylor Hebert in the entire country. If someone tries to hunt us down, we'll bluff them by pretending to be some other Taylor Hebert (no relation). If this plan requires any additional magical oomph, that's what TED charms are for.
What if we do nothing? We can't be the only Taylor Hebert in the entire country. If someone tries to hunt us down, we'll bluff them by pretending to be some other Taylor Hebert (no relation). If this plan requires any additional magical oomph, that's what TED charms are for.

Danny is who we need to be worried about unless we're prepared to FLG our relationship with him.

Now that I think about it, I suppose it's possible for us to act as a monstrous rogue/independent officially, have one set of powers for our true form and another for our PRT form. Good thing Yozis have such divergence.
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What if we do nothing? We can't be the only Taylor Hebert in the entire country. If someone tries to hunt us down, we'll bluff them by pretending to be some other Taylor Hebert (no relation). If this plan requires any additional magical oomph, that's what TED charms are for.

We made the news. Blame "missing white girl" syndrome.
My choice in favored abilities is based in optimizing Obsessive Enactment Precision(The amount of steps and therefore the amount of willpower we can get from that is linked to our Bureaucracy or War Skills) and the Range for our Anti-Variance Deletion Beam(It's aimed with Perception+Occult)(Edit: The three dots in Occult is still for Anti-Variance Deletion Beam). The rest is for basic combat and social things.

[x]Plan Blade

1. 3 Dots to Occult
2. 3 Dots to Bureaucracy
3. 2 Dots to Athletics
4. 2 Dots to Martial Arts
5. 1 Dot to Socialize
6. 1 Dot to Performance

Favored Abilities:
1. Bureaucracy
2. Martial Arts
3. Performance

Edit: Replaced Favored Occult with Martial Arts. Split Socialize into one socialize dot and one performance dot.
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My choice in favored abilities is based in optimizing Obsessive Enactment Precision and the Range for our Anti-Variance Deletion Beam. The rest is utility stuff.

[x]Plan Blade

1. 3 Dots to Occult
2. 3 Dots to Bureaucracy
3. 2 Dots to Athletics
4. 2 Dots to Martial Arts
5. 2 Dots to Socialize

Favored Abilities:
1. Bureaucracy
2. Occult

Occult is Caste.
[X] Plan landcollector

1. 2 Dots to Occult
2. 3 Dots to Bureaucracy
3. 2 Dots to Athletics
4. 2 Dots to Melee
5. 2 Dots to Dodge
5. 1 Dot to Presence

Favored Abilities:
1. Presence
2. Bureaucracy
3. Athletics
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Danny is who we need to be worried about unless we're prepared to FLG our relationship with him.

If someone tries to capture Danny, we'll obviously come to his rescue. We'll just bluff that he's just some guy to us, the same as we would 'in costume' if we actually used a CID. (Unfortunately, Revlid didn't include an equivalent to Tidings of a Bitter Season in his SWLIHN rewrite, but Tragic Love Amusement + Freedom Lets Go can achieve much the same effect.)

Once we can start summoning demons, we can order some of them onto a 24-hour guard.

We made the news. Blame "missing white girl" syndrome.
"You're trying to intimidate Taylor Hee-bert. I'm Taylor ha-bair. No, we're not related."
Post Arc 1 Vote 1:

Ability dot assignment

There are 12 more Ability dots to assign for Taylor. Votes must be for plans (I.e: for how to spend all 12 dots). Plans should include selection of Taylor's remaining two Favored Abilities.
Uh, sharkboss? Taylor only has two favored at the moment. Does that mean we pick three, or that you forgot to assign a third?

For convenience, Taylor's current ability spread:


Archery/Firearms ○○○○○
Melee ○○○○○
Martial Arts ○○○○○
Thrown ○○○○○
War ○○○○○

Integrity ●●●○○ (Specialty: Mental Trauma ●○○) [Favored]
Performance ○○○○○
Presence ○○○○○
Resistance ●●●○○
Survival ○○○○○

Craft (Air/Water/Fire/Wood) ●○○○○
Investigation ●●○○○
Lore ●●●○○
Medicine ○○○○○
Occult ○○○○○

Athletics ●○○○○
Awareness ●●○○○
Dodge ●○○○○
Larceny ○○○○○
Stealth ●●○○○ [Favored]

Bureacracy ○○○○○
Linguistics (Native: English, Old Realm [Dialect: Malfean]) ●○○○○
Ride ○○○○○
Sail ○○○○○
Socialize ○○○○○
So first things first, favored abilities. Under the assumption that we have two left to assign, that we as players need to pick a combat ability to favor. If we pick Martial Arts or Melee there's no need to favor Dodge as well; if we pick Archery/Firearms or Thrown then grabbing Dodge would also be a very smart idea. Whichever one we pick, that gets 5/12 dots assigned to it. Alternately we can exploit the fact that favored abilities have no training time by giving it the bare minimum of dots, which'd leave us with 11 to play with.

Since we're going to be swillin no matter what that means we should assign at least a few dots to Bureaucracy. We should also strongly consider larceny since controlling the underworld will also be quite useful.

If we decide we want to go Kimbery then buy two dots of Resistance since that has synergy with some nice poison charms.

Buying two dots in Lore would also be a smart idea since a lot of swillin charms use that IIR. (Edit: Nope! Looks like the Revlid stuff uses mostly Occult)

Lastly we're going to want at least a few dots in Presence. Being persuasive is important, particularly since that enables us to nonviolently get our revenge against the trio.
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Uh, sharkboss? Taylor only has two favored at the moment. Does that mean we pick three, or that you forgot to assign a third?

For convenience, Taylor's current ability spread:


Archery/Firearms ○○○○○
Melee ○○○○○
Martial Arts ○○○○○
Thrown ○○○○○
War ○○○○○


Integrity ●●●○○ (Specialty: Mental Trauma ●○○) [Favored]
Performance ○○○○○
Presence ○○○○○
Resistance ●●●○○
Survival ○○○○○

Craft (Air/Water/Fire/Wood) ●○○○○
Investigation ●●○○○
Lore ●●●○○
Medicine ○○○○○
Occult ○○○○○

Athletics ●○○○○
Awareness ●●○○○
Dodge ●○○○○
Larceny ○○○○○
Stealth ●●○○○ [Favored]

Bureacracy ○○○○○
Linguistics (Native: English, Old Realm [Dialect: Malfean]) ●○○○○
Ride ○○○○○
Sail ○○○○○
Socialize ○○○○○
So first things first, favored abilities. Under the assumption that we have two left to assign, that we as players need to pick a combat ability to favor. If we pick Martial Arts or Melee there's no need to favor Dodge as well; if we pick Archery/Firearms or Thrown then grabbing Dodge would also be a very smart idea. Whichever one we pick, that gets 5/12 dots assigned to it. Alternately we can exploit the fact that favored abilities have no training time by giving it the bare minimum of dots, which'd leave us with 11 to play with.

Since we're going to be swillin no matter what that means we should assign at least a few dots to Bureaucracy. We should also strongly consider larceny since controlling the underworld will also be quite useful.

If we decide we want to go Kimbery then buy two dots of Resistance since that has synergy with some nice poison charms.

Buying two dots in Lore would also be a smart idea since a lot of swillin charms use that.

Lastly we're going to want at least a few dots in Presence. Being persuasive is important, particularly since that enables us to nonviolently get our revenge against the trio.
Whoops! Forgot to assign a third, so I guess it means y'all get to!

If someone tries to capture Danny, we'll obviously come to his rescue. We'll just bluff that he's just some guy to us, the same as we would 'in costume' if we actually used a CID. (Unfortunately, Revlid didn't include an equivalent to Tidings of a Bitter Season in his SWLIHN rewrite, but Tragic Love Amusement + Freedom Lets Go can achieve much the same effect.)

Once we can start summoning demons, we can order some of them onto a 24-hour guard.

"You're trying to intimidate Taylor Hee-bert. I'm Taylor ha-bair. No, we're not related."
We will be working in bits of the canon charms. Tidings of a Bitter Season is one of them.
Buying two dots in Lore would also be a smart idea since a lot of swillin charms use that IIR.

The SWLIHN Charms that key off Lore are all part of the Cerebral Probe Inquisition Tree which would be terrible for PR if word got out we had. That and History-Correcting Oversight Glyph for mindwiping people.

Maybe we should consider a form of Craft to make us better at matter transmutation via Apeiron Isolation Alchemy?
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[x]Plan Blade

Looks good enough(also no time to write my own alas).
Would actually prefer having SOME Lore, since Taylor IS fairly well read and educated, but eh, we can buy it up later.
Joining doesn't give Danny any safety either. No PRT exalted should never work for others, its beneath them.
Plus authority will be attempting to use her powers for their wishes and not for the good of others, otherwise BB wouldn't be the cesspool it is now.
We will be working in bits of the canon charms. Tidings of a Bitter Season is one of them.
That works too.

The SWLIHN Charms that key off Lore are all part of the Cerebral Probe Inquisition Tree which would be terrible for PR if word got out we had. That and History-Correcting Oversight Glyph for mindwiping people.
Since when do Infernals care about PR? Better yet, you do realize that Pretender, aka Mr Bodyjacker, is the Protectorate commander in his city? I can easily see us setting things up so the PRT asks us to process law-skirting, law-breaking, and law-mocking parahumans into law-abiders, if not new law-enforcers.
The best way I can think of to do this would be to have 3 IDs: Taylor Hebert, the monstrous cape; our human disguise that we are using right now, who I will call Rose; and Rose's cape persona, who I will call Administrator. We do most of our obvious heroing as Taylor, though we keep it pretty tame. If we want to do anything that really shakes things up, we would do that as Administrator. Anything ordinary we would do as Rose.

Edit: I started writing this half an hour ago, so the conversation changed while I wasn't looking. On the subject of the Simurgh beam, I am okay with this. If we absolutely had to, we could have that in our second cape identity (assuming we choose to go that route).
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