In Which I Watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

A bit later he then tries showing it off but by then it's way too late and they think he's nuts, this episode definitely feels like there's some forced stupidity to make it work.
Oh boy, you don't know half of it.

The baby practically has this won and is now making the classic mistake of fucking around before victory is completely certain.

Death 13 then demonstrates that it can control the hair in addition to making it bigger and proves that the only reason that there hasn't been a total party kill yet is because the baby has a sadistic streak.
You'll notice that being having a sadistic streak is something very common among DIO's men, it's probably that DIO choose them specifically because they had some of those personality streaks, such as a sense of superiority and some sadism.

For some reason the clown/grim reaper mix looks better than most grim reaper looking things I see in anime.
Yeah, something everyone can agree on is that Death 13's look rocks, definitively one of part 3's most well done Stands design wise.

I have to wonder how an 11 month old baby got a start as a hitman working for a century old vampire though.
Oh and in the manga he's a chain smoker too. :confused:
As for how he ended as a hitman working for a vampire, well Part 4 give us some shades of answers.
Episode 47
This episode actually started with a recap of the end of the last episode so this two-parter must be important I suppose. Next comes a mention that he was told about this island back in India where the group last saw Abdul and I feel more and more certain that this is Abdul's return (and the more I regret accidentally spoiling myself).

That doesn't look quite like Abdul, there's something off and it's not just the hair colour or the refusal to talk to the group.

The Abdul lookalike then runs back from where he was watching them to a house with some chickens before the group arrives. Joseph tries to talk to the guy but gets blown off because the guy apparently never gets good news from the mainland anymore.

Definitely not Abdul, I don't remember him having that kind of beard.

A synchronised reaction from Polnareff and Kakyoin while Jotaro actually has a reaction, this is clearly the most shocking moment of their adventure.

Joseph then explains that this is Abdul's father who lives as a hermit on the island and that they're here to tell him about his son's death and that he didn't tell them earlier in case Dio was watching. It's also noted that Abdul's father has his own Stand but Joseph has no idea what it is.

On the contrary, I'd say that it was Polnareff's fault for rushing after J.Geil on his own.

Reminded of Abdul's death, he goes off on his own to think about how he got his revenge at the cost of Abdul's life and how difficult it'll be to tell Abdul's father that or to make it up to him.

Why hello there stereotypical genie bottle.

Polnareff has clearly never seen Aladdin or read One Thousand and One Nights since he didn't get the memo about not rubbing the bottle.

I can't tell what that is but it looks vaguely Standish.

Okay, he has apparently read about Aladdin.

And yep, it's a Stand.

The Stand announces that it's name is Cameo and that it'll grant Polnareff three wishes for freeing it from that lamp. Of course, Polnareff has none of it and tries to attack only to get pushed back while Cameo continues it's three wishes deal. Polnareff unthinkingly uses the first wish to wish for fortune while trying to get Cameo to go away. Cameo disappears and then there's seemingly nothing only for Polnareff to hear a sound once he throws the lamp away.

The first wish is granted, I get the feeling that having all three wishes granted will have lethal consequences if this really is a wish granting Stand.

While Polnareff is wondering how the Napoleonic era gold got there Cameo shows up again to offer the second wish despite Polnareff's hostility leading to this hilarious exchange.

Cameo: As thanks for freeing me from my lamp, I will grant you any wish.
Polnareff: Y-you asshole!

As his second wish, he wishes for Cameo to make him a cartoonist bigger than Disney since it's his childhood dream.

I'd go there.

He then reconsiders and says that he wants love instead.

This is just the episode where Polnareff makes as many silly faces as he possibly can.

He then reconsiders again and makes the appropriately serious wish of Cameo bringing his sister back to life and then bring Abdul back to life.

Huh, a woman sized patch of dirt is missing, is he granting wishes by transforming stuff from dirt into what the wisher asks for?

He then catches up to a woman, only for her to tell him to stay away since she's in pain since her body isn't ready yet and he recognises the voice of his sister Cherie.

Looks like the revival process/illusion doesn't include clothes.

Upon seeing her, Polnareff starts crying while we cut to the rest of the group trying to find where Polnareff ended up. Back with Polnareff the thing that Polnareff thinks is Cherie is running off in a serpentine fashion.

And that run settles it, this is 100% fake (before it was only 99% certain) and whoever is behind this is going to get an incredibly violent death for messing with Polnareff's head like this.

A picture of Cherie while she was younger.

Of course, this look at her then goes on to when she died as Polnareff continues to run until he sees some dead birds.

I'm surprised that these aren't dogs with Araki's track record.

Of course, the copy of the sister is standing near the dead birds.

But she doesn't seem to have blood around her mouth so maybe it wasn't her.

Polnareff's happiness continues for a few minutes until Polnareff asks why she's crying.

Such a poor copy, and the villain responsible for this is going to die horribly for the mindgames even if it is Abdul's father.

After taking a few bites out of Polnareff's shoulder and leg, "Cherie" disappears and then Polnareff calls for cameo. He uses his third wish (that he already used I might note) to ask for his sister to disappear only for Cameo to point out that he's a Stand, not a genie.

Nice cross guitar.

Cameo then explains that it's power is to grant people's wishes by giving them form from dirt (I'm surprised that I managed to predict this one) and that it can't undo these wishes (I wonder if this means that they'll get to keep the gold) before pointing out that Polnareff already did his third wish as a way to end the episode.

Tomorrow, dirt monster Abdul.
Pretty sure one's the copyright free version, like Polnareff and Eiffel. Also do you remember how his sister died?
Huh, a woman sized patch of dirt is missing, is he granting wishes by transforming stuff from dirt into what the wisher asks for?

I like it when you correctly predict what's gonna happen.

Off-topic, does everyone else receive alerts that this thread got updated by OP? I can only see updates when I go at "Watched Threads" page...
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I don't think that this thread is in the right section for an updated by OP alert.

I see. Didn't know it depended on the forum the thread is posted in.

Indeed, I get alerts when people just post in this thread. It might be your alert setting though.
Yeah, I set it that only notifies me of OP posts. Probably should swich it at some point...

Sadly it cannot be set for each thread I follow separatly.
OP alerts, IIRC, require a certain number of words to trigger, although you'd have to check with one of our Operations people to be sure whether it applied outside the creative section of the board. And these are image-heavy and relatively word-light updates.
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OP alerts, IIRC, require a certain number of words to trigger, although you'd have to check with one of our Operations people to be sure whether it applied outside the creative section of the board. And these are image-heavy and relatively word-light updates.
I've seen updates thousands of words long not trigger it so I'd say that it's definitely only triggered on a forum by forum basis.