In Which I Watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

Sadly Joseph lost pretty much all of his cleverness in the switch between Parts 2 and 3. I'd have loved to see the devious Joseph of Part 2, but with the decades of experience he's had added on, in Part 3, being the team leader and mentor type :(

I do genuinely wonder what Joseph was doing between Part Two and Three at times. If he was not actively fighting stuff, it would explain a lot.
I do genuinely wonder what Joseph was doing between Part Two and Three at times. If he was not actively fighting stuff, it would explain a lot.
He seems to have taken over the lead of the anti-vampiric and other supernatural shit fighting with the Speedwagon Foundation (his real estate empire probably gives a lot of money to the foundation) after Speedwagons' death in the fifties, they probably didn't encountered anything really threatening until DIO arrived.
Episode 45
If you're wondering why this took so long, I finally managed to get a job.

This episode starts with Kakyoin waking up to the sound of a baby crying.

Wait, that's not the desert.

This is going to be one of the weirder Stands, I just know it.

While Kakyoin ponders how he got from being in the Saudi Arabian desert onto a Ferris Wheel a dog appears.

I wonder how it'll die by the end of the episode.

Kakyoin's confusion is interrupted by a few balloons with cards attached floating up to his carriage.

Death is straight to the point about what card they have/are, nice to see.

The picture then begins bursting out of the card scythe first.

Time for death by tarot cards.

I'd say called it but it was obvious that it was coming.

The sight of the dog getting scythed (with multiple shots going back and forth between Kakyoin's face and the dog's face) shocks Kakyoin enough to make him seemingly wake up in a cabin with Polnareff who tells him to stop screaming like it's The Exorcist and acts vague when Kakyoin asks where they are.

He's gone from one dream to another, calling it now.

For some reason however, Kakyoin can't remember what he dreamed about and has a surprise.

Looks like he got a cut from death's scythe.

While they're walking towards the plane, they stumble across a child whose dog has been killed in the same way as the dog in the dream.

The team's flight is then interrupted by a sick baby who needs to be flown somewhere else so they'll have to find another form of transport. They eventually come to the compromise that the team can take the plane on the condition that they take the baby with them and bring it to a doctor along the way.

This baby will probably be important since they gave it a face, especially considering the crying baby in the dream. Maybe it's fever is related to the Stand attacking them now?

Okay, baby is evil little vampire baby, baby will get smashed.

What on earth is wrong with her face? Is she some poorly made puppet or something? Even background characters get better faces than that.

While Jotaro complains about Joseph's flying again the camera goes back to the ground and shows that the woman who had the baby was compelled into making sure that the baby ended up on the plane in case we needed more proof of the baby being evil.

Before they've flown for too long Kakyoin and Polnareff fall asleep despite the fact that they just got up.

And they're back in the dream, looks like I was wrong about Kakyoin still being in the dream after waking up.

Polnareff then proceeds to take things completely in stride, even conjuring himself some ice cream and popcorn (there are much better snacks) despite Kakyoin's efforts to get it into his head that this is the work of an enemy Stand and that if they die in the dream they die for real. Eventually the baby gets sick of things and just makes a megaphone appear out of the dog's corpse to mock him for his idiocy.


It's not one of the weirdest Stands, but it is definitely a contender for the most disgusting Stand so far.

Nobody likes me guess I'll eat some worms~

The first proper look at Death 13, if it's already attacking head-on I'm not sure how this'll stretch out over two episodes though, maybe Joseph's piloting will wake them all up before they can resolve things?

Unfortunately for the duo, they can't summon their Stands while in a dream and Death 13 is right there with scythe in hand. They then cut to an all question marks shot of Death 13 (with even the picture of it covered in shadow despite it being shown several times by this point in the episode).

Luckily for Polnareff, before he gets woken up to change the baby's diaper before Death 13 can finish him. He apparently didn't know why babies wear diapers before now.

Meanwhile, Kakyoin is a rough enough sleeper that he kicks Joseph in the face while flailing about and sends the plane straight towards the ground before the baby gives away that it's the Stand user by telling him to knock it off and calm down before he crashes the plane and kills Death 13's user. The baby isn't even 12 months old and it's already a serial killer and knows how to talk, that's one weird baby.

I stand by my statement of this being one of the more disgusting Stands.

To wake himself up, Kakyoin desperately carves into his arm so that someone will notice the bleeding (or maybe he's trying to leave a memo since he knows he won't remember once he's awake). Meanwhile, Joseph nearly hits the ground but uses Hermit Purple to assume control at the last second, only to crash into some palm trees soon after while flying too close to the ground.

Okay, adventure's over, this is a clear total party kill.:V

Unsurprisingly, they're all miraculously unharmed despite crashing into trees at several hundred km/h (they didn't even have seatbelts either), even the baby. They're stranded in the middle of the desert again though.

Will they make it to Cairo (or even Egypt) by the end of the first half?

Somehow, it took until nightfall for Kakyoin to notice the cuts on his arm.

And there's the message, what will he do with it?

Seeing this message, he goes after the baby and roughly picks it up only for it to start crying, for some reason he doesn't tell the rest of the group about the mysterious message on his arm and even hides it when they get near.

The episode ends with Polnareff wondering if Kakyoin is going mad and with an ominous shot of the baby.

Well that episode lived up to the hype, next half tomorrowish, I need to get back to a proper pace for this and the DA LP.
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Quite a few of the enemy Stand users in Part 3 were based off of horror movie villains. Wheel of Fortune was probably based off of Christine, Ebony Devil was based off of Chucky. I think Yellow Temperance is based off of The Blob.

I'd say called it but it was obvious that it was coming.
And the Jojo dog curse strikes again.

What on earth is wrong with her face? Is she some poorly made puppet or something? Even background characters get better faces than that.
Glad to see I'm no the only one who wondered about it!

To wake himself up, Kakyoin desperately carves into his arm so that someone will notice the bleeding (or maybe he's trying to leave a memo since he knows he won't remember once he's awake). Meanwhile, Joseph nearly hits the ground but uses Hermit Purple to assume control at the last second, only to crash into some palm trees soon after while flying too close to the ground.

Joseph + plane = crash.
It's a fact. Science proves it.

Unsurprisingly, they're all miraculously unharmed despite crashing into trees at several hundred km/h (they didn't even have seatbelts either), even the baby. They're stranded in the middle of the desert again though.
I told you everyone in the jojoverse is the descendant of a Pillar Men's bastard!

Will they make it to Cairo (or even Egypt) by the end of the first half?
You really want the answer to that question? :D

Quite a few of the enemy Stand users in Part 3 were based off of horror movie villains. Wheel of Fortune was probably based off of Christine, Ebony Devil was based off of Chucky. I think Yellow Temperance is based off of The Blob.
Yeah, Death 13 is the moment where it's completely impossible to miss the theme anymore.
Episode 46
Time for the second half of Death 13 as promised, this time the episode starts with Jotaro looking out over the desert thinking of how it's been four weeks since the journey started and they've only got 20 days or so to find Dio.

The night sky is always nice to look at once you're out of a city.

While sitting around the campfire, Polnareff samples the baby food Joseph has whipped up and promptly tries to eat the rest of it.

I sympathise with the baby. Having your food eaten by someone else sucks.

Then a scorpion crawls into the crib.

But now I'm almost rooting for the scorpion that'll most likely die when the baby cries out and wondering if Kakyoin did something with it since the scorpion's been shown twice now and he's the only one who'd do anything to the baby now.

No need to cry out I guess.

Unfortunately for the baby, Kakyoin saw him skewer the scorpion with a safety pin and a scowl. He then tries to tell the others without first securing evidence and gets dismissed. A bit later he then tries showing it off but by then it's way too late and they think he's nuts, this episode definitely feels like there's some forced stupidity to make it work. Next up Kakyoin tries a straight up charge vs the baby and gets knocked out by Polnareff for his trouble.

I'd give him grief for such a poorly thought out plan but he's a baby, the part of the brain that handles long-term decision making probably hasn't even started to grow yet.

Before long the entire group is asleep.

I wonder if the baby will tell him that it's because they're all morons.

To his credit, Polnareff reacts appropriately and tries to get everyone up and taking things seriously only for Joseph to shrug him off like he shrugged off Kakyoin.

Baby's making up for lost time.

Polnareff tries to get the other to find Kakyoin who must also be trapped in the world on his own and apologise for doubting him/rescue him while Joseph critiques his hairdo.

The baby practically has this won and is now making the classic mistake of fucking around before victory is completely certain.

Death 13 then demonstrates that it can control the hair in addition to making it bigger and proves that the only reason that there hasn't been a total party kill yet is because the baby has a sadistic streak. It then does the same to Jotaro's chain to choke him and inflates Joseph's hand.

It's just like one of those giant hands they have over in the US.

While they're tied down, Death 13 does a pretty good menacing stroll before the halfway mark appears.

For some reason the clown/grim reaper mix looks better than most grim reaper looking things I see in anime.

Growth potential B, that Stand is a monster if it's still got a long way to go before it hits full potential, it's already an effective I-win button if you catch your target sleeping.

Desperate, Jotaro summons his Stand despite Polnareff saying he can't.

Looks like limits don't apply to Jotaro, and what on earth is up with that smile?

...Well that's not what I was expecting.

The baby continues to fuck with them.

A few frying pan hits later it's shown that he didn't summon Star Platinum at all, the baby just made a Death 13 copy look like it to get his hopes up (and makes one look like a mix of Silver Chariot and Star Platinum to demonstrate) before giving exposition about how Death 13 works.

Wait does that mean Kakyoin will save the day since he got knocked out while he had his Stand out?

A few seconds later, my theory gets confirmed by something crawling up Death 13.

Time for payback I guess.

I'll never get used to the random hair colour changes.

After this the group rushes up to thank him/apologise as Hierophant Green strangles Death 13, only for Death 13 to turn the tables by shaping the clouds into a hand that can use it's scythe to bisect both it and Hierophant Green.

And that's the fight won at heavy cost.:V

Or not.

Of course, Kakyoin has his own trick as well and has sent Hierophant Green up into Death 13 in string form.

It's Kakyoin's victory, but will he actually kill a baby?
Now that Kakyoin has Death 13 trapped, he starts making demands like ensuring that his arm is healed.

Though I have to wonder, if he can heal people at will shouldn't he also be able to injure them at will too? Maybe he's just too panicked to think of it now.

The next day they all wake up and they all had a terrible night's sleep except for Kakyoin who goes on to give a warning to the baby, since he's not willing to kill or injure the baby they will be dropped off at a nearby town to head back to their mother and in exchange they won't come near the group again or they'll be punished by, say, being force-fed their poop mixed in with baby food.

That's so evil yet hilarious. Now let's hope Polnareff doesn't eat any of it.

And so ends the most threatening Stand user yet.

Before the episode ends it skips ahead to them heading out to an island in the Red Sea before they go to Egypt to meet someone important (I suppose that this is Abdul coming back) and it's another two-parter next, it's time for Judgement.

I quite liked this two-parter, it more than lived up to expectations set by the thread despite a bit of forced stupidity early on in this episode. I have to wonder how an 11 month old baby got a start as a hitman working for a century old vampire though.
It does seem to be canon that having a Stand raises the intelligence of things that normally wouldn't be of adult human-level intelligence as a general rule, yeah.
Growth potential B, that Stand is a monster if it's still got a long way to go before it hits full potential, it's already an effective I-win button if you catch your target sleeping.
It's not really surprising when you consider that it is essentially limitless reality warping within the dream. While baby has gotten the killing-aspects down pretty well (sadism not withstanding), the stand still has a lot of potential in other areas.

You want information? Change the setting and Death 13's appearence to something the target knows and trusts, and try to talk it out of them. If you fail, no problem! They won't remember it anyways!
You want to pass on said information to your vampiric overlord? Have him take a nap and give it to him in his sleep.
Your ally has a new stand he doesn't understand? Drag it into the dream-world and you can test it under a wide range of different environments.

And that's only what we know it is capable of. If we extend the ability of manipulating dreams to what it can do in other media, only the sky's the limit!

Really, it is a testament to Mannish Boy's genius that he managed to get Developmental Potential down from an A as an 11-month old to begin with.
Yeah, it's kind of weird to see everyone except Kakyoin being so hard to convince that something's on, since in Part III especially the heroes tend to be smart enough to realize that when weird sh*t starts happening or one of their friends starts acting really weird out of nowhere it's probably got something to do with a Stand. I mean, Kakyoin's both been mind controlled by DIO's flesh bud and impersonated by Rubber Soul, so if anything they should be assuming that some enemy Stand user is affecting his mind or something.