In Which I Watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

While he's here, Abdul calls Polnareff out on lacking maturity and for being unable to completely move on from Cherie's death. Next he explains how he survived since he was falling backwards when Hol Horse's shot came in and the bullet only grazed him (I recall it being a clean hit but I won't complain about more Abdul).

That doesn't look like it's healed much if at all.
Fun fact: in the original story of the manga while it was being published, Avdul was killed by Hol Horse's bullet. But the fans found it so cool and asked so much for a come back that the editors told Araki to bring him back, hence the explanation that the bullet "grazed" his forehead while in the actual scene it wasn't like that. And they slightly altered the scene in the anime so Avdul was slightly bending backward when the shot connected, in the manga it was a clear bullseye.

Some supplementary material (such as a chapter cover) heavily implied that Hol Horse himself was to be the one to replace Avdul among the Crusaders (probably after Enya tried to kill him), Araki also explained in an interview that what also stopped him from including him in the Crusaders was because he was too similar to Polnareff character and design-wise.

Where does the hat end and the hair begin?
Shhhhhhhh... don't ask questions, some things are not for the human mind to apprehend.

And there goes Joseph's hand. I'm not sorry
Again. :D

These holes in the throat make Joseph lose consciousness but for some reason Kakyoin says that they're not serious while Star Platinum goes after High Priestess.
These kind of absurdities (alongside Joseph's downright hilarious resilience in the end of part 2) is probably why from part 4 onward there'll always be at least one healer in the heroes' group.

The Stand owner better have some good smug faces after a card like that.
He he he. :)

It says something about Jotaro that I can't tell how old he is in this picture.
Hilariously, since Araki's art style start changing after part 3 (and already slightly began near the end of part 3) Jotaro will actually look more and more young. :confused:
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Fun fact: in the original story of the manga while it was being published, Avdul was killed by Hol Horse's bullet. But the fans found it so cool and asked so much for a come back that the editors told Araki to bring him back, hence the explanation that the bullet "grazed" his forehead while in the actual scene it wasn't like that. And they slightly altered the scene in the anime so Avdul was slightly bending backward when the shot connected, in the manga it was a clear bullseye.

Avdol being brought back due to popularity was never true. According to JoJonium, Araki always planned on bringing him back, and he was never that popular to begin with.
Some supplementary material (such as a chapter cover) heavily implied that Hol Horse himself was to be the one to replace Avdul among the Crusaders (probably after Enya tried to kill him), Araki also explained in an interview that what also stopped him from including him in the Crusaders was because he was too similar to Polnareff character and design-wise.
I recall one of Araki's statements being that he came up with the idea of Hol Horse joining the team partway through writing the story, but one of the major things that made him decide against it was that Emperor had too few limits in its design, so it would unbalance the team (at the very least, it would entirely supplant Hierophant Green in the 'ranged combat' department). If I'm remembering right, thinking about that is what impacted the development of a certain other gun-slinging stand user in Part 5.
I recall one of Araki's statements being that he came up with the idea of Hol Horse joining the team partway through writing the story, but one of the major things that made him decide against it was that Emperor had too few limits in its design, so it would unbalance the team (at the very least, it would entirely supplant Hierophant Green in the 'ranged combat' department). If I'm remembering right, thinking about that is what impacted the development of a certain other gun-slinging stand user in Part 5.
Unless Hol can see through his bullets I think Kakyoin would still have definite uses.

Avdol being brought back due to popularity was never true. According to JoJonium, Araki always planned on bringing him back, and he was never that popular to begin with.


I recall one of Araki's statements being that he came up with the idea of Hol Horse joining the team partway through writing the story, but one of the major things that made him decide against it was that Emperor had too few limits in its design, so it would unbalance the team (at the very least, it would entirely supplant Hierophant Green in the 'ranged combat' department). If I'm remembering right, thinking about that is what impacted the development of a certain other gun-slinging stand user in Part 5.
According to Araki's interview in Jojonium, it was a combination of all of this: his resemblance to Polnareff, the lack of limits on his Stand and how it would supplant Kakyoin as the long ranged fighter.
Episode 50
This episode starts with Joseph covering the basics of how to scuba dive (don't panic, ascend slowly because the bends are a bitch) after finding that no one in the group has done it, he then lets the water into the room they're in without first even checking that they've all put on their gear correctly. He then starts explaining that they can't talk underwater (wait didn't they do just that with their Stands in Moon?) so they'll use hand signals instead.

thank you

Meanwhile, Kakyoin and Polnareff practice their own silly handsigns.

Can these two take over the main character role please? They're so much more entertaining than Jotaro.

They get ready to head out but Polnareff is having problems.

Looks like High Priestess snuck in while they were chatting.

Then then OP finale music starts playing (why don't they include the sounds every time?) before going back to High Priestess shoving itself down Polnareff's throat. Of course, it gets stopped before it goes too far by Joseph and Kakyoin, only to turn into a speargun.

Okay, that's genuinely creative.

Of course, with several speedy Stands nearby it accomplishes nothing and gets locked in the room. Abdul then dismisses the possibility of it following the group since it can't turn into fish to follow them, forgetting that it can turn into minerals (and that it can just get dispelled and reappear near the owner to get ahead of them if it needs to).

Abdul that's a pair of nostrils get the fuck back.

Predictably, they got closer instead.

They then get sucked in but none of them get bitten and now they have a free shot at the inside of the Stand's head.

Oh wow, it got even bigger once they were inside.

Now that they're stuck inside the mouth of the Stand the user begins to explain that it got stronger since it's closer to her since she's only 7m away on the shore rather than a couple hundred meters away from them. For her next trick she starts hitting on Jotaro while Polnareff seemingly whispers a plan.

As it turns out, the plan is just to have Jotaro say that he wishes he could see Midler's face just once.

And then the transparent ploy works (assuming they were aiming to light the place up rather than get let out entirely).

Or maybe not.

After a bit of thrashing and tongue lashing she gets Jotaro between her molars and bites. Star Platinum blocks but it's quickly losing ground.

Under this rock lies Jotaro.:V

I'd get my hopes up but this is the protagonist, he's not dying until the Dio fight. It's a nice touch that the shadows of the cables almost look like blood at a glance at least.

Under that much pressure, the oxygen tank explodes.

For something strong enough to overpower Star Platinum, you'd think it'd have more strength.

Important question, where did all of their rebreathers go? They're still underwater.

There'd be more suspense if the subs didn't give it away before I could even hear the noise that Joseph is talking about.

To the surprise of no-one, it's Jotaro knocking his way out of the teeth (don't ask how that works when he got in there when there wasn't anywhere for teeth fragments to go)

I'd post a gif of Oberyn getting his teeth knocked out here but all I could find were the ones with his eyes getting pushed in and head crushed.

They then find Midler lying on the beach incapacitated and Polnareff checks her unconscious body out but is turned off by the smashed teeth.

They're finally here, it only took them 24 episodes.

After a bit of reminiscing about what they went through and Kakyoin accidentally commenting on Death 13 they walk off into the desert with the OP music playing (it seems to be a later part of the song though).

The narrator then points out that there are only two Tarot cards left to encounter (the Fool and the World). I suppose the next season is going to be dependent on some combination of bringing back a lot of villains, introducing Stands that aren't major arcana related and stretching fights out a lot.

Flashing ahead to Cairo, we see a guy from the Speedwagon Foundation spying on some people via binoculars.

Well then, that would be the next group of antagonists.

And then the Speedwagon Foundation guy gets his head cut off by what looks like water so fast he doesn't even know it happened. The attacker has a lot of muscle, but this tells me absolutely nothing considering that this is Jojo.

The body is brought to Dio afterwards, presumably for a midnight snack and Dio provides some commentary about how he's grown quite used to Jonathan's body.

Next up Suzi Q is on the line to Joseph and asks to talk to Jotaro for a bit so she can imply that she's aware that there's a lot more going on than she's being told.

Oh, she definitely knows.

After hanging up, Joseph remarks that they'll finally be ending Dio's ties to their family after a century before Jotaro reminds him that they've got a lot of help on that front.

I wonder how many episodes it'll be before that gets trashed.

And that's the first half of Part 3 done.

The next half will be starting soon.
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Reminder that the stats for Part 3 and Part 4 Stands were added retroactively in artbooks around Part 5 and as such do not really make much sense.

Anyway, Priestess is a Long-Range Stand and possibly a Bound Stand as well.

Also Midler, Priestess' user, didn't have a character design in the Manga or the anime. She did get one for the fighting game Heritage for the Future, where she is a woman in a belly dancer outfit.
Not sure if you're aware, but it's rare for a Stand to be dismissable at a distance. Normally you have to have it overlap your body first. There are some that don't need to, but those are the exception rather than the rule.
Then then OP finale music starts playing (why don't they include the sounds every time?) before going back to High Priestess shoving itself down Polnareff's throat. Of course, it gets stopped before it goes too far by Joseph and Kakyoin, only to turn into a speargun.
The general rule seems to be that they want to save the SFX for the end of the season. I find it makes a nice bonus touch for the OP's final showing.
So I only just caught up with all of this, and...I don't really have many thoughts on it that haven't already been provided by the other people on this thread, or has already long passed by.

Can't wait to see more.
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Despite the name changes that occur, the only name that doesn't get changed is Speedwagon, and that is for one very simple reason: REO Speedwagon can't sue as that would open them up to be sued by the Speedwagon truck company.