In Thunder's Echo (Legend of the Five Rings Quest)

Obviously, we need to have Strong Birch put on a play about a star crossed romance between a Scorpion and a Crane, then comp us and Doji Mariko tickets for the best seats in the house.

Dear Crane Kakita,
They call me Steal Yo Girl San.
I flirt good, you mad?
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You turn as the gates to the magistrate's building open and the man you assume to be Strong Birch is released from within. He is a tall man, slightly portly and with a few spots of grey in his dark hair, generally unremarkable. It does not take him long to spot you - your Clan colors are rather distinctive in this Lion-dominated city - and he all but runs across the intervening distance to prostrate himself at your feet.

"My most sincere and profuse thanks, samurai-sama." He says, his voice muffled by the way his face is pressed to the ground. "I am unworthy of such mercy and righteous justice, but if there is any way I might even begin to repay you for this, you have but to ask."

So... providing a vote...

[x] "You are most welcome, Strong Birch-san. All citizens of the Empire deserve Justice, and all loyal servants deserve Compassion. It pleases me that I could provide you with both. As for repayment? I hear that you run an excellent theater - one that I intend to attend a time or two, now that this unpleasantness is behind us. I merely ask that you continue to perform your duties to your Lord with the excellence you have shown thus far, and perhaps that you remember me fondly from time to time."
[x] Indicate in an appropriate fashion that he may rise. All is well.

To me, in Rokugan-speak, this says "I'm probably going to want you to pull a few strings to get me and a friend or two the nice seats a few times while I'm here, and a mild pro-Scorpion bias might be nice, but mostly, we're good." If the wording isn't quite right for it, then tweak the wording to fit the intent. I figure that if Pale Oak wants to make more direct use of him, he can go off a combination of general Clan goodwill and insinuating non-provable things about what might or might not have happened to the doshin. Certainly he has enough credibility, between obviously being our scribe and obviously being associated with the Scorpion, to make that convincing without ever actually admitting to anything.

It doesn't make explicit that our door is open to whoever might need it, but it does strongly imply that serving Justice and Compassion are a matter of policy for us, and that if someone *needs* help... well, it's worked once.
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3.14 - Merry Christmas
[x] "You are most welcome, Strong Birch-san. All citizens of the Empire deserve Justice, and all loyal servants deserve Compassion. It pleases me that I could provide you with both. As for repayment? I hear that you run an excellent theater - one that I intend to attend a time or two, now that this unpleasantness is behind us. I merely ask that you continue to perform your duties to your Lord with the excellence you have shown thus far, and perhaps that you remember me fondly from time to time."
[x] Indicate in an appropriate fashion that he may rise. All is well.

Strong Birch rises at your gesture, his eyes shining with unshed tears Viewing things from his perspective, you suspect that you may have just validated every belief and teaching he has ever heard about the Celestial Order and the rewards of a righteous life.

"May your ancestors watch over you and all the Fortunes bless you, samurai-sama." He says, controlling his momentary display of emotion. "I shall do as you say. It may take a little time to make sure the theater is in order and get performances running again, but I shall endeavor to make sure there is no delay."

"That is all that any can ask of you, Birch-san." You say, catching a glimpse of Pale Oak out of the corner of your eye. Your scribe makes an enquiring gesture, and you nod. "Pale Oak-san, go with him and make sure that everything is in order."

"Of course, Soshi-dono." Your assistant says respectfully, gesturing for Strong Birch to lead the way. The manager bows deeply to you again and then hurries off, an air of vitality and purpose around him. You watch the two of them depart, and smile to yourself. Yes, things are going very nicely.


Later that night

You are standing atop a cliff, looking out over the ocean. The waves crash against the rocks, and the salt air stings pleasantly against your exposed face. You are not wearing your mask, but somehow the thought does not bother you. Clearly, you are dreaming, and as such little details like that are not to be fretted over. Instead, you can simply enjoy the beauty of this scene.

There is a storm brewing in the distance, and already you can see roiling thunderclouds spreading out across the horizon. Lightning flashes in their depths, and the sound of thunder shakes your very bones, but you do not feel afraid. What is there to fear within your own mind?

"You are a very interesting young man, Soshi Naoto-san."

You turn at the voice, moving languidly as though underwater. A short distance along the cliff side, someone has set up a small table and placed two cups of tea on it. Sitting on the far side of it is an elderly man dressed in homespun peasant's garb, his eyes shielded by a wide brimmed hat. The grass around him sways in the wide, which is growing increasingly strong, but he seems untouched by it. There is a sash of brilliant blue wrapped around his waist.

"I... do not think I know you." You say softly, unconcerned with proper etiquette, for you are dreaming and such things are for the waking world.

"Yes you do. We've never met, but you're a studious sort. You'll work it out soon enough." The old man says with a kindly smile, before gesturing to the tea set before him. "In the mean time, sit down."

You consider this, then shrug and move forwards. The grass around your feet brushes up against you as you move, and by the time you sit down, the vast sea behind you has been replaced by a rolling plain. This too seems normal, so you reach out and pick up the teacup, bringing it to your lips. It tastes like sunlight and stormclouds.

"That was a good thing you did back there. Your motivations could be better, but that's between you and your ancestors." The old man says, picking up his own teacup. "It caught her eye, and she asked me to take a proper look. So far, I like what I see."

Your lips quirk into a smile. "Well, I appreciate the compliment, jii-san, but I can only see one of you. Do I get to meet my other mysterious admirer?"

The old man chuckles. "You already have. It's just that you're not used to thinking on the right sort of scale."

In the distance, the storm speaks again, and thunder rumbles out over the land. You can feel it right in the very core of your being, and for a moment you think it sounds rather like...

A Dragon.

On the other side of the table Megumi-no-kami, Fortune of Heroic Guidance, smiles at you. "It was good to meet you, Soshi-san. Stay on the path you are walking, and perhaps we will see each other again. In the mean time... a token of our esteem."

Overhead, the Thunder Dragon roars once more, a sound far beyond anything any mortal could hope to produce passing over and through you like a wave. The tiniest spark of divine power brushes against your innermost being, and like a flower blooming under the sun you feel your soul respond.


QM's notes - Merry Christmas, SV! As a present and sign of divine favour, the Thunder Dragon has looked into your soul and unlocked a small fraction of your true potential. You may choose a single Ring, and receive the relevant trait increases to raise it by one.

Which ring do you augment?
[ ] Fire
[ ] Water
[ ] Earth
[ ] Air
[ ] Void

In addition, Soshi Naoto has learned a considerable amount over the past few days. He has made significant gains for his Clan and gained several useful allies, and for that he is awarded six experience points, for a current total of seven. The next update will begin the Festival of the River of Stars.

What do you spend your experience on?
[ ] Write in
We should take the free ring raise in air, water, earth or void.
Of those, I am particular to air, as it would mean that we would get raises in two atributes , making them all 4.

Earth and Water would get us two atributes, but at three.

Fire would net us a raise in only one atributes. So no.
Holy crap. For not only a Fortune but the Thunder Dragon itself to visit the dream of normal Samurai! That is......shit. My mind is just :jackiechan:. In a good way.

Well Done My Good Sir. Well done.

[X] Air.
[X] Air
[X] Acquire Kenjutsu 3

I'd go for Earth if we were focusing more on being a Bushi, but higher Air works as a stopgap, increases our Awareness, and means we can focus on increasing our Agility or Perception.
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[X] Air. was this just a natural reward for the sidequest or is it from going MAXIMUM HONOR while remaining effective throughout the quest?
Thing 1: Mind. Blown. (in character)

Thing 2:
[x] Air
[x] Save the XP

Not only is it the mathematically excellent choice exp-wise, it cranks two things, both of which are very useful to us.

...and with that, we'd have Reflexes 4. *4*. Maybe we *should* involve ourselves in the Bowman's Wager.

edit: also, huh. From Strong Birch's perspective, this pretty much played out like a morality play. I could almost see him getting it written up it as a morality play (with names and circumstances changed and poetic license for the parts he didn't know about). Might take a bit of delicacy to do it in a way that his Lion masters (and their doshin) would approve of rather than be offended by, but he might well spend at least a *bit* of time thinking about how to pull it off.
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Incidentally, what are we saving for?
Int 5.

Realistically, though, we're wanting a stat, and 7 isn't enough for any of the stats. Stats are quite a bit more potent than skills, all things considered.

With awareness 4 backing them up, our court skills are about as solid as we could want. There's really very little need to invest in them further. Worth noting that after the Air ring boost, our Awareness is now going to be as high as our Int.

With Reflexes 4, we're doing well for combat situations too - especially the sorts of combat we're likely to see. Note that our reflexes will have increased by *2* since the kenjutsu tournament. Cranking the TN to hit us by 10 is a serious boost, even without the sidebar bit about initiative. Void is effectively a combat stat for us as well - there aren't any other circumstances where we're likely to spend more than two points in a single day. Our overall skills are going to be quite respectable for a bushi of our rank... and that's after we jump up to School Rank 2 (which is hitting after this vote one way or the other - we're at 146 insight).

Perception and Investigation... I'll admit those have their uses, but it's not nearly as straightforward as "we need to solve mysteries. Therefore we need Perception and Investigation." Our social abilities (which we are now *quite* strong at) are also excellent mystery-solving support. Investigation is useful for physically searching through an area or otherwise noticing clues, and, as a contested roll, in ferreting out falsehoods. Unfortunately, the person we'd *most* like to be able to ferret out falsehoods from is Doji Mariko, and you can bet that she has at least 7k4 in Awareness+Sincerity (quite possibly more). We're just not going to get Perception+Investigation up to where we'd need it to be to regularly notice her lying. Given that it's not going to be at a dependable level, it's more of a "might notice useful things" thing - occasionally giving us useful info here or there. 17 exp total would get us up to Perception 3, Investigation 3 - about the "occasionally giving us useful stuff" level. 20 exp would be enough to push us from Int 4 to Int 5.

Taking Int from 4 to 5 takes us from the "smart kid" level to the "actively impressive" level. It gives us, on average, a bit more than a raise on every one of those lore checks we make. It takes us from "serious competitor" to "possible champion" in Hachiman's tournament. It'll make people sit up and take notice and start scheming on how to get us working for them. It will, in fact, make us as smart as we thought we were.
Int 4 is already incredibly impressive considering having 4 in an Attribute is almost the limit of human ability, with 5 branching into actually being superhuman. Naoto is more than just a smart kid, he's close to being a true genius. At Int 5, he'll have few equals pretty much anywhere when it comes to scholarly knowledge. At that level, he'll have a reputation just for being that damned capable.
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