Can we spend void points to up skills? If so, I'd like to increase our poetry skill with it.
I mean, she basically just told us to

Void points are a purely temporary thing. On the other hand, you can apply them to basically any skill+stat roll.
Also, pretty sure she said somehtign along the lines of "No, no, no. Int+poetry is the wrong answer. It produces terrible poetry. You need to roll Awareness+poetry. Also, a void point might help."
So... information theory is an interesting thing.
- We have a thing that we do not want her to know - that we are investigating her on behalf of the Ikoma.
- We're scorpion, so she'll be at least wary of us attempting to gain advantage. To the degree that there is something skeevy going on with the Crane delegation, she'll be keenly aware of it, aware that others will be attempting to discern it, and paying attention. She'd have no *particular* reason to believe that *we* would be investigating her, but she'll keep her eyes open.
- She has a thing she does not want anyone to know - what exactly is going on with the Crane delegation.
So, the question is, what advance can we gain here without paying a cost in suspicion? What advance can we gain elsewhere?
- We could ask peripheral information. Conceive of an interest in... something, and express curiousity. Unfortunately, this is a really obvious play, if someone knows what you might be looking for, and we don't know enough to pick particularly good peripheral topics.
- We could flirt. "Come, pretty lady - clasp me to your bosom, that I might sting you." is one of the classic Scorpion schticks for a reason. (...and we didn't grab Dangerous Beauty. Ah, well.) She's pretty moving quickly to try to get our support for something. Allowing ourselves to be enthralled romantically, even if the feeling is not returned with more than pleased amusement, will give us a justification for wishing to know more about her, to spend time with her, and may help convince her that we're on her side. It won't give us all that much information, but it's a preparatory play.
-- unfortunately, it's a potentially costly one. That argument could have been any of a number of things, but one of the things that it might have been is Daidoji-san getting unhappy about us potentially getting between him and his woman. Embracing that role would leave him highly motivated to think ill of us, and might conceivably drive him to rash action. Admittedly, the timing on this argument is... suspicious in some ways, especially when she complimented us on our punctuality Still, the possibility exists. Additionally, we really only have about one romantic slot for this Winter Court. If we go after her, we won't be able to go after any of the others.
- We could take a positioning play in some other, non-romantic way. Not thinking of any right now, but I'm sure they're out there. General idea would be to reassure her of our alignment with her goals, while setting ourselves up for having entirely nonthreatening reasons to want to know a lot about certain subjects.
- Keep pushing on the charm offensive on the heimen. Acknowledge them as people, try to be kind, possibly even solve one or two of the little heimen problems they might have. Servants notice things, and right now, we crave that information.
- The previously mentioned letter-writing campaign.
- We could try to strike up an external discussion with Daidoji-san (assuming we haven't seriously upset him already) and see fi we can get anything from that end.
I want to say something about flirting while also inquiring about her, in one of those multi-layer conversations.
- Of course we're just here talkign about poetry, and using informative examples
-- I'm flirting shamelessly and deniably, using this as an opportunity to flatter you in a wide variety of ways, with a variety of seasonal metaphors
--- I'm subtly pushing you for information on yourself with these metaphors - what your background is, what you like and so forth - by asking questions about them. I'm presenting myself as someone who's interested romantically, and wants to know more about you so I can better plan my campaign.
but... yeah. I think I still need to keep up my self-imposed write-in moratorium for a bit. I'm not yet back up to speed.
I *am* amused that there's a viable and reasonable plan with an end goal of "Marry Matsu Ketsui" where step 1 is "Seduce Doji Mariko." Yep. Scorpion.