Dragon Clan
The current era is one of change and confusion for all of Rokugan, but perhaps none more so than the Dragon. For most of recorded history the children of Togashi have been content to stay in their own territory, located in the mountains near the northern border of Rokugan, pursuing enlightenment and observing the world below. They were strange and enigmatic, acting according to their own arcane insights and deciding on courses of action that rarely made much sense to the rest of Rokugan. Dragon armies would ocassionally march out of their mountains and intervene in ongoing conflicts in some unusual and precise fashion, then return home without a word of explanation. For a thousand years, the rest of the Empire wondered at the reasoning behind this, or else dismissed the Clan as being largely irrelevant.
Two years ago, the reasoning behind the Dragon's strange history finally became clear. Togashi Yokuni, the Dragon Clan champion, revealed himself to the world as Togashi-no-Kami, one of the first founders of the Empire and Fu Leng's one surviving brother. For a thousand years he had been guiding his Clan with prophetic foresight in preparation for this day. He commits his forces to the preservation of the Brotherhood of Shinsei, lends forces to Toruri the Black, convinces Bayushi Kachiko to stay in the capital and weaken Fu Leng, and otherwise does everything in his power to prepare the people of Rokugan for the Second Day of Thunder.
When the day came, he accompanied the Seven Thunders into the Imperial Palace and confronted Fu Leng. The Dark Kami cut Togashi down, mortally wounding him, but in his last moments the Dragon Champion turned to the Thunder Mirumoto Hitomi and commanded her to cut open his heart. Within was the last Black Scroll, which fully freed and empowered Fu Leng... and also made him mortal. With his last breath, Togashi gave his life to ensure that the mortal champions of the Empire could finish the job and defeat his fallen brother, slaying Fu Leng for good.
In the aftermath of the Second Day of Thunder, Mirumoto Hitmoi claimed the title of Dragon Clan Champion, being accepted unanimously by the Clan. She and her Clan returned to their mountains, seeking to understand what this change would mean for them as a people - their ancient Duty, to watch for the return of Fu Leng, had been fulfilled, and their immortal leader had finally perished. No one knows what the Dragon intend to do next - not even they themselves.
You don't know a lot about what the Clan as a whole intends or desires, but you know enough to make some guesses about their Champion. Mirumoto Hitomi is famous for her feud with the now Crab Champion Hida Yakamo - he killed her beloved brother years ago, and she dedicated herself to revenge. They met in duels three times, once during the Scorpion Coup, once during the Clan Wars and once during the Second Day of Thunder. In the first, Hitomi took Yakamo's arm and had to be dragged away by her kin before she murdered him. In the second, he took her arm in the Battle of Beiden Pass. In the third, she defeated him utterly (having found him weakened by a fight with an Oni) but left him alive in the knowledge that she could have killed him. It seems unlikely she will have forgotten him or the Crab entirely.
Secondly, the Mirumoto are known to have an enduring rivalry with the Kakita second only to that of the Matsu, one built around competing styles of dueling and general swordsmanship. It is something of a tradition for students of the two competing schools to duel when they meet, and given that the Crane have brought a Kakita to court you can likely expect to see a clash between the two of them at some point.
Finally, Mirumoto Hitomi herself is acting increasingly... strange. The hand she lost to Yakamo was replaced with one of living Obsidian, though again none know where she obtained it, and given that material's association with the Taint and Madness it can only be speculated what grafting it into your body would do. In addition to this, she seems to have obtained a portion of Togashi's divine essence after slaying him, which has empowered her even as it has changed her perspective. Now the Dragon Clan act in strange and mysterious ways even compared to their previous history, and none who have met the reclusive new champion can get a read on her thoughts or motivations.