In Thunder's Echo (Legend of the Five Rings Quest)

Yogo Hanzo is of higher status than "Pale Oak" and his testimony will include "and then they took their faces off" which means that the we can claim the witnesses were deceived through no fault of their own which hopefully will let us make our challenge to their testimony not a lethal insult. As a shugenja he's an expert witness that they were up against serious supernatural shit lying to them. "Even with my abilities I would have been fooled had they not removed their faces in the expectation of killing me."

There is also the fact that as our delegation's shugenja he's the person we most need to talk to about the encounter with the spirit and especially Tears of the Sun.

Finally it brings the last admitted samurai in team Scorpion back into play which continues the mission even if Naoto buys it.

OTOH catching the assassins also gives our defense credibility, harms the killers of our lord as is proper and shuts down the threat posed by those particular individuals.

Keeping watch on Tani is a strong play in that direction and gives a little protection to the most important defense witness. Only a little protection though because we don't have the resources to do it properly and still mount an effective hunt.

Overall I think Hanzo is higher priority but a big difference in chance of success would trump the preference. A Shosoro is a good undercover hunter. He may also be a master of poison lore. We need to ask him.

[x] Write in: "Yogo Hanzo is poisoned and it seems the Shugenja can do little. I want him awake but I cannot afford to spend your time on on a vain effort - how do you rate your chances of helping him?"
- [x] if good then cure him.
-- [x] If they have used a rare poison that is a clue in itself.
- [x] if poor then hunt the killers.
-- [x] Watching the Phoenix is a good place to start for she is surely a target for them
Well we already know not to bother with Jade because Pale Oak has told us it doesn't work, and I very much doubt that whatever ward Yogo used that actually worked during the mess of a fight was something revolutionary that no other Shugenja at the Winter Court could figure out.
We can't transmit that information effectively. Pale Oak is still gone to ground, and furthermore having him expose himself does us little good just to get that across. We can't tell anyone about that because we're not supposed to know anything about what actually happened there, and maybe what he used was mundane, maybe it wasn't.

Faceless monsters that are immune to jade raise the stakes because that's supposed to be the one thing you can count on to deal with Evil (most of the time). Crystal is a far rarer vulnerability, and material, without the advantage of things like Jade Strike. In combat every second counts, and letting shugenja after shugenja figure out that their monstrous opponents aren't harmed by jade after they've already spent time and resources casting isn't a sound strategy. This is bigger than us, they just tried to annihilate our clan's delegation and there's no telling what their move is after that.

Plus, what makes him more suited to this task than the Shugenja already treating him? Surely he's better used tracking down the Faceless and making sure they don't strike again?
It's noted in the vote. Shosuro are masters of poisons so you might have a medic or shugenja that specializes, but it's not guaranteed.
In support of what @Mina said above, I would like to point out that we are Scorpions, the Emperor's Underhand, and that it is our sworn duty to inform our superiors (currently the Matsu Daimyo) of threats to the empire from the shadows. Trade routes and keeping Beiden Pass open is demanded of us by the Clan, but Loyalty to the Empire must take precedence.

I would also like to note that Yogo Hanzo is the only witness who not only can clear our name, but provide crucial information on the nature of the threat. He would also be able to counter the Lion Testimony without giving any offense. I would say that Yogo Hanzo is more important that Asako Tani at this moment.

[X] Find a cure for Yogo Hanzo. You need your Shugenja back on his feet promptly, if only to provide a samurai's testimony to what happened, and the Shosuro know more about poisons and antidotes that anyone else in the Empire.
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[X] Find a cure for Yogo Hanzo. You need your Shugenja back on his feet promptly, if only to provide a samurai's testimony to what happened, and the Shosuro know more about poisons and antidotes that anyone else in the Empire.
In support of what @Mina said above, I would like to point out that we are Scorpions, the Emperor's Underhand, and that it is our sworn duty to inform our superiors (currently the Matsu Daimyo) of threats to the empire from the shadows. Trade routes and keeping Beiden Pass open is demanded of us by the Clan, but Loyalty to the Empire must take precedence.

I would also like to note that Yogo Hanzo is the only witness who not only can clear our name, but provide crucial information on the nature of the threat. He would also be able to counter the Lion Testimony without giving any offense. I would say that Yogo Hanzo is more important that Asako Tani at this moment.

[X] Find a cure for Yogo Hanzo. You need your Shugenja back on his feet promptly, if only to provide a samurai's testimony to what happened, and the Shosuro know more about poisons and antidotes that anyone else in the Empire.
The Matsu Diamyo is not our superior. We are a diplomatic envoy in her lands. There's a big difference.

That having been said...

[X] Find a cure for Yogo Hanzo. You need your Shugenja back on his feet promptly, if only to provide a samurai's testimony to what happened, and the Shosuro know more about poisons and antidotes that anyone else in the Empire.
[X] Find a cure for Yogo Hanzo. You need your Shugenja back on his feet promptly, if only to provide a samurai's testimony to what happened, and the Shosuro know more about poisons and antidotes that anyone else in the Empire.
[X] Find a cure for Yogo Hanzo. You need your Shugenja back on his feet promptly, if only to provide a samurai's testimony to what happened, and the Shosuro know more about poisons and antidotes that anyone else in the Empire.
The Matsu Diamyo is not our superior. We are a diplomatic envoy in her lands. There's a big difference.

In terms of clan loyalty, you are correct. But in terms of the Empire, she is a superior by rank. Or I'm mistaking rank and status, and need to reread the books.

Moot point though since I just remembered that Bayushi Kimoko's last orders were to keep this matter silent while she informed the Scorpion Clan Champion and or Scorpion Daimyo. With her dead, we really should send a message back home.
In terms of clan loyalty, you are correct. But in terms of the Empire, she is a superior by rank. Or I'm mistaking rank and status, and need to reread the books.

Moot point though since I just remembered that Bayushi Kimoko's last orders were to keep this matter silent while she informed the Scorpion Clan Champion and or Scorpion Daimyo. With her dead, we really should send a message back home.

Unfortunately any message we might send would take time. and not just days, weeks or even longer due to it being winter along with the distance needed to travel. And It should Also be pointed out that Rokugan does not have any snow plows which are an invention of our modern age. so if Beiden pass gets plugged up by snow fall we are SOL on that front. It should aslo be pointed out that written messages can be intercepted.

The best course of action for Soshi Naoto is to Survive the Winter court (hopefully) and come back to scorpion lands after the end and report our findings in person. if that is not possible then someone else will have make the report.
Unfortunately any message we might send would take time. and not just days, weeks or even longer due to it being winter along with the distance needed to travel. And It should Also be pointed out that Rokugan does not have any snow plows which are an invention of our modern age. so if Beiden pass gets plugged up by snow fall we are SOL on that front. It should aslo be pointed out that written messages can be intercepted.

If I remember correctly, there's a Shugenja Air spell which allows one to send messages or communicate with others over long distances. I would need to check Book of Air or the Corebook though for confirmation.
[X] Find a cure for Yogo Hanzo. You need your Shugenja back on his feet promptly, if only to provide a samurai's testimony to what happened, and the Shosuro know more about poisons and antidotes that anyone else in the Empire.
Vote Tally : In Thunder's Echo (Legend of the Five Rings Quest) | Page 180 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.5.12
[X] Find a cure for Yogo Hanzo. You need your Shugenja back on his feet promptly, if only to provide a samurai's testimony to what happened, and the Shosuro know more about poisons and antidotes that anyone else in the Empire.
No. of Votes: 14
[X] Track the perpetrators of this attack. The trail has not yet gone cold, and a Shosuro can go places and do things that more conventional magistrates cannot.
No. of Votes: 5
[x] Write in: "Yogo Hanzo is poisoned and it seems the Shugenja can do little. I want him awake but I cannot afford to spend your time on on a vain effort - how do you rate your chances of helping him?"
- [x] if good then cure him.
-- [x] If they have used a rare poison that is a clue in itself.
- [x] if poor then hunt the killers.
-- [x] Watching the Phoenix is a good place to start for she is surely a target for them
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 20
Time for the comeback.

[x] Write in: "Yogo Hanzo is poisoned and it seems the Shugenja can do little. I want him awake but I cannot afford to spend your time on on a vain effort - how do you rate your chances of helping him?"
- [x] if good then cure him.
-- [x] If they have used a rare poison that is a clue in itself.
- [x] if poor then hunt the killers.
-- [x] Watching the Phoenix is a good place to start for she is surely a target for them
[x] Write in: "Yogo Hanzo is poisoned and it seems the Shugenja can do little. I want him awake but I cannot afford to spend your time on on a vain effort - how do you rate your chances of helping him?"
- [x] if good then cure him.
-- [x] If they have used a rare poison that is a clue in itself.
- [x] if poor then hunt the killers.
-- [x] Watching the Phoenix is a good place to start for she is surely a target for them

If the vote is still open.
[X] Find a cure for Yogo Hanzo. You need your Shugenja back on his feet promptly, if only to provide a samurai's testimony to what happened, and the Shosuro know more about poisons and antidotes that anyone else in the Empire.
7.03 - A funeral in the snow
Well, I think three months is enough of a hiatus, don't you? Welcome back to In Thunder's Echo, everyone, and may the Fortunes smile upon you all.

27th Day of the Boar

It is snowing when the time for the funeral arrives, as though the world itself has adopted mourning colours.

Born upon a palanquin of unpainted wood, shielded from view by heavy curtains of palest silk, Bayushi Kimoko is carried out of the castle on the backs of four eta. Her body has been cleaned and dressed in formal attire, and all the necessary prayers and rituals have been performed by the attending Shugenja. Now, the pyre is all that remains.

Clad in heavy robes to ward off the winter's chill, you follow along behind the palanquin at a steady, measured pace. Such a position should be occupied by your lord's family, who have many duties to perform as part of the funeral ceremony, but in the absence of anyone suitable the responsibility for filling that void has fallen to you. You should be nervous, given that this is the first time you have ever been called upon to fulfill such a role, but instead you simply feel... numb.

Kimoko is dead and gone. The rest of you are simply going through the motions necessary to formalize it.

Yogo Hanzo walks at your side, his skin pale and sallow in a way you have rarely seen in one still among the living. By all accounts it was a close run thing, the Kitsu Shugenja all but certain that he would be joining his lord in Meido, until quite suddenly he recovered - seemingly by an act of divine intervention. Personally you are more inclined to thank the skillful ministrations of your cousins among the Shosuro, but it never hurts to pay respect to the Fortunes regardless of circumstance and so you said nothing to contradict the official diagnosis. In truth the Yogo should probably not be awake at all, let alone mobile, but apparently stubbornness is a virtue in Shugenja and he was determined to attend the funeral at your side before allowing mortal weakness to impede him once more.

(That said priority was only decided upon after he flung all manner of anti-Taint spells in your direction for verification is a detail you have seen no reason to share with any others.)

Behind the two of you comes the rest of the funeral procession. Just about every samurai attending court is here, though whether out of respect or curiousity you do not know. It might even have something to do with the heavy presence of Lion samurai escorting the column to its destination, and the furious light that yet smolders in the eyes of their daimyo. You do not think that Ketsui would go so far as to threaten any of the attendees, but this is still her court and even the dullest of courtiers could likely tell how poorly she would take any show of disrespect towards your fallen lord.

The pyre has been constructed at the edge of one of the parade squares in the centre of the castle, surrounded by stone and made ready under the open sky. Monks and Shugenja of varying ranks and schools stand ready in their assigned positions all around it, and as the eta lift the body into position they are already beginning the ritual chants necessary to see your lord's soul safely to the afterlife.

Not that Kimoko needs such guidance of course, but as a general principle anything which discourages a warrior of her calibre from returning as a ravenously vengeful spirit is to be considered worthwhile.

Silent and motionless, you stand at the edge of the parade square and wait as the prayers are completed and the pyre ignited. The dry wood takes to the fire well, and you watch as the flickering flames rapidly overrun and consume both the palanquin and the corpse upon it. Once there was a time when samurai of Kimoko's status could expect to be buried in full finery, resting in elaborate tombs surrounded by mementos of a life well lived... but not today. Not since Iuchiban have Rokugani funerals allowed for the preservation of a useable corpse.

The cold wind howls, plucking at the kimonos of the gathering samurai with inquisitive fingers, and you do what you can to betray no emotion as the shifting wind assails you with the stench of burning flesh.

Eventually the fires are burned down, and all that remains of the pyre is a layer of ash and a collection of heavily charred bone. Now comes the next stage of the ritual, and as a Shugenja presents you with a set of elegantly engraved chopsticks you school your face to passive immobility once more. It should be family doing this, rather than just yourself and Yogo Hanzo, but there are no other Scorpions present to assist and so you must make do.

You have the oddest feeling that will become a familiar refrain in the days and weeks to come.

With careful solemnity you reach into the piles of smoldering ash and pick up the pieces of bone resting within. Strange to think that such charred fragments are all that remains of one of the greatest warriors you have ever known, but such is ever the way of things.

Legs, arms, hip, backbone, ribs... skull. One by one you lift the pieces of bone from the pyre and transfer them to the carefully prepared urn held by Hanzo, placing them within with absolute care. The urn will be carried with you back to Scorpion lands, there to be buried or otherwise stowed in a manner deemed acceptable by Kimoko's nearest living relative, along with her swords and what few personal effects she brought with her to Shiro Matsu. Only then, many months from now, will you whole involvement in this ritual come to an end.

For now, though, the preparation of the urn is sufficient to mark the end of the ritual proper, and as Yogo Hanzo seals the lid in place with careful finality you turn and bow to the assembled dignitaries once again.

"My thanks for attending, Samurai-samas." You say politely, addressing them as a group rather than as individuals. "As I am sure you have heard, by order of Bayushi Kimoko-dono I am to take over her duties as ambassador to this court for the remainder of the winter. I look forwards to speaking with all of you in the days to come."

"Perhaps you can speak to us now, Soshi-san." Yoritomo Harike, the burly representative from the Mantis Clan, replies in a surprisingly blunt tone. "While I am sure we could dance around the topic for many days of court, I think all deserve some answers. How, precisely, did Bayushi Kimoko die?"

There is a rustling at that, as each of the ambassadors glance at their neighbour and then at the glowering form of Matsu Ketsui. The Lion daimyo seems to be debating her response... but after a moment's consideration turns and looks to you. Potentially somewhat improper for someone of her exalted status, to defer to a lowly ji-samurai on such a matter, but if she has not yet provided an explanation for the court then it seems fitting that the surviving members of the Scorpion Clan be allowed to do so in her place.

The real question is... how do you respond?


What reply will you give to Yoritomo Harike, and by extension all of the assembled samurai in Shiro Matsu? Yogo Hanzo has corroborated the story that Pale Oak relayed to you, but he will not repeat that here unless you order him to do so.

Please note - it is permissible to give one answer in public and provide another to the Matsu Daimyo in private if you so wish. Feel free to specify any such deception in your vote.

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