Winged Knight
Still just a crazy man with a wolf on his head
- Location
- Texas
It's amazing how many problems become manageable when you can throw enough dice to get a TN of 30+ on average.

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@Maugan Ra : We do not need a Lore roll to know what the Tears mentioned are, right? I mean I know, but just in case of spoilers am not saying, in case we do need a Lore roll.
Spilling one of the biggest secrets Naoto has (maybe the biggest, depending on how you rank the Crane conspiracy thing) to someone from another Clan he barely knows seems wildly out of character.
I don't think he's even mentioned this to his fellow Scorpions, and he blurts everything out to a Phoenix...a Phoenix who is kinda already in the category of "Knows too much" after the whole "No Mariko I had to stay silent" debacle?
I don't see it.
I am not sure the Yuki no Onna is crazy. She is just a spirit, they are kind of like that. And for all that she scared us to death she also fed us info, so there is that.I'm not completely opposed to talking to Asako Tani about the matter, nor even to doing it on the road, but I would very much like to avoid any and all conversations that occur within 2000 feet of that crazy Yuki no Onna. in bling?It's a fairly vague statement. Rokugani mythology holds that when Lord Moon devoured his children, Lady Sun wept in grief, and her tears fell into the world. When they landed upon the ground they became Jade, and where they solidified in the air they became Crystal. Those few tears which mixed with the blood of Lord Moon became the first humans.
By the Kami, Naoto just cannot get a break.
Who wants to bet this is all a ploy by our boss btw?
Erm I've heard the legends but . . . Exactly how bad is the Rokugany legal system? Is I wasn't in the same city when she died a valid defense even when someone higher ranked says otherwise?
You know this qoute from 1.1 seems especially relevant for some reason.though in your heart you would not complain if a sudden snowfall were to block the pass and force you to turn back. It would save you from spending the rest of the winter at Shiro Matsu, after all.
Erm I've heard the legends but . . . Exactly how bad is the Rokugany legal system? Is I wasn't in the same city when she died a valid defense even when someone higher ranked says otherwise?
Edit: How about? But she'd kick my ass in a fight.
Honestly we can't say that until we know what happened. It seems unlikely that we'd have been able to intervene given that we'd have been meeting the mantis and getting acting lessons.Nope, it's 100% "Testimony from Samurai", though Kitsuki Investigators are considered trustworthy as well.
If the Daimyo here insists "Yeah, he totally did it", then that's basically all she wrote. On the plus side--Lion means she won't do it unless she's convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was us, because that would be a massive breach of Sincerity--on the other hand, Lying Darkness could have just sent someone wearing our face to do it, and we're fucked because nobody important knows that he's a thing.
Worst case scenario? If we start making ground, they can just challenge us to a Duel and throw a crazy murderface at us and kill us that way.
We got mousetrapped hard by leaving the city.