In Thunder's Echo (Legend of the Five Rings Quest)

[X] "Fate has dealt you a very hard hand indeed, Yogo-sama. I will of course do whatever I can to help. Do not hesitate to call on me if you require assistance."
1.9 Bath first, vengeance later
For a moment, your mind reels under the impact of that revelation. Yogo Junzo... The Scorpion Clan does not look kindly upon traitors, even by the standards of all of Rokugan, and there are few traitors more despised than the former head of the Yogo family. He violated every oath he had ever taken, opened the Black Scrolls that the original Seven Thunders had given their lives to see created, unleashed untold pain and misery upon Rokugan and was, perhaps, directly responsible for the Second Day of Thunder.

And Yogo Hanzo is his nephew. You should by all rights hate him... but no, he remains a fellow Scorpion, and a loyal one at that. He is also one of your only immediate allies in Shiro Matsu. With that thought in mind you regain your mental equilibrium, pleased to note that you managed to keep walking with reasonable grace while reeling from the news.

"Fate has dealt you a very hard hand indeed, Yogo-sama." You say, careful to sound sympathetic without being pitying. "I will of course do whatever I can to help. Do not hesitate to call upon me if you require assistance."

Yogo Hanzo nods slowly, though what your words might mean to him is difficult to tell. "My thanks, Soshi-san. And there is no need to refer to me as 'sama', for I am no longer one of the kuge. None of my immediate family are, and I should be very surprised if we ever are again, Bayushi Kachiko-dono's pardon notwithstanding."

"The Champion pardoned you?" You query, making a mental note of the fact. Bayushi Kachiko is a divisive and influential figure, so any information you can use to put together a coherent picture of her is likely to be useful.

"Hm. During the Clan Wars, we were too scattered to maintain a complete picture of what was going on beyond our individual enclaves. We thought that our Daimyo had been slain and reanimated by the enemy to taunt us." Hanzo says quietly. "When the Clan was reunited and the truth made clear, I and the majority of my extended family requested seppuku. Bayushi-dono refused. She commanded that we instead seek our absolution through the destruction of our enemy. It is a task my family have sworn ourselves to with considerable fervour."

That makes sense, though personally you would attribute Kachiko-dono's motives to a combination of pragmatism and sheer vindictiveness. As Champion of the Clan, she likely did not wish to lose so many Shugenja in one fell swoop. And given what you've heard of her personally, you can well believe she would be looking for weapons to turn against those who wronged her. But of course it is not your place to speculate on such things, so you do not speak of them.

"You would be most interested in information pertinent to opposing the shadowlands, then?" You ask, seeking to clarify things. Most people might prefer to think of the threat from Jigoku to be over, but you are not so foolish, and nor is your Clan. The enemy will try again, and you will be ready for them.

"Oh yes." Yogo Hanzo says, and there is a fierce intensity in his voice. "That my uncle was slain and his ashes scattered on Traitor's Grove was a good start, but I will not be satisfied until we find a way to undo his every triumph and repay every injury he dealt us five times over. But... enough of that for the moment. We are here to represent our Clan at court, not to satisfy my desire for vengeance."

There seems little more to say, so you remain silent.

The bath-house is a rather conventional and minimalistic, being a simple square building identical to all of the others on this side of the parade ground. Inside there is a peasant woman who bows deeply at your approach.

"Welcome to the bath-house, samurai-sama." She says politely, keeping her eyes averted. "I have been instructed to inform you that all four of our bathing chambers are currently in use. If you desire privacy, I can make a reservation for a future time."

"No, company is acceptable." You respond. It seems you might have a chance to meet some of your fellow delegates and their staff, since this bath-house is to be reserved for guests during the Winter Court. "Who is in which room?"

"Forgiveness, Samurai-sama, I do not know their names." The Heimin responds nervously. "The man in the first chamber bore a symbol of four snakes on his kimono. The lady in the second had white hair and dressed in blue, and was accompanied by a man similarly attired. The man in the third chamber I believe to be a monk, one who wears green and bears many tattoos. And the fourth chamber is currently occupied by two samurai from the Crab Clan."

Otomo, Crane, possibly a Dragon and then the Crab. Interesting.

Who do you join?
- [ ] The Otomo
- [ ] The Crane
- [ ] The monk (possible Dragon)
- [ ] The Crab

Should Yogo Hanzo accompany you?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
- [ ] Which bath should he use instead?
Who do you join?
- [X] The Crane

Should Yogo Hanzo accompany you?
[X] No
- [X] Whatever he prefers, suggest the Dragon.

Going for Crane because the Matsu hate them and vice versa. Just in case things with the Matsu go poorly, we should try to establish ourselves with the Crane due to their not-insignificant political power as a back-up. There might or might not also be an incentive for the Matsu to listen to us more if they realize that not dealing with us in good faith will instead turn us towards their enemies.

As for Yogo Hanzo, has he already triggered his curse? We could also send him to another bath like the Otomo or Dragon to maximize potential inroads with different clans.
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Hmm, Hanzo might find something in common with the Crabs, but four might be crowded so we probably couldn't go with him... Both going into any one room will probably make them feel like we're crowding them, really. Pity, I hoped the baths would lead to a more relaxed atmosphere and conversation with him.

I'm interested in the Otomo, since they're an imperial family they probably have strong opinions on the Scorpion Coup, so this might be a good trial run to see how people act about it without risking pissing off the clan that has an entire army here.


Who do you join?
- [ ] The Otomo

Should Yogo Hanzo accompany you?
[ ] No
- [ ] Whatever he prefers, suggest the Crab.

Edit: Changed to Sirrocco's version.
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Seems like trade is going to be a big part of our mission and the Otomo are in charge of trade into and out of the Imperial City.

Who do you join?
- [X] The Otomo

Should Yogo Hanzo accompany you?
[X] No
- [X] Suggest the Crab, if he feels up to it, or the monk, if he wants a safer move.
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Plus its only really a danger if the Crab know whose nephew he is, I doubt they do and can't imagine he will tell them.
[] Otomo: here as representative of the Emperor. Finding out what he's doing here, and his attitudes, would be particularly useful, as they're liable to have a fair degree of influence, if only by proxy. Getting on their good side would likewise be useful.
[] Crane: Crane are our natural adversaries, which makes this inherently high-risk - especially if we are outnumbered. They also play the courtier game, and probably at least one of them does it better than us. Even more high-risk. Also worth noting, this is just after Clan War. Scorpion are good at the courtier thing, but that's not what we're known for right now. Still, this is *potentially* an opportunity to ingratiate ourselves with the crane at least a little before things start going down, which could come in handy.
[] Possibly Dragon: interesting. not sure why they're here. Might be worth finding out, and they're unlikely to be actively opposed to us. The safe move
[] Crab: Have direct personal experience with both opposing the shadowlands and the shame of working with the shadowlands. Actually might be a good fit for Yogo-san... or a bad one.

Who do you join?
- [X] The Otomo

Should Yogo Hanzo accompany you?
[X] No
- [X] Suggest the Crab, if he feels up to it, or the monk, if he wants a safer move.
Who do you join?
- [X] The Crane

Should Yogo Hanzo accompany you?
[X] No
- [X] Whatever he prefers, suggest the Crab.
Hmm. I like Sirrocco's wording for Hanzo's bath companions, so I'll change to it:

Who do you join?
- [X] The Otomo

Should Yogo Hanzo accompany you?
[X] No
- [X] Suggest the Crab, if he feels up to it, or the monk, if he wants a safer move.
1.10 - Meeting the Otomo
While you consider your options, you allow the servant to direct you into the side chamber that you would expect to see in any true bathing house. Half of the importance of the baths are their pure and cleaning nature, after all, so submerging yourself in the water while caked in filth would rather defeat the point. Instead, you are provided with a small shelf to stow your clothing and a basin of cold water to prepare yourself with.

You cannot help but feel slightly nervous at leaving your swords here, with only a heimin to watch over them, but taking them into the bath directly is obviously out of the question. Besides, you can probably rely on the Lion's famed adherence to honour to keep anything untoward from occurring, since the average Matsu would probably prefer to hack off her own arm before laying a hand on a sword that did not belong to her.

Moving slowly and methodically, you strip off your kimono and fold it up neatly on the shelf. After a moment's hesitation you remove your mask and place it atop the shelf as well. The bath house has provided you with a towel to wrap around your waist so as to preserve dignity while moving between rooms, and after washing yourself with the cold water (it is rather bracing, honestly), you make use of it and head back out towards the baths themselves.

Yogo Hanzo looks rather different without his mask, a stern faced young man with dark eyes and a complete lack of anything resembling a smile. Silently you indicate the available baths, communicating the options and your recommendation with a quick gesture, and after a moment's pause he heads for the bath likely to have a monk inside. That makes a degree of sense - as a Shugenja, he has doubtless studied many theological matters and might find a monk (or Dragon, but they might as well be monks half the time) pleasant company. You, meanwhile, head for the first bathing chamber, mentally bracing yourself for your first encounter with a member of the Imperial families.

The steam washes over you in a suffocating wave as you step inside the bathing chamber, and you pause for a moment to allow yourself time to adjust. This also allows you to take stock of the large pool of gently steaming water inside (perhaps drawn up from a mountain spring somewhere?), sculpted to appear as natural as possible and bordered with large rocks which provide a degree of visual cover from one's neighbors. It does not take long to spot the only other occupant - a balding, slightly plump samurai who has seated himself on the far side of the room. You doubt that the way his position gives him a clear view of the door is an accident.

"My apologies for the intrusion, samurai-sama." You say politely, bowing to the appropriate level and opting not to reveal knowledge of his family name. "Might I join you? All of the baths are occupied."

"By all means, samurai-sama." The Otomo replies, his expression one of momentary displeasure. "I suppose with only four baths to share between all of the delegates and their staff some sharing will be required."

"The honourable Matsu have always been famed for their dedication to military matters." You say diplomatically, stepping forwards and entering the water yourself. It is blissfully hot, and already you can feel the stress and strain of your journey falling away. "It seems likely that such a focus would reflect itself all the more strongly within their ancestral home."

"Hmm. I suppose that is true." Your companion allows. "I am Otomo Kairyu, here for the Winter Court on behalf of the Ministry of Service."

You take a seat within the pool, putting your back against one of the rocks and positioning yourself so your body is orientated perpendicular to the Otomo. This allows you to speak easily without appearing directly confrontational. As you do so, you search your memory for information on the Ministry of Service.

Lore (Heraldry) 5k4: 30

Ah, yes. The Imperial Bureaucracy is divided up into ministries, you remember, none of which directly produce or perform anything but which play a vital role in enabling and coordinating the various agents and processes that keep the Empire as a whole running. The Ministry of Service is responsible for producing and storing the Imperial Census, and for authorizing any large-scale movement of civilian resources between districts.

"I am honoured to meet you, Otomo-sama. My name is Soshi Naoto, assigned as an aide to the official Scorpion Clan ambassador, Bayushi Kimoko." You introduce yourself in turn, following his lead in giving your name and reason for being here. "In the wake of the recent disruption, I would imagine that having an accurate accounting of all of his subjects and their distribution would be of great value to his Imperial Majesty. Would I be correct in assuming that is the purpose of your assignment here?"

The Otomo's gaze sharpens, and you can see that you've gained his interest. By displaying a knowledge of the finer points of the Imperial Bureaucracy and acknowledging the importance of his position and associated proximity to the Emperor, you have marked yourself as... not a peer, precisely, but someone worth speaking to.

Now all that remains is to decide what to speak about.

Which topics do you wish to discuss? Please note any attempted goals, whether that means attaining information or persuading the Otomo to act in a certain way. More ambitious or complex goals will require raises on your Courtier or similar rolls.
- [ ] Write in
>30 on first roll


I love Naoto and his build so much :D
This one... is worth considering, I think, before we start setting votes to the page. What sorts of information would be valuable, and what sorts do we think we can get him to share easily? What might we want from this guy, and how can we position ourselves to get it?

The one that occurs to me straight off is to show respectful interest in his work and current task, and basically invite him to brag on himself. We have a good opening in knowing at least a little, so he's not going to have to explain the same stuff he does every time. It's a bit flattering, which is good, and we might get any number of useful tidbits out of him. With proper wording, it also ought to give us a good idea of how loose-lipped he is at basically no cost - and possibly improving his opinion of us.

As well, we have no reason to be opposed to this man. Give that, we'd probably be well-served to help out where we can. In this case, that's probably by offering useful bits of information as we come up with them. It starts to sell a reputation as a helpful younger samurai who knows useful stuff. That is likely to leave him better-disposed to us (which is good) and might well lead to him coming to us later to ask for insight into various things (which is *great* - because if he's doing that, then that means that there's a good chance that Something Has Happened - and we can discern much of the Something from the questions we are asked, even if we aren't just told outright. That sort of information is often useful to have sooner rather than later.

So - two things we can, and probably should go for, both of them very low-risk, with low-to-moderate payoff. Anyone else have anything we might want to work towards with this guy? Worth noting that the higher-risk stuff we might not want to broach directly, but it's still worth thinking about because we can lay useful groundwork for talking about it in more favorable circumstances later.

On an associated note, I'm thinking that "knowledgeable, friendly, and tries to be helpful and informative to any who ask" seems like a decent reputation to cultivate, both as a social boost, and for the information-gathering benefits. Who says that the Crane are the only ones who can play the "friends and favors" game? Of course, if anyone else has any others, I absolutely invite alternatives, and could very well be convinced.
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Being a part of the imperial families (the wealthiest one, on top of it), and a representative in this winter court... Yeah, the first thing to do is to let him brag about himself in hopes to learn something. There's surely something we could learns from this. Being of those responsible of doing a census, surely they have many interesting stories we might learns... and seize.


...and that was actually only a bit above average.

...and he has that on every lore roll he makes. About anything.

Okay. I admit it. There are advantages to this build.

@Rook is proud of it like you have no idea :D
He was looking for the bath door when we entered the room ...

Do anyone else think that he was waiting for someone?
Or maybe, he has some sort of job that would bring reprisals from the other delegates. ..(more so than the normal results of an imperial census)
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He was looking for the bath door when we entered the room ...

Do anyone else think that he was waiting for someone?
Or maybe, he has some sort of job that would bring reprisals from the other delegates. ..(more so than the normal results of an imperial census)
It's likely that he just doesn't want to be caught unawares. The guy'sgot some wits about him.
It's likely that he just doesn't want to be caught unawares. The guy'sgot some wits about him.
In a courtier stile game?

He smell like plot hook.

Do we dare to bite?

He probably is here to see if he can move some resources out or if he need to move some resources in the Matsu hands... the crane and the crab are probably wanting those resources. ..
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