For a moment, your mind reels under the impact of that revelation. Yogo Junzo... The Scorpion Clan does not look kindly upon traitors, even by the standards of all of Rokugan, and there are few traitors more despised than the former head of the Yogo family. He violated every oath he had ever taken, opened the Black Scrolls that the original Seven Thunders had given their lives to see created, unleashed untold pain and misery upon Rokugan and was, perhaps, directly responsible for the Second Day of Thunder.
And Yogo Hanzo is his nephew. You should by all rights hate him... but no, he remains a fellow Scorpion, and a loyal one at that. He is also one of your only immediate allies in Shiro Matsu. With that thought in mind you regain your mental equilibrium, pleased to note that you managed to keep walking with reasonable grace while reeling from the news.
"Fate has dealt you a very hard hand indeed, Yogo-sama." You say, careful to sound sympathetic without being pitying. "I will of course do whatever I can to help. Do not hesitate to call upon me if you require assistance."
Yogo Hanzo nods slowly, though what your words might mean to him is difficult to tell. "My thanks, Soshi-san. And there is no need to refer to me as 'sama', for I am no longer one of the kuge. None of my immediate family are, and I should be very surprised if we ever are again, Bayushi Kachiko-dono's pardon notwithstanding."
"The Champion pardoned you?" You query, making a mental note of the fact. Bayushi Kachiko is a divisive and influential figure, so any information you can use to put together a coherent picture of her is likely to be useful.
"Hm. During the Clan Wars, we were too scattered to maintain a complete picture of what was going on beyond our individual enclaves. We thought that our Daimyo had been slain and reanimated by the enemy to taunt us." Hanzo says quietly. "When the Clan was reunited and the truth made clear, I and the majority of my extended family requested seppuku. Bayushi-dono refused. She commanded that we instead seek our absolution through the destruction of our enemy. It is a task my family have sworn ourselves to with considerable fervour."
That makes sense, though personally you would attribute Kachiko-dono's motives to a combination of pragmatism and sheer vindictiveness. As Champion of the Clan, she likely did not wish to lose so many Shugenja in one fell swoop. And given what you've heard of her personally, you can well believe she would be looking for weapons to turn against those who wronged her. But of course it is not your place to speculate on such things, so you do not speak of them.
"You would be most interested in information pertinent to opposing the shadowlands, then?" You ask, seeking to clarify things. Most people might prefer to think of the threat from Jigoku to be over, but you are not so foolish, and nor is your Clan. The enemy will try again, and you will be ready for them.
"Oh yes." Yogo Hanzo says, and there is a fierce intensity in his voice. "That my uncle was slain and his ashes scattered on Traitor's Grove was a good start, but I will not be satisfied until we find a way to undo his every triumph and repay every injury he dealt us five times over. But... enough of that for the moment. We are here to represent our Clan at court, not to satisfy my desire for vengeance."
There seems little more to say, so you remain silent.
The bath-house is a rather conventional and minimalistic, being a simple square building identical to all of the others on this side of the parade ground. Inside there is a peasant woman who bows deeply at your approach.
"Welcome to the bath-house, samurai-sama." She says politely, keeping her eyes averted. "I have been instructed to inform you that all four of our bathing chambers are currently in use. If you desire privacy, I can make a reservation for a future time."
"No, company is acceptable." You respond. It seems you might have a chance to meet some of your fellow delegates and their staff, since this bath-house is to be reserved for guests during the Winter Court. "Who is in which room?"
"Forgiveness, Samurai-sama, I do not know their names." The Heimin responds nervously. "The man in the first chamber bore a symbol of four snakes on his kimono. The lady in the second had white hair and dressed in blue, and was accompanied by a man similarly attired. The man in the third chamber I believe to be a monk, one who wears green and bears many tattoos. And the fourth chamber is currently occupied by two samurai from the Crab Clan."
Otomo, Crane, possibly a Dragon and then the Crab. Interesting.
Who do you join?
- [ ] The Otomo
- [ ] The Crane
- [ ] The monk (possible Dragon)
- [ ] The Crab
Should Yogo Hanzo accompany you?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
- [ ] Which bath should he use instead?