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If you did then I must have imagined the exact same thing."Orks were developing civilization"
Did I imagine the part where they were literally raising humans as cattle?
If you did then I must have imagined the exact same thing."Orks were developing civilization"
Did I imagine the part where they were literally raising humans as cattle?
Assuming that a (mostly) unified humanity was necessary, the way in which Big E went about doing that was not, even if we think that the line about a hundred worlds rejoicing for every one that refused the initial offer was exaggerated.Given the state of the galaxy, it kinda was required for survival
Agriculture is typically part of civilization, yes.Did I imagine the part where they were literally raising humans as cattle?
Altering existing humans to make them into cattle, but yes."Orks were developing civilization"
Did I imagine the part where they were literally raising humans as cattle?
And yet, somehow, I'm not very inclined to think of them as having humanity's best interests in mind.Altering existing humans to make them into cattle, but yes.
Although I would like to point out that Orks understanding the concept of "cattle" at all is hella impressive already, let alone comprehending the idea that you can do more with a civilian beyond kill/eat/work-to-death.
So.... if you make 40k not 40k, you change things about it. Congrats?And I can equally say it was not. It's a fictional universe. We can chose weather or not my given axiom is true, specially one as revised and inconsistent as 40k.
This is a shitty argument though. With this logic then we can "choose" for the IoM to be a totally nice place and justified in its actions and we should be right by following your logic.And I can equally say it was not. It's a fictional universe. We can chose weather or not my given axiom is true, specially one as revised and inconsistent as 40k.
No it wasn't.Given the state of the galaxy, it kinda was required for survival
Not saying that, just that they were leagues ahead of other Orks on the whole "actually has a culture" thing.And yet, somehow, I'm not very inclined to think of them as having humanity's best interests in mind.
I'm baffled at how anyone can read the War of the Beast get "The Orks were becoming civilized" from it. They were becoming worse, as they organized into a coherent force of omnicide. That is not the same as being a civilization which you can speak with.
Remember, the Orks are weapons and the Krork are better weapons. Their idea of diplomacy is "surrender so we can use your population as slaves and make more weapons by working you to death until your entire species dies off" and their idea of civilization is "organized form of warfare" versus their previous horde of gang-like brutes.
The Krork aren't civilized, they are the antithesis of civilization.
This is not the Beast victory. The Beast victory is a completely destroyed Imperium and the Orks (or should I say Krork?) finally reaching their true potential as von neumann weapons and killing off all life in the galaxy as they snowball into the worst nightmare this side of the Devourer. Then they actually meet the Devourer a few millenia later and probably collapse the Milky Way into a supermassive black hole.And the Beast victory, where the Imperium is half-destroyed fighting the Best, and the Orcs enslave a bunch of species, technologies, and alternate governments that might have helped out, then periodically commits less-thorough genocide for the next ten thousand years while horribly repressing its own population.
Dictatorships(or generally highly powerful states with weak citizenry) tend to arise when facing large amounts of external pressure- democracies tend to be too slow at the sort of decisionmaking required(if you want an example of this, look at the vast increases in executive power in WW1 and WW2 in the US and UK). Pretending that democracy(or any other form of citizen rule) would work in the Imperium is incredibly dubious at best, especially given the issues with communications and travel that they have.No it wasn't.
anyone who tells you facism is necessary for anything except misery is full of shit.
Fascism is an inherently inefficient way to set up your society.
given the Warp and how chaos gods feed off the misery the correct strategy is to minimize the awfulness of your society, not increase it.
the mere fact that's it's named the Imperium is enough to show that shit is fucked. Imperialism is a fundamentally self defeating posture to take in the face of fucking evil warp gods of despair and violence and plotting against others.
what the Emperor is a a dude who came into being in an age where humans were tribes led by strongmen, and who never really understood how to be a leader in any mode except that of the primitive strongman. Sure, with space tech and gilt plating, but ultimately just a strongman ruling on the basis of personal power and coercion, no more enlightened than immortan joe.
He's basically the Classical Greek or Norse god - just a upjumped human nobleman writ-large, mandatory assholeness magnified by 'divine' power.
And let's be clear, while he may have preached an atheistic Imperial Truth, his philosophical justification for rule is basically just Divine Right. I know what is best because I am bigger and (psionically) stronger than you puny mortals.
However, just like with the pagan gods who were more an amplification of human flaws than any expression of divine superiority, the Emperor clearly did not know best. Any fucking second year Sociology student could point out the glaring flaws in what he was doing.
but no, he knows best and he has the psionic chops to declare than by might and make people go along with it. Which is kind of the problem. He doesn't persuade people he has the right way, he uses coercion- Be it raw psychic might or armies or the offer of desperately needed supplies (mind the strings) and services. It's fundamentally an unstable structure rooted, at the end of the day, solely in coercive application of force.
tzeetch and nurgle and khnorne couldn't ask for better playground than one built on such foundations.
This guy was never going to beat the chaos gods. He's too fucking dumb and up his own ass to have any idea how.
So you're saying that.... humans being turned into livestock for slave labor and food is better than the Imperium? That's an.... interesting opinion.So they're Imperial but honest about it, it's still not a worse situation than canon for most humans! Less genocide even, since they practiced sustainable farming practices with conquered sentients instead of wiping them out!
You have the human victory, where the Imperium is half-destroyed fighting the Beast anyways, wipes out a bunch of species, technologies, and alternate governments that might have helped out, and then periodically commits genocide for the next ten thousand years while horribly repressing its own population.
And the Beast victory, where the Imperium is half-destroyed fighting the Best, and the Orcs enslave a bunch of species, technologies, and alternate governments that might have helped out, then periodically commits less-thorough genocide for the next ten thousand years while horribly repressing its own population.
Really, raising humans as cattle is just the Beast being more honest about things than the Imperium is. There are definitely canon examples of the Imperium reprocessing corpses as food, after all.
(There's a solid argument that post-Emperor Imperium is better than the Beast but hey this is mostly me meming)
Dictatorships(or generally highly powerful states with weak citizenry) tend to arise when facing large amounts of external pressure- democracies tend to be too slow at the sort of decisionmaking required(if you want an example of this, look at the vast increases in executive power in WW1 and WW2 in the US and UK). Pretending that democracy(or any other form of citizen rule) would work in the Imperium is incredibly dubious at best, especially given the issues with communications and travel that they have.
People like to exalt democracy as the end-all be-all government structure, but it has its flaws, the same as any other form. It is probably the best in peacetime, but in times of war(which the imperium has been in for *ten thousand years*), it simply is not fast enough to do act as the situations require. If all of the people trying to eat humanity stop doing that(probably via large-sale application of ordinance), then sure, a democracy would be better. Given that that's not likely to be completed anytime soon, democracy's flaws still hold it back.
Saying that it being an empire is a damning indictment is.... odd, to say the least, given that the definition of an empire is "a large nation with a single person heading it". Not exactly awful.
You are also completely ignoring how the one statistic we have regarding peaceful vs. forceful assimilation is a hundred to one in favor of peace. Is there some room for fuzz? Sure. Is there enough room to make the ratio even remotely negative? No.
Isn't the Eldar's defence against Chaos literally "let's outgod them with our own pantheon if (probably) artificial gods"? Which worked pretty well for them until said pantheon fucked off to do their own thing and the Eldar created a new Chaos god...Ironically while the eldar werre in a worse position than humanity when it came to the soul eating evil gods bearing down on them, they did a much more culturally advanced job of responding to "oh shit chaos gods." They used community planning and institutions and other more advanced social tools than the mere 'big dude.' WH40k lore likes to portray the eldar as backstabbing, prone to disunity, and generally not cooperative with anyone, they at least had a more complex and sensible approach than 'let's try to outgod the evil gods and expect our baby god to know what the fuck he is doing with no playbook beyond "be a bigger shaman, I guess" guys, how could this go wrong?'
hat's canon. Emps fucking up is explicitly canon. I don't know whey people try to defend his fuckups.
Because parenting skills=/= leadership skills. Also the guy met his kids for the first time ( before they were stolen doesn't count as they were babies) when they were literally centuries old in some cases. They already developed their personalities with little to no imput from him. Raising centuries old demigods of death and destruction is no walk in the park, especially when you start doing it when they're adults.
.The guy can't into leadership enough to have his kids get along. If he thinks the imperium is necessary, that's a glaring red warning sign that the imperium is not only not necessary, it's an active detriment.
Ironically while the eldar werre in a worse position than humanity when it came to the soul eating evil gods bearing down on them, they did a much more culturally advanced job of responding to "oh shit chaos gods." They used community planning and institutions and other more advanced social tools than the mere 'big dude.' WH40k lore likes to portray the eldar as backstabbing, prone to disunity, and generally not cooperative with anyone, they at least had a more complex and sensible approach than 'let's try to outgod the evil gods and expect our baby god to know what the fuck he is doing with no playbook beyond "be a bigger shaman, I guess" guys, how could this go wrong?'
No, the elder didn't give a shit about chaos gods until the fucked up and made one - and then it went on to eat their pantheon, and then started eating them, at which point they then started making paths and shrines and organizations other stuff that actually takes advantage of institutions.Isn't the Eldar's defence against Chaos literally "let's outgod them with our own pantheon if (probably) artificial gods"? Which worked pretty well for them until said pantheon fucked off to do their own thing and the Eldar created a new Chaos god...
Might and survival don't make right. They just mean you can asshole harder and longer.The most advanced and 'morally superior' civilizations are not the most benevolent, but those that can claim they've survived the longest.
Except the galaxy HAD the Roddenberry ideal during the Dark Age of Technology. However, that all came crashing down with the birth of Slaanesh (Eldar Parties, not even once) and the Men of Iron going full skynet. Then you had 5000 years of a galaxy wide Mad Max fest until the creation of the Eye of Terror, which doesn't lend itself to the Roddenberry ideals surviving (Remember, Star Trek is from the perspective of Philosopher Kings living in Space Ivory Towers until DS9)
If being an asshole means you survive then that means that you get to be an asshole. Survival is a priority, moral superiority is not. Why didn't the so called 'morally superior' societies survive too? Why didn't they get to be mighty too? That's because being a pacifist is not conductive to survival when you're surrounded by people that want you dead.Might and survival don't make right. They just mean you can asshole harder and longer.
That's a direct result of enemy action not a failure of the government. A faction that would have been hostile to the Imperium regardless of what the Imperium tried to do.Point of order 1: The Emperor did not succeed at uniting humanity. The Horus heresy was a literal civil war. Civil war is the opposite of United.
What you said here is a direct consequence of the civil war making things worse and worse. Yes the system in place did make it all possible but considering the system hadn't been properly set up that's a given. The Imperium was in the process of consolidating it's gains after 2 centuries of war, and then the civil war came.and the post-heresy Imperium, which isn't even all of humanity, isn't really united for the most part. The few institutions that survive hold some things together, but functionally the Mechanus Ecclesiarchy and Ministorum are rivals whose cooperation is grudging and often only nominal, and sometimes is outright warfare. The leading cause of death for inquisitors and nobility in the imperium is other inquisitors and nobility, respectively.
Point of order 2: I listed multiple alternatives:
Be NATO instead of being the Spanish Empire - an alliance rather than a forced colonizer/occupie
Be Ming China instead of Nazi Germany - the paternalistic hegemon rather than the genocidal looting economy.
Bring worlds into "association" rather than "compliance."
Don't bring politics into this, and take your TDS( or TAS if we're using the official version) out of here. The last thing we need is for this place to be closed off because you couldn't hide your Trump hateboner.Point of order 3: Someone who has repeatedly shown to be bad at people should be distrusted when they make claims about society. It's not fucking rocket science.
If Trump says X cures corona virus, assume it's actually poison.
It did... the HALF of the Adeptus Mechanicum rebelled as well and they held many technologies the Imperium now can no longer replicate because the onyl ones holding it decided to infest it with daemons and start killing off everyone.o, there's nothing to suggest the imperium would weather half it's technology turning against it's masters suddenly and widely the way the men of iron did. If anything, the imperium is less able to resist such a thing since so few, proportionally actually understand their tech.
That's a direct result of enemy action not a failure of the government. A faction that would have been hostile to the Imperium regardless of what the Imperium tried to do.
I don't think we have all that much information on the federation, but what little we have does not indicate it was very Roddenberry, AFAIK.
Also, there's nothing to suggest the imperium would weather half it's technology turning against it's masters suddenly and widely the way the men of iron did. If anything, the imperium is less able to resist such a thing since so few, proportionally actually understand their tech.
Between the implied slave revolt of the MoI and the widespread genetic collapse because of the DAoT's reckless tampering they were hardly an ideal. The people who made the Butchers Nails (among other things) part of the standard colonist kit were probably a nightmare of their own, just a more automated one.Except the galaxy HAD the Roddenberry ideal during the Dark Age of Technology. However, that all came crashing down with the birth of Slaanesh (Eldar Parties, not even once) and the Men of Iron going full skynet. Then you had 5000 years of a galaxy wide Mad Max fest until the creation of the Eye of Terror, which doesn't lend itself to the Roddenberry ideals surviving (Remember, Star Trek is from the perspective of Philosopher Kings living in Space Ivory Towers until DS9). That's the thing many forget about 40k, even though the opening text is very much that the Imperium is far from the glory days of humanity and that the twilight days are upon it.
Imperium apologists like to argue that the imperium's terrible practices are necessary to resist chaos.
The fact that chaos managed to break into the imperium's (weak) institutions and cause the heresy in relatively short order, is in fact the obvious counterargument to such arrant nonsense.
Far from having to tear down multiple resilient institutions with built-in cheks and redundancies, Chaos only had to infiltrate a handful of corruption-priests into a few legions and it snowballed rapidly from there.
If this is your idea of a strong defense against evil cognitohazard psi-gods, boy do I not trust you to run anything, let alone a government.
The eldar Path system has a lot of downsides but it's known to have kept many individual eldar stable for several times longer than the Imperium stood "unified."
because again, the eldar response was the response of a culture/society. The imperial response to chaos was the response of one superman way in-over-his-head; dragging trillions who frankly deserved better with him into his fascist hatewheel fail-state.
Imperium's practices post Heresy have made it harder for rebellions to have the same effect as Horus but indeed have done little to prevent them. That is indeed a problem, but what do you expect of a rush job of a government?
The imperium justifies it's cruelties and horrors on the basis of fighting Chaos. big E knew called chaos the great enemy. Yet his action if anything did more to push his sons into chaos's waiting arms than anything.
if you want to justify Yourself on the basis of X, it's reasonable to expect that you actually address X in some constructive manner. The imperium did not address X competently. Therefore, it is not justified, QED.
i don't expect anything, let alone a government, to be perfect, but 1) calling the imperium a government is dubious, and more importantly, 2) a state that tries to justify itself on the basis of fighting X being subverted by X almost immediately (on the historical scale) is clearly a shit show.
The Chaos justification is a lie. The emperor did the awful things he did because that's just the sort of guy he is, not to resist Chaos. Because his actions clearly did not in any way slow down chaos. If anything they accelerated it.
it's the lie fascists and totalitarians and other shitty ideologues always tell. "There is a threat and we most do X to avert it. It's the only way."
It's a lie. It's always a lie.
Real problems are complex and need to be addressed holistically and with understanding of context. Otherwise you don't actually solve them.
The imperium is not justified. The Emperor did not save humanity from chaos and pretty well damned half his own sons to it.
there were many possible alternatives to the IOM of canon and it's absurd to believe that none of them were better.