In The Grimdark of Fanfiction -40k

I would prefer something less Inquistion and more Chaos driven, where Chaos uses the Inquisition's brutal tactics to soften up worlds and when the Inquisition leaves, they sweep in and clear up, and with the added bonus of discrediting the Inquisition as a bunch of Imperial backed Chaos worshipers, which was sadly lacking when Magnus and his Legion invaded the Space Wolves' homeworld after they made the Dark Angels burn it first.

I mean really, most inquisitors jump the gun and Chaos knows it. Im surprised Chaos hasnt won yet when they could have easily repeated this tactic over and over again due to how shortsighted Inquisitors can be.
It's mostly because if GW did that the imperium would fall in less than a century and they wouldn't have any models to sell.

As for fanfiction, I really wanna see 40K fanfiction from the point of view of someone other than the imperial humans like chaos, Eldar or even necrons. In addition I really wanna see where the imperium is evil in the "necessary evil" trope, like a fic from the point of view of a planet rebelling for understandable reasons and getting genocided in the end.
It's mostly because if GW did that the imperium would fall in less than a century and they wouldn't have any models to sell.

As for fanfiction, I really wanna see 40K fanfiction from the point of view of someone other than the imperial humans like chaos, Eldar or even necrons. In addition I really wanna see where the imperium is evil in the "necessary evil" trope, like a fic from the point of view of a planet rebelling for understandable reasons and getting genocided in the end.
I do want to see it in fanfiction though, just to see how actually fucked the Imperium is with its own servants killing the Emperor's Dream all by being shortsighted.
It's mostly because if GW did that the imperium would fall in less than a century and they wouldn't have any models to sell.

As for fanfiction, I really wanna see 40K fanfiction from the point of view of someone other than the imperial humans like chaos, Eldar or even necrons. In addition I really wanna see where the imperium is evil in the "necessary evil" trope, like a fic from the point of view of a planet rebelling for understandable reasons and getting genocided in the end.

The thing is, unless we're talking major daemonic incursions or genestealer infestation (and the latter's pushing it), the Imperium is pretty unlikely to just kill everyone. Not out of any moral reasons, it's just that in cases of rebellion it's normally easier to just knock off the leadership of the world, install new leadership and keep the boot on the general populace until they learn to behave.

An idle bit of writing, Guard-related;

Men united in the purpose of the Emperor are blessed in His sight and shall live forever in His memory. Cadet Mila Dask knew those words very well. They were those of High Ecclesiarch Deacis IX; had been carved above her crib back Home, chalked onto the blackboards and pencilled into notebooks at the schola. They were proud words, ones writ large in the history of the Astra Militarum.

She was really starting to wonder if the Emperor was actually paying any attention to a place like this, though.

Pump station cc/96/aleph, on the planet Kentallion, was a complete and utter class A1 frekkhole and no mistake; one of billions such outposts all over the Imperium. A collection of dumpy rockcrete buildings seemingly dropped haphazardly – with no consideration for good lines of sight or fields of fire – on a patch of bare rock and dirt in the middle of a jungle – hot, and intensely humid; the humidity making even lightweight tropical order kit feel like full carapace in high summer on Catachan – linked into the cluster of fuel pipes from the coastal refinery plant that carried on heading inland from here until lost amongst the mist and trees and sleeting monsoon rains; bucketing it down now, out of almost completely clear, sun-brightened skies. And, the only thing in the way of defences to protect the nearly two hundred and fifty Administratum menials and dependents – and now five and a half squads of cadets from the Cadian 23077th Cadet Group, to include Whiteshield Dask, Mila, C23077.243 – was a thin las-fence backed by electrified chainlink, a low wall – with a firing step, thank the Throne – and four rockcrete guard posts they'd helped build on arriving here.

Plus, of course, the lookout sangar she was currently sharing with a heavy bolter atop the admin block's roof – it being the highest of the buildings. And, speaking of lookouts …

"CP, this is Overwatch Two," Mila spoke into her microbead, flicking it to the CP's frequency. "Twelve hundred hour check-in, nothing to report." Exactly as there hadn't been anything to report for the previous three check-ins, and exactly as there wouldn't be anything to report for the next four hours of her watch.

"Acknowledged, Overwatch Two," the duty vox operator – she thought it was Korlin, definitely one of First Squad, since her and the rest of Fourth were on sentry, Sergeant Melchinn had taken Third and his command team out on patrol in the platoon's four Tauroxes this morning, Weapons were doing maintenance and inventory, and Second were doing a PT run around the station, despite the rain; they were passing below her post now, one of them, Mila couldn't tell who under their rain gear, throwing an obscene gesture up at her – replied, sounding as bored as she felt.

And Throne of Earth, Mila reflected as she noted down '12.03 Hours: Second Squad passed guard post on PT run', she was bored. Bored enough to note down something as minor as a PT run, which was … really bored.

Removing her helmet – against regs, but frekk it – Mila wiped her brow and glanced down, feeling like swearing again. The liner was soaked – which Danil Cresson would probably have had a joke to crack about, if her oppo hadn't gotten himself laid up in the medicae bay with a badly sprained ankle, lucky bastard – and she hadn't even known it was possible to sweat this much and not die of dehydration. She'd need to dry this one out once she got a chance; she only had one spare.

Then again, at least trying to get more off the Munitorum drones would be something different.

Mila blinked as she put her helmet back on. Am I really looking forward to arguing with supply clerks? She thought about that for a moment, and yes, I am. Emperor's blood, she was actually starting to miss Danil's barrage of stupid jokes. Not enough to actually pray for his recovery in the station's chapel, but getting there.

Admit it, Mila reflected as she went back to scanning the jungle with her magnoculars, you're anxious to make Shocktrooper, and without anything to shoot, that isn't going to happen. Another truth she didn't really want to think about; especially after almost five frekking years' service as a Whiteshield. The way things seemed to be going, Mila was pretty sure she wasn't going to get a confirmed kill – and the coveted Shocktrooper badge – before she was twenty.

"How're things?" a soft, gentle voice commented from behind her; instinct had Mila nearly unslinging her support las as she turned before good sense reasserted itself and she recognised Emli Trinh's voice.

"Throne's sake, you know not to sneak up on me when I'm on sentry," Mila snapped as she finished turning. Emli was pretty much the one bright spot in this utter frekkhole – shorter and slighter built than any of the Whiteshields but Janovech, Third Squad's grenadier, her bun of raven hair and amber skin a pleasant contrast to Mila's own pale – shading to sunburnt now, even with the itchy, metallic-smelling cream slapped on in quantity – complexion and blonde stubble. Plus, as daughter of a husband-and-wife surveyor team, she seemed to've spent her life exploring half the worlds in this subsector, which beat the hell out of a series of troopships, bunkers and guard posts for building knowledge.

But, military protocol just seemed to go in one ear and out the other with her.

"Alright, alright," Emli replied idly, leaning against the stacked heavy bolter ammo boxes, "Didn't mean to startle you. I just figured you were bored, and this," she held up a pair of mugs, and a flask of recaff, "is better shared than not."

"Well, can't argue with that, I guess," Mila agreed, accepting one of the mugs and trying not to look too closely at Emli's slender, delicate-seeming – but remarkably strong – fingers as she poured. They were too similar to Kassia Valleck's – a Vendetta gunner in the Sixty-second Airborne she'd met on the troopship here; and the thought of where Kassia's fingers had ended up going was enough to make Mila grateful for the sunburns. At least they hid her blushes. "Wasn't expecting you today, though," Mila explained as she went back to scanning the jungle.

"Oh thanks very much," Emli smiled, taking the sting out of her response.

"Not what I meant." Mila frowned, adjusting the focus on her magnoculars. "I just thought you were headed out with your parents and the Sarge today, check out some archaeotech find the tribes said they had?"

"I was," Emli nodded, sipping at her own mug. "But mum and dad decided last night I'd be better off if I stayed here. They've been pretty wound up for a while, actually; and I'm not sure why. Although," she looked pensive, "I have a couple of guesses."

"Wait one," Mila responded, lowering the magnoculars. "CP, this Overwatch Two. I can't see frekk all up here, and the rain's getting worse." It was that; the rattle on the sangar's roof intensifying. "Requesting permission to stand down to tertiary order."

"Acknowledged and permitted, Overwatch Two," the voice of Yefim, First Squad leader – an actual Shocktrooper; he'd made his kill on their last campaign, was just waiting for the transfer papers to go through – came back over the vox, "but stick around up there in case the weather breaks. If or when, want you back at secondary and keeping an eye out."

"Received and complying," Mila replied, cutting the link and sitting down against the sangar's back wall. It felt good to be off her feet for the first time in hours; she made sure to unsling and made safe her support las before propping it against the wall next to her. It'd only take a matter of seconds to reinsert the power cell, but a negligent discharge – and that happened sometimes, if you left the powerpack in the older weapons Whiteshields were issued with when they were set to SAFE – meant punishment detail for sure; and Melchinn would probably come up with something really nasty for an ND. The Sarge was bloody minded like that. "So, spill," Mila added as Emli took a seat beside her, shifting to get comfortable against the boxes of heavy bolter drums.

"The tribes have been acting really, really weird since we got here," Emli explained, sipping at her recaff. "You know my parents are authorised to trade tech items for whatever archaeotech the junk-hunter tribes find, right? Laspistols, rad-hardened steel blades, parts and ammo for their laslocks, that kind of thing." Mila nodded at that; she'd helped load the crates of trade goods last night. "Well, usually, they'll take anything we offer. But, for the last few weeks, we've had a hard time even setting up trade meets; some of the tribes won't even say they're not interested, they just aren't talking."​
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A question. Anyone got good ideas for the jokaero?
An Inquisitorial ship crashes into a spacehulk, the ship had a higher-than-average number of Jokaero, and the hulk has a lower-than-average amount of gribblies.
So a stable-ish population of humans had actually managed to maintain itself on the hulk for a few decades by this point, when suddenly they have a firebrand Inquisitor, their personal retinue, the ship's crew, and however many techno-apes added to the mix.
Actually I'd just like to see spacehulk stuff in general, at least the ones that aren't completely overrun with monsters/killers that turn them into eternal warzones that should logically be completely depopulated by the time anyone finds them.
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Okay, so HERE'S a crossover I haven't seen before but I just realized makes some horrifying connections. Kingdom Hearts. Specifically, the oddity of Nobodies, the bodies and SOULS of the Hearts stolen away by the Heartless/Darkness. Most Nobodies retain only the barest resemblance to a humanoid, while those of particularly strong will remain human.

Now here's the thing: In some lore/headcanons, the Emperor tosses away his 'compassion' in order to better deal with the Heresy / the Crusade / yada yada. But consider this: The Emperor didn't toss away his 'compassion'. He tossed away his Heart, which as I just noted is a separate entity from the soul. The Emperor made himself into a Nobody, with his Heart who knows where, and when one considers what happens to a Nobody who dies without reuniting with their soul...

That begs the question of whether Chaos can corrupt a soul without a Heart, and if so, whether the Emperor did it to protect himself from their attack. That still begs the question of where his Heart might be, and what might happen were one able to reunite it with Him on His Throne.

...and to think we haven't even gotten into the issues of Light/Darkness or the Heartless themselves or anything! Kingdom Hearts is high grade horror wrapped up neatly in Disney nostalgia and some absurdly silly moments.

Actually, while I'm listening to the sound track... what would the family think about Kingdom Hearts? Because I've had a few thoughts around it (mostly thanks to more AU outlining) and honestly, some aspects of it would be pretty cool... and also pretty horrifying.

Read: The Heartless can only be killed by a Keyblade or the use of Light/Darkness. Everything else just disperses them temporarily.
Read: The Heartless consume hearts, which IIRC get turned into more Heartless.
Read: If they reach the Heart of the World, they can devour it and thus the World/Universe in question. This is why sealing the Keyholes to the Heart is very important.
Read: The Power of Darkness is just as corruptive, if not more so, than Chaos.

Also, the Nobodies, aka the people who have been... separated from their Hearts/emotions but still can keep living on since they still have their souls? My lore knowledge is sketchy I'm not gonna lie. Hold on, the wiki!

Nobodies are born when a Heart is swallowed by darkness and produces a Heartless. They are the remaining parts left behind by the heart: the body, giving a Nobody form, and the soul, giving the Nobody life. However, only those with a strong will such as Sora are actually able to continue on as Nobodies. Those with the strongest wills manage to retain human forms (under special circumstances, sometimes the Nobody is formed with some slight changes to their appearance,) while the rest possess malformed, barely humanoid appearances; such examples as Nobodies like the Creeper and Dusk.

Therefore, the more humanoid the Nobody, the stronger its will. This is opposite the nature of the Heartless, which become more monsterous and more powerful with the increasing darkness in a person's heart (with the exception of Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, who retained human form because he gave into the darkness willingly).

All Nobodies vanish from the Realm of Light upon their creation at the loss of a heart and the creation of a Heartless. They are born in a world in-between the Realms of Light and Darkness, such as Twilight Town or Castle Oblivion. However, because of this and their lack of hearts, they are shunned by both Light and Darkness, and do not truly exist.

Because of their missing hearts, Nobodies are said to be incapable of feeling emotions by every credible source. Some humanoid Nobodies pretend to possess emotions, fooling others as well as themselves. On the other hand, Nobodies manage to keep their memories of their former lives, but unusual Nobodies lack memories of their former selves. Through these memories, Nobodies are able to remember what it was like to have emotions, thus allowing them to respond correctly to specific situations. However, it is debatable whether or not they are incapable of feeling anything at all.
In Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days, The Nobodies' emotions are explored upon heavily in the cutscenes.

Despite their lack of emotions, Nobodies are able to think for themselves and attack with definite planning (as opposed to the Heartless, which are mindless and function on pure animal instinct). Nobodies also seem to be able to experience physical sensations, such as pain, and negatively react to taking damage. A similar occurance was when Naminé passed out from the pain of being impaled on Marluxia's thorns (this was seen only in the Chain of Memories manga). The Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories manga and several other media forms provide an alternative view, saying that they do have emotions, but are plagued by a feeling of uncertainty and emptiness due to not having hearts. The manga further displays this "plagued" feeling by showing the members engaging in tasks like jigsaw puzzles, cooking, and reading to try to fill their emptiness.

Although never stated, the events of the Battle of 1000 Heartless implied that Nobodies are stronger than Heartless, since the Nobodies were able to easily overpower the Heartless. At the very least, they are just as powerful, and the fact that they are much more intelligent than Heartless only heightens the threat that they pose.

However, it seems that unusual Nobodies (like Roxas and Naminé) possess true emotions. Roxas and Naminé were born without any memories of their past lives due to the unusual nature of their births, and thus had no basis for any pretend emotions. Additionally, they co-existed with their original selves (Sora, the Keyblade Wielder of the Realm of Light and Kairi, a Princess of Heart, respectively) and held half of their essence within them, thus making them more human than other Nobodies. Axel, although he denied the idea of feeling emotions, seemed to show a bond toward Roxas and claimed that Roxas make him "feel like he had a heart" and acted on his feelings of friendship a number of times. Axel's reasons for a display of emotions do not follow suit of the trend Roxas and Naminé have.

When a Nobody is destroyed it fades back into darkness. If their Hearts are released first, they become the original person they were born from as shown when Ansem was defeated first and then Xemnas: recreating Xehanort. The physical alterations caused by the transformation into a Nobody are also reversed upon the reforming of the Somebody; Lea lost Axel's tear shape marks upon being reformed. The body appears to age while being a Nobody if the individual was young when they lost their heart. Both Lea and Ienzo were returned to their near identical state, but more grown up. The Nobody's memories are also absorbed by the Somebody along with their respected elemental abbilities. Both Lea and Isa were able to call on their nobody weapons in battle.

Once the heart is reunited with the body and soul, the reformed being tends to reappear in their original world. With Lea, Ienzo, Dilan, Even and Aeleus reappearing in Radiant Garden after being reformed. The reforming can be quite draining on the individual for, while Lea, Ienzo and Aeleus recovered almost instantly both Evan and Dilan were in a weakened state and needed time to recover.

In Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, it is revealed that Nobodies actually can cultivate new hearts and develop emotions, as was the case with Roxas, Axel, and Naminé, but Xemnas and Xigbar deliberately kept the other Organization members in the dark about this as part of Master Xehanort's plans.

So yeah, if you don't want spoilers for whatever reason: A nobody loses their emotions but still has their 'soul', and can technically be remade into a Somebody if you can reunite their Heart and Body. Also hey, some lore as contradictory as Warhammer canon! //bricked

But yeah, what I've been wondering in part, especially after I looked at this and realized they made a distinction between the Heart/emotions and the soul... can a Nobody be corrupted by chaos, if Chaos preys on emotions and the Nobodies don't have them? Because they still have a soul, and technically that would reflect in the immaterium, but... My brain produces really, really odd questions.

But yeah, the family being like "holy shit something that might actually be more destructive and horrible than chaos, who even thought that was possible" and perhaps some debates on what would count as "Light" because while the Emps is definitely very much all order and light and whatnot, I dunno if he counts towards Light or not? Also, as I mentioned, the existance of Nobodies would pose a serious set of questions on the nature of souls and emotions and how they all tie together...

wait, I just realized, when stories talk about the Emperor 'tossing away his compassion'... would that technically be him tossing away his Heart? Is he, in a sense, making himself a Nobody by KH lore rules in that scenario? I... holy shit, that's actually a disturbing concept, especially with what happens to Nobodies who die without reuniting with their Hearts... WHY ARE THERE NO CROSSOVERS OF THESE TWO FANDOMS I HAVE TOO MANY QUESTIONS NOW AND I STILL HAVE THE STARCRAFT STUFF TO WORK ON. cries
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Reposting from the SB thread:

I've been thinking on a bit of an AU/Crossover with Warframe.

Replace regular 30k Luna and their gene-cults with Lua and the Orokin.

The trauma of the Sentients that led to the Orokin to make nearly all of their technology base be organic based can be replaced with the Iron Men, or just make them a type of Iron Men.

I thought of them being able to become something like white-robed and dressed in more bling (and won't the emperor just love that) Mechanicus that use bio-tech. With their own type of technological advantages they could send out their own expeditions in the Age of Strife like the Mechanicum and try to stop the occurring "gene-wars" that are happening between the various genetically modified post-human groups that diverged enough to be considered separate species and reduce the amount of prejudice against genetic diversity and reduce or even remove the taboo of "modifying the pure human form".

I'd basically like the Emperor to make them an Adeptus Terra responsible for terraforming, agriculture, medicine, genetics and other things related to biology.

They could possibly stabilize or enhance/remove negative traits from the various abhuman races like the Ogryn and their stupidity, or the Beastmen and their aggressiveness by way of genetic modification or being unafraid of teaching them how to interact with the other subspecies of humanity.

They could reduce the amount of polluted hellholes in the Imperium by being given authority to look after the bodily health of imperial citizens, to keep their bodies "pure" from anything that could lead to malicious mutations, and knowing how to use ecosystems to help gain more efficiency from a planet rather than just import all foodstuffs from other planets.

They could be either friends or enemies with the Mechanicus, by either getting around a slightly modified Treaty of Mars in way of saying that because their technology is all biological then the Mechanicus can't claim monopoly on it's knowledge and development. Or, because of their mastery of the biological sciences they could still have the Cephalon making technology, which is the Mechanicus of becoming a full machine by converting their minds into a digital intelligence. Have the Orokin offer it as a service or the technology wholesale to get them an exception to the Treaty of Mars.

Some of their other technologies and powers can be explained away as warp-fuckery.

In the lore there were apparently people called "Lorists" who were modified with some sort of device that could send some sort of healing energy to just straight up seal up wounds and regrow limbs. Those could just be bionically augmented psykers who can stably channel their biomantic powers to heal people. In combat as another addition to the Imperium's psychic arsenal, or as help in their mandate to keep the bodies of the Imperium's citizens healthy.

That's all I basically got so far. Any thoughts? I'd love some suggestions.
Oh no. Oh nooo. I made a horrible mistake. I made a HORRIBLE mistake. I saw some MLP story one SV or was it SB either way and it had FimFic in the summary and I wondered "What is that?" and I found.

An MLP fiction website. I heard stories about them and never been on one before. I am trapped now because I found something that caught my interest. I found a Rabbit Hole and I beginning my journey to see how far it goes down before I loop back to the top. I found this story that has trapped me and is now making me go "Oh no"every time I remember where I am at.

The Empress Returns

Oh how I curse humanity's genetic flaw of fucking with something you have been warned about being messed up but you have to poke it before you realize the warnings were right.

Brothers. Pray for me.
I am something of a sadistic asshole, in case you haven't noticed.:V
Also AoI has something like six stories in it.
Iron Hearts: Book 1 - Planetfall
Chaos Space Marines from the piratical 38th Company have engaged Tau forces around a planet rich with alien life, magic, and... friendship? I guess? Weird.

Iron Hearts: Book 2 - Ferrous Dominus

Iron Hearts: Book 3 - The Sept Lamman

Iron Hearts: Book 4 - Emerald Dawn

Visions of Darkness

Iron Hearts: Book 5 - Suffer Not the Alien to Live


Gear in the Machine
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The Roboutian Heresy - A Warhammer 40K alternate universe

The Roboutian Heresy is inspired by the Dornian Heresy albeit has long since evolved into its own verse. It features Papa Smurf as the arch traitor of the imperium. It's still ongoing with the writer now reaching the Times of Ending . Very well written and the writer is immensely good at describing the eldritch and terrifying nature of chaos . Also available on FanFiction.Net

And if you like it you can also see the tts version of it written by yours truly.

If the emperor had a text to speech device (RH AU)
Going to be starting a WH40k fairly soon, but one thing has me a bit worried:

What is the possibility of someone crucifying me for getting some aspect of the lore incorrect?
Going to be starting a WH40k fairly soon, but one thing has me a bit worried:

What is the possibility of someone crucifying me for getting some aspect of the lore incorrect?
Unless it's really, really stupid (like "the Emperor is an Ork!" stupid) it's fine. Even then it could work if the writing follows the tone set by the premise.
Still, if you want/need to change something for the fic you're writing keep it consistent, lore changes for a fic are almost expected at this point.
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Going to be starting a WH40k fairly soon, but one thing has me a bit worried:

What is the possibility of someone crucifying me for getting some aspect of the lore incorrect?
Just make an disclaimer that it might contain AU elements and no one will complain... Also the possibility is low unless you do something really stupid like a Mary Sue that is half Eldar and half Tau Ethereal.
It's mostly because if GW did that the imperium would fall in less than a century and they wouldn't have any models to sell.

As for fanfiction, I really wanna see 40K fanfiction from the point of view of someone other than the imperial humans like chaos, Eldar or even necrons. In addition I really wanna see where the imperium is evil in the "necessary evil" trope, like a fic from the point of view of a planet rebelling for understandable reasons and getting genocided in the end.

You could try:

Be all my sins

Basically a fic from the point of view of a chaos cultist.

Summery: Crazy goth chick is dropped onto an Imperial planet during a Chaos attack. Things go about as well as can be reasonably expected.