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Wait, there are battle maids in 40k? The Roberta kind?
Yes. Planetary governors and other nobles often have at least one (overt; with other, covert operatives) Sister from the Adepta Sororitas Orders Famulous among their household, who in addition to all their non-combatant knowledge and expertise, and ministering to the souls of the noble's household, are extremely deadly combatants.
(of course, sometimes the only time a given noble realises this, is when the Sisters have raised their household in rebellion against them for being a heretical and/or traitorous dickbag)
Pretty much. Order Famulous are very much the battle maids of the Imperium nobility.So they're the kind when a group of cultists try to assassinate the young scion of a noble house, would grab a bolter and mow them down?
Pretty much. Order Famulous are very much the battle maids of the Imperium nobility.
Leaving aside the Sisters Famulous, this is 40k. If you are sufficiently important to be of sector-wide account and you don't have dedicated bodyguards backed up by battle maids and other household staff, and the finally you yourself aren't pretty handy with pistol and sword, odds are somebody will kill you.
You know, I wish there was a faction in WH40K that knew of this and then abuse it by giving out false reports and could easily trick the Inquisition into killing off a world for Chaos without them ever setting foot on the planet itself to do so.Inspired by reading the wiki entry on this Battle of Gathalamor - Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum:
Sister Alys watched as the grim war machines of the Grey Knights took their positions around the shattered cathedral that the Order of His Ever-Present Light had sheltered in. The marines were dug into near firing lines, their armor glistening and gleaming in the artificial light of dreadnoughts and tanks. The Sisters of Battle were tired, their weapons spent.
"I'm sorry about this, Kerry. About everything." The nun spoke to her comrade in arms, leaning on the pile of rubble next to her. "This shouldn't have . . . I didn't want this."
Sister Kerry put her arm around her friend's shoulder. "It's okay. We did our duty, right? That should be enough. It should be."
"I don't really care anymore." Alys reached down, and started unbuckling her armor, casting the plate and her bolter aside. "It shouldn't have ended like this. Everything they ever asked of us, we did. We set everything aside for the cause, for His son's war, and what did it get us?" She sighed and slumped, shaking her leg out of the power-armor greaves. "Dying in some shit hole planet at the hands of His angels."
Kerry was doing the same, neatly stacking her power armor next to her. "I've got no regrets, Al. Not one." She reached and grabbed Alys' hand. "If we hadn't been here, we'd have never met. And these months, together, you and I — I wouldn't have traded them for anything."
"But . . ." Alys looked at her fellow Sororitas. "Fighting for the Emperor, all this time, and then we—"
"No." Kerry shook her head. "Fuck the Emperor. Fuck Guilliman, fuck Terra, fuck them all. I was fighting for you. And for all our sisters and brothers-in-arms."
The whirr of servos and the thrum of engines signaled the advance of the Grey Knights and their war machines.
"I love you, Kerry."
"Love you too, Al."
The two women kissed, gently, almost chastely, as the rain of fire from the Marine's bombardment ceased.
A Grey Knight killed Alys first, a careless swipe of a power sword decapitating her easily. Kerry dived for her bolter. The first shot went wide, and the Grey Knight advanced, but the second hit the eye-slot of his helmet. The soldier toppled over, dead. Kerry looked up, triumphant for a mere second, and was greeted by the faceless helm of another Space Marine.
"See you soon, sweetheart."
The Grey Knight fired.
You know, I wish there was a faction in WH40K that knew of this and then abuse it by giving out false reports and could easily trick the Inquisition into killing off a world for Chaos without them ever setting foot on the planet itself to do so.
I was under impression that Orders Famulous were more Bene Gesserit than battle maids.
Being a homosexual isn't a crime in the Imperium, as far as I can recall.Is Warhammer 40k femslash a thing? Other than the bit posted, obviously.
I know the Caiphas Cain novels have a lesbian couple as background characters....
Is Warhammer 40k femslash a thing? Other than the bit posted, obviously.
I know the Caiphas Cain novels have a lesbian couple as background characters....
I was under impression that Orders Famulous were more Bene Gesserit than battle maids.
Oh my, that is an interesting idea.
Oh my, that is an interesting idea.
Good usage of jokaero tech, joakero as characters, SIs, or any story involving them. I mean, they're a good source of plot and tech.
Like, imagine one escaping into the underhive.
Hard to say.
Jokaero don't (to my knowledge) ever do anything to requests. They're actually supposed to be sub-sapient, they do what they do basically for the same reason the Orks do. Apparently they never modify the same thing twice, and their modifications are completely random. About the only consistency I can recall for Jokaero is A: They look like Orangutans and B: They love making digital weapons.
I would prefer something less Inquistion and more Chaos driven, where Chaos uses the Inquisition's brutal tactics to soften up worlds and when the Inquisition leaves, they sweep in and clear up, and with the added bonus of discrediting the Inquisition as a bunch of Imperial backed Chaos worshipers, which was sadly lacking when Magnus and his Legion invaded the Space Wolves' homeworld after they made the Dark Angels burn it first.If you need a faction to provoke the Imperial Inquisition into doing horrible shit, look no further than the Imperial Inquisition. This is pretty much standard Ivstaanian operating procedure.
A thousand schools of thought, divided by a single goal.
not sure if you're memeing, but gay dark angles is long time running joke, the joke being that 'The Rock' was a bar nearby the GW HQ and was supposedly a gay bar.Warhammer does have an incredible amount of homoeroticism. It's sorta the thematic core of the Dark Angels, for one.
I was specifically referring to the fact that Lionel Johnson was a gay English poet, and his poem "The Dark Angel" is about homosexuality.not sure if you're memeing, but gay dark angles is long time running joke, the joke being that 'The Rock' was a bar nearby the GW HQ and was supposedly a gay bar.
The bar existed, but it was just a regular bar.
Since when?I mean really, most inquisitors jump the gun and Chaos knows it. Im surprised Chaos hasnt won yet when they could have easily repeated this tactic over and over again due to how shortsighted Inquisitors can be.