I was hoping it would change to add more flavor but oh well, you get what you get I guess.

Galahad as Ruler gets both the Lance of Longinus and the Grail of Christ. That's a level of story-breaker power that we're far too far from the end to introduce. Remember, Zelretch said Ruler Galahad is equivalent to a budget Grand.
I don't know how to feel about Archangel Raphael, one of the few Archangels I pray to, being a Mahou Shoujo mascot
This is the same reality where Quetzalcoatl is a lucha libra fanatic, King Arthur is a tiny adorable blonde and Solomon is obsessed with idol singers, along with the many many other eccentricities/weirdness present. Just sit back and watch the insanity unfold.
Kadoc rubbed his face. "Seeing as the situation seems to be in hand," he muttered, glancing at Gawain bowing and apologizing profusely to Artoria, "how're you holding up?" He looked back at me, frowning a little.

"...badly," I admitted. "Plan 'fake it 'til you make it' isn't panning out very well, given someone has a direct line to my brain." Someone who might not even be the Counter Force.

Solomon created a system to reinforce the Human Order. It was composed of seventy-two familiars, eventually called 'demon gods'. Collectively, their name was Goetia. It was this feat which made him renowned for his prowess of summoning. And it was with the wisdom gained from his own Clairvoyance and their observations that he created the most modern system of Magecraft, earning the title 'King of Magic'.

Like that.

... So does that mean Goetia can contact Matthew directly, without any of Manaka's group knowing? And if so... was it Goetia who spoke here?

Heretical Pleasure Deva of-

I winced, grabbing my head. Again, I forced the secrets back.

"Fighting it does not seem to help," Kiara pointed out. "Though from my inherited memories, neither Counter Force is so direct."
Rest in peace the dwindling fraents of Roman's sanity. He now has to add Nero and Tamamo on a jealousy rampage along with BB pranks to his list of "I don't get paid enough to deal with this". May he find peace, because it certainly can't be found in Chaldea.
... So does that mean Goetia can contact Matthew directly, without any of Manaka's group knowing? And if so... was it Goetia who spoke here?

Nope, that's not Goetia. I'm only starting the foreshadowing here, and likely won't have a hard confirm for another Singularity or two. As for who it is, I have a concrete thing and it's connected to the plot at large.
May he find peace, because it certainly can't be found in Chaldea.
Oh it's going to get worse. Because it was indicated that Sheba is going to be showing up earlier than in canon.
By the way Blink, will the Queen of Sheba arrive earlier this time?
Considering I intend to finish this in one 'season' (though it'll be a lot more chapters), yes. She'll show up after Roman's identity is revealed past Morgan's Conspiracy.
Do I want to know just how badly Roman is going to freak out when she shows up?
That's a special surprise for later.
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"Have fun! Please bring back takeout! I'm a fan of Burger Fool! ...I'm so lonely."
Anyone else thinking that Merlin is going to end up like Bill Cypher from here?

Thank you for clarifying, Amaterasu," the woman in white mail said with a nod. She looked to Ereshkigal, and her demeanor softened. "Ah, but Ereshkigal isn't familiar with the rest of us yet. Poor girl, last to join. But, once you're filled in I'm sure you'll get along just like the rest of us!"
Wasn't Amaterasu supposed to be a Yandere?

Sadly, the place I hail from, now known as America, is in such chaos that my emissaries cannot attend here. It may well be until you reach Chaldea yourself before you meet them personally."
Yeah, Beast like Medb is something I don't wanna face in any lifetime

"Forgive him. He is new to this form, though it is not unfamiliar. Still, he is a good boy and worthy of the title 'hero'." Kunapipi smiled broadly.

the last is my child. My second and most beloved emissary, who I gifted the remnants of my power. He is my hands and feet outside of Avalon, spreading my name and presence to anchor me ever more firmly to this World. My Matthew.
no I'm not crying, Kotaro is just chopping onions in here.

The next-to-last goddess stood tall, planting her fists on her hips. She was clad in red, with a feathered headdress. Blonde hair tumbled down her back in waves, and she smiled brightly and without restraint. Easily, she was larger-than-life and full of joy.
yeah Quetz is too Iconic at this point in Fate.

Yeeeesss! I'd almost forgotten!" Quetzalcoatl scooped 'Taiga' into a bear hug, causing the other woman's tongue to loll out of her mouth while she gasped for air. "Tigers are cute and cuddly and not at all treacherous, yes!" An evil gleam entered her eyes. "Not like spiders…" Slowly her head turned to Anansi with an ominous creak.
Ok so this is more Taiga than Jaguarman then.....I was really expecting Tezcatlipoca to come and help, but oh well.

Artoria stood before the knight, bangs flapping in an invisible breeze. Her eyes glowed violently with the mana building up inside her tiny body.

"My king!" Gawain dropped to his knee. "I simply endeavored to help your Queen-"

I stopped paying attention because Kadoc started choking on his own spit for a hot second.

"Wh. What," he gasped.

"Look at how that man is around my aunt and you tell me he ain't a bottom," I accused in a sharp whisper.
He ain't wrong, there is a reason he is called Mama Emiya.

I fidgeted. "Well, there's that. Then there's how my powers are changing, Morgan's making moves in the background I have no way to predict, and our enemies keep getting stronger and weirder. And then there's the worst thing."

"The worst thing?" Kadoc's eyebrows pinched, and he finally let himself show concern.

"...lately, I kinda wanna fuck Gilgamesh," I confessed.
You are not the only one Matt, Archer Gil's personality may make me want to kick his balls into orbit....but he is pretty fucking hot...and once he matures....yeah, I fell in crush with Caster Gil, no one here can judge because I know I'm not the only one.

The sphere of light fell from the 'sky' within Galahad's space. It was a bright, blinding pink, with six vestigal wings and no limbs. Its 'face' was a symbol - what Mash somehow understood was the angel's name in Enochian.
so kinda like a pink version of Charlotte Corday's angel?

You learned to change your mind! And, and apologize! Oh Gally, I'm so prouuuuuud!
you are not the only one......Navi 2.0
Regarding Amaterasu: Gold-Fur White-Face said she could be benevolent or malevolent depending on the time, place, and temperament of humanity (if I recall correctly). Given Humanity has Goetia and other fun to contend with, I decided on a more sedate incarnation.
Regarding Amaterasu: Gold-Fur White-Face said she could be benevolent or malevolent depending on the time, place, and temperament of humanity (if I recall correctly). Given Humanity has Goetia and other fun to contend with, I decided on a more sedate incarnation.

Also I'm curious. Why the design change for Amaterasu? I'm Extra CCC, she was Tamamo: Giantess Edition in a skimpy outfit but here she looks distinctly different.
Also I'm curious. Why the design change for Amaterasu? I'm Extra CCC, she was Tamamo: Giantess Edition in a skimpy outfit but here she looks distinctly different.

Mostly I'm drawing a little inspiration from her more traditional designs. It's mostly to show a different facet from the 'will eat you bc it's amusing' one we get in CCC. Less 'Incoming Evil', more Mother Goddess.
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A tension she hadn't even noticed seemed to slough off the woman's shoulders. "Good. That's… we can speak more on it later." Rin straightened back up. "Unlike Sakura, my patron isn't too diffuse to directly intervene - she's too dangerous. Where she is, she can be reasoned with and interact safely. If she came here…" The woman paled ever so slightly. "It would be a calamity."
My initial thought was "Outer God", but then...
Right then, she focused on learning all she could of the web being woven behind the battle between Chaldea and their enemy - learning, and listening to the ocean's song in her bones, echoing from the woman beside her.

Ah. Well.

Anastasia's comment about therapy being right after Matthew admitted being down to fuck Gil killed me, BB just grabbing Hakuno and running killed me, Twice's death scene was a highlight (mainly because of the awesome execution) and, as always, thank you for the chapter!
Hakuno smiled, and her black dress returned. So did her ring. Then she floated down, only for BB to catch her.

And with a peck on the cheek, BB's wonderful brain flatlined.

Hakuno has the Protag exclusive skill: Harem Master EX
BB is now tamed and ready to feed the Harem.

Rin's mouth slowly opened and closed.

"Ereshkigal?" Ishtar asked, waving a hand in front of her face.

"Wh-wh-what!?" Rin plunged her fingers into her hair, frantically dragging her nails over her scalp.

"We're going to be late! I'll explain on the way!" Ishtar grabbed Rin's wrist, and then they shot out the window.


"Have fun! Please bring back takeout! I'm a fan of Burger Fool! ...I'm so lonely."

And so they left what Rin understood to be a tower behind. Together, she and Ishtar soared over a sea of endless flowers, streaking towards a forest on the horizon.

...what the heck was going on!?

Rin met Rin.
Where this Earth instead of Avalon then reality would shatter.
But just think of the fanservice a team of Rins can generate :3

Quetzalcoatl clapped her hands. "Si, si! Don't worry, big sis'll happily put on a show! And you'll help, won't you Jaguarman?" Her smile grew teeth. Lots and lots of pointy teeth. Slowly she turned to the woman in a onesie.

"Remember, remember Kuku, I'm Taiga. I'm a Tiger, not a Jaguar," the woman rambled quickly, waving her arms.

"Yeeeesss! I'd almost forgotten!" Quetzalcoatl scooped 'Taiga' into a bear hug, causing the other woman's tongue to loll out of her mouth while she gasped for air. "Tigers are cute and cuddly and not at all treacherous, yes!"

Oh, its Taiga in control of her own body and she met someone even more Genki than herself.
Her old students must supress smiles all the time.

Right then, she focused on learning all she could of the web being woven behind the battle between Chaldea and their enemy - learning, and listening to the ocean's song in her bones, echoing from the woman beside her.


Tiamat is on the Heroes side?
This just tickles the odds of a massive Kingprotea upgrade/alternative.

A bang came from the kitchen, causing me to look up and Kadoc to look over.

Emiya pushed Gawain out, eyes blazing. "No! No! We cannot serve a meal consisting entirely of ale, vinegar, and potatoes! I won't have it!"

Shotaro looked out from behind him, biting his lip and trying not to smile.

"Quantity is the best way to feed an army!" Gawain replied firmly.

"If we tried to feed people that, they'd riot!" Emiya snapped.

An aura of death permeated the cafeteria.


Gawain said something that should never be uttered in this kitchen.
Rest in Peace sunnyboy.
We shall forever remember your death as a cautionary tale

Gawain was on his hands and knees, forehead touching the floor as Artoria ate off of a plate Emiya handed her. Emiya radiated smug.

saved by the meal. You just got Lucky.

And of course, pandemonium broke loose.

"Done? Great! I'll just be kidnapping Senpai indefinitely. Byyyyye!"

In the blink of an eye, BB dashed into the room, threw a (simultaneously) bemused and amused Hakuno over her shoulder like a potato sack, and bolted.

I exchanged a tired look with Rits.




The Harem hungers. BB will guide the food to it.

Galahad stiffened. "Ah. There is one… caveat. Somewhat."

"What caveat?" Mash asked slowly.

"More a stipulation. The Shield of Evalach is powerful, and home to a mighty Divine Spirit. A being associated with the tribes of Israel, extant from the beginning. Though they waned from their former glory, they are no less formidable." Galahad grimaced. "Or… eccentric."

"Gaaaalllyyyyyy!" a squeaky voice wailed.

The sphere of light fell from the 'sky' within Galahad's space. It was a bright, blinding pink, with six vestigal wings and no limbs. Its 'face' was a symbol - what Mash somehow understood was the angel's name in Enochian.

"You learned to change your mind! And, and apologize! Oh Gally, I'm so prouuuuuud!" the Spirit cried. This close, Mash could see that the top of it vaguely resembled a pixie cut.

Galahad took a deep breath. "Archangel, this is Mash Kyrielight. She will be our partner in saving the world. Mash, this is-"

"Raphael, but call me Raphie! All my friends do! Omigosh, you are! So! Cuuuuute!" The pink puffball bounced excitedly, somehow emoting more than numerous Servants despite lacking a face. "I love love love your hair! And I bet you have the prettiest smile~!"

Mash stared.

Mash got a new member for her headspace and its something even cuter than her.
...btw is it me or is the Angel forshadowing for Mash becoming like Maple from Bofuri?
You know the Shielder that became so OP she is considered the Sercet Super Boss of the MMO she plays?
That gained Angel, Demon/Alien and Machine God forms?
Will deaer Mash now walk the path abanddoning her humanity and become Madness itself?
Wasn't Amaterasu supposed to be a Yandere?
We aren't really sure.

CCC is where she's introduced to the series and CCC remains as of yet untranslated.

Oh, its Taiga in control of her own body and she met someone even more Genki than herself.
Implication of FGO is that she has a large degree of control its just that... she's going along for the ride.

You know the Shielder that became so OP she is considered the Sercet Super Boss of the MMO she plays?
That gained Angel, Demon/Alien and Machine God forms?
Will deaer Mash now walk the path abanddoning her humanity and become Madness itself?
... I need to catch up to this manga.
...btw is it me or is the Angel forshadowing for Mash becoming like Maple from Bofuri?
You know the Shielder that became so OP she is considered the Sercet Super Boss of the MMO she plays?
That gained Angel, Demon/Alien and Machine God forms?
Will deaer Mash now walk the path abanddoning her humanity and become Madness itself?
Well their original color schemes were similar (even though Mash doesn't eat her enemies).
She's gotten the angel/paladin mode (complete with wings).
For the mecha.....we'd need the Ortenaus and Black Barrel to come into play and the events that led to Mash getting those have been thoroughly derailed.
The demon/alien on the other hand I can't see happening.
Is Matthew hearing the the Root? you writed that he forced the secrets back. And Root is the place that has all knowledge in existence and nonexistence.
After all true aim of magi is to understand all that knowledge and become God.
mcrider threw 1 6-faced dice. Total: 1
1 1
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Is Matthew hearing the the Root? you writed that he forced the secrets back. And Root is the place that has all knowledge in existence and nonexistence.
After all true aim of magi is to understand all that knowledge and become God.

So the Universal Language is a connection to the Root, but that isn't what's funneling secrets to him. The implication is that it's a third party.

And no, it's not the Alien God (before anyone makes that conclusion).
At this point I'm believing we should question if the being sending over info is even from the Nasuverse. Things are snowballing so much that it'd even be appropiate for it to be 'outside' intervention.
At this point I'm believing we should question if the being sending over info is even from the Nasuverse. Things are snowballing so much that it'd even be appropiate for it to be 'outside' intervention.

As a direct answer, while it isn't canon to Nasu it isn't a crossover element either. I learned my lesson with past works - making a crossover and keeping it stable is hard. So the only 'crosses' here will be between various timelines in the Nasuverse (which I excuse because history isn't just burning; it's being stretched, squashed, and the current hellscape is the end result of bootleg Time Compression). I've started laying more solid breadcrumbs in the last chapter, and someone who's got their tinfoil hat on and knows my style has a slight chance of puzzling it out right now. As the story goes on, I'll drop more and more until it solidifies.
So the only 'crosses' here will be between various timelines in the Nasuverse (which I excuse because history isn't just burning; it's being stretched, squashed, and the current hellscape is the end result of bootleg Time Compression).
Reminds me of the old Simpsons episode where Homer got a time machine and royally messed things up. Makes me wonder just how much the world will be altered when the Singularities are solved etc. Because Morgan isn't intending to return the world to the state it was before Goetia set everything on fire.

Not to mention how her 'changes' are going to be implemented. It could be a case of 'The Magic Comes Back' where Chaldea reemerges to join a world going ever so slightly insane as it adjusts to the new status quo.
Or perhaps they find a world where the course of history itself has been altered and as far as everyone else is concerned? This is the way it's always been.

And then you have the various 'time refugees' like the Fate/Extra Rin Tohsaka who's now pseudoservant Ereshkigal. When this is all over does she fade back to her own timeline, remain marooned in this new world as a person from another reality or does she become integrated into history?*

Speaking of pseudoservants, I also wonder what will happen to Rin and Shotaro. You don't become priests/avatars of gods (particularly the primordial mother goddess of Mesopotamia!) and actively channeling their power/acting in their names without some sort of side effects.

*In which Shotaro and Rin actually had three children instead of just two; the blonde hair is due to recessive Edelfelt genes showing up. Luvia's smug grew three times that day.
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