Hmm... Alcides, maybe. And Apoc we already know is Celenike.
(To be honest my larger concern is making that scene with Mordred in a suit and Fran in a dress happen from one of the PVs. Gender has less impact on that than you'd think.)
Glad you've got your priorities straight.

Onto the chapter- the A/N scared me into thinking that a fight would break out, but you handled Kirsch's revival (and his response to learning about Matthew's abuse) really well. The lunch scene in general was amazing. Going to go reread it now.

As for the whole thing about Matthew's morality, keep in mind that the story is mostly from his POV. If it sounds like his bullshit is being excused, it's probably him doing the excusing.
Alright, here we go.

As I mentioned earlier, Beryl summoned PHH Morgan who, upon finding that the British Lostbelt was only a barren wasteland with only the Tree of Emptiness present, hacked the Tree to modify the history of the Lostbelt. She only made one alteration to the Lostbelt: "Make it so Excalibur was never forged." Without Excalibur, Morgan believed, Artoria would have been unable to maintain her claim to the throne once Caliburn was broken, and Morgan could take her rightful place as King of Britain. Unfortunately for her, she thought as Artoria did, that Excalibur was forged specifically for Artoria as a replacement for Caliburn after Artoria broke it. We know better.

So! No Excalibur meant nothing to stop Sefar from laying waste to Earth. Only six fairies - the ones who were supposed to forge Excalibur but didn't - survived the cataclysm, and awoke to find themselves floating in an endless ocean covering the entire world, completely devoid of landmasses or any form of life. But there a few other survivors: a number of humans, led and protected by Cernunnos, the Horned God, last god of the world after Sefar had slaughtered all the others. He arose and approached the fairies intending to punish them for neglecting their duty, but he was too kind-hearted for his own good, and (speaking through his human priest) offered to make a new land for them to call home.

Naturally, they betrayed him, just as their descendants/successors would betray Lostbelt Morgan time and again. Poisoning his wine as they feasted to celebrate the deal, they used his body as the foundation for the southern half of their new land, with the corpse of the dragon Albion serving as the foundation for the northern half. But, of course, that wasn't enough to truly kill him, anymore than Marduk's axe-to-the-throat was enough to truly kill Tiamat. Cernunnos' existence was why Wodime (as a native Englander well-versed in British myth, he well knew what Cernunnos was capable of) ordered Beryl to destroy the Tree of Emptiness, as he was on par with the Foreign God and could have destroyed the planet itself.

As for Vortigern? When he materialized in the Lostbelt, he was severely weakened, and the little fairies in the Wales forest he arrived in mistook him for a prince, accidentally brainwashing him into believing himself to be Oberon. When Barghest (Fairy Knight Gawain) followed Morgan's orders to burn down the forest and kill him, she instead killed all the fairies who believed he was Oberon, causing the brainwashing to wear off after a while. By the time Chaldea has defeated Cernunnos, he's fully remembered his identity as Vortigern.
Alright, here we go.

As I mentioned earlier, Beryl summoned PHH Morgan who, upon finding that the British Lostbelt was only a barren wasteland with only the Tree of Emptiness present, hacked the Tree to modify the history of the Lostbelt. She only made one alteration to the Lostbelt: "Make it so Excalibur was never forged." Without Excalibur, Morgan believed, Artoria would have been unable to maintain her claim to the throne once Caliburn was broken, and Morgan could take her rightful place as King of Britain. Unfortunately for her, she thought as Artoria did, that Excalibur was forged specifically for Artoria as a replacement for Caliburn after Artoria broke it. We know better.

So! No Excalibur meant nothing to stop Sefar from laying waste to Earth. Only six fairies - the ones who were supposed to forge Excalibur but didn't - survived the cataclysm, and awoke to find themselves floating in an endless ocean covering the entire world, completely devoid of landmasses or any form of life. But there a few other survivors: a number of humans, led and protected by Cernunnos, the Horned God, last god of the world after Sefar had slaughtered all the others. He arose and approached the fairies intending to punish them for neglecting their duty, but he was too kind-hearted for his own good, and (speaking through his human priest) offered to make a new land for them to call home.

Naturally, they betrayed him, just as their descendants/successors would betray Lostbelt Morgan time and again. Poisoning his wine as they feasted to celebrate the deal, they used his body as the foundation for the southern half of their new land, with the corpse of the dragon Albion serving as the foundation for the northern half. But, of course, that wasn't enough to truly kill him, anymore than Marduk's axe-to-the-throat was enough to truly kill Tiamat. Cernunnos' existence was why Wodime (as a native Englander well-versed in British myth, he well knew what Cernunnos was capable of) ordered Beryl to destroy the Tree of Emptiness, as he was on par with the Foreign God and could have destroyed the planet itself.

As for Vortigern? When he materialized in the Lostbelt, he was severely weakened, and the little fairies in the Wales forest he arrived in mistook him for a prince, accidentally brainwashing him into believing himself to be Oberon. When Barghest (Fairy Knight Gawain) followed Morgan's orders to burn down the forest and kill him, she instead killed all the fairies who believed he was Oberon, causing the brainwashing to wear off after a while. By the time Chaldea has defeated Cernunnos, he's fully remembered his identity as Vortigern.

Don't forget the fact that Morgan killed Beryl as the only other person who knew the truth. And then partially for her own reasons, created an exact double transferring all of the original's memories so perfectly even he didn't realise at first what had actually happened.

Or the fact that original priestess was ripped apart by the Six and harvested to create their own forms of Humans.
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Don't forget the fact that Morgan killed Beryl as the only other person who knew the truth. And then partially for her own reasons, created an exact double transferring all of the original's memories so perfectly even he didn't realise at first what had actually happened.

Or the fact that original priestess was ripped apart by the Six and harvested to create their own forms of Humans.

I mentioned Beryl already, though I didn't know about the priestess. Doesn't surprise me, though.
Kirei's a man who tried to love but couldn't, while Beryl's a guy whose love is genuine but extremely twisted. Both find joy in watching other people suffer, although for Beryl it's only certain people. Honestly, I think they're about equal in terms of how horrible they are.
Out of curiosity, given what we now know, does
Oberon's true nature
give you any ideas, Blink?
Same here. Even Kirei's more sympathetic than Beryl.
Risei did a good job with raising Kirei to have, you know, actual morals and living in the modern human world. Meanwhile, Beryl is decidedly Not That and revels in his inhumanity. Although I am so mad that DW made him look hot in that final scene just before he dies. Why are the villains always the hot ones.
Hey out of nowhere but I just remembered that in prisma illya bazzet defeated cu and emiya working together (corrupted by the black grail but still) and has fragas dagger fragarach. It is a noble phantasm. My brother thinks she could be summoned as a psudeoservant for the invetor of greek boxing. Also she has the blood of the tuatha da ne fraga in her veins. Btw love her story in unlimited codes.
Given that this Vortigern seems to be a mix of him and Oberon I have to wonder what his pure form would look like.

More draconic as a whole most likely. Perhaps a Ruler Class given the Class Card shown before it was corrupted into Pretender.

Darkness was associated with Vortigern frequently in the Nasuverse, seeing as he was able to siphon the light from Excalibur and Galantine, and was only defeated by Rhon. His involuntary transformation into Oberon mixed the Fairy and Draconic nature, and added insect control into the mix. But the Darkness is still there. The... shape made out of insects... damm
So. Beryl did precisely one good deed in his life. The Sirius Light Command Spells that Marisbury granted to Team A are significantly more powerful even than those bestowed by the Holy Grail, let alone those Ritsuka has, but using them costs part of the user's life force, to the point where using them all - as Wodime did in Olympus, using the last one to drive back the Foreign God - will unavoidably kill the user. Beryl's condition for joining Team A was that Marisbury would NOT engrave a Sirius Light onto Mash. This is the ONLY unambiguously good thing he's ever done, even if his motives were horribly twisted.

Sauron basically. Clad in black armour like the Artoria Alters.

While looking handsome underneath ala Annatar, at least when not angry. Good looks seem to run in that family.
So what would the true form of Vortigern's Noble Phantasm be?
I mean the True Name is probably Albion-Vortigern, as opposed to Oberon-Vortigern.
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Unlike in other Lostbelts, where Stray Servants were summoned by the world to fight against the Lostbelt's forces in preparation for Chaldea's arrival, Vortigern was summoned specifically to destroy the British Lostbelt... and he was supposedly summoned twice. Once as the "Mors King" 1000 years ago, where he was beaten by Woodwose, and once again some time before Chaldea arrived.

As Vortigern, he's only too happy to obliterate Faerie Britain, as he considers it an abomination that shouldn't exist due to being built on the sins of fairies. Despite Artoria and Merlin being among Chaldea's Servants, the only reason he opposes Chaldea is due to remnants of the brainwashing that made him think he was Oberon; as a being of fantasy, Oberon hates Chaldea for obliterating the stories the Lostbelts tell, as they are fabricated existences just like him. (This implies Oberon would normally be a Phantom if he manifested properly, instead of being shoddily tacked onto Vortigern, who would most likely be an Avenger normally. It's the mixture that caused him to be a Pretender.)

Vortigern outright states that his overwhelming hatred is enough to classify him as a Threat to Humanity, though he acknowledges he can't become a Beast due to being completely devoid of love. Despite this, he accepts Chaldea beating him far more gracefully than he did Artoria killing him in life, even though Artoria is helping Chaldea beat him.

EDIT: @Blinktwice13 Not all of the story of LB6 actually takes place in the British Lostbelt. After Morgan is slain, but before everything goes to hell in a handbasket, Chaldea takes a little detour to someplace that they couldn't possibly reach on their own, even with the Zero Sail...

Finally. Finally! The Everdistant Utopia has finally been reached!!

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It's been days, so whatever.

The first Pretender, Oberon-Vortigern.

First skill: Party gets 20% NP charge, and 20% - 30% NP Damage Up for 3 turns.
Second skill: 1 target gets 50% NP charge, but loses 20% charge at end of turn. Also gain 10 - 20 critical stars.
Third skill : 1 target gets supercharged for 1 turn; 50% Buster Up, and all NP Damage Up buffs including CEs are buffed 50% - 100%. At end of turn, target falls into Eternal Slumber; a permanent unremovable unblockable Sleep debuff, a three turn Taunt, and can no longer be Order Changed or sacrificed for Chen Gong's NP. Eternal Slumber cannot be prevented or removed by any means.

Of course, Oberon-Vortigern himself is immune to Sleep, including his own Eternal Sleep.
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It's been days, so whatever.

The first Pretender, Oberon-Vortigern.

First skill: Party gets 20% NP charge, and 20% - 30% NP Damage Up for 3 turns.
Second skill: 1 target gets 50% NP charge, but loses 20% charge at end of turn. Also gain 10 - 20 critical stars.
Third skill : 1 target gets supercharged for 1 turn; 50% Buster Up, and all NP Damage Up buffs including CEs are buffed 50% - 100%. At end of turn, target falls into Eternal Slumber; a permanent unremovable unblockable Sleep debuff, a three turn Taunt, and can no longer be Order Changed or sacrificed for Chen Gong's NP. Eternal Slumber cannot be prevented or removed by any means.

Of course, Oberon-Vortigern himself is immune to Sleep, including his own Eternal Sleep.

welp, glad to know the full extent of what im working with, because yes, my JP luck strikes again, got the new class after 2 tickets and FK Tristan is at NP 4