Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
It would also explain why Voice didn't deal with the changelings. No matter how you argue it, the Changelings fuck everything up just as much as Discord would. People who argue that Discord ended stories through killing or trauma? Changelings do that too. People who argue that Discord made the story revolve around him? Chrysalis and her literal army did that too.
The difference is that the changelings are, fundamentally, still characters in a story. They are subject to cause and effect as well as the physical limitations of needing to actually do a thing for that thing to be done. They can be fought, they can fuck up, they don't dominate a story anymore than any other concrete antagonist faction (of which they're just the first to show up in story) does. If it wasn't them here attacking Sunset physically it would be a group of snooty nobles attacking her socially.

Discord doesn't care about any of that though. With very few exceptions if something happens that he doesn't like he can (metaphorically) reach out of the page and slap the author until they rewrite it, with the only limitation being that eventually he'll decide that it isn't fun anymore and move on to someone else.

TL;DR Discord is a save or die character while the Changelings can involve degrees of success and failure, which makes their own stories no less valid than any other pony's.
Except she went MIA and an infiltrator took her place and fucked with Sunset. If she's not going to even do the job she promised she'd do I'm not sure how Sunset can trust her not to say murder her right before her ascension because it would make for a tragic and interesting story.
Presumably the changelings did have some plan to get Voice out of the way. A plan that Voice is going along with to an extent because it would have worked on a normal pony and Voice wants to see how this plays out.
Honestly, I'm not sure this is true, but I hope it is, namely, that I can't help but think that Voice quite literally does not know about the Changelings. If we take Voice at their word, that they use ponies as sources of stories, as windows into the world, then Discord's discovery would make sense- he is a known quantity, and shitting up the magical field in a meaningful way.
I expect Voice can detect Changelings precisely because they can sense stories. A changeling's story isn't going to match a pony's story.
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... Except the Changeling's actions have already worked to progress Sunset's characterization and her relationship with Celestia. We just watched it happen.

The Changelings are a part of and in service to Sunset's overall story. That's why they're here, on a meta level. They aren't distracting from it or supplanting it, they're helping move it forward, albeit unwillingly and unknowingly.

They are distracting from it and supplanting it, because this is all building up to Crysalis taking center stage, and not giving it up until forced. This isn't going to be a war arc, where there's downtime and strategy meetings or whatever, because Crysalis's plan is an alpha strike and total takeover in one fell swoop.

The minute the changelings reveal themselves, the story grinds to a halt until they're dealt with.

The difference is that the changelings are, fundamentally, still characters in a story. They are subject to cause and effect as well as the physical limitations of needing to actually do a thing for that thing to be done. They can be fought, they can fuck up, they don't dominate a story anymore than any other concrete antagonist faction (of which they're just the first to show up in story) does. If it wasn't them here attacking Sunset physically it would be a group of snooty nobles attacking her socially.

Discord doesn't care about any of that though. With very few exceptions if something happens that he doesn't like he can (metaphorically) reach out of the page and slap the author until they rewrite it, with the only limitation being that eventually he'll decide that it isn't fun anymore and move on to someone else.

TL;DR Discord is a save or die character while the Changelings can involve degrees of success and failure, which makes their own stories no less valid than any other pony's.

Discord is no less falliable than the Changelings. It's not even totally clear whose death toll would be greater, but you know what is clear? Changelings use mind control and pods as part of their win condition, which quite literally removes characters until they're dealt with. At least with Discord, side characters he's not focused on can react to and deal with the chaos on a case by case basis, and stories can be told about the struggle against it for all involved.

Discord's flaw is in his goals. He's less of a character and more of a force of nature, which means the collateral damage he does is incidental to everyone but the people both capable and working towards his defeat. with Changelings, they're an active and goal-seeking threat that spares none and has no widespread "mercy" whether by accident or intent.

It's not even totally clear how many, when, and what kind of Changelings have any real characterization beyond "Obey Queen". That's not a character, that's a random-encounter D&D Orc, and has about as much value to a story as fighting one.

In a structural sense, the changelings are "minions" of Chrysalis in the same way chaotic effects and creatures are "minions" of Discord. And yet, nobody's bothering to bring up things like the long-leg rabbits or Screwball as possible characters for development.

If anything, Discord ruins stories as a good guy, not a villain. As a villain, he's perfectly cogent. It's only once redeemed that he starts to make stories fall apart, and, this is a big point I'd like to make;

He does so for the same reasons Voice does.

Presumably the changelings did have some plan to get Voice out of the way. A plan that Voice is going along with to an extent because it would have worked on a normal pony and Voice wants to see how this plays out.

I expect Voice can detect Changelings precisely because they can sense stories. A changeling's story isn't going to match a pony's story.

I will be sad if that's the case, because it literally undermines the story, I said as much earlier, that this story's biggest flaw right now is that outside of the traditional trappings of an eldritch abomination, Tension only happens because Voice permits it.

If Voice literally just let the changelings do whatever they want, and was in full control the entire time, then a lot of the parts of this arc turn completely sour and various things from character motive to plot believability start to wear thin real quick.
I feel like Voice is doing things too often. Not really an observer role. 🤔
I feel like Voice is doing things too often. Not really an observer role. 🤔

Voice is more like the Q than Cthulhu, I think, a reality bender that still has motives and feelings a mortal can understand, also like Q (Q introduced the federation to the Borg) in the fact that they want to mess with stories; I do think Voice is capable of lying.
They are distracting from it and supplanting it, because this is all building up to Crysalis taking center stage, and not giving it up until forced. This isn't going to be a war arc, where there's downtime and strategy meetings or whatever, because Crysalis's plan is an alpha strike and total takeover in one fell swoop.

The minute the changelings reveal themselves, the story grinds to a halt until they're dealt with.

Discord is no less falliable than the Changelings. It's not even totally clear whose death toll would be greater, but you know what is clear? Changelings use mind control and pods as part of their win condition, which quite literally removes characters until they're dealt with. At least with Discord, side characters he's not focused on can react to and deal with the chaos on a case by case basis, and stories can be told about the struggle against it for all involved.

Discord's flaw is in his goals. He's less of a character and more of a force of nature, which means the collateral damage he does is incidental to everyone but the people both capable and working towards his defeat. with Changelings, they're an active and goal-seeking threat that spares none and has no widespread "mercy" whether by accident or intent.

It's not even totally clear how many, when, and what kind of Changelings have any real characterization beyond "Obey Queen". That's not a character, that's a random-encounter D&D Orc, and has about as much value to a story as fighting one.

In a structural sense, the changelings are "minions" of Chrysalis in the same way chaotic effects and creatures are "minions" of Discord. And yet, nobody's bothering to bring up things like the long-leg rabbits or Screwball as possible characters for development.

If anything, Discord ruins stories as a good guy, not a villain. As a villain, he's perfectly cogent. It's only once redeemed that he starts to make stories fall apart, and, this is a big point I'd like to make;

He does so for the same reasons Voice does.

I will be sad if that's the case, because it literally undermines the story, I said as much earlier, that this story's biggest flaw right now is that outside of the traditional trappings of an eldritch abomination, Tension only happens because Voice permits it.

If Voice literally just let the changelings do whatever they want, and was in full control the entire time, then a lot of the parts of this arc turn completely sour and various things from character motive to plot believability start to wear thin real quick.
The changelings revealing themselves does not cause the story to grind to a halt. It just causes the story to take a different direction. There is still meaningful conflict and striving.

The struggle against Discord is meaningless because Discord just warps reality to win anyway.

You are very racist towards changelings. They have their own goals, they have their own stories. Voice doesn't have any particular reason to pick sides in this conflict.

Voice is not a "Good guy" per se. They are doing this out of a desire for entertainment not altruism. If Voice did use their mighty Outsider powers to solve Sunset's problems for her then that would ruin all the tension in the story but again Voice isn't willing to do that for precisely that reason. If Chrysalis wins and Sunset flies to start a resistance movement or something then that will just be a new direction in the story.
The changelings revealing themselves does not cause the story to grind to a halt. It just causes the story to take a different direction. There is still meaningful conflict and striving.

The struggle against Discord is meaningless because Discord just warps reality to win anyway.

Discord is not almighty. The Changelings and Ponies both have artifacts that hard-counter him, he doesn't even get his way at his own game, being forced to cheat with Fluttershy.

If Discord "just warped reality to win", then why did he lose all four times he tried being evil? (Vs Celestia + Luna, vs Twilight and the rest of the Elements, vs Twilight again, with the Plunder Vines, and against Tirek, who stole his magic in a bout of classic villain treachery)

He's not omnipotent. He's not omniscient. He's not even clever in overwhelming excess, or malicious to the point of coherence. He's just a reality warper of finite power, and that finite power happens to be "pretty big", whose goal is to quite literally mess around with no particular goal in mind.

Not only does Discord fail to meaningfully warp stories as a villain, literally everything he does is functionally undone "by the end of the episode" once he is defeated.

Compare that to the Changelings, who see ponies as prey and livestock, and have even worse in mind for ponykind if they win, and whose leader can achieve power that meets or exceeds that of Celestia with one good gimmick. (Draining an alicorn's husband's love).

Discord's "rule" can be resisted, with less collateral damage than the Changelings'.

I'm not even going to respond in depth to the accusations of "racism". We're talking about changelings at the stage they're at, of planning and operating a complete takeover and potential enslavement of the society of individuals they consider food. Pity well's a bit bottomed out there.
Discord is not almighty. The Changelings and Ponies both have artifacts that hard-counter him, he doesn't even get his way at his own game, being forced to cheat with Fluttershy.

If Discord "just warped reality to win", then why did he lose all four times he tried being evil? (Vs Celestia + Luna, vs Twilight and the rest of the Elements, vs Twilight again, with the Plunder Vines, and against Tirek, who stole his magic in a bout of classic villain treachery)

He's not omnipotent. He's not omniscient. He's not even clever in overwhelming excess, or malicious to the point of coherence. He's just a reality warper of finite power, and that finite power happens to be "pretty big", whose goal is to quite literally mess around with no particular goal in mind.

Not only does Discord fail to meaningfully warp stories as a villain, literally everything he does is functionally undone "by the end of the episode" once he is defeated.

Compare that to the Changelings, who see ponies as prey and livestock, and have even worse in mind for ponykind if they win, and whose leader can achieve power that meets or exceeds that of Celestia with one good gimmick. (Draining an alicorn's husband's love).

Discord's "rule" can be resisted, with less collateral damage than the Changelings'.

I'm not even going to respond in depth to the accusations of "racism". We're talking about changelings at the stage they're at, of planning and operating a complete takeover and potential enslavement of the society of individuals they consider food. Pity well's a bit bottomed out there.
Now, I won't claim that I know a lot about the intricacies and nuances of stories, but I'm pretty sure that the Changelings are exactly where they need to be.

Aside from being able to sense them via her empathic ability, the changelings draining her made the realization that Celestia really loves her all the more clear, since there's a very distinct feel of what the feelings Sunset is receiving are ND what they meant. And I'm very certain that if it weren't for that, Sunset wouldn't immediately get it.

And, finally, the difference in Discord and the Changelings when it comes to narrative weight, do keep in mind that Discord has always been an OCP, and the only reason he even gets beaten at all is because he's an arrogant shit that's too full of himself, while the changelings had a plot running for generations, painstakingly done.

That's all I can say about this mnaner
If Discord "just warped reality to win", then why did he lose all four times he tried being evil? (Vs Celestia + Luna, vs Twilight and the rest of the Elements, vs Twilight again, with the Plunder Vines, and against Tirek, who stole his magic in a bout of classic villain treachery)
Because he's a save or die character, and that means sometimes you save. Those limits mean that when he gets hit by the Elements of Harmony or whatever he can't reality warp that away, but anything less than such a complete defeat by irreplaceable artifacts is something he can just brush off. There's no nuance in the outcome, either he wins or he gets trounced with no inbetween.
Not only does Discord fail to meaningfully warp stories as a villain, literally everything he does is functionally undone "by the end of the episode" once he is defeated.
Yes, exactly. This isn't a benefit, this is the problem.
Compare that to the Changelings, who see ponies as prey and livestock, and have even worse in mind for ponykind if they win, and whose leader can achieve power that meets or exceeds that of Celestia with one good gimmick. (Draining an alicorn's husband's love).
Yes, why are you seeing this as a bad thing? Bad stuff happening to characters does not inherently make for a bad story. You're making arguments against Changelings being a thing at all rather than that them showing up now, under these circumstances, is bad for this story specifically.
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Yes, why are you seeing this as a bad thing?

Discord's bumbling removes less characters and ends and permanently stains less stories than the institutional malevolence of Changelings attempting their plot.

If Discord was such a problem to "stories", then Changelings are moreso, because they are more coherent and targeted. I can't really simplify it any more than that.
Discord's bumbling removes less characters and ends and permanently stains less stories than the institutional malevolence of Changelings attempting their plot.

If Discord was such a problem to "stories", then Changelings are moreso, because they are more coherent and targeted. I can't really simplify it any more than that.
There's some sort of disconnect here. People die in stories. Old age, tragic accident, mooks by the dozen in a heroic tale, and innocent bystanders to raise the stakes or showcase the horrors of war. Them dying doesn't end the story because them dying is part of the story. Stories aren't a metaphor here, it's literal. A story isn't "stained" because there's a war arc, but the eldritch god of Spagetti-and-Meatballia showing up and changing things with no discernible rhyme or reason does.

Wait… is Discord a metaphor for executive meddling?

Edit: or to put it another way, Discord is a plot device that necessitates more plot devices to be dealt with. The Changelings are antagonists. The problem doesn't come from what they do it comes from what they are.
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A conflict against a meddling reality warper is a perfectly cogent story. Again, Discord only makes stories fall apart when he becomes one of the good guys. The struggle to defeat him can still be constructed. He has weaknesses and flaws. He fails due to his flaws, and the strengths of the characters, as they overcome him through both.

Discord has predictable motives, genuine limitations, and obviously exploitable flaws. Saying he does things with no discernable rhyme or reason is disingenuous.

Likewise, if you're comparing him to changelings, they literally put ponies in pods and mind control them, effectively removing them from the board until taken care of. "Character reacts to chaos and struggles against it in defeat" is more storyworthy than "Character is put in a pod in defeat until someone gets them out of it".

They are equivalent as antagonists, and both need macguffins to conquer, whether that's "The power of love and a goddess" or "The magic artifacts and the power of friendship".

What does Discord do to spoil a plotline that the Changelings don't? What do Changelings do here that is unachievable otherwise? Is Sunset's "Maybe she's right" after one of the most important moments of her life ends with her running away from it really more character development than, say, Celestia doing the heartsong without Sunset being drowned in malice as she hears it? Her reactions to that, with a full, unaborted encounter with a princess literally baring her heart through song?

I know you want the scenario that happened to be the best result, because it's the one we got...

But is it?

You think the Changelings don't require plot devices to beat, but they did. They did because instead of reality warping to create obstacles, they used numbers and power on their side in their respective conflicts to present obstacles.

You think Discord wasn't an "antagonist", because the characters had no path to victory that did not require seizing a macguffin, but it was the struggle to reach it through his obstacles that framed the conflict and gave it meaning as a story.

They are antagonists. They are both antagonists with similar levels of impact, on people, on their stories, and in the way they remove pieces from the board temporarily.
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What does Discord do to spoil a plotline that the Changelings don't?
Be undefeatable except by all of three means (as far as I'm aware) those being the Elements of Harmony, Chrysalis's throne, and a souped-up Tirek, none of which ponykind currently has access to. If Discord got out, as far as Voice is concerned ponykind's only recourse is her. And she'd do it, probably. But she doesn't want to be a deus ex machina resolving that plotline, so Discord stays in the box at least until releasing him makes for any kind of interesting story.

And if she doesn't do it, Discord turns the entire world into a bad crackfic. The world is suddenly checkerboards, the bunnies grow giraffe legs, and he does his very best to make the entire world as nonsensical as possible. And maybe the stories of ponies' struggles against him would be interesting for a while --- oops, he just brainwashed them out of their character development, nevermind. Anyway, shit gets stale. It's all the same. Pointless chaotic suffering only has so many flavors. Good stories need structure.

The Changelings are just normal antagonists. They plot, they do stuff, they have limits and foibles that can see them defeated... an interesting story that doesn't end in 'Voice ex Machina' can be told, even if, when push comes to shove, Voice probably would Voice ex Machina.

Or not. Helping Sunset escape to lead a rebellion against the New Changeling Order would (probably) also be an interesting story, as far as she's concerned. But it's not like Discord can be opposed like that. He doesn't care about rebellions. Absent the Elements, Discord can only be endured.
Be undefeatable except by all of three means (as far as I'm aware) those being the Elements of Harmony, Chrysalis's throne, and a souped-up Tirek, none of which ponykind currently has access to. If Discord got out, as far as Voice is concerned ponykind's only recourse is her. And she'd do it, probably. But she doesn't want to be a deus ex machina resolving that plotline, so Discord stays in the box at least until releasing him makes for any kind of interesting story.

Someone who got defeated by three different means proves his vulnerability. Tirek was "Just" a strong magic parasite. The Throne was "just" an antimagic field, and a particularly specialized one too, and the Elements of Harmony have a peer in the Crystal Heart.

Discord is very beatable. In fact, it's implied four princesses would do the job, considering Tirek was stalemated by that level of magical might, at a point when he was objectively stronger than Discord.

And if she doesn't do it, Discord turns the entire world into a bad crackfic. The world is suddenly checkerboards, the bunnies grow giraffe legs, and he does his very best to make the entire world as nonsensical as possible. And maybe the stories of ponies' struggles against him would be interesting for a while --- oops, he just brainwashed them out of their character development, nevermind. Anyway, shit gets stale. It's all the same. Pointless chaotic suffering only has so many flavors. Good stories need structure.

And if the Changelings aren't stopped, they turn the entire world into edgy grimdark. You want Matrix Pods? We got Matrix Pods. You want Mass Mind Control? we got Mass Mind Control. You want "Resistance Movement with no hope of victory"? You got it.

Pointless malicious suffering gets stale even quicker than the chaotic kind.

The Changelings are just normal antagonists. They plot, they do stuff, they have limits and foibles that can see them defeated... an interesting story that doesn't end in 'Voice ex Machina' can be told, even if, when push comes to shove, Voice probably would Voice ex Machina.

Discord is a normal antagonist. He plots poorly, he does stuff, he has limits and foibles that can see him defeated. An intersting story can be told that doesn't end in "Voice Ex Machina" can be told. The only difference is that he is weak in logistics, and strong in personal power.

Or not. Helping Sunset escape to lead a rebellion against the New Changeling Order would (probably) also be an interesting story, as far as she's concerned. But it's not like Discord can be opposed like that. He doesn't care about rebellions. Absent the Elements, Discord can only be endured.

Helping Sunset gather ponies to develop methods of counteracting Discord's chaos without catching his attention would also be an interesting story. He doesn't care about rebellions and will even humor them right up until it's too late. He literally laughed in the princess's faces when they discovered the Elements of Harmony and used them against him. His flaw is that he doesn't think anyone can stop him, and after he takes a crack at defeating them, he doesn't even think that the people he's concerned about can stop him.

Do you really think he'd be concerned by Sunset, Flighty, and the rest of her motly gang's spellwork that they struggled and fought to assemble until it was too late? Because he canonically never does. He'd probably swap around their pony-subtypes and call it a day. "Good luck with that when Sunset's a pegasus, Flighty's a unicorn, and Additional Friend Ponys 1 through 4 get scrambled as well," or something silly like that.

Then he gets beaten by cross-tribe magic shenangans, the day is saved, and the gang teaches the rest of the world a valuable lesson about how unicorns aren't the only cool kind of pony.

Discord, in his mind, has more important things to be doing than boringly ensuring his eternal victory, which he shows again and again.
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To try to drag this away from another rehash of sir Not-likely-to-appear-in-this-story.
Considering Government inertia Flighty will likely have a plentiful supply of Rare reagents for her position as Court Enchanter.
It would have been set as part of the Taxes for the maintenance of the realm.
I leave it up to @Alivaril whether or not the nobility has been using those rare and expensive reagents as a piggy bank for off-the-books expenditures or not.
After all nothing in the universe lasts as long as a government department.
Helping Sunset gather ponies to develop methods of counteracting Discord's chaos without catching his attention would also be an interesting story.

I'm just confused as to why your making such a big fuss over the changelings being this stories villain instead of discord. Pretty sure the reason Alivaril locked him away is because Voice fills the same role more or less.
I'm just confused as to why your making such a big fuss over the changelings being this stories villain instead of discord. Pretty sure the reason Alivaril locked him away is because Voice fills the same role more or less.

People argued that the reason Voice didn't remove the Changelings immediately too was because they didn't "ruin stories" in the same way Discord did.

My entire argument has been that, no, Changelings do all of the same things Discord does, for better or worse, and are defeated in the same ways, from a narrative perspective.

Changelings don't cause less damage, take less to defeat, end fewer stories, taint ongoing plotlines less, or derail the plot less. So why is Voice ignoring them?

I think it would be flavorful if Voice wasn't ignoring them, but was genuinely unaware of them, because their nature and abilities fit the bill for avoiding Voice's notice, in my opinion, and it gives Voice flaws in their strengths, which up until now, they have not had.

It's like you said, Voice is functionally fulfilling the role in the story of a redeemed Discord, and that causes the same narrative problems. Having a fault that isn't part and parcel of them being an Eldritch Abomination, and instead it being a genuine fault in their strong suit, would make the story better, in my opinion. Right now, Voice erases tension. Every time there's any antagonistic element, the question is automatically asked, "Does Voice permit this scenario to have tension?"

Voice fucking up social situations doesn't make them meaningfully fallible, because it isn't a weakness in any way unusual to what they are, and thus, it fundamentally sucks the tension out of any scene dealing with the Changelings, because the only hanging question is "Will Voice allow this to happen".

If the Changelings are genuinely dodging Voice's senses, however... That creates intrigue, tension, andd fascination. It gives hooks into lore, (Perhaps this isn't the first time Changelings have dealt with Trespassers. After all, it isn't the first time Ponies have...) It gives the Changelings an actual opportunity to shine as antagonists, because they aren't being humored, but are a genuine threat.

It does a lot of things that are good for a narrative, and the alternative, that this is all part of Voice's big plan to secretly steer Sunset into a more interesting story, and that the tension was false...

If Voice was going to do that, they could have just done the same thing to Discord. He had potential to push Sunset to new heights too, if Voice was just going to keep a finger on the scales behind the scenes anyway.

And if Voice wasn't going to do that for Discord, why would they do it for the Changelings, who, as I've explained in no uncertain terms, do the same narrative things that Discord does, and are not somehow "more beatable" than him.
Changelings don't cause less damage, take less to defeat, end fewer stories, taint ongoing plotlines less, or derail the plot less. So why is Voice ignoring them?

Villainous plots do not equal a tainted story, nor are they derailing the plot, discord is kind of lol-random; which honestly I don't think would work to further Sunsets development. Changelings work nice as a villain here because both Sunset and the changelings have emotion sensing powers and because of that I can see them contributing to sunsets character development.

I agree that having Voice fail to spot the changelings is a good explanation for why they don't just magic them away, that Voice has flaws bigger than a slight social flub is I think important to the story, but I trust the author wont use Voice to drain all the tension away. Voice is probably going to make less appearances now or something.
If Discord "just warped reality to win", then why did he lose all four times he tried being evil? (Vs Celestia + Luna, vs Twilight and the rest of the Elements, vs Twilight again, with the Plunder Vines, and against Tirek, who stole his magic in a bout of classic villain treachery)

He's not omnipotent. He's not omniscient. He's not even clever in overwhelming excess, or malicious to the point of coherence. He's just a reality warper of finite power, and that finite power happens to be "pretty big", whose goal is to quite literally mess around with no particular goal in mind.

Not only does Discord fail to meaningfully warp stories as a villain, literally everything he does is functionally undone "by the end of the episode" once he is defeated.
This seems to be the exact problem with him. At that point Discord is just a nuisance that doesn't add anything meaningful to the story. Then why have him?

Regarding Discord's motives, they are pretty much the same as Voice's, only he is more hands-on in obtaining his entertainment. And, from what has been said here about him trying to be a good guy, also not good at storytelling. Would you enjoy a poorly-written story? Probably not. Neither would Voice. And if you want to accuse Voice of hypocrisy, there is always the argument that too many cooks spoil the broth.
My point (and the question) was that harm is harm
purple/yellow morality, friend. voice might care about harm, but might also exclusively define 'harm' as 'damage to the story', so ptsd as it manifests would be mental harm, but whump and hurt/comfort would not, because one inhibits interesting character decisions and the other is an opportunity to explore the characters. that kind of thing. which also means that she would recognize long-term damage to the body as harm, because recovery periods aren't generally super interesting, but shounen superfighting where you break every bone in your body and then heal it by screaming and ascending to super alicorn alicorn mega 90000 is not harm, because it doesn't damage the story.
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People argued that the reason Voice didn't remove the Changelings immediately too was because they didn't "ruin stories" in the same way Discord did.

My entire argument has been that, no, Changelings do all of the same things Discord does, for better or worse, and are defeated in the same ways, from a narrative perspective.

Changelings don't cause less damage, take less to defeat, end fewer stories, taint ongoing plotlines less, or derail the plot less. So why is Voice ignoring them?

I think it would be flavorful if Voice wasn't ignoring them, but was genuinely unaware of them, because their nature and abilities fit the bill for avoiding Voice's notice, in my opinion, and it gives Voice flaws in their strengths, which up until now, they have not had.

It's like you said, Voice is functionally fulfilling the role in the story of a redeemed Discord, and that causes the same narrative problems. Having a fault that isn't part and parcel of them being an Eldritch Abomination, and instead it being a genuine fault in their strong suit, would make the story better, in my opinion. Right now, Voice erases tension. Every time there's any antagonistic element, the question is automatically asked, "Does Voice permit this scenario to have tension?"

Voice fucking up social situations doesn't make them meaningfully fallible, because it isn't a weakness in any way unusual to what they are, and thus, it fundamentally sucks the tension out of any scene dealing with the Changelings, because the only hanging question is "Will Voice allow this to happen".

If the Changelings are genuinely dodging Voice's senses, however... That creates intrigue, tension, andd fascination. It gives hooks into lore, (Perhaps this isn't the first time Changelings have dealt with Trespassers. After all, it isn't the first time Ponies have...) It gives the Changelings an actual opportunity to shine as antagonists, because they aren't being humored, but are a genuine threat.

It does a lot of things that are good for a narrative, and the alternative, that this is all part of Voice's big plan to secretly steer Sunset into a more interesting story, and that the tension was false...

If Voice was going to do that, they could have just done the same thing to Discord. He had potential to push Sunset to new heights too, if Voice was just going to keep a finger on the scales behind the scenes anyway.

And if Voice wasn't going to do that for Discord, why would they do it for the Changelings, who, as I've explained in no uncertain terms, do the same narrative things that Discord does, and are not somehow "more beatable" than him.
At this point I feel the need to remind you that this isn't your story and Alivaril is free to write what they want and are clearly not interested. If you want some climatic Voice vs Discord battle then maybe you can write or commission an omake. If you want Voice to quietly genocide the changelings or something then that would likely violate SV rules.

There are pretty obvious differences between a Discord and Changeling plotline that have already been pointed out. It is perfectly fine for Voice (and the author) to prefer one and not the other. You may disagree but again this isn't your story.

Voice is not the main character. Sunset is. Tension exists because Voice is not willing to solve Sunset's problems for her outside of very limited scenarios. Their help comes at a price.

It is one thing to speculate on future events and it is another thing to insist a story go in a particular direction.

I don't think you have really thought your idea through. Even if Voice can't detect the difference between changelings and ponies with esoteric history senses the changelings still can't beat up or kidnap Voice.
Discord is kind of lol-random; which honestly I don't think would work to further Sunsets development. Changelings work nice as a villain here because both Sunset and the changelings have emotion sensing powers and because of that I can see them contributing to sunsets character development.

Sunset is struggling to keep everything within a mental framework under which the world makes sense to her. Discord is anathema to her need for practicality. Anathema to her need for things to make sense. His style of corruption could foil her quite nicely. Saying he offers nothing is unfair, when what he brings to the table is chaos and disharmony between ponies. Sunset until very very recently has struggled to believe that everyone around her is dishonest, disloyal, overly-sensitive, cruel, and greedy.

Which, as we've seen, Discord is more than capable of demonstrating what the world might look like if the people she were doubting really were like that, whether by illusion or corruption.

I don't even strictly think Discord has a place in this story, aside from my hypothetical here, I'm just arguing that it's inconsistent if Voice doesn't regard the threat of Changelings in the same way.

It's inconsistent. Nothing more, nothing less. How that inconsistency is resolved, I have much less of a stake in. I just think it is one, and should be resolved in one manner or another.

I agree that having Voice fail to spot the changelings is a good explanation for why they don't just magic them away, that Voice has flaws bigger than a slight social flub is I think important to the story, but I trust the author wont use Voice to drain all the tension away. Voice is probably going to make less appearances now or something.

I do think that would be a bit sad. Voice is a fun character. They just aren't imperfect yet. Their faults so far aren't flaws, they're Working-As-Designed for a friendly cthulu. Seeing more to ground them as a character would be nice. I don't think there needs to be less of them for that to happen, in my opinion at least.

At this point I feel the need to remind you that this isn't your story and Alivaril is free to write what they want and are clearly not interested.

I am critiquing the work and suggesting things, and not even rudely so. The author is free to request a lack of criticism, and I'll gladly oblige. I am free to give it until that point. I'm not ripping the story out of their hands with my posts, nor am I offering personal attacks on them.