Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
So the amulet not working... I presumed that the mystery pony(changeling) stole the real one and replaced it with a fake.
It was filled with love, and changelings just drained it. It only had several enchanting sessions worth of love inside, so should not have been very hard to do (plus I wouldn't be surprised if the general dishonesty of Canterlot did caused some drain as well).
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only had several enchanting sessions worth of love inside,
As far as Sunset is aware, it was "just" one or two; Celestia worked on charging additional runes on a separate fragment rather than improving the placeholder after first merging the Honesty fragment into Sunset's pendant.
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tirek's not racist? He is an equal-opportunity genocidal maniac! how dare you slander his good name!
To be fair, they didn't say Tirek was racist. They said Tirek was the king of the racists, which simply means he rules over them.

Which is completely unobjectionable, because of course the great Lord Tirek should rule over everyone, racists inclu-
He's a centaur supremacist and you know it.
uhh nevermind cancel lord tirek
This is Celestia, Sunset said her presence was helping her heal. That should be the love aura. Besides, if Chrysalis replaced Celestia her love aura being replaced by hatred and contempt would IMMEDIATELY tip off Sunset that SOMETHING was very wrong... Though she'd probably misinterpret it.

Wait till the next chapter is gon b rough during this arc.
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Okay, so there's no concrete absolute proof that it's actually Chrysalis, but there are way too many things that line up far too conveniently if Chrysalis replaced Celestia. And there's nothing that happens in relation to Celestia this chapter that would stop making sense if it was actually Chrysalis.


"Celestia" led the Heartsong, and it was dark and ominous. She was also playing the part of Principal Cinch in the equivalent canon song, and in that canon song Principal Cinch was trying to manipulate Twilight.

2: "Celestia" was surprised and alarmed at the Heartsong starting, though Sunset dismissed it. I'm pretty sure "Celestia" was afraid it'd wind up clueing Sunset in.

Counterpoint: The heartsong was a separate duet, and was dark and ominous. Maybe Celestia was alarmed at, you know, the ominous tones of the heartsong?

3: Sunset is extremely love drained, and I think Celestia is the only one who could've been replaced to drain her that quickly and that severely.

It was clearly the maid? The maid's eyes flashed green and the scene cuts to Sunset being super drained.

Sunset's Honesty pendant going inert is a massive red flag there's something extremely wrong. I don't buy the excuse that Celestia simply overlooked the "possibility" that it would go inert because of Canterlot just being too dishonest a place, and for that matter, I don't buy that that "possibility" was even possible. And I think that the real Celestia would've cued in that it went inert because of something more dangerous and alarming, rather than rolling with Sunset's theory that it went inert because of Canterlot being what it is.

Counterpoint: Sunset was very clearly drained by the maid who could also have drained the pendant.

6: In casual conversation, there are a lot of topics that could've come up that would've concretely proven it wasn't Chrysalis - but"Celestia" never says anything that Chrysalis couldn't have put together from her absurdly extensive infiltration plot or improvised on the spot by taking context clues from Sunset. She never mentions Voice, for example.

Was Chrysalis present for Luna's attempt to overthrow Celestia? Does she know Celestia still loves Luna? Because that bit seems like pretty clear concrete proof that she's still Celestia.
Unless the replaced!Celestia theory is correct, I think this is mostly another failure on the changeling's part? It seems like the plan was to trigger a blow-up ("unleash the magic") by Sunset during the adoption, either derailing it or hurting Celestia -- similar to the plan with enabling Sunset studying the dark magic that lead to this story's beginning.

Specifically it failed because of Sunset's general personal growth during the story, that lead to her not having an angry breakdown while she was love-drained. (Which she totally would have before.) Then that lead to (a) her finally getting that breakthrough about Celestia loving her, and (b) Celestia now being aware that something was happening to have drained Sunset in the first place...
Yyyeah, for someone who doesn't want "the story to revolve around this villain", Voice sure seems fine with the OTHER villains who make the entire story revolve around them temporarily, as far as we've seen.

Maybe Voice literally can't tell they're changelings? "Oh, this ant is a slightly different color from this other ant" could be an issue for a near-omnipotent eldritch abomination.
Discord would have twisted the narrative until there is no narrative, only Discord (in Voice's estimation, and despite canon evidence to the eventual contrary). The Changelings are villains, yes - they are antagonists to Sunset's protagonist, and their presence alters the story rather than supplanting it. Their actions today proved the catalyst for both their eventual downfall - Celestia is now suspicious - and for Sunset to begin healing by *finally* internalizing that yes, Celestia does honestly love her.
"I'm not sure that an 'Honesty' pendant was the best choice for Canterlot, City of Insincerity," I noted. "I think the respect concealing resentment from passing ponies might have drained it; it's inert now."

Celestia's quill paused for a moment, the room seeming to grow unpleasantly hot for a moment. The moment passed when I started to shift away from her, and Celestia went back to comfortable warmth rather than enraged heat.
And there is the moment where Celestia took several possible answers and narrowed it down to one. I imagine she is now going to start shaking the rust off of her skills.
Something tells me that not even ash will remain of Chrysalis when Celestia is done with her once everything comes to a head.

Especially since the changelings have been manipulating Sunset into erupting.

Also, the knowledge that it would be almost impossible for Celestia to stop loving Sunset is a very nice clue by four.
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Unless the replaced!Celestia theory is correct, I think this is mostly another failure on the changeling's part? It seems like the plan was to trigger a blow-up ("unleash the magic") by Sunset during the adoption, either derailing it or hurting Celestia -- similar to the plan with enabling Sunset studying the dark magic that lead to this story's beginning.

Specifically it failed because of Sunset's general personal growth during the story, that lead to her not having an angry breakdown while she was love-drained. (Which she totally would have before.) Then that lead to (a) her finally getting that breakthrough about Celestia loving her, and (b) Celestia now being aware that something was happening to have drained Sunset in the first place...

Yeah I don't think Celestia was replaced here, but the chapters written in a way that really makes that a possibility.

That said I think the changelings plan was to literally cause Sunset to blow up in front of Celestia.
So a question that comes to me is, how long have the channelings been trying to fuck with Sunset?
Because if they have infiltrated to palace staff, they woul have a prime opportunity to mess with Celestia's personal student.
So a question that comes to me is, how long have the channelings been trying to fuck with Sunset?
Because if they have infiltrated to palace staff, they woul have a prime opportunity to mess with Celestia's personal student.
Chapter 30 has a section from one of the changelings. They've been priming her to go after Cadence. So probably a good while, and it makes a mention of a plan years in the making.
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I think the original plan was for Sunset to use what ever she found from the book in a scene similar to this targeting Cadance which would cause Celestia to interfere and then make use of the fallout for maybe swap Cadance.
Wonder where voice went.
Either Voice is apathetic to the harm being done (it remains a possibility and Voice has demonstrated a level of care so far that cannot be verified more than surface level: Voice is still an outsider. A human and a pony have more in common mentally than an Outsider does with either).
Or, Voice is giving the infiltrators just enough rope to hang themselves while she helps point S.M.I.L.E.S. in the correct direction.
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Either Voice is apathetic to the harm being done (it remains a possibility and Voice has demonstrated a level of care so far that cannot be verified more than surface level: Voice is still an outsider. A human and a pony have more in common mentally than an Outsider does with either).
Or, Voice is giving the infiltrators just enough rope to hang themselves while she helps point M.A.R.E.S. in the correct direction.
or she took a peek into the future and, seeing that it doesn't cause sunset's death, decided to let the story play out, as was the intent of their deal.
or she took a peek into the future and, seeing that it doesn't cause sunset's death, decided to let the story play out, as was the intent of their deal.
That's the same as the first part of my statement. My point (and the question) was that harm is harm and wondering whether Voice cares about helping the suffering or not. We already know that Voice cares about the story. The only distinction that matters to the deal is life or death... which is why I didn't state it, because said distinction has already been all but spelled out.
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