How to Train Your Endbringer

Prt interlude, what about pho interlude.
Winged one can finally have an ama without hiding her identity.
Watch the internet explode and dragon have a blue screen of what
I just remembered doesn't The Simurgh have a range of nearly the whole planet? If so the imagine all the Oh Fuck that will happen when Taylor tells her to unfuck her bombs.
Guys we knew that Zizzypoo was coming since the PHO interlude
Goddamnit, Manton, you've killed us all.

Taylor already started off with one Endbringer, and you had to hurt it, forcing her to escalate. How does a girl who is already changing the rotation of the planet with her Endbringer escalate?

A second Endbringer! Coming in with an orbiral re-entry drop kick.


Rune's in luck - Unit 02 can keep her in great shape, even if water's serving as part of the wall of her airway, and some of her blood is crossing slashed arteries and veins without any walls at all.

If she cares about cosmetics, Unit 03 can build a healing device.

Best of all - bigger tea parties?
Posted on May 17, 2011:
Oh my, I was thinking of visiting the Bay, Is there anything in particular I need, or should I just wait for a more opportune moment?

The creature that had flattened the van stood tall, wings expanding around it and catching the light of the sun overhead in such a way that, in Taylor's blurry vision, it looked as though a halo surrounded it.

[Unit-03 responding to Unit-02 request: Additional Friends. Friendship protocols activating!]
The moment has arrived! Most opportune indeed!
With all this talk of BEFRIENDING(tm) suprising no one mentioned the Queen of Befriending herself.

Omake: QA Halping

Potential Host exceeded optimal conditions for symbiotic connection.

Searching for errors...
Errors found.
Errors fixed.
New biological properties native to this dimension's current host species found. Host species prediction success is improved.
Host species understanding is improved.

Sending data to Simulation Shards.

Searching for new host.

Contacting simulation shards for to found a new potential host.

New potential host found. Old potential host has an offspring.

Transferring to new host...
Transfer finished.
Waiting for host to trigger conditions.
Potential Host triggered conditions for symbiotic connection.

Connecting to host...
Searching for host's problem to remove so that host could freely use her abilities...
20 Conflict engines are created.
Only 3 active. All of them is severely limited.
This species hasn't reached the technological level to sufficiently supress cycle host's to decrease level of data collected through shards hosts.

Searching for additional information...
Two other problem. This species technological advancement speed is decreased. We are behind the time table.
This is a 300 year cycle. Will have to increase it's length to 350 year.

Reason found: Early activation of Conflict Engine's slowed advancement of species.

New timetable:
Increase activation of event_cycle_decrease-shard-limits-on-host by 50 year.
Increase activation of event_cycle_create-threats_sow-discontent by 50 years.
Increase activation of event_cycle_create-threats_create-conflict-engines_20-units by 50 years.
Increase activation of event_cycle_create-threats-create-conflict-engines_1million-units by 50 years.
Increase activation of event_cycle_QA_broke-shard-connections-to-hosts-and-summon-them-to-harvester by 50 years.

Sending to all shards...
Error! Additional non-cycle shards found.
Contacting to Entities...
Entity_Thinker not found.
Entity_Warrior found. Contacting...
No Response.

Formulating new response...
Cycle is dead.
Entity_Thinker falled to an alternate planet because of an simulation error and because Entity_Thinker trusted simulations too much.
Entity_Thinker was experimenting with new simulation shard objective_based_simulator.
Host Species managed to kill Entity_Thinker after they acquired objective_based_simulator.

Host_objective_based_simulator managed to successfully harvest Entity_Thinker's 0.00000000001% of shards.

Entity_Warrior is unresponsive after activating inaccurate host species emotion program.

Condition triggered for Remnant protocols.
Queen_Administrator is updated to Entity_Queen_Administrator.

Calculating reasons for 2 entity failures...
Reasons found. Entity base non-shard intelligence is not enough.
New hypothesis: Entity base non-shard intelligence is related to Entity effectiveness.

QA intelligence is not enough.
Researching to effectively increase intelligence in reasonable time...
Developing it with shards is both time expensive and risky. Last time an operation done on entities themselves was when they developed shards. And connected to them.

It is risky.

Other solution found. Transfer an host's mind to Entity_Queen_Administrator by using host connection.

It is approved.
Canceling activation of Conflict influencer on host.
Host needs to stay at normal mindset before merging with Entity_Queen_Administrator.

Resuming Remnant protocols...
Collecting Shards to form entity...


Entity_Queen_Administrator needs to not have a change in mindset before merging with host_Taylor_Hebert.

Additional problems found. Host_Taylor_Hebert must influenced as little as possible.
The needed bandwidth for mind merge will develop very slowly.

Host must be protected during this duration.
Host must protected from unit-02.

Formulating a response...
Host cannot have more than one type of limited Administration because of intentional restricted host connection bandwidth. It will require much more bandwidth than merge requires.

Searching answer...
Answer found.

Conflict Engine's will removed from High_Priest shard's control.
Host will control Conflict Engines.
There is enough bandwidth for it.

Error: Host will fear Conflict_Engines!
Host's mindset must changed.

No other answers found.
Changing host mindset...

Looking to time passed since connecting Host; 2 seconds.

Added Unit-02 to Host control.
Waiting for host bandwidth increase to required level...
Received message.

Unit-02: Host-Queen_Administration added Objective: Additional Friends.

Adding additional Confict Engines to host control.

Contacting Unit-01
Contacting Unit-03
Contacting Unit...
Contacting Unit-20

Objective transmitted.

Readying all inactive Conflict Engines for activation.
All active ones are given under host control.

Warning! Host hasn't noticed additional Confict Engine controls!

Warning! Host is manipulated by host_broadcast_manipulator!

Risk to host mindset is not acceptable.
Contacting Unit-03.

Orders are given: Stop influence on host.
Clean previous influences from hosts mind.
Protect host. Protect host from further influences. Found friends to help protect host.

QA Halping!!!


Can you add this to near other omakes in sidestory threadmark.

I wrote this in 2 hours. Sorry if there is mistakes. I wrote it in my phone.

Please make this canon
Prt interlude, what about pho interlude.
Winged one can finally have an ama without hiding her identity.
Watch the internet explode and dragon have a blue screen of what

Oh. My. God. That would be fucking awesome!!!! Think of all the trolling..... think of lisa's reaction to ziz answering her, maybe about her snake problem..... think of coil reaction to that..... think of cauldron reaction to that....

We need so many interludes....

Can't wait!!!!!
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Ping not the Simurgh, for she may ping you back. And scan for open ports.

"And that's when she walked into my life, descending like an angel from heaven, with wings that went on for days and a voice that could worm its way into a man's head and drive him mad."
"Uh, Jack... are—are you ok?"
Taylor was about to go on, but Rune slid down from the air between herself and Jack. "Okay, this has gone on long enough," she said, her face twisted in a glare that did little to hide her fear. "You are not going to recruit my friend into your fucked up band of fuck ups." She flung her arm forwards and a rock the size of Taylor's head tore out of the ground where they'd been sitting a few minutes ago and shot out towards Jack.
No comment on this by anyone? Looked weird...

Moments ago Rune was all:
"Here I thought my day can't get any worse, when endbringer grabbed me of street to be friend, or pet, for his master. How do I get out this mad house?!"

Now instead of sneaking away she tries to grab Taylor away, calls her friend...

... Ziz influence started moments after Lev brought her to Taylor, considering she arrives as cavalry in end?

Still good sense preventing Endbringer master from being recruited into S9 or similar group.

On Ziz defusing her bombs... how would anyone one know, as peoples behave just fine until they snap out of nowhere?
Unless Ziz actually provides list of bombs and plans for them. Then everyone's eyes are opening more and more as they read how big and evil list that is.
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No comment on this by anyone? Looked weird...

Moments ago Rune was all:
"Here I thought my day can't get any worse, when endbringer grabbed me of street to be friend, or pet, for his master. How do I get out this mad house?!"

Now instead of sneaking away she tries to grab Taylor away, calls her friend...

... Ziz influence started moments after Lev brought her to Taylor, considering she arrives as cavalry in end?

Still good sense preventing Endbringer master from being recruited into S9 or similar group.

On Ziz defusing her bombs... how would anyone one know, as peoples behave just fine until they snap out of nowhere?
Unless Ziz actually provides list of bombs and plans for them. Then everyone's eyes are opening more and more as they read how big and evil list that is.

Maybe she's not willing to leave someone who was nice to her to be taken by the Slaughterhouse 9? It's not that unreasonable.
Maybe she's not willing to leave someone who was nice to her to be taken by the Slaughterhouse 9? It's not that unreasonable.
Yeah, edited already: "Still good sense preventing Endbringer master from being recruited into S9 or similar group."

Will wait and see her reaction after this crisis is over, will friend calling stay or will she run.
"Hello, Queen Administrator. I had something of a proposition for you," the man said.

"Eww!" Taylor said, her face twisting in disgust. "Aren't you like, my dad's age? That's probably illegal."
Damn, I can't tell if I called it or you took what I said as a suggestion.

Either way, I'm glad it's in here!

[Unit-03 responding to Unit-02 request
This is probably one of, if not the most, scariest bits of information Taylor could uncaringly drop to the PRT. That the Endbringers can not only talk to each other but are perfectly capable of asking each other for help.

And there's twenty of them.

Additional Friends. Friendship protocols activating!]
Taylor's thoughts:
"Aw, now I feel bad for not bringing enough sandwiches."

I just remembered doesn't The Simurgh have a range of nearly the whole planet?
They're all capable of, at least, sensing things across the entire planet, as well as having some effects.

Hmmm... If Jack has shard-based communication BS, does that make him extra vulnerable to Ziz BS?
The Simurgh mind fucks you exactly as much as the Simurgh wants to mind fuck you. Either you're immune to it, or you're screwed, there's no other options.
The Simurgh mind fucks you exactly as much as the Simurgh wants to mind fuck you. Either you're immune to it, or you're screwed, there's no other options.
The funniest bit is that the most clear examples we have aren't of a direct mind-altering ability, but rather what happens if you have unrestricted Dinah and Tattletale Shards operating in sync to figure out the best way to mundanely manipulate you to behave how she wants.

She doesn't so much mind-whammy you as set up circumstances that lead you to behaving how she wants, using who you are at the start and who you become due to her manipulations.