As little as I care about Grail War paranoia, Kars probably doesn't want his daughter anywhere near it.

Though if Homu was more charismatic she might be able to convince him to take part... Kars can kill Servants: Discuss.
Well, we could tell Kars about it. Then try to sell it as a way for Madoka to toughen up. Or just tell Kars how a Servant almost killed her daughter then see him decide to end the Grail War permanently.

But we would have to get rid of our servant first.
Though if Homu was more charismatic she might be able to convince him to take part... Kars can kill Servants: Discuss.

judging by her stats, madoka is about equal to a low end servant despite having no actual combat training or experience. Kars is both stronger than her and has honed his combat skills well past human limitations. I'd rate kars somewhere above average in sheer combat power, but with near unlimited endurance since getting tired or running out of prana is for lesser lifeforms.

question about the Nasuverse lore, every time I've seen it brought up the main reaction is dismay because it's almost impossible to make heads or tails of. would I be right in thinking the nasuverse is a failed attempt at a Brandon Sanderson* style hyper consistent cosmology? Instead of a unified and perfectly internally consistent set of rules they ended up with a mess of "exceptions" and "it actually works like this!" to the point that the rules might as well be completely arbitrary?

*Warning tv tropes link.
question about the Nasuverse lore, every time it's brought up the main reaction is dismay because it's almost impossible to make heads or tails of. would I be right in thinking the nasuverse is a failed attempt at a Brandon Sanderson* style hyper consistent cosmology? Instead of a unified and perfectly internally consistent set of rules they ended up with a mess of "exceptions" and "it actually works like this!" to the point that the rules might as well be completely arbitrary?
Yes and no... (though I don't know why your using 'cosmology for the circumstance; seems out of place versus other more appropriate words).

Yes in that there do end up being lots of variants and things that clash—though I'd argue that for Nasu that Brandon's "First Law" literally does he opposite and that the more information we have the less clear things work, which is also made more difficult by both the heavy amounts of translation required since half of the materials won't be gracing our shores and how divorced the different chunks of the Nasu-verse really are.

No in that there are some systems in place that are decently consistent across most mediums of the Nasuverse, but that's still a problem in of itself.

Really, the main issue is that Brandon Sanderson is too high of a bar to set for Nasu :V
Hey guys, what did I miss...


No one likes it and it's not being fun any more.

I promote discussion, but only if everyone enjoys it.
judging by her stats, madoka is about equal to a low end servant despite having no actual combat training or experience. Kars is both stronger than her and has honed his combat skills well past human limitations. I'd rate kars somewhere above average in sheer combat power, but with near unlimited endurance since getting tired or running out of prana is for lesser lifeforms.

question about the Nasuverse lore, every time I've seen it brought up the main reaction is dismay because it's almost impossible to make heads or tails of. would I be right in thinking the nasuverse is a failed attempt at a Brandon Sanderson* style hyper consistent cosmology? Instead of a unified and perfectly internally consistent set of rules they ended up with a mess of "exceptions" and "it actually works like this!" to the point that the rules might as well be completely arbitrary?

*Warning tv tropes link.
Quite the opposite. Nasu himself admits to writing on what makes a cool story first, and leave the making sense to later, as long as it's mostly consistent within a given story. Hence the power creep and such.

Sanderson prefers to create a consistent engine to run on, but which produce highly complex and abusable interactions, though even he makes mistakes at times. He's the kind of person who develops a complex rules engine then endeavors to find system exploits.
Hey guys, what did I miss...


No one likes it and it's not being fun any more.

I promote discussion, but only if everyone enjoys it.

Arguing fate mechanics leads to nothing but madness and that cold hollow feeling you get when you realize your never going to get those hours of your life back.
Yes and no... (though I don't know why your using 'cosmology for the circumstance; seems out of place versus other more appropriate words).

I'm not really sure what fits other than cosmology to use for a complete set of rules for a fictional world. Maybe metaphysics?

Quite the opposite. Nasu himself admits to writing on what makes a cool story first, and leave the making sense to later, as long as it's mostly consistent within a given story. Hence the power creep and such.

so Nasuverse has just enough structure that it looks like it makes sense, but doesn't actually bother with that kind of consistency between different works? In other words, just enough structure to spark serious arguments, but not enough to actually make them winnable.
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Vote closed, tallying now:
##### 3.21
[X] Bad End Dojo Introduction
No. of votes: 3

[x] Greatest Cool!
No. of votes: 7

[X] Recap, with Homucifer
No. of votes: 6

[x] Another day, another witch
No. of votes: 1

[x] My body hurts
No. of votes: 3

Woah, looks like Homucifer vote almost won.
COOL!!!!! - 59
[x] Greatest Cool!

It was a fairly normal day for Ryuunosuke. The women were screaming, the children were crying, and a guy was choking his baby while repeatedly saying sorry over and over again.
Even when an evil wizard that he summoned somehow was putting on mind blowing (sometimes literally) performances that he could only dream of, he still considered it as another normal (at least, for his definition of normal) day of his life.

"Caster, my man! I'm back, and I got some nice little children for us to play with~!" he called out.

"Ryuunosuke! Welcome back, I have been excited to for your return!" Caster responded.

"Me too buddy, me too. Oh, by the way, can people resist hypnosis bracelets?" he asked.

"If they have mental protection," Caster answered. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, you see, one of the kids here seems to be resisting it," Ryuunosuke said, pointing at a young girl with dark skin and light lavender hair.
Her eyes were blank, like the rest of the children, yet she seemed like she was struggling to get out of some invisible bond.

"Hmmm... Strange... I was sure I had made it perfectly, without any defects. I'll want to examine her, if don't you mind."

"Not at all, go ahead," Ryuunosuke answered, waving a hand casually.

The man called Caster circled the girl, before leaning in to examine her more closely. "Hmmm, she seems to have an unnaturally high amount of magic circuits, though they seem to be unwoken at the moment," he mused to himself.

"So, any chance of her getting out or something?" Ryuunosuke asked.

He was answered by the girl finally breaking out of her trance, before proceeding to punch Caster in one of his bulbous eyes and sprint away as the pale man reeled back.

"Woah! Caster, buddy, you okay?" Ryuunosuke called, running to his friend's side.

"I'm fine, I'm used to having my eyes poked," he answered.

"Man, that girl must be really strange to break out of that trance huh?" Ryuunosukesaid, before an idea hit him. His smile widened into a gleeful grin. "Say, Caster, have you ever tried sports hunting before?"

"Hunting games? I have, but why bring up such a topic?" Caster asked in confusion, before it hit him. "Oh! I get it! Ryuunosuke, your ideas never cease to amaze me!"

"Oh stop it, you're making blush!" Ryuunosuke responded.

"Nonsense! Genius should be given credit when credit is due!" Caster cried. "Now, don't we have a rabbit to hunt?"

"You read my mind, buddy," Ryuunosuke said, giving him a big smile.


After some time searching for the girl, Caster suddenly stopped and lifted a hand to his Master, signaling to stop. "Shh, quiet, Ryuunosuke. I sense the prey nearby, we have to be quiet or else it shall scurry off. Stealth is the most important element," Caster whispered.

Ryuunosuke gave an understanding nod. "Keen senses you have there," he commented.

"I thank you for your flattery, my beloved Master," Bluebeard said. "Now, follow me."

They both quietly moved forward, peeking around a corner to spy the escaped girl, panicking as she observed to grotesque scenery around her.
They both moved to creep up behind her, careful not to make any sudden movements, until Ryuunosuke accidentally stepped on a rib bone from a nearby baby corpse, the snap it made echoing loudly. "Oops."

The girl, now aware of their presence, ran off further into the deep reaches of the sewers. "After her!" cried Caster as they gave chase.

They ran and ran until the girl tripped on a femur and fell near a familiar summoning circle. Not bothering to try and stand, she frantically scrambled on all fours away from the two perfectly okay people chasing her.

"Hey, Caster, remember when I summoned you from that circle?" Ryuunosuke asked, with a hint of nostalgia.

"Yes, I remember the day I first met you. It feels like it was just yesterday."

"I know that feeling too buddy, best day of our lives.... Although, it really was just yesterday when we met," he said.

"Really?" Caster said, before examining his work around him. "In that case, I am pleasantly surprised that we have already managed to achieve this much in so little time."

"Well, time flies when you're having fun right?" Ryuunosuke said.

"THIS ISN'T FUN! THIS IS HORRIBLE!" the young girl screamed.

Ryuunosuke simply sighed in response. "Why is it that everyone reacts that way to our work, even though we put so much effort into it?" he asked rhetorically, before another idea struck him. "Hey, Caster, why don't we educate her and show her around? It'd be a waste if no one but us gets to observe our art."

"Br-r-rilliant Ryuunosuke! Such wonderful idea!" Bluebeard cried. "I grieve the fact that I had no such person in my time, we could have achieved so much. But! That does not matter! What matters is the now! The present! We shall spread blasphemy to world! When I'm with you, I feel that nothing in this world stop me- No, stop US! NOTHING CAN STOP US! NOT EVEN THE UNCARING GOD IN THE HEAVENS CAN STOP US!"

"Seriously, stop making me blush. Now, let's go show her around shall we?" Ryuunosuke said, prompting them both to turn their attentions back to the young girl.

"N-N-NO, STAY BACK!" she shouted in terror as she crawled on her back away from them. "SOMEONE! ANYONE! PLEASE SAVE ME!"

Just then, as if answering her pleas, the circle behind her began to shine with a bright light. Three red markings burned themselves onto her right hand as she clutched it in pain.
The circle released a final great pulse of powers, enough to kick up a wind even in the closed-off sewers, before fading back to a dull glow.
Standing in the middle of the circle was a tall man with light hair, worn so it spiked backwards, clad in shining golden armor with a scarlet cloth at his waist.

He looked down at the child in front of him as she stared back at him with awe and confusion.

"Hmph, summoned by a child," he said, before taking in his surroundings. When his gaze settled on Caster and Ryuunosuke, his expression hardened. "So, I presume that this your work then?"

"Yeah, isn't it cool?" Ryuunosuke responded enthusiastically.

Archer responded by firing dagger into his shoulder at the speed of a bullet.

Ryuunosuke stumbled back a step, and looked down at himself. "Hey, Caster. It seems there's a dagger in my shoulder. He must not like me then," Ryuunosuke said.

"Yes, it would seem so, my Master," Caster agreed.

If Archer was unnerved by the casualness of the situation, he didn't let it show. Instead, he turned his attention to the young girl. "Little girl, what's your name?" he asked.

She stared at him for a little before speaking up. "Kuro Fujimura."

"I am Archer, and I asked of you, are my Summoner?"

"Uhh, Y-yes?" she answered.

"Then the contract is fulfilled," he said, before looking back at the other two. "You, Master of Caster. You will not leave this place alive."

"Oh? You intend to harm my Master, Archer? Well, you are most unfortunate, as I have the advantage!" Caster shouted, withdrawing a book from his robes and flipping it open, mana pouring forth from the tome. The nearby corpses warped and burst as wild tentacle beasts erupted from them to surround Archer. "DESPAIR, ARCHER, AS YOU AND YOUR MASTER DIE BECAUSE OF YOUR OWN FOOLISHNESS!!!"

"You're scum."

With a flash of golden light, dozens of blades, of myriad shapes and sizes appeared, before launching forward, shredding the beasts that surrounded Archer as if they were no more than paper. Caster and his Master stared at him.

"Bro, did he just annihilate your totally cool tentacle monsters?" Ryuunosuke asked.

"It would appear that we are at a disadvantage... RYUUNOSUKE! GRAB ONTO MY HAND!" Caster cried as he held up his book, summoning more beasts to distract Archer.

"WHAT ARE WE DOING?" Ryuunosuke shouted, latching on to his companion's arm.

"ESCAPING!" Caster responded, preparing a very mana consuming teleportation spell.

"Not so fast!" Archer said, throwing his hand forward as he launched an impossibly large blade toward Caster at the speed of sound.

The blade was mere millimeters away from Caster's face before he and his Master vanished.


A flash of negative light appeared within a darkened building, disappearing to reveal two figures, hugging each-other desperately.
After a few seconds of not dying painfully, one cracked open an eye, before leaping up and shaking his friend. "Caster, man! You did it buddy! We're alive!" He shouted.

"Oh Ryuunosuke! It is a relief to see you well too," Caster said. "Or, well, mostly well," he amended, spotting the dagger still buried in Ryuunosuke's shoulder.

Ryuunosuke hissed in pain, having discovered the hard way that knives through the shoulder do not lend themselves well to shaking other people vigorously. "So," he grunted, "where are we?"

"A safe house I prepared near the outskirts of the city. I thought it would pay to be prepared, and I was right!"

"So we can go show that Archer guy who's boss, right?" Ryuunosuke asked.

"No, I'm afraid that teleport used the majority of my available mana. It will take me a while to recover. Besides, I shall require time to craft something suitably... impressive, to deal with Archer. We may have to lay low until it is complete."

"Aww." Ryuunosuke made a disappointed noise.

"Tut tut, don't be like that, you can help me work! Now then, come here and let me see to that dagger. We can begin as soon as the bleeding's stopped!"


Choose 1 (Two left)

[] Skip Interlude

[] The first battle

[] Another day, another witch

[] My body hurts

[] Servant dream

[] Bad End Dojo Introduction

[] Recap, with Homucifer
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I know they're horrible and all but they're just so bro and I can't help but be amused by it.

[x] Another day, another witch
[x] Recap, with Homucifer
So this world's Kuro is probably a human then, and summoned Gilgamesh.
Who preceded to wreck Casters shit. I approve in every way possible.
But also, Gil is now involved in this war. Which is going to have huge consequences, as he can actually get something out of the corrupted grail.
Let's try to avoid fighting him, but I really hope that Caster being an evil idiot will get everyone jumping on him like in Zero. Cause that fight was awesome.
[X] My body hurts

Random Kyubey an Einzbern?
White hair, red eyes, mass produced bodies, soul extraction magic....
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