NewER skill system
NewEr skill ranking system:

The ranks are measured by number 1 to 200. Higher the better.

X is non existent and Ex means that it's unmeasurable.

A normal average person is 30 with 100 within Human grasp.

Anything above 100 is inhuman.

By fate standards 100 would be C.

B would be 130 and A 150. Furthermore, A+ = 160, A++ = 175, A+++ 200.


Strength: Measure of one's physical prowess.

Agility: Measure of one's speed, reflex and nimbleness.

Endurance: Measure of Health and stamina.

Intellect: Measure of one's quick wit and ability to process information.

Mana: Measure of one's ability to use and manipulate magic.

Precision: Measure of one's control over their own body.

Luck: Ability to defy fate and other obvious applications.

Mastery: Measure of skill in certain categories.

Range: The maximum reach.
Example: 20 meters or 60 meters.


Category: Examples include Stands, human, vampire, or servants.

Type: Examples include executioner, hunter, spirit, or object.

Skills: Self explanatory

This better?
NewEr skill ranking system:

The ranks are measured by number 1 to 200. Higher the better.

X is non existent and Ex means that it's unmeasurable.

A normal average person is 30 with 100 within Human grasp.

Anything above 100 is inhuman.

By fate standards 100 would be C.

B would be 130 and A 150. Furthermore, A+ = 160, A++ = 175, A+++ 200.


Strength: Measure of one's physical prowess.

Agility: Measure of one's speed, reflex and nimbleness.

Endurance: Measure of Health and stamina.

Intellect: Measure of one's quick wit and ability to process information.

Mana: Measure of one's ability to use and manipulate magic.

Precision: Measure of one's control over their own body.

Luck: Ability to defy fate and other obvious applications.

Mastery: Measure of skill in certain categories.

Range: The maximum reach.
Example: 20 meters or 60 meters.


Category: Examples include Stands, human, vampire, or servants.

Type: Examples include executioner, hunter, spirit, or object.

Skills: Self explanatory

This better?
A problem every 10 minutes - 54
[X] Ask if you can talk to Madoka, and then ask her just what the hell is up with Sayaka.
-[X] After she tells you about the whole necronomicon/possession thing Sayaka has going on, (that we shouldn't have any clue about IC) make arrangements for someone from the Church to exorcise her.

"Can you call down Madoka for me? I need to talk to her a bit about Sayaka," you said.

"Sure," she said, and stepped out.

10 or so minutes later, Madoka came in through the door. "Hi, Homura..." she said, with a worried expression on her face. "I guess you want to know about Sayaka...?"

"As much information as possible. Including exactly why she attacked me and the current state of her condition," you said.

"I thought as much," Madoka said, sighing. "Well, after arguing with Oriko for several hours, I went and talked to Sayaka for a bit. She attacked you because she thought that you were an evil cyborg sent from the future to kill us all."

"What the fuck?" you said to yourself. "How did she come into that conclusion?"

"She kinda had some suspicions about you when you first came to school," she said.

"But nothing I did really leads to the assumption of evil cyborgs," you pointed out.

"Well... she didn't exactly get to that conclusion on her own..." Madoka said.

"What do you mean?" you asked.

"Well, it turns out that someone came by and told Sayaka some... things... about you..." she said.

"Who?" you said in a low voice.

"Sayaka didn't get her name but she said that she was young, small, in a dark coat, and was missing an arm," she said

"Wait, that sounds familiar... Damnit, they're trying to kill me indirectly now," you said. "Also, is Sayaka stupid? Because she just listened to someone that would look suspicious and didn't question it at all."

"She's smart, it's just that intellect doesn't translate into common sense," Madoka said, sighing.

You hummed noncommittally. "Anything else I should know about?"

"She kinda has a creepy evil voice in the back of her head constantly telling her to do bad things like 'slaughter all the demon bitches' and 'purge the pathetic-scum from this world', so that might have affected her judgement a bit too," she answered, making air quotes where appropriate.

You blinked for a bit. "What? How? Is that normal for her?" you asked.

Madoka nodded slightly. "It's been there since before I met her. She said she got it from something called a Necronomicon," she answered.

You stiffened at the name. That was bad, that was very bad. The Church was supposed to have tracked down and destroyed every copy of that thing 20 years ago. "Madoka, please go get Oriko and ask her to get me a phone. I need to call my older sister."

Meanwhile, in the lobby

An attractive young man with wavy indigo hair walked through the entrance. He paused, looking about, before going up to the counter and asking for some directions. He thanked the women at the counter, before turning and walking away, farther into the building.

Reaching into a pocket, he removed a compass. He flipped it open and frowned, before making a slight detour and approaching a young girl with blue hair.

"Hello there," He said with a winning smile.

"What is it? Can't you see I'm busy?" she snapped, glaring, despite the fact that she hadn't apparently been doing anything but sitting there gazing at the floor.
SOn oF WOrMs! QuiCKly, ENd hIM! dO NOt aLLOw hiS tAiNt In OUr PREscEncE!
"Oh, sorry about that. I just needed a bit of help, that's all," he said, waving a hand casually.

"What kind of help?" she asked.

"I need to get something out of the way," he said, smile widening.

The girl shot him a confused frown. "Something out of th-," she began to question, before being cut off by a pair of long knives inserting themselves in her lungs.

"That 'something' would be you, by the way." he said, face nearly split in half by his sadistic grin.

A strangled "Hgkk!" was the girl's only response, as the blades were brutally wrenched from her back.


"Okay... thanks Caren," you said, hanging up and placing the phone on the bedside table. "Now all we need to do is wait for my sister to... Madoka? Are you even listening?"

Madoka had a shocked expression on her face. "That sound... Sayaka's in trouble!" she shouted before she rushed toward the door.

"Wha- Hey! Madoka! Wait!" Oriko said, running after her.

You simply huffed under your breath. Was it really too much to ask to not have some kind of crisis every ten minutes?


[] Go after them
-[] Get your arm first
-[] Call Kyubey first

[] Go back to sleep

[] Write in
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An attractive young man with wavy indigo hair walked through the entrance. He paused, looking about, before going up to the counter and asking for some directions. He thanked the women at the counter, before turning and walking away, farther into the building.
Is that Shinji? I've never heard him described as attractive but there is Nasuverse stuff here and he's the only character I can think of in the current crossover materials that might be described as having indigo hair.

The girl shot him a confused frown. "Something out of th-," she began to question, before being cut off by a pair of long knives inserting themselves in her lungs.

"That 'something' would be you, by the way." he said, face nearly split in half by his sadistic grin.
[x] Go back to sleep

Homura doesn't have much reason to care about this, and I believe she's already done her part by getting her sister contacted. Now get to sleep so she can actually be halfway recovered when someone tries to kill her again.
[x] Go back to sleep
It's just the son of worms. Madoka can handle him on her own, we don't have healing powers to fix Sayaka, and our arm is too fucked up to punch with. Also, we're supposed to be a sociopath.
[x] Go back to sleep

As I have sated before I want to kill Sayaka plain and simple. I figure this way we don't even have to do the deed and were not even in good enough condition to help even if we wanted to.