Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest]

Voting is open
New Good Seed and Omake Rule Updates
Good Seed and Omake Spreadsheet Rules:

Firstly, if you have questions about Good Seeds and the like please read here. If that doesn't answer your question please ping me in thread, or on Discord.

If you write a new Good Seed, or write an omake, please update the spreadsheet if you have access.

If you do not have access, please ping a collaborator (Swordomatic, Alectai, Quest, TehChron, Insane-Not-Crazy, Humbaba, ReaderOfFate, Kaboomatic, no., BungieONI) letting them know what you want and they will update the spreadsheet here. To gain access, you will need a gmail account of some kind. Throwaway emails are fine (I'm using one for the spreadsheet), but to gain access it's as simple as sending me either your email via PM, via DM in Discord, or just in Discord's #spreadsheet-requests channel.

This is mandatory. If a Good Seed does not record their omake by pinging collabs (or just requesting access and editing things themselves - this is the preferred option), I won't give out awards. If a new Good Seed is not recorded here, they won't advance. By doing this it makes the whole thing manageable for me - it's gotten pretty unwieldy!


Omake Writer Instructions:

There are four fields you need to fill out.

Omake Link, which is just a link to your first omake for the turn. This makes it easier for me to read them as I do the update - without this it's tough to know off the bat which omake were written this turn, and to properly

Requested Bonus, which is your requested bonus for your omake. You can leave it up to me if you like. You can see more info in the Good Seed infopost here.

Cultivation Aims. For those following unorthodox paths - higher than 9th Heavenstage or later than 7th Dao Pillar paths. Please put in what you are aiming for before you break through. I have left it as 'default'. If you do not edit it, I'll go with that.

Turn Notes - Do you want to do something specific? Enter a Secret Realm? Help the Clan out in some way? If you have something specific you want to accomplish on this turn, put it in turn notes so I can adjust your Fate around it.

All other fields are for QM use to record character information to properly run the flow of the game.
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After all, Heaven is fair to all its children.
Absolutely, a good example is the heavenly punishment that most cultivators say is proof of defying Heaven, it's actually the reward system that approves a cultivator to join the laws Heaven regulates. You can do anything with the blessing of heaven, except anything that actually matters beyond yourself.
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"The record written was that while the clan did eliminate many invaders, losing only a few members of the clan. The few hundred surviving raiders became heaven's chosen. Come the next trial, and those chosen became completely immune to all forms of demonic tunes."
HAXX, PLEASE NERF. But wow, the omakes are really building up the idea of the intentionally malicious Heaven's will.
"Worse, they were somehow enslaved by heaven. What had been a trial, turned into annihilation as the raiders wrecked our resources instead of the clan. Fields became infertile. Arrays were heavenly changed to poison the air, walls visibly aged into dust. If not for the nature of the clan we would have devolved into infighting over limited resources, as it was we lost our potential from the rage of the heaven's. After that, a strict rule was put in place, no large cohorts of demonic tunists for the trials."

Yikes, that resource lost hurts just from reading about it.....
On the post - probably better to just link to it in the wiki. I do need to update it, though.
Sure, gonna have to do it when i have time + when i figure out how to do it properly lol
No. Seizing a token from an invader simply breaks it - once it leaves their hands it soon shatters, teleporting them away. It's not usable by anyone else but the cultivator who first grasped it.

After all, Heaven is fair to all its children.
Oof that double meaning....
It is possible to kill them, but much easier to shatter their token, which removes them from the Third Sea entirely.

killing more disciples doesn't benefit the Clan compared to teleporting them out.

@occipitallobe, are their loot and bodies teleported away when they die? Can something be stolen from them while they are alive? If not it must be pretty galling to see epic-tier Fifth Sea loot used against you, only to disappear before your eyes when you kill them.

Lastly, the Clan takes the most promising, and retains them as kill-teams. Those with growth potential are allowed to strike only where victory is likely, drawing down enemy numbers. They are kept as safe as possible, and while some die, tempering these good seeds is a must if the Clan is to survive.

Interesting. Who wants to assemble the killiest Qi Condensation Good Seeds into one kill-team?
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As said , they are murdered by a severing stage grand elder who is overseeing the trials. Thats what happened manuels master in the last trial . And i imagine if we ignore the rules and dont follow the tier thing then the spirit severing grand elders will intervene .

It hasnt been asked but can afford a 2nd nascent soul upkeep if any of our great circle core formation people survive the trial ? @occipitallobe ,cause there used to be two before the last trial asfar i can tell. And if 2 are okay what about a 3rd ? I imagine only in early stages to keep upkeep low tough.

And apparently we are mostly fighting good seeds or young master types for the most part and thats why the trial is such a nightmare.
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Xiao Yi 11 - [Birds Of A Feather]
Xiao Yi/Ferenike [Birds Of A Feather]


To my skilled Senior Brother Xiao Yi this humble Junior Sister in the eighth Heavenstage by the name of Ferenike of the Golden Devils,
sends this missive as I hunt a Battle Blood Cannibal rebel by the name of Zu Jing. I will not bore you of the details of my greivances
with him, as that is not the purpose of me contacting you as I humbly am. I am aware of your superlative skill with Formations, particularly your clever manipulations of the Kataphractoi. While that esteemed work is not the one I specialize in, the equally esteemable Hoplite being my passion, I find myself on the path to in time begin training some of our newest juniors by the orders of Centurion Dragoumis, superlative Centurion of the Ninth Century of the Fifth Cohort of the Ninth Legion.

I wished to ask for your advice on training them when it comes time for me to join you on the Mustering Yard as a leader to our juniors and to seek your wisdom on the Art of Formations. If you wish to heed this humble request please accept this gift of one hundred year Silver Peach Wine for yourself and Century Scorpion Oats for your Qilin Qing Yun. A mighty beast I would say from tales I have heard and what I have witnessed in my time at the Fortress, you are both blessed by your bond. Send any responses through the Scorpion Legion mail service addressed as I have introduced myself to you.

And a simple riddle to amuse you.

Sand cuts sharply
The rocks whistle
Rice stalks dance

What drives us so?

-Ferenike of the Golden Devils

Esteemed Junior Ferenike, you do me great honor with your letter.

Long have i heard of your name and your deeds, i will be glad to offer my own experience from my journey on the Path of Formations. It is to my shame that tales of my expertise with the Kataphractoi Formation have been slightly exaggerated. My Spirit Beast and brother Qing Yun is as much as a reason for the tales as I.

Our bond allows us to fight in twain and the Formation that best suits our needs is the Kataphractoi. As the years passed, we found ourselves splitting the duties of the Anchor position for the Formation. Just as the Kataphractoi is of Man and Mount, so too do we split the roles. I focus my mind on controlling the Man and Qing Yun focuses his on the Mount, together we are greater then One alone. When in a Formation with others, it is a blessing that they entrust me with the Anchor position, allowing Qing Yun and I to work in the manner we are familiar with writ large.

My First piece of advice would be this: Seek out comrades you can trust and work with for the Formation. Like our Legions' structure by distributing the roles of the Formation, the burden of the Formation is divided. Ideally, they should trust and follow your directions for the Formation.

Unfortunately, my insights into the Hoplite Formation might not be of much help to you. I used the Hoplite Formation to counteract the weaknesses of the Kataphractoi, to either defend against blows that would shatter my charge or to maximize the effects of the charge by laying waste to the broken enemies. All the tales of you and your actions convey to me a sense of unrelenting force, a way to break the foes with the Spear while parrying their attacks with the shield.

As such, my Second piece of advice would be this: While the Hoplite Formation consists of Shield and Spear, being creations of Qi there are ways to control the quantity of Qi that flows within it. Beyond just using the Formation as it is, it is better to learn of the meaning of each stroke of it's Qi pattern so that you could manipulate the Qi to suit the foe you are facing.

However, as you mentioned that you would be training our Juniors, i would suggest perhaps focusing on directing more of the Qi towards the Shield. As the numbers of Qi Condensation cultivators within our Clan are large, perhaps like the Phalanx from the tales of Old, the Qi cost of defending against a blow could be rotated among groups of Juniors within the Formation allowing them to recover their Qi in between attacks ?

To end off, thank you for the wine and for the Century Scorpion Oats, i fear that Qing Yun has developed a devilish liking for them and now constantly begs me to obtain more for him. Alas that i am a uncultured soul and thus can only say in reply to your riddle that what drives me is my past. I can only offer the following wishes for your success in your hunt.


- An unworthy senior brother, Xiao Yi


Ferenike smiled as she considered the letter. She and Gong Rencao would be leaving to set an ambush for Jianxi Bai the Leg Thief on the morrow, but she had time for a letter now.

Esteemed Senior Brother Xiao Yi, your praise and insights are very flattering Senior Brother and speak well of your wisdom and charm. You will have a good house one day and a bountiful family.

With my squad of companions I have found many to trust, but more so I know some about the Anchors that you speak of. I was rarely the Anchor in my squad's formations, as that duty fell to Markus, our leader, may he rest peacefully. Instead I acted as a heart, for the Hoplite needs a strong Dao-heart we decided that a heart from which we could draw and channel Qi was necessary. Markus used the qi we channeled to him in the dragon-coils of the Hoplite to form the construct and to give strength to the Spear and Shield he controlled.

Perhaps then when I come to my first crop of Juniors I should teach them how to shed their fear, as fear breaks trust surer than any blade cuts paper. Trust is the most important lesson I have found. In many ways the atmosphere, and life of the Legions is one that builds trust through means of comradery.

Enough of this junior's musing.

Your descriptions of examining the Hoplite's Qi flows are wise, I will meditate upon them in detail. Perhaps I might look at them from the perspective of our enemies and seek weaknesses to correct there while I seek greater mastery.

I know a little about the Phalanx. I find the suggestion curious. Could not your Lamellar Formations if refined provide a similar function? Have I perhaps misunderstood something in your words when reading about the techniques in the Clan Library? This junior only asks for clarification.

That said I am reminded of the advice given in the Taktika Bureau's Volumes on the Struggles in War and their insistence on control of the logistical theatre. They speak of the control of Oases and roads and the importance of the weight of grain and Spirit Stones ratio-ed properly to your army's size and disposition.

Your words on distributing Qi flows amongst our juniors interests me. Perhaps this humble scholar could create a Oasis with a Formation, something to share stamina and healing ability such that wounded men can walk like they are whole and hearty. A cure for poison and ills brought on by the Venoms of the Devil Bees who loom on our borders. I must think on this and your suggestion about the Phalanx.

For my own closing thoughts, have you perhaps tried Magnus Centenius's Fire Wines? Perhaps you have. I find the blood cherry variety quite pleasing, hearty and its a quite brazen drink. Your deeds speak of a quiet confidence, and it amuses me greatly to imagine the horror on our enemy's faces if one were to express yourself more boisterously!


-Your thankful junior sister, Ferenike of the Golden Devils.

Junior Sister Ferenike, i am honored by your kind words and knowledge of one of my failed Formations.

My Lamellar Formation was alas to ambitious when compared to my skill. It was intended to protect those within so that the Qi cost of defending against a blow was spread out among all members of the Formation, unfortunately when anyone else serves as the Anchor for the Formation it drains the Qi of all the cultivators involved bar the Anchor's to block the blow, leading to just the Anchor being ready for the next blow.

It is a weakness of mine shown to me by Strategeos Parmenion that i work on all Formations using myself as a baseline. While it allows me to create Formations that i can manipulate with precision, that same demand means that it is unusable for the majority of our Clan. I have thus entrusted it into the Clan's keeping in the hopes that if i should fall before i could rework it, a promising junior will do it in my stead.

However, you did not write to read about my failures! To answer your question, the phalanx mentioned in the tales was a battle formation unique in the fact that upon facing a foe, only the front rank was able to attack with the others lending them support via their backs. They would only face the foe when the front rank falls, it is this cyclic pattern that i would like to suggest to you.

The Lamellar Formation attempts to grant each Cultivator within a suit of Qi Armor with the Qi cost of defending paid by all Cultivators, it's underlying way of defending against attacks is the same as the Hoplite, using the Qi of all only without the drawback of having the cultivators remain close to each other.

Ideally speaking, what the cyclic pattern will do would be a new way of gathering the strength of the cultivators involved to defend against attack. Instead of having the Qi called froth from all members to defend against the attack, the members of the formation would be split into different groups, with each group contributing Qi in turn to power the Hoplite as it attacks and defenses, allowing the groups to rest and recover some Qi between turns.

Such a variant would very likely trade away the Hoplite Formation's renown ability to attack and defend against those above their realm, but when facing those of the same realm it should allow the Formation members to outlast their foes. In addition, the formation would benefit from being used in a defensive fashion, with the cyclic nature allowing for the defenses to be maintained to drain the foe before striking with the spear when the enemy is exhausted.

It is perhaps less aggressive then the Clan's usual doctrine, but i believe it should serve your aims in keeping our Juniors safe. Your words on creating an Oasis-like Formation for healing strikes me as a intriguing approach, so much of our Arts are focused around battle that we forget the other aspects that drive a battle. If you perhaps require any of my aid, do let me know and i shall do my best to assist.

Lastly, i have the great fortune to be counted as a friend by Magnus Centenius as such while i have attempted his Fire Wines, i have also sampled the concoctions leading to it, and i would say without jest that failure truly the Mother of success. I am however rather partial to his Ice Peach wine which contrary to the name burns when exposed to just the presence of open flame. I shall entrust a Jar of it to this letter and hope you enjoy it as much as i did.


- Your Friend, Xiao Yi.


You do me great honor Senior to consider me a friend, and I would return it with praise. We will have to share drinks when I return from my quest with my enemies heads. My squadmates Gallius Armenicus and Nan Fuxi are both excellent cooks. Maybe make a celebration of it with our respective Maniples.

Pardon this excitable junior's joy.

On more serious matters it is unfortunate that the Heavens have cursed your Lamellar Formation with such challenges and laid such barriers in your way. Yet more evidence of their perfidy. I will be interested to see how you rise to the challenge to surpass them.

My experience as a Well for the Hoplite formation of my squad and Maniple makes me interested in the troubles it faces. I think when I return I shall take time exploring the Lamellar Formation and use it as a basis to explore my own ideas. In failure success can be found with great enough patience indeed.

You have called my deeds and reputation one of an unrelenting force and this is true. It comes more from patience and tenacity than any main strength, though power has come from following these qualities. Every breath of Qi I rip from Heaven's grasp is a victory. It is a wise commander who has aggression tempered by patience. Consider our juniors in the Mustering Yard, full of aggression and ineffectually slapping at each other like small kittens. Pointless expenditure of effort without patience, forethought and a well cultivated sense of timing.

The idea of having distinct groups, roles within the larger Formation is intriguing. Not simply for how it matches my own experiences, but also in how it might be taken to use in a formation that shares qualities amongst its members. It has occurred to me to perhaps break the Hoplite formation up into shards, giving them Arts with which to strengthen themselves individually and link themselves together in a weave of Qi.

My thoughts also turn to the Strength Purity Sect in the Great Battlefield and their renown for great personal capability. Our Clan is not one for individual paragons however. With a Golden Oasis I would share amongst our members a vitality and vigor to provide them with the means to continue unhindered by hardship. The idea of cycles and groups brings to me the image of Pillars, each holding up the Maniple in turn.

The Desert exhausts our enemies, a blessing and curse upon us from timeless history, and to develop a formation that makes us better able to outlast our enemies in our current home appeals to this one.

As for the Ice Peach wine, hah! The smell is fantastic, even with the jar still closed and arrays intact. I will partake of it once I have my enemy Zu Jing's head in my hands. I know it will taste even better then. Thank you. Since I know Qing Yun likes them, and I am sure he has been a good and dutiful brother, attached are more Century Scorpion Oats. And for you a rather delightful hat. There's a mortal hat maker in Water Wings and Golden Tile City in the Burnished Crags I am quite fond of. I will be returning soon, and then we can meet face to face properly Senior Xiao Yi.


-Your Friend, Ferenike of the Golden Devils

Hah! I would be glad to accept your invitation when we both return to the Clan, you with your quest complete and I with my expedition. We shall make it a feast to celebrate your victory and i will beg with Magnus to provide us with several his newer concoctions so that we can enjoy it it with style.

I am humbled by your belief in the usefulness of my Lamellar Formation, and it has inspired me to make another attempt at it when i can spare the time to do so. I had perhaps been to hasty in setting it aside and it strikes me that certain elements of your mentioned Oasis Formation could perhaps be the solution to the problems i faced with it.

If stamina and healing ability could be shared within a Formation, would it not be possible to tie in the concept of diffusing the blow to all members of the Formation instead of gathering the Qi of all members to face it ? Like how the Oasis would radiate out Stamina and Healing, so too could the Lamellar spread out the received damage.

Perhaps it is good that i abandoned it after all, it it wasn't for it's discovery by you and the discussion with you about it, i would have never thought of approaching the Formation from this angle. You have my thanks for that.

Our discussion has proven fruitful to me, the insights offered by your perspective as the " Heart " of the Formation has differed from the insights i gained via being the " Anchor ". It also seems that you have a better understanding of our Juniors then I, i am ashamed to admit that when i looked upon them i saw only the ways they could fit you the Clan Formations to bring out the full prowess of the Formation.

I had perhaps unintentionally view them as clogs for the Formation, that when well-run and well-maintained would produced an effect greater then the sum of them put together. Your words and ambitions have reaffirmed to me that i have been too much of the Frog in the Well, and that i should leave our Clan lands to broaden my horizons and improve my knowledge.

I too shall soon leave the Clan Lands to head to the Door Trade City where with the aid of the Clan i have managed to barter for a spot for the next opening of the Qiguai Secret Realm. While i do not know if i would make it back, the sense of tension among the Clan at the upcoming Trials as well as your ambitions have awaken my lust for adventure.

As such i would not say farewell, but instead offer to make the first toast to your success when we meet.


- Your Friend, Xiao Yi.

P.S: QIng Yun thanks you for the Oats, and the greedy guts is now hinting to me that i should ask you for more. Thank you for the Hat, it's more comfortable that what i would have expected.

@occipitallobe here is the letters between Xiao Yi and Ferenike, please split the Fate Bonus for this between the 2 of them. I have 1679 words and @BungieONI has 1356 words if Word Count is a factor on how Fate bonuses are counted.

Special thanks again to @BungieONI for very kindly working with me on the letters from Ferenike's perspective. Thanks also goes to @LordEdric for Magnus's Wines and i hope it's ok that i had Xiao Yi call Magnus a friend.

I will edit in the link to Ferenike 7 when it comes out. Please note that the links are to provide a timeline for the letters. Link to Ferenikie 7 has been edited in
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As said , they are murdered by a severing stage grand elder who is overseeing the trials. Thats what happened manuels master in the last trial . And i imagine if we ignore the rules and dont follow the tier thing then the spirit severing grand elders will intervene .

It hasnt been asked but can afford a 2nd nascent soul upkeep if any of our great circle core formation people survive the trial ? @occipitallobe ,cause there used to be two before the last trial asfar i can tell. And if 2 are okay what about a 3rd ? I imagine only in early stages to keep upkeep low tough.

And apparently we are mostly fighting good seeds or young master types for the most part and thats why the trial is such a nightmare.
The opposite. Will those Spirit Severing elders smite their own if they pick on someone a realm below them.
We could also try to hit Spirit Severing ourselves, but that would be the work of like 1k years (50 turns).

I imagine we could also try making the deserts even more empty of Qi when they attack.
We could also try to hit Spirit Severing ourselves, but that would be the work of like 1k years (50 turns).
Far, far more the just 1,000 years, Manuel is 1,500 years old and at mid nascent soul, according to the cultivation speed guide you need to be 6,000 years old just to get to the great circle small realm, which is 3,000 years of cultivation from the late small realm and so we can assume that you need at least 3,000 more years of cultivation to get to soul severing but probably more.
Far, far more the just 1,000 years, Manuel is 1,500 years old and at mid nascent soul, according to the cultivation speed guide you need to be 6,000 years old just to get to the great circle small realm, which is 3,000 years of cultivation from the late small realm and so we can assume that you need at least 3,000 more years of cultivation to get to soul severing but probably more.

You'd need an amazing time accelerated hidden realm overflowing with high level resources to miraculously appear.
Far, far more the just 1,000 years, Manuel is 1,500 years old and at mid nascent soul, according to the cultivation speed guide you need to be 6,000 years old just to get to the great circle small realm, which is 3,000 years of cultivation from the late small realm and so we can assume that you need at least 3,000 more years of cultivation to get to soul severing but probably more.
I was actually thinking a Good Seed with 13th Qi Heavenstage, 9 Pillars, Twin Core, pushing into Nascent Soul.
@occipitallobe, are their loot and bodies teleported away when they die? Can something be stolen from them while they are alive? If not it must be pretty galling to see epic-tier Fifth Sea loot used against you, only to disappear before your eyes when you kill them.

Interesting. Who wants to assemble the killiest Qi Condensation Good Seeds into one kill-team?

If you can kill them, you can loot them. Of course, killing Good Seeds laden with lifesaving treasures is much, much harder than smashing talismans that they carry with them.

What happens if a fifth sea foundation builder smacks a 3rd sea Qi cultivator?

The Qi Condensation lad explodes into some limbs and mist. The Foundation expert teleports home.

The opposite. Will those Spirit Severing elders smite their own if they pick on someone a realm below them.

No, but if you kill someone in a lower realm you do get teleported out.

As said , they are murdered by a severing stage grand elder who is overseeing the trials. Thats what happened manuels master in the last trial . And i imagine if we ignore the rules and dont follow the tier thing then the spirit severing grand elders will intervene .

It hasnt been asked but can afford a 2nd nascent soul upkeep if any of our great circle core formation people survive the trial ? @occipitallobe ,cause there used to be two before the last trial asfar i can tell. And if 2 are okay what about a 3rd ? I imagine only in early stages to keep upkeep low tough.

And apparently we are mostly fighting good seeds or young master types for the most part and thats why the trial is such a nightmare.

The Clan can afford a second one, but would mainly need to aggressively demand tribute from surrounding factions and use a second Nascent Soul Action to basically do economics forever. A third would bankrupt the Clan and force us to aggressively expand into whatever lands we could take or risk total collapse.

I was actually thinking a Good Seed with 13th Qi Heavenstage, 9 Pillars, Twin Core, pushing into Nascent Soul.

Such a Good Seed in Early Nascent Soul would be able to kill Manuel in a straight fight so quickly that it'd be closer to a simple execution. The amount of resources they'd consume, though...

@Mochinator @BungieONI , in regards to the dual omake (which is a cool idea I'm loving to see explored), I can only really threadmark it under one character - would you prefer it go under Xiao Yi? Or I could threadmark it under Xiao Yi, and if you wanted to just create a post with a link to the omake @BungieONI I could threadmark that link under Ferenike.

edit: I'm rather drunk and heading to bed. Tomorrow will be a secret realms infopost with timings, then after that will be the end of the vote and the start of the update.
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So a 2nd nascent soul might be a idea a to pursue after the trial i guess then as a idea to increase our top end power. And to keep expanding our income to afford it and to afford more people.

I think to get a person like that is abit much but maybe getting a 12th qi level and 8th pillar to be very strong in nascent soul could maybe be aimed for if the talent is there and it wouldnt be a ruinous cost maybe as the guy shard was describing.
@Mochinator @BungieONI , in regards to the dual omake (which is a cool idea I'm loving to see explored), I can only really threadmark it under one character - would you prefer it go under Xiao Yi? Or I could threadmark it under Xiao Yi, and if you wanted to just create a post with a link to the omake @BungieONI I could threadmark that link under Ferenike.
Could you threadmark it under Xiao Yi ? Most of the letters are in our PM i'm afraid so @BungieONI doesn't have an Omake focused around the letters the way i do. I was going to edit it the link to the last part of Ferenike's vengeance arc when it's uploaded.

But i'm cool if it fits better under Ferenike since it was initiated by her.

EDIT: Oops reading FAIL on my part! I just realized you mean that @BungieONI can create a post with a link to the Letters and you threadmark that. 😅
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Such a Good Seed in Early Nascent Soul would be able to kill Manuel in a straight fight so quickly that it'd be closer to a simple execution. The amount of resources they'd consume, though...
To be fair, the ridiculous number of omakes required to be devoted to just a Cultivation boost of 10 years for each omake bonus is in the range of a few hundred, by one omake writer. With a bad roll leaving the character possibly dead. That's ridiculous no mater how you look at it, and kinda hard to do.

Yeah, even if you were to do things normally the math points in the direction that reaching the 13th heavenstage requires omakes, or some extreme luck. Then you need to layer omake bonuses to reach the nascent soul level....

I'm definitely interested in taking the lands that are under the control of the Abyssal Devil Bee Sect, and the Battle Blood Cannibal Sect. That would help us handle more Nascent soul people, especially when we are about to have someone break through to that level soon.
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We could also try to have Qi Condensers wear stuff that makes them look like Foundation Establishment, or even Core Formation. That might be an 'easy' way to get rid of higher level cultivators.
Voting is open