Xiao Yingzi 45
[Turn 10]
[The Song Continues]
Like ripples upon the surface of a lake, her thoughts stirred into wakefulness. Then feeding into each other, those ripples grew, turning into waves that broke into reality and suddenly, Xiao Yingzi found herself aware of her surroundings, trapped between continent-eroding currents, tossed and turned as the dark ocean was churned. Yet though the forces around her were titanic in their scope, they carried her with a gentleness that left her completely untouched by that heaven-shaking strength.
Then as if sensing her awakening, the forces began to slow, forming what felt like a protective cocoon around her. A beam of light struck her face like a bolt from the heavens and the shadow under the ocean was suddenly banished. Rising to full alertness, she looked up at the image of the sun above her and realized that she was not in the depths of the ocean as she had initially surmised but on the surface of it, and the light of the sun had previously been blocked.
Blocked by…
A single eye blinked as it watched her and suddenly, what she had dismissed as part of the surrounding came into sharp focus. A beast so large, that the one eye that bore down on her was alone ten li in diameter. Elder Teleos had compared the Qiguai Secret Realm to a mere soap bubble but he had spoken metaphorically. In the vastness of both size and power, to this creature that metaphor may be literally true. Such was the weight of its gaze that the realm would have popped if the being were to stare into the realm.
A bubble…
For a moment, that thought felt strangely important but she truly could not not understand why. Shuddering, she turned her eyes from the creature's own and closed them, focusing inwards into the sudden need that had arisen in her. It was as if closing one's eyes while staring into the sun, she was still blinded but the gaze was gentle upon her and it was enough for her to turn her attention to her body. She felt it then - the burning in her lungs as it ran out of air - had run out of air long ago, with only her cultivation keeping her alive.
She opened her eyes, keeping it carefully angled away from the eye that looked upon her curiously and she turned to the surface of the water above her. She was undoubtedly far closer to it than she was to the depths, yet to her it was still as heaven and earth - an icarian task she immediately dismissed. Instead, she followed through on the initial thought that she had - the bubbles that had led her here, allowing her to breathe while traveling the depths.
As if summoned by her need, an enormous bubble of air descended on her. It traveled through the monstrous waves around her without even a ripple, the water gently pushing it into her. Larger than any of the bubbles she had been in before, it was as if a small world of its own and it swallowed her whole. She closed her eyes and she breathed in, absorbing the life-giving element into her lungs.
After a few moments of solace, she opened her eyes once more, feeling the surface beneath her give strangely but not break with her weight. Such was the lack of force upon her that she could imagine she was sitting in dry land, watching the illusionary recreation of the ocean through the thin film. Only then did she think to seek the source of the bubble and she followed the rapidly dispersing trail of smaller bubbles that had formed in its wake, eyes falling upon the creature's body and then following it to it's back.
No, to its hump.
This beast was of an easily recognizable strain. A great whale of incredible size and the bubble that she was in, as well as that endless trail of bubbles that she had followed had come from the creature's outward breath. No, that wasn't its breath. Only what remained after the ocean and its own movements had torn the air bubble from its back apart. She turned slowly and met that eye, whose gaze she could still feel upon her.
She could hear it now, at least when she strained to hear. That familiar hum in the water - an echo of
that song. The whale wasn't singing it, not right now. But that did not truly matter. Its will suffused the water and the beat of its heart sent trembles up her feet. The song was a part of it now and there was no way to miss it in its presence. Not for her. Not when the song had become a part of her as well. She could feel the echo of it in the cycles of her qi - it was merely a note of the Song, but it called to her.
How strong was this whale, that it could bear the full weight of that Song? Even the Archigetes himself would be but an ant in comparison. It was unfathomably strong and… looking into its eye, she was suddenly aware of the sheer age of this creature - old enough to have an ecosystem evolve underneath its unmoving body. She had grasped only a portion of the song, twisted through her own shallow understanding, but if what she had seen was this creature's history sung to her in that song of incomparable despair, then…
Her heart beat faster as she turned away from its eye, to once more look at the beginning of its back but she did not stop there this time. Looking further as the sun rose from its back like from behind Mount Tai itself, she saw it. There, slicing the light of the sun apart in a dazzling brilliance was a brutal bronze weapon, the shining bronze from the blade still cracked and shattered, lodged into a great cut that was thousands of li long - a cut that was still healing.
Further down, a massive chunk of flesh had been removed from its body and then more cleanly healed. The shape was so regular that she could almost imagine the assault… as if something had simply scooped out part of the whale's body with a spoon. A strange feeling filled her - pure, unadulterated emotion that she felt she had the context to describe. The heady lightness many associated with high altitude somehow merged with a sinister dread that dragged her right down to earth - it was awe and fear.
It was to be expected after all.
This, Xiao Yingzi realized while uncharacteristically trembling in its presence,
was the Dao Protector of the Third Turtle-child.
That princess she had dreamed of was the embodiment of the very continent that she had grown up on, that ancient rotting corpse that was all she knew and all she could imagine. This creature was older still, having watched it grow and then despairing as it died. This was a creature who had stood at the vanguard of heaven and seen the Sea Conquering Army at its height. It had stood before even the Demonic Soup Chef in his final rampage and though it had failed to defeat him, it had survived even that.
It had always survived.
That indeed was the source of its despair, having lived when its charge had died, having failed in all things it had held dear and then still lingering on. As she took in the entity before her, she felt her emotions shift once more - as if unchained by the Song and let loose in ways she couldn't understand. It wasn't defiance she felt, that strange mix of spite and anger she had experienced when she had first encountered tribulation. It wasn't even the utter despair of the Song, that deep pit in the gut that could only be dug by a being that had wallowed in its failure for ten thousand years.
No, this was a deep bone-chilling fear.
After all, everything this impossibly powerful, incredibly broken creature had lost was because of her clan. The bronze blood that had once flowed in her veins was the very source of the failure that was at the center of its despair. It hated the very existence of her people, considering their golden bodies to be facsimiles of living beings, hateful entities that must be destroyed and rooted out. Understanding that and being at its mercy, how could she not feel fear?
And with that fear came clarity.
No longer was her mind a calm, unmoving lake whose ripples were hidden away underneath but a lake frozen by fear - but both were equally unmoving. For a moment, she was in her dao palace, that desert of glass, staring up at that pillar of melted sand that had attempted to breach the heavens. Within its twisted coils, she saw her true self reflected back at her, that little orphan girl with the hint of bronze now in midst of panic. Yet, that may have been her true self but that wasn't the face she showed the world.
Her fear melted away, taken by reflection and her shadow, leaving her mind clear as she crafted a mask -
the mask she needed to use here. There was no trace of blood in her body, burnt away by her tribulation in accordance with the machinations of Elder Teleos. The very Elder who had put her here, depriving her of the spear she relied upon - a spear that was obviously a weapon of the Sea Conquering Army. In that case, it was impossible for the whale to know what she was - not unless she gave it away with her own actions.
And with that insight, she did what she had always done.
She lied to herself.
She was a child of the third sea, mourning the fallen princess with its guardian. With that understanding her fear eased. This was the creature that protected the very continent that she grew upon, serving it to the very end. They both mourn its passing. Closing her eyes, she bowed to it, feeling it's song reverberate through her and she mourned with it, repeating the song back to it in her own clumsy manner.
The wave of emotion that filled her surprised her and it took her a moment to understand that the emotion was not her own. It came to her from the song they shared, the song of souls - the technique known quite ironically as Demonic Tunes. Though the hollowing despair remained, it was tinged with an undercurrent of heart-aching relief.
The whale had been alone for ten thousand years, wallowing in its own failure and the very song it sang, hoping that another could understand, had destroyed everything that might approach it. The very life around it had evolved not to think to avoid it. How lonely must such a creature be, after losing the one thing it loved? Her shadow had allowed her to bear the song and make the journey to it, even comprehending its anguish to the smallest degree.
Only a single note of its song.
But even that much was enough.
It had called to her, hoping for solace in the shared despair that she had understood. Xiao Yingzi clasped her hands together and bowed deep, thanking the whale for its service. The whale's response mirrored her own, gratitude layered within the muted currents of despair. For a short eternity, they looked into each other's eyes with only the muted tones of the songs in their hearts as their only means of communion.
But that moment passed.
Xiao Yingzi reeled as the connection broke and then she realized that she had been changed. Not merely by the song that now reverberated within her, but there had been a quantitative increase in her power. The amount of power and comprehension in that casual exchange had imparted upon her enough power to equal sixty years worth of cultivation and philosophical understanding. Once more, she was struck by the amount of power the creature held. Not even nascent souls could wield such power so casually. What level of power was this?
And could she one day reach those heights?
A part of her sought out more, but the whale turned its eye away from her, afraid of hurting or overwhelming her. As it moved, it caused the sea to churn and her bubble to tremble. With a single casual swell of its aura, it encompassed the limits of her senses and then reached even further. The song they had shared now granted her a sense of the creature's enormity in comparison to her, not out of arrogance or disdain, but the simple truth of her in its reality. And the emotion that accompanied this observation was simple concern.
Were she to remain here any longer, it would mean that she would be lost to the song. And so, it offered to return her to where she came from. She bowed once more, deeper and in a flash of insight, she attempted to sing her gratitude in the manner she had comprehended. The whale's response was mirth at her awkwardness and then a terrible nostalgia that built up like a volcano before erupting into despair. She felt her heart break at that and she knew that her emotions were beginning to affect her.
Realizing her sudden urgency, the whale's attention returned to her and with a swish of its fin, it sent her a wave that shoved the bubble she was in away from it. Tears began to drop from her face as she was pushed away and a scream left her face. She tried to reach out with her hand, unable to bear to be away from it after the intimacy they had shared.
But hurtling through the ocean, she was unable to move. She felt the whale watching her as she left, even as it shrinked in her vision, though it never truly faded. The bubble she was in twisted and warped from the force, but it didn't break and held her tightly, leaving her physically unaffected by the speed with which they moved.
She felt the speed at which she was moving begin to slow and the bubble began to finally break apart. As she slowed to a halt, she found herself plunged into the water and then a moment later, she was in the open air with the smell of sea spray in her nose. Instinctively, she adjusted her body and landed on the corals below.
Then the rest of her senses adjusted.
The rough feel of coral reefs beneath her feet stood out to her mind and then the sound of roars and a snarl filled with utter shock reached her ears. She had returned to the midst of her enemies. The flow of qi in the air opened itself to her mind and she could see past the song now to sense the entirety of the army of the sharks arrayed before her.
Glancing to the side, she set her eyes on the turtle sea-beast that had harried her, its long neck contorting as it recoiled back from her, its blue carnivorous head hanging open in surprise. The nine limbs still anchored her Banner-Pole Spear to the ground with long spines, but it held now with some degree of hesitance.
Xiao Yingzi drew her gladius to defend herself and then began to walk, humming a tune that was so familiar to her now. The horde around her froze in place as if she were whispering a spell and even the sea-beast stared in alarm. It was torn between dual desires, to deny her the spear and to leave it behind, fleeing into the ocean.
She glanced at the beast, studying it for a moment and then she held out her free hand with fingers splayed out. Though she did not speak, the meaning of her gesture was clear and finally the creature fled, abandoning the spear to her. All around her, the shark-men began to scatter, taking the example of their fleeing leader.
As they ran, she began to walk towards the spear that had been left behind.
Foundation improved to the equivalent to the Fourth Pillar, with qi entirely restored. Consolidation required, said a deeper logical part of her mind.
Still outmatched by the enemy, survival due to psychological disability. Suggested destruction of the army, followed by capitalisation of enemy weakness.
And how to destroy the army? She wondered, as she grasped the spear in the ground. She felt the many fragmentary core wills within as they empowered her, granting her skill and poise that belonged to beings centuries her senior. However, the one Nascent Will that held them all together did not make itself known.
She ignored him for now.
Instead, she sought more specialized knowledge. She'd lacked the capacity of many of the abilities the spear could provide, yet now there was one hole in her skillset that she could fill however crudely. As she continued to hum, she walked towards the rapidly fleeing enemies, the sea-beast even running away from the sea because she blocked that path.
Finally, she had it.
She remembered the song she had heard, a tune that would perhaps remain with her till the day that she would die. It was a rhythm so easy to fall into, with even her heart beating to it. Yet she could barely remember its substance. Even as she thought of it, her recollections seemed to blend together until it was a simple tune - but she could still remember some parts of it.
Xiao Yingzi took a deep breath, steadying her emotions and then breathed out once more a single note from the song she'd heard.
What left her tongue was a sound hard to describe. It resounded across the waters, leaving a moment of silence in its wake. If she was forced to describe it, then maybe it was something like glass shattering or steel suddenly bending. Something tense and strong, seemingly unbreakable that seemed like it could resist for an eternity suddenly and irrevocably giving way.
It was the sound of shark-men screaming, blood spilling out of their eyes and the foam oozing out of their mouths as they tried to roar into the heavens of their soul-crushing despair. It was the sound of a scream cut short as a creature of the sea bit out its own tongue and coughed up blood, but was still unable to stop the tears flowing from its eyes.
It was the sound of a little girl, standing and watching all her powerful heroes cut down, a man who seemed to embody them die defending a gate long before thirteen heroes could avenge them. It was the sound of a woman, suppressing her own desires, cutting out pieces of her own soul in service of her clan, in the hopes that others would survive where she might not.
It was the sound of a junior, betrayed by her elder.
The sound of despair.
She felt an emotion come over her, causing her to shudder and fall but for the moment she ignored it. Instead, she walked towards the sea-beast who had perhaps not survived the note, but still hadn't finished dying. It began crawling away from her, but there was no will behind the act. The fragment of the song she'd sung had broken some part of it.
Gone was the hunger and the wariness. Gone was the refined will and many machinations. All it knew was despair and that she was the source of its despair and so it sought to flee from her.
Xiao Yingzi spun her spear in her hand as she walked towards the creature. It was too weak to run fast and this wasn't an environment it was suited to. She didn't even need to run. Then, with a boot to its neck she pinned it in place and held up the spear, aiming it carefully.
Then with a single blow, she sunk the bronze blade into its heart.
It struggled as soon as it was pierced, not dying quickly from that hit and in that final moment before death, determination filled its eyes. The spines on its limbs all sharpened and with the last of its strength, they wrapped around her, attempting to avenge itself. However, she was ready for that. She leaned in and spoke once more.
The Note of Despair leapt from her tongue. It exploded between them, rushing to fill the empty space and the beast froze mid-attack, gurgling ineffectually before Xiao Yingzi sent a burst of lightning through its heart and burnt the last of its life away. As its body collapsed like a puppet cut, she almost felt a sigh of relief from it - release from its torment. Xiao Yingzi sent another blast of power through it, just in case it would arise once more.
When it lay there unmoving and there was nothing else but other corpses besides her, she collapsed to her knees. Touching her face, Xiao Yingzi found tears streaming out of her own eyes and she had to take a moment to spit out the blood from her mouth. With it came a pink muscle and she realized that at some point, she had attempted to bite her own tongue off.
It was strong, she decided, but the technique had a powerful backlash on her as well.
Forcing herself to her feet, she looked around. The sharks had all perished, even those far beyond the range of her voice.
That she realized was the true strength of the Song of Despair. It made you want to spread your despair, like any song. It made you bare your soul to others, wanting to be justified and understood.
And with that understanding you awakened an equal despair within them, causing others to sing in turn. She had comprehended only a little bit, a tiny Note of Despair, but even that much was enough. Now that note echoed within her forever, echoing in her heartbeat, giving rhythm to her breath and even driving her cultivation. She would be chasing the echo of the song forever, hoping to recreate it in its entirety.
Even now, her mind sought to unravel its mystery.
It was the nature of the song to spread and ruin. Yet, in a flash of insight she realized that the song had not originated from the whale that had sung it to her. She remembered the song of its history, how it was a cultivator of the clan who used it upon the whale to begin with. What moment of despair had the clan experienced, that its notes echoed through the eons to meet her?Though she understood a note of it, it was only an echo of an echo of the original event.
It was beyond her for now.
For now, she could only use it as a weapon, an army killer - but as she drew upon the Ring of The Dead to heal her severed tongue, she knew she couldn't use it lightly. She was certain that she could use it to shatter entire armies of her peers as she had just done, but it would affect her as well, rebounding on her and eventually leading only to her own destruction.
If you thought of it in that manner, it was likely that of all the wounds that had been made on the whale, the song was the greatest wound of all. A wound that she now shared.
No, she decided.
It was a tool to be used but sparingly and even then only when it was absolutely necessary. Still, she took a moment to thank the nameless elder whose inheritance she had received in this round-about manner before moving on.
Taking a breath, she turned and looked around at the corpses lying around her - all beasts in Foundation Building. They were all valuable parts and there was no point in letting good corpses go to waste. She began to pick them up, starting with the sea-beast that she had murdered and began to carefully skin it and preserve all of the useful parts, placing them into her storage ring.
As she worked, she extended her mind into the spear.
Elder Teleos? She asked, her tone devoid of any inflections.
Xiao Yingzi. He replied, in a similar manner.
I see that you have succeeded in acquiring the fragments of the song - a Note of Despair, as you seem to have called it. I suppose you would have questions, now?
Yes, Elder Teleos. She replied, nodding at him.
If I may attempt my own deduction beforehand? She felt his encouragement and began her explanation in the familiar manner of a report.
Then, I would like to clarify my assumptions. Would it be fair to assume that you had encountered the whale during your time in Qiguai?
It wasn't I who encountered it, but one of my centurions. He did not survive the encounter but was able to send a piece of his will to me to inform me of what occured.
I see. Did you plan on me encountering the whale from the very beginning?
It was one of many pieces that I felt was important. In fact, one of the reasons I designed your tribulation was to remove your bloodline in case the beast took offense to it.
I see. And the beast attacked me because of a prior encounter as well?
No, He answered, sending her an apology.
I hadn't intended for you to encounter the whale at least until you were Core Formation. This was… very early, the heavens smoothing our way as it were. In fact, had the beast not forced us, I would have at most had you meditate upon the song in preparation for the future.
The Song is a fantastic weapon and I thank you for it, but I cannot imagine the weapon was the only reason for all of this risk. What else were you seeking, Elder Teleos?
It was a necessary part of your path. You needed exposure to the true history of this world and the realm that you had to pretend to be aligned with, in order to better deceive the heavens. He replied, and then there was a hint of pride in his voice.
I had been worried about the emotional effect but you bore it with minor issues. I had expected at the very least a resurgence of your emotional self.
I felt my emotions. Xiao Yingzi clarified.
But I had an insight towards dealing with it.
Is that so? He asked, curious about it.
What method did you employ?
I imagined a scenario where I reacted in the manner that was ideal for what I desired and then I believed in it enough that I became it. She replied, her voice steady. She took a moment to stop her work and then stand.
As I am doing right now.
Xiao Yingzi, I am-
Why didn't you share this with me beforehand? She asked, her voice trembling with anger as she began to stalk the corpse-ridden corals.
It would have put the plan into jeopardy. What if the whale sensed your intentions? No, it was far too much risk.
I see. Xiao Yingzi replied, before stopping and taking a moment to breathe.
You told me that once I reinforced my pillar, we would forge my path together. Have I not fulfilled your condition?
This was necessary-
Have I not? She interrupted him a bit more forcefully, a touch of heat in her mental voice.
There was a moment of hesitation from him.
You have not.
Explain. She said, the word nearly a hiss.
No. That would put my plan into jeopardy. He replied, shaking his head.
Some knowledge must be kept from you until it is time, even if you can hide it perfectly.
"Answer the question." She demanded out loud and then glancing at the sea-wall near her, she held out the spear. "Or I will speak of all of your plans and then release your spear into the sea."
Xiao Yingzi. He scolded, voice filled with reproach.
You are losing control of yourself. Calm your mind and speak with it. You never know who might be listening.
"Do not push me, Elder Teleos." She told him, the tip of the spear piercing the water.
For a moment, neither of them budged. Then the Elder spoke carefully and precisely.
I lose all future possibilities with either choice. It is up to you to choose your future.
Her hand wavered and then gritting her teeth, she pulled it back.
Fine then. She replied, walking back to her previous spot, as her angered steps caused the coral to crack. It was only after sitting there for many moments, her anger draining away as she considered what had happened that she thought to ask the last question.
Perfection was your dao, wasn't it?
Yes, it was. He answered, confused by her sudden question.
Would it be alright to assume that you never embarked upon the path that you chose for me?
No, He said, the word almost forced out.
No, I did not.
So you have not walked the path you intend for me yourself?
No, I found out too late the limits of my own initial path. This was in the end, what allowed me to shatter my core. However many others who I knew did walk similar paths, as did some of those who I taught.
Xiao Yingzi considered that, feeling her anger and emotions finally fade completely. Then she nodded to herself and spoke frankly.
This may not be my path, Elder Teleos. Wisdom is but the dao and aren't we all but slaves to it? I must walk my own path to the end.
I understand your frustration, but I also cannot freely share what I wish to because of concerns that you are very well aware of. He told her. Then after a moment's hesitation, he spoke once more.
There exist rare items - the Waters of Lethe for one, that can erase memory even from the soul.
I see. She answered, considering that as she worked.
How difficult would it be to acquire something like that?
At least, decades of effort from a specialized Core Formation. He told her.
If we want to ensure minimal side-effects.
I see. She replied, and then nodded to herself.
I will have to see if there is any method to acquire it then.